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Oregon Permit Test Flash Cards
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25mph is used for public parks, ocean shores (where
vehicles are permitted) and...
residential districts (unless posted otherwise).
A 12-ounce beer, a mixed drink with one shot of liquor and
2. :
a 5-ounce glass of wine all contain...
the same amount of alcohol.
Funeral processions are exempt from certain rules of the
road and must have an escort vehicle with proper
lighting. Is it ok for you to join or drive between vehicles
in a funeral procession?
19. : NO, it is against the law. You must yield right of way to funeral
A cup of coffee will sober up a driver who has been
3. :
Wrong. Only time gets alcohol out of your body. Cold showers
and exercise do not work either.
General rule for turning:
20. : turn into the closest legal lane in the
A Double solid yellow line is used...
4. : to mark a centerline where
How fast are you supposed to go in a residential district or
on ocean shores?
22. : 25 MPH
passing is prohibited for both directions of traffic.
A flashing red signal means...
5. : the same as a stop sign and you
must come to a complete stop.
A flashing round yellow signal means...
6. : slow down and
proceed with caution.
A red flag, at least 12 inches square, must be shown at the7. :
end of any load that extends how far beyond the rear of
the bed or body of a vehicle?
Four feet or more.
A solid yellow line in your lane means...
8. : you are not allowed to
A white dashed center line means...
9. : you are on a one-way road
(traffic going in the same direction).
A yellow center line, dashed or solid, means...
10. : you are on a
two-way road (traffic going in opposite directions).
Another car is trying to pass your car. You should:
11. : Check
for oncoming traffic and adjust your speed to allow safe passing.
Before you back up, make sure it is safe by...
12. : getting out and
walking behind the vehicle to check for children, pets or toys.
Can you pass a vehicle that is stopped at a crosswalk?
13. : NO
Dim the high beam headlight beam when you are following
another vehicle within...
14. : 350 feet.
Do not follow any closer than what amount of distance
behind any type of emergency vehicle answering an
15. : 500 feet.
Do NOT pass at which locations?
16. : Solid yellow lines, no
passing zones, hills, curves, intersections, railroads, and
Does the Right of Way law give you the right of way?
17. : No, it
only says who must yield so another vehicle can proceed safely.
Expert drivers scan the entire driving scene at least...
18. : 12
seconds ahead.
direction you want to go
How far before turning should you use your turn signal?
21. : at
least 100 feet
How fast are you supposed to go in any business district or
a school zone?
23. : 20 MPH
How fast are you supposed to go in narrow residential
24. : 15 MPH
How fast are you supposed to go on all roads and highways
not meeting any other definition?
25. : 55 MPH
How fast are you supposed to go on interstate highways
unless otherwise marked?
26. : 65-70 MPH
How fast can you drive in a school zone?
27. : 20 mph
How much alcohol does it take to impair your ability to
28. : ANY amount
How much distance should you allow when following a
motorcycle or moped?
29. : Three to four seconds. Be aware of how road conditions will
effect a motorcycle differently than a car.
If a pedestrian with a white cane is crossing the street, you
30. : stop, and stay stopped until they reach the other sidewalk.
If a vehicle behind you is following to closely, you should...
31. :
slow down to encourage the tailgater to pass you.
If there is no stop line at a railroad crossing how far
should you stop from the nearest rail?
32. : 15 feet
If you are convicted of a first DUII, how long will you
driving privileges be suspended?
33. : One year.
If you are convicted of DUI for the first time, how long will
you lose driving priveleges?
34. : One year
If you are driving below the speed of traffic, which lane
should you use?
35. : right
If you are sleepy while driving you should...
36. : pull into a rest
station and sleep.
If you do not report a crash to the DMV within 72 hours,
what will happen?
37. : Your driving privileges will be suspended.
If you have a traffic crash or collision, you must...
38. : stop at
once, render aid, and exchange information.
If you have vehicle trouble on the freeway, what should you
39. : Move to the right shoulder or emergency stopping area. Stay in
or near the car.
If you take a DUII test, what amount must it be under?
40. : A
reading of 0.08% or lower.
If your vehicle has broken down, and you have no choice,
you may...
41. : temporarily stop or park a vehicle in areas where it usually is
not allowed, as long as your vehicle does not create a hazard.
In Oregon, when do traffic fines double for all traffic
42. : In construction/work zones, at all times, whether or not there
are posted signs.
Is it ok to ride with someone who "can really hold his
43. : No. Someone who can "hold his liquor" is really developing a
tolerance to alcohol. Tolerance may be an indication of an
Most common cause of traffic crashes
44. : human error
Orange temporary traffic signs are used in control zones,
for roadwork or emergency response zones. You must...
45. : slow down and pay complete attention to these signs. Follow
instructions given by flaggers hand signals.
Oregon's future financial responsibility law means...
46. : you
will have to maintain proof of future financial responsibility with
DMV for three years.
Oregon's implied consent law means...
47. : you will consent to a
breath, blood or urine test if you are asked by a police officer.
Pedestrians in the crosswalk when the DON'T WALK or
"raised hand" signal begins flashing...
48. : should continue crossing the street.
The Basic Rule:
49. : you must drive at a speed that is reasonable and
cautious for existing conditions.
The safe following distance is...
55. : two to four seconds behind the
car in front of you
The speed limit in alleys and narrow residential areas is...
56. :
The speed limit is...
57. : the maximum speed considered safe for the
area under ideal conditions.
To check your 'blind spot' when changing lanes to the left
you should glance:
58. : Your left shoulder.
To promote traffic safety, DMV's Driver Improvement
59. : Suspends for 30 days if you are 18 years or older with four traffic
convictions in 24 months, restricts for 90 days if you are under 18
years of age with two traffic convictions, and Suspends for six
months if you are under 18 years of age with three traffic
True or False: Alcohol is a stimulant.
60. : FALSE, it is a
depressant on the central nervous system.
True or False: It is illegal to go through, around, or under a
crossing gate or barrier that is down or is being opened
or closed.
61. : TRUE
True or false: it is illegal to play the radio so that it can be
heard 50 feet or more away from your car.
62. : true
True or False: It is ok to travel in a median with double
yellow stripes or a two-way left turn lane.
63. : FALSE
True or false: it is safe to wear headphones while driving.
64. :
True or False: U-Turns are prohibited in Intersections
controlled by a traffic signal, unless a sign permits the
65. : FALSE
True or false: you can cross a bike lane, but never drive in
66. : true
Turn of your brights when a vehicle is within...
67. : 500 feet.
Under which of the following conditions is a road likely to
be most slippery?
68. : When icy and the temperature is near freezing.
The chances of a serious or fatal crash are greatest at what
50. : Late at night.
What are the steps for re-entering traffic?
69. : Turn on your
The first thing alcohol affects 51.
is:: Your judgement.
What does a flashing red light mean?
70. : Same as a stop sign
The number one cause of crashes in Oregon work zones:
52. :
What does a flashing yellow light mean?
71. : Slow down and
The number one cause of rear-end crashes
53. : drivers following
too closely
The only motor vehicles that can briefly drive in a bicycle
lane are:
54. : farm equipment, motorized scooters/wheelchairs, or official
duty vehicles (such as for delivering mail).
signal, check your blind spots and mirrors, and yield to traffic on
the road.
proceed with caution.
What does a Permitted Signal mean?
72. : It means you may make
the movement shown by the signal but, if you are making a turn,
you must yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
What does a Protected Signal mean?
73. : A Green Arrow means
your vehicle movement has the right of way.
What does a steady yellow light mean?
74. : Light will turn red;
stop, unless you are too far into the intersection.
What does Oregon's future financial responsibility law
75. : It states that you will have to maintain proof of future financial
When entering a two-way street at a steady red light you
90. : cautiously turn right, after stopping for the red light.
When must you yield to a public transit bus?
91. : When the bus
driver signals to re-enter traffic and there is an electric sign
flashing "yield" on the back of the bus.
responsibility with DMV for 3 years.
What information must you provide by law?
76. : The name of
your insurance company and policy number each time you
register a motor vehicle.
What is the most frequent cause of collisions between
motorcycles and cars?
77. : drivers failing to yield right of way, or making a left turn in front
When parking downhill against a curb...
92. : turn your wheels
inward, toward the curb.
When preparing to make a left turn, keep your wheels
93. : straight ahead.
When should you dim your headlights?
94. : When approaching
of the oncoming motorcycle.
an oncoming vehicle, dim your headlights within 500 feet. If you
are following a vehicle dim your headlights within 350 feet.
What is the safe following distance?
78. : 2-4 seconds.
What is the single most common cause of traffic crashes?
79. :
When turning into a street, drive...
95. : just to the right of the
Human error.
What other area is 20mph other than school zones?
80. :
center line.
When turning left, check your blind spot by...
96. : glancing over
Business districts
What penalties may you face by providing false
information on your application to DMV for a license or
81. : You may be sentenced to jail, receive a fine, or a one year
your left shoulder.
When yellow lights are blinking on a school bus or school
crossing sign, it means...
97. : children are arriving/leaving the bus or school.
When you are near an aggressive driver, you should...
98. :
suspension of your driving privileges.
What penalties may you face by providing false
information on your application to DMV for a license or
82. : Sentenced to jail and/or receive a fine. DMV will also suspend
your driving privileges for one year.
What should you do if you see a railroad crossing sign?
83. :
ignore their gestures, avoid eye contact, don't return aggressive
When you enter a freeway or other highway, give the right
of way to...
99. : any vehicles already on the road.
When you hear or see an emergency vehicle:
100. : immediately
drive as far to the right as possible and STOP until the vehicle
has passed.
Look, listen and slow down; be ready to stop if a train comes.
What should you do when entering a freeway?
84. : Adjust your
speed to the posted speed limit, use your mirrors and check your
blind spots before merging and yield to traffic already on the
What type of vehicles can you drive with a Class C driver
85. : Passenger vehicles, motor homes, fire trucks, and pickups
towing small trailers.
What will happen if you crash and yoyu do not have
liability insurance?
86. : Your driving privileges will be suspended for one year.
When a school bus is flashing red lights or has a red stop
sign lowered, you should...
87. : stop before reaching the bus; remain stopped until the lights are
When approaching a public transit bus from behind, when
must you yield for the bus to re-enter traffic?
88. : When the bus has its turn signal and flashing yield sign on.
When entering a one-way street at a steady red light you
89. : cautiously turn right or left in the direction of traffic, after
stopping for the red light.
: Drive as far toward the right side of the road as it is safe and
When you see or hear an emergency vehicle coming, you
: 500 feet.
When your vehicle's high beam headlights are on, you must
dim or lower the beam when an oncoming vehicle is
103. : Commonly, the first driver who stops should go first. If in
Who goes first at an intersection with stop signs in all four
doubt, yield to the driver on your right.
: Traffic on the through road.
Who has the right-of-way at a "T" intersection with no
signs or signals?
105. : Use your side and rearview mirrors and check your blind spots,
You are entering a crowded freeway. What should you do
to locate a gap to merge into traffic?
use the acceleration lane to adjust your speed to the same speed
as freeway traffic, and Yield to traffic already on the freeway.
You are on a two-way street, stopped at an intersection. Can you legally turn left on a red light into a one-way street?
106. : Yes, if
traffic allows
You cannot be closer than this diestance from the entrance to a firestation on the opposite side of the street:
107. : 75 feet.
You cannot be closer than this distance from the entrance to a firestation on the same side of the street:
108. : 15 feet.
You do not have to stop for a school bus only if...
109. : you are on the other side of a divided highway separated by a physical barrier.
You drive better after a few drinks.
110. : Wrong, even the driving ability of professional drivers is sharply reduced at levels above 0.05
You may park a vehicle on the shoulder of a highway if...
111. : passing traffic has enough room to get by and your vehicle can be seen from
200 feet in each direction. If it cannot, you must warn approaching traffic using a flagger, flag, flare, sign or signal.
You may pass on the right only when...
112. : the driver you are passing is making or has signaled for a left turn and You are traveling on a
roadway with two or more lanes in the same direction and the vehicle you are passing is in the left lane.
You must stop for a pedestrian at an intersection...
113. : if the pedestrian is in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
You should only use your horn to...
114. : help prevent a collision.
You should scan the driving scene how far ahead?
115. : at least 10 seconds