Cementos Argos - Corporate Governance Code

CEMENTOS ARGOS S.A. (ARGOS), a member of the Argos Business Groups, was established
on August 14, 1944 under Colombian law and has its main place of business in the city of
Barranquilla. Through a series of mergers in 2005, it absorbed Compañia Colombiana de
Clinker S.A. (COLCLINKER S.A.), Cales y Cementos de Tolúviejo S.A. (TOLCEMENTO),
Cementos El Cairo S. A., Cementos del Nare S.A., Cementos Rioclaro S.A., Cementos Paz del
Rio S.A. and Cementos del Valle S.A.. As a result, it became the largest cement producer in
Colombia and a major player within the region.
Today, ARGOS is a leader in the Colombian cement industry, with 51% of the market. It is the
fifth largest cement producer in Latin America, with investments in Panama, Venezuela, Haiti
and the Dominican Republic, and the sixth major producer of concrete in the United States. In
addition, it exports cement and clinker to 27 countries.
ARGOS has a broad network of logistic facilities to develop its business and uses them to move
raw materials and finished products at competitive costs. It has four ports in the United States
and another four in Colombia, in addition to port facilities in Panama, the Dominican Republic
and Haiti.
In Colombia, ARGOS moves more freight by land than any other company. As part of its effort
to expand and to guarantee the resources it needs, ARGOS has electrical power plants to
supply its production processes. These facilities give the company an installed capacity of more
than 250 MW, enabling it to control the availability and cost of this important input.
The welfare of the community and respect for the environment are extremely important to the
company. It currently employs more than 11,000 persons and constantly develops a variety of
programs to promote the well-being of its employees, their families and the communities where it
does business. In this respect, ARGOS contributes more than USD $3 million to the community
every year, benefitting more than 600,000 persons. In the interest of environmental protection, it
has reforested more than 8,600 hectares.
The present code is a letter of introduction to shareholders, the market and the community at
large on the way ARGOS does business. It is intended to familiarize investors with the code of
conduct that guides the actions of the company, its management and all its employees.
Therefore, the objective of this corporate governance code is the adoption of measures or
guidelines with respect how the company is run, its management practices and the conduct of
ARGOS employees, the way it handles information and the public’s knowledge of its practices,
all in the interest of ensuring respect for the rights of those who invest in ARGOS stock or in any
other security issued by the company. This code also contains the corporate governance
practices recommended by the Country Code, which is outlined in External Circular 28 issued by
the National Superintendent of Financial Institutions in 2007.
The rights of shareholders and all other investors are protected by Colombian law, the bylaws of
the company and the Corporate Governance Code.
All shareholders are entitled to exercise their rights, to submit observations or comments to
management, and to request changes or to submit relevant legal proposals on how to improve
the company’s performance.
Out of respect for its shareholders and investors, ARGOS:
Recognizes and defends their rights;
Provides them with relevant information on which to base their decisions;
Organizes and conducts meetings in a way that enables every shareholder to take part;
Affords equal and equitable treatment to all shareholders.
1. General Rights of Stockholders and Investors
In addition to the rights stipulated by law and in the company’s by-laws, ARGOS shareholders
and investors are entitled to:
a. Access to public information of the company, provided promptly and in full, as well as
information to help them reach a decision on their investment in ARGOS.
b. Request authorization from management to commission special audits, at the expense
and responsibility of the shareholder or investor, bearing in mind the following:
Special audits are to be conducted during the 15 days prior to the Regular
Meeting of Shareholders, within the period established for exercise of the right
to inspect the company’s books and documents, as provided for in the
Commercial Code and with respect to those documents authorized by law.
Under no circumstance shall the company allow its rights, information,
agreements that constitute a competitive advantage or, in general, any
documents regarded as privileged or confidential or those of third parties to be
violated under the pretext of special audits.
In no case shall special audits imply any infringement on the autonomy of the
company’s managers, pursuant to legal authority and the powers stipulated in
the by-laws.
Requests for a special audit shall be made in writing, indicating in detail the
reasons and events on which the request is founded, the specific items to be
audited and the duration of the audit. The persons engaged to conduct the audit
are to be competent professionals, recognized as such in accordance with the
law, and are to be qualified to serve as statutory auditors of the company during
the respective period.
Paragraph: Investors may request special audits consistent with the nature of
their investment and pursuant to the aforementioned rules, provided they
represent, individually or jointly, 15% or more of the respective issue of shares
or securities.
2. Specific Rights of Stockholders
Shareholders are entitled to:
a. Transfer their shares, as provided for by law, the company’s by-laws and any existing
stockholders agreements, to be familiar with the methods for stock registration, and to
know the identity of the company’s major shareholders, in accordance with the law.
b. Participate in meetings of shareholders and to vote on the decisions to be taken therein,
as well as the designation of bodies and persons to be elected at meetings of
shareholders, as provided by law and the by-laws.
Make recommendations on corporate governance.
d. Share in the company’s profits, in proportion to their interest.
e. When differences arise among shareholders, or between shareholders and
management, the shareholders may resort to the Arbitral Tribunal provided for in the
ARGOS by-laws.
3. Equitable Treatment for Stockholders and Investors
The company shall abide by the following rules, which are intended to guarantee equitable
treatment to all shareholders and investors.
a. The Board of Directors shall ensure fair and equal treatment to all shareholders and
investors, regardless of the number of shares or securities they possess. Consequently,
it shall ensure that each and every shareholder and investor obtains a full response, in
due course, to any questions or concerns about matters the company is required to
disclose, or are not banned by any restriction as to legal or contractual confidentiality,
the issue and cancellation of respective certificates of their securities, if such be the
case; and full and prompt payment of company dividends and profits, among others, as
agreed or ordered by the pertinent corporate body.
b. ARGOS employees and executives are prohibited from the following, so as to ensure all
shareholders are afforded equitable treatment. Accordingly, they shall abstain from:
Encouraging, promoting or suggesting that shareholders grant powers in cases
where the name of the representative to the meeting of shareholders is not
clearly defined.
Receiving special powers granted by the shareholders before such meetings are
Accepting, as valid, powers conferred by the shareholders if all legal
requirements have not been fulfilled; in other words, powers are to be granted in
writing, indicating the name of the representative, the person being represented,
if such be the case, and the date or time of the meeting. In addition, legal
entities granting power of representation are required to submit a recent
certificate of their existence and representation, as provided for by law.
Suggesting or deciding on the name of those who will act as representatives at
meetings of shareholders.
Recommending that shareholders vote for a particular list of candidate for the
Board of Directors.
Suggesting, coordinating or reaching an agreement with any shareholder or
shareholder’s representative on the presentation of proposals for consideration
at a meeting of shareholders.
Suggesting, coordinating or reaching an agreement with any shareholder or with
any shareholder’s representative on voting for or against any proposal
presented at a meeting of shareholders.
The conduct described above also shall be prohibited when performed through a third
Pursuant to the by-laws of the company, ARGOS employees and executives may not
exercise powers to represent stock other than their own at general meetings of
shareholders, nor may they substitute the powers conferred to them. They also are
prohibited from voting, even by virtue of their own shares, on decisions intended to
approve balance sheets or accounts at the end of the business year, or those for
In any case, ARGOS executives and employees may exercise the political rights
inherent in their own shares and in those they are entitled to speak for when acting as
legal representatives. The employee who is also an ARGOS shareholder and who may
decide to represent his/her shares at a meeting of shareholders or to have them
represented at a meeting of shareholders by granting power of representation to a third
party, shall give expressed indication of said condition when requesting his/her voting
document or card or in the respective power of attorney, so his/her vote is not taken into
account for approval of the financial statements.
The rights and obligations inherent in the position of shareholder or investor shall be
made public through the company’s web site.
d. The types of shares and securities issued, in addition to the amount of shares and
securities issued and in reserve for each type issued shall be made public through the
company’s web site.
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the maximum governing body of the company and is
comprised of the shareholders of the company. A regular meeting of shareholders is to be held
once a year, along with as many special meetings as might be required to adequately perform
the duties of the General Meeting of Shareholders, as stipulated in the by-laws.
The meeting shall be called and conducted as provided for by law, the corporate by-laws and
this code.
1. Information for the General Meeting of Shareholders
The shareholders shall have adequate information to participate in and to reach decisions at the
General Meeting of Shareholders. Said information shall have the following characteristics,
among others
a. The shareholders shall be informed of the date, time and place of the meetings and the
order of business, when appropriate, in addition to any changes, as provided for in the
b. During the notification period, all documents relative to the respective meeting shall be
available to the shareholders for consultation at the offices of the Secretary General of
the Company.
When the election of Board members is scheduled for a particular meeting, the
information placed at the disposal of the shareholders shall contain the respective list of
candidates, if available. To that end, the shareholders shall submit their proposals to
the company within the notification period.
d. Financial information on subordinate companies and the home office concerning matters
to be decided at the respective meeting shall be placed at the disposal of the
shareholders during the notification period.
e. When the technological resources are available to do so allow, the company shall place
at the shareholder’s disposal the electronic means required to convey the meeting as it
occurs, so shareholders who are unable to attend can follow the proceedings.
2. Meeting Notices
Notices of regular and special meetings shall be given pursuant to the means and as far in
advance as specified in the by-laws and in the following rules:
a. The notice, as well as information that is relevant to decision-making and can be made
available to the general public, shall be posted on the company’s web site.
b. Without detriment to the shareholder’s right to submit proposals during the course of a
meeting, the order of business for each meeting shall list the various matters to be
discussed, so as to prevent them from being confused with others. The items included
the order of business shall be arranged in logical order, with the exception of those to be
discussed jointly by virtue of the fact that they are related, in which case the
shareholders shall be advised accordingly.
In the event a change in corporate purpose, waiver of preemptive right to subscription, a
change of the main place of business, dissolution in advance or segregation of the
For the purpose of this code, segregation shall be understood as the operation whereby a company known
as the “segregant” allocates one or more portions of its equity to form one or more companies or to
increase the capital of existing companies, which are known as “beneficiaries”. In return, the segregant
company receives shares, quotas or interest in the beneficiary company.
A contribution in kind is regarded as segregation only when at least one line of business or commercial
establishment is turned over, or there is a significant change in development of the corporate purpose of
the segregate company. A significant change in development of the corporate purpose of the segregate
company is assumed to have taken place when the net value of the property is equal to or more than 25%
of its total equity or when the contributed assets generate 30% or more of its operating income, based on
the financial statements for the preceding business year.
company are to be considered at a meeting of shareholders, expressed mention of all
such matters is to be included in the notice of the meeting.
3. Voting
As a general rule, the decisions taken at a meeting of shareholders are to be approved by a
majority of the votes pertaining to the shares represented at the meeting, bearing in mind that
each share shall be entitled to one vote. The exceptions provided for by law and the ARGOS bylaws apply.
4. Representation
The shareholders may appoint a proxy to represent them in dealing with the company,
specifically to deliberate and vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders, to collect dividends
and for any other purpose. This may be done by granting a power of attorney, in writing,
pursuant to the law and within the terms and conditions stipulated in the company’s by-laws.
5. Relevant Decisions
In addition to what are defined in the corporate by-laws as decisions to be taken at the Meeting
of Shareholders, the following matters also are to be decided by that body:
a. Segregation, regardless of whether the company is the segregant or the beneficiary.
b. Relevant operations conducted with economic associates, except in the case of
transactions conducted within the normal flow of company business or conducted under
market conditions.
The primary responsibility of the ARGOS Board of Directors is to decide on strategic corporate
objectives and to monitor all action taken in pursuit of those objectives, being mindful always of
what is in the best interests of the shareholders.
The Board of Directors shall encourage proper attention and treatment for customers,
employees, suppliers and the community, all of whom are essential to comply successfully with
the responsibilities entrusted to it.
The organization, functions, frequency of the meetings and the type of notice given to the Board
are governed by law, the by-laws of the company and this code.
For the purpose of this Code, a “relevant operation” is only one that might result in Cementos Argos S.A.
having to report “relevant information” to the securities market, as required by law.
1. Guiding Principles for Members of the Board of Directors
The members of the Board shall bear in mind the following principles when performing their
duties, in order to be as objective, independent and knowledgeable as possible in their decisionmaking. To do so, each director, individually, and as a collegiate body shall:
a. Act in good faith, with due diligence and care, endeavoring always to decide in the best
interests of the company and its shareholders.
b. Treat all groups of shareholders and investors equitably and fairly in its decisions.
Encourage, as concerns its functions, compliance with applicable legislation, the
company’s by-laws, the Corporate Governance Code, and all other rules and standards
endorsed by the institution.
d. Apply its criteria independently and objectively.
e. Be familiar with the company’s plans, strategies and objectives, its financial and
operational standing, and the important sectors of its business.
Participate actively in meetings of the Board and in the committees to which they
belong, and become familiar with and review in advance the material management shall
provided appropriately and in due course for study and analysis.
g. Avoid conflicts of interest with the company at all times. Manage any such incidents with
care and attention, describing the situation at a formal meeting of the Board of Directors,
documenting the conflict and abstaining from voting on the matter. To that end, the
members shall inform the Board of any direct or indirect relations among themselves,
with the company, with suppliers, with clients or with any other interest group that might
result in a conflict of interest or influence the direction of their opinion or vote.
2. Principal Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
In addition to those associated with the functions assigned to it in the by-laws, the following are
principal responsibilities of the Board of the Directors.
a. The Board of Directors shall ensure its own performance, in strict compliance with the
Corporate Governance Code, and shall supervise communications and the transparency
of its actions.
b. With respect to the President and the Vice Presidents of the company, the Board is
responsible for selecting persons to fill those posts, evaluating their performance,
determining their compensation and replacing them, as well as assigning their primary
responsibilities and supervising the succession plan.
With respect to operation of the business, the Board shall direct and review the
company’s strategy, principal projects, risk policy, budgets and business plan.
d. The Board of Directors shall encourage veracity in accounting, management
information, financial and auditing systems and shall ensure the proper operation of
systems for control, risk monitoring and legal compliance.
e. Finally, it is up to the Board of Directors to identify and address conflicts of interest
involving management, the Board and the shareholders, the undue use of company
assets and abuses in transactions with related parties. It also shall encourage strict
adherence to the Code of Ethics.
3. Criteria for Selecting the Board of Directors
The process used to select the Board of Directors shall ensure the profile of its members is
consistent with the needs of the company. The following are the basic principles, general and
particular aptitudes and limitations required of candidates for the Board of Directors, in order to
fit that profile. The General Meeting of Shareholders shall take the following aspects into
account, among others, when proceeding to elect the members of the Board of Directors.
a. The Directors shall be elected on the basis of the same criteria. To the extent possible,
each Director shall contribute a particular professional expertise. Each shall have
sufficient time available to comply with their obligations as a member of the Board.
b. All Directors shall have the basic skills required to perform their duties adequately, such
as analytical and management capabilities, a strategic view of the business, objectivity,
the capacity to present their points of view, and the ability to assess upper management.
They also must be able to understand and question financial information and business
proposals and to work in an international environment.
In addition to basic skills, each Board member shall have other specific aptitudes that
enable his/her to contribute in one or more areas, by virtue of their special knowledge of
the industry, financial aspects and risk, legal matters, commercial issues and crisis
d. The members of the Board shall refrain from taking part, on their own or through a third
party, in activities that imply competition with the company or in acts where there is a
conflict of interest, unless expressly authorized to do so by the Board of Directors or the
Meeting of Shareholders, as the case may be.
e. At least 25% of the Board members elected for a specific period shall be independent.
Independent members of the Board of Directors are understood as those who:
Are neither employees nor executives of the company, its home office or
subordinate companies, nor were the year before, except in the case of the
reelection of an independent member.
Are not shareholders who directly, or by virtue of an agreement, orient, guide or
control the majority of the voting rights of the company or determine the majority
make-up of the company’s management, executive or supervisory bodies.
Are neither members nor employees of associations or companies that provide
consulting services or advice to the company or to companies that are part of
the same economic group, when the revenue from that item accounts for 20% or
more of their operating income.
Are neither employees nor executives of a foundation, association or company
that receives significant donations from the company.
Are not managers of an entity with a Board of Directors that includes a legal
representative of the company.
Are not persons who receive compensation from the company, other than their
fees as members of the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee or any other
committee created by the Board of Directors.
4. Election and Composition of the Board of Directors
The ARGOS Board of Directors is elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders and shall be
comprised invariably of an odd number of members that is sufficient to perform its duties
adequately. There shall be no alternate Board members.
There shall be no decision-making majority on the Board comprised of a number of persons who
are occupationally associated with the company. When Board members are to be elected and a
list of candidates that might allow a majority of that type is presented, management shall advise
the General Meeting of Shareholders accordingly.
The electoral quotient system and all other provisions stipulated by law and in the company’s bylaws shall apply when members are to be elected to the Board of Directors or to any collegiate
Significant donations are those that account for 20% or more of the total donations received by the entity
in question.
5. Functions of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has sufficient authority to order the company to enter into or execute any
act or agreement consistent with its corporate purpose and to take the decisions necessary for
the company to fulfill its objectives, in accordance with the law and the by-laws of the company.
6. Conflicts of Interest
There shall be no majority of any type on the Board of Directors comprised of persons who are
related by marriage or by blood to the third degree of consanguinity or the second of affinity or
through a civil relationship in the first degree. If a Board is elected contrary to this provision, it
may not act and the previous Board shall continue to exercise its functions, convoking
immediately a meeting of shareholders for a new election.
7. Term of the Directors
The Directors who are elected to the Board shall serve for a period of two (2) years and may be
reelected indefinitely. The Directors may be reelected and may be removed freely by the
General Assembly of Shareholders, even before their term has ended.
8. Attendance by Officers of the Company
The meetings of the Board shall be attended by the President and the Secretary General of
ARGOS. Other officers of the company may attend if required to do so by the Board. However,
no special remuneration shall be paid to any of them for their attendance.
9. Operating Rules for the Board of Directors
Functions of the President
Apart from the functions stipulated by law, the by-laws, the Board and other Company
regulations and codes, the functions of the President in relation to the Board are the following
and shall be performed directly or through a delegate.
a. Implement the decisions of the Board of Directors.
b. Adopt decisions associated with the company’s financial statements, in accordance with
the law, established accounting rules and the provisions of the Board of Directors.
Call special meetings of the Board of Directors.
d. Present, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, a written report to the General
Meeting of Shareholders on the President’s management, including the measures
he/she recommends for adoption by the General Assembly, in addition to a general
balance sheet, a full and detailed income statement, and any other attachments and
documents required by law. The financial statements are to be certified as required by
law. The report in question shall contain, among other information, a description of the
risks inherent in the activities related to the company and all other material aspects
relative to its operations, in accordance with prevailing rules and regulations.
e. Provide relevant information to the Board of Directors in a clear, precise and timely
Make the necessary recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters related to
good corporate governance.
g. Disclose to the Board of Directors, immediately and in detail, any conflicts of interest that
might arise.
h. Present information to the Board of Directors concerning the performance of the
company, particularly with respect to corporate strategies, material risks and financial
and management reports.
Perform whatever functions the Board of Directors might delegate to the President.
Functions of the Secretary General
Apart from the functions stipulated by law, the by-laws, the Board, the President and in any
company regulations and codes, the functions of the Secretary General are the following and
shall be performed directly or through a delegate.
a. Coordinate organization of the Board of Directors, convey notices of its meetings and
attend such meetings.
b. Coordinate, in conjunction with the President of ARGOS, the collection and transmittal of
information to be analyzed by the Board of Directors.
Maintain the records and minutes books of the Board of Directors, as required by law,
and authorize, with his/her signature, any copies of those documents that might be
d. Participate, as designated, in the committees created to support the Board of Directors.
e. Encourage and inform the Board of Directors on progress and tendencies concerning
matters of corporate governance.
Deal with conflict of interests that might arise within the company and are to be brought
to the attention of the Board of Directors.
g. Inform the Board of Directors of the stock registration system and situations for control
within the company.
h. Render legal advice and assistance to the Board of Directors and submit reports on
legal matters of material importance to company activities and the actions of
Communicate the decisions of the Board of Directors to the different areas and officers
within the company.
Perform whatever functions the Board of Directors might delegate to the Secretary
Meetings of the Board of Directors
Pursuant to the ARGOS by-laws and in view of the fact that the meetings of the Board of
Directors of the parent company are monthly, the Board of Directors shall meet at least once
every three months. However, special meetings may be held when warranted by special
circumstances, provided they are convoked in accordance with the by-laws of the company.
The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year, in a thoroughly prepared special session,
to analyze, assess and decide on company planning and strategies.
Transmittal and Quality of Information
To enhance the performance of the members of the Board of Directors, an effort shall be made
to ensure the information they receive is relevant, concise, well organized and designed to bring
them up to date on material aspects related to corporate affairs.
The information required for decision-making at each meeting shall be sent to the Directors by
the Secretary General, in a sealed envelope stamped confidential, no later than two days prior to
the scheduled date of the meeting.
Definition of the Order of Business. Permanent Matters
The members of the Board of Directors shall have an opportunity to suggest topics for
consideration by the Board.
The Board shall determine what matters are to be considered on a permanent basis or require
special attention or follow-up, in addition to all matters that need to be re-examined or updated.
The President of the company and the Chairman of the Board shall define, sufficiently in
advance, the matters to be addressed by the Board of Directors and shall inform the other Board
members accordingly.
Meetings without the Presence of Management
The Board of Directors, as a collegiate body, may hold whatever meetings might be necessary
without the presence of officers who are part of ARGOS management. Such meetings shall be
held when decided by the Board of Directors and the decisions taken therein shall be entirely
valid, provided they comply with all legal requirements and those set forth in the by-laws of the
The studies, facts and sources of information that served as a basis for decision-making, as well
as the reasons taken into account in favor of or against decisions shall be noted in the minutes
of the meetings of the Board of Directors.
10. Budget
Each year, the Board of Directors shall draw up a budget of the expenditures required to perform
its duties. In that budget, special consideration shall be given to aspects concerning whatever
fees might be required to hire outside advisers or consultants other than those engaged by
management, when needed, national and international travel, representation or entertainment
allowances, participation in seminars and events, and any other expenses that might be required
to ensure the Board is able to do its job properly.
11. Outside Advisers
As a collegiate body, the Board of Directors may engage outside advisers, apart from those
hired by management, when it considers such advisors are necessary to improve the
performance of its duties.
12. Intranet or Any Other Information and Communication Medium for Analysis,
Discussion and Documents
The management of the company shall endeavor to establish an electronic information and
communication system. The object of that system shall be to place information at the disposal of
the Directors and to facilitate discussion and analysis between management and the Board of
Directors, and among the members of the Board of Directors.
The management of the company shall guarantee the security, reliability and confidentiality of all
matters addressed therein.
13. Filling Vacancies
When a position on the Board of Directors is permanently left vacant, the Board shall call a
General Meeting of Shareholders to fill the vacancy, either through a partial vote or through a
new election of the entire Board, using the quotient electoral system as stipulated in these bylaws.
14. Criteria on Defining Compensation for the Board of Directors
The Meeting of Shareholders shall consider the structure, obligations and responsibilities of the
Board of Directors when determining how its members are to be compensated, as well as their
personal and professional merits, the time to be spent on their activities as Board members, and
their experience.
15. Availability
Each member of the Board of Directors is expected to dedicate time and attention to their
responsibilities and to attend, prepare for and participate actively in the meetings of the Board of
Directors and in the committees to which they might be assigned.
16. Assessment of the Performance of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall decide how its performance and that of the President of the
company are to be assessed.
The Regular General Meeting of Shareholders shall be informed by management of the
workings and the main activities carried out by the Board of Directors, the Board’s committees
and the President of the company during the preceding period.
17. Instruction, Training and Induction for Board Members
Those who might serve as members of the Board of Directors must be persons who are duly
informed, familiar with the business, and understand the business environment and the
The company shall make every effort to ensure that each member of the Board of Directors is
sufficiently familiar with the company, its business and its environment.
To that end, ARGOS shall design an induction, refresher, instruction and training program for
those persons who might serve as members of the Board of Directors, both principals and
18. Access to Company Officers and Facilities
The Board of Directors and each of its members shall have direct access to the chief executives
and to any other officers, when they believe such access is necessary to perform their duties.
In addition, the members of the Board of Directors shall have access to any of the company’s
facilities in or outside the country, so as to become familiar with the company’s activities, its
operations, the personnel assigned to the different areas and, in general, to have firsthand and
direct knowledge of how the company operates.
19. Committees to Support the Work of the Board of Director
In view of the fact that the parent company has provided for an Appointments and Retribution
Committee and a Corporate Governance Committee that sets guidelines for the entire Argos
Business Group, Cementos Argos does not anticipate establishing committees of this type.
Audit and Finance Committee
An Audit and Finance Committee shall be created to support the work of the Board of Directors.
It shall be comprised of three (3) members of the Board of Directors, including all members of an
independent nature. The Chairmen of the Audit and Finance Committee shall be one of the
independent members, and the secretary shall be the Secretary General of the company or
his/her delegate. The President of the company, the Financial Vice President and the Internal
Auditor shall serve on the committee as well.
The Statutory Auditor of the company shall attend meetings of the committee, having the right to
take part in its deliberations, but not the right to vote.
The Audit and Finance Committee is created to help the Board of Directors oversee the
effectiveness of the internal control system, make decisions on control, and improve the
activities of the company, its managers and directors.
The Committee orders and ensures that internal control procedures are consistent with the
needs, objectives, goals and strategies determined by ARGOS and are in keeping with the
objectives of internal control, such as efficient and effective operations and sufficient and reliable
financial information.
The Committee does not take over the functions of the Board of Directors or Management
concerning supervision and implementation of the ARGOS internal control system.
Any officer of the company may be called to attend meetings of the Audit and Finance
The following are the primary functions of the ARGOS Audit and Finance Committee:
a. Help the Board of Directors to arrive at decisions on control and how it can be improved.
b. Supervise the company’s arrangements for internal control to determine if the
procedures that have been designed reasonably protect the company’s assets and if
there are controls in place to verify whether or not transactions are properly authorized
and registered.
Supervise the functions and activities of the internal auditor to determine his/her
independence from the activities being audited and to ensure the scope of their efforts
satisfies the needs of the company.
d. Ensure the financial information prepared by the company is transparent and
appropriately disclosed. Doing so implies guaranteeing that the necessary controls are
in place and adequate instruments are available to confirm whether or not the financial
statements reflect the situation of the company and the value of its assets.
e. Assess the internal control reports submitted by the Internal Auditor and the Statutory
Auditor, making sure that management has taken their suggestions and
recommendations into account.
Request whatever reports it considers necessary to perform its duties adequately.
g. Continually evaluate the procedures that have been established, so as to determine
whether or not internal control is sufficient.
h. The reports and observations made by the Committee and placed on record shall be
presented to the Board of Directors on at least one (1) occasion every year, or more
often, if requested by the Board of Directors.
When situations of significant importance are detected, the Committee shall submit a
special report to the President of ARGOS.
To do its job, the Audit Committee shall be familiar with and/or evaluate the following
documents, at the very least:
The draft of the company’s financial statements
The report containing the Statutory Auditor’s opinion on the financial statements
The internal control reports issued by the Statutory Auditor and/or letters sent by
the Statutory Auditor and/or the Internal Auditor with recommendations or
observations, as the case may be.
The annual plan for internal and statutory audits
Official notices sent to the company by the authorities, with observations on
shortcomings that have been detected.
Issue an opinion, in a written report, concerning possible relevant operations scheduled
with economic associates that are not part of the normal flow of business and might be
conducted eventually in conditions other than those of the market and might alter equal
treatment among shareholders.
Establish the policies, criteria and practices the company will use to construct, disclose
and circulate financial information.
m. Define ways and means to consolidate information from the company’s control bodies
for presentation to the Board of Directors.
The ARGOS Corporate Governance Code ensures that information on all material issues
relevant to the company is presented regularly and in a precise way, including information on
earnings, the company’s financial situation, internal control, the distribution of shares and
corporate governance.
Apart from those required by law, the company shall make additional channels of information
available to shareholders, investors and all other persons with an interest in its activities.
1. Information on Company Performance
Information on the company’s performance shall be prepared and presented as required by law
and pursuant to established accounting standards.
Without detriment to compliance with the rules and standards on Relevant Information, among
other matters, ARGOS shall inform its shareholders and the market in general on:
a. The business objectives management has set for the business year
b. Any foreseeable material risks and measures to prevent them from materializing
The financial statements, together with the year-end reports, which are to be audited by
the Statutory Auditor, who shall be an independent person of recognized prestige
d. Relevant reports by the Internal Auditor and the findings of the Statutory Auditor
e. Opportunities and problems pertaining to development of the company’s activity,
including information on ARGOS and its development, the competitive environment,
business projects or those consistent with its nature
General policies on pay and any economic benefit afforded to members of the Board of
Directors, legal representatives, the Statutory Auditor, outside advisers and special
g. Relevant contracts among its directors, managers, chief executives and legal
representatives, including their relatives, partners and other associates.
h. Mechanisms and procedures established within the company for conflict management.
Criteria applicable to any transactions or trade conducted by its directors, managers and
officers with stocks and other securities issued by the company.
The résumés of the members of the Board of Directors and the members of other
internal control bodies, as well as those of the legal representatives
2. ARGOS Framework for Internal Control
ARGOS shall promote the existence of the following framework for internal control.
Audit and Finance Committee
The Audit and Finance Committee was created to help the Board of Directors supervise the
effectiveness of the internal control system, the sufficiency and reliability of financial information
for decisions on control, and improvement in the performance of the company, its managers and
Internal Auditing Department
ARGOS has an Internal Auditing Department that conducts an independent and objective
evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of the internal control system and offers advice and
consulting to give the company’s operations added value. In addition, it helps ARGOS to meet
its objectives through a systematic and disciplined approach designed to evaluate and improve
the system for risk management, control and governance.
The Auditing Department also helps to prevent risk and constantly identifies and conveys
information on opportunities for improvement, through the use of know-how, data and
As part of its function, the Internal Auditing Department shall evaluate compliance with the
Corporate Governance Code and shall convey the results of that assessment to the Audit and
Finance Committee.
Risk Map
ARGOS shall have a risk map based on the company’s business cycle. The map shall provide
an overview of the different systems that represent the company’s operations as a whole and
are formed by the relationship between the groups and processes involved in its various
Statutory Auditor
ARGOS has a Statutory Auditor whose duties are stipulated in the Commercial Code and
subject to its provisions. This does not preclude what is prescribed in other rules and by the
Meeting of Shareholders, when compatible with the Statutory Auditor’s legal obligations.
The General Meeting of Shareholders shall include, at the session during which the Statutory
Auditor is appointed, information on the appropriations planned to provide human and technical
resources for the performance of his/her duties.
The Statutory Auditor and his/her alternate shall be appointed at the General Meeting of
Shareholders for a term of two (2) years, but may be re-elected indefinitely and removed by the
Meeting at any time. The alternate shall replace the Statutory Auditor in the event of his/her
permanent or temporary absence.
The election of the Statutory Auditor shall be based on an objective and entirely transparent
assessment. Within fifteen (15) working days prior to the date of the Regular Meeting of
Shareholders at which the Statutory Auditor is to be elected, any shareholder may request the
Meeting of Shareholders to consider appointing a particular legal entity as the Statutory Auditor
of the company. A request to that effect shall be accompanied by a presentation on the firm
proposed for said position, indicating its auditing experience and providing certification of that
experience. The request also shall contain a proposal on the fees that would be paid to the
Statutory Auditor whose name is being placed in consideration.
Apart from the information required by law, the report submitted by the Statutory Auditor to the
Meeting of Shareholders shall include his/her relevant findings, so the shareholders and other
investors will have the information they need to reach a decision on the securities in question.
The Statutory Auditor may not perform or render services other than those particular to his/her
position, neither for ARGOS nor for any of its associate companies.
The agreement entered into between the company and the Statutory Auditor shall stipulate that,
in the event of successive re-elections, the persons appointed as the principal and alternate
shall be changed at least every five (5) years and must wait at least two (2) years after retiring
from that position to be eligible once again to serve ARGOS as statutory auditors.
3. Information for Shareholders, Investors and the Market in General
ARGOS shall encourage the establishment of various channels to convey information on its
activities to shareholders, investors and the market in general.
Investor Relations Office
The primary objective of the Investor Relations Office is to help foster a preference for investing
in ARGOS, based on an understanding of the company, the quality of its information, adequate
details on its activities and permanent contact with the community of shareholders, investors and
local and international analysts. The function and process of serving the investor helps to
establish a links between shareholders/investors and the governing bodies of the company. In
general, the Investor Relations Office will make an effort to be aware of their needs,
requirements and suggestions.
Shareholders and investors may submit requests or complaints to the company when they
believe it is not in compliance with this Corporate Governance Code. In such cases, company
management shall provide a clear and sufficient response to the complaint or suggestion,
through the Investor Relations Committee, doing so with utmost diligence and as quickly as
Relevant Information. Internal Procedures for Circulating Information
Relevant information is that which a prudent and diligent expert would have taken into account
when acquiring, selling or holding on to securities. It also is the information shareholders would
consider when exercising their political rights at the respective assembly of shareholders or
competent body.
ARGOS shall define the procedures, responsible parties, terms and, in general, the structure
that is needed to circulate relevant information that might be of interest to the market.
ARGOS shall be in strict compliance with the regulations governing the public securities market,
submitting information to the market pursuant to those regulations.
Identification of the Main Real Beneficiaries of Company Shares
The main real beneficiaries of ARGOS shares who account for a controlling interest in the
company shall be identified in accordance with the disclosure policies stipulated by law and,
specifically, pursuant to what is required by the National Office of the Superintendent of
Financial Institutions, considering the nature of the company as a corporation and honoring the
guarantee of privacy to which all investors are entitled, regardless of whether they are principal
or minority shareholders.
Employees and the members of the Board of Directors of ARGOS shall conduct themselves, at
all times, in a serious and transparent manner pursuant to the principles of integrity and honesty,
promoting and exalting the standards and the values that pay tribute to the person.
This Code of Ethics also applies to the employees and directors of the companies that are part
of the ARGOS Business Group.
1. General Aspects
ARGOS rules of conduct, codes and manuals do not substitute the sound judgment,
responsibility, common sense and prudence that employees and directors must exhibit to do a
good job.
All employees and directors shall abide by the law and the regulations in force in the country
where they work, as well as the provisions and regulations issued by authorities, and the policies
set by company management.
All business and activities conducted on behalf of the company shall be governed by the ethical
principles set forth in this code, among others.
Failure to abide by the Code of Ethics contained in this chapter shall be considered a serious
breach of the obligations derived from the work contract.
ARGOS shall inform its employees and directors of the rules of conduct set forth in its Code of
Ethics, and shall provide for due compliance with those rules.
2. Pledge
The employees of the organization pledge to do the following at all times:
a. Act with utmost good faith, due diligence, loyalty and care, endeavoring always to
ensure their decisions are in the best interests of the company and its shareholders.
For the purpose of this chapter, reference to ARGOS, the company or the organization is understood as
reference to all the companies in the ARGOS Group.
b. Promote and convey an understanding of applicable legislation, regulations and
provisions, as well as the standards outlined in the Corporate Governance Code and
the Code of Ethics.
Refrain from suggesting or intervening in situations that might permit, protect or
facilitate incorrect or punishable acts or that might be used to confuse or betray the
good faith of third parties or used in a way that is contrary to the interests of the
public and those of the organization, such as slanted or biased publicity, industrial
espionage, and the non-fulfillment of labor, commercial, social and other obligations.
d. Refrain from actions intended to oblige, manipulate, distort or fraudulently influence
officers or employees who are responsible for internal audits or control.
e. Promptly inform their immediate supervisors of any event or irregularity committed
by a co-worker or a third party that might affect or jeopardize the interests of the
Be absolutely objective, independent and knowledgeable in their decision-making.
The interests of the organization shall be best served when decisions are based on
objective criteria and not influenced by factors such as gifts, donations or payments
intended to obtain results or advantages for managers, employees or their family
As a general policy, the bestowal or receipt of gifts is not a practice to be encouraged,
particularly with clients, suppliers, contractors and public agencies. ARGOS employees
may not, under any circumstance, receive money, fees or gifts that might persuade them
to make a biased decision.
Nor shall they take advantage of their position, in any company, to obtain benefits for
themselves or their families, or arrive at a decision based on feelings of friendship or
3. Conflicts of Interest
Any situation in which a person places his or her personal interests at odds with those of the
company is considered a conflict of interest. This applies to personal activities or dealings
with third parties, be they suppliers, contractors, clients or others, that might affect free and
independent decision-making due to differences in the motives of those involved in the
relationship. For these reasons, ARGOS employees and directors shall:
a. Abstain from participating personally, or through a third party, in pursuit of their
own interests or those of a third party, in activities that might imply competition
with the company or in acts where there is a conflict of interest, unless expressly
authorized to do so by the competent body.
b. Exercise care in dealing with any such incidents, describing the situation fully
and in detail, documenting the incident and providing supervisors with any and
all information that might be relevant to a decision on the matter.
The provisions in this paragraph and the following rules shall apply to the
disclosure of conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest:
The directors shall report any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest in
which they might incur to the Board of Directors, which shall ask the President to
proceed to convoke a meeting of the Board as soon as possible.
The President shall report any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest
in which he/she might be incur to the Board of Directors and, for that purpose,
shall call a meeting as soon as he becomes aware of the conflict.
The Vice Presidents of the organization shall report any conflict of interest or
potential conflict of interest in which they might incur to the President of the
company, who shall determine how the conflict is to be handled or, if they
consider the matter to be pertinent, shall inform the Board of Directors
All other officers or employees of the organization shall report any conflict of
interest or potential conflict of interest in which they might incur to the Vice
President who is their superior officer, who shall determine how the conflict is to
be managed or, if he considers the matter to be pertinent, shall inform the
President accordingly.
Avoid taking part in activities or managing businesses that might be contrary to the
interests of the company or might jeopardize the fulfillment of their duties and
d. Refrain from taking advantage of their position to obtain benefits for themselves or
for third parties with respect to the products or services provided by the company, or
to obtain personal benefits from suppliers, contractors or clients.
e. Conflicts of interested shall be resolved in strict compliance with the following
When the interests of ARGOS conflict with those of its shareholders, managers or
the interests of a third party associated with the company, the interests of ARGOS
shall invariably take precedence.
When the interests of shareholders conflict with the interests of the company’s
management or those of a third party related to it, the interests of the shareholders
shall invariably take precedence.
4. Privileged Information
Privileged information is understood as information of a specific nature that has not been made
public and, if it had, would have been taken into account by a reasonably diligent or prudent
investor to make an investment decision. Employees and Directors of the company shall
abstain, at all times, from:
a. Conducting any operation for their benefit, or the benefit of a third party, using
privileged information.
b. Providing a third party with information to which they are not entitled.
Suggesting an operation based on privileged information known to them by virtue of
their position, particularly the purchase or sale of shares or other securities issued
by ARGOS, regardless of whether or not they are listed on the public securities
5. Confidentiality and Information Management
ARGOS employees and directors shall keep in confidence and protect, at all times, the
working documents and confidential information entrusted to their care. In this respect, they
a. Sign the confidentiality agreements that might be required for specific projects and,
in such cases, shall refrain from discussing such projects or related information,
even with other employees who are not associated with the project.
b. Refrain from discussing matters related to company business with persons outside
the organization, including friends and relatives.
Exercise utmost discretion and not discuss the company’s projects, particularly
those involving confidential information, in places or situations were third parties
might be present.
d. Refrain from copying, distributing or transferring electronically, or by any other
means, programs, files, software or manuals owned or licensed by the organization,
without prior authorization.
e. Refrain from utilizing e-mail access supplied by the organization for purposes other
than those for which it is provided, or in violation of the policies or instructions issued
with respect to its use.
6. Expressed Prohibitions
Employees at levels 0, 1 and 2 within the organization may not trade or negotiate, on their own
or through a third party, stocks or securities issued by companies registered on a stock
exchange, except those turned over to them in the form of variable compensation.
The directors may trade such securities only under the conditions and with the authorization
stipulated in applicable legislation.
7. Final Provisions
The foregoing are general guidelines for evaluating most of situations an ARGOS employee or
director might encounter. However, they do not necessarily cover all the problems that can arise
on a day-to-day basis. Eventually, there will be doubts about what conduct or behavior is most
appropriate. In such cases, the employee should inform their immediate superior of the
In the absence of expressed rules on a particular matter or issue, the action taken shall not
result in decisions that jeopardize the interests of the organization.
Sound judgment, experience, knowledge and good faith are the elements on which employees
and directors should base their actions and determinations.
The success of ARGOS will depend on whether relations among shareholders, relations
between shareholders and the Board of Directors, the President and other directors, and
relations between the company and its employees, suppliers, clients, the authorities and the
community, among others, are managed satisfactorily.
At ARGOS, each relationship with groups of persons or institutions that are associated with the
company is backed by a philosophy and by general guidelines for management and coordination
that are designed to provide every guarantee and to protect their rights effectively.
The objectives in dealing with interest groups are to:
Acknowledge and guarantee their rights.
Encourage active participation and cooperation aimed at creating value.
Develop performance improvement mechanisms that involve them.
Share information that is relevant to the issues that concern them, in accordance
with the law and prevailing regulations.
Seek mutual benefit for the parties and ensure they are addressed with the proper
transparency and formality they deserve.
1. General Principals Governing the Actions of ARGOS Employees and Directors
with Respect to Interest Groups
ARGOS employees and directors shall base all their actions with respect to interest groups on
the following principles.
a. Customer Relations
The commitment to customer satisfaction is to be reflected in respect for the customer’s
rights and the search for solutions to serve the customer’s interests. Employees shall
explain all operating conditions clearly, so customers are entirely familiar with the company’s
products and services, as well as the reciprocal obligations generated by any commercial
Every aspect of the company’s relationship with a customer is absolutely confidential. Any
disclosure or release of information shall be consistent with the best interests of the
customer and the company. Conversation or information on business is to be expressed in
clear and specific terms, so as to reduce the possibility of misunderstandings to the extent
possible. The company’s affairs and those of its customers are never to be discussed in
Requests, claims and requirements are to be addressed promptly and precisely, in
accordance with the law and all respective agreements.
b. Relations with Authorities
The company’s relations with the government and with government agencies and all public
officials shall be managed within the scope of the law and in accordance with strict ethical
standards, pursuant to the principles set forth in the Code of Ethics.
Direct or indirect intervention in relations that do not adhere to the law is to be avoided,
regardless of whether such relations are with public institutions or organizations, in another
entity or among private parties.
Relations on the Job
Relations on the job shall be courteous and respectful. Employees shall endeavor to ensure
that a spirit of collaboration, teamwork and loyalty predominates, along with each and every
corporate value, complying strictly with the standards and provisions set forth in the
Company Work Rules.
Employees also are obliged to respect their co-workers and their families, and are not
allowed to promote religious groups or political involvement while on the job.
d. Relations with Suppliers
In every instance, the selection and contracting of suppliers shall be based on technical,
professional and ethical criteria, as well as the needs of the company. Specific processes
are to be followed, such as knowledge and evaluation of the supplier and price quotes,
among others, to ensure the best cost/benefit ratio.
An effort shall be made to establish mutually beneficial relations with suppliers, based on
quality, effectiveness, respect, a constant search for the common good, and the best terms
and conditions for both parties.
e. Community Relations
ARGOS contributes to the community at large, through business practices founded on
ethical principles and strict adherence to the law.
As part of that philosophy, the country’s economic, social and cultural progress is one of the
company’s objectives. In this sense, support for civic campaigns with broad coverage that
foster and promote a better quality of life within the community is analyzed and defined year
after year. The results of those campaigns reflect our institutional commitment.
The company also is committed to participating in professional, sectoral and regional affairs,
to ensuring a better quality of life in the communities where it does business, to protecting
the environment, and to being involved in works and activities of common benefit.
2. Environmental Policy. Statement of Principles
ARGOS bases its mission on working in harmony with the environment and the community.
Being conscious of this principal and the global challenge of protecting our habitat through
rational resource use and development, ARGOS shall incorporate the following environmental
commitments into its standards for doing business:
a. Be responsible with the environment, through clean and efficient production.
b. Prevent and mitigate the environmental impact of mining, manufacturing, marketing and
distribution processes, taking into account:
Gas and particle emission control.
Efficient water consumption, proper waste water management, and the
tendency to eliminate discharges
Optimization in the use of electrical and thermal energy
Adequate waste collection, classification, temporary storage, treatment and
Readaptation of areas disturbed by mining activity
Mining and manufacturing processes operated under safe conditions
Efforts to undertake reforestation programs
Observe the principles and requirements set forth in environmental rules and
regulations, taking international standards into account.
d. Constantly improve the performance, efficiency and effectiveness of the environmental
management system and process eco-efficiency.
e. Encourage awareness among employees and their families, contractors and the
communities where the company operates, by
Promoting creative talent for identifying and defining improvement options.
Consolidating community relations by developing the social components of
environmental management plans.
Developing strategies for communication and education that encourage respect
for and defense of the environment.
Conducting commercial relations with suppliers of goods and services, based on
observance of the environmental requirements in the contracts.