Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look Matthew D. Hill, G. Wayne Kelly, and Michael J. Highfield∗ Net operating working capital captures multiple dimensions of firms’ adjustments to operating and financial conditions. Sales growth, uncertainty of sales, costly external financing, and financial distress encourage firms to pursue more aggressive working capital strategies. Firms with greater internal financing capacity and superior capital market access employ more conservative working capital policies. Results are robust to unobserved heterogeneity and industry effects. The evidence suggests that operating and financing conditions should be considered when evaluating working capital behavior, not just industry averages. Additionally, industry concentration magnifies the effect of sales growth. A substantial body of research examines individual components of operating working capital in isolation. Long, Malitz, and Ravid (1993), Deloof and Jegers (1996), and Ng, Smith, and Smith (1999) study trade credit policy and find support for the contracting cost motive with receivables used as a product quality indicator. Petersen and Rajan (1997) demonstrate that receivables are directly tied to profitability and capital market access, and Deloof and Jegers (1999) study the demand side of trade credit and illustrate that payables are directly related to financing deficits.1 An examination of the motives behind operating working capital strategy accounting for the net influence of receivables, inventory, and payables, is absent from the finance literature.2 While existing studies typically focus on individual components of working capital, we integrate the components to investigate factors influencing the net investment in operating working capital using the working capital requirement (WCR), defined as the sum of accounts receivable and We appreciate the helpful comments from the editor (Bill Christie), two anonymous referees, Dan Bradley, Ken Cyree, Corie Hulen-Hill, Julia Ingram, Bonnie Van Ness, Robert Van Ness, Jim Washam, and John Zietlow as well as session participants at the 2007 Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting and the 2008 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. Financial support and research assistance for this project was provided by the College of Business and Industry and the Warren Chair of Real Estate at Mississippi State University. A previous version of this paper was titled “Determinants of Operating Working Capital Policy: A First Look.” All errors remain the sole property of the authors. ∗ Matthew D. Hill, CTP, is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi, USA. G. Wayne Kelly is an Associate Professor of Finance at Mississippi State University in Starkville, Mississippi, USA. Michael J. Highfield, CFA, is an Assistant Professor of Finance and Interim Robert W. Warren Chair of Real Estate at Mississippi State University in Starkville, Mississippi, USA. 1 Please see the following for a full review of the trade credit literature: Melzer (1960), Smith (1987), Mian and Smith (1992), Lee and Stowe (1993), Biais and Gollier (1997), Emery and Nayar (1998), Frank and Maksimovic (1998), Burkhart and Ellingsen (2004), Atanasova (2007), Love, Preve, and Sarria-Allende (2007), Cunat (2007), and Molina and Preve (2009). 2 Theoretical integrative working capital studies include Richards and Laughlin (1980), Sartoris and Hill (1983), and Gentry, Vaidyanathan, and Lee (1990). Financial Management • Summer 2010 • pages 783 - 805 784 Financial Management r Summer 2010 3 inventories net of accounts payable. Operating assets and liabilities ultimately must be managed in concert rather than individually, a condition this paper attempts to reflect. As discussed by Atanasova (2007) and shown by Molina and Preve (2009), most firms supply and demand trade credit simultaneously; firms with better access to trade credit find it easier to finance receivables and inventory. We use the WCR as it is comprehensive. By focusing on the operating component of working capital, the results and implications are clearly distinguishable from those presented in corporate cash holdings research that is necessarily limited to the causes and consequences of holding cash.4 A positive WCR, or conservative working capital policy, indicates a need for additional capital that firms can finance internally using free cash flow, or externally via commercial paper or lines of credit. Thus, conservative working capital policies imply either opportunity costs or explicit financing costs. Alternatively, a negative working capital gap means the firm’s net operating working capital provides financing for long-term assets, an aggressive strategy. Using a sample of 20,710 firm-year observations for 3,343 companies over the 1996 to 2006 period, we find that the mean WCR is $296 million, or 23% of capital structure, on average. This statistic suggests that working capital behavior deserves closer scrutiny, particularly in light of Fazzari and Petersen’s (1993) finding that increased net working capital reduces fixedinvestment and evidence that profitability and risk-adjusted returns are negatively related to the cash conversion cycle (e.g., Shin and Soenen, 1998; Deloof, 2003).5 The dependent variable across all models is the WCR, which focuses the study on the drivers of net operating working capital behavior and accounts for the joint effect of receivables, inventory, and payables. The results provide evidence of strong relationships between net operating working capital and operating conditions (e.g., sales growth and sales volatility). Since a positive WCR must be financed, management must devise a strategy to acquire funds internally or externally. Accordingly, the results indicate that the WCR depends on internal financing resources, external financing costs, capital market access, negotiating ability, and financial distress. Additionally, by adjusting the dependent variable by the annual mean industry-level WCR-to-sales ratio, we confirm that the results are robust to industry effects. Finally, we present evidence regarding the relation between working capital behavior and the degree of industry competitiveness. The results are robust to econometric specification, firm-specific heterogeneity, and time effects. Our results suggest that operating conditions and financing ability influence the WCR even after adjusting for industry working capital norms, and we infer that quantifying the efficiency of working capital management using traditional methods, such as industry-level ratio comparisons, may lead to questionable inferences and should be accompanied by even greater caveats than is typical. Hence, the models presented here provide an improved method to benchmark operating working capital behavior. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section I discusses the hypothesized relationship between the WCR and various corporate financial characteristics. Section II describes 3 Shulman and Cox (1985) define the working capital requirement as current assets net of cash minus current liabilities net of notes payable and current long-term debt due, thus including prepaid expenses and accruals. We use the modified version of the working capital requirement for two reasons. First, the simplified version parallels the cash conversion cycle. Second, theoretical implications of holding prepaid expenses and accruals are not well developed in the extant literature. 4 Kim, Mauer, and Sherman (1998), Opler et al. (1999), Ozkan and Ozkan (2004), and Dittmar and Mahrt-Smith (2007) exemplify typical methods and findings of corporate cash holdings research. 5 Specifically, Shin and Soenen (1998) use the net trade cycle, a variation of the cash conversion cycle, while Deloof and Jegers (2003) use the cash conversion cycle. Also, Kieschnick, LaPlante, and Mousawwi (2008) estimate the value of net operating working capital. Hill, Kelly, & Highfield r Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 785 the sample and descriptive statistics and specifies the model. Section III presents the results and Section IV provides our conclusions. I. Hypothesis Development A. Operating Conditions 1. Sales Growth Sales growth affects working capital behavior, but the relationship between the WCR and sales growth is complicated by potential endogeneity problems. For example, relaxed credit and inventory policies can stimulate sales causing reverse causality when using contemporaneous sales growth as an independent variable. Similar to Love, Preve, and Sarria-Allende (2007) and Molina and Preve (2009), we mitigate this problem by lagging sales growth.6 Molina and Preve (2009) find trade credit granted is inversely related to lagged sales growth, and they suggest that firms with greater prior period growth tighten credit policy as they achieve planned levels of sales growth. With respect to the spontaneous sources of funds generated by sales growth, Petersen and Rajan (1997) and Deloof and Jegers (1999) indicate that payables are directly related to growth, supporting the expected relation between the variables. Since the WCR is the net result of the firm’s operating working capital behavior, and the effect of sales growth on inventory is not clear from the previous literature, we expect an inverse relationship between the WCRs and lagged sales growth. Lagged sales growth is defined as the lagged percentage change in sales over the period t−1 to t. 2. Contribution Margin Over the typical operating cycle, firms acquire and finance inventory via payables and then finance the marked-up product to customers through receivables before collecting on the sale. Since the dollar value of a good in terms of receivables generally exceeds the dollar value of a good in payables, each unit sold contributes to an increased WCR. Thus, we expect the WCR and contribution margin are directly related. Since most sampled firms sell multiple products or are conglomerates, the lagged gross profit margin (GPM), defined as the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales, is used to proxy contribution margin.7 3. Sales Volatility Higher deviations in demand make the optimal inventory level more difficult to determine making increased inventory a rational response to sales volatility. Emery (1987) confirms that not all firms will find it advantageous to increase inventory in response to increased sales volatility. For example, firms with cost advantages in financing receivables may find it optimal to extend additional credit to customers. That is, to avoid the buildup of inventory due to decreased demand, firms can move inventory by offering more attractive credit terms. Widespread access to financial innovations such as asset-backed commercial paper affords cost advantages in financing receivables, meaning receivables would be cheaper to finance than inventory for many firms. Empirical findings are mixed. Using a sample of industrial firms, Long, Malitz, and Ravid 6 7 When applicable, in an effort to mitigate endogeneity concerns, we lag all independent variables used in this study. Gross profit margin aggregates contribution margins for individual product, and Compustat offers no way to individualize these margins by product/division. 786 Financial Management r Summer 2010 (1993) provide empirical support for Emery’s (1987) operational view of trade credit. In contrast, Deloof and Jegers (1996) find no relation between receivables and sales volatility for a sample of Belgian industrial and wholesale firms. Also, results presented by Ng, Smith, and Smith (1999) suggest that firms generally do not respond to deviations in demand by altering credit terms.8 Spontaneous financing demanded by firms should relate directly to sales volatility; firms with more unpredictable revenues have greater difficulty forecasting day-to-day liquidity needs and subsequent funding. Thus, firms with volatile sales tend to rely on payables to enhance cash flow. Due to conflicting empirical evidence reported by Long, Malitz, and Ravid (1993), Deloof and Jegers (1996), and Ng, Smith, and Smith (1999), the link between the net investment in operating working capital and sales volatility is an empirical question; therefore, we do not predict the sign of the sales volatility variable. Sales volatility is the standard deviation of a firm’s annual net sales over a rolling five-year period prior to each of the sample years. For example, the standard deviation of sales for 2006 is calculated over the five-year period of 2001-2005. Firm-year observations are included in the sample for a given year if the firm has at least three observations during the previous five-year period. Thus, sales volatility is designed as a backward looking measure alleviating endogeneity concerns. The sales variability measure is scaled by net assets, defined as total assets minus cash and short-term investments. B. Ability to Finance Operating Working Capital 1. Operating Cash Flow Positive operating cash flow enables firms to finance a positive WCR, allowing a more conservative operating working capital strategy, thereby facilitating future sales growth. However, firms with negative operating cash flows must finance a positive WCR through other sources. Love, Preve, and Sarria-Allende (2007) estimate a direct correlation between net trade credit and cash flow for a sample of firms in emerging market countries. Consequently, we expect a positive association between WCRs and cash flow. To relieve endogeneity concerns, cash flow is measured as lagged operating income before depreciation minus income taxes scaled by net assets. 2. Asymmetric Information and Costs of External Financing Myers and Majluf (1984) demonstrate that capital markets extract a premium for the external financing of firms with greater informational asymmetries as such firms’ projects and cash flows are more difficult to value leading firms to follow a financing pecking order and exhausting the lowest cost sources of capital first. A positive WCR must be financed. We expect less transparent firms to have a reduced WCR since firms with greater informational asymmetries typically pay greater rates to borrow. The lagged market-to-book ratio is used as a proxy for the degree of asymmetric information, where market-to-book is defined as the sum of market value of equity and total liabilities minus payables scaled by net assets. We expect an inverse relation between the WCR and the market-to-book ratio. 3. Capital Market Access Creditworthy firms with superior capital market access are more capable of financing the working capital gap externally. Brennan and Hughes (1991) argue that larger firms are covered 8 Ng, Smith, and Smith (1999) use survey data for firms in various industries. Hill, Kelly, & Highfield r Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 787 more intensely by analysts, whose increased monitoring reduces informational asymmetries, implying that larger firms enjoy ready access to capital relative to smaller firms. Since this study examines the determinants of net operating working capital, we emphasize commercial paper issues and bank debt. While larger firms find it easier to finance relaxed credit and inventory policies, smaller firms are less able to issue commercial paper or negotiate lines of credit. With fewer ways to finance receivables, smaller firms rely on factoring more than large firms.9 Whited (1992) finds that larger firms face fewer borrowing constraints than smaller firms since the former have better capital market access.10 Petersen and Rajan (1997) suggest that receivables are directly related to size and Deloof and Jegers (1999) report that payables are insignificantly related to size. Accordingly, we expect a direct relationship between the net investment in operating working capital and size. We use the natural logarithm of the lagged annual inflation-adjusted market value of equity to proxy size. 4. Market Power The length of trade credit terms are directly related to market power as more valuable customers can negotiate more generous credit terms with suppliers. Additionally, firms with greater market share can stretch the credit terms offered by suppliers with little repercussion as contracts with industry leaders are critical to the viability of smaller suppliers. Similarly, strong relationships with vendors allow firms with greater market power to hold less inventory. Suppliers with more market power relative to customers can negotiate shorter terms with customers for at least two reasons. First, the level of competition from rival firms is reduced for firms with large market share, decreasing the likelihood of losing customers over a reduction in credit terms. Second, suppliers with greater market share are more likely to have forged longer relationships with clients implying higher costs of switching suppliers. These switching costs include learning and transactions costs as documented by Klemperer (1987) and Chevalier and Scharfstein (1996). Molina and Preve (2009) indicate that, when compared to firms in competitive industries, firms in concentrated industries tighten credit policies to a greater extent when facing financial distress. Overall, we expect firms with greater negotiating power to have more payables, fewer receivables, and less inventory. That is, the net impact of increased market power is a reduced WCR. We measure market power as the lagged ratio of a firm’s annual sales to the total annual sum of sales in a given industry with greater ratios implying increased negotiating ability. Industries are defined by the Fama-French (1997) classifications. We expect WCRs to be inversely related to market power. Market power is a firm-specific proxy for the firm’s ability to negotiate bilaterally as both client and supplier. 5. Financial Distress Distressed firms have limited financial slack and cash generating ability, and the strain of financial distress may cause firms to reduce investment in operating working capital by collecting on receivables, tightening credit terms, liquidating existing inventory, and stretching credit terms granted by suppliers. Molina and Preve (2009) demonstrate that financially distressed firms have significantly reduced levels of trade credit relative to their nondistressed counterparts. We expect the WCR to correlate inversely with financial distress. 9 Factoring is not explicitly accounted for and so its influence is not observed here due to data availability. 10 Many studies use size as an inverse proxy of financial constraint (Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen, 1988; Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach, 2004; Faulkender and Wang, 2006). 788 Financial Management r Summer 2010 Following Molina and Preve (2009), a firm must satisfy two criteria to be classified as financially distressed: 1) the firm must have difficulty covering interest payments and 2) it must be overleveraged. The first component is having a coverage ratio calculated as operating income before depreciation divided by interest expense less than one for two consecutive years or less than 0.80 in any given year. Second, a firm is considered overleveraged if its leverage ratio is in the top two deciles of its industry’s leverage ratio in a given year. If a firm meets both conditions in a given year, then Distresst−1 , an indicator variable, equals one and zero otherwise.11 II. Data and Methods A. Data Source and Description The initial sample includes all nonfinancial, nonutility, non-ADR, and SIC-classifiable firms covered by the Compustat database over the period 1991-2006.12 We eliminate firm-years with missing financial data, nonpositive assets, nonpositive sales, negative market value of equity, negative interest expense, and duplicate values. We include firm-years in the sample if the firm makes at least three appearances in the panel during the five-year period preceding a given year. Thus, observations from the first five years, while not directly studied in the analysis, are necessary to construct the first cross-sectional set in 1996.13 Finally, to mitigate the influence of outliers, firm-level ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. The final sample consists of 20,710 firm-year observations for 3,343 companies from 1996 to 2006, an unbalanced panel data set with maximum, minimum, and mean number of individual firm appearances equal to 11, 1, and 6.20 panels, respectively. The descriptive statistics for the variables used to estimate the determinants of operating working capital behavior are displayed in Table I. The mean WCR-to-sales ratio is approximately 19.8%. Thus, approximately $0.20 of each dollar in sales is tied up in net operating working capital equating to just over $296 million, a nontrivial amount given the reduction in free cash flow and market value this represents. Though unreported, the mean WCR-to-total-assets ratio is 22.7%, illustrating the magnitude of a firm’s capital structure devoted to operating working capital. This statistic is as striking as the mean cash-to-total-assets ratio of 22.0% reported by Dittmar and Mahrt-Smith (2007), yet the financial component of working capital receives much more attention than its operating component. Given the size and implications of the reported average WCR-to-total-assets ratio, it 11 Molina and Preve (2009) use three proxies for financial distress. First, FINDIST is a binary variable equal to one if a firm’s coverage ratio, calculated as operating income before depreciation divided by interest expense, is less than one for two consecutive years, or if the coverage ratio is less than 0.80 in any given year. Second, FDLEV is a binary variable equal to one if the firm is in the top two deciles of industry leverage in a given year and meets the conditions described by FINDIST above. Third, the authors define financial distress as a firm that has had three consecutive years of losses, LOSSFD. We consider FDLEV the most stringent of the distress measures and we use this definition as the variable Distress. 12 The Compustat mnemonic and codes for variables used in the analysis are as follows: Sales growth (SALECHG1, none), Sales (SALE, A12), Operating Income Before Depreciation (OIBDP, A13), Income Taxes-Total (TXT, A16), Total Assets (AT, A6), Cash and Short-Term Investments (CHE, A1), Receivables (RECT, A2), Inventory (INVT, A3), Accounts Payable (AP, A70), Market Value of Equity (MKTVALF, none), Total Liabilities (LT, A181), Interest Expense (XINT, A15), Cost of Goods Sold (COGS, A41), Preferred Stock (PSTK, A130), Deferred Taxes-Income Account (TXDI, A50), and Debt-Convertible Total (DCVT, A79). 13 The use of lagged variables does not constrain the data set since the first three observations for each firm are lost due to the methodology used to estimate sales volatility. Hill, Kelly, & Highfield r Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 789 Table I. Descriptive Statistics This table provides the sample characteristics of 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique companies over the period 1996-2006. WCR is the ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales at the end of each year. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the quarterly WCR and industry average quarterly WCR for the respective year. Growth is the percentage change in sales over the previous year. GPM is the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales. SalesVAR is the standard deviation of sales. OCF is operating income before depreciation minus taxes scaled by net assets. M/B is the ratio of market value of equity plus total liabilities minus payables to net assets. Size is the market value of equity in 2006 dollars. MktShare is firm sales as a percentage of aggregate sales in the firm’s industry. Distress equals one if a firm meets Molina and Preve’s (2009) definition of financial distress and zero otherwise. Industry dependent calculations follow the Fama and French (1997) 48 industry classification system. Variables WCR (%) WCRq (%) IndAdj WCR (%) IndAdj WCRq (%) Growtht−1 (%) GPM t−1 (%) SalesVar (%) OCF t−1 (%) M/Bt−1 (ratio) Sizet−1 ($M) MktSharet−1 (%) Distresst−1 (binary) N Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Median Maximum 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 20,710 19.785 19.258 0.001 −0.312 14.372 32.412 31.168 5.153 2.324 1,957.146 1.407 0.051 17.336 16.287 14.574 13.917 35.085 33.962 44.326 29.938 2.919 5,605.622 3.334 — −163.256 −156.184 −181.776 −171.784 −70.86 −78.193 1.361 −353.085 0.481 0.789 0.000 0.000 18.895 18.236 0.998 −1.341 8.694 32.688 18.427 11.054 1.493 252.138 0.215 0.000 95.964 98.369 81.301 84.521 321.508 87.983 571.823 46.635 37.716 65,449.510 29.349 1.000 is hard to rationalize the relative lack of attention devoted to the operating component of working capital. Although discussed in more detail later, we use several measures of the WCR. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year-sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the firm’s annually reported WCR, and the firm’s industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the firm’s WCRq and the firm’s industry average annual WCR for the respective year.14 Summary statistics for the remaining variables are similar to prior studies. The average lagged annual sales growth rate is 14.4% with a median of 8.7%. Mean lagged GPM is 32.4%, and the average standard deviation of sales to net assets is 31.2%. Sales volatility exhibits substantial skewness. Lagged operating cash flow is negatively skewed indicating that many firms have weak operating cash flows or operating losses. The mean lagged market-to-book ratio is 2.3. While this value may seem large, it should be noted that the base is net assets defined as total assets minus cash. Mean and median lagged market capitalizations in the sample are $2.0 billion and $252 million, respectively. Also, the average of the lagged market share variable is 1.4%. Finally, 5.1% of the observations qualify as financially distressed. Table II provides the distribution of the sample across time. The maximum and minimum number of observations for a given year is 2,278 and 1,152 occurring in 2005 and 1996, respectively. 14 We reestimate the models after scaling all WCR measures by net assets. The results are robust. 790 Financial Management r Summer 2010 Table II. Time Distribution of Sample This table provides the distribution of the sample across time for 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique companies over the period 1996-2006. WCR is the ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales at the end of each year. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year-sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the quarterly WCR and industry average quarterly WCR for the respective year. Mean values of IndAdj WCR and IndAdj WCRq are not reported since they approximate zero by construction. Sample Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Observations Unique firms N 1,152 1,516 1,616 1,783 1,871 1,924 2,042 2,128 2,232 2,278 2,168 20,710 3,343 Mean Values Median Values WCR WCRq WCR WCRq IndAdj WCR IndAdj WCRq 21.657 21.342 21.697 21.202 21.165 19.438 19.211 18.252 18.583 17.754 17.594 19.785 20.883 20.874 21.246 21.106 20.798 20.164 19.602 17.999 17.566 17.196 16.953 19.258 20.719 20.308 20.702 20.207 20.153 18.582 17.928 17.333 17.638 17.228 16.819 17.336 20.314 19.962 20.202 19.995 20.032 19.363 17.956 16.787 16.617 16.793 16.172 16.287 −0.831 −1.411 −1.187 −1.333 −1.232 −0.617 −1.345 −0.834 −1.192 −0.695 −0.667 0.053 −1.564 −1.545 −1.152 −1.581 −1.467 −0.037 −1.059 −1.159 −2.053 −1.219 −1.357 −0.312 Column 3 illustrates a general downward trend in the WCR as the mean WCR decreases by 18.8% from 1996 to 2006. This decline suggests that firms have become more efficient in managing working capital. Table III provides the distribution of WCR by industry affiliation consistent with the Fama and French (1997) four-industry classification system. Business services has the most firm-year appearances with 1,976. Restaurants, hotels, and motels have the smallest mean WCR. The maximum industry-level WCR is agriculture with a mean of 44.0%. The substantial variation of operating working capital behavior across industries echoes the findings of Hawawini, Viallet, and Vora (1986) and suggests that working capital behavior is at least partly industry specific. Certain firms have nonpositive positions in net operating working capital. The WCR is not a use of funds for these firms, but instead finances long-term assets. Table IV provides univariate comparisons of firm characteristics to gain a better understanding of the differences in firms having positive and nonpositive WCRs. Roughly 6.8% of the observations have nonpositive WCR during the sample period. This subset consists of 520 unique firms, 306 of which appear at least twice in the nonpositive WCR subset. Figures in the table are variable means for each subset. The last column provides t-statistics testing for differences in mean firm characteristics. The mean WCR for the nonpositive WCR subset is −11.3% while the average is 21.8% for the positive WCR subset. The WCR is significantly different across subsets of firms. Further, the positive and nonpositive WCR subsets are significantly different at the 1% level for each of the financial characteristics considered except lagged size. With respect to operating conditions variables, the positive WCR firms have lower growth rates, sales variability, and greater Hill, Kelly, & Highfield r Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 791 Table III. Industry Distribution of Sample This table provides the distribution of the sample across industries for 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique companies over the period 1996 to 2006. Industry classifications follow the Fama-French (1997) 48-industry classification system. Utilities, banking, insurance, real estate, and trading firms are omitted. WCR is the ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales at the end of each year. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the quarterly WCR and industry average quarterly WCR for the respective year. Mean values of IndAdj WCR and IndAdj WCRq are not reported since these approximate zero by construction. Industry Focus Agriculture Food products Candy and soda Beer and liquor Tobacco products Recreation Entertainment Print. & publishing Consumer goods Apparel Healthcare Medical equip. Pharmaceutical Chemicals Rubber & plastic Textiles Const. materials Construction Steel works Fabricated prod. Machinery Electrical equip. Autos & trucks Aircraft Shipbuilding Defense Precious metals Mining Coal Oil and nat. gas Communication Personal services Business services Computers Electronic equip. Measuring equip. Business supplies Shipping cont. Transportation Wholesale Retail Restaurants, etc. Other Observations Unique firms N 57 487 69 73 23 296 350 255 514 491 471 778 895 590 290 111 555 357 476 99 1,066 544 446 150 52 40 80 96 31 971 602 273 1,976 820 1,602 614 397 87 706 973 1,243 515 189 20,710 3,343 Mean Values Median Values WCR WCRq WCR WCRq IndAdj WCR IndAdj WCRq 44.004 14.976 9.251 27.760 19.799 28.502 2.228 14.292 25.997 27.856 14.391 30.971 18.306 22.143 19.915 25.093 22.284 28.436 22.871 23.195 30.074 29.449 20.889 33.202 17.984 23.189 18.843 21.478 21.478 4.587 6.239 8.487 12.639 21.444 25.813 32.664 17.773 16.579 7.983 20.016 15.610 1.494 12.939 19.785 42.505 15.903 8.618 27.188 19.566 28.831 2.079 13.758 26.145 28.998 13.591 29.942 17.201 21.782 19.543 26.452 22.163 26.935 22.574 23.098 30.007 29.570 20.643 32.495 18.252 23.754 20.104 21.402 2.678 5.887 8.203 11.974 14.697 21.964 25.348 31.998 16.937 16.180 7.452 19.858 15.451 0.761 12.675 19.258 48.623 13.568 8.044 15.486 17.490 26.891 0.602 11.983 23.763 25.553 13.905 30.478 20.592 21.209 19.415 23.408 22.255 20.740 21.909 22.678 27.757 27.048 18.270 27.719 13.882 21.640 19.088 19.569 7.228 6.648 8.376 10.201 14.940 20.193 24.222 30.892 16.729 16.729 16.729 16.729 15.169 7.495 18.262 17.336 49.444 14.656 8.005 15.226 16.553 27.768 0.614 12.000 23.620 27.610 13.015 29.303 19.367 20.817 19.551 24.675 21.545 18.987 21.644 22.630 28.024 27.201 18.187 28.170 14.441 21.829 18.829 19.089 7.249 5.960 8.154 9.164 14.317 19.820 23.487 30.279 15.580 15.580 15.580 15.580 14.545 7.116 17.948 16.287 4.824 −1.321 −0.724 −4.622 0.000 −0.836 −1.532 −2.093 −2.157 −1.872 −0.142 −0.324 2.672 −1.050 −0.721 −1.774 0.111 −7.306 −1.329 −0.232 −2.050 −2.210 −2.562 −4.144 −4.055 −1.958 −2.909 −1.749 0.000 0.386 0.369 −0.830 −0.129 −0.584 −1.469 −1.426 −1.057 −1.057 −1.057 −1.057 −1.275 −0.593 −1.527 0.053 3.089 −0.376 −0.781 −7.450 1.147 −0.732 −1.624 −2.131 −2.310 −0.191 −0.994 −1.675 1.467 −1.161 −0.930 −0.214 −0.784 −8.698 −1.472 0.604 −1.997 −2.267 −2.632 −4.900 −3.611 −0.517 −1.962 −1.523 −0.454 −0.188 −0.104 −2.460 −0.870 −0.813 −1.963 −2.066 −1.684 −1.684 −1.684 −1.684 −1.724 −1.003 −1.916 −0.312 792 Financial Management r Summer 2010 Table IV. Differences in Means: Positive WCR versus Nonpositive WCR Firms This table provides the sample characteristics of 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique companies over the period 1996-2006. Positive WCR firms report a WCR greater than zero. Nonpositive WCR firms report a WCR less than or equal to zero. All t-tests invoke the assumption of unequal variances and Satterthwaite’s approximation formula. WCR is the ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales at the end of each year. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the quarterly WCR and industry average quarterly WCR for the respective year. Growth is the percentage change in sales over the previous year. GPM is the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales. SalesVAR is the standard deviation of sales. OCF is operating income before depreciation minus taxes scaled by net assets. M/B is the ratio of market value of equity plus total liabilities minus payables to net assets. Size is the market value of equity in 2006 dollars. MktShare is sales divided by industry sales. Distress is one if a firm meets Molina and Preve’s (2009) definition of financial distress and zero otherwise. Industry-dependent calculations follow the Fama and French (1997) 48-industry classification system. Variables WCR (%) WCRq (%) IndAdj WCR (%) IndAdj WCRq (%) Growtht−1 (%) GPM t−1 (%) SalesVar (%) OCF t−1 (%) M/Bt−1 (ratio) Sizet−1 ($M) MktSharet−1 (%) Distresst−1 (binary) ∗∗∗ Positive WCR Nonpositive WCR Difference in Means (Pos.) – (Nonpos.) N Mean N Mean Difference T-Stat 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 19,295 21.835 21.274 1.568 1.007 13.998 33.534 30.289 6.651 2.249 1,975.065 1.452 0.046 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 −11.314 −8.226 −21.386 −18.299 19.474 17.110 43.143 −15.268 3.344 1,712.798 0.792 0.159 33.149∗∗∗ 29.501∗∗∗ 22.955∗∗∗ 19.306∗∗∗ −5.476∗∗∗ 16.424∗∗∗ −12.853∗∗∗ 21.919∗∗∗ −1.095∗∗∗ 262.267∗ 0.660∗∗∗ −0.113∗∗∗ 56.928 55.217 35.072 32.768 −4.127 7.809 −6.837 13.230 −8.393 1.781 11.732 −11.503 Significant at the 0.01 level. Significant at the 0.10 level. ∗ contribution margins. Firms with conservative working capital policies (again, the positive WCR subset) have greater cash flows, size, market power, smaller market-to-book ratios, and are less likely to be in distress. These comparisons support several of the hypotheses as the nonpositive WCR subset is more restricted in terms of internal financing ability and capital market access, have greater costs of external capital, and are more likely to be in financial distress. Only lagged market share is opposite our expectations. Overall, these results suggest that a nonpositive WCR is not necessarily obtained by design. In fact, it may be forced on struggling firms. Table V displays the matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for the variables in this study. The correlations are largely consistent with our expectations. The WCR is negatively correlated with lagged sales growth and sales variability but directly related to lagged GPM. The WCR is negatively associated with lagged values of market-to-book, size, market share, and financial distress and is directly related to lagged cash flow. Most correlation coefficients are significant at the 1% level. Only size deviates from our expectations. Although many of the independent variables are significantly correlated, none of the correlation coefficients are of sufficient magnitude to suggest a collinearity problem. Significant at the 0.01 level. 0.0242∗∗∗ −0.0709∗∗∗ 0.1417∗∗∗ 0.0954∗∗∗ 0.0426∗∗∗ −0.0195∗∗∗ −0.0383∗∗∗ Growtht−1 GPM t−1 SalesVar MBt−1 Sizet−1 OCF t−1 MktSharet−1 Distresst−1 ∗∗∗ Growtht−1 WCR −0.0314∗∗∗ 0.1420∗∗∗ −0.1451∗∗∗ −0.0702∗∗∗ −0.0260∗∗∗ 0.1248∗∗∗ −0.0327∗∗∗ −0.1164∗∗∗ Variables −0.0712∗∗∗ −0.0954∗∗∗ 0.0848∗∗∗ 0.3468∗∗∗ −0.0008 −0.0928∗∗∗ GPM t−1 0.0925∗∗∗ −0.2712∗∗∗ −0.2465∗∗∗ −0.1146∗∗∗ 0.2136∗∗∗ SalesVar 0.0120∗∗∗ −0.3915∗∗∗ −0.0703∗∗∗ 0.1078∗∗∗ MBt−1 0.2669∗∗∗ 0.4686∗∗∗ −0.2745∗∗∗ Sizet−1 0.1088∗∗∗ −0.3562∗∗∗ OCF t−1 −0.0815∗∗∗ MktSharet−1 r This table provides Pearson correlation coefficients for the 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique companies over the period 1996-2006. WCR is the ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales at the end of each year. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the quarterly WCR and industry average quarterly WCR for the respective year. Growth is the percentage change in sales over the previous year. GPM is the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales. SalesVAR is the standard deviation of sales. M/B is the ratio of market value of equity plus total liabilities minus payables to net assets. Size is market value of equity in 2006 dollars. OCF is operating income before depreciation minus taxes as a percentage of net assets. MktShare is sales divided by the aggregate sales in the firm’s industry. Distress is one if a firm meets Molina and Preve’s (2009) definition of financial distress and zero otherwise. Table V. Pearson Correlation Coefficients Hill, Kelly, & Highfield Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 793 794 Financial Management r Summer 2010 B. The Determinants of WCR Our primary variable of interest is the WCR-to-sales ratio measured as the ratio of the annual sum of accounts receivable and inventory minus accounts payable to sales. We estimate the following empirical model: WCRi,t = β0 + β1 Growthi,t−1 + β2 GPM i,t−1 + β3 SaleVARi,t + β4 OCF i,t−1 β5 M/Bi,t−1 + β6 Sizei,t−1 + β7 MktSharei,t−1 + β8 Distressi,t−1 + β j Controlsi,t + εi , (1) where sales growth, Growth, is the annual percentage change in sales during the previous year. Gross profit margin, GPM, is the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales. Sales volatility, SaleVart , is the ratio of the standard deviation of sales to net assets. Operating cash flow, OCF, is operating income before depreciation minus income taxes, scaled by net assets. The marketto-book ratio, M/B, is the ratio of the sum of market value of equity and total liabilities minus payables to net assets. Firm size, Size, is the natural logarithm of market value of equity in inflation-adjusted 2006 dollars. The ability to negotiate credit terms, MktShare, is the ratio of annual firm-level sales to the industry’s annual sum of sales. Finally, Distres equals one if the firm is in financial distress and zero otherwise. The variables SalesVar, OCF, and M/B, are scaled by total assets net of cash as it is likely that cash and the WCR are jointly determined as increased receivables and inventories reduce internally generated cash. By construction, this joint determination can lead to a negative correlation between WCR and variables divided by total assets when cash is included; hence, total assets net of cash is preferred. Equation (1) also includes a set of annual binary variables to control for time-specific macroeconomic factors influencing WCR. III. Empirical Results A. Panel Model Results: WCR Specification The variation in WCR across firms may be a result of firm-specific unobservable factors, which, if correlated with the independent variables, can cause pooled OLS regression results to suffer from heterogeneity bias. A Breusch and Pagan (1980) Lagrange multiplier test rejects the use of pooled OLS with a single intercept. Next, a Hausman’s (1978) test determines whether the unobservable heterogeneity is correlated with the independent variables by testing for systematic differences in the fixed and random effects coefficient vectors. The null hypothesis of equality in the fixed and random effects coefficient vectors is rejected suggesting that fixed effects is the preferred specification for these data. Table VI presents fixed effects regression results for the determinants of net operating working capital behavior analysis. Column 1 exhibits the estimates from Equation (1) using the WCRsto-sales ratio as the dependent variable. The models evaluate the factors influencing the WCR for the full sample of 20,710 firm-years for 3,343 unique firms over the 1996-2006 period. Annual binary variables are included in the fixed effects models. 1. Results: Lagged Sales Growth The fixed effects results for Equation (1) in Table VI demonstrate an inverse relation between the WCR and lagged sales growth. The coefficient is statistically significant at the 1% level. The negative correlation between the WCR and sales growth is consistent with Molina and Preve’s −0.008∗∗∗ (−4.430) 0.007∗∗ (2.140) −0.018∗∗∗ (−9.410) 0.037∗∗∗ (9.730) −0.339∗∗∗ (−10.300) 1.001∗∗∗ (10.420) 0.091 (1.540) −1.690∗∗∗ (−5.140) 20,710 0.10 −0.010∗∗∗ (−5.000) 0.001 (0.031) −0.040∗∗∗ (−19.400) 0.023∗∗∗ (5.470) −0.128∗∗∗ (−3.510) 0.490∗∗∗ (4.590) −0.089 (−1.350) −1.621∗∗∗ (−4.450) 20,710 0.14 Growtht−1 (%) ∗∗ Significant at the 0.01 level. Significant at the 0.05 level. ∗ Significant at the 0.10 level. ∗∗∗ Observations R2 Distresst−1 (Binary) MktSharet−1 (%) Sizet−1 (Ln($M)) MBt−1 (Ratio) OCF t−1 (%) SalesVar (%) GPM t−1 (%) WCRq (%) WCR (%) −0.010∗∗∗ (−4.85) 0.002 (0.44) −0.039∗∗∗ (−19.180) 0.022∗∗∗ (5.300) −0.135∗∗∗ (−3.750) 0.496∗∗∗ (4.690) −0.129∗∗ (−1.970) −1.534∗∗∗ (−4.250) 20,710 0.15 IndAdj WCR (%) −0.008∗∗∗ (−4.240) 0.008∗∗ (2.280) −0.017∗∗∗ (−9.010) 0.036∗∗∗ (9.520) −0.347∗∗∗ (−10.560) 1.011∗∗∗ (10.510) 0.052 (0.880) −1.602∗∗∗ (−4.890) 20,710 0.11 IndAdj WCRq (%) −0.015∗∗∗ (−5.330) −0.004 (−0.830) −0.043∗∗∗ (−15.100) 0.034∗∗∗ (5.830) −0.179∗∗∗ (−3.910) 0.599∗∗∗ (3.970) −0.246∗∗∗ (−2.670) −2.169∗∗∗ (−4.320) 11,730 0.13 Manufacturing −0.018∗∗∗ (−3.130) 0.046∗∗∗ (3.720) −0.039∗∗∗ (−7.870) −0.010 (−1.160) 0.121 (1.420) 0.682∗∗ (2.110) 0.205 (0.580) −2.834∗∗∗ (−2.780) 2,249 0.20 Service 0.001 (0.140) 0.073∗ (1.650) −0.047∗∗∗ (−7.420) −0.027∗∗ (−2.110) 0.035 (0.200) −0.115 (−4.000) 0.569 (0.960) −0.512 (−0.570) 1,243 0.09 Retail WCR (%): Industry Subsample r Variables This table presents firm fixed effects regressions with WCR, WCRq, IndAdj WCR, and IndAdj WCRq as dependent variables. WCR is the ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales at the end of each year. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the quarterly WCR and industry average quarterly WCR for the respective year. Estimates for WCR are recalculated based on Retail, Service, and Manufacturing industry subsamples as defined in Fama-French (1997). Growth is the percentage change in sales over the previous year. GPM is the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales. SalesVAR is the standard deviation of sales. OCF is operating income before depreciation minus taxes as a percentage of net assets. M/B is the ratio of market value of equity plus total liabilities minus payables to net assets. Size is the market value of equity in 2006 dollars. MktShare is sales divided by the aggregate sales in the firm’s industry. Distress is one if a firm meets Molina and Preve’s (2009) definition of financial distress, and zero otherwise. Industry-dependent calculations follow the Fama and French (1997) 48 industry classification system. Annual binary variables (not reported) control for time effects. The sample consists of 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique firms over the period 1996-2006. T-values are in parentheses below coefficients. Table VI. Fixed Effects Results Hill, Kelly, & Highfield Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 795 796 Financial Management r Summer 2010 (2009) finding that firms tighten their credit policy as they achieve planned levels of sales growth. Further, this result suggests that prior period sales growth provides net financing. As shown by Petersen and Rajan (1997) and Deloof and Jegers (1999), payables are directly correlated with growth as suppliers are willing to offer more credit with better terms to high-growth firms in hopes of building relationships. High-growth firms need not relax trade credit terms as sales are already growing. Molina and Preve (2009) confirm that receivables are negatively related to lagged sales growth. These initial results suggest that, on average, lagged sales growth provides financing.15 2. Results: Lagged Gross Profit Margin Although Petersen and Rajan (1997) find that receivables are directly related to GPM, we find that lagged GPM has no statistically distinguishable effect on the WCR after controlling for other independent variables. Since we use GPM to proxy contribution margin, the lack of a significant relationship is unexpected as greater contribution margins should mechanically increase the WCR. It is feasible that the explanatory power of GPM is captured by the fixed effect. Alternatively, lagged GPM may be a poor proxy for the contribution margin since most of the sampled firms sell multiple products or are conglomerates. 3. Results: Sales Volatility The WCR is negatively associated with sales volatility with a t-statistic of −19.40. Since sales volatility represents expected deviations in demand, the inverse correlation between WCR and sales volatility suggests that managers react to greater sales volatility by managing working capital more aggressively. This finding is consistent with the Deloof and Jegers (1996) and Ng, Smith, and Smith (1999) view that receivables policy is largely unaffected by deviations in demand and the intuition that sales variability should increase a firm’s dependence on payables. This result does not invalidate Emery’s (1987) hypothesis that firms with superior ability to finance receivables will loosen credit policy in response to variable demand; however, it implies that increased sales volatility causes firms to reduce their net investment in operating working capital. Plausibly, the incremental cash flow provided by reducing the working capital gap is needed most by firms with volatile sales. 4. Results: Lagged Operating Cash Flow The estimated correlation between the WCR and lagged operating cash flow is positive and significant at the 1% level, suggesting that firms with greater operating cash flows manage working capital more conservatively. Similarly, Love, Preve, and Sarria-Allende (2007) report a direct association between net trade credit and cash flow. A potential benefit of a conservative working capital approach is increased profitability. Looser inventory policies and more lenient credit standards can be associated with increases in sales and profits. The direct relationship between the WCR and operating cash flow indicates that firms with stronger operating cash flows are more likely to enjoy the benefits of a less restrictive working capital policy than firms with 15 We also estimate the model using conditional growth variables as in Petersen and Rajan (1997) and Molina and Preve (2009). The results further reiterate the aforementioned result and accompanying theory as firms with lagged positive sales growth reduce their investment in net operating working capital, while negative sales growth has a positive effect on the WCR. To check robustness, we also used the growth of market share in place of sales growth, but due to low cross-sectional variation, particularly for competitive industries, the results are negative, yet insignificant. Both sets of alternative results are available upon request. Hill, Kelly, & Highfield r Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 797 weaker cash flows, as a positive WCR must be financed. Conversely, firms for which internal cash flow matters most (i.e., those with reduced internal financing ability) manage operating working capital more aggressively. 5. Results: Lagged Market-to-Book Ratio The association between the WCR and the lagged market-to-book ratio is negative and significant at the 1% level. Taking the market-to-book ratio as the degree of asymmetric information faced by firms in capital markets, hence a proxy for the cost of external finance, the estimated inverse relationship between the WCR and market-to-book supports the view that firms with greater costs of external finance seek to reduce the WCR, probably to avoid costly external financing. Alternatively, the market-to-book ratio proxies for investment opportunities; firms with superior prospects will strive to reduce their net investment in operating working capital to unlock cash flow needed to invest in positive NPV projects. Further, this result complements the estimated inverse connection between the WCR and sales growth, as high-growth firms typically have greater market-to-book ratios. The negative correlation between WCR and the market-to-book ratio parallels the positive relation between cash and market-to-book ratio presented in the cash literature in that cash provides financing, while the WCR requires financing (Kim, Mauer, and Sherman, 1998; Opler et al., 1999; Ozkan and Ozkan, 2004). Thus, for high market-to-book ratio firms, cash reduces external financing needs. For these firms, external financing needs increase with an increased WCR. 6. Results: Lagged Firm Size WCR varies directly with lagged firm size and the association is significant. We expect this relationship as size is a proxy for capital market access. Smaller firms are limited in their choices for financing a positive WCR as they are less able to issue commercial paper or obtain lines of credit. In the research examining corporate cash holdings, Opler et al. (1999) indicate that cash and size are inversely related since larger firms have less need to hold cash as they have better access to short-term debt markets. Since a positive WCR must be financed, smaller firms will more closely monitor operating working capital strategies since they have fewer alternatives available to finance the working capital gap relative to larger firms. Also, the direct correlation between the WCR and size supports prior working capital results such as Petersen and Rajan (1997) and Deloof and Jegers (1999). 7. Results: Lagged Market Share WCR and lagged market share are not significantly related. Firms with greater negotiating ability have superior bargaining position regarding credit terms extended to customers and received from suppliers. Since we believe market share proxies negotiating ability, the lack of an affiliation between WCRs and market share is unexpected. As with lagged GPM, it is possible that the firm-specific heterogeneity absorbed the effect of negotiating ability.16 8. Results: Lagged Financial Distress WCR is negatively related to lagged financial distress. Molina and Preve (2009) demonstrate that financially distressed firms have significantly reduced levels of trade credit relative to their 16 In later regressions, the relation between operating working capital behavior and negotiating ability/market concentration is more fully analyzed using industry concentration. 798 Financial Management r Summer 2010 17 nondistressed counterparts. We infer that distressed firms manage operating working capital more aggressively than nondistressed firms. A more restrictive working capital policy is a rational response to financial distress due to the limited financial slack and cash generating ability of distressed firms. As such, distressed firms are likely to reduce investment in operating working capital by collecting on receivables, tightening credit terms, liquidating inventory, and stretching supplier credit. This result has additional economic meaning. The average WCR of distressed firms is 1.6% lower than that of nondistressed firms. This implies that nondistressed firms have a $31 million additional investment in net operating working capital relative to their distressed counterparts, on average.18 9. Summary of Initial Results The results indicate that the WCR is inversely related to sales growth, uncertain demand, cost of external financing, and financial distress and is directly related to operating cash flow and capital market access. Next, we discuss two potential problems with our dependent variable specification. The first deals with variation in ending fiscal years, and the second concerns industry effects. To this point, we have allowed the fixed effect to absorb the industry effect on working capital behavior, a matter discussed in more detail below. B. Additional Results: Averaged Quarterly WCR Specification A potential problem with the measurement of WCRs is that not all firms use the same fiscal year-end date for their annual financial statements introducing arbitrary differences in the WCR for firms in the same industry.19 To attenuate this concern, sample firms’ quarterly receivables, inventory, and payables data are averaged, smoothing variations in operating cycles caused by varying fiscal year ends. The results using the quarterly averaged WCR (WCRq) as the dependent variable appear in Column 2 of Table VI. Overall, the results are consistent with the earlier results in that WCRq is inversely related to lagged sales growth, sales volatility, lagged market-to-book ratio, and lagged financial distress and directly related to lagged operating cash flow and size. As before, lagged market share is insignificant. One difference is that lagged GPM is positive and significant for the quarterly averaged model. We expect this result since GPM proxies contribution margin and increased contribution margins imply greater receivables relative to payables. This finding echoes Petersen and Rajan’s (1997) result of a direct correlation between receivables and GPM. C. Additional Results: Industry-Adjusted WCR Specification Hawawini, Viallet, and Vora (1986) indicate that working capital behavior is industry dependent. For example, operating working capital policies of manufacturing firms are markedly different from service firms since the former typically carry substantial inventory levels and the latter carry virtually no inventory. Industry effects would ordinarily be captured by indicator variables, but the time-invariant nature of these variables precludes them from fixed effects estimation. In Columns 1 and 2 of Table VI, we assume the industry effect loads on the fixed effect. To explicitly control 17 We also estimate the models using Molina and Preve’s (2009) other measures of financial distress. The results are quantitatively and qualitatively similar and are available upon request. 18 The mean sales level for sampled firms is $1.94 billion. 19 We thank an anonymous reviewer for bringing this point to our attention. Hill, Kelly, & Highfield r Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 799 for industry effects, the annual industry average WCR is netted from the preceding versions of the WCR where industries are defined according to the Fama and French (1997) 48 industry classifications.20 Columns 3 and 4 report results using deviations from industry averages as dependent variables. Column 3 illustrates the estimates of Equation (1) using the annual WCR minus the industry averaged WCR as the dependent variable (IndAdj WCR), while Column 4 shows the estimates of Equation (1) using the quarterly averaged WCR minus the industry average WCR as the dependent variable (IndAdj WCRq). The results in Column 3 echo many of the findings in Columns 1 and 2. Similar to Column 1, lagged GPM is not significant. A notable difference is lagged market share, which is negative and significant suggesting that firms with greater market share have lower net investment in operating working capital. This finding meets our expectations because firms with increased market share are in an improved position to negotiate more generous credit terms with suppliers, as well as stretch the terms offered by those suppliers. Similarly, increased market share implies improved relationships with vendors, allowing for lower inventory levels. Finally, increased market share implies a reduced need to offer generous credit terms. In all, the benefits of increased market share yield a reduced net investment in operating working capital. Results in Column 4 are similar to our previous results. Two exceptions include lagged GPM, which is positive and significant as in Column 2, and lagged market share, which is not significant as in Column 3. Results from Columns 3 and 4 suggest that even after controlling for industrylevel working capital benchmarks, certain firm-level financial characteristics strongly influence operating working capital behavior. This is worth emphasizing as it reinforces a frequently voiced, but often ignored, caveat against the exclusive use of means of industry ratios as benchmarks for financial analysis. Insightful analysis should encompass firm-level operating conditions, financing ability, and managerial decision making at the most fundamental level available given the purpose of the analysis.21 To better understand the variation in factors influencing working capital behavior across industries, we estimate Equation (1) separately for firms classified as manufacturing, service, and retail appearing in Columns 5-7, respectively, of Table VI. The results are generally consistent with those in Column 1. In fact, the sign of the coefficients and significance level for the manufacturing subsample (Column 5) are identical to those in Column 1 except for the market share variable, which is negative and significant. The results for service and retail firms in Columns 6 and 7, respectively, vary from those reported in column 1; however, the significant coefficients’ signs are consistent with theory. The models in Table VI account for firm-specific heterogeneity as well as time effects.22 The estimated coefficients are generally robust across dependent variable specifications as subsequent models account for the variation in fiscal year ends and industry benchmarks. Overall, the fixed effects results strongly support many of the hypotheses. D. Additional Results: Industry Competitiveness/Concentration The degree of market concentration within an industry influences management of operating working capital in response to operating conditions and financing ability. Firms in concentrated industries have improved negotiating ability; thus, they are able to dictate trade credit terms 20 We use 43 of the 48 Fama-French (1997) industry classifications in the study as utility and financial firms are discarded from the sample. The Fama-French industry classifications are taken from Kenneth French’s web page at 21 For example, produces an annual working capital benchmarking analysis that relies on industry-level means. 22 We note that the results are robust to scaling all variables, including dependent variables, by net assets. 800 Financial Management r Summer 2010 granted and received, and inventory policies. As a result, the effects of the independent variables in Equation (1) could depend on the degree of concentration within the industry. Molina and Preve (2009) demonstrate that the effect of financial distress on credit policy is most pronounced for firms in concentrated industries. To determine whether the results vary according to degree of industry competitiveness, regression models presented in columns 1-4 of Table VI are estimated separately for firms in competitive and concentrated industries in Table VII. Similar to Molina and Preve (2009), we define a concentrated industry as one whose Herfindahl index exceeds the median industry Herfindahl index for the year; otherwise, the industry is considered competitive. As before, the models account for fixed and time effects. The results in Table VII generally echo those in Table VI with a few important distinctions. Sales volatility, operating cash flow, size, and financial distress retain the same signs and general significance as the results in Table VI. However, the significance of market-to-book varies across dependent variable specification. While the market-to-book coefficient is negative in all models, it is significant only in the quarterly averaged results (WCRq and IndAdj WCRq). Another interesting result concerns market share. Firms in concentrated industries with greater market share should be able to reduce WCR, but this is not supported by the results. A few other findings deserve note. First, sales growth is negative and marginally significant for one competitive subsample (Column 3) but negative and significant at the 1% level for each concentrated subsample. This suggests that sales growth for firms in concentrated industries, those with presumably more market power, generates more spontaneous financing than spontaneous uses of funds. That is, sales growth provides net financing for firms in concentrated industries. Second, GPM is positive and significant for each concentrated subsample. This has intuitive appeal in that firms in concentrated industries typically enjoy greater profit margins that by definition lead to a higher WCR. Although the results in Table VII provide valuable insights, it would be helpful to know the marginal effects of industry concentration on the WCR. As illustrated in Table VIII, we interact each independent variable in Equation (1) with an indicator variable for concentration, where the indicator variable equals one if the firm is in a concentrated industry and zero otherwise. The results in Table VIII are derived from estimating Equation (1) plus an industry concentration dummy variable and the aforementioned interaction terms using the four dependent variables described earlier. As before, the models account for fixed and time effects. The relation between the WCR and the interaction between lagged sales growth and the industry concentration dummy variable is negative and significant for each model, suggesting that sales growth causes a greater reduction in net investment in operating working capital for concentrated firms. Thus, sales growth provides net financing for firms in concentrated industries. This significant negative interaction between lagged sales growth and industry concentration is consistent with our expectations. Growing firms in concentrated industries have less need to loosen credit and inventory policies to facilitate increases in sales. Meanwhile, suppliers are more likely to offer increases in credit and better terms to these firms. Columns 1 and 3 of Table VIII demonstrate that the marginal effect of lagged GPM on the WCR is greater for concentrated firms. Firms in concentrated industries are more likely to have greater contribution margins increasing their WCR. The results in Columns 2 and 4 indicate that firms in concentrated industries finance less of their net investment in operating working capital with operating cash flow. This is likely due to concentrated firms receiving additional trade credit from suppliers. Contrary to expectations, the interaction between industry concentration and lagged market share is insignificant for each model. However, the results in Column 3 confirm that the industry-adjusted WCR is negatively related to market share, whereas this variable was insignificant for each model in Table VI. This finding is not robust across the dependent IndAdj WCR (%) IndAdj WCRq (%) −0.004 (−1.520) −0.008∗ (−1.760) −0.041∗∗∗ (−14.030) 0.020∗∗∗ (3.590) −0.059 (−1.260) 0.334∗∗ (2.120) 0.071 (0.450) −1.600∗∗∗ (−3.110) 10,862 0.10 −0.017∗∗∗ (−5.690) 0.041∗∗∗ (5.530) −0.040∗∗∗ (−12.900) 0.014∗ (1.940) −0.029 (−0.047) 0.475∗∗∗ (3.020) −0.088 (−1.180) −2.768∗∗∗ (−5.320) 9,848 0.15 −0.005∗ (−1.930) −0.001 (−0.050) −0.020∗∗∗ (−7.630) 0.036∗∗∗ (7.260) −0.257∗∗∗ (−6.070) 0.869∗∗∗ (6.070) 0.256∗ (1.790) −1.930∗∗∗ (−4.120) 10,862 0.10 −0.010∗∗∗ (−3.950) 0.035∗∗∗ (5.400) −0.014∗∗∗ (−5.210) 0.020∗∗∗ (3.320) −0.302∗∗∗ (−5.490) 1.047∗∗∗ (7.630) 0.041 (0.064) −2.710∗∗∗ (−5.960) 9,848 0.08 −0.003 (−1.090) −0.008∗ (−1.800) −0.040∗∗∗ (−13.720) 0.018∗∗∗ (3.390) −0.063 (−1.370) 0.287∗ (1.830) −0.126 (−0.810) −1.535∗∗∗ (−2.990) 10,862 0.11 −0.017∗∗∗ (−5.560) 0.041∗∗∗ (5.540) −0.040∗∗∗ (−13.110) 0.015∗∗ (2.180) −0.037 (−0.590) 0.455∗∗∗ (2.940) −0.079 (−1.090) −2.851∗∗∗ (−5.560) 9,848 0.16 −0.004 (−1.460) −0.001 (−0.080) −0.019∗∗∗ (−7.250) 0.035∗∗∗ (7.030) −0.262∗∗∗ (−6.200) 0.822∗∗∗ (5.760) 0.059 (0.420) −1.864∗∗∗ (−3.980) 10,862 0.11 −0.010∗∗∗ (−3.710) 0.035∗∗∗ (5.230) −0.014∗∗∗ (−5.230) 0.022∗∗∗ (3.570) −0.310∗∗∗ (−5.640) 1.028∗∗∗ (7.510) 0.050 (0.770) −2.792∗∗∗ (−6.160) 9,848 0.09 Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look ∗∗ WCRq (%) Competitive Concentrated Competitive Concentrated Competitive Concentrated Competitive Concentrated Significant at the 0.01 level. Significant at the 0.05 level. ∗ Significant at the 0.10 level. ∗∗∗ Observations R2 Distresst−1 (binary) MktSharet−1 (%) Sizet−1 (Ln($M)) MBt−1 (Ratio) OCF t−1 (%) SalesVar (%) GPM t−1 (%) Growtht−1 (%) WCR (%) r Variables This table presents firm fixed effects regressions using WCR, WCRq, IndAdj WCR, and IndAdj WCRq as dependent variables. These results are similar to Columns 1-4 presented in Table VI, but this table controls for the competitiveness/concentration of the industry by sub-setting the sample into concentrated and competitive industries. A competitive (concentrated) industry is the half-sample of firms in industries whose Herfindahl Index is below (above) the year median. WCR is the ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales at the end of each year. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the quarterly WCR and industry average quarterly WCR for the respective year. Growth is the percentage change in sales over the previous year. GPM is the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales. SalesVAR is the standard deviation of sales. OCF is operating income before depreciation minus taxes as a percentage of net assets. M/B is the ratio of market value of equity plus total liabilities minus payables to net assets. Size is the market value of equity in 2006 dollars. MktShare is sales divided by the aggregate sales in the firm’s industry. Distress is one if a firm meets Molina and Preve’s (2009) definition of financial distress, and zero otherwise. Industry-dependent calculations follow the Fama and French (1997) 48 industry classification system. Annual binary variables (not reported) control for time effects. The sample is 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique firms over the period 1996-2006. The t-values are in parentheses below coefficients. Table VII. Fixed Effects Results: Conditional on Industry Concentration Hill, Kelly, & Highfield 801 802 Financial Management r Summer 2010 Table VIII. Fixed Effects Results: Marginal Effect of Industry Concentration This table presents firm fixed effects regressions using interaction terms to test for differences between concentrated and competitive industries. A competitive (concentrated) industry is the half sample of firms in industries whose Herfindahl Index is below (above) the year median. WCR is the year-end ratio of receivables plus inventory minus payables to sales. WCRq is the ratio of the average end-of-quarter WCR to end-of-year sales. IndAdj WCR is the difference between the annual WCR and industry average annual WCR for the respective year. IndAdj WCRq is the difference between the WCR and industry average WCR for the respective year, quarterly. Growth is the percentage change in sales over the previous year. GPM is the ratio of sales minus cost of goods sold to sales. SalesVAR is the standard deviation of sales. OCF is operating income before depreciation minus taxes as a percentage of net assets. M/B is the ratio of market value of equity plus total liabilities minus payables to net assets. Size is the market value of equity in 2006 dollars. MktShare is sales divided by aggregate industry sales. Distress is one if a firm meets Molina and Preve’s (2009) definition of financial distress and zero otherwise. IndCon is binary and equal to one if the firm is in a concentrated industry and zero otherwise. A multiplication symbol (×) indicates interaction terms. Annual binary variables (not reported) control for time effects. Industry-dependent calculations follow the Fama and French (1997) 48 industry classification system. The sample is 20,710 firm-years across 3,343 unique firms over the period 1996-2006. The t-values are in parentheses below coefficients. Variables WCR (%) WCRq (%) IndAdj WCR (%) IndAdj WCRq (%) IndCon (binary) −1.517 (−0.790) −0.005∗∗ (−2.030) −0.013∗∗∗ (−3.250) −0.003 (−0.790) 0.015∗∗ (2.280) −0.041∗∗∗ (−16.550) 0.004 (1.060) 0.026∗∗∗ (5.290) −0.011 (−1.350) −0.129∗∗∗ (−3.120) −0.002 (−0.030) 0.459∗∗∗ (4.010) 0.070 (0.680) −0.116 (−1.290) 0.029 (0.410) −1.498∗∗∗ (−3.280) −0.366 (−0.520) 20,710 0.14 −2.081 (−1.190) −0.006∗∗∗ (−2.580) −0.006∗ (−1.660) 0.005 (1.380) 0.007 (1.150) −0.019∗∗∗ (−8.510) 0.006 (1.550) 0.044∗∗∗ (9.940) −0.024∗∗∗ (−3.240) −0.328 (−8.780) −0.044 (−0.720) 0.961∗∗∗ (9.290) 0.122 (1.310) 0.087 (1.06) −0.004 (−0.006) −1.515∗∗∗ (−3.670) −0.506 (−0.790) 20,710 0.11 −0.910 (−0.480) −0.005∗ (−1.810) −0.013∗∗∗ (−3.380) −0.002 (−0.560) 0.013∗∗ (1.990) −0.040∗∗∗ (−16.200) 0.003 (0.680) 0.024 (4.920) −0.007 (−0.890) −0.136∗∗∗ (−3.300) −0.004 (−0.006) 0.481∗∗∗ (4.240) 0.025 (0.250) −0.163∗ (−1.830) 0.046 (0.650) −1.327∗∗∗ (−2.930) −0.596 (−0.850) 20,710 0.15 −1.474 (−0.850) −0.005∗∗ (−2.320) −0.006∗ (−1.770) 0.006∗ (1.650) 0.005 (0.810) −0.018∗∗∗ (−8.000) 0.004 (1.120) 0.042 (9.520) −0.020∗∗∗ (−2.730) −0.335∗∗∗ (−8.980) −0.046 (0.760) 0.983∗∗∗ (9.530) 0.077 (0.830) 0.039 (0.490) 0.013 (0.210) −1.344∗∗∗ (−3.270) −0.736 (−1.160) 20,710 0.12 Growtht−1 (%) Growtht−1 × IndCon GPM t−1 (%) GPM t−1 × IndCon SalesVar (%) SalesVar × IndCon OCF t−1 (%) OCF t−1 × IndCon MBt−1 (ratio) MBt−1 × IndCon Sizet−1 (Ln($M)) Sizet−1 × IndCon MktSharet−1 (%) MktSharet−1 × IndCon Distresst−1 (binary) Distresst−1 × IndCon Observations R2 ∗∗∗ Significant at the 0.01 level. Significant at the 0.05 level. ∗ Significant at the 0.10 level. ∗∗ Hill, Kelly, & Highfield r Net Operating Working Capital Behavior: A First Look 803 variable specifications presented in Table VIII. Another result worth noting is that the industry concentration indicator variable has no distinguishable effect on the WCR. In summary, the results in Table VIII echo many of those in Tables VI and VII as the WCR is inversely related to lagged sales growth, sales volatility, lagged market-to-book, and lagged financial distress and is directly related to operating cash flow and size. The interaction between industry concentration and lagged sales growth is the only significant interaction that is robust across the models in Table VIII. We conclude that the effects of the other independent variables are not significantly different for concentrated and competitive firms. IV. Conclusion Firms adopt working capital policies to address market imperfections over the operating cycle and incur costs and accrue benefits that affect cash flow and ultimately shareholder wealth. This study seeks a better understanding of the factors influencing working capital behavior as reflected in the WCR. For our sample of firms, the average WCR represents $296 million in untapped cash. Our empirical models relate the WCR ratio to operating conditions and financing ability. Concerning the operating conditions variables, our results indicate that increases in sales growth and sales volatility cause firms to manage operating working capital more aggressively. We find limited support for a direct correlation between GPM and WCR. The results also indicate that working capital behavior is influenced by financing capabilities. Specifically, WCR is directly related to operating cash flow and size and is inversely related to the market-to-book ratio and financial distress. A weak negative correlation exists between WCR and market share; however, the result is not robust. Together, these outcomes suggest that firms with weaker internal financing ability, limited capital market access, and greater costs of external financing will more aggressively use payables relative to receivables and inventory. These results are consistent after using a quarterly averaged WCR and they are robust to unobserved heterogeneity. The results are also robust after industry-adjusting WCR and highlight the need to consider financial characteristics besides industry affiliation when examining working capital levels for optimality. The implication is that factors other than just industry benchmarks should be considered when setting or evaluating working capital behavior. Finally, we examine the effect of industry-level concentration on working capital behavior and find that the interaction between lagged sales growth and industry concentration reduces firms’ net investment in operating working capital. Our models should be helpful to future research since they are the first to investigate the factors influencing the determinants of the net investment in operating working capital. Furthermore, these models can be employed to benchmark optimal working capital levels since they jointly control for operating conditions and the ability to seek and acquire capital. A question left to future research considers the impact of changes in working capital holdings on changes in market value. The corporate cash holdings literature demonstrates that the marginal value of cash varies according to various financial characteristics such as the degree of financial constraint and corporate governance. 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