BANA 7012 Decision Modeling Summer Semester 2015 Distance Learning Syllabus (June 24 – August 8) READ EVERYTHING VERY CAREFULLY! Instructor James R. Evans, Ph.D. Professor Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems Room 526, Lindner College of Business Email: (please put BANA 7012 in the subject line) Cell Phone (for urgent issues only please): 513 375-8770 Office Hours: On campus and virtual office hours via Adobe Connect will be posted on Blackboard. Course Facilitators, who will be responsible on-campus and virtual office hours, and other assistance will be introduced on Blackboard. Please use email as the primary mode of contact; you are welcome to text (iMessage if you have Apple devices) or call me if something is urgent (understand that I am not available at all times, and please do not call after 8 p.m.). Most often I can address your issue with an email or a phone call. I will respond to email within 24 hours, and generally much sooner, contingent on my schedule. Please contact me to answer clarifying questions on homework or troubleshoot Excel issues. If you feel completely lost, schedule an office hour. Understand, however, that graduate level study requires an independent approach to homework; know specific questions that you wish to ask when requesting homework help; don’t simply ask “Am I doing this right?”! Course Description This course is the second in a sequence of two courses in the MBA program that provides an introduction to business analytics. This course focuses on linear regression analysis; building spreadsheet models for prediction; risk analysis using Monte-Carlo simulation; and optimization modeling and solution. Microsoft Excel 2013 for Windows is used as the platform for all applications. Course Objectives: Students who complete this course will be able to: Apply simple and multiple linear regression analysis Develop and analyze mathematical and spreadsheet-based models for practical business decisions Develop and analyze spreadsheet models for risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation with Excel and Analytic Solver Platform Excel add-in Formulate and solve models for linear and integer optimization, and interpret the results provided by Excel Solver. Required Textbook: Evans, Business Analytics: Methods, Models, and Decisions, SECOND EDITION – only! Pearson/Prentice-Hall © 2016. ISBN 13: 978-0-321-99782-1 Other required resources: Windows PC (or Mac with Windows capability) with Microsoft Excel 2013 for Windows. Because important statistical features of Excel are not available in Excel for the Mac, it is required that you use Windows. Please also note that add-in software we will use only runs on Windows. Mac users (and I am one) should run Windows using Mac’s Bootcamp, or third-party software such as VMWare or Parallels. Students may purchase Microsoft Office at greatly discounted prices at the University of Cincinnati Bookstore. DO NOT DELAY IN SETTING UP YOUR COMPUTER AND SOFTWARE PROPERLY, OR YOU WILL RISK MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY EXCUSES RELATED TO TECHNOLOGY THAT YOU DID NOT ADEQUATELY PREPARE FOR. Software and Files 1. Please download all the data and model Excel files from Click on the Business Analytics 2e book cover or the Online Data Files link. These are the files used in the textbook examples and referred to in the homework problems. 2. You should also make sure that the Analysis Toolpak is installed in Excel; see page 50 in the text about this. 3. You also need to download and install and Excel add-in, Analytic Solver Platform. This is not available in the Linder labs. Instructions for doing this are given below. Please do this as soon as possible. Instructions are given below. These have been provided by the software vendor, so please read carefully! BACKGROUND INFORMATION: READ THIS SO YOU DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME! Software Versions, Setup Programs, Windows and Mac, 64-Bit • The program students download is SolverSetup.exe (for 64-bit Excel versions, SolverSetup64.exe). This single program installs Analytic Solver Platform for Education (ASPE), Risk Solver Platform for Education (RSPE), and XLMiner for Education, our data mining software. • ASPE, RSPE and XLMiner all run under Microsoft Excel for Windows. They do NOT run under any Excel version for Mac. We have a commercial Premium Solver Platform for Mac, but we do NOT offer it for academic or textbook use, and we will NOT support students attempting to use it (unless they buy a license for $2,000). PLEASE have your students with Macs visit, and please read it yourself. Thousands of students have successfully used our software on Macs by installing Windows alongside Mac OSX; yet we handle more “Mac questions” in tech support than any other issue. This page answers all those questions, and this page is prominently linked from every download page on our site. • On our download pages, next to the large blue Download Now button, there are radio buttons for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Excel 2010 and 2013. (Excel 2007 and earlier versions are always 32-bit.) 32-bit is the default, because most users have 32-bit Excel, even though they have 64-bit Windows. We pop up a warning about this whenever a user selects 64-bit, yet we still handle many tech support issues where users have ignored the pop-up warning, and downloaded the wrong version. Registering, Downloading, Installing, and Activating Your students will need both the Textbook Code and Course Code to successfully register and download our software, and use it throughout a semester with a 140-day license. Please make sure they receive these codes early. If students attempt to register and download without these two codes, our website and Setup program will allow them to proceed (we’ve learned that it’s futile to try to make them pause or stop), but they will end up with a 15-day trial license. In this case, both our website and our software will give them instructions on how to extend their license to 140 days. If they don’t read this and instead ask you, give them the Textbook Code and Course Code again, and tell them to visit Students must register, download, run SolverSetup, and enter a password and license activation code. The password and activation code are sent to them by email. This is all very simple to do, if they read and follow the instructions. Yet when courses are starting up, we often handle hundreds of support tickets per day, repairing situations for students who just haven’t read the instructions, or have read them, but decided to do something else. In rare cases, students on a university network will get a message that the license activation step failed. This can happen because your university IT staff has set up a firewall or proxy server that blocks the license activation request (this is a simple HTTP request just like a browser, but from within Excel.) If several students report this, please contact Frontline support and contact your university IT staff, so we can work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATON INSTRUCTIONS Preparation 1. If you have a Mac, visit and read To use the software for this course, you’ll need to install Windows alongside Mac OSX, and install Excel or Office for Windows. This will also allow you to use other Windows software, as well as Mac software on your machine. 2. Check whether you have 32-bit or 64-bit Excel – this determines which software version you should download. You probably have 32-bit Excel. You have 64-bit ONLY if (i) in Excel 2010, you click File – Help, and you see 64-bit in the lower right, or (ii) in Excel 2013, you click File – Account – About Excel, and you see 64-bit at the top of the dialog. Registration 1. Point your browser to (Do not attempt to register or download anywhere else on – this will cause trouble later.) 2. Fill out the form on this page. Enter your email address (to ensure you receive your license activation code), enter a login password you can remember, enter your first and last name, and University of Cincinnati for your school. 3. Enter EBA for the Textbook Code and BANA7012S15 for the Course Code. These are special for our course – entering these will give you a 140-day license. (Leaving them blank will give you a 15-day license.) 4. Check the box to acknowledge that you accept the Frontline Systems license agreement. Note: Frontline receives no money from you, or the textbook publisher, or the university; this free 140day license is a courtesy that they offer to students. 5. Click the button Proceed to Download Page. If everything is OK, this will take you to the Download page. Download 1. On the Download page, change 32-bit to 64-bit ONLY if you’ve confirmed that you have 64-bit Excel (see above). Click the blue Download Now button. 2. In some browsers you will see a dialog "Do you want to run or save this file?" Click Save to save the file, named either SolverSetup.exe or SolverSetup64.exe. 3. Now check your email, at the email address you entered above, for a message containing an installation password and a license activation code. Frontline sends this email twice, from different servers, to ensure that you receive it. If you don’t get it, visit and login to request another email message. Installation 1. Make sure that Excel is closed (not running), then run the program SolverSetup.exe (or SolverSetup64.exe). SolverSetup will prompt you to enter the password and activation code from the email message above – enter them exactly as shown in the email (you can copy and paste). 2. The SolverSetup program will prompt you to choose between Analytic Solver Platform, Risk Solver Platform and XLMiner. Choosing Analytic Solver Platform gives you all the features of Risk Solver Platform and XLMiner, so this is usually the best choice. You can CHANGE this choice later in Excel, by choosing a menu option Help – Change Product on the Ribbon. 3. When the SolverSetup program finishes, start Excel (the last Setup dialog prompts you to do this). You should see new tabs on the Ribbon for Analytic Solver Platform or Risk Solver Platform, and XLMiner. Click the Solver Platform tab – you should see a “Welcome” dialog with various links. Use the Help dropdown menu to open Help text, the User Guide and Reference Guide, and load example workbooks. If all has gone well, you’re ready for our class exercises. If you have problems, the best avenues to get help are to email (this creates a support ticket in Frontline’s Help Desk) or start a Live Chat from any page on, or from within Excel (Help – Support Live Chat). Please do not ask your instructor or facilitator or the IT staff for help in installing the software or error messages that you may encounter. Contact Frontline Systems ( for assistance. However, if you have problems with course assignments in using the software, then please ask your instructor or facilitator for assistance; Frontline Systems cannot help you with homework problems. Learning Activities A variety of learning activities are designed to support the course objectives, facilitate different learning styles, and build a community of learners. Learning activities for the modules include the following: 1. Reading the textbook 2. Viewing and listening to PowerPoint lectures 4. Completing written assignments and taking quizzes based on your homework. Blackboard Everything you need to take this course (except for the textbook files and software) is available on Blackboard. 1. Use the Discussion Board Q&A to post questions regarding clarification of assignments or lecture and text material. Please read the posts to avoid asking duplicate questions; you can click on the “Subscribe” button to get email announcements when a new entry has been posted to the Discussion Board with a link to click on and take you directly to the new post. This is the best way to keep up. 2. For questions of a personal nature or for help with assignments, contact the instructor or facilitator directly; all Discussion Board posts are available to the entire class. 3. Check Blackboard announcements every day! You are responsible for any changes/corrections/etc. that I may post regarding assignments or course material. Assignment Requirements and Grading Rubrics 1. Assignments Problems from the text are assigned after each lecture. All problems are to be done in Excel. After working the problems you will take a short quiz to post your answers. 2. Project You have a project to complete, which I believe will be both interesting and valuable to you as you plan your future. You will have all the knowledge to begin working on this after Module 2, and can complete it after Module 3. Example 11.11, which we will discuss in Module 2, is a simplistic retirement planning model. Your project is to build and analyze a more realistic planning model for your personal situation. First, determine how to enrich the spreadsheet model to use more realistic assumptions (we will briefly discuss this in Module 2). Then personalize it. For example, if you have an employersponsored plan, incorporate current yields and model assumptions on salary increases, etc. If not, do sufficient web-based research to determine and incorporate realistic investment returns for the types of investments that you would consider (for example, compare fixed rate bond funds with more volatile stock funds). After you build the model, use Analytic Solver Platform (covered in Module 3) to simulate the model and analyze the results. Write up a complete and formal report detailing how you built the model and fully explaining all results. The project is due on or before the end of the day on Saturday, August 1. I encourage you to try to complete it much earlier after Module 3 is completed. Project Grading Rubric (100 points total) Criteria Technical analysis and/or modeling (40) Outstanding (40 points) complete use of appropriate spreadsheet and software tools and methods; excellent research and model development Proficient (35 points) good use of spreadsheet and software tools and methods; some deficiencies in research and/or model development Marginal (25 points) insufficient use of tools and methods and/or insufficient research and/or model development Below Expectations (10 points) poor research, model development and spreadsheet implementation and analysis Report and Analysis (40) (40 points) shows a clear understanding of concepts and terminology (35 points) shows a good understanding of concepts and terminology; some errors or inconsistencies in the write up (25 points) key errors or lack of understanding of terminology and concepts (10 points) poor understanding of concepts and terminology Presentation (10) (10 points) excellent organization with appropriate headings, tables/charts, etc. (10 points) virtually no misspelling, grammatical, or stylistic errors (6 points) difficult to follow; some problems such as lack of appropriate headings, tables/charts, etc. (6 points) numerous misspellings, grammatical, or stylistic errors that interfere with content (2 points) very poorly presented and formatted Stylistics (10) (8 points) good organization with headings, tables/charts, etc. but needs improvement (8 points) some misspellings, grammatical, or stylistic errors (2 points) grammatical or spelling errors are very distracting or extremely difficult to understand Exams Exams are scheduled for 72-hour periods (from 12:00 am Friday until 11:59 pm on Sunday) on July 10-12; July 24-26; and August 6-8. You MUST take the exams during these time windows. Mark your calendars! Failure to take the exams during these time windows will result in a 0. You may use any resources such as the book, a calculator, and Excel, but I guarantee if you are not prepared, you won’t be able to waste a lot of time trying to find the answer or approach to use in the book and complete the exam during the limited time. Exams are timed and will automatically stop when the time limit has been reached, and you must complete them in one sitting. You will not be allowed to backtrack to a previous question once it has been submitted. Should your Internet connection fail or Blackboard crash, you can restart where you left off, but the timer will keep running. So it is your responsibility to insure the integrity of your technology. It is considered cheating to take any exam with any other student or outside help. Read the following carefully. Academic Honesty and Integrity I take this very seriously. The submittal of an assignment, project, or quiz is an implicit statement that the work is that only of the student submitting the material, and that no assistance was obtained from any other person. Any clear violations of this policy will result in a zero grade for that assignment or quiz and possible failure of the course, and will be reported to the university and the CoB Associate Dean for Graduate Programs for further action. Academic integrity also means that you will not copy any exam questions by any means (e.g. screen shots), save them, or distribute them to others, at anytime, either during the course or after the course is completed. There are no exceptions to the exam and grading policies described here. As a student engaged in graduate level study it is your responsibility to review the syllabus, know the deadlines, and plan accordingly. Have a backup plan for potential Internet connection or other technology failures and do not leave assignments or exams to the last minute. If you have a family or medical emergency contact me; documented proof will need to be provided. Course Grading Total Points for each course component are given in the table below: Lecture Quizzes Assignment Quizzes Exams Project Total Points Module Module Module Module Module Module 1 2 3 4 5 6 36 20 20 30 6 20 30 30 200 30 24 200 30 Total Points 132 24 168 200 600 100 1000 Based on these, your grade will be determined by the following grading scale: 890 – 1000 = A 850 – 889 = A800 – 849 = B+ 750 – 799 = B 700 – 749 = B650 – 699 = C+ 600 – 649 = C 0 – 599 = F Course Schedule The course runs from June 24 to August 8. Start reading the book and viewing the lectures early to give you time to do the assignments and take the homework quizzes. Pay careful attention to the dates to take the exams! Modules and Dates Module 1 Readings Chapter 1 Pages 1-12 June 24-July 1 Module 2 PowerPoint Lectures Lecture 1.1 Introduction to Business Analytics Chapter 8 pages 234-238 Lecture 1.2 Trendlines Chapter 8 pages 238-243 Lecture 1.3 Simple Linear Regression Chapter 8 pages 244-249 Lecture 1.4 Multiple Linear Regression Chapter 8 Pages 249-258 Lecture 1.5 Advanced Regression Modeling Chapter 1 pages 18-30; Lecture 2.1 Models in Analytics Chapter 11 pages 342-349 Lecture 2.1 Predictive Decision Modeling Chapter 11 pages 349-358 Lecture 2.3 Modeling Applications Chapter 11 pages 362-370 Lecture 2.4 Analyzing Uncertainty and Model Assumptions July 2 – July 8 Assignments Assignment 1 quiz due at the end of the day (11:59 pm) on July 1 Assignment 2 quiz due at the end of the day (11:59 pm) on Jul 8 Exam 1 open Friday July 10 at 12:00 am to Sunday July 12 at midnight. Covers Modules 1 and 2 only Module 3 July 9-15 Chapter 5 pages 161-166 Chapter 12 pages 378-381 Lecture 2.3 Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation Chapter 12 pages 381-391 Lecture 3.2 Simulation with Assignment 3 quiz due at the end of the day (11:59 pm) on Jul 15 Analytic Solver Platform Module 4 Chapter 12 pages 392-395 Lecture 3.3 Analytic Solver Platform Visualizations and Reports Chapter 12 pages 395-407 Lecture 3.4 Applications of Monte Carlo Simulation Chapter 13 pages 416-422 Lecture 4.1 Introduction to Linear Optimization Chapter 13 pages 422-427 Lecture 4.2 Using Solver for Linear Optimization Chapter 13 pages 428-439 Lecture 4.3 Understanding Solver Chapter 13 Pages 439-449 Lecture 4.4 What-If Analysis for Linear Optimization July 16-22 Assignment 4 quiz due at the end of the day (11:59 pm) on Jul 22 Exam 2 open Friday July 24 at 12:00 am to Sunday July 26 at midnight. Covers Modules 3 and 4 only Module 5 Chapter 14 pages 458-467 Lecture 5.1 Applications Process Selection Models Chapter 14 pages 467-470 Lecture 5.2 Applications Blending Models Chapter 14 pages 471-476 Lecture 5.3 Applications Portfolio Investment Models Chapter 14 pages 476-480 Lecture 5.4 Applications Transportation Models Chapter 14 pages 480-489 Lecture 5.5 Applications Multiperiod Models July 23-29 Assignment 5 quiz due at the end of the day (11:59 pm) on Jul 29 Module 6 Chapter 14 pages 489-497 Lecture 5.6 Applications – Models with Bounded Variables Chapter 14 pages 497-498 Lecture 5.7 Using Sensitivity Analysis Correctly Chapter 15 pages 514-517 Lecture 6.1 Introduction to Integer Optimization Chapter 15 pages 517-523 Lecture 6.2 Applications of Integer Optimization Chapter 15 pages 523-533 Lecture 6.3 Integer Optimization with Binary Variables Chapter 15 pages 533-538 Lecture 6.4 Mixed Integer Optimization Models July 30-August 5 Assignment 6 quiz due at the end of the day (11:59 pm) on Jul 5 Exam 3 open Thursday August 6 at 12:00 am to Saturday August 8 at midnight. Covers Modules 5 and 6 only.