
Curriculum mapping ½ term overview – Spring 2 2015 – Year 5
(5 week term)
Understanding the arts
(Music / Art and Design / Dance/ Drama)
DT: Titanic model
Art: Paint a scene – Kasper on the Titanic
Drama: Titanic rescue
Music: Refining Class performances
Understanding Physical Development, Health and
( P.E./ Personal Wellbeing/ Economic Wellbeing)
P.E : Consolidate skills
Teambuilding skills
Teacher: D. Marsden
Topic: Titanic
Community Links / Trips
Community: Norfolk Titanic Association
Visit from author
TOPIC – Spring 2
Games : Hockey skills
Scientific and Technological understanding
(Science / Design and Technology)
Science: Earth and Space
Floating and Sinking (Titanic link)
D & T: Titanic cabins – 3D nets
Computing: Creating Games (CS);
Digital citizenship module (DL)
Titanic maths (IT)
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Big Bang
Art – Titanic Backdrop
Titanic scenes from the
water’s edge.
PE – Lifeboat Rescue –
Questions - Wonderwall
Religious education
RE – Christian
(and the
celebration of Easter)
and Judaism (and the
celebration of Pesach)
Historical geographical and social understanding
(History/ Geography/ Citizenship)
History: Timeline of the Titanic
Geography: the voyage of the Titanic
Mapping shipwrecks & underwater exploration
Citizenship: Citizenship (Computing DL) – Being safe
in a digital world.
Good to be me developing selfawareness, managing
feelings, standing up
for myself