NAUI Full Face Mask Course

This is a continuing education certification course for Certified Scuba
Divers who desire greater knowledge and training in the safe use of
underwater Full Face Mask (FFM).
Graduates of this course are considered competent to use a Full Face
Mask during diving activities, provided those activities engaged in and the
areas dived approximate those in which the diver has training.
Any active-status NAUI Instructor who has completed this NAUI Full Face
Mask Course.
Age: minimum is 16 years
Dive Certification: Certification as a Scuba Diver by a NAUI
recognized agency. The instructor should carefully screen and
evaluate all prospective students to assure they understand diving
safety and possess the necessary skills to participate in this course.
Skills from other NAUI courses may be used to evaluate and improve
the diver’s knowledge and proficiency if necessary.
Equipment. Student shall furnish and be responsible for the care and
maintenance of their diving equipment during the course. All scuba
diving equipment may be inspected by the instructor to ensure the
scuba diving equipment will be sufficient for the student to complete all
aspects of the training.
Ratios: Standard ratios apply (see “Policies Applying to All Courses”)
Hours: Academic – 16 hours are estimated. This includes classroom
sessions, on-site discussions, briefing and debriefings as necessary to
prepare for or conclude a dive’s activity in confined or open water.
Confined Water Dive: At least one confined water training session is
required to instruct students in the proper use and skills for diving with
a Full Face Mask. Students are required to demonstrate their
competency and proficiency for diving with a Full Face Mask before
being allowed to move on to the Open Water Certification Dives.
Open Water Dives: At least three open water dives are required
where student is required to demonstrate proper use and skills while
scuba diving with a Full Face Mask. Additional dives may be required
depending on the dive locations, types of dives and skills required for
each dive.
The following topics are to be covered:
• Advantages to diving FFM
• General types of FFM, such as:
o Ocean Reef FFM
o Guardian FFM
o Divator MK II/AGA FFM
o Kirby Morgan EXO FFM
• Identify parts on a FFM
• Basic care and maintenance
o Daily maintenance and care
o Manufacture’s required maintenance
• Identify likely problems and solutions encountered with FFM
• Proper donning and doffing FFM
• Familiarization with FFM
• Equalization with FFM
• Ambient breathing valves on FFM, if equipped
• Basic Hand Signals
• Underwater voice communications systems on FFM:
o Diver to Diver
o Diver to Surface
o Hardwired
o FM
• Emergence Dive Skills with FFM
• Clearing FFM
• Purging FFM
• Field of view with FFM
Manifold Block for Bailout air supply
Ascent and Decent Rates
Pre-Dive Plan
Post Dive Review
High Altitude Diving, if diving above 1,000 feet in Altitude
NAUI Dive Tables review
Review Basic Scuba Skills
Confined Water. Students are taught and then are required to properly
demonstrate the following skills before proceeding to open water activities:
• Review Basic Scuba Skills
• Pre-Dive FFM Checks
• Buddy Checks
• Underwater Communications:
o FFM internal communications, if FFM so equipped
o Basic Hand Signals
• Dive Skills with FFM:
o Equalization
o Exhaust port positions
o Opening and closing surface breathing valve
o Regulator adjustment valve
o Purge regulator
o Partially flooding and clearing
o Fully flooding and clearing
o Removing and replacing FFM underwater
• Practice FFM diving skills
Open Water. Students are to demonstrate their competency in the
following skills:
• Pre-Dive Planning
• Pre-Dive FFM checks
• Pre-Dive Buddy Checks
• Basic Scuba Diving Skills:
• Underwater Communications
o With FFM communications, if FFM so equipped
o Basic Hand Signals
• Dive Skills with FFM:
o Equalization
o Exhaust port positions
o Opening and closing surface breathing valve
o Regulator adjustment valve
o Purge regulator
o Partially flooding and clearing
o Fully flooding and clearing
o Removing and replacing FFM underwater
Post dive:
o Surface Air Consumption (SAC)
o Log Book entries
o Dive evaluations
Examination: 80% on the written final examination and successfully
complete all of the practical skills assigned by instructor.
Study collections