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Arkansas Permit Test Flash Cards
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_________ are the most likely places for car and
motorcycle collisions to occur.
__________ show parking spaces for persons with
Blue pavement markings
Children under the age of ..., or weighing less than ...
pounds, must be secured in an approved safety seat.
19. : 6, 90
Come within 500ft of oncoming vehicle (lights)
20. : Dim high
Continuous yellow light
21. : Traffic signal is about to change
3. : 800+ in 10 sec
A barrier of grass, concrete or other material separating4. :
two roadways, including interstate highways is known
A median
A double solid white line marks the edge of a traffic lane 5. :
travel in the same direction is permitted on both sides of the lane,
but crossing the line is prohibited
A driver must _______ for a school bus that is stopped 6. :
with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the
come to a complete stop
A driver must _______ for a school bus that is stopped 7. :
with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the
blind spots
A steady yellow arrow pointing left at an intersection
indicates to the driver that:
the left turn signal is about to change to red
A triangular orange sign on the back of a slow-moving
vehicle indicates that:
the vehicle cannot travel faster than 25 mph
Darkness (speed)
22. : 50mph
23. : Take insulin shouldn't drive because of shock
Diabetic drivers who take_______ should not drive
vehicles when there is any chance of going into shock.
24. : insulin
Do not _______ at crash scenes or at locations along the
highway where a law enforcement officer may have a
vehicle pulled off the road.
25. : rubberneck
Do not leave ... or ... unattended.
26. : Children, pets
Do not share a lane with _______ , because they need
extra space.
27. : motorcycles, bicyclists, pedistrians
Do not sound your horn when...
28. : Encourage someone to go
faster or get out of the way, errors, friends or blind pedestrians
Don't linger along a truck when passing
29. : Always pass
completely and on the left side
Driver behind you wants to pass
30. : Slow down for room in front
A two-headed arrow with one head pointing straight ahead
and the other pointing to the left means:
10. : you may either proceed straight ahead or turn to the left
11. : antilock braking system
An ideal position to place both hands on the steering wheel
is at about the:
12. : 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock positions
Arkansas: Arrested for alcohol impairment 13.
at:: 0.04%
Arrested for driving while intoxicated with an alcohol
concentration of:
14. : 0.08% or more in breath or blood
As per the law of Arkansas, you can be arrested for alcohol
impairment with any blood alcohol level:
15. : above 0.04%
Before turning right, make sure that there is no traffic
16. : from your left and no oncoming traffic turning left into your
17. : keep going straight --> slow gradually and press breaks
lightly --> pull off road
Brake failure
18. : pump break several times --> parking brake slowly
(release if skid) ---> lower gears and safe place to slow to a stop
off roadway
of your vehicle
Drivers are not required to stop if the school bus is
31. : Along an opposite lane of travel separated by a median of 20ft or
more in width
Drivers must avoid driving in no-zones such as:
32. : 20 feet in
front of the cab, on either side of the tractor-trailer and up to 200
feet in the rear of the trucksI
Drivers must be cautious if it starts to rain on a hot day,
because pavement can be very slippery for the first few
minutes due to:
33. : oil in the asphalt
Drivers must use the _______ to avoid crashes when
following other vehicles.
34. : two second rule
engine failure
35. : strong grip on steering wheel --> pull off road
36. : Under care of doctor or no seizure for 1yr
faulty accelerator
37. : neutral ---> pull off when safe --> turn off
First conviction of alcohol
38. : $150-1000, 1yr in jail or license
suspension for 120 days
First offenders of littering
39. : $1000 and no more than 8 hours of
community service
Flashing red light
40. : Complete stop, proceed only when safe
Fog (lights)
41. : low beams
Following another vehicle close than 200ft (lights)
42. : low
Following drivers who cannot see your vehicle
43. : reduce your
speed and falling back
Following motorcycle
44. : Extra distance if they may fall
Give extra space to ... or45.
....: Pedestrians, bicycles
If you cannot see 200 feet ahead, you may not be driving
safely at
67. : 30 mph
If you find yourself feeling sleepy while driving, it is better
68. : pull over and take a nap
Green light
47. : Proceed if no opposing traffic
If your vehicle is hit from the side, your body will be
69. : toward the side that is hit
Head rests should be adjusted so that head restraint
contacts the back of the head. This prevents:
48. : neck injuries if you are hit from behind
If your vehicle is moving at a speed of 55 mph, you will
travel over _______ in ten seconds.
70. : 800 feet
headlight failure
49. : put on emergency flashers, turn signals, fog
If your vehicle speed exceeds 35 mph on a wet road or in
the rain, your tires will start to ride up on the water,
which is known as:
71. : hydroplaneing
Green arrow
46. : May turn in direction of arrow
light --> pull off road
Hills and curves (look ahead)
50. : 1/3 mile or 10 sec
Hills and curves (passing distance)
51. : do not pass if 1/3 of mile
Hills and curves (speed)
52. : Adjust speed to stop if necessary.
How long do you need to pass a car at 55mph?
53. : 10 sec
How long does it take to get rid of each drink?
54. : 1 hour
How many drinks can cause you to be arrested?
55. : 2+
How many seconds do you count when behind a car?
56. : 2 sec
If a blind pedestrian is waiting at a crosswalk with a white
cane or a guide dog, you must:
57. : not use your horn or rev your engine
If an approaching vehicle has its turn signal on, you must
_______ and then start your turn if it is safe.
58. : wait until the driver actually makes a complete turn
If an emergency vehicle approaches while you are driving
in a roundabout, you must:
59. : continue to your exit, pull over, and let the emergency vehicle
If an emergency vehicle is moving in your lane displaying
red flashing lights or using a siren, you are required to:
60. : pull over to the curb and stop
If an officer instructs you to take an alcohol test...
61. : You have
to by law
If another driver is passing your vehicle, you must:
62. : stay in
the lane and do not increase your speed
If there are no reduced speed limits posted at work zones,
drivers should:
63. : obey the normal posted speed limit
In a crash, you should:
72. : Get your vehicle off the road away from
In a roundabout, a driver must drive 73.
in:: a clockwise
In Arkansas, it is illegal to drive, or to be a passenger:
74. :
without wearing a safety belt
In order to avoid last-minute braking or the need to turn,
you should look down the road at least _______ in the
75. : one city block
It is against the law to make a left turn on red light
76. : from one one-way street to another
Lighted red arrow
77. : Must stop and prohibited from turning in
direction of arrow
No oncoming vehicles (lights)
78. : high beams
On one-way roads, yellow lines are used as:
79. : left-edge lines
Passing on both sides of a highway is not allowed when:
80. :
both sides have solid yellow line markings
peripheral vision
81. : vision from corner of your eye
poor visibility
82. : increase following distance
Rain, fog, snow (speed)
83. : 30mph, but if necessary, pull off and
wait until weather clears
rear impact
84. : apply brakes to not hit vehicle ahead
Red Light
85. : Stop
If you are driving on a two-lane road, it is safest to drive
your vehicle in the _______ of the lane.
64. : center
Shared center lanes that are marked on each side by a solid
yellow and dashed yellow lines are reserved for
_______ and can be used by vehicles traveling in either
86. : For making left turns
If you can't remove your car from a crash...
65. : Warn others that
sight-distance rule
87. : 4 sec
your vehicle is there, or stop somewhere where they can see
If you can't see 400ft ahead, it is not safe to be driving at...
66. :
Snowing or raining (lights)
88. : low beams
Tailgating is the practice 89.
of:: following too close
The law requires that all children under the age of ... wear
appropriate safety restraints.
90. : 15
When turning corners, turn the steering wheel using the:
113. :
To avoid la)st-minute braking or the need to turn, how far
do you look ahead?
91. : At least one city block in city, or 1/4 mile on highways and
When you are passing a bicycle and an oncoming vehicle is
approaching, you must:
When you merge, how long is the gap?
115. : 4 sec
interstates (15 sec
tractor-trailer at 55mph
92. : 400+ft for complete stop
Turn on your headlights _______, or at any time you
cannot see a person or object clearly within 500 feet.
93. : 1/2 hour after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise
hand over hand technique
Where do you turn the wheels when parking on a hill?
118. :
Away from traffic
Which direction do you move in a collision?
119. : Toward the
Vehicle comes towards you with high beams...
96. : Flash your
headlights quickly a couple of times
What area is the safest to drive in your lane?
97. : Center
What do you do if a driver fails to dim the lights?
98. : Look
toward the right side of the road
What happens if you do not leave extra space when
stopped on a hill?
99. : Vehicle ahead may roll back when started
What is a necessary action when slowing?
100. : Check behind
your vehicle
What is the traction for tires when the road is wet?
101. : 35mph
What railroad sign as the same meaning as yield sign?
102. :
Which vehicles are required to stop at railroad crossings?
121. : transit and school buses, vehicles carrying hazardous
with abs (stopping)
122. : press brake as hard as you can and keep
with abs (turning)
123. : turn while braking without skidding
without abs (stopping)
124. : apply brakes as hard as you can without
locking break, if locks up then let up on brake and when it stops
skidding, push down again until vehicle stopped
without abs (turning)
125. : step on brake, but let up and turn steering
wheel. do not lock up front wheels while braking or turn too
: Food
What slows down the rate that alcohol gets into your
When do you signal?
105. : 100ft before you make a change
When do you stop near a school bus?
106. : Warning lights are all
Yellow arrow
126. : Signal is about to change
Yellow light
127. : Caution
You must not pass if you are _______ of a hill or curve.
128. :
within one-third of a mile
When do you turn on your headlights?
107. : 1/2 hr after sunset
and before sunrise or any time you can't see clearly within 500ft
or driving away from a rising or setting sun
: not enter the roadway
When drivers find a square sign with a white horizontal
line inside a red ball, they must:
109. : oncoming traffic
When making a left turn at an intersection, a motorist
must yield to:
110. : a swinging wide turn to the left
When making right turns, drivers must avoid _______
before initiating the turn.
111. : the left of the vehicle
When overtaking and passing another vehicle on a twolane road, you should pass only to:
When tractor-trailers make right turn...
112. : They must often
swing left
: A solid white line between lanes of traffic means that you
Which of the following statements is true regarding yellow
and white lane markings on the road?
should stay in your lane, unless a special situation requires you
to change lanes
What should you do if your tires lose traction?
103. : Ease your
foot off gas pedal, keep steering wheel straight, turn (if needed)
slowly, don't try to stop or turn
: try not to slow down your vehicle too early
When you turn from a high speed, two-lane roadway,
_______ if you have traffic following you.
Where do you never pass?
117. : shoulder
Turn on your wipers, turn on your...
94. : Headlights
Underage Driving Under the Influence
95. : 0.02%
: slow down and let the vehicle pass first
: four-second
You need a _______ gap whenever you change lanes, enter
a roadway, or when your lane merges with another
travel lane
130. : the right side
You should pull over_______ of the road, when you see or
hear an emergency vehicle approaching from any