2014Annual Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report
Year 2013
About this report
This Annual Sustainability Report combines information on the performance of the company and all its
units in Brazil GRI 3.6 during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2013 GRI 3.1 , and follows the
directives proposed under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in its 3.0 version.
The content is based on the guidelines which resulted from the Stakeholders Panel GRI 3.5 , hosted by the
company in 2012, with the support of an external consultancy firm. Participating in the compilation process were the top management of Walmart Brasil, customers and supplier representatives, employers,
NGOs, the press, academia and unions GRI 4.14 | 4.15 | 4.16 . The target audiences involved were selected with
the intention of having all the links in the retail chain represented. The project involved a public meeting São Paulo and interviews in the company’s stores and offices in other states, to identify the relevant
themes to be covered in this publication, through the application of a materiality test. At the meeting,
priority aspects were debated with respect to the company’s strategy, while both at the event as well as in
the regional research, stakeholders were assessed with respect to economic, environmental, labor practice,
human rights and social aspects, as well as responsibility for the product. The themes drawn attention to
by the participants, as well as other matters considered relevant for Walmart Brasil, are covered in depth in
this publication. The way in which Walmart relates and interacts with its strategic public audiences – customers, suppliers, governments, associations, civic organizations, academia, institutional forums – is also
evident throughout this report, with a description of the initiatives developed with the target audiences
that make up Walmart’s value chain) GRI 4.15 | 4.17 .
Supermarkets play a fundamental role in the Brazilian economy, and in the promoting quality of life among
the population. Currently, the sector accounts for 5.5% of gross domestic product and employs more than
1 million people. As an intermediary between production and consumption, it has a strong potential to
influence and mobilize the various links in the retail value chain – a major responsibility – through the
adopting and spreading of policies and practices capable of contributing to sustainable development.
Owing to the strength of its connections with the others that make up the supply chain, Walmart Brasil sees opportunities for progress to be made in the economic, social and environmental fields, with benefits for everyone. In
order to make these prospects clear, this report is divided up in such a manner so as to deal with each one of the
parties that make up this network: producers, industries, distributors, consumers and, of course, the company itself.
GRI 3.4
Queries, criticisms or suggestions relating to this Sustainability Report should be sent to:
Department for Corporate Affairs – External Communications
Avenida Tucunaré, 125 – Alphaville
CEP 06460-020 – Barueri – SP
e-mail: sustentabilidade@wal-mart.com
Relevance for Target Audiences
Relevance for the Organization
Environmental themes
1 Economic-financial performance
2 Local economic development
3 Indirect economic impact
4 Use of materials and recycling
5 Consumption and generation
of electric power for own use
6 Water consumption and reuse
7 Management and impact on bio-diversity
8 Control of emissions, effluents and residues
9 Environmental impact of product use
10 Environmental Investments and expenditure
11 Socio-environmental management
in the value chain
12 Sustainable constructions
13 Impact of climate change on the businesses
Economic themes
Social themes
14 Employment and relations between
workers and the company
15 Occupational health and safety
16 Training and development
17 Diversity and equality of opportunity
25 Customer health and safety
in the use of products
26 Customer relations
and customer satisfaction
27 Product information
(information access and quality)
28 Communication and marketing
29 Conscientious consumption
30 Research & development
and innovation
31 Buying policies and practices
32 Product life-cycle (eco-design/
recycling/return after use)
18 Investment practices in the
business and human rights
19 Human rights aspects
in the production chain
20 Non-discrimination and
eradication of forced or slave labor
21 Impact on the communities
22 Combating of corruption
23 Company positioning with
respect to public policies
24 Relationship with competitors
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Message from
the President
GRI 1.1 | 1.2
Walmart’s mission statement is: “We save people money so
These projects reflect Walmart Brasil’s belief that a compa-
they can live better”. The way we do this requires efficient and
ny which maintains more than 60,000 items on its shelves,
sustainable growth to make a positive impact on our custom-
that deals regularly with thousands of partners and which
ers, partners, shareholders and society as a whole. We aim to
has a relationship with around one million Brazilians every
lead by example in the management and training of talented,
day, cannot ignore its responsibility for encouraging more
high-performance employees, and their consequent contri-
sustainable initiatives. In this way, based on joint action, we
butions to sustainable development. We pursue these aims
contribute so that – from extraction of the initial raw ma-
on a daily basis in the fulfillment of our tasks, striving to exceed
terial to post-consumption disposal – the footprints left on
our customers’ expectations – in the quest for excellence, re-
the planet by the production, distribution and consump-
spect for the individual and integrity. To this end, we have a
tion of retail products sold, continue to shrink in size.
number of projects underway that are capable of adding value and mobilizing the various links of the retail chain.
We also see in our Preço Baixo Todo Dia – PBTD (Every Day
Low Prices) business strategy, an opportunity to add value
On our own we can achieve relatively little, but we have
for stakeholders. This is key to Walmart’s success right across
the capacity to leverage the result of our initiatives through
the planet, but represents a break from Brazilian national re-
working with our partners. Here, the alliance with our sup-
tail culture, where limited period promotions are the norm.
pliers merits special mention. It goes well beyond commer-
To this end, its consolidation in Brazil for us is a priority. The
cial dealings and includes initiatives such as the monitoring
founder of Walmart, Sam Walton, believed that swimming
of beef production in the Amazon biome, developed using
against the tide and ignoring convention offers a good
geo-referencing technology that is unique in the market. The
chance for a company to find its particular niche. In this way
meat producers that supply our stores are contributing in a
we continue the process of strengthening our Every Day
decisive manner to providing our customers with complete
Low Prices strategy in Brazil, in order to ensure a long-term
confidence that when they purchase products from Walmart
commitment. Our intention is to provide consumers with
Brasil’s chain of stores, they are taking home food that origi-
the lowest prices on an everyday basis. In this way our cus-
nates from properties that are not in areas illegally devastated
tomers can visit our stores on the days and at the times they
by exploitive farming, nor do not use forced labor.
find convenient, with the certainty that they will always be
paying the lowest price for their selection of products.
The End-to-End Sustainability program, which in 2013 saw
its third edition, was another example of a successful part-
In order to make this advantage even more tangible, we have
nership with our suppliers. Industries are once again as-
expanded our partnership with Nielsen, a research institute
suming a commitment to evaluate their production cycles
which monitors prices practiced in the market, with the aim
in order to identify areas for improvement and reduce the
of ensuring that we provide a selection of items that are the
environmental impacts from the manufacture of 18 differ-
cheapest in the Country. To this aim, the poll research has be-
ent leading items in their respective categories.
come more comprehensive in terms of product variety and
respect for regional differences. We have also invested in expanding our store portfolios, and particularly in training and
raising the awareness of our employees, so that they provide
an increasingly good service, thus providing another motive
for Brazilians to prefer to make their purchases at Walmart.
Uma empresa que mantém mais
de 60 mil itens em suas gôndolas,
negocia com milhares de parceiros e
se relaciona um milhão de brasileiros
a cada dia tem a responsabilidade de
estimular iniciativas sustentáveis
Our new marketing campaign, Quem economiza, realiza (Who
who have become part of the Movimento Empresarial pelo
saves, wins!) is an expression of the aim behind the Preço Baixo
Desenvolvimento Econômico da Mulher (Corporate Move for the
Todo Dia (Every Day Low Prices) strategy and also the theme
Economic Development of Women), the Movimento Mulher 360
which we have assumed as our institutional mission: to save
(Movement for Women 360º), launched two years ago.
people money so that they can live better. The campaign highlights real cases of Brazilians who wish to transform their life
We also make every effort to open the doors of the super-
projects into reality, while associating their desires and achieve-
market sector to new talent and simultaneously contrib-
ments with the money they save on a day-to-day basis.
ute to improving the living conditions and employability
of young people. Our Escola Social do Varejo – ESV (Social
For the Every Day Low Prices strategy to be successful in Brazil,
Retail School) has trained more than 4,900 young people
there are a number of other fundamental factors involved:
since 2010, when it was launched. Approximately 80% of
one of these which we practice within the company is our
those completing the course have managed to achieve a
Every Day Low Costs strategy, in order to pass on these gains
place in the job market. This is an impressive result which
to the consumer. This demands rigorous and intelligent con-
fills us with pride and has peaked interest in other coun-
trol of our expenses and adjustments within the store chain
tries: in 2013 development of this program started in Ar-
when necessary. To provide a basis of our actions, we stay in
gentina and Chile, thus endorsing our methodology.
close contact with the best practices of Walmart across the
globe, continuing the process of integrating our IT systems
We are close to completing 20 years of operating in Brazil.
in Brazil and investing in innovation. The launch of the first
What we have achieved over two decades has been truly
store entirely illuminated by LED lighting is a good example
gigantic. We have developed a portfolio of stores that serve
of what we are aiming for: new ideas that reduce costs, while
the population at any time they wish to make a purchase,
also providing environmental benefits.
achieving a nationwide coverage and building solid partnerships with local companies, NGOs, and governments in
Another fundamental aspect for the achievement of our
order to stimulate the development of the Country, make
strategy is making the most of the existing talent within
the most of Brazilian talent and contribute to the preserva-
Walmart Brasil. We have carried out intense training and
tion of natural resources. There is still much to do. We are
re-organization of our professional staff so that the best
only just coming of age in Brazil. We need to act in a more
people are in the most appropriate positions. We aim to
intense and synchronized manner with society to continue
prepare each employee who is with us to assume new
to grow for decades to come, together with all Brazilians.
roles and challenges when the opportunity or need arises.
We are counting on our employees, customers, suppliers
We also have placed more emphasis on the feminine lead-
and partners to continue to celebrate such successes as
ership aspect, a theme which receives special attention and
those achieved in 2013, recorded here in our Annual Report.
which makes it possible for women to advance their professional careers within our company. The balance between the
My thanks to all of you and may I wish you good reading.
sexes is one of Walmart’s global objectives, having positive
repercussions which are evident in polls taken in different
parts of the world. In Brazil, engagement on this front is directly related to the work carried out by most of our suppliers
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Highlights of 2013
Sustentabilidade de Ponta a Ponta (Endto-End Sustainability) reaches a record
level of participants in its third edition.
System for the monitoring of beef
from the Amazon region begins
implementation in Brazil.
Project for the development of new
beef production models is launched in
São Félix do Xingu, in the state of Pará.
Company inaugurates its first
store totally lit by LED, a
pioneering initiative in Brazil.
s Produ
Do Sítio Santa Bárbara
Jundiaí - SP
para sua casa
Clube dos Produtores (Producers Club)
is extended to the Midwest, benefiting
more than 150 local farmers.
Escola Social do Varejo (Social Retail
School) becomes an international
reference and is introduced in other
Latin American countries.
Movimento Mulher 360 (Movement
for Women 360°) completes its first
two years of operation, and is working
towards becoming an Association.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Walmart Brasil GRI 2.1 is the third largest store chain
The company, which is unlisted GRI 2.6 , is controlled
in the Brazilian supermarket sector , with sales of
R$28.5 billion in 2013 GRI 2.8 . At the end of the year,
by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., based in Bentonville, Arkansas
75,500 employees were working in the company’s five
which it has 10,000 stores and employs over 2.2 million
offices – its headquarters is located in Barueri, in the
employees. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has been listed on the
metropolitan region of São Paulo –, 21 distribution
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) since 1972 and re-
centers and 554 stores, which receive an average of 1
spects the rules established by the Sarbannes-Oxley Act,
GRI 2.3 | 2.4
(United States) and has a presence in 27 countries, in
. The store
which are also complied with by the company in Brazil.
chain is present in 215 municipalities and 18 Brazil-
For this reason, information on the processes and opera-
ians states, as well as the Federal District. It operates
tional figures of the Brazilian business are also subject to
with nine store-brands in five formats (see below)
certification by external auditors.
million consumers on a daily basis
and maintains a virtual store (www.walmart.com.br)
GRI 2.5 | 2.7
. A number of the units offer services such as
photo-centers, cafeterias and fuel service stations.
1. Source: http://www.abrasnet.com.br/economia-e-pesquisa/ranking-abras/osnumeros-do-setor/
The store chain
GRI 2.2
59 units
39 units
44 units
1 unit
Federal District, Espírito
Santo, Goiás, Mato Grosso
do Sul, Minas Gerais,
Paraná, Rio de Janeiro
and São Paulo
Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará,
Maranhão, Paraíba,
Pernambuco, Piauí,
Rio Grande do Norte
and Sergipe
Rio Grande do Sul
and Santa Catarina
Special division
fuel service
65 units
20 units
61 units
3 units
Rio Grande do Sul
and Santa Catarina
Alagoas, Bahia,
Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba,
Pernambuco, Piauí,
Rio Grande do Norte
and Sergipe
Maranhão, Alagoas
and Bahia
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
(in R$ billion)
Walmart Stores by Region
Number of stores
Neighbourhood stores
175 units
Alagoas, Bahia, Paraíba,
Paraná, Pernambuco,
Rio Grande do Sul,
São Paulo and Sergipe
Clube de Compras
(Warehouse Membership Club)
27 units
Alagoas, Ceará, Distrito Federal,
Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraná,
Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande
do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo
To save
money so
that they
can live
To be the
best retailer
in Brazil in
the minds
and hearts of
consumers and
• Respect for the
GRI 4.8
• Serving the
• Quest for
• Acting with
49 units
Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Goiás,
Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais,
Paraíba, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio
Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São
Paulo, Piauí and Sergipe
Walmart is present in
250 municipalities in
18 Brazilian states, and
in the Federal District.
Its 554 stores receive
an average of 1 million
consumers every day
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
The company
makes its
debut in
Brazil, with the
of five stores
in Greater
São Paulo.
in the
store chain
in São José
dos Campos
Units in the
store chain start
to cater to the
interior of São
Paulo state.
Walmart Brasil
acquires the
Bompreço chain
in the Northeast,
and at the end of
the year already
has 144 stores in
the Country.
Debut in
the state of
Paraná with
starting in
other states.
A total of 140 stores – with the store-brands BIG,
Mercadorama, Nacional and Maxxi Atacado – are acquired
from the Sonae group. Stores are opened in the Federal
District, Espírito Santo and in Goiás. The Walmart Institute
is created in Brazil, with global sustainability targets being
announced by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Pacto pela Sustentabilidade
(Pact for Sustainability),
signed by the company’s
main suppliers and
formalized; End-to-End
Sustainability Program makes
its debut in its first edition.
An eco-distribution center is
inaugurated in Betim (MG)
and the first Community
Store is opened in Recife (PE).
The Walmart Institute creates the Escola
Social Varejo (Social Retail School). Walmart
proposes and signs a Política de Compromisso
de Compra Responsável de Pescados (Policy
of Commitment to Socially Responsible Fish
Buying), publicly assuming responsibilities
with the Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura
(Ministry for Fish and Aquaculture). The
company prepares to introduce the
Preço Baixo Todo Dia (Everyday Low Prices)
business philosophy in Brazil.
The first TodoDia
store is opened
in São Paulo
City, while the
first distribution
center is
inaugurated in
Greater São Paulo.
The Everyday Low Prices philosophy is introduced in
Brazil. Poll research research proves the company’s
efficiency in providing consumer access to lower
prices. Walmart creates the Movimento Empresarial
pelo Desenvolvimento Econômico da Mulher (Corporate
Movement for the Economic Development of Women),
known as Movement for Women 360º, and concludes
the second edition of the End-to-End Sustainability
program with the launching of a further 13 products.
The company leads the world in the group responsible
for compiling a Política de Compra Responsável de Carne
(Socially Responsible Meat Buying Policy).
The Producers’
Club comes into
being within the
Sonae group,
acquired by
s Produ
Do Sítio Santa Bárbara
Jundiaí - SP
para sua casa
The Granja Viana Walmart, in São Paulo, is
inaugurated. The unit serves as a pilot project for
the creation of eco-efficient stores, incorporating 24
sustainability initiatives. Walmart signs a commitment
to the Movement for Sustainable Connections and
becomes part of its Executive Committee. The
company is also part of the Sustainable Animal
Farming Work Group and the Forum for a Sustainable
Amazon. Pharmacies in the store chain start to sell
generic medicines with a price of up to R$9.90.
Stores opened
in the states of
Minas Gerais and
Rio de Janeiro.
Virtual store created www.walmart.com.br
while the the first physical eco-efficient unit
is opened in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The program
is created Conscientious Customers Deserve
a Discount. The store chain makes its debut
in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Start of
Program for Support for the Implementation
of National Forest (Flona) in Amapá and
the Bombando Cidadania (citizenship
awareness) program, in Recife (PE).
The Movimento Mulher 360 (Movement for Women 360°) celebrates
its first year of activity and receives recognition in the form of the
Women’s Empowerment Corporate Leadership Award, granted by
the UK magazine The New Economy. The Escola Social do Varejo
(Social Retail School) sparks international interest, and its methodology
starts to be adapted for use in other Latin American countries. The
Clube dos Produtores (Producers’ Club) celebrates a decade since its
creation, now serving 8500 families in 12 Brazilian states.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
The value chain consists of two major blocks:
the chain of suppliers or supplies, and
customers or end-consumers. Walmart Brasil
has a relationship with all the links in the
supermarket sector with a view to adding
improvements to its businesses and society,
as well as reducing its ecological footprint
GRI 4.1 | 4.7 | 4.9 | 4.12 | 4.16
Walmart Brasil is going through a phase of consolidating its
Walmart also has a Custo Baixo Todo Dia (Everyday Low Cost)
Preço Baixo Todo Dia – PBTD (Everyday Low Prices) business
strategy, so as to ensure the passing-on of saving opportuni-
strategy, one of the differentials of the company through-
ties available on the shelves. During the year, in the quest for
out the world, and which began to be introduced in Brazil
rationalizing resources and improving results, 25 small and
in 2011. The principle is, rather than having special offers for
medium-sized stores were closed that had been performing
limited periods in its stores, to keep prices low or long peri-
below expectations. On the other hand, Walmart Brazil inau-
ods, so extending the consumer’s decision-making power
gurated 22 new stores and remodeled a further 40, with a
with respect to purchases and saving money. Success in the
total investment of approximately R$1 billion.
implementation of this model is linked to negotiations with
suppliers who agree with the strategy of the store chain and
Decisions with respect to the expansion or remodeling
engage themselves in this new idea. For them, the Everyday
within the store chain are based on information collected
Low Prices strategy brings benefits such as the possibility of
by various areas of the company and in the weekly evalua-
improving sales and revenue predictability, as well as bring-
tion of the performance of each unit.
ing savings on the logistics front. Walmart, in turn, benefits
from the growth in business in its stores thanks to lower pric-
As evidence of the attention given to consumer preferences
es, without adversely affecting its margins.
and needs, in 2013 the company also introduced an innovation, inaugurating units of TodoDia (Everyday) units, which is
In 2013, the company expanded its partnership arrange-
the store-brand for the neighborhood grocery store format,
ment with Instituto Nielsen (Nielsen Institute), which started
in the hypermarket and supermarket categories. For the for-
to monitor product price fluctuations and take into account
mer category, the new store was launched in Paulista (PE),
regional differences in its surveys at the moment of con-
offering 12,000 different products in an area of 4500 square
sumption, so as to assess which items are really the most
meters. The two supermarkets, in Conceição de Coité (BA)
preferred in each state. Another measure introduced, also
and Penedo (AL), offer an assortment of approximately 8000
benefiting the Everyday Low Prices strategy, is the reduction
items (under the traditional format the number of items on
in the use of posters and signs in the stores which tends to
sale can vary between 2500 and 3000), with a sales area of
remind the consumer of the old form of “hi-low” pricing.
1200 square meters, in addition to parking facilities. This innovation came about with the idea of positioning the brand
Walmart Brasil’s business directives are defined by the pres-
name in towns in the interior considered to be supply hubs,
ident of the company and its 11 vice-presidents, who meet
and accompanying the growth in the middle-class, which
on a weekly basis and evaluate the actions to be imple-
has raised consumption potential and created an increasing
mented and the success of those that are already ongoing.
requirement for a retail option that offers low prices and con-
The leadership of the company has the freedom to adapt
venience. This expansion follows the successful experience
global directives set by Walmart Stores, Inc., its controlling
of Walmart México with the store-brand Bodega Aurrera.
shareholder, to the domestic scenario. In this way they
have the freedom to decide on investments, store format,
In 2014, the integration of the store systems in the South
rates of growth, pricing and merchandising, in the quest
of Brazil, as part of Walmart Brasil, should be finalized. Once
for greater efficiency and the sustainable development
this is completed, it only remains to carry out consolida-
of the retail value chain. In parallel to this, work is carried
tion in the Northeast, planned for the following year. The
out on evaluating the best practices adopted by Walmart
completion of this integration work will result in greater
International in different parts of the world, to assess the
flexibility and efficiency, with resulting synergy savings in
possibility of their replication in Brazil.
the company’s operations.
Walmart Brasil inaugurated 22 stores
and remodeled a further 40, investing
approximately R$ 1 billion
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Since 2009, Walmart Brasil and
its suppliers have maintained the
Sustainability Pact, with a commitment
to include socio-environmental
responsibility as part of its practices
The Pact is being rolled out in a series of other initiatives,
such as End-to-End Sustainability (page 25).
In 2013, Walmart Brasil concluded its initiative with Parceria Empresarial pelos Serviços Ecossistêmicos – PESE (Business Partnership for Ecosystem Services), the object of which was to provide
participants with the conditions to evaluate their impacts and
level of dependence on ecosystem services. This was an initiative of Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento
Sustentável – CEBDS (Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable
Development), developed by the Centro de Estudos em Suste-
ntabilidade da Fundação Getulio Vargas – Gvces (Getulio Vargas
GRI 4.9
Foundation Center for Sustainability Studies) and the World Re-
In order to achieve its objective of being a leader in terms of
sources Institute (WRI). The company underwent training and
sustainability practices Walmart Brasil has created a system
worked with eight other companies in the use of the Corporate
with eight multi-disciplinary platforms (see on the following
Ecosystem Services Review tool (ESR), pioneering methodology
page). These consist of work groups that receive guidelines
created by WRI for the management of risks and opportuni-
and targets for how initiatives are carried out that meet cor-
ties deriving from changes in ecosystems. Walmart Brasil is the
porate commitments and directives – in relation to the key
world’s first retailer to adopt this methodology, normally used
global elements Climate and Energy, More Sustainable Products
by industrial companies. In total, the company participated in
and Residue Management. Since 2012, suppliers and partners
four workshops in 2012 and 2013, while also receiving tech-
– such as Akatu and WWF, for example – have been partici-
nical monitoring for the application of ESR, which at Walmart
pating in the quarterly meetings of the platforms as advisers,
Brasil had a significant impact on the formulation of its Sustain-
helping to provide direction for the company’s planning and
able Agriculture Platform. Based on this work, the strategy for
indicating where there are opportunities, risks and challenges.
the initiative was improved, taking into account: relationships
with stakeholders, development of the chain and the manage-
Since 2009, Walmart Brazil and its suppliers have maintained
ment of risks (the three key elements are underpinned by a
the Pacto pela Sustentabilidade (Sustainability Pact). Under
fourth – Knowledge Management).
this pact, a commitment is assumed to incorporate questions of socio-environmental responsibility into the compa-
ny’s practices. This initiative is evidence of the company’s as-
The cornerstones of Walmart Brasil’s strategic sustainability
pirations in Brazil and reflects its understanding for the need
taking into account both the Group’s local and global tar-
to mobilize the entire retail chain to add value to it, as well
gets. These are:
as reducing its impacts on the planet. Among the initiatives
implicit in the Pact is the monitoring of synergy among the
partners in terms of the commitments assumed. The com-
• 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in existing stores
panies are part of a Joint Sustainability Plan (JSP), a system
of managing sustainability initiatives present in Walmart
and a 30% reduction in new stores (target reached in 2013).
• To be 100% supplied by renewable energy by 2020.
Brasil’s business management platform. Through this JSP,
sustainability metrics and projects are analyzed, monitored
and developed together with suppliers, while management
• To reduce residues sent to landfill sites to zero by 2025.
indicators are evaluated in the same manner.
In order to verify compliance with the Pact, 72 questions
must be answered by suppliers, using an online tool which
provides the basis for the calculation of points scored for
adhesion and identifies aspects where action plans may be
needed. The evaluation methodology, created by Walmart,
has been certified by an external specialist company.
• To have Walmart products sold under private labels that
lead by example in terms of sustainability.
• To respect the commitments assumed under Walmart’s
Sustainability Pact.
• To guarantee that beef bought in Brasil in all Walmart’s operations around the world does not contribute, in its origin, to
de-forestation of the Amazon biome, by 2015.
Leadership in
Climate and
GRI SO4 | 4.8 | 4.9
Walmart Brasil strives to ensure that its conduct is in align-
Employees are also informed about the communication
ment with the legislation and respect for rights and duties,
channels available for the possible denouncements of
in its activities. All its staff in Brasil become acquainted with
violations to internal norms or laws, as well as for the an-
the company’s Code of Ethics and are signatories to it. In 2013,
swering of queries with respect to the Code of Ethics. Con-
5402 employees (7.2% of the total), including those that oc-
tact can be made through the toll-free telephone number
cupy electable positions within the company, were trained
0800-703-3966, by the e-mail etica@wal-mart.com and
in Anti-corruption Policies and Procedures – including live
through the corporate website www.walmartethics.com/
training, as well as online (CBL – Computer Based Learning)
brasil, in addition to international communication chan-
. Also during the year, 120 service
nels such as 0800-891-4093, the e-mail ethics@wal-mart.
and the use of videos
providers were trained in Walmart’s anti-corruption policies.
com and the corporate website (www.walmartethics.com).
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Department is responsible for receiving allegations from
including – but not limited to – packaging with logos/
employees, service providers and suppliers in a confidential
brand-names exclusive to the company; and merchan-
manner, with the possibility of anonymity being granted to
dise components that display any brand associated with
the denouncer. Cases reported are analyzed and must be re-
Walmart. During the year, the printing companies that
solved within a pre-established time-limit.
GRI 4.4
print the packaging for private-label brands began to be
included in the verification process. GRI HR2
Internally, there is also a Política de Portas Abertas (Open Doors
Policy) which encourages communication between teams
All contracts, with any supplier or service provider, include
and team leaders, as well as the reporting of violations.
specific clauses covering themes such as: employment
conditions (observance of labor and pension legislation,
With respect to stakeholders, the company describes its
among others; and the non-use of forced or analogous
requirements in a Política de Compras Responsáveis (Re-
slave labor or child labor); working conditions to guarantee
sponsible Sourcing Policy), which is applied at a global level.
safety; respect for environmental laws; respect for corpo-
The Acordo de Fornecedores (Suppliers Agreement) include
rate sustainability agreements (construction contracts and
standards which aim to encourage good practices with
general supply agreements – suppliers of products for re-
respect to social and environmental legislation in their pro-
sale); and operation within legal, ethical and moral limits,
duction units. Audits of Responsible Sourcing in the Sup-
and in accordance with Walmart’s Code of Ethics.
ply Chain are required for 100% of production plants that
produce: merchandise imported by Walmart; merchandise
Some contracts, depending on the nature, expressly cite
obtained through Walmart Global Sourcing; private-label
the mandatory obligation of the other party to compensate
merchandise – either licensed or without brand names –
Walmart for any loss or damage caused by any infraction of
brand names exclusive to Walmart; merchandise labeled
the clauses mentioned, as well as the payment of a contrac-
as “distributed by/manufactured by Walmart”; textile mer-
tual fine. All the documents allow Walmart to immediately
chandise, for the bedroom, dining-room and bathroom,
rescind a given contract if any of these clauses are violated.
GRI 2.10
Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade (Guia Exame Sustainability Awards) – Walmart Brasil was elected as the most sustainable retail
company in Brazil, for its Sustainable Agriculture Program. This is the fourth time that the
company has achieved recognition by Guia.
Prêmio Época Empresa Verde (Época Green
Company Award) – For the second year running, Walmart won the Época Green Company Award sponsored by, Época magazine. The
2013 edition recognized 20 companies that
incorporated environmental measures in their
business management. The store-chain was
elected as best in the Services category, and
was also cited as Specially Outstanding, for its
Sustainable Agriculture Program.
Selo Pró-Equidade de Gênero e Raça (Gender
and Race Pro-Equality Seal) – Walmart Brasil
received the Gender and Race Pro-Equality Seal from the Department for Policies for
Women (SPM), a Federal Government body,
granted to institutions with initiatives to combat the discrimination and the promotion of
racial equality, and gender balance between
men and women in the workplace.
Prêmio Consumidor Moderno de Excelência em Serviços ao Cliente (Modern
Consumer Award for Excellence in Client
Services) – At the awards sponsored by the
magazine Consumidor Moderno (Modern
Consumer), Walmart Brasil was ranked in the
first place in the Supermarket/Hypermarket
retail category. These awards recognize companies that introduce the best and most efficient practices in their customer relations.
Prêmio Época e Reclame Aqui (Época and
Complain Here! awards) – Walmart Brasil
won the prize in the wholesale and supermarket category. This prize is awarded to companies that are best for the consumer.
Prêmio por atendimento ao cliente (Customer Service Award – Walmart was rated as
one of the best companies in terms of customer services, in the Exame/IBRC 2013 index.
Prêmio Fundação Banco do Brasil de Tecnologia Social (Banco do Brasil Foundation
Social Technology Award) – The Escola Social
do Varejo (Social Retail School) an initiative by
Walmart which trains young people to work
in the sector, was recognized by the Banco do
Brasil Foundation as being social technology in
the area of professional education.
Prêmio Lide de Varejo (Retail Lide Award) –
Organized by the Business Leaders Group,
these awards recognize those outstanding in
the sector. Walmart Brasil received recognition for “Sustainability in Retailing.”
Prêmio Expressão de Ecologia (Expressão
Ecology Award) – The company received an
award from Editora Expressão, in the Environmental Management category.
In 2013, Walmart received a number of
recognitions for its initiatives in favor
of sustainable development and for
the outstanding customer service that
it provides in its stores
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
From agricultural producers to multi-national
industries, Walmart Brasil establishes partnerships with
its suppliers which allows it to make the most of all the
potential of those involved, disseminating improved
practices and looking for opportunities to add more
sustainable differentials to its products and services
GRI 4.16 | EN14 | EN26 | SO10
Walmart has put a tool into operation for the monitoring of
The software used for monitoring, during its development,
beef production in the Amazon biome. This tool has been
was debated in forums such as the Sustainable Animal Farm-
developed in accordance with the objectives of the com-
ing Work Group, demonstrating that other companies in the
pany’s Global Sustainable Agriculture Platform, the targets
sector can also adopt this technology. The company has iden-
of which are divided into three key elements: support for
tified an opportunity in all this to strengthen the retail chain.
small and medium-sized producers and their communities, efficiency in production and the reducing of waste,
Suppliers and employees of Walmart have received train-
and ensuring that the products have a sustainable origin.
ing for the use of the monitoring system, in addition to
In line with these aims, Walmart is working with the chal-
manuals which supply information on a step-by-step basis,
lenge of guaranteeing that, by 2015, through the sourcing
as well as the history and purpose behind this initiative.
of its beef products the company does not contribute to
de-forestation of the Amazon biome.
The plan is, based on the success of the tracking of beef in
the Amazon biome, that the area analyzed will be expand-
The system launched also goes beyond this, incorporating
ed to include other biomes. In addition to this, the idea
the following additional criteria: Indigenous Land, Con-
over the next few years is to apply this technology to the
servation Units, Protected Areas, and Forced Labor. By the
buying decision process for other products, such as fruit
end of 2013, five meat-producing companies that supply
and vegetables.
Walmart and which have units in the Amazon region, had
already supplied approximately 80% of the information re-
quested on their farms (latitude, longitude, perimeter, etc),
Walmart Brasil’s Sustainable Agriculture Platform includes
from which the meat comes (there are more than 60,000
support for animal breeders in the Amazon for the more
supply operations involved). The data is cross-referenced
sustainable production of meat. In partnership with the
automatically with information on protected areas, defor-
meat supplier Marfrig, the union of agricultural producers
estation, indigenous land, conservation units and forced
of São Félix do Xingu and the NGO, The Nature Conservan-
labor registries. In 2014, the registration process should be
cy (TNC), Walmart Brasil is investing in providing technical
completed and all the beef suppliers with operations in the
support for agricultural producers who wish to regularize
Amazon biome will be using this system.
their environmental situation and increase their productivity. This project has the support of the Moore foundation
The monitoring system benefits suppliers who are com-
and the municipal authority of São Félix do Xingu.
mitted to good practices and provide the company with
the advantage of being able to act pro-actively to avoid
problems with the sourcing of products that fail to meet
up to the criteria established by Walmart.
Walmart Brasil develops projects
to add differentials to the retail
value chain. Among these is End-toEnd Sustainability, which reduces
environmental impacts
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
The municipality, in the Southeast of Pará, was chosen for the
tal benefits on meat producing properties, as well as ensuring
project for its high conservation potential and growing eco-
that it has a large network of meat suppliers whose activities
nomic relevance. The region includes enormous stretches of
have been brought in line with the regulations.
forests, distributed over environmental protection areas, indigenous land and private properties, in addition to major rivers
The project, in addition to revitalizing degraded areas, also
such as the Xingu. At the same time, São Félix do Xingu is one
includes initiatives to raise animal farming productivity, so as
of the most dynamic animal breeding frontier towns in Brazil,
to ensure that the local producers can expand their produc-
being the municipality with the highest cattle headcount in the
tion without deforesting new areas. Areas will be created to
country, according to the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Es-
increase productivity through pasture management. Accord-
tatística – IBGE (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics) .
ing to data from the Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da
Amazônia – Imazon (Institute for man and the environment
The objective is to construct forestry revitalization models. To
in the Amazon), average productivity in the Amazon biome
this end, technicians from the project will be providing guide-
is around 80 kg of meat per hectare per year, which has the
lines for the revitalization of deforested areas on 20 pilot prop-
potential to be increased to 300 kg per hectare per year. Thus,
erties, and based on the results obtained, will be offering pro-
without deforestation, it will be possible to meet the increase
ducers throughout the region local and concrete examples of
in demand for meat forecast to 2022. These examples can be
how to bring back the forest to their farms.
replicated by the producers themselves throughout the region, allowing changes to be made on a grand scale.
The project will encourage adhesion and offer information and
technical support to all agricultural producers in the various
As part of the project, which has The Nature Conservancy
municipalities, who wish to comply with the environmental
(TNC) as its executive NGO, another initiative is the dissemina-
legislation (for example the obtaining of Rural Environmental
tion of information about advantageous lines of agricultural
Registration and/or Rural Environmental Licenses) and improve
credit for those who wish to produce meat in a more sustain-
their pasture management practices, with the aim of reducing
able manner, making a new model for sustainable production
impacts on the soil and increasing productivity. Walmart be-
economically viable. Specialists will also provide information
lieves that this is an efficient manner of achieving environmen-
on alternative ways of generating income based on keeping
the forest intact, such as practices for enriching forested areas
with species of economic interest.
One of the projects of Walmart Brasil to add differentials to the retail value chain is Sustentabilidade de Ponta a Ponta
(End-to-End Sustainability), which is now in its third edition. The initiative encourages suppliers to carry out an analysis
of the life-cycles of leading items in their particular categories, in order to identify opportunities for innovation and efficiency gains, right from the initial extraction of natural resources up to the post-consumption phase, with a consequent
reduction in environmental impacts. By way of incentive for those partners joining the scheme, Walmart offers guarantees to buy their products, increased visibility and highlighted displays at the point of sale, in addition to including their
products in promotional material.
dishcloth made
from bamboo fiber
Brasil Kirin
Fibz Cola and
Guaraná soft drinks
Pomarola line of
tomato sauce
Dental cream with
promotional packaging
garbage bags
Bem Estar (well-being)
line of the Ipanema brand
condensed milk
Friboi 56 gram
beef hamburger
& Johnson
Johnson’s Baby
paper tissues
cappuccino in cans
Nívea Sun
protection lotion
Nobre rice
& Gamble
SC Johnson
Walmart Brasil
(private label)
Ariel Power
Pods detergent
Vanish Poder
O2 concentrate
mayonnaise s
Toothbrush with
Equate2 refill
2. The company responsible for the manufacture of Escova Dental Equate (Equate toothbrush), Dental Prev, has downsized its operations. With this, the manufacturer of Walmart’s
private-label product, developed for the End-to-End Sustainability Project, has been put in jeopardy. At the moment Walmart Brasil is analyzing other suppliers to carry out this project.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Also measured was the number of socio-environmental responsibility projects (seven in total), and the
number of programs and campaigns involving environmental education, healthy nutrition, personal
hygiene, safety, and the promotion of human worth, linked in some way to the End-to-End Sustainability
Program (totaling 18, in this edition).
The benefits added by these innovations have been estimated based on the sale during
a period of one year in Walmart Brasil’s stores, and can be summarized as follows:
reduction of more than
125 tons/year
741,000 cubic meters of water less consumed
Electric Power
saving of over 614,000 KWh
(the equivalent of 256,000 100 W light bulbs)
Greenhouse gas emissions
reduction of 1100 tons of CO2 equivalent
(corresponding to a saving of 6.5 million kilometers travelled)
reduction in the consumption of 45,000 liters of diesel
oil and 10,460 GJ of energy from renewable sources
61 tons of packaging mass avoided
More details on the gains obtained for each of the participating products can be accessed on Walmart Brasil’s corporate website:
ing juices, sauces and organically based desserts, cashew nuts,
palm hearts, honey, tonka beans, tilápia fish filets, fruit, vegetables and brooms made from the piassava palm.
In 2013, 2000 new families, from 30 municipalities, were incorporated into Walmart Brasil’s Producers’ Club. The year marked
Some producers linked to the Club also benefited, in 2013,
the official arrival of the program in the state of Goiás and the
from an initiative sponsored by the Walmart Foundation in the
Federal District. In the Midwest alone, 160 family-run farms in-
United States, which offered training over a period of two years
troduced 120 products, including fruit and vegetables, bread,
for small producers in Brazil. This initiative has been developed
home-made desserts to stores in the chain.
by TechnoServe, which last year monitored a number of farmers and identified the main deficiencies to be addressed on a
Another focus during the year was an increase in the sale of
broad scale, particularly with a view to increasing productivity.
organic honey produced by beekeepers linked to the Central
de Cooperativas Apícolas – Casa Apis (Beekeepers Cooperative
Walmart Brasil’s Producers’ Club was created in 2002. Taking into
Center) in Piauí, begun in 2012. This enterprise consists of seven
account the expansion that took place in 2013, it already cov-
cooperatives, involving a total of 1081 families in 57 munici-
ers 8700 families from 18 states and the Federal District. They
palities. Participants adopt the principles of shared self-man-
account for 11.5% of the horticultural products sourced by
agement. Walmart Brasil started to sell the product in all of its
the company for its stores – 9% more than in 2012 – with total
hypermarkets in the Southeast and Midwest, while also con-
transactions amounting to R$108 million.
tinuing its sale in its Bompreço and TodoDia store-brands in the
Northeast. Joining the Producers’ Club resulted in an increase
The partnership between small and medium-sized farmers
for beekeepers of 20% in the value of raw material sold. This is
and Walmart Brasil is a win-win relationship. For the compa-
because before the partnership with Walmart, the product was
ny, it means that it can offer fresh products of good quality,
almost entirely sold for export in barrels, sold in bulk. With the
as well as providing customer with high-quality items, ac-
possibility of packaging the honey in a small flexible containers,
cess to which had been previously restricted for geograph-
in which it is sold in the store chain, value is added.
ical reasons. For producers, it provides an incentive for professionalization and commercialization; the possibility of
Casa Apis is an organization linked to the Federal Government’s
reaching new markets (the Club does not require exclusivi-
Brasil Sem Miséria (Brazil without poverty) program, officially
ty); a way of obtaining technical assistance and guidance on
supported by Walmart Brasil since 2011. The Producers’ Club is
sustainable production; guaranteed product sale; and the
one of the instruments used by the company to contribute to
possibility of dealing directly without intermediaries.
this initiative. At the end of 2013, through this initiative the company had commercial relationships with 11 enterprises linked
to the Brasil Sem Miséria program – which involves 4625 families
(see chart below). During the year, more than R$ 4 million worth
3.During the year,
Walmart Brazil
carried out a review
of its suppliers,
which resulted in
an alteration to the
calculation base and
a reduction in the
indicators referring
to the number
of families and
their participation
of horticultural
products, compared
to those figures
contained in the
2013/2012 Annual
Report. Previously,
accounting of
producers was
carried out on a
cumulative basis.
Now the calculation
only considers active
producers, in other
words those who
have carried out at
least one commercial
transaction with
Walmart Brasil in the
last 12 months.
of products were purchased from these co-operatives, includ-
Cooperativa dos Produtores de Palmito do Baixo Sul
da Bahia – Coopalm (palm heart producers’ co-operative
of the extreme south of Bahia)
504 families
Cooperativa das Produtoras e Produtores Rurais da APA
do Pratigi – Cooprap (co-operative of producers and
agricultural producers of the environmental protection
area of Pratigi)
194 families
Cooperativa de Produtores Rurais de Presidente Tancredo
Neves – Coopatan (President Tancredo Neves agricultural
producers’ co-operative)
357 families
Cooperativa dos Aquicultores de Águas Continentais –
Coopecon (co-operative of fish breeders in mainland waters)
52 families
Central de Cooperativas Copacaju
(Copacaju co-operative center)
300 families
Cooperativa Mista dos Agricultores Familiares,
Extrativistas, Pescadores, Vazanteiros e Guias Turísticos
do Cerrado – Coopcerrado (mixed co-operative of
farming families, harvesters, fishermen, tidal swamp
settlers and tourist guides of Cerrado
1,800 families
Central de Cooperativas Apícolas – Casa Apis
(beekeepers co-operative center) – 1000 families
1,000 families
Rio de Janeiro
Associação dos Produtores Agroindustriais do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Aprorio (association
of agro-industry producers of the state of Rio
de Janeiro)
12 families
Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperativa dos Citricultores Ecológicos do Vale do
Caí – Ecocitrus (co-operative of ecological citrus
fruit producers of Vale do Caí)
150 families
Santa Catarina
Cooperativa dos Agricultores Ecológicos
das Encostas da Serra Geral –
Cooperagreco (ecological farmers’
co-operative of Encostas da Serra Geral)
45 families
Cooperativa de Produção da Agricultura
Familiar e Economia Solidária do
Município de Simão Dias – Cooperafes
(co-operative for family farming
production and economic solidarity of
the municipality of Simão Dias)
64 families
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
GRI EN26 | PR1
The relationship with suppliers of private-label brands is
technical information is presented, as well as brand-name
understood as a way of disseminating best practices and
positioning, market references and other definitions needed
contributing to the showcasing of their operations – with
for the product. In this step industrial companies are identi-
beneficial consequences also for Walmart Brasil.
fied that are suitable for carrying out the project, not only in
terms of commercial but also technical conditions – which
The company develops its private-label items working to-
include requirements with respect to product and process
gether with its partners. They complete various stages of a
Quality and Safety. And attention is also given to sustainability
tender process, which begins with an initial briefing at which
requirements throughout the production chain.
In order to select a partner, procedures and controls are adopted, which include:
Caderno de
Técnicas CET
(Technical Specification Register):
For 2014, Walmart is operating on the assumption that at least 5% of products launched and some type of environmental gain to the
chain. In this regard, an important tool, adopted since 2012, is the Sustainability Checklist. This document, building by the supplier,
indicates the potential to add some sustainability differential to the product. The following key elements are evaluated: residues
and recycling; packaging; raw materials and ingredients; energy; water; fuel; logistics; people and communities. All the information
undergoes evaluation by the Private-Label Development and Sustainability teams of Walmart Brasil.
Suppliers participating in the tender process submit their bids for products that are in alignment with the initial briefing supplied
by the private-label team. These are examined by the Product Development team, using sensory evaluation panels with consumers,
carrying out internal assessment with employees or using external specialist institutes. These analyses are instrumental in the choice
of supplier, in order to guarantee acceptance by the consumer and an appropriate perceived quality. Depending on the critiques
received for the product, laboratory verifications are also carried out to validate parameters of identity and quality, that are either
required by legislation or are identified as being necessary by Walmart’s Private-Label team. These tests are carried out by outsourced
well-known, qualified laboratories.
After definition of the product, its specifications are formalized in the form of a Technical Specification Register. This document
contains information pertinent to the products, including aspects such as raw material origin, composition, technical specification
details (physical-chemical, microbiological, sensory, and microscopic characteristics) and all the definitions referring to compliance
with aspects of quality, safety and legal requirements. The agreement formalized between the supply partner and the Walmart Brasil
Private-Label technical team guarantees a commitment to quality for the products to be supplied.
Refers to the work described on the following page.
The labels on the packaging of Private-Label products are assessed by the Product Development technical team as well as an
outsourced company, specializing in regulatory matters, to ensure that all the obligatory legal texts are in compliance with the
legislation and standards in force. All packaging displays a list of the material used in its manufacturer and instructions for its
eventual disposal, encouraging the consumer to adopt selective refuse collection practices.
In the case of failure to pass general inspection, a given
Walmart Brasil places emphasis on audits – carried out by suit-
company may be suspended as a supplier until it can prove
able, internationally well-known outsourced companies – with
that it has carried out the necessary measures to correct the
respect to food safety and quality among suppliers of private-la-
non-compliance aspects detected.
bel brands. The objective is to motivate partners in the grocery
and perishables sectors to obtain certification in accordance
with the internationally recognised criteria and directives of the
During the year, all the partners were invited to the 4º Encon-
Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Among the improvements
tro de Fornecedores de Marcas Próprias do Walmart Brasil (4th
to be applied are those referring to Análise de Perigos e Pontos
meeting of Walmart Brasil’s private-label suppliers), held at the
Críticos de Controle – APPCC (or Hazard Analysis and Critical
company’s headquarters in São Paulo. Over the two days of
Control Points – HACCP), which increases the level of security in
the event, they were provided with material emphasizing the
the food production process, while also exceeding Brazilian leg-
importance of constant improvement in quality and safety in
islative requirements. By the end of 2013, 70% producers had
the manufacturing processes, as well as information on tech-
already completed the APPCC stage and 13% had obtained
nical matters, such as Trends & Innovation in Private Labeling.
certification under one of the recognised standards of the GFSI.
The meeting also functions as a bridge between participants
and input companies – who gave seminars about the market,
Due to the success of this initiative, it is to be extended to all
innovation and new ingredient trends for industry, as well as
the company’s suppliers. In 2013 the Programa de Desenvolvi-
setting-up stands to demonstrate prototypes of new prod-
mento e Gestão de Fornecedores de Alimentos Perecíveis Nacionais
ucts and business suggestions.
do Walmart (Walmart program for the Development and Management of Domestic Suppliers of Perishable Foods) was Initiated.
Priority was again focused on small providers of ready-to-eat
The year saw the return of the private-label Great Value, a
foods and products that are transformed and split down into
decision made based on research that revealed its accep-
smaller components by Walmart – these being items that carry
tance among consumers. The plan is that, through work
a higher level of risk. The program has the same objective of
in partnership with suppliers, the products arriving on the
acquiring GFSI certification. By the end of 2013, 50% of those
shelves will compete with the market leaders, not only in
partners who supply Sam’s Club had undergone the first audit.
price terms, but particularly in terms of perceived quality.
For 2014, the plan is to extend this requirement to 100% of the
The first product to be launched as part of the return of
companies, including wholesalers and retailers.
this private-label was panettone bread.
Quality audits are also carried out of suppliers of non-food
One new aspect which took customers’ fancy was the
items. In these cases the criteria are stipulated by the company.
launch of the Páscoa Gifts Easter egg, under a private-la-
They cover themes such as the quality, safety and compliance
bel brand, the packaging of which transforms into a pic-
of the industrial company (structural aspects) and the products.
ture frame, DVD holder or object holder.
Other products of particular note launched in 2013 were:
Uvas Sentir Bem (grapes that feel good) – The product carries certification from the Rainforest Alliance, which indicates compliance with rigorous standards of agricultural
production and/or forestry exploitation.
Equate Anti-Bacterial Soap bars – The product’s packaging was reduced by 35% due to the fact that it no longer carries a leaflet with the soap.
Bom Preço Concentrated Softener – Being concentrated, it uses less water in its composition, with positive impacts on transport, the use of packaging raw material and,
consequently CO2 emissions. In addition to this, in 2013, the supplier’s factory in the Northeast where this item is made, began to use 100% wind-power and solar-power.
Bom Preço disinfectant, liquid softener and liquid washing detergent – In 2013, the supplier’s factory in the Northeast where these items are made, also began to use
100% wind-power and solar-power.
Equate Intimate Soap – This is the first intimate soap in the market that includes Braille writing on its plastic packaging.
Equate liquid soap refill – Uses less packaging material so permitting better use of transport, thus reducing CO2 emissions.
Bom Preço double-thickness toilet paper – Double-thickness toilet paper – offered in compact roles, which allows a reduction in packaging size of between 5% and 8%,
depending on the item in the product line.
Easter Egg – Product offered in a reusable box.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
In its Distribution Centers, Walmart Brasil uses
technologies and processes which increase
operational efficiency. The company also focuses
on optimizing routes travelled and the use of
vehicles, while also introducing innovations
capable of reducing the environmental
impact of the transport companies
Alignment of the transport companies to Walmart’s
A measure that has had a significant impact was the im-
practices and policies are fundamental, and are dealt
provement of the backhaul system. In partnership with
with annually at the Fórum Walmart Brasil de Sustentab-
suppliers, schedules and routes are set so as to use the
ilidade em Transportes (Walmart Brasil Forum for Sustain-
trucks to the maximum. The idea is that the vehicles leave
ability in Transport).
the distribution centers with a full load to make their deliveries, and before returning, are reloaded with new mer-
The event takes place in São Paulo with its sixth edition
chandise from industries whose units are close by. The
being held in 2013. It brings together suppliers, research-
backhaul program alone represented a saving of 111,700
ers and government bodies, with the object of identifying
liters of fuel, thus avoiding the emission of approximately
solutions for reducing the impact of vehicle fleet travel.
300 tons of CO2.
Walmart Brasil started to adopt the company’s Global
During the year, of particular note was the increase in the
Logistics System in its distribution centers. The idea is to
number of trucks that use the Euro 5 engine. Its principal
achieve efficiency gains in its operations. During the year
objective is to minimize the level of nitrous oxide (NOx) and
three units have already started to use Voice Picking tech-
particle emissions. The new engine reduces NOx from 32% to
nology. This consists of transmitting information via head-
13% in comparison with the Euro 3 engine, while reducing
sets to the separators, who, having their hands-free, thus
the emission of particles left over from the fuel burning pro-
become more efficient in the carrying out of their tasks.
cess to 2%. Furthermore, this change resulted in an average
There is also the added benefit of a reduction in the num-
fuel saving of 5%, also contributing to cutting CO2 emissions.
ber of errors, either as a result of increased concentration
by the member of staff on the specific task, or the preci-
Reducing CO2 continues to be a focus of Walmart in terms
sion of the information passed on about location, product
of its logistics. During the year the fleet reduced its emis-
specified and quantity required. To avoid mistakes, control
sions by 3.2%, having travelled a total of 55.7 million km.
numbers are used at the locations in the distribution cen-
Of this total, 36 million were travelled by vehicles that use
ters to confirm that the separated lots are those indicated.
sustainable solutions, that range from the most complex –
The system also permits the monitoring of the movements
with the use of efficient engines such as the Euro 5, to the
of the members of staff, setting specific routes to be trav-
most simple, such as the installation of deflectors or using
elled within the warehouses, and dispensing with the use
the bio-diesel option for trucks.
of identification tags.
CO2 emissions by the fleet, which
travelled a total of 55.7 million
kilometers, were cut by 3.2%
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Walmart Brasil strives to lead by example
and achieve a balance between economic,
social and environmental spheres, in its
operations. This is only possible through the
commitment and technical training of its
employees, which is why it invests in
the training and well-being of its more than
75,000 employees
The success of a retail chain necessarily depends on the
Labor rules – The training provides guidelines and trains em-
high performance of its employees, responsible for serving
ployees and managers of the company so that they are able to
the customer – directly and indirectly – with the products
set an example and disseminate the culture of compliance (a
and services needed and desired in order to provide a better
combination of rules that ensure the fulfillment of legal require-
buying experience.
ments and company regulations – a priority for Walmart Brasil). Under the course, these people increase their knowledge
One of the factors that contributes to decisions about op-
of the legislation and the impacts caused by failure to comply
portunities for professional and personal development is
with Labor Rules. The course lasts approximately 3 hours and is
the evaluation of performance, which is applied to 100% of
carried out using the e-learning tool, thus meeting a premise of
employees. Targets and PDI (Plano de Desempenho Individual
the company of being replicable and flexible, in order to reach
– Individual Performance Plan) are established at the begin-
the target audience throughout Brazil.
ning of the year and revised on a half-yearly basis. For Performance Evaluation carried out at the end of the year, skills are
Store of Learning – Known as Loja Sol (Sun Store) this has
considered regarded by the company as being fundamental
the mission of training and developing the new generation
to the business, as well as individual targets. The process, in
of operational leaders in technical and leadership skills to
all its phases, is conducted through meetings between em-
ensure implementation of strategy and the sustainability
ployees and their respective leaders. GRI LA12
of the business. The target audience for this program is divided into various levels:
In 2013, among the activities carried out by Walmart Brasil’s
Training and Development department, of particular note were:
Level 1: Department Manager/Supervisors/Sector heads;
Level 2: Area Manager;
Academia de Operações (Academy of Operations) – This
Level 3: Store Director/General Manager/Co-director.
has the principal aim of training leaders for the stores, clubs,
distribution centers and the specialty division in technical and
Participants may be new employees, selected internally
leadership skills to ensure: excellence of operational perfor-
(promotions). Loja Sol is applied over eight weeks, so that
mance and productivity in delivery terms; the training of the
new leaders can gain knowledge of the business, the pro-
next generation of leaders for the company’s operations; and
cesses involved and the management tools, and learn how
high-performance results which provide competitive advan-
to apply all this knowledge in the stores. The themes cov-
tages and excellence in customer service. The target audience
ered during the process follow a weekly schedule:
of the Academy of Operations in 2013 consisted of directors
and unit general managers. During the year there were a total
of six class intakes, with 40 hours worth of training for each
one. In total, 459 leaders were trained in 240 hours of training
(approximately 80% of the target audience).
3rd to 6th
The Walmart Way of
Working; Leadership Skills;
Staff Management and CH tools;
Food Safety; Productivity; Ethics and
Compliance; Shrink and Profitability
Management; Communication.
Getting to know the business: Ordering of merchandise,
Receiving of merchandise, Storage, inventory, Modular,
perishables, Markup/Markdown, Check-out Clam’s,
Telemarketing (Wholesale) and Membership (Sam’s Club).
Getting to know the business: Visit to the Unit with the Manager.
“On the job” evaluation; P&L; leadership skills; “Made in
America” book; “Walmart Way of Working” panel; final
evaluation of what has been learned (for approval in the
program, an average score must be achieved of 80 points or
more); qualification ceremony and implementation of training.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Integration – In 2013 the Nova Integração de Associados (New
Integration of Associates) was launched, through which subject
During 2013 the company closed 25 stores that had been
matter related to Walmart is presented, as well as the ground-
performing below expectations, ending the year with ap-
ing necessary acquaint the employee with the Walmart Way of
proximately 75,000 employees. Additionally, the company
Working, the company’s corporate culture, the business model
adopted measures to improve the management of its work-
and company policy, in order to facilitate their adaption pro-
force and carried out adjustments to its workforce to take
cess. The model applied is the same for all store formats, as well
account of seasonal factors in the sector and the working
as all the offices and distribution centers, providing everyone
hours that exist in different store formats and regions.
with the same understanding of the company.
Total number of employees as at December 31, 2013
Staff on permanent or open-ended contracts
Staff that are temporary or on limited-period contracts
Part-time staff
* Walmart does not provide figures on outsourced workers or freelance professionals.
** This figure represents Walmart Brasil’s entire workforce, including interns and ex-patriots.
Employees by region – in numbers and %
Diversity indicators within the company and in leadership positions
Women in leadership positions2
Ethnics (Negro and mulatto)1
Ethnics in leadership2
Disabled persons1
1. These percentages refer to the base of 75,475 employees (employees of a permanent and temporary nature, part-time employees, trainees and interns).
2. Considering 8059 leadership positions, which cover the positions of cool service station supervisor, co-director, coordinator, director, supervisor,
executive, manager, and sub-manager (as defined in the company’s Workforce Remuneration document).
All Walmart Brasil’s employees receive the following benefits: meals in the workplace, meal vouchers or nutrition assistance, life insurance, health and dental plans, extension of
maternity leave for up to 6 months, payroll loans, emergency
loans, pharmaceutical assistance, international travel insurance, discount cards, bonuses, residential assistance grants
for transferees and Christmas hampers. Some of these benefits extended to employees’ dependents GRI LA3 . In addition
to this, all employees (100%) are included in collective wage
agreements, which cover themes such as health and safety, particularly with respect to description of union recomUp to 20 years of age1
Between 20 and 301
Between 30 and 401
Between 40 and 501
Over 50 years of age1
mended practices. GRI LA4
With respect to salaries and wages practice, the company
has a presence in a number of Brazilian states, but uses the
national minimum salary as a reference, while also respecting negotiations with local unions. In the stores (operations),
the lowest salaries paid to men and women are equivalent
to the national minimum salary – which in 2013 amounted
to R$678.00 – or the regional minimum salary. In the offices, the lowest salary was 18% above the minimum salary
defined by law (national or regional) GRI EC5 . The company
does not differentiate salary by gender. A minimum and
maximum remuneration value is stipulated for each work
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
category, possible variations depending on the employee’s
. All staff partic-
Walmart Brasil was the first national retail company to win
ipate in the Programa de Participação nos Resultados – PPR
the Selo Pró-Equidade de Gênero e Raça (Pro-Equality Seal for
(Employee Profit Sharing Program), serving as an incentive to
Gender and Race), granted by the Secretaria de Políticas para
meet set targets and results, and providing employees with
as Mulheres – SPM (Department for Women’s Policies), an
the possibility of additional earnings.
organ of the federal government, having the aim of award-
region and weekly working hours.
ing recognition to the company for initiatives in the comSelection and recruitment policies always give priority to
bat of discrimination and the promotion of racial equality,
workers who are already within the company to fill vacancies.
for masculine and feminine target audiences.
If no trained staff are available for the position, an external recruitment process is started, with preference being given to
This Seal is part of a program coordinated by the Comitê
people living close to the company’s units.
Pró-Equidade de Gênero (Committee for Gender Equality), con-
sisting of members of SPM, the Ministério do Planejamento
Orçamento e Gestão – MPOG (Ministry for Budget Planning
In 2013, initiatives for sustainability engagement for all
and Management), the Ministério Público do Trabalho – MPT
Walmart Brasil’s employees were based on a Productivity
(Ministry for Labor), the Organização Internacional do Trabalho
strategy, which is translated into the slogan Operamos por
– OIT (International Labor Organisation), the Fundo de Desen-
menos (We Operate for Less). In the same way, the video for
volvimento das Nações Unidas para a Mulher – Unifem (Unit-
raising general awareness Mobiliza Geral (General Mobili-
ed Nations Women’s Development Fund) and the Conselho
zation), renewed each year, together with the supporting
Nacional dos Direitos da Mulher – CNDM (National Council for
communication materials developed, pay special attention
Women’s Rights), as well as invited specialists.
to the themes of water and residues. The objective was to
disseminate which practices – and how they are applied on
This award serves both as an incentive as well as a challenge
a day-to-day basis – that contribute to the sustainability of
over the coming years. Renewal is carried out annually, and
the business and a consequent reduction in costs. The Guia
implies continuity of initiatives from the previous year and
de Sustentabilidade na Operação (Guide to Sustainability in
the establishment of new targets set out in an action plan
Operations) was distributed to staff for the same purpose.
validated by the Seal’s coordinators. In order for the Seal to
be renewed, a minimum of 75% of the proposed initiatives
Another engagement incentive initiative involves Projetos
must be met. Among those presented by Walmart Brasil are:
Pessoais para a Sustentabilidade – PPS (Personal Projects for
Sustainability). Workers set their own targets and propose
• a guarantee of participation by women in the selection
their own initiatives, and must seek to influence other peo-
processes for leadership positions in the stores, clubs and
ple to reflect upon the impacts of these initiatives on their
distribution centers
life, the environment, society, and personal finances. They
stipulate target and/or objectives on themes that fall into
• to increase the number of women in leadership positions
in the units by 10%
three categories: My Life (responsible buying, community
• to expand the Programa 100 Mulheres na Liderança (100
or family), My Planet (Water, Energy or Residues) and My
Women in Leadership Positions Program), the object of
Health (exercise, nutrition or smoking).
which is to train women to fill the posts of director and
general manager of the units)
• to identify and implement improved practices in the race
declaration process
Walmart Brasil became
the first national retail company
to be awarded the Pro-Equity
Seal for Gender and Race
In 2013, Walmart internally launched six Diversity Groups, made
up of employee volunteers: women, disabled persons, minors,
senior citizens, young people, negroes and LGBT (Lesbians, Gays,
Bisexuals, Transvestites, Transsexuals and Gender Reassigned).
The purpose is to discuss these themes within the company,
reinforcing a culture of respect for differences – which is part of
the company’s DNA – and be activators of initiatives in favor of
diversity. Meetings of these groups began in 2013.
In parallel, the work of the Walmart Brasil’s Women’s Council
Varejo (Women in a Retail), a global platform of Walmart which
was maintained. Of the 17 on the council, 11 are women. They
combines all the initiatives carried out by women, split into four
meet once a month to debate progress made in the company’s
key elements: development; staff retention and growth; the at-
gender indices, such as the ascension of women to leadership
traction of female talent and their inclusion, and investment in
positions, a corporate goal. One of the activities carried out
the dissemination of this theme outside the company.
during the year was the holding of focal group meetings with
employees from the company’s offices and stores. Barriers en-
countered by staff in developing their careers more rapidly was
Walmart Brasil was a pioneer, once again, in its inauguration of
one of the subjects on the agenda. This activity was extremely
the first hypermarket 100% lit by LED in the Country, in Indaiatu-
important in defining a plan of action to be implemented over
ba, in the interior of São Paulo. This introduction was challenging
the next few years, so that the desired goals can be reached.
due to the need to find a supplier able to develop custom-made
lighting and systems for the unit, which has a total built area of
The company ended 2013 with 41,314 female employees, in
7900 square meters. The exclusive use of LEDs resulted in a sav-
other words 54.7% of the total workforce. In leadership posi-
ing of more than 27% in lighting costs, as well as a reduction in
tions (managers, directors, co-ordinators and store supervi-
maintenance expenses due to the longevity of the lamps. The
sors, corporate offices and distribution centers), the number
plan is that by the end of 2014 a further 15 stores in the chain
of women amounted to 3140, or 39.0% of the total number
will undergo remodeling and be fitted with this type of lighting
of employees occupying these positions.
in their sales area. Since 2011 Walmart has adopted LED lighting
in its parking areas and cold storage areas in some of its stores.
In commemoration of International Women’s Day, a series of
In Indaiatuba, LED lamps are present in all the sectors, including
seminars were held directed at female employees in the admin-
inside the refrigerators and freezers in the sales area.
istrative areas and the stores, to encourage debate and reflection about the role of women in their careers, providing useful
The store, in the interior of São Paulo state, was one of 10
information about health and balance between professional
eco-efficient units inaugurated by the company during the
development and the family. These meetings took place in the
year. There is now a total of 42 eco-efficient stores in the chain,
company’s central offices, in Barueri (SP) and were transmitted
as well as an eco-efficient distribution center. The compa-
to all the units via TV Walmart. The event is part of Mulheres no
ny’s eco-efficiency project covers units the construction and
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
structure of which includes sustainable initiatives, such as the
biomass plants, among other renewable energy sources. This
introduction of more economic lamps and intelligent lighting
measure also brought the benefit of reducing input costs by
systems, the use of refrigeration and air conditioning systems
11.45%, as well as allowing with the generators to be switched
that use less electricity and are free of noxious gases, the use
off at peak hours, with a saving in diesel oil and a reduction in
of taps that turn off automatically etc. Over the years, Walmart
greenhouse gas emissions.
Brasil has developed a menu that consists of more than 60
sustainable initiatives, which must be used in the construction
The program of replacing old refrigerators with new ones
of its new units or the remodeling of old ones.
also continued, these being equipped with doors that re-
duce the loss of cold air that occurs in the heat exchange
GRI EN3 | EN4 | EN5 | EN7
Also on this theme, the company has an action plan to base
process with the surrounding environment, as well as the
fitting of these type of doors to existing refrigerators.
100% of its energy requirements on renewable sources and
reduce consumption by 20%, compared to the baseline in
Despite these efforts, during the year Walmart Brasil’s power
2011. With this objective in mind, in 2013 a further 35 units
consumption increased due to the installation of air condi-
switched from the captive electricity market to the so-called
tioning equipment to improve thermal comfort.
free-market, with 84 units being supplied under this regime
by the end of the year. In 2014 the plan is to bring the total
In 2013, the company used a total of 963,104 MWh (3,467,174.4
up to 96 stores that have switched over to the “free” electric-
GJ). For 2014, the following measures are planned (which
ity market. The units that have switched over to this regime
should result in a saving of 22,284 MWh – 80,222,4 GJ, in 458
use power supplied from small hydroelectric power stations,
stores), a 2.8% reduction in consumption compared to 2013:
Application of LEDs lighting
The fitting of more efficient skylights, with illumination control
The installation of doors on refrigerators or the replacement of refrigerated counters
A reduction in excess reactive power
The introduction of capacitor banks
The replacement of high consumption air-conditioning equipment
The introduction of power management systems in the units
The refrigeration equipment introduced in Walmart Brasil’s
The year saw continuing work on reviewing the autho-
new stores no longer uses the refrigeration gas R22. In its
rization process for companies that collect residue from
place is used R404A, considered to be ecologically friend-
Walmart Brasil’s store chain. One of the principal focuses is
ly as it does not destroy the ozone layer. In 2013, Walmart
the management of material considered to be dangerous.
achieved a global target of reducing its greenhouse gas
This work also consists of the development of suppliers so
emissions by 20%, taking the year 2005 as its baseline. This
that they meet the standards established by the company.
goal was reached earlier than planned.
In 2013, 22 tenders were put out and 293 environmental service companies were analysed – 114 of these in relation to
environmental requirements and 179 with respect to FCPA
(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) requirements.
Another step forward was the consolidation of a Document
this regard. Of particular note was a partnership agreements
Management System for the destination of the material col-
signed with the company Biomix, which started to compost
lected. The service providers started to report their figures
organic waste from the stores for the production of vegeta-
electronically, so facilitating their storage, monitoring and
ble-based soil and organic fertilizers. These two items are al-
access, should there be a requirement. A third company is re-
ready to be found for sale in Walmart’s units in the metropol-
sponsible for carrying out analysis of the documentation sent
itan region of São Paulo. This initiative meant that 104 tons
in and validating it before being inserted into the system.
a month of organic waste is no longer deposited in landfill
sites while the cost of removing the material and transport-
Walmart Brasil is working with the target of bringing an
ing it was also avoided.
end to the sending of solid residues from its operations to
landfill sites by 2025. In 2013, of the 140,800 tons generated,
During the year there was also nationwide training for all store
39% has already filed an alternative destination. The high-
employees on the management of residue, which involved
er volume registered during the year was because of the
the participation of 89% of Walmart’s staff. This training activ-
improvement in residue management, with an increase in
ity covered legal obligations and the practices desired by the
the number of units in the store chain being monitored in
company, and was developed with the use of TV Walmart.
Paper and cardboard
Fluorescent lamps
Compost and
animal feed
Vegatable oil
Bottles and cans
Tires (units)
Total residue recycled
or reprocessed
Total residue diverted
from landfill sites
% of residues diverted
from landfill sites
Organic material
Total residues
Residues sent to landfill sites
Organic material sent for composting
or the production of animal feed
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
GRI 4.9 | SO5
ous retail companies – was to bring an end to the charging
of federal taxes (PIS/Cofins and IPI) for a variety of items on
which these taxes were charged.
Walmart Brasil, through its Institutional Relations department,
acts strategically in its relationship with governments, retail
Also through the intermediation of Abras, the company
and wholesale business associations (regional and national)
took part in the debate on the Plano Nacional de Resíduos
and its competitors. The company is engaged in contributing
Sólidos (National Solid Residue Plan), particularly with re-
to discussions on themes relevant to the development of its
spect to the drawing-up of an agreement for the sector.
businesses, the sector and the Country as a whole. During the
year, as a result of its partnership with the Ministério do Desen-
In the different states in which it operates, Walmart Brazil works
volvimento Agrário – MDA (Ministry for Agrarian Develop-
on establishing partnerships with Procons (consumer defense
ment), it hosted the 1st Encontro de Fornecedores da Agricultura
bodies). In 2013, it also expanded its partnership arrangements
Familiar (Meeting of Family Farming Suppliers). The objective
with the campaign De Olho na Validade (Keeping an Eye on Sell-
was to encourage more families to join the Producers Club and
by Dates), the objective of which is to encourage the consumer
expand the range of items available. The Producers’ Club is an
to check the sell-by dates of products and improve the mon-
initiative of the company that has already celebrated its 10th
itoring and control processes in supermarkets in the State of
year. The meeting resulted in commercial negotiations with a
Paraná and the Federal District. The company has supported
number of family-run co-operatives throughout Brazil.
this initiative since 2011 in the State of São Paulo, and since 2012
in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Goiás,
Walmart Brasil also introduced an initiative, in a close relation-
Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Ceará, Ala-
ship with the federal government, in alignment with the targets
goas, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.
of the Plano Nacional de Consumo e Cidadania – Plandec (National Plan for Consumption and Citizenship), instituted in 2013
Walmart Brasil is also part of the Câmara Técnica de Segurança
by President Dilma Rousseff. This initiative aims, among other
Alimentar (Technical Chamber for Food Safety), coordinated by
things, to improve the quality of products and services offered
the Procon Foundation-SP, the Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do
in the Brazilian market, in such a way as to provide access to
Consumidor – Idec (Brazilian Institute for Consumer Defence)
sustainable production and consumption standards, while pro-
and the Associação Paulista de Supermercados – Apas (São
moting transparency and harmony in consumer relations.
Paulo Supermarket Association). This initiative aims to create
synergy between the retail sector and the inspection body,
With the Secretaria Nacional do Consumidor – Senacon (National
with the aim of working in a preventative manner on themes
Consumer Department), linked to the Ministério da Justiça (Min-
related to the segment and consumer relations.
istry of Justice), the company works on developing initiatives to
improve its service to clients. Thus, through its Customer Rela-
In 2013, Walmart Brazil was invited by the Mayor of São
tionship Center, it actively participates in discussions on the reg-
Paulo, Fernando Haddad, to be part of the Conselho da
ulatory framework of Código de Defesa do Consumidor (Consum-
Cidade (City Council), which constitutes a channel for di-
er Defense Code) which deals with the procedures to be followed
alogue between the municipal administration and society
in the event of repeated errors in the manufacture of goods for
as a whole. The group of council members, invited by the
essential use. Walmart Brasil also participated in the drawing-up
chief executive, held four meetings during the year in order
of the program Minha Casa Melhor (A Better House for Me), the
to analyze issues fundamental to the São Paulo state capi-
purpose of which is to provide finance for furniture and domes-
tal, such as review of the Plano Diretor (Master Plan).
tic appliances for those people who have benefited from a another government initiative, Minha Casa Minha Vida (My House,
In the environmental area, Walmart became part of the Grupo
My Life). The program offers those benefited access to quality
de Trabalho de Sacolas Plásticas (Plastic Bag Work Group) created
products to furnish their houses and brings more comfort to
by the Ministério do Meio Ambiente (Ministry of the Environ-
those families that have risen from the D and E social classes.
ment) to carry out debate on the subject. In the fiscal area, the
company supported the law which made it obligatory to pro-
Through the Associação Brasileira de Supermercados – Abras
vide a breakdown of taxes on purchase receipts. Walmart also
(Brazilian Supermarket Association), the company pleaded
participated in a pioneering project for the issue of electronic
to the federal government for tax relief on basic foodstuffs.
tax invoices, known as NFC-e, for consumers in the state of Rio
The result of this work – which has the involvement of vari-
Grande do Sul, at the invitation of the Secretary of Finance.
Walmart Brasil participates in the following
associations or initiatives:
GRI 4.12 | 4.13
Associação Baiana de Supermercados – Abase
Associação Maranhense de Supermercados – Amasp
Associação Brasileira de Atacadistas e Distribuidores – Abad
Associação Mineira de Supermercados – Amis
Associação Brasileira de Embalagens – Abre
Associação Paranaense de Supermercados – Apras
Associação Brasileira de Relações Empresa Cliente – Abrarec
Associação Paulista de Supermercados – Apas
Associação Brasileira de Redes de Farmácias e Drogarias – Abrafarma
Associação Pernambucana de Supermercados – Apes
Associação Brasileira de Supermercados – Abras
Associação Sergipana de Supermercados – Ases
Associação Brasileira do Varejo Têxtil – ABVTEX
Associação Sul Matogrossense de Supermercados – Amas
Associação Capixaba de Supermercados – Acaps
American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)
Câmara Brasileira do Comércio Eletrônico – Câmara-E.net
(Supermarket Association of Bahia)
(Brazilian Association of Wholesalers and Distributors)
(Brazilian Packaging Association)
(Brazilian Association for Company–Customer Relations)
(Brazilian Association of Pharmacy Chains)
(Brazilian Supermarket Association)
(Brazilian Association of Textile Retailers)
(Espirito Santo Supermarket Association
Associação Catarinense de Supermercados – Acats
(Supermarket Association of Santa Catarina
(Supermarket Association of Maranhão)
(Supermarket Association of Minas Gerais)
(Supermarket Association of Paraná)
(Supermarket Association of São Paulo)
(Supermarket Association of Pernambuco)
(Supermarket Association of Sergipe)
(Supermarket Association of Mato Grosso do Sul)
(Brazilian Chamber for E-Commerce)
Associação Cearense de Supermercados – Acesu
Federação das Associações Comerciais
e de Serviços do Rio Grande do Sul – Federasul
Associação Comercial da Bahia – ACB
Instituto Desenvolvimento do Varejo – IDV
Associação Comercial de Pernambuco – ACP
Grupo de Trabalho da Pecuária Sustentável
Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial – Aberje
Movimento Conexões Sustentáveis*
Associação de Supermercados da Paraíba – AS-PB
Movimento Empresarial pela Biodiversidade
Associação de Supermercados de Alagoas – Asa
Fórum Clima – Ação Empresarial sobre Mudanças Climáticas
(Climate Forum-Corporate Initiative on Climate Change),
Fórum Amazônia Sustentável*
(Supermarket Association of Ceará)
(Commercial Association of Bahia)
(Commercial Association of Pernambuco)
(Brazilian Corporate Communication Association)
(Supermarket Association of Paraíba)
(Supermarket Association of Alagoas)
Associação de Supermercados de Brasília – Asbra
(Supermarket Association of Brasilia)
Associação de Supermercados do Rio Grande do Norte – Assurn
(Federation of Commercial and Services Associations of Rio Grande do Sul)
(Retail Development Institute)
(Work Group for Sustainable Animal Farming)
(Movement for Sustainable Connections)
(Corporate Movement for Biodiversity)
(Forum for a Sustainable Amazon)
Compromisso Empresarial pela Reciclagem – Cempre
(Supermarket Association of Rio Grande do Norte)
(Corporate Commitment to Recycling),
Associação dos Supermercados do Rio de Janeiro – Asserj
Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para
o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – Cebds
(Supermarket Association of Rio de Janeiro)
Associação Gaúcha de Supermercados – Aga
(Supermarket Association of Rio Grande Do Sul)
Associação Goiana de Supermercados – Agos
(Supermarket Association of Goiânia)
(Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development)
Green Building Council Brasil (GBC)
Instituto Ethos (Ethos Institute)
Movimento Mulher 360 (Movement for Women 360°)
* Organizations which ended their activities in 2013.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
A retailer’s commitment to sustainability goes
beyond its stores: to include support for initiatives
which transform social reality and stimulate
engagement in the quest for a better planet.
It also includes respect for the consumer and
provides him with an active voice so that his
desires and needs can be understood
GRI 4.16 | PR5
Consumers are the principal motive for being a retail
rewarded with a trip to the United States to get to know
company, and Walmart Brazil strives to offer them Aten-
the company’s headquarters in Bentonville.
dimento UAU (WoW service). The expression provides the
name of a training program which involves 100% of store
Also in 2013 the Customer Relations Center was central-
employees in the chain, in Brazil, and aims to ensure and
ized in São Paulo (previously it consisted of three regional
improve customer satisfaction. Developed since 2010,
centers). The aim was to ensure better alignment of pro-
the program covered, in 2013, the program covered the
cesses, as well as synergy gains and greater flexibility in
theme “techniques of providing convincing argumentation
responding to demands. One innovation was the analy-
to customers and retaining them”. Based on the complaints
sis of demands from a quality perspective, with a view to
received at the stores and through the Central de Relacio-
assessing customer sentiment with respect to expecta-
namento com o Cliente – CRC (Customer Relations Cen-
tions are not met, through the identification of key words
ter), 53 principal consumer demands were identified that
used by the customer. This qualitative evaluation resulted
can lead to queries on the part of those attending cus-
in the launch of 10 compromissos Walmart com o cliente
tomers. Printed material was produced to be used at floor
(Walmart’s 10 Client Commitments), to be disseminated
meetings, which take place on a daily basis in the stores,
within the company in 2014. Indicators on customer ser-
and for consultation by employees.
vice at the Customer Relations Center during the period
can be consulted here:
The company reformulated its Atendimento Nota 10 (10
out of 10 for service) which gives recognition to employees
that provide a good service to customers. Publicity material encourages customers to use contact channels, such
as 0800 or 4020-5050 toll-free numbers. This initiative re-
In the stores, Walmart started to use the reverse side of its
sulted in a 300% increase in the level of praise received by
purchase receipts as a way of publicizing its merchandise ex-
employees. The six workers with the highest score were
change policy.
Indicadores de atendimento ao cliente
Variation (%)
Contacts Received
Personalized Service
Social media
Telephone (0800 toll-free number)
Automated Response Unit (ARU)
(electronic service)
Complaints Coefficient*
* Complaints Coefficient = number of complaints per 100,000 transactions.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
2013 saw the company’s debut on the social media, with a
stores, the replacement of the dough used in the baking of
corporate profile on Facebook. This innovation included a
French bread (throughout Walmart Brazil’s store chain) and
space entitled Posso Ajudar? (How Can I Help You?) for con-
the replacement of the suppliers of beef jerky (in the North-
tact with the Customer Call Center.
east). Two members of the Customer Committees were invited to relate their experiences and perception of progress
Taking all these store-brand profiles on the social media,
made at Walmart’s Annual Meeting in São Paulo.
the total number of fans and followers amounted to more
than 1 million at the end of 2013. Walmart Brasil monitors
The success of this initiative resulted in its prolongation in
the remarks made on its profiles and it is the task of a col-
2014, when during the year Customer Committees will be
legiate within the company to decide on the responses
set up in 20 stores strategically chosen for their capacity to
to public demands. The entry of the company into the
improve results.
world of social media provides a closer relationship with
its customers, and has already given rise to opportunities.
For example, criticisms made by the Residents Association
During the year the company created a specific cell to monitor
of Alphaville, in Greater São Paulo, with respect to the car
cases of damage in store car parks, such as that resulting from
parking facilities of Walmart stores and Sam’s Club, moti-
collisions between vehicles. The introduction of an information
vated the company to publicize the measures it has taken
technology-based system and the formalization of the various
to resolve these problems. As a consequence, there was
steps to be carried out by unit managers, resulted in a reduction
an immediate increase in the number of positive remarks
in the time taken to resolve such cases, by 80%, from 140 days
about Walmart Brazil and also an increase in sales numbers.
to 24 days. Furthermore, this measure represented a saving of
R$3.6 million a year for Walmart. The accumulated backlog of
cases was reduced from an average of 3000, to 600.
Of particular note was the creation of a Customer Committee to discuss problems with respect to product and service
quality provided by a group of stores in the Bompreço, store-
brand in Bahia. Committee members – an average of 15 per
The Sell-by-Date Brigade operates in Walmart Brazil’s store
unit – were selected to participate in the screening of com-
chain to remove all items which fall short of satisfacto-
plaints registered at the CRC, participating in the initiative or
ry sales standards or with expired sell-by dates, from the
six months, with meetings every 45 days. The objective was
shelves within the correct time-limit. In 2003, the teams
to understand how they perceive the stores and the points
began to use an automated inspection system. This inno-
that need to be improved, carrying out the corrections nec-
vation introduces benefits such as the possibility of moni-
essary in the intervals between the meetings. Initiatives in-
toring dates for the removal of products, using the system.
cluded, in addition to improvement in processes within the
And also makes it possible to introduce sales promotions
when products are nearing their sell-by date, and thus
avoid the need to dispose of them. The new technology
– radio-frequency – resulted in a 20 percentage point increase in weekly checks, compared to 2012, as well as significantly reducing problems with public bodies resulting
Walmart is developing a series
of initiatives to ensure consumer
satisfaction. In 2013 it created Customer
Committees in some units in Northeast,
to help improve its operations
from the sale of products past their validity date.
In 2013 also introduced was an automatic blocking system
at the checkouts, of products withdrawn from the market.
This reduces the risk of selling food and non-food items
that pose a risk to customer health and safety, which may
not have been picked up by the company’s other controls.
Another important indicator with respect to food safety is
that, in 2013, 88% of the stores completely met the stan-
Walmart Brasil put its new institutional marketing campaign
dards required by Walmart Brazil (18 percentage points
on the air, Quem economiza, realiza (Who saves, wins). This in-
more than in 2012). This evaluation considers aspects such
terprets the Preço Baixo Todo Dia – PBTD (Everyday Low Prices)
as maintaining a suitable temperature in the processes of
concept to the consumer by presenting real stories of Brazilian
production cooking and cooling time, control of cross con-
consumers whose aspirations may become a reality thanks to
tamination, hygiene and employee health, cleanliness of the
saving money on a day-to-day basis.
environment and labeling, as well as validity. Units undergo
monthly audits of all their critical points, which is carried out
This is nothing more than the end-objective of the compa-
by outsourced companies that are appropriately qualified
ny’s business philosophy and institutional mission: to save
and recognized internationally. In the event of any deviation
people money so that they can live better. The new cam-
in standard or conduct, corrective measures are taken.
paign interprets this motto in a direct and emotional manner, in keeping with the current period in Brazil’s socio-eco-
There was also an improvement in the control of the dis-
nomic development. Today the population has started to
posal of perishable products unfit for consumption, so that
have greater access to the consumer market and is increas-
they cannot be sold or accessed by consumers. A require-
ingly demanding: requiring good quality at a reasonable
ment was introduced that the companies responsible for
price, without giving up other goals and achievements.
waste collection (authorized by Walmart Brazil), to supply
quantitative and qualitative figures of products removed,
The campaign Quem economiza, realiza (Who saves, wins) Is also
thus ensuring their correct disposal.
characterized by the diversity of communication channels are
used: including traditional media such as TV, radio and newspapers, as well as merchandising and the use of social networks.
In addition to presenting the company as a partner of the customer in order that he may realize his dreams, it also instigates
the sharing, among consumers, of experiences and ideas for
saving on a daily basis. To this end, a fan page was created that
brings together real stories from customers, tips and a space
open for the publicizing of new initiatives on the part of users.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
GRI 4.16
The Movimento Empresarial pelo Desenvolvimento Econômico
day, health, quality-of-life, events, diversity and training and
da Mulher – Movimento Mulher 360 (Corporate Movement for
development. Walmart Brazil features with its development
the Economic Development of Women-Movement for Women
program for women who wish to occupy leadership positions,
360°) – commemorated two years since its inception at an
with theoretical and behavioral modules, which are run in train-
event held in São Paulo. The programming of the event con-
ing sessions in regional stores.
sisted of presentations, debates depositions and the launching of new publications. One of the objectives set for 2013,
In 2013, the results were also published of online research
and realized, was the creation of the Associação Movimento
on women’s image through communication means, car-
Mulher 360 (Women’s Movement Association 360°) – through
ried out by the Movement for Women 360°. Among the re-
approval at a general meeting, with bylaws, a code of con-
sults obtained, it became clear that there was a need to
duct, and internal regulations. In this way, this initiative has
bring an end to stereotypes as well attributing more worth
gained the status of a legal entity.
to feminine diversity in promotional material: more than
70% of respondents affirmed that they felt the lack of varia-
Two inspirational publications were presented during the com-
tion in the types of women presented in advertising, while
memorative events. The first, “Investimento a favor da inclusão”
71% agreed that advertising still needs to change substan-
(Investment in Favor of Inclusion), is an initiative of the Walmart In-
tially to show how women really are.
stitute, in partnership with GIFE. The other publication was Guia
de Boas Práticas Empresariais (Guide to Good Business Practices),
Currently, more than 40 Brazilian companies are part of the
which provides examples of signatory companies in appreci-
Movement, which maintains publicity/communication chan-
ation of the e-mail target audience and their inclusion in the
nels on the Internet, including a website, a YouTube channel
workplace, combined with guarantees of their rights as moth-
and profiles on Twitter and Facebook. Through these can be
ers and women. This publication is segmented into the follow-
accessed content relevant to themes pertinent to the initiative,
ing themes: benefits for women, maternity leave, the working
which basically focus on four main goals (see table below).
Walmart Brasil and various consumer industries have decided to form an alliance and create specific goals for the
retail chain. These companies have thus assumed the following commitments by 2015:
1. Development of women are within the companies:
Demonstrating quantitative progress in the participation of
women in leadership positions, with a view to reaching a
gender balance.
2. Development of women in the supply chain:
Implementation of policies, directives and/or development
programs for women with their suppliers.
3. Social inclusion of women:
The companies commit themselves to generating a combined positive impact on the lives of 100,000 women through
private social investment and social responsibility initiatives.
4. Appreciation of women’s image in society:
Incorporation of messages of appreciation for women in
communication campaigns and/or educational initiatives.
GRI SO1 | EC8 | EC9
In order to fulfill its mission of “promover o autodesenvolvimento para as pessoas viverem melhor” (promoting self-development so that people can live better), the Walmart Institute (IWM) continued with its programs and projects, with a focus
on three main causes – Youth and Work, Local Development and Income Generation – having strategic partnerships with
more than 30 institutions in the first, second and third sectors.
Young people and work
Income Generation
Local development
Initiatives in the community
This is the flagship program of the Walmart Institute, in its
ba (PR), Salvador (BA) and Recife (PE). The Social Retail School,
focus on Youth and Work. The success of this initiative in
created in 2010, has already trained more than 5000 young
Brazil has led to its replication in other Latin American na-
people between the ages 16 and 29, qualifying them to
tions. Thus, the ESV program is also already ongoing in Ar-
work in the sector. Their qualification in Liderança no Varejo
gentina and Chile. This cross-border progress is the result
(Leadership in Retail) aims to prepare young people for work
of a partnership between the Walmart foundation in the
and for life. As a consequence, the entire school curriculum
United States, and the International Youth Foundation (IYF),
has been developed with a view to strengthening the skill of
with support from the Walmart Institute (IWM) and Instituto
young people for their first job, and also helping them to re-
Aliança – IA (Alliance Institute), responsible for the program
tain their employment and rise in their professional careers.
in Brazil. Here, the ESV certified 587 young people in 2013, in
Since ESV’s creation, the rate at which form a pupils have
the towns and cities of: Barueri (SP), Porto Alegre (RS), Curiti-
found opportunities in the labor market is 80%.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
In the fifth year of its program Bombando Cidadania in
ticular note was the inclusion of Terreiro Ogbon Obá, part of the
Recife (PE), a Walmart Institute has supported a variety of
Cultural Center of Bomba do Hemetério, on the touristic route
innovative activities on different fronts, with the aim of
Saboreando Mãe África (the taste of Mother Africa), part of the
promoting sustainable local improvements in the district
agency Loa Turismo de Experiência, the purpose of which is to
of Bomba in Hemetério.
promote local gastronomy with an African influence.
In 2013 the Walmart Institute created a “crowd-fund-
As part of these activities, an English course was also offered
ing” financing channel in partnership with Portal Impulso
lasting 210 hours, for 15 agents of local culture and tourism,
(http://www.impulso.org.br/pt/bombandocidadania). Mi-
preparing them to receive tourists, especially over the World
cro-entrepreneurs or cultural groups, through this virtual
Cup period. This initiative was made possible due to the Pro-
page, present their projects and funding goals they need
natec Copa program, an initiative of the Ministries for Tourism
to put them into practice. During the year, five initiatives
and Education. In the middle of the year, the municipality of
put themselves forward for funding support, four of which
Recife confirmed the setting-up of a new Centro de Atendi-
were successful (see box on the following page).
mento ao Turista – CAT (Tourist Call Center) in the region.
Various initiatives have contributed to strengthening of po-
Qualification in the public sphere was also on the agenda,
tential tourism based on the community in the district. Par-
with the participation of approximately 20 young people
ticipation, for the third year running, in the Festival Delícias da
in the Creative Mosaics Course, offered by the Instituto de
Comunidade (Community Gastronomic Festival), promoted by
Assessoria para o Desenvolvimento Humano – IADH (Ad-
the Municipal Authority of Recife, which publicizes the tourism
visory Institute for Human Development). In addition to
potential of the various localities, through typical dishes and
providing training for a new trade, the course also serves
portrayals of local culture, was an example of this. Also, of par-
as a starting point for urban intervention in the district,
with help from volunteers from the NGO Habitat para a
Humanidade Brasil (Habitat for Humanity) (HPH Brasil).
In total, there were three initiatives carried out before the end
of the year. One of them, the project Colorindo a Bomba (Giving
Color to Bomba) included the painting of Rua Arapixuma, where
the headquarters of Reisado Imperial can be found, a traditional
society of Pernambuco. This stretch of road is a major attraction
for tourists, as it combines typical residences and artists, also
providing a beautiful panoramic view of the district. A further
eight cultural attractions, part of the Bomba tourist route, were
selected for repainting in new colors. This initiative involved a
“I learnt a great many things
for my personal and professional
life. This is a program that
opens one’s eyes and shows
one how to grow”,
Claudia Cristina Antunes,
partnership with the company Iquine, which makes donations
of paint and offered a course in house-painting for five inhabitants of Bomba, who subsequently became replicators of their
former student of the Social Retail School and current employee of Walmart Brasil
new skills in the community.
Remodeling of Cia da Beleza: Silvia Moura has worked in the beauty segment for 22 years, and at the beginning of 2013 opened her own beauty salon in Bomba do Hemetério. Using collaborative financing, she invested in improving the structure of her premises.
My roadie company: Cleones José, a the presenter of the program Vozes da América (voices of America), on
the community radio station Seu Bomba, obtained financing in order to set up a roadie company (a professional
person who carries equipment and sets up sound equipment for shows).
Chocolates that generate income: Antonio Francisco, president of Criarte (Arts and Crafts and Manual Labor
Association), after attending a course with Senac, began to sell chocolates to generate income. The funds he
requested were for the purchase of an electronic weighing scale, in order to reduce waste, expand production
and increase the number of job vacancies.
Botão de Flor (Flower Button): The young Raiane held a charitable event in the community to publicize her
new brand-name collection, and at the time collected food items for a creche in the region.
The Programa de Apoio à Implementação da Floresta Nacio-
Based on its approval, Flona of Amapá is now able to take
nal – Flona (Program for the Support of the Introduction of
on forestry concessions and community forest manage-
National Forest) do Amapá completed half a decade with
ment. Going beyond just the conservation of biodiversity,
an enormous achievement: approval of its Plano de Manejo
National Forestry has become another front for economic
(Management Plan), over the end of 2013 and the begin-
development both in the State and Brazil.
ning of 2014. The result is a consequence of combined
work between the Walmart Institute, Conservation International (CI-Brasil) and the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade – ICMBio (Chico Mendes Institute
for Conservation of Biodiversity).
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Social programs and projects
are also part of Walmart Brazil’s
philosophy, with seven different
society-based initiatives being
worked on in 2013
Already part of Walmart’s agenda are Community Day, a Calendar of Good Initiatives, and donations to a Food Bank, all
developed in stores of the chain. In the first case, this is a day
of the year on which employee volunteers are encouraged
by the company to provide services to social organizations.
In 2013, more than 7000 of them participated in this initiative in May and carried out more than 4000 activities for the
benefit of communities where the stores, distribution centers and offices of the company have a presence.
With respect to collection initiatives in the stores, these
follow a pre-established Annual Calendar of Good Initia-
The Walmart Institute Caravan, which has the purpose of “ex-
tives, with the collection of items such as shawls, food and
plaining the ideas and meaning behind the project,” travelled
school material.
through eight cities, in eight different states, in 2013: Rio de
Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA), São Paulo (SP), Fortaleza (CE), Re-
The work involving the Food Bank has been going on since
cife (PE), Curitiba (PR), Aracaju (SE) and Porto Alegre (RS). Part-
2006, and involves the separation of food items and prod-
nership arrangement with Sesc – which provided the infra-
ucts by employees of Walmart that are fit for consumption,
structure for the meetings –, the Caravan attracted 261 social
but fall short of sales standards. In 2013 alone, more than
organizations and 343 people. In the training program, partic-
900 tons of these items were distributed by the store chain,
ipants reflect on their practices, mission and values and think
which represents more than 3.6 million meals served. Do-
about social intervention proposals for the communities in
nations are made to partners such as Mesa Brasil, part of
which they operate. This initiative also has the support of ref-
Sesc, and the Banco de Alimentos do Rio Grande do Sul (Food
erence material available in Espaço do Conhecimento (Knowl-
Bank of Rio Grande do Sul).
edge Space), which is maintained in on the Walmart Institute’s
website, the complement the training for those interested.
Another initiative of note was the Emergency Fund. Through
this initiative Walmart staff can contribute – or access, if
necessary – to a support fund for employees. They volun-
Women that run small businesses, but are giants in entrepre-
tarily authorize a monthly donation and the funds accu-
neurialism, participated, São Paulo, in a challenge launched
mulated are used to benefit work colleagues in the event
by the Walmart Institute and the organization Aliança Em-
of public calamity, a state of emergency, or large-scale
preendedora (Entrepreneurial Alliance). Of 120 entrepreneurs,
accidents provoked by extreme events. In 2013 a total of
30 businesswomen were selected – both in the formal and
R$186,500 was collected, with 88 employees benefiting.
informal market, and with businesses that have a maximum
annual sales of R$240,000 – from socio-economic classes C, D
and E, for four training sessions lasting eight hours each.
At the events themes were worked on such as self-image,
leadership, market vision, production management, repertoire of experiences and the building of networks. In parallel, the entrepreneurs participated in a competition by
which they put forward a plan as to how they would invest
R$5,000 to expand or improve their businesses. Three participants were chosen to receive this sum of money, and
apply it to their businesses.
Promoting the sharing of knowledge related to its fields of
operation is a way that the Walmart Institute contributes to
An event held in São Paulo marked the end of the series of
national debate and progress on themes relevant to Brazil-
meetings. More than 100 people were invited – including
ian society. The Institute was at the forefront of four major
specialists, businessmen, investors and students – to dis-
events during the year, which were marked by the launch
cuss the practices of social entrepreneurs with successful
of a variety of publications.
experiences. This initiative by the Walmart Institute and
Ashoka has been in place since 2011, with the purpose of
Seminário Internacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional: Sustentabilidade e
Combate à Fome (International Seminar on Nutrition and Food Safety: Sustainability and the Combating of Hunger)
details on http://seminariodesegurancaalimentar.wordpress.com/
discussing concepts, trends and experiences in the area.
The schedule includes a retrospective look at the series, a
presentation of cases of female entrepreneurialism in Brazil,
and the launch of two publications: Negócios Sociais e Inclusivos – Descobertas e Aprendizados (Social and Inclusion Busi-
Held in Salvador (BA), this event discussed experiences on these
nesses - Discoveries and Lessons Learned) and Negócios Socias
themes around the world. The meeting brought together 350
e Inclusivos no Brasil – Três Histórias um Caminho (Social and
people, including representatives from governments, compa-
Inclusion Businesses in Brazil – Three Stories, One Path), both
nies and social organizations, and involved a partnership with
available for consultation on the Walmart Institute’s website
Serviço Social do Comércio/Mesa Brasil (Social Service in Com-
merce) and the Federação do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo do Estado da Bahia (Federation for the commerce of Goods,
Services and Tourism in the State of Bahia).
Inspiração – Cooperativas de Catadores: Construindo Soluções para o Futuro
(inspiration – refuse collection co-operatives: building solutions for the future)
(available on http://www.iwm.org.br/releases/787-Instituto_Walmart_e_Programa_Cata_Acao_lancam_publicacao_sobre_experiencias_de_cooperativas_de_catadores_de_residuos_solidos.html)
Inspiração – Cooperativas de Catadores: Construindo Soluções para o Futuro
(available on http://www.iwm.org.br/noticias/causa/geracao-de-renda/861-Evento_Mapa_de_Solucoes_Inovadoras_discute_negocios_
In association with the GIFE Institute, a translation partner
and through the launch of indicators, the Walmart Institute
presented its guide Investment in favor of inclusion – Equal
The launch of this publication involved the participation of
Treatment for Women and Girls, as part of the Grandcraft
more than 150 people, concentrated in São Paulo (SP). In
Project, an initiative of the Foundation Center (USA) and
the material, are described the good practices of Rede Cata
the European Foundation Center. This guide provides
Vida de Sorocaba (refuse collectors’ network of Sorocaba)
guidelines for companies, institutes and foundations that
(SP), Cooperativa Futura de São José dos Campos (co-oper-
draw attention to the plight of women and their inclusion
ative for the future of São José dos Campos) (SP) and Co-
through social investment. The national version, in addition
operativa de Agentes Ecológicos de Canabrava de Salvador
to a description of the practices and indicators in support
(ecological agents’ co-operative of Canabrava de Salvador)
of gender inequality, recounts three experiences by na-
(BA), as well as setting out the challenges and opportuni-
tional organizations: the ELAS Social Investment Fund, the
ties for the sector in Brazil. This initiative involved partner-
Avon Institute, and the Tide Setubal Foundation.
ships with the Cata Ação (Collection Action) Program, the
Movimento Nacional dos Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis
(National Movement for Recyclable Material Collectors),
and the consultancy Giral Viveiro de Projetos.
Investimento a favor da inclusão – Equidade para mulheres e meninas
(Investment in favor of inclusion – Equal treatment for women and girls)
(details on page http://www.iwm.org.br/noticias/causa/geracao-de-renda/881-Encontro_do_Movimento_Mulher_360_debate_equidade_de_generos.html)
Videos portraying these experiences can be accessed here.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
It is Walmart Brasil’s fervent wish that its
customers adopt socially and ecologically
responsible attitudes. For this reason it has
developed awareness campaigns which encourage
conscientious habits, such as avoiding the use of
disposable plastic bags, and providing areas where
consumers can correctly dispose of residues
For many years Walmart Brasil has been developing initia-
ered to be a health risk and capable of contaminating the
tives to discourage the use of plastic bags by customers.
soil, rivers and water tables, are separated and transported
For the company this item has become a symbol of the
by companies authorized to carry out this type of work. In
need to review consumer habits and the disposal of resi-
only 12 months of this initiative, one ton of medicines that
dues. This is because the excessive use of non-returnable
had passed their sell-by date, were collected.
plastic bags, leads to waste and strengthens the erroneous
impression that this material, discarded in a wide variety of
A number of spontaneous initiatives also help to educate
human activities, disappears as if by magic.
consumers in aspects of reverse logistics. An example of
this, in 2013, involved the launch of the vitamin supplement
During the year, in order to reinforce this message with the
Active Up. The packaging returned, subsequently sent for
public, the company produced the pamphlet Sacolinha, e
incineration by a specialist company, was attributed a credit
eu com isso? (Plastic bag, what I doing with this?). This publi-
of R$2.50 on the customer’s next purchase. And in the anni-
cation recounts the problems caused by the indiscriminate
versary month of the pharmacies, in addition to charging a
use of plastic bags and their inappropriate disposal in the
price lower than that announced by the competition, these
environment, their life cycle, as well as studies that prove
establishments also offered a discount to those who handed
the environmental advantages of using returnable bags,
over medicines that had passed their validity date.
for example. They also include statistics, such as that 1.5
million plastic bags are distributed every hour in Brazil. This
Consumers can also go to Walmart Brasil’s stores to dispose
material is available to the public, and can be accessed via
of old batteries and cellphones, which are subsequently
Internet (www.walmartbrasil.com.br).
disposed of correctly.
To encourage customers to use fewer plastic bags and/or
opt for alternatives to them, Walmart has had a program in
In partnership with the Getulio Vargas Foundation, the com-
place entitled Cliente Consciente Merece Desconto (Conscien-
pany offers a program of three free online courses with a fo-
tious Consumers Deserve a Discount) since 2009. Those who
cus on sustainability: Sustentabilidade Aplicada aos Negócios:
dispense with the use of plastic bags when checking out
Orientações para o Gestor (Sustainability Applied to Business:
with their purchases are given a discount of R$0.03 for every
Guidelines for Managers); Sustentabilidade no dia a dia: orien-
five items purchased (equivalent to the cost of one bag). The
tações para o cidadão (Sustainability on a day-to-day basis:
credit appears in real-time, and is printed on the purchase
guidelines for citizens); and Sustentabilidade, um valor para
receipt. Since the launch of this campaign, four years ago,
a nova geração: orientações para o professor de ensino funda-
more than R$4.2 million has been rebated to clients. In 2013
mental (Sustainability, a core value for the new generation,
alone this rebate amounted to R$1.05 million.
guidelines for teachers at the elementary level). In two years,
more than 226,000 people, including small businessman,
teachers and consumers, have completed these modules,
Walmart Brasil’s store chain provides access to its customers
which are part of the Open Course Ware Consortium (OCWC)
to approximately 230 recycling stations – voluntary delivery
program, a consortium of learning institutions from various
points – for the correct disposal of materials. They are available
countries, which offers courses and teaching materials free
in the stores, and receive glass, paper and cardboard, plastic
of charge, for any Internet user.
and metal. This measure is in the alignment with the Política
Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (National Solid Residue Policy),
Walmart Brasil also sponsored the Initiation in Marketing course
which encourages reverse logistics initiatives. In addition to
offered by FGV (Getulio Vargas Foundation). The various class
the environmental benefits, these stations contribute to ex-
divisions during the semester carried out research on products
panding the work and incomes of refuse collectors associated
with sustainability characteristics suggested by the company,
with the co-operatives in partnership with the company.
and held a presentation on this theme as a final course evaluation exercise. Representatives of Walmart participate in the
Since 2012, there has been an initiative to introduce col-
initial class and sit on an examination board that awards prizes
lection points for medicines that have passed their valid-
to the group with the best performance. In 2013, eight class in-
ity date, located in Walmart Brasil’s pharmacies. There are
takes underwent this course and the improvements suggested
already 18 units in the states of São Paulo, Rio Grande do
by them served as an input for Walmart’s private-label division,
Sul and Pernambuco, and the residues collected, consid-
in the development of new items.
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
GRI Summary
GRI 3.12
Page /
Level of
6-7 and 17-19
Walmart Brasil Ltda.
Declaration about the importance of sustainability
Description of the principal impacts, risks and opportunities
Name of the organization
Principle brand names, product and/or services
Operational structure
Headquarters location
Number of countries in which the organization operates
Type and judicial nature of ownership
Markets served (regions, sectors and types of customer/beneficiary)
Size of the organization
10. Walmart’s international policy stipulates that
only certain financial data can be published in a
segregated manner, by operational unit
Principal changes during the period covered by the
report referring to size, structure or shareholding participation
There were no significant changes.
Awards received during the period covered by the report
July 2013
Period covered by the report for the information presented
Date of the most recent previous report
Frequency of report issues (annual, bi-annual)
Contact details
Scope and limit of report
Process for the definition of content
Limit of the report (countries, divisions, subsidiaries, suppliers)
Wherever possible, the responses are complete and
reflect the entire operation of the company in Brazil.
Some indicators reported in previous periods could
not be cited as a result of reformulation in the way
they are measured and registered. These cases are
duly indicated in the GRI Summary.
Declaration of any specific limitations with
regard to the scope or limit of the report
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Page /
Level of
Basis for the compilation of the report
in regard to joint ventures, subsidiaries etc.
The figures cover the entire operation in Brazil. No
reformulation was carried out which interferes with
the ability to make comparisons with previous years.
Data measurement techniques and calculation basis
The different areas of the company are responsible for
the adoption of techniques which permit the reporting
of the indicators in compliance with GRI directives.
Consequences of any reformulation carried out to previous information
There were no significant changes. In the
event of occasional alteration/revisions occurring,
these are duly indicated in the text.
Significant changes in comparison to previous years
There were no significant changes.
Table which identifies the location of information in the report
GRI summary.
17-19. Strategy, information on a government
structure of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., parent company of
Walmart Brasil, can be obtained on the following link:
The CEO of the company is not the president of the
Board of Directors, because this is global.
In Brazil, there are the positions of vice
president of auditing, legal matters occupied
by independent Board members.
Current policies and practices with regard to
the quest for external verification of this report
Governance structure
Indication of whether the president of the
highest body of governance is also a director
Independent or non-executive members
of the highest government body
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to make recommendations
Relationship between remuneration and performance
Walmart has a directive on this theme, but does
not describe or make public the basis of
remuneration based on performance.
Processes in place to ensure that conflicts of interest are avoided
Walmart applies an Open Doors Policy, which stimulates
communication between the teams and their leaders,
and encourages the communication of any violations.
Process for determining the qualifications
and knowledge of the Board members
17-19. Top management must show commitment to
the basic principles of Walmart, and with the results
of the company in Brazil, as well as how to balance
professionalism and human vision of the businesses,
so as to ensure sustainable growth simultaneously
with the implementation of social, environmental and
economic directives stipulated by the company.
Declarations of mission and values, codes of conduct and internal
principles relevant to economic, environmental and social performance,
as well as the stage of their implementation
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Level of
13 and 19-20
Procedures of the highest governance body to supervise the
identification and management by the organization of economic,
environmental and social performance, including significant risks and
opportunities, as well as adhesion or compliance to internationally
agreed norms, codes of conduct and principles
18-20, 40-41. Walmart supervises the adoption of the
best management. Among these, of particular note
are a number of internal committees for analysis and
deliberation on matters related to the areas of Ethics
& Compliance and Auditing. The company is also a
signatory of various codes of conduct, sector practice,
cooperation agreements in the socio-environmental
field, as well as adhesion to a number of corporate
movements, associations and movements in civil society.
Processes for self-evaluation of the performance of the highest
governance body, especially with respect to economic,
environmental and social performance
The management of the processes and the unification
of the company’s information systems are considered
strategic or even more flexible management and
necessary for the main initiatives, as well as for the
obtaining of productivity gains. At the end of 2013,
the company made progress in conversion tests
in its stores, the implementation of which will gain
momentum during 2014, and will also cover the
distribution centers. In this work it is sought to use the
best tools at Walmart, especially in the United States,
and adapt them to the needs of the Country.
This is adopted in a widespread manner, in various
initiatives that are running simultaneously. Strategy,
Ethics, End-to-End Sustainability, Beef Production
Monitoring, Private Labels.
Commitment to external initiatives
Principle of precaution
Letters, principles and other external initiatives subscribed to or endorsed
Participation in associations and/or national/international organisms
Engagement of stakeholders
Relation of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization
Basis for the identification and selection of
stakeholders with which the company engages
Approach for the engagement of stakeholders
4, 17-19, 23, 25-26, 28-29, 43-44 and 46
Principal themes and concerns raised
through engagement with shareholders
4 and 17-19
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
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Level of
Economic performance
Direct economic value generated and distributed (DVA)
Not material.
Financial implications, risks and opportunities from climate change
Not material.
Coverage of the obligations of the defined benefit pension plan
Significant financial assistance received from the government
Not material, but reported.
The company does not have a defined benefit plan.
Not material, but reported.
No contribution was received during the year.
Presence in the market
Lowest salary compared to the local minimum salary
35. Not material, but reported.
Policies, practices and proportion of expenses with local suppliers
27. Not material, but reported.
Local hiring procedures
36. Not material, but reported.
Indirect economic impacts
Investment in infrastructure and services in the community
Significant indirect economic impacts
Tools used by weight or volume
Not material. The process for the assessment
of this indicator is undergoing revision.
Percentage of materials used that come from recycling
Not material. The process for the assessment
of this indicator is undergoing revision.
Direct energy consumption broken down by primary energy source
38-39. Not material, but reported.
Indirect energy consumption broken down by primary energy source
38-39. Not material, but reported.
Energy saved due to improvements in conservation and efficiency
38-39. Not material, but reported.
Initiatives for the supplying of products
and services with low energy consumption
Not material.
Initiatives to reduce indirect energy
consumption and the reductions obtained
38-39. Not material, but reported.
Total water drawn off by source
Not material.
Water sources significantly affected by water drawn off
Not material.
EN10 Percentage of total water volume recycled and reused
Not material.
Location and size of the area of the company
in areas that are protected, or of high biodiversity
Not material.
EN12 Description of significant impacts on biodiversity
Not material.
EN13 Protected or restored habitats
Not material.
EN14 Management of impacts on biodiversity
Number of species on the IUCN
red list and national conservation lists
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Level of
23-24. Not material, but reported.
Not material.
Emissions, effluents and residues
EN16 Total of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, by weight
Not material.
EN17 Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions, by weight
Not material.
EN19 The emission of substances harmful to the ozone layer, by weight
Not material.
EN20 NOx, SOx and other significant atmospheric emissions, by type and weight
Not material.
EN21 Total water discharged, by quality and destination
Not material.
EN22 Total residue weight, by type and method of disposal
EN23 Number and total volume of significant spillages
Weight of dangerous and residues
transported, imported, exported or treated
Not material.
Biodiversity of water bodies and habitats
affected by the discharge of water and drainage
Not material.
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and the reductions obtained
Not material.
39. Not material, but reported.
Not material.
Products and services
EN26 Initiatives to mitigate the environmental impacts of products and services
EN27 Percentage of products and their packaging recovered
23-24, 28-25-26 and 28-29
Not informed.
Pines and sanctions for non-compliance
with laws and environmental regulations
Not material.
Environmental impacts of the transport
of products, goods and materials and workers
Not material.
EN30 Total investment and expenditure on environmental protection, by type
Not material.
Workers by type of job, work contract
and region, broken down by gender
Total number and rate of turnover
of staff, by age bracket, gender and region
Benefits that are not offered
to temporary or part-time employees
Not informed.
Relationships between workers and governance
Percentage of employees covered
by collective wage agreements
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
Minimum prior notice period
given for operational changes
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Level of
There is no formally
established notice period.
Occupational health and safety
Percentage of employees represented
on formal health and safety committees
Not material.
Rates of lesions, occupational diseases,
days lost, absenteeism and deaths
Not material.
Programs for education, training,
consultation, prevention and risk control
Not material.
Themes related to health and safety
covered by formal union agreements
Not material.
Training and education
Average number of training hours per year,
by employee, by functional category
Program for the management of skills,
continuous learning and end of career
Percentage of employees that
receive regular performance analyses
Not informed. The process for assessing this
indicator is undergoing revision.
Walmart Brasil does not
maintain this type of program.
35-36. Staff management policies establish that
staff members with the same qualifications,
experience and performance must also receive
the same salary, independent of gender.
Diversity and equality of opportunity
Those responsible for governance and
employees by gender, age bracket and minorities
Equality of remuneration between men and women
Proportion of salary based between
men and women, by functional category
Investment and buying processes and practices
Investment contracts which include
clauses referring to human rights
Suppliers submitted to human rights evaluations
Training for employees in human rights
Not material.
19-20. In 2013 based on control strategies and
acting in consonance with the directives of the
International Labor Organization (ILO) and the
declaration of human rights, Walmart did not identify
in its operations, or among its suppliers, any risk of
child labor, forced labor or analogous slave labor.
No training.
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Level of
Bearing in mind the sensitive nature of this
information, Walmart deals with cases
of discrimination registered by the
company in a confidential manner.
Total number of cases of discrimination and measures taken
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Operations that carry a risk to the right to exercise freedom of association
Not material.
Child labor
Operations with a significant risk of the occurrence of child labor
In 2013 no operation was identified that
represented risks of this type.
In 2013 no operation was identified that
presented risks of this type.
Forced labor or analogous slave labor
Operations identified that carry a
risk of forced labor or analogous slave labor
Safety practices
Security personnel trained in human rights
Not informed.
Indigenous rights
Cases of violation of the rights of indigenous peoples and measures taken
There were no cases involving violation
of the rights of indigenous peoples.
23-24 and 47-51
In 2013 continuous evaluation was carried
out of anticorruption risks in all the business
areas of the company with possible risks
identified being duly mitigated.
Not material, but reported.
The company does not make donations.
Nature, scope and efficiency of any programs or
practices to evaluate and manage the impact of operations
on communities, including entry, operation and exit
Business units submitted to evaluation of corruption risk
Employees trained in anticorruption policies and procedures
Measures taken in response to case of corruption
Public policies
Positions and participation in the drawing-up of public policies and lobbies
Contributions to political parties,
politicians or related institutions
Annual Sustainability Report 2014
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Level of
In 2013, there were two court cases with more
than one focus, one of them resulting in a favorable
judgment for the company, pending appeal; the
other case is in the proof collection phase.
Unfair competition
Court cases for unfair competition, anti-trust practices and monopolies
Pines and sanctions for non-compliance to laws and regulations
Not material.
Customer health and safety
Praises of product life-cycle and services
for which health and safety impacts are evaluated
Compliance with regulations and
voluntary codes related to health and safety
Not informed.
Labelling of products and services
Type of information on products and
services required by labelling procedures
Not material.
Cases of non-compliance related to information provided and labelling
Not material.
Practices related to customer satisfaction,
including the results of poll research
Marketing communications
Adhesion to laws, norms and voluntary
marketing communication codes
Not material.
Cases of non-compliance with respect to marketing communication
Not material.
Customer privacy
Proven complaints related to violation
of privacy and loss of customer data
Not material.
Fines for non-compliance in the
supply and use of products and services
Not material.
Walmart Brasil
Corporate Affairs – External Communications
Gustavo Dhein and Svendla Chaves (Las Miradas Comunicação)
Ashley Huggins
Walmart Image Bank
Haroldo Pablo Jr.