Nitrogen limitation on land: How can it occur in Earth System Models? R. Quinn Thomas Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA What is nitrogen limitation? Biogeochemistry 13: 87-115,199l 0 199 1 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Nitrogen limitation on land and in the sea: How can it occur? PETER M. VITOUSEK’ & ROBERT W. HOWARTH* ’ Department of biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA 2 Section of Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Received 1 October 1990; accepted 18 February 199 1 What is nitrogen limitation? P N What is nitrogen limitation? P N 78% Why is nitrogen limiting? Why is nitrogen limiting? • Essential element for growth Why is nitrogen limiting? • Essential element for growth • Necessary for photosynthesis and carbon uptake Why is nitrogen limiting? • Essential element for growth • Necessary for photosynthesis and carbon uptake • Easily lost from ecosystems through disturbance Why is nitrogen limiting? • Essential element for growth • Necessary for photosynthesis and carbon uptake • Easily lost from ecosystems through disturbance • Energetically costly to fix nitrogen from atmosphere Why is nitrogen limiting? • Essential element for growth • Necessary for photosynthesis and carbon uptake • Easily lost from ecosystems through disturbance • Energetically costly to fix nitrogen from atmosphere Boreal forests Temperate forests Early successional tropical forests Why is nitrogen limiting? • Essential element for growth • Necessary for photosynthesis and carbon uptake • Easily lost from ecosystems through disturbance • Energetically costly to fix nitrogen from atmosphere ‘Disturbed’ ecosystems Boreal forests Temperate forests Early successional tropical forests Why Earth System Models? • Goal: Predict the allowable emissions that avoid exceeding a temperature target ~45% ~29% ~26% Why Earth System Models? • Goal: Predict the allowable emissions that avoid exceeding a temperature target Requires(predic,ng(the( evolu,on(of(the(terrestrial( ~45% carbon(sink!( ~29% ~26% Carbon cycle feedbacks Atmospheric CO2 + Stabilizing Feedback Land C sink Carbon concentration feedback Temperature - Amplifying Feedback + Land C sink Carbon climate feedback Wide range of predictions for future carbon sink Year Friedlingstein et al. 2006 J of Climate on budget, based on Eqs. (9) and (11), (0.64–0.71) is associated with their relative Carbon impact effective emissions 8. The effect offeedbacks the ocean carbon– fraction of emissions taken up by land (0.06–0 on the overall atmospheric carbon pared to other comprehensive Earth system oth carbon–concentration and carbon– This is related to a weaker CO2 fertilizatio over ocean vary little between models. these models. In the absence of an explicit cept NorESM-ME and CESM1-BGC, nitrogen cycle, the strength of the CO2 fe ycle component dominates the overall effect in CanESM2 is ‘‘downregulated’’ bas response of plants grown in ambient and ele edback. show that, because of their offsett- following Arora et al. (2009). The CO2 fertil r values of cumulative emissions and fect in the NorESM-ME and CESM1-BGC result even though the strength of feed- constrained by nitrogen limitation. Finally, un erably across models. The higher air- models, which use a biogeochemical approac umulative emissions in the CanESM2, terrestrial photosynthesis, the MIROC-ESM SM1-BGC, and MIROC-ESM models empirical approach to model the photosynthet FIG. 7. Contributions of the carbon–concentration and carbon–climate fe (a) in terms of their absolute magnitudes and (b) as a fraction of cumulati Arora et al. 2013 J of Climate Similarly strong relations were seen for leaves (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.66, n = 1386), stems (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.80, n = 380) and fine roots (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.62, n = 744) examined among all plant taxa (scaling exponents ranged from 1.34 to 1.64; Fig. 1). Examining each plant group separately (pooled across organs), there were strong R–N relations for gymnosperms (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.66, 7960.001, P. B. Reich n = 1216), woody angiosperms (P < R2et=al. 0.62, n = 1069) and herbs (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.57, n = 225; Components of the land carbon sink scaling exponents ranged from 1.16 Fig. 2). The consistently greater than isom of R to N in all organs and all plant grou unit N is as a rule higher in tissues with rates. This is likely due to generally faste proteins, maintenance of solute gradients, in more metabolically active tissues (Boum a disproportionate increase in N in m pools relative to structural N with inc C sink = Plant C uptake - C release by decomposition Leaves Respiration (nmol g–1 s–1) 10 woody angio 0.1 gymno herb 100 1 0.3 100 3 1 Roots 10 1 0.1 0.3 1 Nitrogen (mmol g–1) Fine roots 20-70 scaling expo Fig. 2). The of R to N in unit N is as rates. This is proteins, mai in more meta a disproport pools relativ Figure 1 Mass-based (nmol g)1 s)1) in relatio Stems Leaves 0.01 1 concentration (mmol g Microbes0.1 5-17 10 pressed on a logarithmic are shown for different 10 100 All 1 all organ types pooled) labelled with different c 10 woody angio 0.1 visibility of each pan gymno 1 herb identical among panels 1 3 0.3 1 0.01 0.1 are the same, 1 ratios he compared among pan 0.1 100 Roots 100 All include herbaceous angios angiosperms (woody 10 3 0.01 0.1 1 gymnosperms (gymno). 10 –1 Nitrogen (mmol g ) Table 1. 1 100 Respiration (nmol g–1 s–1) 100 Similarly strong relations were seen for leaves (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.66, n = 1386), stems (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.80, n = 100 380) and fine roots (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.62, n = 744) examined Stems among all plant taxa (scaling exponents ranged from 1.34 Tissue to 1.64; Fig. 1). Examining each plant group C:N 10 separately (pooled across organs), there were strong R–N relations Leaves for gymnosperms (P16-60 < 0.001, R2 = 0.66, 1 n = 1216), woody angiosperms (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.62, n = 1069) and herbs (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.57, n = 225; Woody tissue 212-1400 Reich et al. 1997 PNAS, Reich etal. 2008 Ecol. Letters, White et al. 2005 Earth Interactions Discrepancy (Pg N) e model prodistribute the oughly equalth no change ratios of trees -only projecnitrogen; the re 2.3 to 16.9 trogen fixation (12) to increase 10% (low) or 45% (high) with bling (9). We further assume th leaching losses are currently 3 trogen per year (13), and th leaching would d 40 40 early with CO2 d CO2 0 (low) to 20% (h 35 35 Combining ou mates, 6.1 Pg o TRIFFID 30 30 could accumulat (see the figure). T 25 25 is less than is req CO2-only simulat CO2 20 20 and four of the six C climate simulations (1, 2 IBIS 15 15 figure). Our low e LPJ VECODE nitrogen accumu 10 10 only 1.2 Pg of n SDGVM High sufficient for all s Nitrogen 5 5 HYBRID supply We have focu limits Low trogen, but the sit 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 be worse for othe Additional carbon stored (Pg C) such as potassium which Supply and demand. (Left)Hungate Nitrogen et required to support terrestrial. 2003 Science; Norby etphorus, al. 2010 PNASar tal studies show that when CO2 enrichment increases soil C:N, decomposing microorganisms require more nitrogen. This effect can reduce nitrogen mineralization, the main optimistic CO 2 fertilization? source of nitrogen for plants (8, 9). It is thus Additional nitrogen required (Pg N) g atmospheric 890 Pg of carlate in the tere amounts are Overly pected anthrointermediate models suggest ate change tog of carbon to missions (1, 2). xaggerate the al to slow atm carbon acned by nutri, 4), through developed in is given in SI Materials and Methods. Discrepancy (Pg N) e model prodistribute the oughly equalth no change ratios of trees -only projecnitrogen; the re 2.3 to 16.9 trogen fixation (12) to increase 10% (low) or 45% (high) with bling (9). We further assume th leaching losses are currently 3 trogen per year (13), and th leaching would d 40 40 early with CO2 d CO2 0year), (low)leaf to 20% mass (h p 35 35 tent. LAD varied Combining ou and with6.1 no effect mates, Pg o TRIFFID 30 30 in aCOaccumulat 2, but there could and LAD in eCO2 (see the(Fig. figure). Ta iment 3E), 25 25 is(Fig. less3F). thanCanopy is req CO simulat CO2 through time exce 2-only 20 20 and NPP of wasthe neverthe four six C climate influences of (1, LAD simulations 2 IBIS 15 15 compared with figure). Our lowthe framework, foliar [ LPJ VECODE nitrogen accumu 10 10 eCO2, accounting only 1.2 Pg ofofn explained 57% SDGVM High sufficient all s additional for 15%. Nitrogen 5 5 HYBRID supply We have focu Light-saturated limits Low (P < 0.05) at eCO trogen, but the sit 0 0 Fig. 1. Tree growth responses to elevated CO2. NPP [kilograms dry matter 0 200 400 600 800 1000 14.5 ± 1.8 μmol· be worse for othe (DM) per square meter land area per year] data are the means of three aCO2 However, photosy Additional carbon stored (Pg C) plots (open symbols) and two eCO such as potassium 2 plots (solid symbols) ± SEM. The number and there was no l at each point is the percentage increase under eCO2. Statistical information which −2 −1ar 0.7 ·s v Supply and demand. (Left)Hungate Nitrogen et required to support terrestrial. 2003 Science; Norby etphorus, al. μmol·m 2010 PNAS tal studies show that when CO2 enrichment increases soil C:N, decomposing microorganisms require more nitrogen. This effect can reduce nitrogen mineralization, the main optimistic CO 2 fertilization? source of nitrogen for plants (8, 9). It is thus Additional nitrogen required (Pg N) g atmospheric 890 Pg of carlate in the tere amounts are Overly pected anthrointermediate models suggest ate change tog of carbon to missions (1, 2). xaggerate the al to slow atm carbon acned by nutri, 4), through developed in eleased from soils in response to warming has been taken up ed in trees in the heated area. Thus, although warming has in a net positive feedback to the climate system, the magf the feedback has been substantially dampened by the inn storage of carbon in vegetation. ases in vegetation carbon storage in the heated area are ue, for the most part, to the warming-induced increase in ogen mineralization of about 27 kg·N·ha−1·yr−1. This nts a 45% increase relative to the nitrogen mineralization he control area (Fig. 5). sed the principles of ecosystem stoichiometry to explore or not the increase in net nitrogen mineralization in the area was large enough to support the measured increase on storage in the trees growing there. When carbon is n plant tissues, a small amount of nitrogen is also stored, mass ratio of C:N specific to plant tissue type. In the Overly negative carbon loss? Although soil warming caused a loss o concurrently stimulated a gain of carbon i The forest in the study area has been r stand-replacing hurricane in 1938, which Fig. 1. Total annual soil COin into soilthe organic matter loss 2 efflux both partitioned the control and heated areas root respiration, and fine-root decomposition for the heated and contro study, carbon storage in the vegetation of −1 areas (in Mg·C·ha ). between 1.7 and 3.6 Mg·C·ha−1, with a Mg·C·ha−1. For forest stands of similar other the the Harvard Barf unit of root mass and total rootparts mass.ofOver courseForest, of the study a biometrically determined carbon stora soil warming has resulted in increased respiration rates per unit o −1 tation of 1.7 Mt·C·ha for the period 19 root mass, whereas it has led to decreased fine-root mass. The annual rate of carbon storage to i Our estimate of the relative contribution of root respiration area wasfalls greater than in theearlie cont total respiration in theheated control area between two −1 2.4 and 5.1 Mg·C·ha with a mean for t estimates made in unheated areas in other ,similarly structured Melilloandetheated al. 2011 Fig. 5. Net nitrogen mineralization in the control areas.PNAS Bars eleased from soils in response to warming has been taken up ed in trees in the heated area. Thus, although warming has in a net positive feedback to the climate system, the magf the feedback has been substantially dampened by the inn storage of carbon in vegetation. ases in vegetation carbon storage in the heated area are ue, for the most part, to the warming-induced increase in ogen mineralization of about 27 kg·N·ha−1·yr−1. This nts a 45% increase relative to the nitrogen mineralization he control area (Fig. 5). sed the principles of ecosystem stoichiometry to explore or not the increase in net nitrogen mineralization in the area was large enough to support the measured increase on storage in the trees growing there. When carbon is n plant tissues, a small amount of nitrogen is also stored, mass ratio of C:N specific to plant tissue type. In the Overly negative carbon loss? Temperature - Amplifying Feedback Soil C sink + - Temperature Although soil warming caused a loss o Stabilizing + a gain of carbon i concurrently stimulated Feedback The forest in the study area has been r Plant growth + N mineralization stand-replacing hurricane in 1938, which Fig. 1. Total annual soil COin into soilthe organic matter loss 2 efflux both partitioned the control and heated areas root respiration, and fine-root decomposition for the heated and contro study, carbon storage in the vegetation of −1 areas (in Mg·C·ha ). between 1.7 and 3.6 Mg·C·ha−1, with a Mg·C·ha−1. For forest stands of similar other the the Harvard Barf unit of root mass and total rootparts mass.ofOver courseForest, of the study a biometrically determined carbon stora soil warming has resulted in increased respiration rates per unit o −1 tation of 1.7 Mt·C·ha for the period 19 root mass, whereas it has led to decreased fine-root mass. The annual rate of carbon storage to i Our estimate of the relative contribution of root respiration area wasfalls greater than in theearlie cont total respiration in theheated control area between two −1 2.4 and 5.1 Mg·C·ha with a mean for t estimates made in unheated areas in other ,similarly structured Melilloandetheated al. 2011 Fig. 5. Net nitrogen mineralization in the control areas.PNAS Bars Carbon-nitrogen interactions impact effective on budget, based on Eqs. (9) and (11), (0.64–0.71) is associated with their relative emissions 8. The effect of the ocean carbon– fraction of emissions taken up by land (0.06–0 on the overall atmospheric carbon oth carbon–concentration and carbon– over ocean vary little between models. cept NorESM-ME and CESM1-BGC, ycle component dominates the overall edback. show that, because of their offsettr values of cumulative emissions and result even though the strength of feederably across models. The higher airumulative emissions in the CanESM2, SM1-BGC, and MIROC-ESM models pared to other comprehensive Earth system This is related to a weaker CO2 fertilizatio these models. In the absence of an explicit nitrogen cycle, the strength of the CO2 fe effect in CanESM2 is ‘‘downregulated’’ bas response of plants grown in ambient and ele following Arora et al. (2009). The CO2 fertil fect in the NorESM-ME and CESM1-BGC constrained by nitrogen limitation. Finally, un models, which use a biogeochemical approac terrestrial photosynthesis, the MIROC-ESM empirical approach to model the photosynthet FIG. 7. Contributions of the carbon–concentration and carbon–climate fe (a) in terms of their absolute magnitudes and (b) as a fraction of cumulati Arora et al. 2013 J of Climate Typical result from Earth System models with carbon and nitrogen interactions Simulation with carbon and nitrogen coupled cycles - Simulation with only carbon cycle Zaehle et al. 2010 GRL N cycle is resolved at the landunit scale Gridcell Landunit Glacier Columns Wetland Vegetated Lake Soil Type 1 PFTs Urban How do we model coupled C & N cycles: CLM-CN: Allocation and Plant N limitation Net photosynthesis Potential C available for allocation 1st run of allocation scheme Required N for C allocation Ratio of soil N available for plants to N required for C allocation for plants maintenance respiration How do we model coupled C & N cycles: CLM-CN: Allocation and Plant N limitation Net photosynthesis maintenance respiration Fixed fraction (loosely based on White et al. 2000) Potential C available for allocation 1st run of allocation scheme Required N for C allocation Potential Available C for allocation x Ratio of N available to N required Ratio of soil N available for plants to N required for C allocation for plants GPP = Net photosynthesis x ratio of N available to N required N uptake = min(N required, N available) Fixed C:N Phenology Displayed pools Stored leaves roots leaves roots Stored Live wood Live wood Stored Dead wood Dead wood Stored Live coarse roots Live coarse roots Stored Dead coarse roots Dead coarse roots Stored fine roots fine roots Stored growth respiration Growth respiration How do we model coupled C & N cycles: CLM-CN: Allocation and Plant N limitation Net photosynthesis maintenance respiration Fixed fraction (loosely based on White et al. 2000) Potential C available for allocation Fixed C:N Phenology Stored leaves roots leaves roots Stored Live wood Live wood Stored Dead wood Dead wood Stored Live coarse roots Live coarse roots Stored Dead coarse roots Dead coarse roots Stored fine roots fine roots Stored growth respiration Growth respiration N limitation is instantaneous N limitation directly reduces GPP 1st run of allocation scheme Required N for C allocation Potential Available C for allocation x Ratio of N available to N required Ratio of soil N available for plants to N required for C allocation for plants GPP = Net photosynthesis x ratio of N available to N required N uptake = min(N required, N available) Displayed pools How do we model coupled C & N cycles: Microbial example 30 C 60 C 1N 30 C 1N 4N 6C 1N Most nitrogen is recycled Cleveland et al. 2013 PNAS CLM-CN 4.0: General N cycle structure clm4cn structure N gas loss photosynthesis, Fire loss g Litterfall and mortality a SON & litter N b Mineralization norganic N nt N uptake (d). No re and soil water). N deposition tion (b-c). h i N fixation Plant N c Fire loss dPlant N uptake Immobilization Soil Inorganic N Harvest f N leaching e Denitrification clm4mod structure CLM-CN 4.0: General N cycle structure clm4cn structure N gas loss photosynthesis, Fire loss g Litterfall and mortality a SON & litter N b Mineralization norganic N nt N uptake (d). No re and soil water). N deposition tion (b-c). h i N fixation Plant N c Fire loss dPlant N uptake Immobilization Soil Inorganic N Harvest f N leaching e Denitrification clm4mod structure al. Tegen ettransport al. 2004). The greater dust mobility the 2004, long-distance of atmospheric (Okinand et biological availability combined N in the atmosphere al. 2004, Tegen et al. of 2004). The greater mobility and implies thatavailability anthropogenic P limitation be much biological of combined N in should the atmosphere more (if perhaps less persistent) than implieswidespread that anthropogenic P limitation should be much anthropogenic N limitation. more widespread (if perhaps less persistent) than anthropogenic N limitation. material-based P limitation or human fertilization that can r sustained. Where barriersa material-based P soil limitation features of soilssoil (permafrost sustained. Where barriers d warming;ofmassive placic horizo features soils (permafrost they too massive could drive ultimate warming; placic horizonP they too could drive ultimate P Mechanisms that govern N limitation Steady-state and transient processes TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestria TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestrial Pathway Mechanism Pathwaylosses Demand-independent losses of combined NMechanism that organisms cannot prevent, d including leaching DON, post- disturbance losses, dec Demand-independent losses losses of combined N of that organisms cannot prevent, some gaseous pathways including leaching of DON, post- disturbance losses, o Constraints to biological N fixation biological N fixation is slow or absent even when N is d some gaseous pathways limiting;Ncould be due to energetic differential Constraints to biological N fixation biological fixation is slow or absent costs, even when N is dec grazing, could demands for to P, energetic Mo, or other limiting; be due costs,essential differential elementsdemands for P, Mo, or other essential grazing, Transactional slow release of N from complex organic into soluble ye elements forms, relative to thecomplex supply of other into resources Transactional slow release of N from organic soluble yea Sink driven sequestration of available N inofanother accumulating d forms, relative to the supply resources pool within ecosystems Sink driven sequestration of available N in an accumulating pool dec within ecosystems Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Transient-only processes Vitousek et al. 2010 Ecol. Applications al. Tegen ettransport al. 2004). The greater dust mobility the 2004, long-distance of atmospheric (Okinand et biological availability combined N in the atmosphere al. 2004, Tegen et al. of 2004). The greater mobility and implies thatavailability anthropogenic P limitation be much biological of combined N in should the atmosphere more (if perhaps less persistent) than implieswidespread that anthropogenic P limitation should be much anthropogenic N limitation. more widespread (if perhaps less persistent) than anthropogenic N limitation. material-based P limitation or human fertilization that can r sustained. Where barriersa material-based P soil limitation features of soilssoil (permafrost sustained. Where barriers d warming;ofmassive placic horizo features soils (permafrost they too massive could drive ultimate warming; placic horizonP they too could drive ultimate P Mechanisms that govern N limitation Steady-state and transient processes TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestria TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestrial Pathway Mechanism Pathwaylosses Demand-independent losses of combined NMechanism that organisms cannot prevent, d including leaching DON, post- disturbance losses, dec Demand-independent losses losses of combined N of that organisms cannot prevent, some gaseous pathways including leaching of DON, post- disturbance losses, o Constraints to biological N fixation biological N fixation is slow or absent even when N is d some gaseous pathways limiting;Ncould be due to energetic differential Constraints to biological N fixation biological fixation is slow or absent costs, even when N is dec grazing, could demands for to P, energetic Mo, or other limiting; be due costs,essential differential elementsdemands for P, Mo, or other essential grazing, Transactional slow release of N from complex organic into soluble ye elements forms, relative to thecomplex supply of other into resources Transactional slow release of N from organic soluble yea Sink driven sequestration of available N inofanother accumulating d forms, relative to the supply resources pool within ecosystems Sink driven sequestration of available N in an accumulating pool dec within ecosystems Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Vitousek et al. 2010 Ecol. Applications Demand-independent losses Symbiotic N fixation Tissue turnover Demandindependent Litter losses Soil organic matter Volatilized (fire) Free-living N fixation Plant Uptake Demanddependent losses Inorganic N Simple organic N N deposition Demandindependent losses Demand-independent losses clm4cn structure CLM-CN 4.0 N gas loss photosynthesis, Fire loss g Litterfall and mortality a SON & litter N b Mineralization norganic N nt N uptake (d). No re and soil water). N deposition tion (b-c). h i N fixation Plant N c Fire loss dPlant N uptake Immobilization Soil Inorganic N Harvest f N leaching e Denitrification clm4mod structure Demand-independent losses clm4cn structure CLM-CN 4.5 N gas loss photosynthesis, Fire loss g Litterfall and mortality a SON & litter N b Mineralization norganic N nt N uptake (d). No re and soil water). N deposition tion (b-c). h i N fixation Plant N c Fire loss dPlant N uptake Immobilization Soil Inorganic N Harvest f N leaching e Denitrification clm4mod structure al. Tegen ettransport al. 2004). The greater dust mobility the 2004, long-distance of atmospheric (Okinand et biological availability combined N in the atmosphere al. 2004, Tegen et al. of 2004). The greater mobility and implies thatavailability anthropogenic P limitation be much biological of combined N in should the atmosphere more (if perhaps less persistent) than implieswidespread that anthropogenic P limitation should be much anthropogenic N limitation. more widespread (if perhaps less persistent) than anthropogenic N limitation. material-based P limitation or human fertilization that can r sustained. Where barriersa material-based P soil limitation features of soilssoil (permafrost sustained. Where barriers d warming;ofmassive placic horizo features soils (permafrost they too massive could drive ultimate warming; placic horizonP they too could drive ultimate P Mechanisms that govern N limitation Steady-state and transient processes TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestria TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestrial Pathway Mechanism Pathwaylosses Demand-independent losses of combined NMechanism that organisms cannot prevent, d including leaching DON, post- disturbance losses, dec Demand-independent losses losses of combined N of that organisms cannot prevent, some gaseous pathways including leaching of DON, post- disturbance losses, o Constraints to biological N fixation biological N fixation is slow or absent even when N is d some gaseous pathways limiting;Ncould be due to energetic differential Constraints to biological N fixation biological fixation is slow or absent costs, even when N is dec grazing, could demands for to P, energetic Mo, or other limiting; be due costs,essential differential elementsdemands for P, Mo, or other essential grazing, Transactional slow release of N from complex organic into soluble ye elements forms, relative to thecomplex supply of other into resources Transactional slow release of N from organic soluble yea Sink driven sequestration of available N inofanother accumulating d forms, relative to the supply resources pool within ecosystems Sink driven sequestration of available N in an accumulating pool dec within ecosystems Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Vitousek et al. 2010 Ecol. Applications Constraints to Biological Fixation Temperature, Precipitation, Light, CO2, Nitrogen Cleveland et al. 1999 Global Biogeochemical Cycles Constraints to Biological Fixation Temperature, Precipitation, Light, CO2, Nitrogen Other models use: ET (not a strong function of N) N demand weighted by energy Cleveland et al. 1999 Global Biogeochemical Cycles Constraints to Biological Fixation 0 0 640 ,t 0 .. I. o OF TERRESTRIAL N FIXATION acreage [Matthews, 1983]. Therefore we believe that decreasingour value by this value (i.e., 13.6%) may provide a subsistence agriculture and-15 x 106 km2 for global crop (13.6%) of all lands have been converted for cultivation. This value includes a contribution of-3 x 106 km 2 from extensive 1983]). Matthews[1983] suggeststhat -18 x 106 km2 thatwhile Centurydoesseemto capturebroad-scale patternsin N fixation (Figure 2) it also appears to significantly underestimatetotal inputs. These estimatesrepresentpotential nitrogen fixation (i.e., ecosystemareasdo not account for land-use changes), but accounting for the decrease in natural N fixation due to cultivation would not dramatically alter our estimate, as the greatest reductions in area have occurred in systems characterizedby relatively low rates of N fixation (e.g. temperate forests and temperate grasslands; [Matthews, N fixationinputof 25 Tg N yr4 (datanot shown),suggesting procedurefor doing so. Thus we caution the treatment of this value as an absolute and emphasize that we are much more comfortablethat our range of possible global N fixation estimatesincludesthe true value of global N fixation, than we are that our central estimateis the true value of global N fixation. Our data-basedestimatescompareto a modeledtotal CLEVELAND ET AL.: GLOBAL PATFE•S o o z , from betwe 13 Gt C to 8 of the new remainder b N:C ratios Methods), w Cleveland et al. 1999 Global Biogeochemical Cycles However, both our conservative and central estimates do within individualecosystems.In addition, a greateremphasis shouldbe placedon estimatingthe aerial coverageof N-fixing microsites and species, in order to improve estimatesof N fixation budgets from the watershed-to-ecosystemscale. Finally, we would suggest that whenever possible, studies estimateBNF inputswithin the contextof otherN inputs(e.g., wet and dry deposition), as well as the full suite of N loss vectors (e.g., trace gas fluxes, organic and inorganic N leaching). However,a recentglobal inventory of nitric oxide (Table 13). A more rigorous evaluation of ecosystem-scale estimates will require more studies of BNF at the local scale Schlesinger[1991]. Despite the similarity, we believe that our rigorous literature review provides a more documented, constrainedestimate. Nonetheless,it is noteworthy that our independently derived estimate of terrestrial BNF is remarkably similar overall to this latter estimate. Although we believe this studyprovidesa much improved estimate of biological nitrogen fixation in terrestrial ecosystems,perhapsthe most valuable aspectof this work is that it points out critical gaps in our understandingof N fixation at the local, regional, and global scale. In order to improve our understanding, key research needs include continuedand expandedresearchinvestigatingN fixation rates in natural and managedecosystems,particularly in parts of Asia, Africa, and South America, where nitrogen fixation is likely to be important,but wheredata are scarce. For example, several of our ecosystem-scaleestimates are basedon only one-to-severalpublishedestimates,and data often vary widely fall within the range of 44-200 Tg N yr-• reportedby BNF. previouslyreportedby Stedmanand Shetter [1983], Soderland and Rosswall [1982], and Galloway et al., [1995]. Thus we believe that these authorsmay have underestimatedterrestrial ecosystems is higherthan the valuesof 90-140 Tg N yr-• Our central value of 195 Tg N fixed per year in terrestrial conservative estimate of actual present-day terrestrial BNF in natural ecosystems. Precipitation, Light, CO2, Nitrogen o o • modelsCONSTRAINT use: WANG AND HOULTON:Other NITROGEN ET (not a strong function of N) Temperature, N demand weighted by theenergy models, 03 N limitation at steady-state N fixation < Demand-independent losses How to classify losses in Earth System Models? Demand-dependent losses < N deposition Menge 2011 Ecosystems al. Tegen ettransport al. 2004). The greater dust mobility the 2004, long-distance of atmospheric (Okinand et biological availability combined N in the atmosphere al. 2004, Tegen et al. of 2004). The greater mobility and implies thatavailability anthropogenic P limitation be much biological of combined N in should the atmosphere more (if perhaps less persistent) than implieswidespread that anthropogenic P limitation should be much anthropogenic N limitation. more widespread (if perhaps less persistent) than anthropogenic N limitation. material-based P limitation or human fertilization that can r sustained. Where barriersa material-based P soil limitation features of soilssoil (permafrost sustained. Where barriers d warming;ofmassive placic horizo features soils (permafrost they too massive could drive ultimate warming; placic horizonP they too could drive ultimate P Mechanisms that govern N limitation TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestria TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestrial Pathway Mechanism Pathwaylosses Demand-independent losses of combined NMechanism that organisms cannot prevent, d including leaching DON, post- disturbance losses, dec Demand-independent losses losses of combined N of that organisms cannot prevent, some gaseous pathways including leaching of DON, post- disturbance losses, o Constraints to biological N fixation biological N fixation is slow or absent even when N is d some gaseous pathways limiting;Ncould be due to energetic differential Constraints to biological N fixation biological fixation is slow or absent costs, even when N is dec grazing, could demands for to P, energetic Mo, or other limiting; be due costs,essential differential elementsdemands for P, Mo, or other essential grazing, Transactional slow release of N from complex organic into soluble ye elements forms, relative to thecomplex supply of other into resources Transactional slow release of N from organic soluble yea Sink driven sequestration of available N inofanother accumulating d forms, relative to the supply resources pool within ecosystems Sink driven sequestration of available N in an accumulating pool dec within ecosystems Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Transient-only processes Vitousek et al. 2010 Transactional N limitation Thornton and Rosenbloom 2005 Ecological Modelling Parton et al. 1993 Glob. Biogeochemical Cycles Transactional N limitation Thornton and Rosenbloom 2005 Ecological Modelling Parton et al. 1993 Glob. Biogeochemical Cycles al. Tegen ettransport al. 2004). The greater dust mobility the 2004, long-distance of atmospheric (Okinand et biological availability combined N in the atmosphere al. 2004, Tegen et al. of 2004). The greater mobility and implies thatavailability anthropogenic P limitation be much biological of combined N in should the atmosphere more (if perhaps less persistent) than implieswidespread that anthropogenic P limitation should be much anthropogenic N limitation. more widespread (if perhaps less persistent) than anthropogenic N limitation. material-based P limitation or human fertilization that can r sustained. Where barriersa material-based P soil limitation features of soilssoil (permafrost sustained. Where barriers d warming;ofmassive placic horizo features soils (permafrost they too massive could drive ultimate warming; placic horizonP they too could drive ultimate P Mechanisms that govern N limitation TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestria TABLE 2. Pathways, mechanisms, and timescales of N limitation to primary production in terrestrial Pathway Mechanism Pathwaylosses Demand-independent losses of combined NMechanism that organisms cannot prevent, d including leaching DON, post- disturbance losses, dec Demand-independent losses losses of combined N of that organisms cannot prevent, some gaseous pathways including leaching of DON, post- disturbance losses, o Constraints to biological N fixation biological N fixation is slow or absent even when N is d some gaseous pathways limiting;Ncould be due to energetic differential Constraints to biological N fixation biological fixation is slow or absent costs, even when N is dec grazing, could demands for to P, energetic Mo, or other limiting; be due costs,essential differential elementsdemands for P, Mo, or other essential grazing, Transactional slow release of N from complex organic into soluble ye elements forms, relative to thecomplex supply of other into resources Transactional slow release of N from organic soluble yea Sink driven sequestration of available N inofanother accumulating d forms, relative to the supply resources pool within ecosystems Sink driven sequestration of available N in an accumulating pool dec within ecosystems Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Sources: Vitousek and Howarth (1991), Vitousek and Field (1999), and Vitousek (2004). Transient-only processes Vitousek et al. 2010 Sink-driven N limitation CWD 2.7 years C:N = variable 20 - 500 C:N 1.00 Litter 1 1.4 days C:N = variable Litter 2 14 days C:N = variable Litter 3 71 days C:N = variable 0.61 0.45 0.71 Soil 1 14 days C:N = 12 0.72 Soil 2 71 days C:N = 12 0.54 Soil 3 1.95 years C:N = 10 0.45 10-12 C:N Soil 4 27.4 years C:N =10 Sink-driven N limitation a change in the atntration. However, pools are cumulacumulation in an osystem productivnce between inflow is and outflow from hotosynthetic stimCO2 is constant, the ation rate declines radually increasing eynolds 1999). Resportional to C pool t turnover rate (e.g., ne roots), it takes a te C before the pool brium. These pools ols with a long resdy biomass and old ulative change in C cades to thousands l size reaches a new Progressive N limitation Articles N sequestered in biomass and litter CO2 NPP C:N Labile soil N C input to soil N uptake N sequestered in in SOM N availability Figure 1. Two sets of feedback processes to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) leading to progressive nitrogen (N) limitation. In the upper pathway, the initialLuo producet al. 2004 Bioscience How do we measure and evaluate N limitation? Field Model Add N to ecosystem and measure response Instantaneous metric in models (actual NPP/potential NPP) Measure inorganic N leaching relative to N deposition Coupled simulations with and without N constraints included Measure leaf chemistry (N:P ratios) Measurement of N fixation relative to DON leaching How do we measure and evaluate N limitation? Field Model Add N to ecosystem and measure response Instantaneous metric in models (actual NPP/potential NPP) Measure inorganic N leaching relative to N deposition Coupled simulations with and without N constraints included Measure leaf chemistry (N:P ratios) Measurement of N fixation relative to DON leaching How do we measure and evaluate N limitation? Field Model Add N to ecosystem and measure response Instantaneous metric in models (actual NPP/potential NPP) Measure inorganic N leaching relative to N deposition Coupled simulations with and without N constraints included Measure leaf chemistry (N:P ratios) Measurement of N fixation relative to DON leaching How do we measure and evaluate N limitation? Field Model Add N to ecosystem and measure response Instantaneous metric in models (actual NPP/potential NPP) Measure inorganic N leaching relative to N deposition Coupled simulations with and without N constraints included Measure leaf chemistry (N:P ratios) Measurement of N fixation relative to DON leaching How do we measure and evaluate N limitation? Field Model Add N to ecosystem and measure response Instantaneous metric in models (actual NPP/potential NPP) Measure inorganic N leaching relative to N deposition Coupled simulations with and without N constraints included Measure leaf chemistry (N:P ratios) Measurement of N fixation relative to DON leaching Model comparison to data: Model response compared to observations Nitrogen fertilization experiments 15N tracer studies Plot/small catchment nitrogen budgets Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology Nitrogen Leaching / Nitrogen Deposition Model comparison to data: Plot/Small Catchment Nitrogen Budgets 1.6 1.4 Temperate and boreal forests n = 209 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 CLM-CN 0.0004 0.2 0 Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology Observations from NiRENA project: Goodale et al. How do we measure and evaluate N limitation? Field Model Add N to ecosystem and measure response Instantaneous metric in models (actual NPP/potential NPP) Measure inorganic N leaching relative to N deposition Coupled simulations with and without N constraints included Measure leaf chemistry (N:P ratios) Measurement of N fixation relative to DON leaching Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 O-CN (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA LETTERS PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA LETTERS PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Buffering capacity of C to changes in N Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA LETTERS PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Buffering capacity of C to changes in N How potential primary productivity is limited by nitrogen Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA LETTERS PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Buffering capacity of C to changes in N How potential primary productivity is limited by nitrogen Fixed Vegetation C:N Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) LETTERS Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Buffering capacity of C to changes in N How potential primary productivity is limited by nitrogen Fixed Vegetation C:N Variable Vegetation C:N Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) LETTERS Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Buffering capacity of C to changes in N How potential primary productivity is limited by nitrogen Fixed Vegetation C:N Fixed Soil Organic Matter C:N Variable Vegetation C:N Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) LETTERS Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Buffering capacity of C to changes in N How potential primary productivity is limited by nitrogen Fixed Vegetation C:N Fixed Soil Organic Matter C:N Variable Vegetation C:N Variable Soil Organic Matter C:N Test of nitrogen limitation in two global biogeochemical models CLM-CN 4.0 Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences (Thornton et al. 2009 Biogeosciences) Biogeosciences, 6, 2099–2120, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. O-CN (Zaehle et al. 2011 Nature Geoscience) LETTERS Biogeosciences Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model P. E. Thornton1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , J.-F. Lamarque7,8 , J. J. Feddema9 , and Y.-H. Lee3 Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle 1 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, USA results from an atmosphere-ocean 2feedbacks: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543, USA general circulation model 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 JULY 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1207 Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions Sönke Zaehle1 *, Philippe Ciais2 , Andrew D. Friend3 and Vincent Prieur2 Additions of reactive nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems— primarily through fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition—have more than doubled since 1860 owing to human activities1 . Nitrogen additions tend to increase the net uptake of carbon by the terrestrial biosphere, but they also 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA 1 , S. C. Doney2 , K. Lindsay3 , J. K. Moore4 , N. Mahowald5 , J. T. Randerson4 , I. Fung6 , stimulate nitrous oxide release from soils2 . However, given P. E. Thornton 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA that the magnitude of these effects is uncertain, and that the 7,8 9 3 Lamarque , J.and J. Feddema , and Y.-H. Lee of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA 6J.-F. carbon and nitrogen cycles are tightly coupled, the net climatic Department of Earth Planetary Science, University impact of anthropogenic nitrogen inputs is unknown3 . Here 71NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325Ridge, Broadway, Boulder, COUSA 80305-3337, USAwe use a process-based model of the terrestrial biosphere4,5 Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak TN 37831-6335, 82Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA to evaluate the overall impact of anthropogenic nitrogen Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, inputs on terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes 9 Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, USA MA 02543-1543, USA between 1700 and 2005. We show that anthropogenic nitrogen 3 Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA inputs account for about a fifth of the carbon sequestered Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 by terrestrial ecosystems between 1996 and 2005, and for 4 Department of Earth System Science, California, Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA most of the increase in global nitrous oxide emissions in recent Revised: 12 August 2009 – Accepted: 17University September of 2009 – Published: 8 October 2009 5 Department decades; the latter is largely due to agricultural intensification. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA We estimate that carbon sequestration due to nitrogen 6 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4767, USA deposition has reduced current carbon dioxide radiative forcing 7 NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3337,byUSA 96 ± 14 mW m 2 . However, this effect has been offset by Abstract. Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions century, attributable in part to a steady decline in the ocean the increase in radiative forcing resulting from nitrous oxide 8 Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of sink fraction. Comparison to experimental studies on theemissions, fate which amounts to 125±20 mW m 2 . 9 Department an atmosphere-ocean general University circulation of model (AOGCM) of radio-labeled tracers in temperate forests indiof Geography, Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7613, nitrogen USA The effect of the anthropogenic reactive nitrogen (hereafter Nr) perturbation, that is the addition of ecosystem-available forms of leads to decreased carbon uptake associated with CO2 fertilcates that the model representation of competition between nitrogen such as ammonium and nitrate, on terrestrial ecosystems Received: 28 January 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 26 March 2009 ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources and is the land–atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and nitrous Revised: August 2009 The – Accepted: 17these September 2009 – Published: 2009 oxide of the tight coupling ing of the 12 climate system. balance of two opposreasonable.8 October Our results suggest a weaker dependence of nethas proved difficult to quantify because between the carbon and nitrogen cycles1 : changes in one cycle ing effects is to reduce the fraction of anthropogenic CO2 land carbon flux on soil moisture changes in tropical regions, cannot be understood without considering interactions with the predicted to be sequestered in land ecosystems. The primary and a stronger positive growth response to warming in those other cycle. Nevertheless, previous studies have addressed the of anthropogenic Nr additions in isolation: nitrogen cycle Abstract. responsible Inclusion offorfundamental ecological interactions century, in apart to a AOGCM steady decline ineffects the ocean mechanism increased land carbon storage unregions, thanattributable predicted by similar implemented studies have focussed on understanding and quantifying the global between carbon and nitrogen cyclesisinshown the land component sink fraction. Comparison interactions. to experimental on the budget fate through the cascading effects of Nr on terrestrial der radiatively forced climate change to be fertiliza- of without land carbon-nitrogen Westudies expectnitrogen that N fluxes and emissions6 , riverine export to coastal ecosystems7 , an atmosphere-ocean model (AOGCM) the of radio-labeled uncertainty nitrogen tracers in temperate forests tion of plant growth by general increasedcirculation mineralization of nitrogen between-model in predictions of future at- indiand the consequences of N2 O accumulating in the atmosphere on directly increased soil2 fertilormospheric COthe and associated anthropogenic leads toassociated decreased with carbon uptake decomposition associated withofCO cates that model representation of competition between 2 concentration climate and stratospheric ozone depletion8 . Carbon cycle studies ganic matter under a warming climate, which in this particclimate change will be reduced as additional climate modhave focussed ization, and increased carbon uptake associated with warmplants and microbes for new mineral nitrogen resources is on determining the contribution of Nr deposition on productivity and carbon storage in natural ecosystems at We perform a set of model simulations aimed at isolating global and regional effects of anthropogenic Nr addition due to fertilizer applications and atmospheric deposition from those due to changes in land-cover, atmospheric [CO2 ], and climatic changes over the historical period (1700–2005), using a consistent set of model forcings (see Methods and Supplementary Information). To calculate the overall climatic forcing of the Nr perturbation, we propagate the net land–atmosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, resulting from the coupled nitrogen– carbon model, into atmospheric concentrations using simple box models and further information about fossil, marine, and complementary terrestrial fluxes11,12 (Fig. 1; see Methods and Supplementary Information). In 1960–2005, the period for which direct atmospheric measurements are available13 , the increase in atmospheric [CO2 ] and the interannual growth rate of atmospheric [CO2 ] are reproduced well by the model (Fig. 1a,c), which implies that the simulated airborne fraction of anthropogenic emissions also falls into the observed range12 . The effect of the Nr perturbation on atmospheric CO2 levels is small ( 6 ppm). The simulated terrestrial N2 O flux, when combined with the other terrestrial N2 O fluxes, produces a good agreement with the observed atmospheric [N2 O] evolution since pre-industrial times11,14–16 (Fig. 1b,d). The increase in the terrestrial N2 O source explains more than two thirds (33 of 45 ppb) of the atmospheric increase since 1860. Nevertheless, the average simulated [N2 O] growth rate in 1990–2005 (0.93 ± 0.12 ppb yr 1 ) is about 25% higher than the observed trend at atmospheric stations for the same period (GAGE/AGAGE network15,16 : 0.72 ± 0.27 ppb yr 1 , Fig. 1d). What are the underlying causes of these terrestrial CO2 and N2 O flux anomalies? We estimate that the Nr perturbation has increased terrestrial C storage since pre-industrial times by 12 Pg C. This value is small compared with modelled changes in terrestrial C storage due to deforestation (a cumulative loss of 205 Pg C), and the enhancement of plant productivity due to CO2 fertilization (a gain of 143 Pg C). During the period 1996–2005 we estimate that Nr deposition causes roughly 20% (0.2 Pg C yr 1 ) of the terrestrial net C uptake (1.1 Pg C yr 1 ; Buffering capacity of C to changes in N How potential primary productivity is limited by nitrogen Fixed Vegetation C:N Fixed Soil Organic Matter C:N Variable Vegetation C:N Variable Soil Organic Matter C:N Differing mechanisms governing N loss Global nitrogen fertilization experiment • 25 year simulations (1985-2009) • Nitrogen applied globally at five levels continuously • Low application to parallel plausible changes in nitrogen deposition (0.5 g N m-2 yr-1) • Higher applications to parallel field experimental additions of nitrogen fertilizer to terrestrial ecosystems (2.0, 4.0, 10.0 g N m-2 yr-1) • High application to test nitrogen saturation (30.0 g N m-2 yr-1) • Same climate inputs and land-use history Global nitrogen fertilization response: High addition (30.0 g N m-2 yr-1) CLM-CN ∆Net Primary Productivity -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 g C m-2 yr-1 Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology Global nitrogen fertilization response: High addition (30.0 g N m-2 yr-1) O-CN ∆Net Primary Productivity -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 g C m-2 yr-1 Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology separately (pooled across organs), there were strong R–N relations for gymnosperms (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.66, 7960.001, P. B. Reich n = 1216), woody angiosperms (P < R2et=al. 0.62, n = 1069) and herbs (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.57, n = 225; Global nitrogen fertilization response: High addition (30.0 g N m-2 yr-1) 100 proteins, maintenance of in more metabolically act a disproportionate incre pools relative to struct Similarly strong relations were seen for leaves (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.66, n = 1386), stems (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.80, n = 100 380) and fine roots (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.62, n = 744) examined Stems among all plant taxa (scaling exponents ranged from 1.34 to 1.64; Fig. 1). Examining each plant group 10 separately (pooled across organs), there were strong R–N relations for gymnosperms (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.66, 1 n = 1216), woody angiosperms (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.62, n = 1069) and herbs (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.57, n = 225; Leaves O-CN ∆Net Primary Productivity woody angio 0.1 gymno herb 100 1 0.3 3 1 Figure 100 Leaves 0.01 0.1 100 Roots 10 1 0.3 0.1 1 Nitrogen (mmol g–1) 3 10 100 All 1 10 woody angio gymno herb 1 1 0.3 0.1 100 10 3 1 0.01 100 0 –1) -100 10 Herbaceous angiosperms 100 0.1 0.01 Roots 100 0.1 Nitrogen (mmol 1 g–1) 10 1 All (nmo conce presse are sh all or labelle visibil identi 0. ratios comp includ angio gymn Table 0.1 1 -200 1 Stems 10 Respiration (nmol g–1 s–1) Respiration (nmol g–1 s–1) 10 Woody 0.3 0.1 angiosperms 3 1 0.01 0.1 100 200 300 Nitrogen400 500 (mmol g–1) Nitroge g C m-2 yr-1 10 Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology 500 500 400 400 Temperate Tropical latitudes: CLM−CN Tropical latitudes: O−CN Mid−latitudes: CLM−CN Mid−latitudes: O−CN High latitudes: CLM−CN High latitudes: O−CN Tropical Fertilzation NPP − Control NPP (gC/m2/yr) Fertilization NPP - Control NPP (g C m-2 yr-1) CLM-CN more responsive to nitrogen than O-CN CLM-CN 300 300 200 200 Boreal 100 100 0 Boreal Temperate Tropical 0 -100 0 0 −100 O-CN 5 5 10 15 20 10 Fertilization15 rate (gN/m2/yr) 20 25 25 Nitrogen fertilization rate (g N m-2 yr-1) 30 30 Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology Model comparison to data: Model response compared to observations Nitrogen fertilization experiments 15N tracer studies Plot/small catchment nitrogen budgets Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology Model comparison to data: NPP response to N fertilization 120 n = 39 % ANPP response 100 Observed CLM-CN O-CN 80 n = 32 60 40 20 0 Grasslands Temperate/boreal forests Thomas et al. 2013 Global Change Biology allocation, and stoichiometry). e: Soil inorganic N leaching f: Excess denitrification proportional the soil inorganic N that exceeds immobilization (c) and plant N uptake (d). No direct environmental controls (temperature and soil water). g: N gas loss proportional to net N mineralization (b-c). h: N fixation i: N deposition c d What controls the C cycle response to N f h Soil BGD additions? Alternative versions of the CLM-CN i Model 15: clm4mod clm4cn structure CLM-CN 4.0 structure g h i c d Soil Inorganic N b f e intoN Plant aInsights SON & litter N h i clm4mod structure Discussion Paper b organic N N uptake (d). No and soil water). on (b-c). Plant N l | otosynthesis, SON & litter N Inorganic N e 2013 10, 1635–1683, CLM-CN structure clm4mod4.5 structure a: Plant turnover of N b: Gross N mineralization c: Gross N immobilization d: Plant N uptake (Michaelis-Menten) e: Soil inorganic N leaching f: Excess denitrification proportional the soil inorganic N that exceeds immobilization (c) and plant N uptake (d). No direct environmental controls (temperature and soil water). g: Not shown; only in clm4cn and models 2 - 9 h: N fixation i: N deposition j: Nitrification. Proportional to NH4+. Limited by temperature and soil water. NH4 k: N2O loss. Proportional to nitrification (j) and NH4+. l: Dissolved organic N leaching. Proportional to the turnover of lignin litter pool. a Discussion Paper b cNH4 mechanisms Labile N governing C and N cNO3 interactions d d NH4+ eNH4 NH4 R. Q. Thomas etiNO al.3 j NO3f k eNO3 Title Page Removed N gas loss that is 1% of net mineralization Abstract lFig. Plant Nclm4mod model a clm4cn • Denitrification on environmental conditions 3. Overview of based the and structure. SON & Conclusions • Soil litterNH N 4+ and NO3- pools Labile N cNO3use efficiency (Bonan et al. 2011,2013) • Reduced light rganic N Tables N uptake (d). No c d NH NO3 • 4 layers dNH4 Vertical soil and soil water). b • Modified the timing of N fixation J iNO3 in high latitudes | • j 1680 Discussion Pape h NO3 Introduction References Figures I NPP response to N fertilization: CLM-CN 4.0 vs. CLM-CN 4.5 300 CLM-CN 4.0 NPP Nitrogen Fertilization 2000−1900 0 NPP Nitrogen Fertilization 2000−1900 100 -100 300 300 50 CLM-CN 4.5 200 200 100 0 100 0 0 −50 −100 −100 Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up • Data on key inputs (fixation) and losses (denitrification) are lacking. Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up • Data on key inputs (fixation) and losses (denitrification) are lacking. • Degree of stoichiometric flexibility is unknown (buffering). Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up • Data on key inputs (fixation) and losses (denitrification) are lacking. • Degree of stoichiometric flexibility is unknown (buffering). • What governs the potential productivity? Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up • Data on key inputs (fixation) and losses (denitrification) are lacking. • Degree of stoichiometric flexibility is unknown (buffering). • What governs the potential productivity? • What is the appropriate time scale for simulating the coupling between the C and N scales? Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up • Data on key inputs (fixation) and losses (denitrification) are lacking. • Degree of stoichiometric flexibility is unknown (buffering). • What governs the potential productivity? • What is the appropriate time scale for simulating the coupling between the C and N scales? • What is the competition between plants and microbes for N? Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up • Data on key inputs (fixation) and losses (denitrification) are lacking. • Degree of stoichiometric flexibility is unknown (buffering). • What governs the potential productivity? • What is the appropriate time scale for simulating the coupling between the C and N scales? • What is the competition between plants and microbes for N? • Role of disturbance in N cycling difficult to simulate. Challenges associated with including coupled C and N cycles • Model requires 1000s of years for spin-up • Data on key inputs (fixation) and losses (denitrification) are lacking. • Degree of stoichiometric flexibility is unknown (buffering). • What governs the potential productivity? • What is the appropriate time scale for simulating the coupling between the C and N scales? • What is the competition between plants and microbes for N? • Role of disturbance in N cycling difficult to simulate. • Involves coarsely representing fine-scale non-linear processes. Many other pathways that N influences climate: What happens when adding N? cooling Wet Deposition (kg N ha-1 yr-1) 11.1 2.5 Human creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr) Nr Creation Rate (Tg N yr-1) 200 160 120 80 40 1960 1970 1980 1990 Pinder et al. 2012 PNAS 2000 2010 warming Many other pathways that N influences climate: What happens when adding N? cooling Wet Deposition (kg N ha-1 yr-1) 11.1 2.5 Human creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr) Nr Creation Rate (Tg N yr-1) 200 160 120 80 40 1960 1970 1980 1990 Pinder et al. 2012 PNAS 2000 2010 warming Many other pathways that N influences climate: What happens when adding N? cooling Wet Deposition (kg N ha-1 yr-1) 11.1 2.5 Human creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr) Nr Creation Rate (Tg N yr-1) 200 160 120 80 40 1960 1970 1980 1990 Pinder et al. 2012 PNAS 2000 2010 warming Questions? R. Quinn Thomas Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation Virginia Tech Email: Transactional N limitation CWD 2.7 years C:N = variable 1.00 Litter 1 1.4 days C:N = variable Litter 2 14 days C:N = variable Litter 3 71 days C:N = variable 0.61 0.45 0.71 Soil 1 14 days C:N = 12 0.72 Soil 2 71 days C:N = 12 0.54 Soil 3 1.95 years C:N = 10 0.45 Thornton and Rosenbloom 2005 Ecological Modelling Soil 4 27.4 years C:N =10 Transactional N limitation Parton et al.' Modeling GrasslandBiomes SURFACE (1-Fm) 787 ROOT LITTER • Fm =.85 -.018 *L/N (1 -Fm )••Fm •k, STRUCTURAL i STRUCTURAL METABOLIC IC METABOLIC I i ¸ C LIGNIN I CELLULOSE LITTER C LIGNIN I CELLULOSE CO •6 A Lc C• K2 • Lc CO2 .55 Lc .3 .c I "c; ø"" CsA=(1 - Csp-.55). x SOIL MICROBE C A CO2 , CO2 .3 , Tm=(1-.75' T) CAS= (1 - CAp-CAL-Ft) K3 A j cø2 Ft =,85-.68'T SLOW C L/N = Ligninnitrogenratio CAL= (H2030/18)*(.01+ .04' Ts) CO2 A = Abioticdecomposition factor T = Siltplusclaycontent(fraction) Ts= Sandcontent(fraction) Tc= Claycontent(fraction) .55 Ls = Faction ofstructural C thatislignin Csp=.003 ' 're CAp= .003+ .032' C LEACHED Lc = Exp( -3' Ls ) H203o=H20 leachedbelow30 m(cmm'1) KL= Maximum decayrate(y-l) Fm= Fractionof litterthatis metabolic PASSIVE C C : Ki = 3.9,4.8,7.3,6.0,14.8,18.5,.2,.0045y -1 Parton et al. 1993 Glob. Biogeochemical Cycles Fig. 1. Flow diagramfor theCenturysoilorganicC model. Transactional N limitation Parton et al.' Modeling GrasslandBiomes SURFACE (1-Fm) 787 ROOT LITTER • Fm =.85 -.018 *L/N (1 -Fm )••Fm •k, STRUCTURAL i STRUCTURAL METABOLIC IC METABOLIC I i ¸ C LIGNIN I CELLULOSE LITTER C LIGNIN I CELLULOSE CO •6 A Lc C• K2 • Lc CO2 .55 Lc .3 .c I "c; ø"" CsA=(1 - Csp-.55). x SOIL MICROBE C A CO2 , CO2 .3 , Tm=(1-.75' T) CAS= (1 - CAp-CAL-Ft) K3 A 5 yrs. j cø2 Ft =,85-.68'T SLOW C L/N = Ligninnitrogenratio CAL= (H2030/18)*(.01+ .04' Ts) CO2 A = Abioticdecomposition factor T = Siltplusclaycontent(fraction) Ts= Sandcontent(fraction) Tc= Claycontent(fraction) .55 Ls = Faction ofstructural C thatislignin Csp=.003 Lc = Exp( -3' Ls ) H203o=H20 leachedbelow30 m(cmm'1) KL= Maximum decayrate(y-l) Fm= Fractionof litterthatis metabolic ' 're CAp= .003+ .032' C LEACHED 222 yrs. PASSIVE C C : Ki = 3.9,4.8,7.3,6.0,14.8,18.5,.2,.0045y -1 Parton et al. 1993 Glob. Biogeochemical Cycles Fig. 1. Flow diagramfor theCenturysoilorganicC model. Carbon response to N addition: Nitrogen deposition vs. nitrogen fertilization 7 N input (g N m-2 yr-1) 6 5 N deposition N fertilization 4 3 Wet Deposition (kg N ha-1 yr-1) 2 11.1 1 0 1800 2.5 1850 1900 1950 Year 2000 2050 Carbon response to N addition: Nitrogen deposition vs. nitrogen fertilization 7 N input (g N m-2 yr-1) 6 5 N deposition N fertilization 4 3 2 1 0 1800 1850 1900 1950 Year 2000 2050 allocation, and stoichiometry). e: Soil inorganic N leaching f: Excess denitrification proportional the soil inorganic N that exceeds immobilization (c) and plant N uptake (d). No direct environmental controls (temperature and soil water). g: N gas loss proportional to net N mineralization (b-c). h: N fixation i: N deposition c d i Model clm4cn 15: clm4mod structure g h i Plant N c SON & litter N d Soil Inorganic N b f h e i clm4mod structure Discussion Paper b organic N N uptake (d). No and soil water). on (b-c). l | otosynthesis, SON & litter N Inorganic N e 2013 10, 1635–1683, clm4mod structure a: Plant turnover of N b: Gross N mineralization c: Gross N immobilization d: Plant N uptake (Michaelis-Menten) e: Soil inorganic N leaching f: Excess denitrification proportional the soil inorganic N that exceeds immobilization (c) and plant N uptake (d). No direct environmental controls (temperature and soil water). g: Not shown; only in clm4cn and models 2 - 9 h: N fixation i: N deposition j: Nitrification. Proportional to NH4+. Limited by temperature and soil water. NH4 k: N2O loss. Proportional to nitrification (j) and NH4+. l: Dissolved organic N leaching. Proportional to the turnover of lignin litter pool. a Discussion Paper What controls the C cycle response to N f h Soil BGD additions? Alternative versions of the CLM-CN b cNH4 Plantinto N a Insights mechanisms Labile N governing C and N cNO3 interactions d d NH4+ eNH4 NH4 j R. Q. Thomas iet NOal. 3 k NO3- | j 3 1680 Discussion Pape h eNO3 f Title Page Michaelis-Menten plant N uptake Abstract l • Overview N Reduced in extra-tropical forests Fig. 3. of N theafixation clm4cn Plant andmature clm4mod model structure. SON & Conclusions •litter Removed N gas loss that is 1% of net mineralization N Labile N • Denitrification cNO3 based on environmental conditionsTables rganic N + N uptake (d). No • Soil cNH d d 34 pools NH4 4 and NO NH NO3 and soil water). • bReduced light use efficiency (Bonan et al. 2011,2013) J iNO • NO3 Introduction References Figures I Model comparison to data: Model response compared to observations 5 sites, 6 fertilization experiments (4 in Michigan, 1 in Massachusetts) 10+ years of observations % ANPP response to N fertilization Model comparison to data: NPP response to N fertilization 180 160 140 N fertilization N limitation relieved 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Observed( CLM,CN(( Observations CLM-CN 4.0 (Magill et al. 2004; Pregitizer et al. 2008) CLM,CN(Mod( CLM-CN Mod. Thomas et al. 2013 Biogeosciences proportion of nitrogen added to ecosystem Model comparison to data: 15N Tracer studies 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Observa(ons+ CLM/CN+ CLM/CN+mod+ Observations CLM-CN 4.0 CLM-CN Mod. Thomas et al. 2013 Biogeosciences Model comparison to data: C increment response to N deposition 70 dCincrement/dNdeposition 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Observations Observed (Thomas et al. 2010) CLM-CN 4.0 CLM-CN CLM-CN Mod. CLM-CN Mod Thomas et al. 2013 Biogeosciences Thomas et al. 2010 Nature Geoscience 70 Response to N depostion 60 30 Discussion Paper dCACI / dNdeposition 40 N loss switched from a f(N mineralization) to f(NO3) | Change from previous modified model 50 Michaelis-Menten plant N uptake 20 10 0 -10 :c lm Discussion Pa el 1 | 4c M n od el M 2 od el M 3 od el M 4 od el M 5 od el M 6 od el M 7 od el M 8 od el 9 M od el M 10 od el M 11 od el M 12 od el M od M 13 o el 15 del :c 1 lm 4 4m od -20 M od Discussion Paper Implications of alternative approaches to modeling N cycling Thomas et al. 2013 Biogeosciences