Introduction to Geography

Central America
WebQuest: Mesoamerican History 60 points
Now that you have learned a little bit about the various cultures of Mesoamerica, you will now
complete this WebQuest assignment to explore these cultures in depth. Download and complete
the Mesoamerican History WebQuest Worksheet. Use the web links provided to learn more about
Please submit your completed worksheet to the WebQuest: Mesoamerican History assignment
link for grading.
The history of Mesoamerica is divided into different periods beginning with the Olmec period.
Navigate the websites listed before each question to learn more about the government, culture,
and social structure of Mesoamerica, and then answer the questions.
Directions: Follow each of the links below and answer the following questions. Submit your
completed WebQuest worksheet to the Webquest: Mesoamerican History assignment link for
Timeframe …
List the year each period began and ended. (8 points)
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: elbalero
history of Mesoamerica)
o 1200 BC – 1000 BC
Formative or Preclassic Maya
o 1800 BC – 200 AD
Classic Maya
o 200 – 800 AD
Postclassic Maya
o 800 AD to arrival of Spanish
(Iif the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: mnsu
archaeology olmec San Lorenzo)
© KC Distance Learning
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: mnsu
cultures olmec)
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: wsu Olmecs)
For many years scientists believed that the Maya were the earliest civilization in Mexico. In the
1930’s, archaeologists discovered the Olmec civilization. Much of what is known about the Olmec
has been learned by studying the villages of San Lorenzo and La Venta.
1. Describe the social structure that developed in the Olmec civilization and how they depended
on each other. (4 points)
Two groups 1) elite who lived in urban centers 2) common people who lived in rural areas. The
elite lived off the agriculture of the common people but didn’t rule over the agricultural populations.
2. List and describe the achievements of the Olmec. (4 points)
Building of massive stone heads, complex calendar, hieroglyphic writing, irrigation systems,
3. Describe the colossal heads that were built by the Olmec and why they were built. (4 points)
Researchers believe that the heads were modeled after rulers. Most were decapitated or
destroyed which is believed to have been done after the ruler died as a sacrifice to the gods or
Formative or Preclassic Maya
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: lost
civilization Mayan society)
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: wsu Mayas)
4. The Maya did not unite to form a single united empire. Independent city-states or kingdoms
with common cultural ties developed instead. What cultural elements did these city-states share?
(4 points)
They were religiously and artistically a nation, but politically sovereign states.
5. Describe the branches of government of the Maya that developed during the Preclassic Period
and describe the duties of those who served in the government. (4 points)
© KC Distance Learning The government was run by a hereditary monarchy and priests who ruled cities, led ceremonies,
and performed other tasks. Governors of territories were from noble families. Town rulers were of
a lower class. Lords were military commanders.
6. Describe the important role that priests played in the Mayan culture. What were some of their
duties? (4 points)
Priests ruled cities, led ceremonies, and performed other tasks. They would climb up temple
steps and perform ceremonies.
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: elbalero
preclassic Maya Zapotec)
7. List and describe the achievements of the Maya during the Preclassic period. (4 points)
Weaving cloth, ropes, nets, and baskets. Stone and clay workings.
Classic Maya
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: thinkquest
mayan society social structure)
8. By the period of Classic Maya a distinct social system had developed in the numerous Maya
kingdoms. Tell about the social divisions and how these divisions impacted the lives of the Maya
people. (4 points)
Slaves were lowest and had no privileges, did most of the manual labor. Peasants were above
the slaves and also worked. The nobility were above the peasants. They were craftsman,
merchants, civil servants, and military officers. Warriors fought in battles. Priests were the highest
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it:
kidsnewsroom maya daily life)
9. The daily life of families was important to the survival of the culture. Describe this structure and
how families worked together to ensure survival. Why was this necessary? (4 points)
Extended families would live together to share work in order to ensure survival. Men farmed and
gathered food. Women sewed and prepared the food.
10. How are their lifestyle and the roles of men and women similar and different from life in our
culture? (4 points)
© KC Distance Learning Answers will vary…
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: elbalero
classic period)
11. List and describe the achievements of the Maya during the Classic period. (4 points)
Social organization became more complex. Trade increased and traders traveled greater
distances. Temples, tombs, pyramids, and palaces were built. Advances in science, math, and
astronomy were made.
Postclassical Maya
The Maya began to decline during the Postclassic Maya period beginning around 900 CE
Scientists are still uncertain about what led to this decline. In November, 2008, USA Today
published a newspaper article about the possible decline of the Maya, following the release of the
Mel Gibson movie, Apocalypto. Find this article.
12. Describe the factors that may have led to the decline of the Maya. (4 points)
Many possibilities. There may have been an increase in hostilities and more warfare. Kings and
nobles were continually building higher and more elaborate temples. The practice of using
commoners for human sacrifice. Environmental issues are also a possibility.
(If the link breaks, use the following keywords in an online search engine to locate it: mnsu
mesoamerica maya)
13. How do the Maya live today? (4 points)
Answers will vary. The Maya people have continued to hold on to their unique way of life.
© KC Distance Learning 