Are Marginals Different?* Robert Hodgson and John Maloney Abstract – We analyse the results of British general elections from 1950 to 2005, and show that the national trend in an election is followed most strongly by seats which are neither too safe nor too marginal. This is consistent with a voting model where ideological factors are relatively dominant in instrumental voting, and valence factors are relatively dominant in expressive voting. We also find that governments perform better in their own marginals and opposition safe seats than in opposition marginals and their own safe seats – and that it is this, not geographical polarization of party support, that explains the declining number of marginals. 1.Introduction Over the last sixty years there has been a trend – although not a steady or uninterrupted one – for constituencies in a general election to show less uniform swings. How far these are a matter of ‘noise’ and how far underpinned by shifting regional and socio-economic electoral patterns has been intensively investigated. In this article we are going to look specifically at differences in the behaviour of marginal, fairly safe and very safe seats. The two uncontested propositions about marginal seats in Britain are that there are fewer than there were (at least if you count them the in terms of two-party share of the vote) and that turnout is higher in marginal seats than in safe ones. But does living in a marginal constituency affect the way people vote as opposed to the likelihood that they vote at all? Different types of seat might show different degrees of absolute volatility, or stronger and weaker adherence to the overall national trend in a general election, or a different propensity to swing away from and back to the government of the day. In this article we put together the evidence of every general election between 1950 and 2005 to try to answer these questions. We also ask whether being marginal or becoming marginal is the more likely to produce distinctive behaviour, and whether it is right to focus in the first place on seats with current small majorities, as opposed to those which would be close in the event of a close national result – the so-called bellwether seats. 2. Literature If people vote only when expected benefit (utility from deciding the government x probability that your vote will do so) exceeds the cost of voting, no rational person will vote. It is always open to political scientists to attribute bad statistical sense to voters, so that they exaggerate their chances of personally ejecting or saving their MP, or even the government itself. But ‘minimum rational choice’ and ‘general incentives’ have been the more popular options over the years. According to ‘minimum rational choice theory’1 voters also define their political efficacy ‘in terms of the influence of groups of people like themselves … Consequently they are motivated to take action because they feel they can collectively make a difference.’2 If these groups include your political allies within your own constituency, and collective efficacy is related to the likelihood that collective action will be pivotal, we have a rationale for higher turnout in marginal seats. The general incentives model3 encompasses the minimum rational choice approach but adds other motives for voting, in particular the expressive motive first put forward by James Buchanan4. And, in doing so, it provides not just a reason for higher turnout in marginals but a rationale for a different pattern of voting. If voters have a mixture of instrumental and expressive motives, the relative power of the latter will decline as the efficacy of the vote increases5. Consequently, voters who would like to express a protest against the government, but still prefer it to the main opposition party, might give it a grudging vote in a marginal seat which they would withhold in a safe one. 2 This, then, is our first reason to expect marginal and safe seats to have different patterns of swing. Price and Sanders extend the analysis by attributing two alternative objectives to disenchanted government supporters (a) punish the government as long as its majority is not reduced (b) punish the government as long as it doesn’t lose office6 Either of these factors would reduce anti-government swings in marginal seats. But in that case they must reduce any pro-government swings in marginal seats too. When the trend is towards the government (i.e. it increases its majority), some voters in safe seats, previously protesting against the government, will return to it. So will some in the marginals, but not so many, because fewer deserted it in the first place. Whatever the direction of the national swing, then, its beneficiary will gain fewer votes in marginal seats than in safe ones. The second reason why marginals are different is that parties campaign harder and spend more in marginal seats. Again the most obvious – and well-documented – effect is on turnout. Turnout in marginal constituencies has exceeded average national turnout in every British election since 1950, but the size of this margin has fluctuated substantially. Denver, Hands and McAllister trace the widening of the gap up to 1979 and its subsequent narrowing during the Thatcher / Major years, only for it to open up again in 1997 and 2001.7 Controlling for socio-economic status (a significant determinant of turnout) alters the story so far as the downturn after 1979 is now backdated to 1966. The question raised is whether higher turnout in marginals comes from the more intensive campaigning they undoubtedly endure, or whether the expected closeness of the result would have called out more voters anyway. Denver, Hands and McAllister conclude 3 that both these factors matter, though their relative strength appears to vary significantly between one election and another. In addition, Curtice and Steed have found that the turnout effect of being a marginal seat rises in elections that follow hard on their predecessors (1951, 1966, October 1974) and then drops back at the subsequent election (1955, 1970, 1979).8 Presumably this is because recent memories of the previous election include a memory of the constituency’s marginal status. If so, this is itself evidence that higher turnout in marginals is not solely due to higher spending and harder campaigning there. So, indirectly, is the finding by Clarke et al that turnout is higher across the country when the national result is close, given the lack of any inverse correlation between national winners’ margins and combined campaign spending. 9 To assert that more people would vote in marginal constituencies even if no party spent a penny on them is not, of course, to say that campaigning is ineffective. Indeed recent evidence suggests not only that it is more effective than was previously thought, but that the two main parties, even if they spend equal sums of money nationally, do not just neutralize one another’s effects. Some of this is because parties tend to spend more in their own constituencies.10 All of this means that we would expect to see each party performing better in the marginals which it holds than in those it is trying to win over, and Clarke et al. find exactly this in the 2001 election.11 In the present article we find the pattern survives when we take the elections since 1950 in aggregate. Thirdly, a generally positive personal vote for incumbent MP’s will give parties particularly favourable swings in their own marginal seats taken as a whole. Unless a party captured no seats at all from its opponents at the previous election, its marginals will include a disproportionate number of candidates standing as the incumbent MP for the first time, and thus enjoying an ‘incumbency swing’ less prevalent in safe seats. 4 Several of the election studies by Steed and/or Curtice notice an incumbent government holding rather successfully onto its marginals when it is losing ground in general. A particularly strong and persistent effect in their studies is how well a party generally does when its incumbent MP fights a seat he or she gained from an incumbent opponent at the previous election. This ‘double incumbency’ effect seems to have been particularly striking in the elections of 2005, 1992, 1987 and 1970.12 In the 1970 case Steed finds that the double incumbency effect entirely explains why the outgoing Labour government suffered a lower hostile swing in its 100 most marginal seats than across the country as a whole. (In 1979, by contrast, when a Labour government was again defeated but again did less badly in its own marginals, Curtice and Steed find the double incumbency effect explaining only a part of the phenomenon.) 13 Curtice and Steed are also among those who find a sudden drop in the number of marginals after 1979, noting that this is reflected in an increase in the standard deviation of Conservative/Labour shares across the constituencies, partly caused by a negative kurtosis flattening the peak of the distribution away from normality.14 Norris and Crewe agreed with the repeated demonstrations by Curtice and Steed that there were now fewer two-party marginals -- seats where the Conservatives polled between 45 and 55% of the combined Conservative / Labour vote – but argued that, if the point of identifying a marginal seat was to pick out those seats most liable to change hands, then a better criterion would be the number of seats where the margin between the winner and the runner-up (of whatever party) was less than 10%, or alternatively 20%, of all the votes cast. 15 Table 1 (columns 2 and 3), however, shows that, even on this classification, and extending the data to 2005, there is a clear long-run downward trend to the number of marginals, though at nothing like the rate given by the Curtice/Steed criterion (column 1).16 5 TABLE 1 1950 1951 1955 1959 1964 1966 1970 1974 (Feb) 1974 (Oct) 1979 1983 1987 1992 1997 2001 2005 (1) 27.9 29.1 27.9 28.0 27.0 28.6 25.3 19.3 18.3 17.2 15.2 14.1 17.5 13.2 10.0 15.8 (2) 31.3 30.6 28.5 30.0 31.2 31.2 27.9 27.0 28.6 22.6 23.0 21.3 24.9 22.1 17.4 24.7 (3) 56.4 55.5 53.4 52.9 58.8 57.2 56.6 65.1 59.5 48.0 47.9 46.1 46.4 45.4 45.2 52.9 (4) 15.1 15.2 15.0 14.4 14.3 16.0 13.8 12.1 13.9 13.5 11.1 13.8 13.9 17.3 14.4 12.4 (5) 1.55 0.39 -0.01 -0.09 0.87 0.59 0.13 1.21 0.88 -0.14 -0.53 -0.06 -0.09 -0.57 -0.33 -0.03 Column 1: seats where Conservatives polled 45-55% of combined Conservative /Labour vote, as percentage of all seats Column 2: Seats where Conservative or Labour won with a majority of less than 10% of the total vote, as a percentage of all seats Column 3: Seats where Conservative or Labour won with a majority of less than 20% of the total vote, as a percentage of all seats Column 4: standard deviation of absolute Conservative or Labour percentage majority from zero Column 5: kurtosis The main reason put forward over the years for the decline in the number of marginals has been increasing geographical polarization. If Southern seats become more intensively Conservative while Northern ones swing still further towards Labour, this will turn Conservative southern and Labour northern marginals into safer seats. It will have the opposite effect on safe Conservative seats in the north and safe Labour seats in the south, but, because there were relatively few of these, not all the vanishing marginals will be replaced. That polarization between North and South has occurred can be seen from the first column in table 2. Regional polarisation here is measured as follows: [% of seats in South that are more Conservative than national average minus % of seats in 6 South that are more Labour than national, average] + [% of seats in North that are more Labour than national average minus % of seats in North that are more Conservative than national average] where South includes the South-Eastern and South-Western regions of England as currently defined by the British government, plus any other county which adjoins London. North comprises Scotland, plus the North-East and North-West regions, and Yorkshire and Humberside, as defined by the government. TABLE 2 Year Regional Polarisation Lab/Con 1st 1950 1951 1955 1959 1964 1966 1970 1974 (Feb.) 1974 (Oct.) 1979 1983 1987 1992 1997 2001 2005 Consistency index 8.04 8.20 8.88 12.97 14.37 15.00 15.92 16.04 17.83 26.09 31.14 40.52 36.02 30.56 29.20 31.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a 76 83 78 50 51 42 45 43 46 36 37 n/a The high point of polarization was reached in the general election of 1987, when Labour won only three seats south of a line from the Wash to the Bristol Channel (London excepted) and the Conservatives, despite a twelve-point national lead in the vote, only won ten out of a possible seventy-two seats north of Hadrian's wall. Since then polarization has been partially reversed, but even so the index for 2005 was nearly twice anything seen before 1979. 7 However as geographical political identities have become more polarized, class ones have become less so. A simple index of the decoupling of class and voting is the consistency index shown in column 2 of table 2 17: [% of middle-class voters who vote Conservative minus % of working class voters who vote Conservative] plus [% of working-class voters who vote Labour minus % of middleclass voters who vote Labour] Clearly the maximum score – absolute correlation between class and party – is 200. The index has always taken on a value well below half of this, but nonetheless declined from 76 in 1964 to 37 in 2001. Because the two indices are comparable (they use the same method to measure, respectively, the correlation between being Southern and Conservative and the correlation between being middle-class and Conservative) we can take the much larger absolute change in the consistency index than in the regional one to mean that class has weakened as a voting indicator more rapidly than region has strengthened. If regional polarization had been the only effect at work, we would indeed have an explanation for the falling number of marginals. The trouble is that all the while there has been an even stronger opposing effect – the continuing detachment of voting from social class. And even if social de-polarisation had been no stronger than regional polarization, the net effect of the two forces would still have been to increase the number of marginals.18 To explain why marginals have become fewer, we need a different approach altogether, and we pursue this below in section 7. What all the above implies is that there are good reasons to think that nonuniformity of constituency swings is likely to be systematic as well as random, and that 8 there is unlikely to be a simple relation whereby marginal seats feature lower or higher swings than safe ones. And certainly the successive analyses of election swings by Michael Steed and John Curtice do not add up to any such pattern. Aggregating their surveys, however, is not easy. The definition of a marginal changes between surveys; in 1987, for example, they looked only at government marginals; in elections which follow boundary changes they do not try to identify marginals at all. This is not a criticism. Different approaches are appropriate to different electoral situations. But it does mean that an aggregative study of very safe, moderately safe, marginal and bellwether seats reaching down from 1950 has yet to be conducted. That is what we are going to do. 3. Model FIGURE 1 Suppose voters live along a left-right axis, and that there are two parties, L and R, located at ! L and ! R on this axis. Voters in constituency x are normally distributed with variance 9 ! 2 (common to all constituencies) around a mean of x . Let the ideological position of voters in seat x who are indifferent between party L and party R be ! (x) . The number of voters at ! (x) will thus be q(! (x)) = $( x $ ! ( x ))2 1 2"# 2 e 2# 2 (1) Now suppose that expressive voting (voting to demonstrate support for a party) and instrumental voting (voting to try and affect the outcome of the election) both depend on (i) the parties’ respective valences (ii) the voter’s ideological distance from the parties. Let voter i derive the following expressive utilities from voting for L and R respectively: EXP U i,EXP L = ! vL " # | $ i " $ L | U i, R = ! vR " # | $ i " $ R | where v is valence and ! is ideological location. Now, over and above any expressive utility, let voter i’s welfare gain from having L’s policies, not R’s, implemented be U i,INST ! U i,INST = " (vL ! vR ) ! # (| $ i ! $ L | ! | $ i ! $ R |) L R Hence i’s instrumental utility from voting for L is: p(x)(U i,INST ! U i,INST L R ) = p(x)[" (vL ! vR ) ! # (| $ i ! $ L | ! | $ i ! $ R |)] where p(x) is their perceived probability that their vote will be decisive if they live in constituency x. Hence, putting expressive and instrumental utilities together, i’s total excess utility from L rather than R is: U i.L ! U i, R = " (vL ! vR ) ! # (| $ i ! $ L | ! | $ i ! $ R |) + p(x)[% (vL ! vR ) ! & (| $ i ! $ L | ! | $ i ! $ R |)] 10 We now assume in addition that vL = !vR , and that the valences are sufficiently small to ensure that voters in seat x who are indifferent between L and R (i.e. voters at ! (x) ) come between L and R ideologically. Making these assumptions, and writing vL as v from now on, means that the utility function of voters at ! (x) , if living in constituency x, is: U! ( x ), L " U! ( x ), R (= 0) = 2# v " $ (2! (x) " ! L " ! R ) + p(x).(2% v " & (2! (x) " ! L " ! R )) (2) i.e. ! (x) = " + # p(x) ! + !R v+ L (3) $ + % p(x) 2 so that d! (x) " + # p(x) = dv $ + % p(x) (4) This is the shift in the ideological boundary between L and R voters, in constituency x, in response to a unit change in v. The swing between the parties in constituency x will thus be: number of voters at ! (x) times shift in ! (x) Graphically: 11 FIGURE 2 Or algebraically, using equations (1) and (4) d! (x) s = q(! (x)). = dv $( x $ ! ( x ))2 1 2"# 2 2# 2 e % + & p(x) ' + ( p(x) (5) where, as can be seen from Fig.2, x ! " (x) measures the safety of the seat. (It is not the actual majority, but is a monotonically increasing function of the majority.) We henceforth write this term as n (shorthand for n(x)) and further assume that voters’ estimate of their chances of being pivotal when they live in seat x (p(x)) is inversely related to the absolute majority in x and hence inversely related to n. We can thus rewrite (5) as d! (x) s = q(! (x)). = dv $ n2 1 2"# 2 e 2# 2 % + & p(n) where p’(n)<0. ' + ( p(n) (6) Before continuing, note that if voting were either purely expressive or purely instrumental, marginal seats would unambiguously have the highest swings. Purely instrumental voting is the case where ! and ! are both zero: (6) becomes: 12 d! (x) s = q(! (x)). = dv $ n2 2 ' % * e 2 # ) , where ds/dn<0 (&+ 2"# 2 1 If voting is purely expressive, ! = " = 0 , so that now (6) becomes: d! (x) s = q(! (x)). = dv $ n2 1 2"# 2 e 2# 2 '%* )( & ,+ Again ds/dn<0. Returning to the case of composite voting motives, we now differentiate (6) with respect to n: ds / dn = 1 2!" 2 e # n2 2" 2 ( #n($ + % p(n)) (&% # $' )p '(n) + * " 2 (& + ' p(n)) + (& + ' p(n))2 - (7) ) , so that (ds / dn = 0) ! n = " 2 (#$ % &' )p '(n) (& + $ p(n))(# + ' p(n)) (8) Consider equation (7) in the case where !" > #$ . Since n represents absolute distance between x and ! (x) and cannot be negative, while p '(n) must be negative (or voters would rank seats with small majorities as safer than those with large majorities), it follows that ds/dn is negative throughout: the safer the seat, the smaller the swing. The logic goes as follows. The component terms of !" > #$ are: ! = responsiveness of expressive voting to valence ! = responsiveness of instrumental voting to valence ! = responsiveness of expressive voting to ideological distance between voter and party ! = responsiveness of instrumental voting to ideological distance between voter and party. 13 But if !" > #$ , then ! / " > # / $ . This means that (compared with their respective sensitivities to valence) expressive voting is relatively sensitive to, and instrumental voting relatively insensitive to, ideological differences between the voter and the party. But in a safe seat, the expressive motive is relatively strong and the instrumental one relatively weak. It follows that voting in these seats is ideology- rather than valencedriven, so that it requires a big change in valence to get a given shift in ! (x) , the ideological position of the swing voter. In this case, then, a given change in valence will shift ! (x) by less in safe seats than in marginal ones, and this reinforces their existing tendency towards smaller swings, given by the fact that there are fewer voters at ! (x) in the first place. The situation is as in Fig.3: FIGURE 3 Now take the case where !" > #$ . We can see from (8) that a positive value of n exists such that ds/dn=0. But is s (swing) maximized or minimized at this point? When the first-order condition holds, the term in the square brackets in equation (7) is zero, so that d s / dn = 2 2 1 2!" 2 e # n2 2" 2 . d ( #n($ + % p(n)) (&% # $' )p '(n) + + dn *) " 2 (& + ' p(n)) (& + ' p(n))2 -, 14 = 1 2!" 2 e # n2 2" 2 ( #1 $ + % p(n) n(&% # $' )p '(n) (&% # $' )p ''(n) 2(&% # $' )' [ p '(n)]2 + * " 2 . & + ' p(n) # " 2 (& + ' p(n))2 + (& + ' p(n))2 # (& + ' p(n))3 ) , Assuming p ''(n) >0 (or some seats would have a negative probability of changing hands), the first three terms in the bracket are negative but the final one is positive. Thus d 2 s / dn 2 could be either positive or negative. It could even change sign depending on the value of n. If it is consistently negative (positive), then the swing will have a maximum (minimum) point as n increases. The function s(n) is hump-shaped (U-shaped): intermediate seats will feature higher (lower) swings than marginal or safe ones. Why? This time the intuition is as follows. When !" > #$ (i.e. ! / " > # / $ ) it is instrumental voting that is relatively sensitive to, and expressive voting relatively insensitive to, ideological differences between the voter and the party. It is thus in the marginal seats (where instrumental voting is most important) where the vote is most strongly driven by ideology, and where it thus requires the largest change in valence to get a given shift in the position of the swing voter ( ! (x) ) along the ideology axis. In this case, then, a given change in valence shifts ! (x) further in safe seats than in marginal ones, and this counteracts their tendency towards smaller swings, given by the fact that there are fewer voters at ! (x) in the first place. With these two effects now working in opposite directions, the situation is in Fig.4 and there is no longer a monotonic relation between existing majority and swing. 15 FIGURE 4 All this casts a new light on the proposition that a government falling out of favour may lose more support in safe seats (where voters feel free to express their feelings of protest) than in marginal ones (where some voters would like to protest but do not want the government actually ejected from office.) The implicit assumption behind this story is that there are voters who are expressively anti-government but instrumentally progovernment. This could be the case – indeed it corresponds to the case where ! / " > # / $ in our model (as the government’s valence declines, expressive sentiments change faster than instrumental calculations.) But it doesn’t have to be the case – it is equally possible that the declining valence has more impact on the instrumental motive than on the expressive one. In that case relatively few voters will be deserting the government as a protest, and many more doing so as a strategy. As the marginal seats are the ones where strategy is most preferred to protest, the government will do worst in the seats where it can least afford to lose ground. 16 But so far we have been assuming that national swings are caused by changes in the valences of the parties. What if voters are switching because one of the parties has shifted its ideological position? Equation (3) was: ! (x) = " + # p(x) ! + !R v+ L $ + % p(x) 2 so that d! (x) = 0.5 , and equation (6) becomes d! L, R $n ( % 1 d! (x) 2 s = q(! (x)). = 0.5 ' e 2 # * which is declining in n. Swing is once again 2 d! L, R & 2"# ) 2 inverse to constituency majority. ( ! (x) has shifted the same distance in all seats, so the ranking of swings is simply down to how many voters were at ! (x) in each seat.) If it is the ideology of the voters that has shifted, that is equivalent to the ideology of both the parties shifting in the other direction. The swing will double, but will remain lowest in the safest seats. The picture is getting monotonous. If voting is purely expressive or purely instrumental, the highest swings will be in the most marginal seats. If voting is partexpressive and part-instrumental, with ideology more dominant in the expressive component than in the instrumental one, then a fortiori the highest swings are in the most marginal seats. If parties are gaining or losing ground because their own ideology, or that of the electorate, has shifted, again the swing will be higher the more marginal the seat. The only possibility that stands out against the consensus is the case where swings are driven by valence changes, voting is part-expressive and part-instrumental, and valence is more dominant in the expressive component of the vote than in the instrumental one. Then and only then will the ideological position of the swing voter shift furthest in safe seats, compensating for the fact that they have fewer swing voters to start with, and 17 possibly producing a hump-shaped or U-shaped relation between existing majority and swing. Should we find either relationship, we will have narrowed down decisively the possibilities of what is going on. 4. Method and Data To analyse the impact of a seat’s marginality on swing we make use of all constituency results (Northern Ireland excepted) where either Labour or the Conservatives won, between 1950 and 2005. However the elections of February 1974, 1983 and 1997, all of which followed major boundary changes, are used only to calculate swings at the succeeding election (and to establish where it was being contested by incumbent MP’s). Our basic regression model is run using OLS and is as follows: Swingjt = !1M jt + ! 2 X jt + ! 3D t Here j refers to the constituency and t to the general election. Swing is swing between Labour and Conservative19, with positive swing representing either swing to the gainer (party which gains seats compared with the previous election) or swing to the Government (party that is the currently in Government). M is a matrix of variables measuring the marginality of the seat, X is a matrix of conditioning variables, and D is a set of year dummies, i.e. fixed effects for each election. Fixed effects for each constituency would not be appropriate: the majority of constituencies were consistently safe or marginal between each set of boundary changes. Controlling for constituency characteristics would thus largely control for just the variable we need to isolate for analysis. 18 For the purposes of this article we use traditional or ‘Butler’ swing. Traditional or ‘Butler’ swing looks at parties’ share of the entire vote and averages one party’s gain and another one’s loss. Two-party swing replaces shares of the poll by shares of the combined vote of the two parties concerned. In some contexts two-party swing captures the dynamics of the political process better than traditional swing. (For example, it does not find a spurious ‘swing’ between the two main parties as a result of voters switching between third parties and abstention.) Nonetheless, we use the traditional version of swing in this article. This is because much of our analysis is to do with the possible behavioural effects of voters’ realization that they are, or are not, in a marginal constituency. Public discussion of the swing needed to topple an MP or a government is entirely couched in the language of traditional swing. ‘The Tories’ 96th most winnable seat’ is not the one where the Conservative : Labour vote ratio is the 96th nearest to 50% but the one where Labour’s percentage margin over the Conservatives, as a proportion of the entire vote, is the 96th smallest. Commentators on election night do not present twoparty swings, nor do they appear to have them in mind when they say ‘that’s one Labour should have won if it’s seriously hoping to form a government.’ Consequently we use Butler swing as the one most likely to shape electors’ perceptions of the consequences of their vote. An alternative to either Butler or two-party swing would be to adopt the three-party method pioneered by Dorling, Johnston and Pattie20. This draws an electoral triangle with 100% Labour, Conservative and Liberal shares of the vote at each vertex, places each constituency where its results dictate, and traces its movements between elections to find any regularities that exist. (In a later paper Cornford and Dorling also use this method to examine the likelihood that seats at various points in the map will change hands next time round.)21 Given that the focus of the current article is on Conservative- and Labour-held 19 marginals (albeit with ‘other parties vote’ as an important control variable), we did not employ the electoral triangle on this occasion. A further important methodological point is how to model the kind of incumbency effects, postulated and confirmed by Steed and Curtice, whereby a sitting incumbent might specifically brake or accelerate the national electoral trend. If there is a positive incumbency effect, the swing to the national gainer will be amplified in seats where the gainer is fielding an incumbent this time, but was not doing so last time. Let us give this situation an ‘incumbency score’ of one. If it was the party which is losing ground (nationally) this time which fielded an incumbent last time, but is not doing so this time, again the national gainer gets an incumbency score of one for that constituency – they are losing a previously hostile incumbency vote. Where the current incumbent belongs to the gaining party and is replacing an incumbent of the opposite party, there is a double incumbency effect and the incumbency score is two. Clearly, for each of these positive scores there is a negative counterpart – if, for instance, there was no incumbent at the last election but a current incumbent, who belongs to the party which is currently losing ground nationally, the party gaining ground gets an incumbency score of minus one. Formally: TABLE 3 INCUMBENCY SCORES Incumbent at current election National gainer at current election National loser at current election Other, or no incumbent 0 -2 -1 2 0 1 1 -1 0 Incumbent at previous election National gainer at current election National loser at current election Other, or no incumbent 20 5. Results We now test the prediction of our model: that the party on the favourable end of the swing will either (1) achieve higher swings in more marginal seats (2) enjoy a humpshaped or U-shaped relationship where swings are at their extreme in seats which are neither too safe or too marginal. TABLE 4 (1) Majority Majority squared Conservative majority Cons. Maj. squared Labour majority Lab. Maj. squared Labour seat (2) Swing to gainer 0.0041 (0.118) --- (3) --- Swing to gainer 0.0340*** (0.000) -0.0006*** (0.000) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Swing to gainer ----- Other parties 0.0014 (0.810) Incumbency 0.7091*** score (0.000) 1951 1.070 1955 1.364 1959 0.895 1964 3.671 1966 2.890 1970 4.555 1974 (Oct) 1.937 1979 4.510 1987 2.563 1992 3.024 2001 1.409 2005 3.436 -0.0015 (0.787) 0.7230*** (0.000) 0.829 1.125 0.660 3.445 2.662 4.345 1.730 4.296 2.353 2.805 1.222 3.215 0.0724*** (0.000) -0.0019*** (0.000) 0.0392*** (0.000) -0.0005*** (0.002) -0.2066 (0.255) -0.0050 (0.413) 0.7137*** (0.000) 0.819 1.137 0.699 3.479 2.647 4.327 1.746 4.294 2.387 2.856 1.242 3.283 Adjusted R2 0.529 0.536 0.540 No. of obs. 5887 5887 5887 21 Column (1) regresses constituency swing to national gainer on percentage majority, other parties’ (i.e. not Labour or Conservative) share of the vote and incumbency score as just defined (p-values in brackets). The coefficient on majority is insignificant, thus giving no reason to believe that marginal seats in general reflect the national trend at an election any more or less strongly than safe ones. It is possible, though, that we are imposing a linear trend on a non-linear relationship. Consequently column (2) tries out a quadratic version, with swing to gainer regressed on both percentage majority and its square. Both coefficients are now significant at the 1% level; their respective positive and negative signs give us a humped curve. The downturn of the hump, however, comes quite late: it takes a majority of 30% before the swing starts to turn down again. The implication, then, is that the safer the seat, the more strongly it follows the national trend, except for a slight reversal of the picture when seats are very safe indeed. Before trying to interpret this, we make a distinction between Labour and Conservative-held seats. According to column (2), both the linear and the quadratic relationship between majority and swing are stronger when the seat is Conservative, but the ratio of the linear to the quadratic coefficient is smaller, implying that Conservative seats reach their ‘hump’ at a much lower majority than do Labour ones. Table 5 illustrates: 22 TABLE 5 Excess swing to gainer over swing in knife-edge seat Seat held by Majority Labour Conservative 10% 0.341 0.535 20% 0.580 0.690 30% 0.719 0.468 40% 0.753 -0.136 Majority which produces strongest swing to gainer 38.1% 18.1% So why might the national trend be strongest in relatively safe seats, as opposed to marginal seats or extremely safe seats? This was seen to be consistent with our model if, comparatively speaking, valence considerations do more to drive expressive voting, while ideology does more to drive instrumental voting. It is perfectly plausible that things might be this way round. Expressive voting might well be driven by a change in the voter’s opinion of a party rather than by their long-term views. You might particularly want to express a protest against a party you used to admire but which you think has let you down: if you have always disliked that party, you may vote against it instrumentally but expressive sentiments might have worn themselves out long ago. But it is a change in valence which is most likely to provoke a mass expressive reaction: changes in ideology are not only relatively slow-moving compared with the ups and downs of perception of a party’s competence in government (or even in opposition); they will also attract some voters even as they repel others. So the idea that expressive voting is comparatively more about valence – and hence instrumental voting comparatively (if not necessarily 23 absolutely) more about ideology – does, perhaps, resonate more than the opposite version does. 6. Some extensions We now consider some factors which might affect voters’ perceptions of their ability to affect the result. So far as these change p(x), p’(x) or p’’(x), they will alter the relative weights of expressive and instrumental voting and hence the relation between existing majority and swing. In the first place, voting may become more expressive and less instrumental when there is little doubt about who is going to win nationally. Swinging the result in a marginal seat may seem less important to the voter when the marginal seat has no apparent chance of swinging the national outcome. The difference in swing between marginal and safe seats would then be less pronounced. Thus we create the interactive variables MAJ * NATMAJ and MAJ 2 * NATMAJ , where NATMAJ is the national percentage lead (over the runner-up) of the election winner. Should the coefficient on MAJ * NATMAJ be significant and opposite in sign to that on MAJ , that would be consistent with our conjecture -- that the more decisive the national result, the less distinctive the voters’ behaviour in marginal seats. 24 TABLE 6 MAJ*POLLLEAD swing to gainer 0.0363 (0.010)*** -0.0009 (0.000)*** -0.0012 (0.643) 0.0001 (0.048)** --- MAJ2*POLLLEAD --- Other parties 1951 1955 1959 1964 1966 1970 1974 (Oct) 1979 1987 1992 2001 2005 0.0014 (0.808) 0.7213 (0.000)*** 0.9536 1.2371 0.6827 3.5246 2.5838 4.4289 1.6919 4.2066 2.1947 2.7156 0.9834 3.2162 0.0003 (0.881) 0.0001 (0.110) 0.0018 (0.759) 0.7270 (0.000)*** 0.8791 1.2379 0.7554 3.6008 2.4260 4.3860 1.5630 4.2159 2.2133 3.0100 0.7185 3.1865 Adj R2 0.5381 0.5402 0.4872 No. of obs. 5869 5869 1608 MAJ MAJ2 MAJ*NATMAJ MAJ2*NATMAJ Incumbency score Swing to gainer 0.0317 (0.022)** -0.0009 (0.000)*** --- Swing to gainer 0.0504 (0.000)*** -0.0012 (0.000)*** --- --- -------0.0327 (0.002)*** 0.3953 (0.001)*** 0.9450 ------2.9537 --2.1938 ----------- Column (1) of table 6 shows little evidence for the conjecture. MAJ*NATMAJ is statistically insignificant. In contrast MAJ2*NATMAJ is significant at the 5% level but the coefficient is tiny and, in any case, all this means is that the swing in very safe seats does not decline so fast when the national result is more decisive – which does not follow from our conjecture. The above does assume, however, that it is acceptable to proxy voters’ expectations by the actual result. A better measure might be the average of opinion poll forecasts on polling day. The variable POLLLEAD is the average percentage 25 lead, on polling day and across all polls, of the party forecast to win (from Butler and Butler, 2000 and 2006).22 But, as column (2) shows, there is now, if anything, even less support for the conjecture that marginal seats behave more like safe ones when the national result is not expected to be marginal. Another possibility is that voters’ awareness that the seat is marginal, and hence the way some of them vote, depends on how long ago the last election was. As we have already seen (p.4), Curtice and Steed have found that turnout in marginals is greater than in non-marginals and that turnout in marginals is greater still in elections that come quickly after their predecessors (1951, 1966, October 1974). But is there a parallel effect on the way the inhabitants of marginals vote, as opposed to the likelihood that they vote at all? When we run swing to gainer on majority and majority squared for the elections of 1951, 1966 and October 1974 only, the coefficients on both variables go up (column 3). Three elections is rather a meagre data set, but our finding, so far as it goes, implies that voters in marginal seats do behave more distinctively when there has been a recent election to remind them that the seat is marginal. A fundamental objection to the proposition that ‘marginals should be different’ is that it is not the existing marginals that are going to swing the election, but rather those seats that would be marginal in the event of a close national result (the ‘bellwether’ seats). All the above assumes that voters will regard as crucial those seats which currently have small majorities. What if they realise that the seats crucial to the outcome are the bellwether seats? If Labour needs to gain 100 seats to win the election, then, even with the certainty of non-uniform swing, the 100th most marginal Conservative seat is far more likely to be decisive than the most marginal one. Might it therefore be in the bellwether seats that we see the most distinctive voting behaviour? To test this possibility we re-run column (2) of table (4), except that our main independent variable is no longer the 26 existing majority in each seat, but the absolute difference between its percentage government majority (positive or negative) and the percentage government majority in the government’s nth most marginal seat, where 2n is its parliamentary majority over the main opposition party—i.e. the bellwether seat. TABLE 7 Swing to gainer BELL 0.0387 (0.000)*** 2 BELL -0.0008 (0.000)*** Other -0.0002 parties (0.973) Incumbency 0.7157 score (0.000)* 1951 0.8737 1955 1.1819 1959 0.7129 1964 3.4980 1966 2.6933 1970 4.3549 1974 (Oct) 1.6938 1979 4.3100 1987 2.3795 1992 2.9132 2001 1.2113 2005 3.2531 Adjusted R2 0.5380 No. of obs. 5869 The coefficient on BELL and BELL2 (0.039 and -0.0008) are slightly higher than they were on MAJ and MAJ2 (0.034 and -0.0006). There is not a great deal in it, but if anything the hump-shaped curve is more pronounced when we take bellwether, not marginal, status as our predictor. However a t-test shows there to be no significant difference in the magnitude of the coefficients between either MAJ and BELL or MAJ2 and BELL2. 27 7. Swing to government We now go on to compare marginal and safe seats not in terms of ‘swing to gainer’ but with respect to ‘swing to government.’ Does the government of the day typically fare best in its safe, marginal or intermediate seats? And how does the result differ when these seats are held by the opposition party? TABLE 8 (1) (2) Swing to govt. -0.0095*** (0.000) -- Swing to govt. -- -- Incumbency score 1951 1955 1959 1964 1966 1970 1974 (Oct) 1979 1987 1992 2001 2005 -0.1424** (0.013) 0.6926*** (0.000) -0.938 1.680 1.255 -3.439 3.271 -4.345 2.458 -4.225 -2.223 -2.701 -1.048 -3.035 0.0267*** (0.000) -0.0307*** (0.000) 0.9812*** (0.000) -0.1284** (0.024) 0.6940*** (0.000) -1.506 0.990 0.605 -4.088 2.718 -4.817 1.908 -4.715 --2.904 -3.390 -1.480 -3.582 Adj R2 0.536 0.544 No. of obs. 5887 5887 Majority Lagged swing Opposition Majority Government majority Government seat Other parties --- -- 28 Column (1) of table 8 indicates that governments on average fare best (in terms of swing) in marginal seats. But column (2) which differentiates between government- and opposition-held seats (not just government and opposition incumbent MP’s), sheds a different light on the whole picture. Our finding is illustrated in Fig.5 FIGURE 5 Swing to govt. opposition majority 0 govt. majority i.e. (1) Parties do better in their own marginal seats than in those held by their opponents (2) Subject to this exception, the swing in favour of a party is inverse to its existing share of the vote in that constituency. You lose the most where you have been doing best. We now search for explanations for each of these phenomena separately -- starting with the second one -- before putting them back together to see what they portend about the long-term fates of marginal and safe seats respectively. 29 7.1 Swing is inverse to existing share of the vote If we take this effect by itself, it seems to predict that there is some kind of long-term entropy occurring, and that a long enough wait would turn every safe seat into a marginal. However, as will shortly be seen, any such trend will be checked, if not reversed, when we combine it with parties’ tendency to do better in their own marginals. And quite apart from this, a tendency for large majorities to get smaller may not be entropy at all. Another possibility is that constituencies suffer shocks but then revert to their own particular mean. In this case, a low vote at the last election and a favourable swing at this one would be correlated because both would result from an unfavourable shock at the last election. We might call these competing explanations of our results the ‘entropy’ explanation and the ‘mean-reversion’ explanation. We can distinguish between them empirically by regressing constituency swings on both majorities and swings at the previous election. The entropy theory implies that the coefficient on the former will remain significant and negative; the mean reversion theory says it will lose its significance, transferring it to the previously omitted variable of lagged swing. Column (1) of table 9 suggests that there is some truth in both hypotheses. A 1% constituency-specific swing at the previous election will, on average lead to a 0.15% swing back at the current election (the year dummies are still in the regression but have not been reported). Some weak mean-reversion is taking place. But controlling for this effect does not destroy the significance of the coefficients on government majority and opposition majority. The entropy hypothesis has survived the challenge. 30 TABLE 9 (year dummies omitted) Opposition majority ! Opposition majority Government majority ! Government majority Government seat First-timer Other parties Incumbency score Lagged swing Swing to govt. Swing to govt. Swing to govt. 0.0283*** (0.000) --- 0.0329*** (0.000) --- -0.0289*** (0.000) --- -0.0339*** (0.000) --- 0.931*** (0.000) --- 1.009*** (0.000) 0.081 (0.726) -0.0095 (0.150) 0.8271*** (0.000) --- 0.0390*** (0.000) -0.166* (0.051) -0.0350*** (0.000) -0.004 (0.581) 1.062*** (0.000) --- -0.0118* (0.069) 0.8731*** (0.000) -0.1549*** (0.000) -0.001 (0.848) 0.701*** (0.000) --- Adj R2 0.650 0.623 0.601 No. of obs. 3688 3754 4063 One extremely salient fact that we would expect to produce a degree of entropy is the progressive decoupling of social class and party allegiance since the 1970’s. If class were the only systematic determinant of the vote, it would all be extremely clear: if, over time, more ABC’s and fewer DE’s voted Labour, Labour would get the most (least) favourable swings in the seats with the most ABC’s (DE’s) i.e. the seats where it was previously doing worst (best.) The most obvious objection to this simple story in the British case is that we have seen geographical polarisation of the vote progressing alongside its social decoupling. However, as argued above, the weakening of class as a predictor of the vote appears to dominate the rising influence of geography – and, as has 31 been shown elsewhere, the regional effect would need to increase by more than the class effect decreases in order for their consequences to balance out.23 7.2 Parties do best in their own marginals (partisan effect) We cannot explain this by MPs’ personal incumbency effects because we are already controlling for them with our variable ‘incumbency score.’ But a second possibility is that parties put more time, money and effort into holding their own marginal seats than into capturing marginals from their opponents. As we have seen, Clarke et al. find that this is indeed the case.24 But in this case, we would see particularly favourable swings in seats which a party captured from the other side at the previous election (over and above any personal incumbency effect for the MP.) As column (2) of table 9 shows, we have found no such effect. ‘First-timer’ is a dummy with a value of one for all seats that the current government gained at the previous election. Although its coefficient is positive, it is very small and statistically insignificant. After controlling for personal incumbency, parties seem to get as good a swing in long-standing marginals as in ones which they have just won over. A third possibility is that the ‘chameleon effect’ is at work. It is well established that voters take some of their political colouring from their surroundings. 25 It might be down to the influence of friends and acquaintances26, an unconscious imbibing of the dominant political culture or even a conscious decision to conform. It goes without saying that any such effect will be much weaker in a marginal constituency which may have recently belonged to the other side and where the vote by definition is fairly evenly split. And again we have to ask whether any favourable swing from this source can live on after the first election where the party fights the seat as sitting tenant. After that, any chameleon effect, while sustaining the share of the vote, will not produce any further 32 swings. It could, however, be that the chameleon effect is slow-acting on some voters, so that a change in the ownership of a seat, if not reversed, is still exerting some effect on the voting two or more elections later. To sum up, then, the zigzag curve which we found can be explained by a combination of incumbent party (not just personal) effects in constituencies and a general entropy effect produced by the decreasingly clearcut relation between social class and party preference. The partisan effect is the more problematic of the two: can we believe that seats which are fairly evenly balanced and also probably change hands from time to time can have an incumbent party effect which is not only fairly strong but which goes on producing favourable swings (not just holding on to an existing advantage) election after election? Clearly more work needs to be done here. But, whatever the explanation of the zigzag curve, we can go on to elucidate its implications. Take a seat currently held by the party which is currently in government (party A). Let the current election be denoted by 1 and the previous one by 0. Omitting control variables, we can see from col.2 of table 8 that the swing in favour of party A in seat x will be s(A)x1 = NS(A)1 ! 0.0307MAJ(A)x 0 + 0.9812 where NS is the national swing before the effects of seat x’s majority and government status are added. i.e. MAJ(A)x1 = MAJ(A)x 0 + 2s(A)x1 = 0.938MAJ(A)x 0 + 2NS(A)1 + 1.962 33 Now suppose the swing at election 1 was against the government ( NS(A)1 < 0 ), and is sufficient to put the opposition (party B) in power. x however stays with party A and thus becomes an opposition-held seat. Consequently at election 2, the swing in favour of party A in seat x will be s(A)x 2 = NS(A)2 ! 0.0267MAJ(A)x1 i.e. MAJ(A)x 2 = MAJ(A)x1 + 2s(A)x 2 = 0.946MAJ(A)x1 + 2NS(A)2 = 0.887MAJ(A)x 0 + 2[NS(A)2 + NS(A)1 ] ! 0.106NS(A)1 + 1.856 Now assume that the national swings in the two elections are equal and opposite (NS(A)2 + NS(A)1 = 0) . Hence MAJ(A)x 2 > MAJ(A)x 0 if 0.113MAJ(A)x 0 < !0.106NS(A)1 + 1.856 . But since NS(A)1 < 0 , this condition will be more than fulfilled provided 0.113MAJ(A)x 0 < 1.856 , i.e. MAJ(A)x 0 < 16.42 . All seats with a majority of less than 16.42%, provided they are not so marginal that they change hands at election 1, will be safer at election 2 than they were at election 0. Clearly this is all a gross simplification. Elections do not feature uniform alternating swings, and constituencies can move into and out of the marginal category for all kinds of idiosyncratic reasons. However, the simulation above is perhaps not entirely worthless in demonstrating that incumbency effects have probably been strong enough relative to entropy effects to explain the declining number of marginals.27 34 8. Being marginal or becoming marginal? Our ‘swing to gainer’ model in section 3 implied that the key relationship was between swing and current majority. There was no place for history – whether a marginal was of long standing or had only become marginal at the previous election would make no difference. But the putative factors behind the swing to government being highest in government-held marginals (and lowest in opposition-held ones) all relate change in government vote to the length of a seat’s marginal status. Incumbency effects produce a swing when they first take effect, after which they hold the incumbent’s vote up but increase it no more. If parties try hardest in their own marginals, this could only produce cumulative swings if they make cumulative efforts. Similarly the chameleon effect will stop showing up in election swings once the chameleon’s change of colour is complete. None of these considerations means that effects on swing will blow themselves out after one election. It may very well take longer than that for incumbency to pull its full weight, or for parties to put seats on their priority list (a seat which is always marginal surely deserves more care than one which is occasionally marginal), or for the chameleon’s new colour to be noticed by one and all. Nonetheless, all three effects give some ground for thinking that becoming a marginal may be at least as important as being a marginal when we look at the fortunes of the party holding the seat. If parties get better results in their own marginals, they will do best in terms of swing in those which have just become marginal and worst in those that have just ceased to be marginal. Accordingly column 3 of table 9 regresses swings on both the majority and the change in the majority at the last election. It looks as if being a marginal, not becoming a marginal, is what matters. The coefficient on ‘change in government majority’ is very small and insignificantly different from zero, while that on ‘change in opposition majority’ is almost significant at the 5% 35 level, but with the wrong sign—if the opposition majority went up last time that should be good for the swing to the government this time because the seat is now less of an opposition marginal. The failure of ! MAJ to capture the significance held by MAJ reinforces the implications of our finding (table 9, column 2) that the party incumbency effect on swing does not exhaust itself at the election after the one in which that party won that seat. 9. Conclusions We have found two basic relationships between a constituency’s majority and its likely swing at the next election. The first is that the strongest directional swings are to be found in seats which are neither too safe nor too marginal. This might be because very safe seats have fewer floating voters, while marginal seats are dominated by instrumental voting which might be less responsive to changes in parties’ valences than its expressive counterpart. Ranking seats not by their current majority but by their distance from the ‘bellwether’ seat (the one which would be most marginal if the election as a whole were on a knife-edge) did not produce significantly different results. The second finding was that parties do better in their own marginal seats and their opponents’ safe seats than in their own safe seats and their opponents’ marginal seats. This could be due to the combination of two forces. On the one hand, small majorities tend to firm up as parties switch time and effort to their retention, and as incumbent MP’s dig themselves in. On the other, there could be a long-term entropy at work causing parties, other things equal, to do worst in their strongest seats and best in their weakest. The progressive weakening of the link between social class and voting would achieve this result – and we argue that any geographical polarization of voting behaviour has been insufficient to offset it. 36 FOOTNOTES * This project was funded by the Leverhulme Trust, award number SC-04151. Constituency results between 1950 and 1997 are from Caramani, D., Elections in western Europe since 1815: electoral results by constituencies (London: Macmillan, 2000), while Constituency results for 2001 and 2005 are taken from Norris P., The British Parliamentary Constituency Database, 1992-2005 (Release 1.3). The incumbency status of candidates is compiled from Whitaker’s Almanack. Sources of all other figures are specified in the relevant footnotes below. 1 see W. Riker, and P.C.Ordeshook, An Introduction to Positive Political Theory (Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1973) 2 H.D.Clarke, D.Sanders, M.C.Stewart and P.Whiteley Political Choice in Britain, (Oxford, OUP, 2004), p.248 3 see P.Whiteley, P.Seyd, J.Richardson and P.Bissell ‘Explaining party Membership: The Case of the British Conservative Party’, British Journal of Political Science 24 (1994). 79-94; P.Whiteley, P. and P.Seyd , High-Intensity Participation – The Dynamics of Party Activism in Britain (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press 2002) 4 J.M.Buchanan, ‘Individual choice in voting and the market’, Journal of Political Economy, 62 (1954), 334-343. 5 G.Tullock, ‘The charity of the uncharitable’. Western Economic Journal, 9 (1971), 379-392. 6 S.Price and D.Sanders ‘By-elections, Changing Fortunes, Uncertainty and the Mid-Term Blues’, Public Choice, 95 (1998), 131-48 37 7 D.Denver, D., G.Hands and I.McAllister, ‘Constituency Marginality and Turnout in Britain Revisited’, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 13 (1998), 174-94 8 J.Curtice, and M.Steed, ‘An analysis of the voting’, Appendix 2 of D.Butler and D.Kavanagh, The British General Election of 1979 (London, Macmillan, 1980) 390-431, p.422 9 Clarke et. al., Political Choice in Britain 10 Clarke et. al., Political Choice in Britain 11 Clarke et. al., Political Choice in Britain 12 J.Curtice, J., S.Fisher and M.Steed, ‘The Results Analysed’, Appendix 2 of D.Kavanagh & D.Butler, The British General Election of 2005 (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 235-59, p.248; J. Curtice, J. and M.Steed ‘The Results Analysed’, Appendix 2 of D.Butler and D.Kavanagh, The British General Election of 1992 (London, St Martin’s Press, 1992), 322-362, p.340; J.Curtice, and M.Steed (1988), ‘Analysis’, Appendix 2 of D.Butler and D.Kavanagh, The British General Election of 1987 (London, Macmillan, 1988), 316-362, pp.333-4; M.Steed, ‘An Analysis of the Results’, Appendix 2 of D.Butler and M.Pinto-Ducshinsky, The British General Election of 1970 (London, Macmillan, 1971) 386-415, p.404 13 Curtice & Steed ‘An analysis of the voting’ (1980) 14 J. Curtice, and M.Steed (1984), ‘An analysis of the voting’, Appendix 2 of D.Butler and D.Kavanagh, The British General Election of 1983 (London, Macmillan, 1984), 333373; Curtice and Steed, ‘Analysis’ (1988) 15 Pippa Norris and Ivor Crewe ‘Did the British Marginals Vanish? Proportionality and Exaggeration in the British Electoral System Revisited’, Electoral Studies, 13 (1994), 201– 22 38 16 The explanation is straightforward. 1979-83 saw a rise in the third-party vote that proved permanent. Clearly the larger the third-party vote, the more a constituency majority as a proportion of the two-party vote exceeds its counterpart as a proportion of total vote. Hence any trend towards fewer marginals will be amplified by the use of twoparty swing. 17 Taken from Clarke et. al., Political Choice in Britain, p.43 18 see R.Hodgson and J.Maloney ‘Why Has Britain Fewer Marginal Seats Than It Used To?’ University of Exeter Department of Economics Discussion Paper 11/05 (2011) 19 This includes swings between Conservative and Labour in seats where one of these parties won but the other was not the runner-up. We declined to exclude such seats: they are not the only ones in which swings may have been distorted by tactical voting, and in any case there is a control variable in the form of ‘other parties’ vote.’ 20 D.Dorling, R.J.Johnston. and C.J.Pattie, ‘Measuring Electoral Change in three party systems: an alternative to swing’, Political Science and Politics 26 (1993), 737-741. 21 J.Cornford and D.Dorling, ‘Crooked Margins and Marginal Seats’, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 7 (1997), 174-90 22 figures from D.Butler and G.Butler, British Political Facts, 1900-2000 (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000) and D.Butler and G.Butler , British Political Facts since 1979, (Basingstoke, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2006) 23 Hodgson and Maloney, ‘Why Has Britain Fewer Marginal Seats Than It Used To?’ 24 Clarke et. al., Political Choice in Britain 25 D.Butler and D.Stokes, Political Change in Britain (London, Macmillan, 1974), chapter 6, and W.L. Miller, Electoral Dynamics, (London, Macmillan, 1977) are among those who provide a variety of evidence for this proposition. 39 26 S.D.McClurg, ‘The Electoral Relevance of Political Talk: Examining Disagreement and Expertise Effects in Social Networks on Political Participation’, American Journal of Political Science, 50 (2006), 737-54; S. Richey,‘The Autoregressive Influence of Social Network Political Knowledge on Voting Behaviour’ British Journal of Political Science, 38 (2008), 527-42 27 With the entropy effect causing parties to lose a proportion of their majority at each election (but being counteracted by incumbency effects) it might sound as if we are signing up to something like the Butler-Stokes hypothesis in which the party on the wrong end of the national swing loses a proportion of its vote, but this is reconciled with allegedly uniform swings by counteracting chameleon effects which, mysteriously, are claimed to switch on only when a party is losing ground (Butler and Stokes, Political Change in Britain). In fact we are saying something rather different. In our version the tendency of the parties’ majorities to shrink is not caused by the national swing but is the background against which national swings take place. 40