Careers in Agriculture Unit Poster Project

Careers in Agriculture Unit Poster Project
Your Personal Career Interest
*Select a career that you are very interested in at this point in your life. It could
be anything from a police officer to a veterinarian. It does NOT have to be a
career centered around agriculture. You are going to research the following
information listed below in the computer lab about that career.
-What the job involves (job description)
-Working Conditions (for example-are you in an office or working
-Beginning and ending salary (how much money do you start out making
at this career and how much money would you be making right
before you retired?)
-Chances for Advancement (would you be able to move up in rank?)
-Educational Requirements (do you have to have a college degree to obtain
this career?)
-Job Benefits (health insurance, vacations, retirement, etc.)
Your Assigned Agriculture Career
Write Your Assigned Agriculture Career Here: _________________________________
*Research and find the answers to the information listed below about your
assigned agriculture career.
-What the job involves (job description)
-Working Conditions (for example-are you in an office or working
-Beginning and ending salary (how much money do you start out making
at this career and how much money would you be making right
before you retired?)
-Chances for Advancement (would you be able to move up in rank?)
-Educational Requirements (do you have to have a college degree to obtain
this career?)
-Job Benefits (health insurance, vacations, retirement, etc.)