Staffing and Personnel Selection, 2012

Staffing and Personnel Selection, 2012
Reading list by session/dates
Heneman, H.G., Judge, T.A., Kammeyer-Mueller J.D. (2012). Staffing
Organizatons, 7th edition. Middleton, WI: McGraw-Hill International Edition.
The textbook is authored by three top professors who are all active in
research on staffing and selection.The book features the most current
research and practice and is a comprehensive handbook on all major aspects
of the subject. All chapters in the book are required reading except for chapter
2 (Legal Compliance) which focuses on the US legal environment.
Required readings outside the textbook are mainly intended to inspire
discussion in class, but some of them are also included to provide students
with insight into the scientific bases of recommendations made. The readings
therefore come from a mix of scientific and popular business journals. Also
listed as required readings are cases and exercises (indicated with bold)
that will be dealt with in class; students are expected to prioritize reading
those before class.
Optional readings are listed here to give an indication of further literature
available, should the student wish to pursue this following the class.
Required and optional reading material, by session:
Day 1 – Tuesday July 31st from 9-12
1. Chapters 1 and 3 in Heneman et al. (2012).
2. Guthridge, M., Komm, A.B., Lawson, E. (2006). The people problem in
talent management. McKinsey Quarterly, May, p. 6-8. (2 pg).
3. Roberts, M.J. (1993). Note on the hiring and selection process. Harvard
Business School publication no. 9-393-093. Boston: Harvard Business
School Publishing. (14 pg).
4. Deshpandé, R.; Raina, A. (2011). The Ordinary Heroes Of the Taj.
Harvard Business Review, 89 (12), p. 119-123. (5 pg).
5. Agrawal, V., Manyika, J.M., Richards, J.E. (2003). Matching people
and jobs. McKinsey Quarterly, June, p. 70-79. (9 pg).
Crook, T. R., Todd, S. Y., Combs, J.G., Woehr, D. J. Ketchen, D.J. (2011).
Does Human Capital Matter? A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between
Human Capital and Firm Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, 3,
443–456. (13 pg).
Day 2 – Wednesday, August 1st from 9-12
1. Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Heneman et al. (2012).
2. Fernández-Aráoz, C.; Groysberg, B.; Nohria, N. (2009). The definitive
guide to recruiting in good times and bad. Harvard Business Review,
87 (5), p. 74-84. (11 pg).
3. Joinson, C. (2001). Refocusing job descriptions. HR Magazine, 46 (1),
66-72. (6 pg.).
4. Coutu, D.; Palfrey, Jr., John G.; Joerres, J.A..; Boyd, D.M.; Fertik, M.
(2007). We Googled You. Harvard Business Review, 85 (6), p. 37-47.
(11 pg).
5. Hernandez, E.H. and Page R.A. (2006). Nepotism in the employment
recruitment process: How nepotism builds organizational commitment.
Journal of Business Management and Change. 1 (1), pg. 3-14. (11 pg).
6. Nkomo, S.M. Fottler, M.D. McAfee, R.B. (2005). Applications in human
resource management: Cases, exercises and skill builders (5th
edition). Incident 48: Nepotism pg. 170.
Joerres, J.A. (2011). Beyond expats: Better managers for emerging markets.
McKinsey Quarterly, May, p. 1-4.
Sunley, J. (2011) The right way to recruit. Caterer & Hotelkeeper (Oct 28-Nov
3): 34-35.
Anders, G. (2011) The Rare Find: Reinventing Recruiting. Business Week
(Oct 17, 2011): 1.
O'Malley, J. (2011). Avoiding discrimination pitfalls when recruiting.
Accountancy Ireland 43. 5 (Oct 2011): 49-50.
Meyers, S. What Senior Employees Offer. Trustee (Nov/Dec 2006): 35-7.
Brand, S. (2009). You're not hired! Service Management (Jul/Aug 2009): 3334.
Furtmueller, E., Wilderom, C., Tate, M. Managing recruitment and selection in
the digital age: e-HRM and resumes. Human Systems Management 30. 4
(2011): 243.
Parmar, B. Should you check Facebook before hiring? The Washington Post
[Washington, D.C] 23 Jan 2011: G.2.
Kluemper, D.H., Rosen, P.A. (2009). Future employment selection methods:
evaluating social networking web sites. Journal of Managerial Psychology
24. 6 (2009): 567-580.
Anonymous (2007). Could social media kill recruitment industry?. Computer
Weekly (Jul 21-Jul 27, 2009): 7.
Dutta, S. & Fraser, M. (2009). When job seekers invade Facebook. McKinsey
Quarterly, March, p. 0-2.
Anonymous. (2009). Research and Markets; Online Recruiting and Selection
- an Accessible Introduction to Implementing and Operating Web-Based
Tools for Hiring in Organizations. Information Technology Newsweekly (Jun
30, 2009): 224.
Hart, K. A. (2008). High-Tech, High-Touch Recruitment: An Oxymoron?
Nursing Economics 26. 4 (Jul/Aug 2008): 270-1, 279. ( 3 pg).
Day 3 – Thursday, August 2nd from 9-12
1. Chapters 8 and 9 in Heneman et al. (2012).
2. Salgado, J. F; Anderson, N.; Moscoso, S.; Bertua, C.; de Fruyt, F.
(2003). International validity generalization of GMA and cognitive
abilities: A European Community meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology
56. 3 (Autumn 2003): 573-605. (33 pg).
3. Cortina, J.M.; Goldstein, N.B.; Payne, S.C.; H Krisl Davison; Gilliland,
S.W. (2000). The incremental validity of interview scores over and
above cognitive ability and conscientiousness scores. Personnel
Psychology 53. 2 (Summer 2000): 325-351. (27 pg).
4. Hogan, J.; Barrett, P.; Hogan, R. (2007). Personality measurement,
faking, and employment selection. Journal of Applied Psychology 92. 5
(Sep 2007): 1270 – 1285. (15 pg).
5. Nkomo, S. M., Fottler, M. D., McAfee, R. B. (2005). Applications in
human resource management: Cases, exercises and skill builders
(5th. Edition). Exercise 43: Selection decisions (Brookdale
hospital), pg. 152-161 (9 pg).
Avis, J.M.; Kudisch, J.D.; Fortunato, V.J. (2002). Examining the Incremental
Validity and Adverse Impact of Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness on
Job Performance. Journal of Business and Psychology 17. 1 (Fall 2002): 87105. (19 pg).
Agerstrom, J.; Rooth, D. (2011). The Role of Automatic Obesity Stereotypes
in Real Hiring Discrimination. Journal of Applied Psychology 96. 4 (Jul 2011):
790-805. (16 pg).
Melchers, K.G; Lienhardt, N.; Von Aarburg, M.; Kleinmann, M. (2011). Is
more structure really better? A comparison of frame-of-reference training and
descriptively anchored rating scales to improve interviewers’ rating quality.
Personnel Psychology 64. 1 (2011): 53-87.(35 pg).
Podsakoff, N.P.; Whiting, S.W; Podsakoff, P.M; Mishra, P.. (2011). Effects of
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Selection Decisions in Employment
Interviews. Journal of Applied Psychology 96. 2 (Mar 2011): 310-326. (16 pg).
Barrick, M.R.; Swider, B.W.; Stewart, G.L. (2010). Initial Evaluations in the
Interview: Relationships with Subsequent Interviewer Evaluations and
Employment Offers. Journal of Applied Psychology 95. 6 (Nov 2010): 11631172. (10 pg).
Degroot, T.; Gooty, J. (2009). Can Nonverbal Cues be Used to Make
Meaningful Personality Attributions in Employment Interviews? Journal of
Business and Psychology 24. 2 (Jun 2009): 179-192. (13 pg).
Vivian Chen, Chun-Hsi; Lee, Hsu-Mei; Yvonne Yeh, Ying-Jung. (2008). The
Antecedent and Consequence of Person-Organization Fit: Ingratiation,
similarity, hiring recommendations and job offer. International Journal of
Selection and Assessment 16. 3 (Sep 2008): 210-219. (19 pg).
Lahey, J. N. (2008). Age, Women, and Hiring: An Experimental Study.
Journal of Human Resources 43. 1 (Jan 2008): 30-56. (27 pg).
Dalgin, R.S.; Bellini, J. (2008). Invisible Disability Disclosure in an
Employment Interview: Impact on Employers' Hiring Decisions and Views of
Employability. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 52. 1 (2008): 6-15. (10 pg).
Lim, C.; Winter, R.; Chan, C.C.A. (2006). Cross-Cultural Interviewing in the
Hiring Process: Challenges and Strategies. Career Development Quarterly
54. 3 (Mar 2006): 265-268. (4 pg).
Robinson, P. Top Tips: How to go psychometric. New Zealand Management
(Apr 2012): n/a.
Zysberg, L. & Nevo, B. (2004). "The Smarts That Counts?": Psychologists'
Decision-Making in Personnel Selection. Journal of Business and Psychology
19. 1 (Fall 2004): 117-124. (8 pg).
Lowery, C.M; Beadles, N A, II; Krilowicz, T.J. (2004). Using Personality and
Cognitive Ability to Predict Job Performance: An Empirical Study.
International Journal of Management 21. 3 (Sep 2004): 300-306. (7 pg).
Macan, T.H.; Avedon, M.J.; Paese, M.; Smith, D.E. (1994). The effects of
applicants' reactions to cognitive ability tests. Personnel Psychology 47. 4
(Winter 1994): 715 – 738 (24 pg)
Risavy, S.D.; Hausdorf, P.A.. (2011). Personality Testing in Personnel
Selection: Adverse impact and differential hiring rates. International Journal of
Selection and Assessment 19. 1 (Mar 2011): 18-30. (12 pg)
Goffin, R.D; Boyd, A.C. (2009). Faking and Personality Assessment in
Personnel Selection: Advancing Models of Faking. Canadian Psychology
50. 3 (Aug 2009): 151-160. (9 pg).
De Fruyt, F.; De Clercq, B.J; Miller, J.; Rolland, J.; Jung, S.; et al. (2009).
Assessing personality at risk in personnel selection and development.
European Journal of Personality 23. 1 (Feb 2009): 51 – 69. (19 pg).
Bartone, P.T; Roland, R.R; Picano, J.J; Williams, T.J. (2008). Psychological
Hardiness Predicts Success in US Army Special Forces Candidates
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 16. 1 (Mar 2008): 78-81. (3
Ones, D.S; Dilchert, S.; Viswesvaran, C.; Judge, T.A. (2007). In support of
personality assessment in organizational settings. Personnel Psychology
60. 4 (Winter): 995-1027. (32 pg).
Rothstein, M.G; Goffin, R.D. (2006). The use of personality measures in
personnel selection: What does current research support? Human Resource
Management Review 16. 2 (Jun 2006): 155 – 180 (25 pg).
Day 4- Friday, August 3rd from 9-12
1. Chapters 10, and 11 in Heneman et al. (2012).
2. McDaniel, M.A; Hartman, N.S; Whetzel, D.L; Grubb, W.L., III. (2007).
Situational judgment tests, response instructions and validity: A metaanalysis. Personnel Psychology 60. 1 (Spring): 63-91. (8 pg).
3. Krause, D.E; Kersting, M.; Heggestad, E.D; Thornton, G.C, III. (2006).
Incremental Validity of Assessment Center Ratings Over Cognitive
Ability Tests: A Study at the Executive Management Level.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 14. 4 (Dec 2006):
360-371. (11 pg).
4. Anderson, N. and Witlview, C. (2008). Fairness reactions to personnel
selection Methods: An international comparison between the
Netherlands, the United States, France, Spain, Portual and Singapore.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16, 1-13 (13 pg).
5. Nkomo, S.M. Fottler, M.D. McAfee, R.B. (2005). Applications in human
resource management: Cases, exercises and skill builders (5th
edition). Case 40: Selecting Patient Escorts, pg. 139. (1 pg).
König, C.J., Hafsteinsson, L.G., Jansen, A., and Stadelmann E.H. (2011).
Applicants’ Self-presentational Behavior across Cultures: Less selfpresentation in Switzerland and Iceland than in the United States.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 19 (4), 331-339. (8 pg).
Anderson, B.A. (2005). Expatriate selection: good management or good luck?
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16. 4 (Apr 2005):
567-583. (16 pg).
Knudsen, H.K; Roman, P.M; Johnson, J.A. (2004). The management of
workplace deviance: Organizational responses to employee drug use. Journal
of Drug Issues 34. 1 (Winter 2004): 121-143. (22 pg).
Rhodes, M. (2003). Private Businesses Increasingly Demand Drug Screens
for Employees. McClatchy - Tribune Business News [Washington] 07 Apr
2003: 1. (1 pg).
Clanton, B. (1999). Background checks flush out lies behind resumes. New
Orleans CityBusiness 20. 12 (Sep 13, 1999): 4. (1 pg).
Collins, D.L.; (2003). Psychological issues relevant to astronaut selection for
long-duration space flight: a review of the literature. National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Human performance in extreme environments: the
journal of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments 7. 1
(2003): 43-67. (24 pg).
Hausknecht, J.P; Day, D.V; Thomas, S.C. (2004). Applicant reactions to
selection procedures: An updated model and meta-analaysis. Personnel
Psychology 57. 3 (Autumn): 639-683.(44 pg).
Scroggins, W.A; Benson, P.G; Cross, C.; Gilbreath, B. (2008). Reactions to
Selection Methods: An International Comparison. International Journal of
Management 25. 2 (Jun 2008): 203-216. (13 pg).
König, C.J; Klehe, U.; Berchtold, M.; Kleinmann, M. (2010). Reasons for
Being Selective When Choosing Personnel Selection Procedures.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 18. 1 (Mar 2010): 17-27.
(10 pg).
Furnham, A. (2008). HR Professionals' Beliefs About, and Knowledge of,
Assessment Techniques and Psychometric Tests. International Journal of
Selection and Assessment 16. 3 (Sep 2008): 300-305. (5 pg).
Academy helps Target to deliver top talent of tomorrow. Human Resource
Management International Digest 15. 2 (2007): 33. (1 pg).
O'Connell, A. (2010). The Myth of the Overqualified Worker. Harvard
Business Review, 88 (12), p. 30-30. (1 pg).
Day 5 – Monday, August 6th from 9-12
1. Citrin, J.M.; Ogden, D. (2010). Succeeding at Succession. Harvard
Business Review, 88 (11), p. 29-31. (3 pg).
2. Dutra, A. & Griesedieck, J.E. (2010). Planning for your next CEO.
McKinsey Quarterly, February, p. 1-4. (4 pg).
3. Hogan, R.; Kaiser, R.B. (2008). Learning a Lesson in Executive
Selection. Leadership in Action 27. 6 (Jan/Feb 2008): 22. (1 pg).
4. Fryer, B.; Robinson, V.; Hermon-Taylor, R.; Raheja, C.G. (2009). Time
for an End Run? How far can the HR director go to infl uence a highstakes appointment? Harvard Business Review, 87 (11), p. 33-42. (9
5. Nkomo, S. M., Fottler, M. D., McAfee, R. B. (2005). Applications in
human resource management: Cases, exercises and skill builders (5th.
Edition). Incident 46: The Ethical Selection Dilemma at Integrity
Motors pg. 167. (1 pg).
McKinsey & Company (2010). Moving women to the top: McKinsey Global
Survey results. McKinsey Quarterly, October, p. 1-8. (8 pg).
Dorgan, S.J., Dowdy, J.J., Rippin, T.M. (2006). Who should—and shouldn't—
run the family business. McKinsey Quarterly, August, p. 13-15. (2 pg).
Beeson, J.; Rowe, J.W.; Reilly, E.; Conger, J.A.; Ready, D.A.; Jordan, M.
(2006). Indispensable. Harvard Business Review, 84 (9), p. 37-50. (13 pg).
Michiel Kruyt, Judy Malan, and Rachel Tuffield (2011). Three steps to
building a better top team. McKinsey Quarterly, February, p. 1-5. (5 pg).
Day 6 – Tuesday, August 7th from 9-12
1. Bartlett, C. A. & Wozny, M. (2001). Microsoft: Competing on talent
(A) (CASE). Harvard Business School publication no. 9-300-001.
Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing (30 pg).
Heritage, C. (2006). Microsoft: innovation through HR's partnership. Strategic
HR Review 5. 3 (Mar/Apr 2006): 24. (1 pg)
Tyler, R (2007). IT giant flags up value of home work Microsoft practises what
it preaches by allowing 90pc of staff to work flexibly. The Daily Telegraph
[London (UK)] 17 May 2007: 001. (1 pg)
Behling, O. (1998). Employee selection: Will intelligence and
conscientiousness do the job? The Academy of Management Perspectives
12. 1 (Feb 1998): 77-86. (9 pg).
Day 7 – Wednesday, August 8th from 9-12
1. Moore Johnson, S. & Suesse, J. M. (2005). Staffing the Boston
Public Schools (CASE). Public Education Leadership Project,
Harvard Business School publication no. PEL-024. Boston: Harvard
Business School Publishing. (28 pg).
Clement, M.C. (2009). High-Stakes Administrative Hiring. School
Administrator 66. 11 (Dec 2009): 25-28. (3 pg).
Spanneut, G.M. (2007). Considering the Inclusion of Building Tours as
Integral Elements of School Principal Selection Interviews. AASA Journal of
Scholarship & Practice 4. 2 (Jul 2007): 5-12. (7 pg).
Day 8 – Thursday, August 9th frfom 9-12
1. Chapters 12, 13 and 14 in Heneman et al. (2012).
2. Cosack, S., Guthridge, M., Lawson, E. (2010). Retaining key
employees in times of change. McKinsey Quarterly, August, p. 1-5.
3. Kranz, G. (2012). Keeping the Keepers. Workforce Management, 91. 4
(Apr 2012): 34-37.
4. Plotkin, J. (2011). Building the case for an EAP. Canadian HR Reporter
24. 6 (Mar 28, 2011): 14.
5. Welch, J. og Welch, S. (2005). Winning. From chapter 3:
Differentiation, 37-51. London: HarperCollins. (15 pg).
6. Nohria, N., Groysberg, B. and Lee, L. (2008). Employee Motivation. A
powerful New Model. Harvard Business Review (july-august 2008). (7
Hirschman, C. (2002). Closing the deal. HR magazine, 47 (4), 68-75. (7 pg.).
Manzoor, M.; Naeem, H. (2011). Relationship of Organization Socialization
with Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: Moderating role of
Perceived Organizational Support. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary
Research In Business 3. 8 (Dec): 515-529. (14 pg).
Kavitha, S R; Geetha, S R; Arunachalam, V. (2011). An Empirical Study on
Employee Retention Strategies in a Biscuit Manufacturing Company in India.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business 3. 4 (Aug
2011): 762-772. (10 pg)
Meeusen, V.CH; Van Dam, K.; Brown-Mahoney, C.; Van Zundert, AJ; Knape,
Hans TA. (2011). Understanding nurse anesthetists' intention to leave their
job: How burnout and job satisfaction mediate the impact of personality and
workplace characteristics. Health Care Management Review 36. 2 (Apr-Jun
2011): 155. (1 pg)
Paillé, P.; Fournier, P.; Lamontagne, S.. (2011). Relationships between
commitments to the organization, the superior and the colleagues, and the
intention to leave among truckers. International Journal of Organizational
Analysis 19. 2 (2011): 92-108.(16 pg)
Mitchell, T.; Schaap, J.I; Groves, M.(2010). Maintaining The Integrity Of
Turnover Measurements When There Are Layoffs. Journal of Business &
Economics Research 8. 1 (Jan 2010): 79-85. (6 pg)
Rothausen, T.J; Gonzalez, J.A; Griffin, A.E; C. (2009). Are all the parts there
everywhere? Facet job satisfaction in the United States and the Philippines.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 26. 4 (Dec 2009): 681-700. (19 pg)
Peacock, L. (2008). Self-selection systems aid staff retention. Personnel
Today (Jan 22, 2008): 47. (1 pg)
Anonymous. (2009). The Truth About Turnover and Retention Now. HR
Focus 86. 9 (Sep 2009): 1,11,13-15. (2 pg)
Day 9 – Friday, August 10th from 9-12
1. Chapter 14 in Heneman (pgs 723-725).
2. Robbins, S. (2001). How to communicate layoffs. Harvard
Management Communication Letter. Harvard Business School
Publishing reprint nr. C0107A. Boston: Harvard Business School
Publishing. (2 pg).
3. Pfadenhauer, D.M. (2009). Selection and communication in layoff
planning: the Cornerstones of Sucessful Reduction in Force. (2009).
The Journal of Private Equity: Special Tournaround Management
Issue. 94-103. (9 pg)
4. Gandolfi, F., and Hansson, M. (2011). Literature Review. Causes and
consequences of downsizing: Towards and integrative framework.
Journal of Management and Organization. 498-521 (23 pg).
5. Falcone, P. (2002). A scripted layoff. HR magazine, 47 (2), 89-91. (2
6. Warner, S., Herrmann, D.M. og Keary, D. (2001). In limbo on a new
hire. HR magazine, 46 (11), 43-48. (5 pg).
7. Einarsdóttir, A., Olafsdottir and Arnardóttir, A (2011). Implementation of
various soft to hard downsizing alternatives in public and private
organizations in a downturn. Work in progress (Handout will be
provided in class).
8. Nkomo, S. M., Fottler, M. D., McAfee, R. B. (2005). Applications in
human resource management: Cases, exercises and skill builders (5th.
Edition). Exercise 31: Which employee should be terminated?
(Stanton title insurance company). Pg. 106.
Dolan, S., Belout, A., Balkin, D.B. (2000). Downsizing without
downgrading: Learning how firms manage their survivors. International
Journal of Manpower. 21. 1. 34-46. (12 pg)
Mishra, K.E. Spreitzer, G.M: and Mishra, A.K. (1998). Preserving
Employee Morale During Downsizing. Sloan Management Review. 8395 (12 pg).
Student assessment in the course consists of two main components:
Final exam: A 3-hour written exam at the end of the course. This counts
for 60% of the individual total grade. The exam will be held during the
week of August 13th-17th.
Coursework: Two indvidual assignments plus a grade for in-class
participation. These count 40% of the individual total grade.
The coursework part of the student assessment requires the student’s active
participation throughout the course period, both in class and at home. The two
assignments are as follows:
Individual home assignment one: The development of a structured and
behavioral job interview for a key position in an actual firm. This
assignment should be turned in electronically before midnight, August 3rd.
Maximum length: 2 pages.
Weight in total individual grade: 15%.
Individual assignment two: The project involves the development of a
staffing plan for a new service operation. Different students will work a
different aspects of the plan. This assignment should be turned in
electronically before midnight on Wednesday, August 9th. Maximum
length: 5 pages (1,5 spaced, Times News Roman and font size 12),
excluding references and front page.
Weight in total individual grade: 25%.