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Minnesota Permit Test Flash Cards
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A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite
1. :
directions may be designated for_?
A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite
directions may be designated for left turns only. This type of lane
is marked by parallel solid and dashed yellow lines and is
sometimes accompanied by white arrows on the pavement.
After Vanessa's Law what must the driver do at age 18?
2. : Pass the knowledge test
- Fulfill reinstatement requirements, including payment fees of
which can be up to $680
- Obtain learners permit for six months
- Pass the road test
An emergency vehicle displaying flashing red lights and 3. :
sounding a siren or bell approaches your vehicle when
you are in an intersection. You must:
When an emergency vehicle, such as an ambulance, fire truck, or
police car, displaying flashing red lights and sounding a siren or
bell approaches your vehicle on a two-way road, you must pull to
the right and stop. If you are traveling on a one-way road, you
must pull to whichever side is nearest and stop. If you are within
an intersection, proceed through it before stopping. Remain
stopped until all emergency vehicles have passed.
Anyone who flees a police officer using a motor vehicle is4. :
sentenced to imprisonment for not more than:
Not more than three years and one day, a fine of not more than
$5,000, or both.
Are you allowed to pass 100 feet by a railroad crossing?
5. : No
its illegal!
Automatic DWI at this BAC.
6. : .08
Backing up is not allowed on freeways or expressways, 7. :
Backing up is not allowed on freeways or expressways, except by
drivers of emergency vehicles in the course of duty. Backing up on
public roads is an unsafe practice.
blue signs
8. : describe services for motorists
brown signs
9. : indicate historic cultural or recreation sites
By a railroad crossin you must stop your vehicle at least --feet before the rail/gate
10. : 10 feet
Can you go left at a red light?
11. : Yes.
How can you lose right of way when entering an
17. : If you approach an intersection at an unlawful speed, you
losethe right-of-way privilege associated with driving at a lawful
How do you exit a cloverleaf freeway?
18. : All exits to the right.
How far away from emergency vehicles do you have to be?
19. :
500 ft.
How long do you have to change your license if you move
from another state?
20. : 60 days
How long do you have to change your license if you move to
a different address in Minnesota?
21. : 30 days
How many passengers can a driver with a provisional
license have in the first six months of recieving their
22. : One under the age of 20, unless accompanied by a parent or
How many passengers can a driver with a provisional
license have in the second six months of recieving their
23. : No more than three passengers under the age of twenty, unless
accompanied by a guardian
how much is the speed limit raised while lawfully passing
somebody on the freeway ( posted 55 mph)
24. : increases 10 mph
How should you hold your steering wheel?
25. : 9 and 3 or 8 and
How to properly change lanes.
26. : SIGNAL (100 ft.)
MIRRORS (check)
OVER YOUR SHOULDER (in the direction you want to go-blind
If a blind pedestrian is waiting at a crosswalk with a white
cane or a guide dog, you must:
27. : When a blind pedestrian is waiting at a crosswalk, do not use
your horn or rev your engine, as this may distract the pedestrian
or guide dog.
Court's definition of impairment.
13. : .04
If an interstate sign has an even number, which direction
does it go?
28. : East- West.
Flashing yellow lights are activated 100 feet before a school
bus stops in a speed zone of what?
14. : 35 mpsh or less
If the lights are flashing red and the stop arm is extended
how far back must you stop?
29. : 20 feet
green signs
15. : guides and informs
If you are driving at a slower speed than other traffic on a
highway or freeway, stay in the lane:
30. : Maintain the same approximate speed as surrounding vehicles,
Can you text and drive legally?
12. : No
Gross misdemeanor at this BAC.
16. : .20
when possible, but never exceed the posted speed limits. If you
are driving at a slower speed than other traffic, stay in the lane
nearest to the right side of the road.
If you get in a accident that is $1,000 or more in injury,
death or property damage, you must do what.
31. : you have to fill a traffic crash report within 10 days of the
In a standard passenger car, partial hydroplaning can
begin at speeds as low as_?
32. : At speeds of 35 mph or less, most tires will "wipe" water off the
road surface to keep tires in contact with the road. At higher
speeds, water can collect under tires and lift them off the surface
of the road. This is called "hydroplaning." In a standard
passenger car, partial hydroplaning can begin at speeds as low
as 35 mph.
In alleys how fast are you supposed to go?
33. : 10 mph
Never pass on a curve or hill where you cannot clearly see
the road ahead for_?
34. : Improper passing causes many collisions. Use extra caution
when passing at night, when visibility is poor, and when the
road is slippery. You must not pass on a curve or hill where you
cannot clearly see the road ahead for at least 700 feet.
Never pass on a curve or hill where you cannot clearly see
the road ahead for:
35. : You must not pass on a curve or hill where you cannot clearly
see the road ahead for at least 700 feet
No passing within __________ ft. of a railroad.
36. : 100
orange signs
37. : warn and control construction zones
Passing a commercial vehicle takes _________ compared
to a passenger vehicle on a level highway.
38. : On a level highway, it takes three to five seconds longer to pass
a commercial vehicle than a car. Allow enough time to pass the
commercial vehicle and return to the right lane before coming
within 100 feet of approaching traffic.
Pulling into an intersection. How do you look for traffic?
39. :
Look left, right, left.
Signal at _____40.
ft.: 100
To prevent highway hypnosis, when do you stop?
41. : Every 100
miles or 2 hours.
To recover from a skid what do you do?
42. : Ease off the
accelerator, keep off brake, steer the way you want to go.
True or False. If an interstate sign has the number 694 on
it, it will not go back to 94.
43. : False. If the number is even, it will loop back to 94.
True or false. If there is a bike lane, you may use it as a turn
44. : True.
What are the commercial drivers licenses?
45. : Class A, B and C
licenses are called commercial driver's licenses
What are the first adjustments you make when you get into
the driver's seat?
46. : 1.) Seat
3.) Steering wheel
4.)Head restraint
What can a driver with a Class D license operate?
47. : -Many
single unit vehicle (car,pickup, truck) under 26,00lbs
- Any farm tucks trucks transporting goods within 150 miles of
the farm
- Authorized emergency vehicles
- Recreational vehicles
- Motorized bikes or Motorcycles
- Neighborhoos electric vehicles
What class is a blue sign?
48. : Informational.
What class is a green sign?
49. : Informational.
What class is a white sign?
50. : Mostly regulatory (warning if it is a
railroad sign)
What class is a yellow sign?
51. : Warning.
What class is a yellow-green sign?
52. : Warning.
What class is an orange sign?
53. : Warning (construction zone.)
What class of sign is a black and white sign?
54. : Regulatory.
What do you ask yourself when you are about to pass?
55. : Is it
Is it safe?
Is it necessary?
What do you do if the temperature of your engine is too
56. : Turn on the heat.
What do you do if there is an emergency vehicle on the
57. : Pull over to the nearest side and stop.
what do you do when turning on a red light?
58. : yield to traffic
and pedestrians or wait until light is green on a "no turn on red"
what does a double solid yellow line mean?
59. : no passing in
either direction
What does a flashing yellow arrow mean?
60. : Use with caution.
What does a green arrow mean?
61. : Lane is open.
what does a red sign signal?
62. : commands
What does a red X mean?
63. : Lane is closed.
What does a stop sign require?
64. : you must come to a complete
What does a yellow arrow mean?
65. : Lane is closing.
What does an exempt sign under a railroad crossing sign
66. : Buses and truck drivers may proceed without stopping.
what does SIPDE stand for?
67. : scan identify predict decide execute
What does the muffler do?
68. : Mufflers keep the vehicle from
making sudden or prolonged loud noises, particularly sharp
popping or crackling sounds.
What information does a blue sign have on it? (name69.
Services such as telephones, gas, food, motels, hospitals, and
rest areas.
What information does a brown sign have on 70.
it?: Historic
sites, parks, and other points of interest.
What information does a green sign have on it? (name71.
Exits, distance to cities, interstate interchanges, street or route
names, and bicycle routes.
What is a safe distance you must stay behind other
vehicles ?
72. : 3 second rule
What is an interchange?
73. : An interchange is the connection of a
freeway to a road or another freeway by a series of ramps. The
connecting roadways allow you to leave one road and enter
another safely, without disrupting the flow of traffic.
What is bad about dirty headlights?
74. : Dirty headlights can
reduce light output by as much as 75 percent.
What is important to remember when making a left turn
on a red light?
75. : When turning on a red light:
What is the speed limit on most rural roads?
90. : 55 mph.
What is the speed limit on roads other than alleys and
urban or town roads (unless indicated otherwise)?
91. : 55 mph
What is the speed limit on urban or town roads (unless
indicated otherwise)?
92. : 30 mph
What is the yellow signal used for?
93. : To clear the intersection.
What is the Zero Tolerance Not a Drop law?
94. : No alcohol
below the age of 21.
What is this signal used for : Arm extended out?
95. : Left turn
What is this signal used for : Forearm facing down?
96. : Stop
What is this signal used for : Forearm facing up?
97. : Right turn
What is Vanessa's Law?
98. : An unlicensed teen driver with a crash-
•Yield to traffic and pedestrians
• When a "No Turn on Red" sign is posted at an intersection, you
must wait until the light is green to make a turn.
What is the basic speed law?
76. : Your speed depends on the
What is the exception for the passenger limit?
77. : If the
passengers are part of the drivers immediate family.
What is the exception to going above the speed limit on the
78. : The speed limit on two-lane highways with a posted
speed limit of 55 mph or higher is increased by 10 mph when the
driver is lawfully passing another vehicle in the same direction.
related moving violation or an alcohol/controlle substanceviolation cannot be given a license, instruction permit, or
provisional license until age 18.
what shape is a railroad crossing sign?
99. : crossbuck or a circle
what shape is a right turn sign?
100. : diamond
what shape is a school zone/ school crossing sign?
101. :
what shape is a speed limit sign?
102. : rectangle
What shape is a stop sign?
103. : octagon
what shape is a yield sign
104. : triangle
What should you do at a flashing red signal?
105. : Treat it as a
what is the lowest speed you can be killed at?
79. : 12 mph
What is the mandatory insurance you must have?
80. : Liability
stop sign.
What should you do at a yield sign?
106. : Slow or stop (if
and no-fault.
What is the maximum and minimum speed limit on a
freeway or rural interstate?
81. : 70 mph, 40 mph.
What should you do at an animal crossing sign?
107. : Be
What should you do when approaching a roundabout?
108. :
What is the maximum and minimum speed limit on an
urban interstate?
82. : 65 mph, 40 mph.
•Slow down as you approach the roundabout.
• For multi-lane roundabouts, as with any intersection, get into
the appropriate lane as you approach the roundabout.
•Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists crossing the roadway.
•Watch for signs or pavement markings that require or prohibit
certain movements.
What is the Minnesota Move Over Law?
83. : If a person or a car is
on the side of the road, move away from them (whether it is
another lane or just closer to the line.)
What is the normal reaction time?
84. : 3/4 second.
What is the rule for passing in MN?
85. : You can go 10 mph over
the speed limit to pass on 2 lane roads if the regular speed limit is
at least 55 mph.
What is the SIPDE system?
86. : SCAN (search ahead)
IDENTIFY (locate hazards and potential conflicts)
PREDICT (anticipate speed, distance, direction)
DECIDE (Decide what you will do if the situation changed)
EXECUTE (carry out decision)
What is the speed limit in alleys (unless indicated
87. : 10 mph
What is the speed limit in most urban areas?
88. : 30 mph.
What is the speed limit on a divided highway?
89. : 65 mph.
: - Vehicle over 26,000lbs
What single unit vehiclas can someone with a Class D
license not drive?
- Vehicles meant for 15 passengers or more(including driver)
- Vehicles that carry hazardous materials
: If you are caught driving in excess of 100 mph your driving
What speed will cause your driving priviledges to be
revoked and for how long will they be revoked?
privileges will be revoked for a minimum of six months.
: slow down and pull over to the side of the road
When a emergency vehicle is coming up behind you with
its lights on and sirens blaring what should you do?
: If a vehicle is properly parallel parked, its wheels on the curb
: 100 feet
When a vehicle is properly parallel parked, its wheels on
the curb side must be positioned:
side will be positioned no more than 12 inches from the curb.
You cannot pass --- feet by a intersection, underpass,
tunnel, or railroad crossing
135. : 700 feet
When are booster seats mandatory?
113. : Ages 4-8.
You cannot pass on a hill when you cannot clearly see -feet ahad of you
136. : 3
When are child seats mandatory?
114. : ages 1-4.
When are infant seats mandatory?
115. : 12 months or 20 lbs.
When are you not allowed to use hand signals?
116. : You may not
use hand signals at night or while driving a vehicle constructed
or loaded so that hand signals are not visible to other drivers.
When are you required to use headlights?
117. : Your headlights
must be turned on at sunset and used until sunrise.They must
also be used during weather conditions that include rain,snow,
hail, sleet, or fog and any time you cannot clearly see the road
ahead for a distance of at least 500 feet.
When do you obey a sign?
118. : After you pass it.
When do you turn on your low beam headlights?
119. : Within
1,000 feet of another car.
: From midnight to 5 am
When is a driver with a provisional license prohibited
from driving?
When is a tire illegal to drive with?
121. : A tire is illegal if the tread
is less than one-sixteenth of an inch deep.
When is driving not prohibited from midnight to 5 am?
122. : When accompanied by a licensed driver at least 25 years old.
- Driving between home and work
- Driving home from a school event where transpotation was not
- Driving for employments purposes
When passing another vehicle, you must:
123. : When passing
another vehicle, you must return to the right side of the road
before coming within 100 feet of an oncoming vehicle.
: You must slow down, leave more space and pass slowly.
When you approach or pass a stopped emergency vehicle
with its lights flashing, you must_?
125. : Up hill, with a curb.
When you are parking on hill, when is the only time your
wheels go left?
where can you go 30 mph?
126. : on urban or town roads
where can you go 55 mph?
127. : all other locations that are not listed
in the book
where should your hands be on the steering wheel?
128. : 8 and 4
o'clock or 9 and 3 o'clock
: Straight
While waiting to make a turn what position should your
wheels be in?
white signs..?
130. : regulates
: 300 feet
Yellow lights on a school bus come on around --- feet before
the bus stops in a zone more then 35 mph
yellow signs signal..
132. : warns
yellow-gren signals
133. : pedestrian and bicycle crossings and school
You should be at least _____ seconds behind the car in
front of you.