Course Descri - Plymouth State University

Page 1 of 6 Plymouth State University
Plymouth, New Hampshire
Distance Learning Course
Blackboard (Learning Management System)
Course Syllabus:
Health Care Law and Ethics - 3 credits
BU-5420.AU4 – 30472 - Spring 2010 Semester
February 22, 2010 – May 10, 2010
School of Business
Dr. Constance A. Morrison, Esquire
Dr. Morrison’s Cell Phone:
Office Phone:
(603) 667-5598
EST (preferred)
(603) 536-3707
Course Description
This is a graduate level course for students enrolled in the Health Care Administration Certificate
Program. This course focuses on:
• The principles and theories of law and ethics as it relates to health care delivery
• Law as it relates to health care management and administration.
• Examination of the application of laws in relation to health care liability and risks
facing administrators, managers and practitioners will be reviewed.
• Provides a foundation in analyzing ethical dilemmas.
Areas of discussion include: The legal system in the United States, the impact of state and
federal regulatory bodies on legal and ethical issues, tort law, contract and anti- trust issues,
personal, managerial and corporate liability, managed care, nursing law, medical staff issues,
issues of consent, information management and health care records, reporting requirements,
organ donation and transplantation, patient rights, malpractice insurance, labor relations,
employment law, and risk reduction.
Course Objectives: The participants will have the opportunity to:
• Discuss
historical perspectives of health care
sources of law that effect health care –including licensing, regulation and
• Analyze Tort Law/theories of negligence and tort reform
• Explain
Page 2 of 6 • Describe
criminal aspects of health care law
• Examine contracts and antitrust issues – including contracting and managed care in
health care
• Critique medical staff organizations, privileges/governing body /by – laws etc
• Discuss nursing and the law
• Discuss medicine and the law
• Analyze corporate liability and liability by departments and health care professionals
and malpractice insurance
• Discuss information management and health care records
• List patient rights and responsibilities /patient safety and zero tolerance
• Recognize the importance of legal reporting requirements
• Analyze health care ethics
• Synthesize policy relating to employment law and labor relations in the health care
Required Texts:
Pozgar, George D. (2006) Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration, 10th edition,
Jones and Bartlett publishers Inc.
ISBN 13: 978-0-7637-3927-0
ISBN 10: 0-7637-3927-8
Pozgar, George D. (2009) Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, 2nd edition,
Jones and Bartlett Publishers Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-7637-6473-9
Book Orders:
We are expecting that all books will electronically available. This information will be
forthcoming soon. It is a MUST for you to have these books upon entering the course.
Recommended Citation Text:
AMA Manual of Style. (2007). 10th edition. Authors: American Medical Association
ISBN: 9780195176339
We will be covering several chapters per week, beginning with chapter one. This is an excellent,
up-to-date text. I am sure you will enjoy reading Pozgar’s materials.
Please email your email address. Include your full name, daytime and evening telephone
• Your work experience / include any health care experiences
• Your goals for this course
Graduate level courses require that you be self-directed. As a self-directed learner, you will
appreciate On Line discussions, readings, and literature searches. Self directed learners would be
Page 3 of 6 expected to have increased awareness of health care topics covered by the daily media. Include
these in your posts.
Please be prepared for weekly discussions/ postings of the ethical issues pertaining to current
health care topics as covered by the mainstream media. Please be sure to speak freely, albeit
respectfully, share information and your viewpoints – we are here to learn from each other. It is
imperative that you read your entire books.
This will be a fun and exciting course! Have a positive, upbeat outlook and let us collaborate to
help achieve what you have set out to accomplish. As your professor, I am pleased to mentor you
during this process.
Weekly Reading:
**** There are eleven weeks in this course – You are required to read the necessary chapters per
week in the Legal Aspects of Health Administration textbook. There is a power-point program
for every chapter in this book. Please do not let it take the place of reading each chapter
Anytime during the 11 week semester read Chapter 25 in this text – keep these concepts in mind
during the course of the semester and in your daily work. You may wish to incorporate these
concepts in your discussions. Remember as your author states: “The way to predict the future
is to create it. Vision is the gift to see or do what others only dream”.
****Also, you are required to read one chapter per week in the Legal and Ethical Issues text.
There is a power-point program for every chapter in this book. Some of the chapters are similar
to the material in each of the books listed above. You may eliminate them. However, it is to your
benefit to READ! This text shows how the law and ethics intertwine. As I mentioned before,
some of the concepts maybe repeated. Please view the outline for this text and for self-testing
complete the quizzes. It is quite comprehensive and I believe you will enjoy the magnificent
overview of the materials and the self-direction this allows at your pace.
Articles of Interest – You will post links to articles of interest in the “Class Forum” area. This
is located at the bottom of the “Discussions” tool page. Remember to post within the “Class
Forum” section. Feel free to comment to other student’s postings.
Grades and Examinations: There are no examinations in this course.
1. Weekly posting/replies (Blackboard Discussion area) = 40% of your grade:
Answer the questions in the respective area in Blackboard by Wednesday of each week by 11:59
PM (EST). Reply to at least 3 classmates’ postings by Sunday of that week (11:59 PM EST) –
meaningful replies are not one-liners that state I agree or I like this. Remember when you post to
include your readings, opinions and experiences. Also, remember to add appropriate citations to
all of your postings. You will be graded halfway through and at end of the semester.
Page 4 of 6 Weeks 10-12 discussions will take place during the last week of the course (February 3-10).
Contributions to these discussions are optional. HOWEVER, I strongly suggest for your ongoing
continuing legal education, DO IT.
2. PowerPoint Presentation = 20% of your grade
Resolution of An Ethical/Legal Dilemma facing your agency or your profession - Discuss legal
principles and ethical principles (15- 20 slides). Also, remember to add appropriate citations to
all of your slides.
Search the Internet for articles and examples to create effective and professional PowerPoint
presentations. Also be sure to use under-notes within Microsoft PowerPoint.
Due Date: Monday, April 26, 2010 by 11:59 PM
3. Major Paper: = 20% of your grade
AMA format no less than 8 pages – no more than 15 pages –not including reference page(s) and
title page. Current Legal Topic in health care. To be decided by the participants and approved by
your instructor. Professional Journals / literature search must be included. At least 8 references
must be cited.
Reflect on information from this course and identify a relevant and controversial
legal/ethical issue.
Review the literature for each.
Analyze the relevant literature and compare and contrast the pros and the cons for
each of the issues.
Take a stance on one of the positions.
Develop a cogent argument for your position.
Due Date: Monday, May 3, 2010 by 11:59 PM
4. Minor Papers - Webliography = 20% of your grade - total of 2 one-page papers 10% for
each paper. Students are expected to identify an online site related to any of the chapters covered.
The site must come from a reputable source and must be so identified and be accompanied with a
one page review of the source to identify the area(s) the site covers, the comprehensiveness and
the evaluation of its worthiness to the chapters covered. One paper representing a Legal site and
one paper representing an Ethics site. Guidelines:
• AMA formatted
• One page of Text – plus a title page and a reference page.
• Selection of your choice of credible web sites (to assist you in determining credibility
see the Cornell Library web site on this topic at:
Due Date for Legal Minor Paper: Monday, March 15, 2010 by 11:59 PM
Page 5 of 6 Due Date for Ethics Minor Paper: Monday, April 5, 2010 by 11:59 PM
Grading Criteria:
Grades are based upon successful completion of all graded assignments including considered and
timely participation in discussion forums. Students receiving a(n):
"A" grade:
 Demonstrate accurate understanding of readings and issues. Draws out important
implications. Uses supplemental resources.
 Show critical thinking skills with a demonstrated ability to do more than repeat the text
material. Defends opinions and judgments with appropriate resources.
 Participate actively. Adds to discussions with additional information, different
perspectives and insights from relevant personal experience.
 Expresses ideas clearly.
"B" grade:
 Show all the elements of A work, but with less accomplishment, proficiency, or analysis;
relies to a lesser degree on materials outside the assigned readings.
 Can assert a critical position on the issues with a demonstrated ability to do more than
repeat the text material.
 Offer limited defense or explanation of judgments and conclusions.
 One or two submissions may be incomplete or lacking in insight.
"C" grade:
 Show an overall grasp of the material, but with little effort to include analysis of the
readings in defending conclusions or judgments.
 Communication may be unclear and lacks in depth analysis of issues or questions raised.
 Some submission may be incomplete or lacking in insight.
 Do not always distinguish between own opinion and ideas grounded in the literature.
"D" or "F":
 Show minimal grasp of the material with little or no analysis.
 Communication is unclear and/or lacks substance.
 Submission are incomplete or absent.
 Information is infrequently to rarely grounded in the literature.
Grades of plus or minus reflect variations from the above standards, up or down, which are not
sufficient to merit a change in letter grade.
A note regarding workload: The accelerated pace of coursework requires students to take
responsibility for their own learning. Students are expected to complete all learning activities as
early in the week as possible and to participate in online discussions as assigned. Timely
completion of learning activities, active participation in discussions, and the best effort possible
in completing graded assignments are essential for students to achieve maximum learning.
Remember, as a distance learning student you are expected to be self-directed, self-motivated,
Page 6 of 6 and self-regulated. However, keep in mind I will be taking this journey with you. Call or email
me as often as you need. I’m here 
**** I reserve the right to add to this course for your benefit given the exciting and changing
nature of our health care system.
Colleagues, this is the most exciting, informative course that you will
probably ever take in your entire career. This course will serve you
well in your professional and personal life. Please give your all to this
course. YOU are worth every hour you partake of the wonders of
LAW = Study, Read and Post. ☺ I am here if you need to talk.