EEB263 – Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Quiz 2 – Review Life History Introduction: • Life history begins with fertilization, followed by embryonic development, maturation and in some cases senescence, each stage being a prelude to the next. o Embryonic development or ontogeny: Fertilization to birth or hatching. The egg is fertilized and divides into millions of cells, which form the basic structural components of the individual. o Maturation: Time from birth to the point of sexual maturity. Usually involves a growth in size and acquisition of learned skills as well as appearance of anatomical features that distinguish the reproductiveready adult. § Pre-reproductive individuals are called juveniles or immatures. § If the juvenile and adult are strikingly different in form, and the change from one to the other is abrupt, then the transformation is termed metamorphosis (i.e. tadpole to frog). o Senescence, or aging: The loss of physical vigor and reproductive ability. This is apparent in humans but rare in wild animals. In fact, senescent animals usually provide an easy meal for ready predators. Few examples of senescence are found in the wild (few species of salmon, and social primates). Early Embryology Introduction: • • • • Early in embryonic development, the cells of the embryo (the product of a fertilized egg, from the zygote until the fetal stage) become sorted into three primary germ layers: 1. Ectoderm 2. Endoderm 3. Mesoderm Each layer gives rise to specific regions that form body organs. Structures of two species that pass through closely similar steps of embryonic development can imply homology between these structures. Close homology testifies to the phylogenetic relationship of both species. The youngest stage of the embryo is the fertilized egg, or zygote, which develops subsequently through the morula, blastula, gastrula, and neurula stages. During these early stages, the embryonic area becomes defined from the extraembryonic area that supports the embryo or delivers nutrients but does not become a part of the embryo itself. The delineated embryo first becomes organized into the three basic germ layers and then passes through organogenesis (literally, “organ”-“formation”) during which the germ layers differentiate into specific organs. EEB263 – Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Quiz 2 – Review Fertilization: • • • • • • The union of two mature sex cells, or gametes, constitutes fertilization. The male gamete is the sperm and the female the ovum, or egg. Both of the gametes carry genetic material from each parent, and both are haploid (containing half the chromosomes of each parent). The sperm’s passage through the outer layers of the ovum activates embryonic development. Although an egg can be very large, as is a chicken egg, it is but a single cell with a nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane, or plasma membrane. While still in the ovary, the ovum accumulates vitellogenin, a transport form of yolk formed in the liver of the female and carried in her blood. Once in the ovum, vitellogenin is transformed into yolk platelets consisting of storage packets of nutrients that help support the growing needs of the developing embryo. The quantity of yolk that collects in the ovum is specific to each species, in general there are 3 types: 1. Microlecithal: Slight amount 2. Mesolecithal: Moderate amount. 3. Macrolecithal: Enormous amount. The distribution of yolk in the ovum can also be categorized into 2 types: 1. Isolecithal: Even distribution. 2. Telolecithal: Concentrated at one pole When yolk and other constituents are unevenly arranged (telolecithal), the ovum shows a polarity defined by a vegetal pole, where most yolk resides, and an opposite animal pole, where the prominent haploid nucleus resides. Gastrulation: • • • • • Repeated mitotic division of the zygote occurs during cleavage. The embryo experiences little or not growth in size, but the zygote is transformed from a single cell into a solid mass of cells called the morula. Eventually the multicelled and hollow blastula forms. The blastomeres are the cells resulting from these early cleavage divisions of the ovum. The first cleavage furrows appear at the animal pole and progress towards the vegetal pole. In microlecithal eggs of amiphioxus and placental mammals, cleavage is holoblastic –mitotic furrows pass successfully through the entire zygote from animal to vegetal pole. After the first few furrows pass through, subsequence furrows perpendicular to these develop until a hollow ball of cells form around an internal fluid-filled cavity. Structurally, the blastula is the hollow ball around the internal blastocoel cavity. In mesolecithal or microlecithal egg, cell division is impeded, mitotic furrowing is slowed, only a portion of the cytoplasm is cleaved, and cleavage is said to be meroblastic. In extreme cases, such as in the eggs of many fishes, reptiles, birds and monotremes, meroblastic cleavage becomes discodial because extensive yolk material at the vegetal pole remains undivided by mitotic furrows and cleavage is restricted to a cap of dividing cells at the animal pole. EEB263 – Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Quiz 2 – Review • In all chordate groups, cleavage converts a single celled zygote into a multicelluar, hollow blastula. Variations in the cleavage process result from characteristic differences in the amount of accumulated yolk reserves. Gastrulation: • • • • Cells of the blastula undergo major rearrangements within the embryo to reach the gastrula and neurula stages. Gastrulation (literally “gut formation”) is the process by which the embryo forms a distinct endodermal tube that constitutes the early gut. The space enclosed within the gut is called the gastrocoel, or archenteron. Neurulation (literally “nerve formation”) is the process of forming an ectodermal tube, the neural tube. The tube is a precursor of the CNS and encloses the neurocoel. The two processes occur simultaneously in some species and include other embryonic events with far-reaching consequences. During this time, the three germ layers come to occupy their characteristic starting positions: o Ectoderm: on the outside o Endoderm: Lining the primitive gut o Mesoderm: Between the two of them. § Sheets of mesoderm become tubular, and the resulting body cavity enclosed within the mesoderm is the coelom. Cleavage is characterized by cell division; gastrulation is characterized by major rearrangements of cells. By the end of gastrulation, large populations of cells, originally on the surface of the blastula, divide and spread toward the inside of the embryo, a process that is much more than simple cell shuffling. Tissue-tissue interactions established by this rearrangement are one of the major determinants of organ formation. Neurulation: • Most common method of neurulation is primary neurulation wherein the neural tube is formed through folding of the dorsal ectoderm. o Specifically, the surface ectoderm thickens into a strip of tissue that forms the neural plate along what is to be the dorsal and anteriorposterior side of the embryo. o In tetrapods, sharks, lungfishes, and some protochordates, the margins of the neural plate then grow upward into parallel ridges that constitute the neural folds. o The neural folds eventually meet and fuse at the midline, forming the neural tube that encloses the neurocoel. o The tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the CNS). Just before or just as the neural folds fuse, some cells within these ectodermal folds separate out and establish a distinct population of neural crest cells. o These cells are organized initially into cords in the embryo’s trunk, but in the head, they usually form into sheets. From their initial position next to the forming neural tube, neural crest cells migrate out EEB263 – Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Quiz 2 – Review • • • • along defined routes to contribute to various organs (these cells are unique to vertebrates). The endoderm is derived from cells moving inward from the outer surface of the blastula. At first the endoderm forms the walls of a simple gut extending from anterior to posterior within the embryo. But as development proceeds outpocketings from the gut and its interactions with other germ layers produce associated glands and their derivatives. The mesoderm also is derived from cells entering from the outer surface of the blastula. Mesodermal cells proliferate as they expand into a tissue sheet around the insides of the body between the outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm. Occasionally, instead of forming a sheet, mesodermal cells become dispersed to produce a network of loosely connected cells called mesenchyme. The notochord arises from the dorsal midline between lateral sheets of mesoderm. Each lateral sheet of mesoderm becomes differentiated into 3 regions: o Epimere (or paraxial mesoderm): Dorsal o Mesomere (or intermediate mesoderm): Middle o Hypomere (or lateral plate mesoderm): Ventral The central cavity within the mesoderm is the paired primary or embryonic coelom. Parts of the primary coelom often become enclosed in the mesoderm, forming a myocoel within the epimere, a nephrocoel within the mesomere, and simple coelom (body cavity) within the lateral plate mesoderm. Epimere: • • • • • The epimere forms as a pair of cylindrical condensation adjacent to and parallel with the notochord. It then becomes organized into connected clusters of loosely whorled mesenchymal cells, termed somitomeres. Beginning at about the neck and progressing posteriorly, spaces form between somitomeres to delineate anatomically separate condensed clumps of mesoderm, somites. The somitomeres in the head remain connected, and may number 7 in amniotes and teleosts, and 7 in amphibians and sharks. They give rise to striated muscles of the face, jaws, and throat, with the connective tissue component derived from the neural crest. The somites, in series with the somitomeres, vary in number with species. Somites in turn split into 3 separate mesodermal populations: o Dermatome: Skin musculature o Myotome: Body musculature o Sclerotome: Vertebrae Mesomere: • The mesomere gives rise to portions of the kidney. Hypomere: EEB263 – Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Quiz 2 – Review • As the coelom expands within the Hypomere, inner and outer mesodermal sheets of cells are defined. The inner wall of the Hypomere is termed the splanchnic mesoderm, and the outer wall the somatic mesoderm. o These sheets of mesoderm come into association with the endoderm and the ecoderm, with which they I nteract later to produce specific organs. o Collectively, the paired sheet of splanchnic mesoderm and the adjacent sheet of endoderm form the splanchnopleure; the somatic mesoderm and the adjacent ectoderm form the somatopleure. Patterns of Gastrulation: • • • • • Epiboly: Cells spread across the outer surface as a unit. Involution: Cells turn inward and then spread over the internal surface. Invagination: A wall of cells may indent or simply fold inward. Delamination: Sheets of cells may split into parallel layers. Ingression: Individual surface cells may migrate to the interior of the embryo. Embryology Case Studies: Amphioxus (Cephalochordata): • • • • • • • • • Microlecithal eggs Cleavage results in 2 blastomeres. Subsequent divisions of the blastomeres, now less and less in synchrony with each other, yield the 32-celled blastula surrounding the fluid-filled blastocoel. Gastrulation in occurs by invagination of the vegetal wall. As vegetal cells grow inward, they obliterate the blastocoel. Cells on the inside next separate into endoderm and mesoderm (endomesoderm, or future endoderm and mesoderm –unity at the moment). The endomesoderm eventually moves up against the inside wall of the ectoderm and forms the primitive gut. The gastrocoel communicates to the exterior through the blastopore. The embryo is consequently transformed during early gastrulation from the single layer of blastomeres to a double layer of cell sheets consisting of the ectoderm and the endomesoderm. Delineation of the mesoderm occurs during neurulation in the embryo. A series of paired outpocketings form and pinch off from the mesoderm. These cavities merge to become the coelom. As the paired mesodermal outpocketings take shape, the mesoderm at the dorsal midline between them differentiates into the chordamesoderm. In addition to giving rise to the notochord, the chordamesoderm stimulates the differentiation of the overlying ectoderm into the CNS. The epidermis lateral to the early neural plate detaches and moves across the neural plate. Only after the two sides meet and form a continuous sheet of epidermis does the neural tube below round up. The mesoderm then becomes delineated into epimere, mesomere, and hypomere.