March 2015 - Loudoun Soccer

Loudoun Soccer Board Minutes
Monday, March 2, 2015
Board Members Present:
Mike Harris X
Neal Thurman
Rob Russell X
David Draper
John Warner X
Sheldon Buytenhuys
Allen Sayles X
Michael Fay
Board Members Absent: Michael Fay
Junior Board Members Present:
Will Donohoe
Juliet Esnardo
Kennedy Jakubek
Courtenay Kaplan
Also in attendance: None
Meeting called to Order at 8:05pm
Mike Harris began the meeting by reading the Loudoun Soccer mission statement and club core
New Business:
1. Meeting Minutes – John Warner
a. Board reviewed minutes. John motioned to approve minutes. Rob seconded.
2. Board changes– Mike Harris
a. The Board accepted the recognition of Beth Schutler and acknowledged the
positive impact she had during her tenure on club communications, branding and
other areas.
b. In order to address Beth’s departure, the following positions were restructured:
John Warner moved from Fundraising to Secretary, Michael Fay moved from atlarge to Fundraising and Neal Thurman moved from secretary to Marketing and
3. Technical Update – Darryl Gee
a. Darryl provided a Technical update via email
b. The College Showcase was a huge success. The Staff did an amazing job
dealing with the weather, schedule changes, etc. We’re getting great reviews on
the planning and execution of the showcase as well as how well we handled the
weather challenges
c. Communications around the event were excellent with a special
acknowledgement to Joe Gould for all the social media postings promoting the
event and relaying in-game action
4. Operations Report – Chris Pittman
a. Report provided via email.
b. The loss of Ashburn Village fields will pose a challenge for us finding enough
field space for the Spring season.
c. We are targeting mid-April to begin review of 2015-2016 budget
d. We need to continue to improve communication around allocation of
fields/assignments, etc. Out of 144 fields in use, we user we only have control
over the two at LSP. The rest are dependent on Loudoun County Park and Rec,
HOA’s and other governing bodies.
e. Insurance has been reviewed and renewed with increased and proper coverage;
we have proceeded with Loudoun Insurance as announced last month. All
policies are now signed and prior policies being cancelled; we should be getting
refunds from some of the cancellations.
5. Open Staff Positions – Mike Harris
a. We have two open positions
b. We are advertising in local outlets and actively trying to fill the positions
c. Board members should reach out through personal networks if you know
someone that’s a fit
6. Marketing and Communications Update – Neal Thurman
a. Neal provided an update on communications is support of the Ball and Circle of
Champions campaign
b. Neal discussed plans to formally capture strategic objectives such as player
development framework, expand social media and internet reach, etc. and to
develop a communications framework in support of those goals.
7. Field Development Committee
a. Looking at March 23rd for next meeting
b. The Kettler development project has been sent back to committee with a private
review the next step. We had excellent support from our teams at the Supervisor
8. Fundrasisng and Ball
a. Letters announcing the ball are going out this week
b. We have finalized arrangements with Trump National
Mike Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting. Rob Russell seconded the motion. The regular
meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. Next Board meeting will be April 6th @ 7pm-8pm.