St. Vincent's School News - St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

St. Vincent’s School News
1720 E. Wallen Rd. - Fort Wayne, IN 46825 - 260-489-3537
For the month of
Book Fair
All Mass 8:00 a.m.
24&25 No School
Catholic Schools Mass
10:30 a.m. Coliseum
Grs. 3-8 Catch the Spirit
Shirt with Uniform
All Mass 8:00 a.m.
All Mass 8:00 a.m.
Reinstatement Day
Corn Dog
Sweet Potato Fries
G. Kitchen
S. Puglise
L. Craw
C. Murphy
A. Galligher
Vol. Needed
N. Hagar
2 Vols. Needed
Please Help!
Vol. Needed
Please Help!
2 Vols. Needed
Please Help!
N. Hagar
M. Baumgartner
Vol. Needed
Please Help!
2 Vols. Needed
Please Help!
No School
No School
No School
No School
No School
No School
Staff Snack
A. Neal
R. Houser
P. Fosnaugh
J. Bennett
October 21 - 25
Ground Beef Stroganoff
Homemade Hamburger/
Kidney Bean Salad
Corn on the Cob
No School
No School
Menu Subject to Change Without Notice
This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider
St. Vincent de Paul School 489-3537 ext. 213
Kathy Palmer - Tuition/Registration
Administrative Appointments ext. 212
Mary Tess Roof - Receptionist
ext. 213
School Nurse - Cecilia Manning
ext. 232
Ellen Ryan - Attendance/Student
Appointments/Newsletter ext. 214
SCRIP Office - Margee Tippmann
ext. 234
Kitchen Volunteers - Candice
ext. 220
News and Information
The Best Way to Get Messages to Students
If you need to inform your child(ren) about a change in pick up information, you can email the homeroom teacher the information, and the homeroom teachers will try and check their email in the morning and after lunch. The best way to inform your
child is to let them know how they are being picked up before they arrive at school each day. If you have a last minute
change in pick up, call the school office at 489-3537 ext. 213 before 2:00 p.m. to allow time to locate and communicate with your
child. School Secretaries will do all they can to make sure your child is given correct information immediately: however, office
business is heavy at the end of the day, and information after 2:00 p.m. may not be properly communicated.
Drop Off Procedures and Pick Up
St. Vincent de Paul School follows specific procedures for drop off in the morning and pick up of students in the afternoon.
Kindergarten students are dropped off in the morning at Door 5. Other siblings may also be dropped at Door 5. Kindergarten students only may be picked up at door 5 for end of the day dismissal.
Dismissal: All who pick up at the end of the day in grades 1 through 8 must have a numbered parking spot in either Lot A or Lot
B assigned by the parking lot committee. Car pool drivers will share a numbered spot. Contact information is available in the
school menu online. Pick up at Door 2 is allowed only for emergency arrangements and must be approved by the administration.
Parents should not come into the building to wait for children outside the office unless they have informed the administration of
such need. Cars must be parked in designated parking spots to keep the fire lane clear.
There is a late line for cars arriving after the lots close. Students will not be allowed to go to cars in the late line until all other
cars have left the lots. These specific procedures are necessary to insure the safety of the children. A transportation committee
that operated as part of HASA makes parking lot assignments. Anyone who chooses to not follow the rules will be reported to
the school office and Pastor. Continued violation could result in a report to police. Please make sure people who are substituting
know the rules in advance of picking up children.
Scholastic Book Fair
This year’s Book Fair will continue through October 24. Parents may purchase items during Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 23 and 24. You’ll have an opportunity to purchase books for your child’s classroom library and to donate to Scholastic’s All
for Books cause. To find information about this year’s Book Fair, you can go to the following website. You can also shop there
online October 12-November 1. All proceeds from the Book Fair
benefit St. Vincent’s school library. We hope to see you there.
Drama Club Needs
Drama Club is in need of empty plastic whipped topping containers (or ones about that size) to use as disposable paint holders
while working on the set. Please drop off any plastic containers for the Drama Club in Miss Stein's room (212). Thanks for your
Roller Dome Party
Save the date and skate! On Friday, October 25 from 12:00-2:00 p.m., the Roller Dome North will have a Skating Party for St.
Vincent students only. The cost is $4.50 per person which includes skate rental. Also, the class with the most students attending
will earn a $30 Staples gift card for their teacher. HASA receives $1.00 back for everyone in attendance once we’ve reached
100. Come enjoy some fun with your friends at the Roller Dome!
Altoid Tins Needed
For the month of October, Junior High Art will be collecting just Altoid empty tins to be put in the box in the school office or at
the church by the westside doors. Thank you so much.
Winter Sports Registration – Online Registration ONLY
Online registration will again be available for the upcoming Winter Sports season. Due to circumstances out of our control,
online payment will not be available. Parents of athletes are asked to fill out the registration form, and download and fill out the
CYO form and turn in with their payment to the office. Registration dates are from Monday, October 14 through Thursday, October 31. Registration after October 31 will incur a late fee of $30. There is NO in school registration.
Winter Coaches Meeting Changed to October 22
Because of the Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 23, the Winter Coaches Meeting has been changed to October 22 at 7:00
in the Conference Meeting Room next door to Paul Cassabon’s office.
Scrip News
Please Note
Because of Fall Break, next week's SCRIP sales will be on Monday 10/21 and Wednesday 10/23. We'll still have our regular
sale times at church over the weekend: Saturday after 5:00 p.m. mass, Sunday 8:00-11:00 a.m. and after Lifeteen mass.
Scrip Volunteers......
We are in need of 1 volunteer to sell SCRIP on the 2nd Sunday of each month, from 8:00-11:00 a.m. If you are willing to help us
out please call 489-3537 ext 234. Thanks for your continued support.
October Sales Promotion!
Congratulations to our second weekly winner, Mrs. Kathy Schenkel! Kathy is a long-time SCRIP buyer, having sent all three of her
kids through St. Vincent’s and Bishop Dwenger. Thanks for being such a loyal customer, Kathy! She will receive a FREE $10
SCRIP gift card of her choice. Don’t despair if you weren’t the winner this time….there are still more chances to win this month.
Every order placed in October (up to a maximum of 3 orders per week) will be entered into a weekly drawing for another FREE $10
SCRIP gift card. First time orders will get 2 chances to win!
Roller Dome Party Coming Up!
Don’t forget that St. Vincent’s is hosting a Roller Dome party at the end of this month. We carry Roller Dome SCRIP - $5.00 cards
@ 10% profit. Place your order now if your student is going to the party.
Holidays are approaching!
Halloween is right around the corner…Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it. Keep SCRIP in mind as you
plan your shopping. For Halloween, you can use SCRIP to purchase costumes, decorations and trick-or-treat candy…JoAnn Fabrics,
Target, Walmart, Meijer, CVS, Walgreens, Kroger…all are great places to shop for Halloween and we’ve got SCRIP for all of them!
Fun facts about SCRIP!
Did you know that we carry SCRIP for over 130 local and national restaurants and retailers? Just a few examples: Kroger, Meijer,
Walmart/Sams Club, Pizza Hut, Kohls, Marathon, Speedway, Best Buy, Walgreens, Home Depot, Lowes, Target, Starbucks, Amazon, etc. These are all in stock; you can usually place an order for one of these and receive the SCRIP back the same day…no waiting! There are another 80 or so on the “back page” of the SCRIP order form…these are special order items, but we can usually get
them to you within about a week.
Ever wish that we carried an item that’s not listed on the order form? We might be able to get it for you! Just go to and look at the list of participating vendors. If you want to purchase any of these, just write it on your SCRIP
order form, or call the SCRIP Team: Margee or Danielle at 489-3537,ext 234…we’d be glad to walk you through the process.
You Can Lend a Hand Fundraiser
We are in NEED of 2-4 volunteers to co-chair the annual "You Can Lend A Hand Fundraiser"! This fundraiser is extremely important in helping with funding the growth of our technology program and raises over $11,000 each year! The fundraiser runs from
February-March and requires as little or as much time as you see fit. This is a great opportunity to get involved and make an impact
on your child's education here at St. Vincent! If interested or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Palmer at 489-3537.
Are You Planning on Joining Your Child for Lunch?
Parents, we always welcome you and encourage you to come and join your children for lunch, but please be considerate and call us if
at all possible, so we can plan on how many we need to prepare for. We don't want to waste food by preparing too much, however;
we want to be sure we have enough for the students as they come through. Some of the food we have to make early in the morning
and there wouldn't be time to prepare more. A quick phone call to the kitchen 489-3537 ext. 220 will really help us out! Thanks so
Play Like a Champion Workshop for Coaches
The next Play Like a Champion workshop for coaches is Saturday, October 26 in the Activity Center meeting room from 9:00 until
noon. All football coaches, basketball coaches and any spring coaches that plan to coach this year, or anyone that has already
coached this year and has not attended a meeting, need to attend the mandatory coaches meeting on October 26. If you plan to attend the workshop, you need to let Paul Cassabon know, 489-3537 ext. 218. If you’ve coached already and haven’t attended the
workshop, you will be unable to coach again until you finish the workshop.
Olweus Survey to be Given During October
Students in grades 3-7 will take the Olweus Survey during computer class. The survey is anonymous and helps us to continue to
monitor the effectiveness of our anti-bullying program, Catch The Spirit. The survey gives us information that helps us really focus
on the places we are seeing bullying and the grade levels it is occurring.
Art Club Meeting
The next Art Club meeting is Monday, October 21 from 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Day – Thank You!
Our October sale hit the 15% sales rebate and we earned just over $500, which brings our two month total to just over $1,900!!
Thank you so very much! The November sale will be getting ready for Thanksgiving and Markets Day’s awesome pie month. We
earn extra for pies sold and they have an amazing selection. There are NEW selections of cinnamon apple silk, salted caramel
chocolate and chocolate java cake as well as the yummy pecan, pumpkin, peanut butter cup, fruit medley and seven additional favorites. With a $90 order and NOVBONUS in the promo code box, you will get a FREE dessert plate with a server. Questions, call
Eva at 490-9329.
Audrey Assad- in Concert here at St. Vincents!!
Audrey Assad is an independent Catholic singer, musician, and songwriter. Her new album “Fortunate Fall” was released on August
13. The album is full of songs for liturgy, personal prayer, and corporate worship and the title is taken from the Exsultet– "O truly
necessary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the Death of Christ! O happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer!" The album explores the beauty of human need, in that needing God allows us to know God is Christ the Redeemer and the
Holy Spirit the Revealer. St. Vincent will be hosting her in concert on Thursday, October 24. The concert is at 7:00 p.m. and doors
open at 6:15 p.m. Admission is free, but we are asking that attendees bring an item for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry- specifically, bar soap, shampoo/conditioner, peanut butter/jelly, and pasta sauce and noodles. The concert is open to everyone, so even
invite friends who do not attend St. Vincent!
Christ Child Society Offering Free Coats to Children in Need
Again this year, the Christ Child Society of Fort Wayne Indiana will be offering coats to children in need. Coats are available in children’s size 4 through adult XXXL, the maximum of three coats per family for the 2013. Parent or guardian must present a photo id
for themselves and the child(ren). If you are interested in going to get a coat, you must come into the School Office and fill a request
out with Kathy Palmer. You will then be given the form with direction on dates and times you can go to the distribution center.
Items for the Newsletter
The deadline for submitting items for the newsletter is Thursday at 8:00 a.m. If we have a short week, it is the day before the last
day that week at 8:00 a.m.
Redeemer Radio Fall Sharathon
Tune in to Redeemer Radio AM 1450 or call 260-436-1450 and make a pledge for the Fall Sharathon October 23-25. The
twice-yearly live on-air fundraiser helps support the only radio station that provides Catholic programming to our area. The St. Vincent fundraising hour is Friday, October 25 from Noon-1:00 p.m. but school parents and staff can make pledges anytime between now and then and ask that they be counted toward the St. Vincent pledge hour. Tune into our hour and hear Father Dan and
Father Andrew as they talk about what's happening in our parish and school. The Sharathon theme is: Hands of Christ and is based
on Pope Francis's message of evangelization. Thank you for your support of Redeemer Radio. Welcome Home To Your Family of
Cub Scout Roller Skating Party
Cub Pack 3009 is having a skating party on Sunday, October 20 from 5:15–7:15 p.m. at the Roller Dome North. Free Skate Rental.
Hot dog, chips and small drink: $3.00 + tax. All St Vincent families and friends are invited.