agriculture Farming. Amazon Basin Region of South America covered with dense tropical growth and threatened by deforestation. ample More than enough Ancient Very old, aged; from or belonging to the historical period before the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. Andes Mountains Long mountain range running the entire length of South America, close to the west coast, forming a barrier to cultural diffusion. It is the second largest mountain range in the world. Athenians People living in the ancient Greek citystate of Athens Athens Ancient city-state in Greece known for its celebration of individual achievement and recognized as the birthplace of democracy. Bastille Famous prison in downtown Paris, stormed (attacked) in the French Revolution of 1789 as a symbol of governmental injustice. City-State A city having the status and political authority over its economy and conduct of its citizens as if it were a nation; ex. ancient Athens, Venice in the Middle Ages Continent A principal land mass on the earth, such as Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. contribution To give or supply for a common purpose Crusades A series of military expeditions by European Christians to the Middle East for the purpose of recovering the Holy Lands from the Muslims (11th to 13th century). Cultural Diffusion Customs, ideas, or material items from one culture or nation that become a part of another culture or nation, such as American baseball in Japan. Deforestation The planned destruction of rain forest areas by bulldozing and fire in order to provide roads, grazing land, and farm land. Direct Democracy Government in which the people participate in debate and voting on legislation rather than having a representative do this for them. diseases Illness characterized by signs and symptoms Domestication To tame, to change or adapt to be useful to humans. Economics The processes of supplying or providing goods and services to the consumer, based upon some form of exchange (trade, barter, coin), and the resulting demand for the goods and services that provide a need to continue the process of supply. Encomienda System A system of forced labor used by settlers in South America with the approval of the Spanish government Footbridge A narrow path French Revolution The overthrow of the French monarchy in 1789. It signaled the end of rule by divine right of kings, and established liberty and equality for French citizens. Geography Study of the earth's features, the distribution of life on earth, and the effects of human activity Great Britain Consists of England, Scotland and Wales Headline Important news put in a few words, the title of a news article illustrates Using examples to help someone understand something Incas A civilization in the western Andes Mountains of South American, from approximately 1000-1530 AD, credited with accomplishments in architecture, medicine, government, and mathematics. Industrial Revolution The period in the late 1700s in England, and later in Europe and America, in which technological advances in manufacturing shifted production from homes and shops to large factory systems; a move from hand to machine, that is, from human and animal power to the use of steam or the internal combustion engine. Italy A penninsula that is shaped like a boot and is home to the great civilization Rome Labor Force A loose term used to describe a large group of workers in an entire industry or a nation. Laws rules governing a society. manor The home of local nobility during the feudal period (Middle Ages) in Europe; part of the manor system in which the lords owned the land and the peasants, who were bound to the land, worked it. Maximilien Robespierre A 1700's radical leader during the second phase (1793-1795) of the French Revolution (1789-1799). Mediterranean Sea The body of water surrounded by the continents of Europe, Africa, and the Middle Eastern area of Asia around which several ancient civilizations evolved; a route for trade. Middle Ages The period in the history of Western Europe from about 500 AD to 1,500 AD, after the fall of the Roman Empire, and before the Renissance. The Middle Ages was characterized by weak central government, little trade with foreign areas, and little technological progress; the early part (500 to 1,000 AD) is also referred to as the Dark Ages. Middle Passage A term used in the slave trade, meaning the time slaves spent on ships crossing the ocean Napoleonic Wars Wars of conquest waged by Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte) in order to expand his power throughout Europe Natural Resources The organic (trees, soil) and inorganic (water, minerals, iron ore, coal, oil) materials that make up the environment of an area; the type of resource provided by nature, such as, forests or oil. Neolithic Revolution The beginning of farming, about 10,000 B.C. Nobility The upper classes of society who obtained titles and positions by inheritance, i.e. on the basis of birth Physical Environment The material surroundings and/or geographic setting of a people. population A group of individuals that live together in the same area at the same time Reign of Terror The years 1792-1795 of the French Revolution when radicals seized the government under Robespierre. Thousands of people who were accused of not being loyal to the Revolution were killed. Roman Empire The military dictatorship that, from 27 BC to 476 AD, controlled all the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. seizes to take or grab Society A group of human beings who are broadly distinguished from other groups by their mutual interests, participation in shared institutions, and a common culture. South America A large land mass (continent) south of Central America; includes Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay and other countries. Sparta An ancient Greek city-state that transformed its society into an armed camp and which emphasized the art of the military and the soldier. Other Greeks who were conquered by them were used in agricultural labor, trades, or crafts. Terrace Farming Turning hillsides into steps or terraces ringing the hill to create flat surfaces for farming, thus utilizing all available land. Third Estate Social and political group in pre-revolutionary France, which made up 97% of the population yet held little economic and political power. Twelve Tables The oldest Roman code of laws, dating to 450 BC, during the period of the Roman Republic.