Why is our Government necessary in our lives?

Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Topic: Civics and Goverment
Subject(s): Social Studies
Days: 25
Grade(s): 2nd
Key Learning: Government is necessary in our lives to regulate economy, provide for military,
establish laws and order, and provide public services.
Unit Essential Question(s):
Why is our Government necessary in
our lives?
Documents, Holidays, and
Using Government in our lives
5.1.G, 5.1.B, 5.1.F, 5.1.H, 5.1.C
5.1.A, 5.1.B, 5.1.C, 5.1.F, 5.1.G
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What is the purpose of the US flag (A)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What is a citizen? (A)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What do governments do? (A)
What is the meaning of the Pledge Of
Allegiance? (A)
What are the characteristics of a good
citizen? (A)
What is an election? (A)
What is the history and meaning of the
National Anthem? (A)
What are the rights of every citizen? (A)
5.1.D, 5.1.E, 5.1.H, 5.1.I
How are rules and laws alike and different?
Who makes the laws? (A)
What does the American Eagle symbolize
What would our life be like without
government? (ET)
What national holidays are celebrated in the
US? (A)
Why are these national holidays
celebrated? (A)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s bday, Presidents
Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th
(Independance Day), Labor Day, Election
Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, holiday,
symbol, pledge, allegiance, national
anthem, statue of Libery
responsibilities, citizen, rights
government, enforce, US Constitution,
election, law, consequence, fine
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Vocab Report for Topic:
Subject(s): Social Studies
Civics and Goverment
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Days: 25
Grade(s): 2nd
Concept: Documents, Holidays, and Symbols
Martin Luther King Jr.'s bday - a clergyman and civil rights leader
Presidents Day - a day to remember the chief executives of the United States
Memorial Day - a legal holiday in memory of service people killed in all American wars; usually
celebrated on the last Monday in May
Flag Day - an anniversary of the day in 1777 when the Stars and Stripes was made the official flag
of the United States; June 14
July 4th (Independance Day) - a holiday observed on July 4, commemorating the adoption of the
Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776
Labor Day - A legal holiday in honor of working people; 1st Monday in September
Election Day - A day when registered voters choose a person for an office
Veteran's Day - A legal holiday honoring veterans who have fought for the U.S; 4th Monday in
Thanksgiving - A legal holiday in the U.S. celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November as a day of
thanksgiving and feasting. It observes the memory of the harvest feast celebrated by the Pilgrims in
holiday - A day on which most people do not work, especially a day tht is fixed by custom or law to
celebrate a special event.
symbol - something that stands for or represents something else
pledge - a solemn or formal promise
allegiance - loyalty to a government, country, or ruler
national anthem - a song of patriotism (a love for and enthusiastic and and loyal support of one's
statue of Libery - a huge statue of a crowned woman holding a torch aloft; it represents liberty and
was given to the U.S. by France and is located on an island in New York harbor
Concept: Citizenship
responsibilities - a person who is born in a country or who chooses to become a member of a
country by law
citizen - a person who is born in a country or who chooses to become a member of a country by law
rights - legal claim
Concept: Using Government in our lives
government - a group of elected officials that rules, controls, or directs a city, state, nation, or other
political unit
enforce - to make certain that a rule or law is observed
US Constitution - the document containing the supreme law and plan of government of the United
election - the process of choosing a person or persons, especially for an office, by voting
law - a rule that allows or prevents certain conduct or activities, fixed by custom or made by a group
of people with authority
consequence - something that results from an earlier action or happening; outcome
fine - a sum of money to be paid as punishment for an offense
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Topic: Economics in
Subject(s): Social Studies
a Community
Days: 25
Grade(s): 2nd
Key Learning: A community is a place where people live, work, play, and learn together.
Unit Essential Question(s):
What makes a community? Concept:
6.1.B, 6.2.B, 6.2.D, 6.5.B, 6.5.C
6.1.A, 6.1.B, 6.1.C, 6.2.A, 6.2.B, 6.2.C, 6.2.E, 6.2.F, 6.3.A, 6.3.B, 6.3.C, 6.3.D, 6.3.F,
6.4.A, 6.4.B, 6.4.C, 6.4.D, 6.5.A, 6.5.C, 6.5.D
Lesson Essential Question(s):
Why do people earn, save, and spend money? What are wants
and needs? Where do people earn and spend money in our
community? What is a natural resource What are taxes? (A)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What types of jobs are found in communities? What are goods
and services? Who are volunteers? (A)
earn, spend, wants, needs, products, consumers, savings
volunteer, goods, services
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Vocab Report for Topic:
Subject(s): Social Studies
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Economics in a Community
Days: 25
Grade(s): 2nd
earn - to receive (something as payment) in return for work done
spend - to pay out (money)
wants - something that is needed
needs - something desired
products - anything that is made especially by means of machines and on a large scale;
consumers - someone who buys and uses up things offered for sale, such as food, services, or
savings - money saved, especially in a bank account
Concept: Occupations
volunteer - a person who offers his services or does something of his own free will
goods - things that are sold
services - useful work
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Topic: Geography
Subject(s): Social Studies
Days: 20
Grade(s): 2nd
Key Learning: Maps are useful tools.
Unit Essential Question(s):
How are maps useful tools?
Maps/Map Tools
7.1.A, 7.2.A, 7.3.A, 7.3.B, 7.4.A, 7.4.B
7.1.B, 7.2.A, 7.2.B, 7.3.A, 7.3.B, 7.4.A, 7.4.B
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What is a landform? (A)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What is a map? (A)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What is a continent? (A)
What is a mountain, hill, valley, peninsula,
island, plain? (A)
How is a map key used? (A)
What and where are the seven continents?
7.2.A, 7.2.B, 7.3.A, 7.3.B, 7.4.A, 7.4.B
What kinds of maps are there? (A)
What is an ocean, lake, river? (A)
What are where are the four oceans? (A)
How is a compass rose used? (A)
How do we affect the land where we live?
desert, valley, mountain, hill, island,
peninsula, plains, ocean, river, lake,
landform, body of water
How are globes and maps alike and
different? (ET)
compass rose, map key, globe, maps,
weather, population, political map, road,
North, South, East, West
South America, North America, Africa,
Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Pacific
Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean,
continent, Arctic Ocean
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Vocab Report for Topic:
Subject(s): Social Studies
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Days: 20
Grade(s): 2nd
desert - extremely dry region often covered with sand, few or no plants grow
valley - low area on the earth's surface
mountain - a mass of land rising far above it's surroundings
hill - a piece of ground higher than the surrounding land but not as high as a mountian
island - a body of land entirely surrounded by water
peninsula - a piece of land nearly surrounded by water and joined to a larger land mass
plains - an expanse of almost level, nearly treeless land
ocean - great body of salt water that covers about 70% of the earths surface
river - a large, natural stream of water, usually fed by smaller streams
lake - a body of fresh or salt water enclosed by land
landform - any of the earth's surface features
body of water - a significant amount of water usually a ocean, sea, or lake
Concept: Maps/Map Tools
compass rose - a drawing that shows where north, south, east, and west are on a map
map key - a table of symbols used on a map
globe - a model of the earth
maps - a drawing that represents all or part of the earth's surface
weather - the condition of the air at a certain time
population - the number of people living in a certain area
political map - a map that shows lines defining countries, states, or territories
road - an open way prepared for vehicles, person, or animals to travel on.
North - One of the four major points of direction on the compass. The north is directly opposite the
South - One of the four major points of direction on the compass. The south is directly opposite the
East - One of the four major points of direction on the compass. The east is directly opposite the
West - one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The west is directly opposite the
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Vocab Report for Topic:
Subject(s): Social Studies
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Days: 20
Grade(s): 2nd
Concept: Continents/Oceans
South America - one of the seven continents
North America - one of the seven continents
Africa - One of the seven continents
Europe - One of the seven continents
Asia - One of the seven continents
Australia - One of the seven continents
Antarctica - One of the seven continents
Pacific Ocean - the largest ocean in the world
Atlantic Ocean - an ocean bordered by Europe and Africa on the east and North and South America
on the west
Indian Ocean - an ocean south of Asia
continent - a large body of land on the earth. The seven continents are North America, South
America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and Antarctica
Arctic Ocean - the ocean that surrounds the North Pole
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Topic: History
Subject(s): Social Studies
Days: 20
Grade(s): 2nd
Key Learning: Our lives keep changing due to the history of our world.
Unit Essential Question(s):
How and why do our lives keep
changing due to the history of our world?
PA History
US History
8.1.C, 8.1.A, 8.4.C, 8.1.B
8.1.C, 8.1.A, 8.2.B, 8.2.A, 8.1.B
8.1.C, 8.1.A, 8.3.A, 8.3.B, 8.1.B
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What kinds of supplies did the people bring
to the new world? What reason did the
people come to the new world? Why did
people settle in these areas? What was the
relationship between the Pilgrims and the
Native Americans? Who are some famous
American figures? (A)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
Who are the significant historical figures?
What are the official
Commonwealth symbols? What are the
important historical sites, artifacts, and
documents? (A)
Lesson Essential Question(s):
What is Constitution Day? Who is Martin
Luther King Jr.? What are some of
the important events thast happened in US
history? Who are the significant US
inventors and their inventions? What are
the important US documents, articfacts, and
historical sites? (A)
trade, barter, settle, settlers, settlement,
Mayflower, transportation, wants, needs,
immigrate, shelters, village, Wapanoag,
biographies, timelines, folklore
ruffed grouse, great dane, brook trout,
mountian laurel, eastern hemlock, fire fly,
white tail deer, keystone state, William
Penn, Benjamin Franklin, Betsy Ross,
Libery Bell, Harrisburg, Philadelphia
inventor, inventions, constitution,
documents, artifact
Early settlements
World History
8.1.C, 8.1.A, 8.1.B, 8.4.A, 8.4.B, 8.4.D
Lesson Essential Question(s):
Who are the significant political and cultural contributors of world history? What are some of the important historic sites and material
artifacts? What are the similarities and differences between early civilization and life today? (A)
transportation, building structures, civil rights, military, religion, immigration
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Vocab Report for Topic:
Subject(s): Social Studies
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Days: 20
Grade(s): 2nd
Concept: Early settlements
trade - the buying and selling of products
barter - to trade or exchange goods or services without using money
settle - to take up residence make a home
settlers - person or persons who makes his or her home in a new place
settlement - an area newly settled by people
Mayflower - the ship on which the Pilgims came to America in 1620
transportation - the act of transporting
wants - something that is needed
needs - something desired
immigrate - a person who comes to settle in a new country
shelters - something that covers or protects
village - a collection of houses in the country, smaller than a town
Wapanoag - North American Indian people
biographies - a person's life
timelines - a linear representation of important events in the order in which they occurred.
folklore - the beliefs, stories, and customs preserved among people
Concept: PA History
ruffed grouse - PA state bird
great dane - Pa state dog
brook trout - PA state fish
mountian laurel - PA state flower
eastern hemlock - Pa state tree
fire fly - PA state insect
white tail deer - PA state animal
keystone state - PA state nickname
William Penn Benjamin Franklin - Quaker: founder of Pennsylvania 1682.
Betsy Ross - A seamstress of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries who made the first
American flag
Libery Bell - is a symbol of American Independence
Harrisburg - capital of PA
Philadelphia - home of many PA historical sites
Concept: US History
inventor - a person who invents
inventions - something invented
constitution - the fundamental laws mof the US
documents - a written or printed paper that gives information
artifact - anything made by human work or art
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Selinsgrove School District
Social Studies-2
Vocab Report for Topic:
Subject(s): Social Studies
Date: July 13, 2011 ET
Days: 20
Grade(s): 2nd
Concept: World History
transportation building structures - something made to house people, goods, services
civil rights - non political legal claim of people
military - of or relating to soldiers, armed forces in general for war
religion - a system of faith and worship
immigration - a number of people from different countries moving into a new country
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