How to avoid the “IT WAS
● Most software projects rely on version control (VC) to maintain changes
○ Ever see software with names like “programxyz_v.
1.2.3” or “programxyz_r123”
● VC also allows multiple developers to work on same parts at same time
● Some popular VC programs are:
○ CVS (Concurrent Version System)
○ SVN (Subversion)
○ GIT (Distributed, we’ll be focusing on this)
○ Hg (Mercurial, like Git)
Poor Man’s Version Control
● Simplest way: commenting/uncommenting code (OK, but a pretty poor solution, hard to remember which comments worked, didn’t)
● Slightly better way: saving multiple versions of file (ie., main_v1.c, etc.)
○ Without changelog, hard to remember what changed
○ Difficult if project requires multiple files (does main_v1.c correspond to aux_v1.c?)
○ Hard to manage concurrent edits
Centralized VC Systems
● A central server holds version control database
● Users checkout current version locally
○ Make edits locally
○ Different users might make different edits
● After making sufficient changes, users commit changes back to main database
○ If multiple users were working on same file, merge changes (ie. diff to see differences in file, and reconcile changes). This can be tedious on large projects!
● All users update to see latest version
SVN Example:
1. Download Tortoise SVN (Windows)
2. Checkout repository
3. Edit some of the files a. If creating a new file, needs to be “Added” to repository
4. Commit changes
5. Repeat (Updating if others are concurrently working)
Distributed Version Control
● Everybody has copy of VC database (hence distributed)
● Most changes are done locally
● More robust to failure
○ If Master dies, everyone has a backup
○ Don’t even need a master sometimes
● Since everyone has repository, can do different work styles (ie. hierarchical)
Git (, adapted from http:
● Git is distributed VC system
○ Github is a web host that holds master versions of
Git repositories
● Git is based on snapshots
Git (, adapted from http:
● Git uses SHA-1 for integrity
● Git has three stages:
○ 1) Working directory (where you modify files)
○ 2) Staging area (a file that keeps track of what will be in next commit)
○ 3) .git (Repository)
If it is in .git it is committed
If it is changed since being checked out it is modified
If it is modified but not committed, it is staged
Git (, adapted from http:
● Getting Git:
○ Linux: It’s probably in your distro’s software repos
○ MacOS:
Initial Config:
$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global
$ git config --global core.editor emacs (vim)
$ git config --list
Git (, adapted from http:
● Initial Repo:
○ Locally: Go to project directory, type:
$ git init
■ This creates .git directory which contains the repository
■ Nothing is actually versioned at this point
○ Existing Repo:
$ git clone https::// or
$ git clone git::// or
○ $git clone user@server:path/to/repo.git
Git (, adapted from http:
● Adding files (start versioning a file):
○ $ git add filename.c
○ $ git add *.c
○ $ git add -u (updates all modified files to staging)
○ $ git add -a (updates all modified files, and adds all new, untracked files)
● Commit project:
○ $ git commit -m ‘Initial project version’
■ -m puts a message for the changelog
Git (, adapted from http:
● Git Lifecycle:
Git (, adapted from http:
● When ready to commit a new version:
○ $ git commit -m ‘Log Message Goes Here’
● Some useful Git commands:
○ $ git status
■ Shows status of files
○ $ git diff
■ Shows diff of modified files
○ $ git mv
■ Moves files
○ $ git log
■ Shows the changelog
Git (, adapted from http:
● Working with remotes (if you cloned from a server):
○ $ git remote
● Get data from remotes:
○ $ git fetch
● Push data to remotes:
○ $ git push
■ Typically: $ git push origin master
Demo Time:
● Using Git with Dropbox http://blog.shvetsov.
● For PSoC Projects:
○ Create a new project
○ Open Git Bash, go to project directory
○ Make initial commit
○ After building in PSoC Designer,, make sure to add the lib directory
$ git add project/project/lib
(cloning won’t work if it’s not there, other build files may not be necessary)