NREM Graduates: Where are they now?

NREM Graduates: Where are they now?
Dean Meason (PhD 2009) is a post-doctoral research scientist with Scion
Research, a forestry research institute in Rotorua, New Zealand.
Dana Okano (PhD 2009) works at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) CNMI Field Office in Saipan as their Coastal Management
Liaison/Coral Management Specialist. She collaborates with territorial government
agencies on NOAA grants management and provides technical support of coastal
management programs.
Rodolfo Martinez-Morales (PhD 2010) is the newly appointed Director of
Terrestrial Science at the Darwin Foundation in the Galapagos.
Alan Mair (PhD 2009) works as a Post-doctoral fellow at the Water Resources
Research Center, UH-Manoa, developing a water budget for Jeju Island, South Korea
to estimate the sustainable yield of the island’s ground water resources. He also
works as a Water Resources Engineer with Sustainable Resources Group
International, Kailua, conducting hydrologic studies related to irrigation water
supply, wetland ecology, resource management plan development, flood mitigation
and evaluation, and non-point source pollution reduction.
Fang Yang (MS 2008) serves as Director, Yunnan Provincial Forestry
Department, National Park Management Office, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Carolyn H. Unser (MS 2009) is an Environmental Scientist with Sustainable
Resources Group, Kailua.
Lukas Sheild (MS 2009) is currently employed at the University of Hawai‘i
Applied Research Lab as an Environmental Research Specialist. His current research
focuses on the transport of pollutants through pore water and tropical soils.
Jyotsna Krishnakumar (MS 2007) is currently a Ph.D. Student NREM.
Cheryl Scarton (Geslani) (MS 2009) is currently a Ph.D. Student at NREM.
Ornthipa Mongkolsawat (MS 2010) works in Bangkok, Thailand, as a Program
Coordinator for the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium in Public Health. She
provides research assistance focusing on Ecology and Health.
Bart Battista (MS 2010) works at Camp Pendleton as the Resource
Management Division Head, supervising four branches: Wildlife Management, Land
Management, Resource Enforcement and Compliance, and Cultural Resources. He is
a major in the US Marine Corps and studied at NREM to serve as an environmental
officer in the Marine Corps.
Silvia Barber (MS 2008) works as a Scientist in the Hawaii Office of Integral
Consulting, a mainland based environmental consulting company. She does field
work (environmental sampling), sample processing and lab analyses, GIS mapping
and analysis, and Environmental site assessments.