Innovation training needs of small and micro enterprises in local environments Author: Amaia San Cristobal, INVESLAN (Bilbao, Spain) SWOT ANALYSIS Based on the information in the module, this contribution intends to focus on the implementation of SWOT in micro companies. Please, check this proposal containing a set of inputs that can support you in the analysis of your company in order to define its position regarding to innovation. STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES - Have you a resource that your competitors don’t have? - Is the specialisation of human resources enough? - Have you a method to produce a product with lower cost? Has the company a weak financial environment? - Have you a skilled and trained staff? - - Are the company’s competences clearly defined and identified? Has the innovation concept a clear objective? Is it well defined? - Is the company too small for dealing with new opportunities? - Has the company access to technology? - Has the company good training system and culture? - Has your company a low technological level? - - Has the company an innovation culture? - Has the company a well defined policy for human resources development? OPPORTUNITIES - THREATS Has the company’s economic and social environment a dynamic trend? Do policies for public and private promotion of competitiveness and growth in the local-regional area exist? - Do several activities branches as driving forces exist? - Are there programmes and initiatives for promoting innovation in the area? - Is the company’s working area a scenario that could encourage the networking (between public and private companies/bodies)? 1 - Has the area a lack of infrastructures? - Are a high number of small and micro enterprises with a low level of innovation in the area? - Is a collaborative culture between different organisms that support innovation lacking? Innovation training needs of small and micro enterprises in local environments Author: Amaia San Cristobal, INVESLAN (Bilbao, Spain) STEPS FOR SWOT ANALYSIS Why not use the SWOT analysis in your company for helping take some decisions about your company’s future? It could be a really motivational and empowering activity that can support you with to define the future strategy of your company/organisation. Please, follow these steps for SWOT analysis on innovation: Duration: Between 30 minutes and two hours. Before you start: Please check all contents regarding to SWOT analysis contained in this guide (Module 2.2.SWOT Analysis). Step one: Organise a company team. Remember that the team should be formed by all staff members that have any interest about the objective tackle by the analysis. When the team was formed by five members or over, you will need a team leader in order to facilitate the process implementation. Step two: Refer to the SWOT analysis notes and other resources related to it, which you can find in this guide. Ensure that all participants have enough information about the SWOT process. Step three: Define the analysis objective. Confirm that all members understand the objective of the exercise. It's important that the teams understand and pursue the same objective. Step four: Clarify what will happen after the exercise with the team’s analysis outcomes, thus the team’s members will know to where lead their efforts, suggestions and recommendations. Step five: Start analysing the company’s environment regarding to the objective proposed. Step five: Define the SWOT Matrix. This SWOT exercise is very flexible - use it to suit the situation, the group, and what the organization needs. 2 Innovation training needs of small and micro enterprises in local environments Author: Amaia San Cristobal, INVESLAN (Bilbao, Spain) INNOVATION CHAIN – STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES The innovation chain involves different steps that companies have to consider in order to improve their environment. As you can see in the different chapters of the guide (and especially for the business environment of micro-companies) some of the most relevant elements for developing innovation are the following: creativity, decision making, product development, human resources management, marketing, and networking. But what are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these steps in the innovation chain of a micro company? STRENGTHS Creativity Decision making Product development WEAKNESSES - Better scenarios for working, all ideas can be considered. - Small communities where the critic can hinder the process; - Motivated staff facilitating the participation. - - More practical approach. Lack of resources (especially time, human resources; guidance to apply creativity techniques…). - More flexible environments; - - Easier identification of problems; Lack of criteria (appropriate training or guidance) for identify some topics; - Easier identification of short term solutions; - Difficulties to take long term decisions; - Higher risks to take decisions (due the lack of resources); More dynamic environment for answer to specific needs; - Lack of technological resources; - Lack of skilled staff; - Financial difficulties (high inversions); - - Close to the final user it can improve the product development; - Opportunities to offer a specific and tailored product. 3 Innovation training needs of small and micro enterprises in local environments Author: Amaia San Cristobal, INVESLAN (Bilbao, Spain) Human resources management Marketing Networking - More flexible training opportunities; - Lack of a training culture; - More collaborative working environment that promotes the know how transfer; - Difficulties to keep the human capital; - Lack of skilled human resources. - Difficulties for a good job description and analysis. - Difficulties for large scale activities; - Marketing is a cost, not an investment; - Lack of information; - Effective exchange of know how; Bureaucratic processes; - Public promotion of these collectives; Lack of resources (financial, staff); - Lack of cooperative culture; - The companies are close to the final user; - Possibility of direct marketing; - Companies’ good attitude; - New forms of networking. Case of practical implementation A small consultancy on learning solutions is analysing to design a new training solution based on a virtual world for continuous training in companies. The company’s director has decided to develop a SWOT analysis to determinate which will be the next steps of the company regarding this question. 1. Organisation of company team: The director wanted to involve the more relevant staff regarding to this topic. Finally, the team was formed of four people: the director, a senior consultant on e-learning, a technician on ICT solutions and the company financial responsible. 2. Information to the team about SWOT analysis: The director sent some information and materials about the SWOT analysis, and agreed with the team the date for a SWOT session. 3. Defining the objective: To design a new training solution based in a virtual world. 4 Innovation training needs of small and micro enterprises in local environments Author: Amaia San Cristobal, INVESLAN (Bilbao, Spain) 4. Start analysis: The team started the analysis of both, internal external conditions, for the objective proposed. 5. Define the SWOT matrix: After the analysis, the team has elaborated the following SWOT matrix: STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES The company has previous experience in design e-learning tools. The final tool needs a high technological component. There are not competitors for this type of new solutions in the area. The staff does not have the skills and competences for developing this type of technology. The company has a good reputation between the possible future users of this type of training. The staff is trained and has experience in this type of work. The company was the first in the development of this type of solution in the area. OPPORTUNITIES The technology has a high cost. The new training solution is too innovative and is not introduced in the market yet. There is an overload of projects in the company. The company has lost part of its staff. THREATS The public policies are promoting this type of methodologies for training. Some training providers are working in similar methodological solutions. The public accepted this type of technologies. The companies haven’t got both skilled employees and technological access to use this type of methodologies. Financial support exists for promoting this type of tools. The companies are receptive for this type of methodologies. The e-learning solutions are continuously changing, and need prompt developments. Step five: After analysing the matrix, the company has decided the main action lines about the development of the new training tool: - The company will be the first to market this type of methodology in the area. - The personal of the company will start to define the main components of the new learning tool. - The company will contract two technicians for developing the technological components of the new training tool. - The consultants will analyse the business environment of the area to adapt the new training solution to the final users. 5 Innovation training needs of small and micro enterprises in local environments Author: Amaia San Cristobal, INVESLAN (Bilbao, Spain) - The financial department search for public and private financial support. - The director will contact to companies, which can be interested in the new solution - The training tool will be ready in the next 10 months for market. FURTHER BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLIO, R. J. (2006): Strategic thinking: the ten big ideas. Strategy & Leadership. Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 413. MINTZBERG, H. (1994). The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning. Prentice Hall, London. OCDE (2005): Oslo Manual Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data. 3rd edition. PESONEN, P (2009): Innovation and dynamic strategy. VTT Publication. VTT,Espoo, Finland PORTER, M.E. (1980): Competitive Strategy. The Free Press, NY. PORTER, M.E. & STERN, S. (2001): "Innovation: Location Matters", MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2001, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 28-36 STENFORS, S. & TANNER, L. (2007): High level decision support in companies: Where is the support for creativity and innovation? An essay in: Stenfors, S. 2007. Strategy tools and strategy toys: Management tools in strategy work. HSE Print. WEB SITES: Cliff Notes: Web site with several resources about management:,articleId-8859.html#ixzz12BeAMxzW Leadership Resource Centre Leader’s toolbox: web site with some methodologies for supporting processes in companies Thinking made Easy. Business – Marketing – Management: Forum with discussion about SWOT analysis Mind Tools – SWOT analysis: the web site contains resources addressed to improve the skills of managerial staff and containing interesting information about SWOT analysis too. 6