Passive Membrane Properties • Two physical properties of shape the axons response – Resistance (ohms Ω): a measure of an objects opposition to the passage of current – Capacitance: Storage of charges (+ & -) across two plates separated by a non-conductive material – Nonconductive material = cell membrane – Two plates = intra- and extracellular fluid – Capacitance measured in Farads Electrical Model of Membrane Thursday, May 6, 2010 Unit Membrane Passive Membrane Properties The Length Constant • Voltage change diminishes with distance from current injection sit? • λ=Length constant – Current flow is influenced by the membrane resistance (rm) and internal Resistance (ri) • Resistors values add normally when in series but reciprocally when in parallel • Current tends to flow through the shortest path (rm) Thursday, May 6, 2010 Passive Membrane Properties The Length Constant • Voltage change diminishes with distance from current injection sit? • λ=Length constant – Current flow is influenced by the membrane resistance (rm) and internal Resistance (ri) • Resistors values add normally when in series but reciprocally when in parallel • Current tends to flow through the shortest path (rm) Thursday, May 6, 2010 Passive Membrane Properties: The Time Constant • A capacitor – Stores charge on two plates separated by nonconductive material – Since the charges have to move it takes time to charge the plates • This results ramp in the rate of change of Vm in response to injected current Charging delay due to capacitance τ=Cm*Rm Thursday, May 6, 2010 Resting Membrane Potential • Membrane potential is determined by – Selective permeability of the membrane – Ions moving towards their electrochemical equilibrium • Some molecules (e.g. ions) can flow freely across membranes through channels in membrane • Large negatively charged proteins (A-) can not cross the membrane • In this example K+ moves down its concentration gradient but A- can not cross the membrane • The result: charge separation & measurable membrane potential Thursday, May 6, 2010 Equilibrium Potential Inner chamber • Negative net charge on the inner face & positive net charge on outer face tend to move K+ back into cell • Electrochemical equilibrium: – When the electrical force equal the chemical forces there is no ‘net’ flow of ions across the membrane • We can use the Nernst Equation to calculate an ion’s equilibrium potential Thursday, May 6, 2010 –90 mV Outer chamber 140 mM 5 mM KCI KCI K+ Cl– Potassium channel (a) Membrane selectively permeable to K+ Equilibrium Potential Inner chamber • Negative net charge on the inner face & positive net charge on outer face tend to move K+ back into cell • Electrochemical equilibrium: – When the electrical force equal the chemical forces there is no ‘net’ flow of ions across the membrane • We can use the Nernst Equation to calculate an ion’s equilibrium potential Thursday, May 6, 2010 –90 mV Outer chamber 140 mM 5 mM KCI KCI K+ Cl– Potassium channel (a) Membrane selectively permeable to K+ Eion=62 mV * (log[ion]o/[ion]i) Equilibrium Potential –90 mV Inner chamber • Negative net charge on the inner face & positive net charge on outer face tend to move K+ back into cell • Electrochemical equilibrium: – When the electrical force equal the chemical forces there is no ‘net’ flow of ions across the membrane • We can use the Nernst Equation to calculate an ion’s equilibrium potential Thursday, May 6, 2010 Outer chamber 140 mM 5 mM KCI KCI K+ Cl– Potassium channel (a) Membrane selectively permeable to K+ Eion=62 mV * (log[ion]o/[ion]i) EK = 62 mV ( log 5 mM 140 mM ) = –90 mV Equilibrium Potential (Eion) • Use the Nernst equation to calculate a membrane’s Equilibrium Potential (Eion) for different ions: Eion = 62 mV (log[ion]outside/[ion]inside) –90 mV Inner chamber +62 mV Outer chamber 140 mM KCI 15 mM NaCI 5 mM KCI EK = -90Mv 150 mM NaCI ENa=+62Mv Cl– K+ Cl– Potassium channel (a) Membrane selectively permeable to K+ ( EK = 62 mV log 5 mM 140 mM ) = –90 mV Na+ Sodium channel (b) Membrane selectively permeable to Na+ ENa = 62 mV mM ) (log 150 15 mM The number of ions involved is small Thursday, May 6, 2010 = +62 mV Membrane Potential • Very few ions required to generate the membrane potential – In a 1µM x 0.001µM 6 ions on either side of the membrane are responsible for generating the -90mV membrane potential Inner chamber –90 mV Outer 140 mM 5 mM KCI KCI K+ Cl– Potassium channel (a) Membrane selectively permeable Thursday, May 6, 2010 Energy is Required to Maintain the Vm • Energy is required to maintain Vm – With time Na+ and K+ electrochemical gradients will run down – ATP-dependent Na-K pumps maintain the Na+ and K+ concentration gradients Thursday, May 6, 2010 The Goldman Equation: • Describers the relative contribution of multiples ions to the membrane potential (Em) at rest • PK & PNa the relative permeability of K+ and Na+ • [x]i & [x]o concentration of the ion x inside and outside the cell Thursday, May 6, 2010 Membranes of Neurons and Muscles are Excitable • Record the response of the membrane potential to the injection of current • The response depends on whether the current was hyperpolarizing or depolarizing – Cells response to injection of negative is linear – Cells response to injection of positive current is nonlinear – Voltage Threshold Thursday, May 6, 2010 Ac#on Poten#al are defined as all or nothing • Once the membrane reaches the voltage threshold the ac.on is triggered • Shape of the ac.on defined by changes in Ion permeability • Threshold represents the point where PNa exceeds PK Thursday, May 6, 2010 Hodgkin Cycle Physical Bases of the of the Ac#on Poten#al We can use the Goldman-Katz Equation to decipher the Action Potential Thursday, May 6, 2010 Physical Bases of the of the Ac#on Poten#al • At rest: Pk high rela#ve to other ions – Δ Em~Ek • Rising phase: Na+ channels open – Δ Em~ENa • Falling phase: Na+ channels inac#vate & voltage sensi#ve K+ open PNa – Δ Em~EK • Recovery Phase: Na+ is closed & voltage sensi#ve K+ open – Δ Em~EK Thursday, May 6, 2010 Physical Bases of the of the Ac#on Poten#al Thursday, May 6, 2010 Patch Clamp: Viewing the Current One Channel at a Time Fig. 11-17 Fig. 11-18 • Can use a special electrode to recorded current flowing through a single channel during an ac.on – Inward current flows through the Na+ channel – Outward current flows through K+ channels • Note: the channels are ‘gated’ – Currents flows during a narrow #me window (on/ off) Thursday, May 6, 2010 Voltage Clamp Experiments Fig. 11-19 • The membrane poten#al is held at a predetermined value – You can measure the amount of current required to hold Vm at the predetermined voltage – Hyperpolarize to -­‐100mV : Observe a current – Depolarize to 0mV: observe both the inward and outward currents Thursday, May 6, 2010 Voltage-­‐Clamp as a Tool • Examine the inward and outward currents under different condi#ons to characterize ac#on poten#al – Inward current is dependent upon Na+ • Manipulate [Na+]out/ [Na+]in – Outward current is carried through K+ dependent • Manipulate K+ or use TEA to block K+ channels Thursday, May 6, 2010 Manipulate ion concentrations Use toxins that block specific ion channels 15 Na+ Channels are Voltage Sensitive • The Na+ channel has a domain that serves as a voltage sensory – The voltage sensory detects changes in Vm – Triggers change in the structure of the Na+ channel • In response the channel opens Voltage Sensory is one of several functional domains Thursday, May 6, 2010 Propaga.on of Ac.on Poten.als • Consider capacitance – The channel is closed un#l it senses a depolariza#on – The voltage shiX the channel senses is due to capaci#ve currents Thursday, May 6, 2010 Propaga#on of Ac#on Poten#als • Ac#on poten#als propagate by regenera#ng along the axon • At the site where the ac#on poten#al is generated (the axon hillock) ionic currents depolarizes the neighboring region of the axon membrane Capacitive currents are responsible to the initial depolarization of the membrane Thursday, May 6, 2010 Ac#on Poten#al Propaga#on • Ac.on poten.als travel in only one direc.on toward the synap.c terminals • Inac.vated Na+ channels behind the zone of depolariza.on prevent the ac.on from traveling backward Thursday, May 6, 2010