Neuroscience Letters 322 (2002) 169–172 Dissociation of the associative and visceral sensory components of taste aversion learning by tetrodotoxin inactivation of the parabrachial nucleus in rats M.A. Ballesteros a, F. González a, I. Morón a, I. DeBrugada a, A. Cándido a, M. Gallo a,b,* a Faculty of Psychology, Department of Experimental Psychology and Physiology of Behavior, University of Granada, Campus Cartuja, Granada -18071, Spain b Institute of Neurosciences Federico Oloriz, University of Granada, Granada, Spain Received 4 October 2001; received in revised form 17 January 2002; accepted 17 January 2002 Abstract The parabrachial nucleus (PBN) has been proposed as the associative site for conditioned taste aversion. Previous evidence has shown that functional blockade of the PBN by tetrodotoxin (TTX) produces retrograde disruption of lithium-induced taste aversions in rats. However, given the PBN role in processing visceral cues and the long duration of the lithium-induced aversive effects, an interpretation based on lithium chloride processing deficits can not be ruled out. The aim of the present study was to use the unconditioned stimulus (US) pre-exposure phenomenon to explore the effect of PBN inactivation by intracerebral TTX microinjections on visceral processing. Three intraperitoneal (i.p.) lithium chloride injections (0.15 M; 2% b.w.) applied before the conditioning session, but not isotonic saline i.p. injections, interfered with the acquisition of a learned aversion to a cider vinegar solution (3%) in cannulated control rats. Bilateral PBN inactivation by TTX (10 ng) applied immediately after each LiCl injections disrupted the US pre-exposure effect, thus confirming its sensory role. However, PBN inactivation 30 min after LiCl injections did not interfere with the US preexposure effect, in spite of the fact that an identically timed PBN blockade after the acquisition trial disrupted the acquisition of taste aversions. These results stand for the associative role of PBN in taste aversion learning induced by lithium chloride, independent of its sensory role. It is concluded that PBN activity is required after the conditioning trial for the taste-visceral association to take place. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Conditioned taste aversion; Unconditioned stimulus pre-exposure; Parabrachial; Rat; Reversible blockade; Tetrodotoxin Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is a robust type of learning that involves the presentation of a taste solution as the conditioned stimulus and an illness-inducing aversive agent as the unconditioned stimulus (US). CTA is readily acquired in one-trial by rats and they avoid the taste in later presentations [4]. Although a variety of aversive agents induce CTA, intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of lithium chloride (LiCl) have been the US more widely used [4]. Evidence from permanent and reversible lesion studies has pointed to the parabrachial pontine area (PBN), the second relay station both in taste and visceral sensory pathways, as the primary associative locus (for review see Refs. [4,11,16,17]). Data obtained applying reversible brain inactivation induced by tetrodotoxin (TTX), a blocker of the * Corresponding author. Tel.: 134-958-243771; fax: 134-958246239. E-mail address: (M. Gallo). voltage-dependent sodium channels, showed that inactivating the entire PBN during conditioning, either before [3,7] or after the LiCl injection [8], disrupted CTA acquisition. The PBN maximal blockade induced by TTX lasted for 30– 120 min decaying exponentially and completely disappearing 24 h after its administration [18]. As the brain was intact during taste processing either during acquisition or testing, the authors excluded a gustatory deficit. However, a deficit of visceral processing, although it did not seem feasible, could not be excluded. In spite of the fact that PBN blockade took place after the LiCl injection [8], the long duration and the unknown temporal parameters of the aversive effects induced by LiCl precluded a definitive interpretation of the results in terms of associative deficits. An associative role of PBN in CTA, independent of its visceral processing function, has also been supported by reversible lesion studies using USs, other than LiCl, such as amphetamine [3] and body-rotation [6]. However, LiCl is 0304-3940/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S03 04 - 394 0( 0 2) 00 09 4- 0 170 M.A. Ballesteros et al. / Neuroscience Letters 322 (2002) 169–172 the standard US for inducing CTA in the majority of lesion studies addressing the specific location of the associative locus inside the PBN. Hence, in the present study we have tested if post-training TTX inactivation of the PBN interferes with the ability of LiCl to act as a US using a CTA procedure. We have taken advantage of the US pre-exposure learning effect [10]. It is well known that the US experience prior to the conditioning trial results in taste aversions weaker than those exhibited by non-pre-exposed control animals [1]. The advantage of this learning phenomenon is that it allows us to temporally dissociate the presentation of lithium chloride as a US in the pre-exposure phase and the taste-lithium association in the conditioning phase. Thus, TTX-induced reversible blockade of the PBN can be applied after LiCl injection during the pre-exposure phase, leaving intact the brain for the conditioning and testing phases. The first experiment was aimed to replicate the basic Ivanova and Bures [8] findings using shorter delays and a one-bottle test instead of the choice-test. The entire PBN was inactivated 30 or 60 min after CTA acquisition by TTX microinjections. Twenty seven naı̈ve male Wistar rats, weighing 280–320 g, were assigned to three different groups: Cannula (n ¼ 8); PBN30 (n ¼ 9); and PBN60 (n ¼ 10). They were provided by the breeding colony of the University of Granada and individually housed in a room with constant temperature and a 12:12 h light cycle. Food was available ad libitum. All the animals were subjected to the surgical procedure under pentobarbital anesthesia (50 mg/kg), in order to implant chronic guiding cannulae for intracerebral (i.c) microinjections of TTX in the PBN. After having been fixed in the stereotaxic apparatus with bregma and lambda at the same height, small trephine openings were drilled in the exposed skull, anchoring screws were positioned, the guiding cannulae were inserted bilaterally and fixed to the skull with acrylate. The coordinates from bregma, taken from Paxinos and Watson [9] atlas, were the following: AP 29.2; ML ^1.8. The guiding cannulae were 10 mm long stainless steel tubings (0.71 mm o.d.; 0.41 mm i.d.). They were inserted 4 mm below the skull and closed with loosely fitting mandrels. After a week recovery period, the animals were adapted to the water deprivation schedule, with water available daily for 30 min during 1 week. The volume consumed was recorded by weighing the bottles before and after the drinking period and estimating the difference. The learning procedure lasted 4 days and took place in the home cages, except for LiCl and TTX injections. On day 1, during the daily 30 min drinking period, a bottle containing 10 ml of a sodium saccharin solution (0.1%) instead of water was available and the amount ingested was recorded. Immediately after, the animals received an i.p. injection of LiCl (0.15 M; 2% b.w.). Thirty (PBN30 group) or sixty minutes (PBN60 group) later, the rats were hand restrained and received i.c. TTX microinjections. Injection needles (0.3 mm o.d.; 0.15 mm. i.d.) connected to 10 ml Hamilton syringes were inserted 13 mm deep into the 10 mm long guiding cannulae to a point 7 mm below the skull surface to inject bilaterally 10 ng of TTX in 1 ml of saline into the PBN. The cannulated animals (Cannula group) received the same behavioral training but no TTX injection. On day 2, water was available. On day 3, the rats were allowed to drink saccharin during the 30 min drinking period and the amount ingested was recorded. No differences were found among the groups in the water intake, either before training or before testing. All the animals in each of the three groups drank the maximum amount of available saccharin (10 ml) during the conditioning session. Fig. 1a summarizes the results of the saccharin one-bottle test. A one way ANOVA showed a significant group effect (F½2; 24 ¼ 13:15; P , 0:01). Post- Fig. 1. (a) Mean (^SEM) saccharin intake during the one-bottle test of the different groups in Exp 1. (Cannula, non-injected cannulated control group; PBN30, group subjected to bilateral TTX blockade of the PBN 30 min after LiCl injection in the conditioning day; PBN60, group subjected to bilateral TTX blockade of the PBN 60 min after LiCl injection in the conditioning day). (b) Mean (^SEM) vinegar intake during the one-bottle test of the different groups in Exp 2, showing disruption of the US preexposure phenomenon by TTX blockade of the PBN immediately after lithium chloride pre-exposures (PBN0) and a preserved US pre-exposure effect in those groups receiving TTX blockade of the PBN 30 min after lithium chloride pre-exposure (PBN30). (Pre, Pre-exposed group; Ctrl, Non-pre-exposed group; *: P , 0:05; **:P , 0:01) M.A. Ballesteros et al. / Neuroscience Letters 322 (2002) 169–172 hoc Newman–Keuls comparisons revealed that both the PBN30 (P , 0:01) and the PBN60 (P , 0:05) groups showed higher saccharin intake, i.e. impaired CTA, compared with the non-injected Cannula group. There were also significant differences between the two injected groups (P , 0:01), the group PBN30 drinking more saccharin than the group PBN60. The impairment of LiCl-induced CTA acquisition by post-training TTX inactivation of the PBN seen in the first experiment is in agreement with previous reports [8]. The second experiment was intended to explore an interpretation of this retrograde impairment of CTA acquisition based on sensory deficits. A standard behavioral procedure to induce the US pre-exposure phenomenon that included three LiCl pre-exposures was applied [1]. PBN functional inactivation by TTX was applied either immediately (Exp 2a) or 30 min after each LiCl pre-exposure (Exp 2b), leaving intact the brain during conditioning and testing. If the US pre-exposure phenomenon does not appear and the preexposed and the non-pre-exposed groups show similar taste aversions, it can be assumed that PBN blockade has disrupted the processing of LiCl. However, the appearance of the US pre-exposure effect would demonstrate that LiCl processing before the PBN blockade is sufficient to act as a US, discarding visceral processing deficits as the explanation for the results of Exp 1. A total number of seventy two naı̈ve male Wistar rats, weighing 280–320 g, were used (38 in Exp 2a and 38 in Exp 2b). According to the reversible lesion treatment they were divided in two groups (TTX vs. Cannula) and depending on the behavioral treatment the animals in each group were further assigned to one of two behavioral groups (Pre vs. Ctrl). Thus, the animals were distributed in four groups: TTX-Pre (Exp 2a, n ¼ 11; Exp 2b, n ¼ 8); TTX-Ctrl (Exp 2a, n ¼ 11; Exp 2b, n ¼ 8); Cannula-Pre (Exp 2a, n ¼ 8; Exp 2b, n ¼ 9); and Cannula-Ctrl (Exp 2a, n ¼ 8; Exp 2b, n ¼ 9). Housing, deprivation conditions, surgery and microinjection procedures were identical to those described in Exp 1. The learning procedure included a first lithium pre-exposure phase, lasting 6 days, and a second CTA training phase, lasting 4 days. On days 1, 3 and 5 all the animals drank water during the daily drinking period. Immediately after, the animals in the pre-exposed groups (Pre) received an i.p. injection of lithium chloride (0.15 M; 2% b.w.), while animals in the non-pre-exposed control groups (Ctrl) received an i.p. injection of a similar amount of physiological saline. Immediately after (Exp 2a; PBN0) or 30 min later (Exp 2b; PBN30) the rats belonging to the PBN groups were hand restrained and received i.c. TTX microinjections in the PBN. Cannulated groups (Cannula) did not receive i.c. microinjection. Days 2, 4 and 6 were recovery days with water available. Eleven days after the pre-exposure phase a CTA procedure similar to that described in Exp 1, except for the taste solution used, was applied. The reason for changing the 171 taste solution in this experiment was that an attempt performed during the inter-phase interval to obtain the US pre-exposure effect using a saccharin solution failed both in cannulated and TTX-injected groups. As there were no differences among the groups the data are not relevant for the present purpose. On day 1, during the daily 30 min drinking period, a bottle containing 10 ml of cider vinegar in tap water (3%) instead of water was available and the amount ingested was recorded. Immediately after, the animals received an i.p. injection of LiCl (0.15 M; 2% b.w.). On days 2 and 3, water was available. One bottle test took place on day 4, with the vinegar solution available during the 30 min drinking period. There were no significant differences among the groups in water intake, nor in vinegar intake during the acquisition day in the conditioning phase. Fig. 1b summarizes the results of the vinegar one-bottle test in Exp 2. In order to allow comparisons between Exp 2a and 2b a 3 £ 2 ANOVA Lesion (PBN0, PBN30, Cannula) £ Behavioral Procedure (Pre, Ctrl) was accomplished. Cannula groups were obtained by joining the data of Exp 2a and 2b, as there were no differences between them. ANOVA analysis revealed a significant effect of lesion (F½2; 66 ¼ 8:99; P , 0:01), behavioral procedure (F½1; 66 ¼ 32:82; P , 0:01) and the interaction Lesion £ Behavioral Procedure (F½2; 66 ¼ 4:36; P , 0:02). Post-hoc Newman–Keuls comparisons showed that Cannula groups drank more vinegar than both PBN0 (P , 0:01) and PBN30 (P , 0:01) groups. An analysis of the interaction showed the US preexposure effect both in Cannula (P , 0:01) and PBN30 groups (P , 0:01), with pre-exposed groups drinking a greater amount of the vinegar solution than the non-preexposed control groups. However, the US pre-exposure phenomenon did not appear in the PBN0 groups (P . 0:07), with similar intakes in the Pre and Ctrl groups. A one-way ANOVA showed significant differences between the pre-exposed groups (F½2; 33 ¼ 9:58; P , 0:01), with the cannulated group drinking more vinegar than both PBN0 (P , 0:01) and PBN30 (P , 0:01). There were no differences between the Ctrl groups (F½2; 33 ¼ 0:97; P . 0:38). In both experiments, after completion of the behavioral procedure, the rats were deeply anesthetized with pentobarbital and intracardially perfused with saline followed by 10% formalin. The brains were dissected and stored in formalin. Several days after, they were cut with a freezing microtome. Coronal sections stained with cresyl violet were examined for injection needle tracks. The histological analysis confirmed the location of the injection needles above the PBN, while showing negligible tissue damage in a small area circumscribed to the needle track. Given that the blockade induced by 10 ng of TTX affects a spherical volume of tissue about 3 mm in diameter [18], the entire PBN was inactivated. The main finding of Exp 2 was that the retrograde disruption of CTA induced by PBN inactivation applied 30 min 172 M.A. Ballesteros et al. / Neuroscience Letters 322 (2002) 169–172 after training in Exp 1 can not be exclusively attributed to deficits of LiCl aversive properties processing. The presence of the US pre-exposure effect in those groups with PBN blockade 30 min after each LiCl pre-exposure demonstrates that this time is enough for some of the aversive effects of i.p. LiCl injections to be processed and to act as a US in CTA. This is consistent with previous data showing that the behavioral effects of an i.p. injection of lithium chloride may appear 10 min later [4] and those indicating that 20 min are enough to associate LiCl aversive effects with a taste [15]. Moreover, the absence of the US pre-exposure phenomenon in those groups receiving TTX microinjections immediately after lithium pre-exposures demonstrate that PBN was effectively inactivated and that the activity of the area is critical for processing the US properties of LiCl in this specific CTA task. This is consistent with the well known role of this area in processing the aversive properties of LiCl, that are relevant for CTA [2,12–14]. The acquisition of learned taste aversions by the non-preexposed groups subjected to previous PBN blockade, that were of similar magnitude to those aversions seen in the control cannulated groups, confirmed the histological findings and previous data demonstrating that three TTX injections did not induce permanent PBN lesions [5]. In all, the present results definitively support the proposed PBN role in the taste-lithium association and memory formation using a standard CTA procedure [4,7,8,11,15–17]. 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