Minors - Nicholson School of Communication

Restricted Non-Marketing Elective
3 hrs
Three hours of coursework may be chosen outside
of marketing from the list below. However, other courses
outside Marketing will also be considered--approval by
petition to the Department.
ADV 3008
Principles of Advertising
3 hrs
ANT 3610
Language and Culture
3 hrs
COM 3011C Communication and Human Relations
3 hrs
COM 3311
Communication Research Methods
3 hrs
COM 3120
Organizational Communication
3 hrs
COM 3110
Business and Professional Communication 3 hrs
ENC 3211
Theory and Practice of Technical Writing
3 hrs
EXP 3404C Basic Learning Processes
3 hrs
HSA 3111
U.S. Health Care Systems
3 hrs
PHI 3803
Philosophy and Creativity
3 hrs
PPE 3003C Personality Theory and Research
3 hrs
PSY 3213C Research Methods in Psychology
5 hrs
RTV 3007
Development and Structure of Electronic
3 hrs
Media and New Technology
SOP 3004C Social Psychology
3 hrs
SPC 3301
Interpersonal Communication
3 hrs
SPC 4331
Nonverbal Communication
3 hrs
SPC 4426
Group Dynamics
3 hrs
STA 4102
Computer Processing of Statistical Data
3 hrs
SYA 4300C Research Methods
4 hrs
Foreign Language Requirements
Total Semester Hours Required
Other Requirements
A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in all courses used to
satisfy the minor.
Grades below “C” (2.0) or “S” grades from other
institutions are not accepted.
Courses taken at community colleges do not substitute
for upper division courses.
Courses transferred must be formally evaluated for
equivalency credit. The student must provide a course
syllabus and any other supporting information with his/her
petition for this evaluation.
At least nine hours used in the minor must be earned at
UCF within the department.
No credit by exam (TSD, Military credit) may be used.
Internship, Independent Study, or Directed Research credit
cannot be used toward the minor.
A maximum of 6 hours of the above listed required or
elective courses can count toward another major or minor
degree program.
Mass Communication - Minor
College of Sciences
Nicholson School of Communication, NSC, Room: 143
Joan McCain, joan.mccain@ucf.edu
Rebecca Morales, Academic Support, rebecca.morales@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-2681
Minor Admission Requirements
Not open to Ad-PR, Journalism, or Radio-TV majors.
Minor Requirements
A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in all courses used to
satisfy the minor.
Grades below “C” (2.0) in lower level courses are not
accepted in the minor.
At least 12 hours used in the minor must be earned at
UCF within the Nicholson School of Communication.
Prerequisite Courses
Students must satisfy each course’s prerequisites
before enrolling in the class.
Required Courses
(9 hrs)
ADV 3008
Principles of Advertising
3 hrs
MMC 2004
Mass Media
3 hrs
RTV 3007
Development and Structure of Electronic
3 hrs
Media and New Technology
Restricted Electives
Select from the following:
ADV 4103
Radio-Television Advertising
COM 3330
Computer Mediated Communication
FIL 2030
History of Motion Pictures
FIL 3006
Art of the Cinema
JOU 3004
History of American Journalism
JOU 3015
Principles of Journalism
JOU 4700
Journalism Ethics
MMC 3200
Mass Communication Law
MMC 3420
Mass Media Research Methods
MMC 3630
Social Media as Mass Communication
MMC 4300
International Media
MMC 4602
Contemporary Media Issues
PUR 3210
Communication Approach to Corporate
Social Responsibility
PUR 4000
Public Relations
PUR 4400
Crisis Communication
RTV 3200
Production Fundamentals and Aesthetics of
Electronic Media
RTV 4403
Electronic Media, Technology, and Society
RTV 4503
Sports Programming in Electronic Media
RTV 4700
Regulation of Broadcasting
VIC 3001
Visual Communication
(9 hrs)
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Foreign Language Requirements
Total Semester Hours Required
Other Requirements
No credit by exam (TSD, Military credit) may be used.
Internship, co-op, or independent study credit can be
used toward the minor with prior school permission.
Mass Culture and Collective Behavior - Minor
College of Sciences
Department of Sociology,
Howard Phillips Hall, Room: 403
Email: sociology@ucf.edu
Dr. J. Jasinski, 407-823-3744
This minor provides students with an opportunity to learn about
sociological research within the institutions of religion, sports, and
leisure in order to develop a working knowledge of how public
opinion and contemporary social movements shape collective
behavior and mass culture. The minor is especially appropriate for
students majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies, the social sciences,
business, or for any student seeking an enhanced understanding of
socio-cultural change within modern society.
Minor Admission Requirements
The minor is not open to Sociology majors.
Courses used to satisfy the Restricted Electives of this
minor can not be used to satisfy other Sociology minors.
Minor Requirements
Students must earn a minimum GPA of at least 2.0 in all
courses used to satisfy the minor.
Grades below “C” (2.0) in lower level courses are not
At least 15 hours used in the minor must be earned at
UCF within the department of Sociology.
Prerequisite Courses
Students must satisfy each course’s prerequisites
before enrolling in the class.
Required Courses
(6 hrs)
SYP 4000
Sociological Social Psychology
3 hrs
Required: Complete one of the following:
SYG 2000
Introduction to Sociology or
SYG 2010
Social Problems
3 hrs
3 hrs
3 hrs
Undergraduate Catalog 2012-2013