How to Conduct Jump or Hoop for Heart

How to Plan and Conduct a Jump/Hoops for Heart Event
Susan Lalman
Elementary Physical Education Teacher
Morrison Elementary
October 7, 2014
1) I place my order in the fall or spring before I am going to do a Jump Rope for Heart Event.
2) I check the date with the Elementary and High School Principal to be sure it works. I utilize
Junior High and High School students on this day to work with the elementary students so I
want the date to work for both sites.
3) I have been fortunate to have a Student Teacher at this time from Oklahoma State
University to assist. In years I have not I find parents who are eager to volunteer at the
school to assist during the collection time.
4) I plan my jump rope unit for the three weeks of the collection time. I do however, have
students jump rope as a warm up or at warm up stations throughout the year.
5) I utilize the PE Central Challenge which has jumping a single rope for 90 seconds as one of
the challenges. It is typically designed for 4th and 5th grade students. I have encouraged
each grade to aim for a set time to help them work towards this goal in 4th and 5th grades.
6) The JRFH box generally arrives 2-4 weeks ahead of time and I look over everything and
type up a letter to send home with it to the families. (Letter is on the last page of handout.)
7) I also plan a bulletin board about heart health and jump roping to get the students excited!
Last year the Duck pond was also a big hit on the wall.
8) I ask the Art teacher if he would make some Jump Rope for Heart signs or have high school
aides paint signs to advertise. Some years, when we have had elementary art, I have had
the elementary art classes make signs to advertise our event around the school.
Jump Roping Unit:
I have found it works well for me to begin jump roping unit, hand out collection packet and then
do the Jump Rope For Heart Event in the middle of the collection time. Students are generally
really excited after the event and if they haven’t brought money want to then. I like to do my
unit in February because of Valentines and it is also Parent/Teacher Conference time. Parents
are coming to the school for conferences and will stop by my office with questions, donations,
ideas, etc. for our Jump Rope for Heart Campaign.
I conduct my Jump Rope for Heart day during regular Physical Education class time. Because
we are a small school we only have two classes in each grade, so I have the other speciality
teacher - music, bring her class in and we rotate through the stations together. This makes for
an exciting day!
For the first time last year I had a bank donate bottles of water for all the students. The
students REALLY liked this and it made our JRFH time special. (I had HS student initial tops of
water bottles.) I took pictures of each class holding up water bottles around a JRFH sign and
we made a special thank you card to send to the bank. Pre-kindergarten students were given
half a popsicle at the request of the Pre-K teachers. They were afraid it would be difficult for
them to keep up with water bottles. They had their popsicles at recess after physical education
Below are some activities we do throughout our unit and on the special day- Jump Rope for
Heart Day when Junior High and High School students come in and assist with our classes.
Pre-Kindergarten Activities
*We practice jumping over the ropes like a bell and a skier.
*Students jump over them while they are snaking on the floor.
*We jump and hop like different animals.
*We hop on hippity hops.
*Stand and hop on hot spots from one to the other without falling in the water - have spots on a
blue tarp
*explore hula hoops
*Stick and Ball
* lessons Animal Actions and First Attempts at Jumping Rope
Kindergarten Activities
At kindergarten I want them to be able to jump over the rope. We do the other stations as prekindergarten but really work on jumping the rope slowly. I use beaded ropes.
1) Make a smile with your rope
2) Elbows in
3) Wrists out
4) Stay on toes
*Students also learn Chinese Jump Rope.
First Grade Activities
1) Students are expected to jump at least 10 times.
2) Students also practice long jump rope.
3) Skip-Its
4) Chinese Jump Rope
5) Hula Hoop - jump and spin
6) Hippity Hops
7) Helicopter with an older student
Second Grade Activities
1) Short Jump Rope - How long can you jump? (H.S. student times them.)
2) Long Jump Rope - Learn Teddy Bear Rhyme and Cinderella
3) Short Jump Rope Tricks - Hop on 1 foot, skier, bell, etc.
4) Jumping Bands
5) Chinese Jump Rope
6) Hula Hoop
7) Wii Dance or Wii Steppers
8) Helicopter with older student
Third Grade Activities
1) Short Jump Rope - How long can you jump?
2) Stick and Ball/Helicopter with older student
3) Partner Tricks/Short jump Rope Tricks
4) Jumping Bands
5) Skip Its
6) Chinese Jump Rope
7) Long Jump Rope - with rhymes
8) Extra Long Jump Rope - How many people jump with you?
Fourth/Fifth/Sixth Grade Activities
1) Short Jump Rope - How long can you jump?
2) Stick and Ball
3) Partner Tricks and short jump rope tricks
4) Pogo Sticks
5) Skip its
6) Chinese Jump Rope
7) Hippity Hops
8) Jumping Bands
9) Helicopter
The American Heart Association website has some wonderful lesson plans.
in Google - Elementary Lesson Plans
Jumping Band cards
Jumping Scientist
Heart Station Signs
Jump Rope Routine
Water is important poster
Heart Part Labels Sheet
Unlabeled Diagram of the Heart
Labeled Diagram of the heart
FAST - acronym to help identify stroke
This is right under the lesson plans and resources for the years.
Categories: Art/Music/Drama, Reading and Language, Child Development/Decision Making,
Physical Education, Health/Science
*Grade Pre-K
*Grades K-2
*Grades 3-5
in Google
Jump Rope Skills - American Heart Association
*Cards to print for Single rope skills, partner and long jump rope skills (double dutch)
Culmination of Jump Roping Unit:
My 5th/6th grade students decide the areas they like the best and work in groups to make
routines. Last year I had a Jumping Band, Twist and Twirl, Hula Hoop, Single Rope, Long
Jump Rope and Double Dutch Rope performance. We performed at our bimonthly assembly
called, “Wildcat Wake-Up.” Later when the awards came in we recognized the student body
for their participation and meeting our school wide goal. This year students names were drawn
from those who participated and they threw a pie in my face. Last year they toilet papered the
principal and myself and in years past we have had famous people like “Justin Bieber” come
perform at our Wildcat Wake Up.
Jump Rope For
February 3 -
February 21, 2014
Dear Family,
It is that time of year for our Jump Rope for Heart campaign. Our school is hoping to donate
$1,500 again this year to help fight heart disease by funding research as well as providing
curriculum for schools and help for those children who struggle with heart disease.
We will have our Jump Rope For Heart event next Tuesday, February 11, 2014 during
your child’s physical education time. At this time both classes will spend the whole 50
minutes doing various jump roping activities. We hope to have some older students come over
to assist each class. If you would like to come at this time and assist or watch please do! You
can email me at or call the school 580-724-3620 and I will give
you more details.
We will collect donations through February 21, 2014. The organization is doing things a
little bit different this year. When your child has raised $5 send back the signed form and I will
give them a prize then. You don’t have to turn in the money until your child is completely
finished raising funds. There are also prizes for raising money online. Please check the
brochure about this. Students do not have to raise funds to participate in our Jump Rope for
Heart event on February 11, 2014. This time is about having fun exercising our heart and is
open to everyone!