(Course Outline and Classwork Schedule) so that

Please, PRINT a copy of this Course Outline and Classwork Schedule so that you will have a quick reference
guide to refer to throughout the semester. A printed copy will also allow you to see more clearly the course and
its requirements in its entirety.
COURSE OUTLINE for SPANISH 101 – Online – Fall 2011
Kathy O’Connor
Email: ko214@email.vccs.edu
Office Hours:
Online or by phone by appointment
Prerequisites: While seemingly more convenient, online learning is NOT EASIER. It is more difficult and
requires much time and personal discipline to stay on task.
For Spanish 101- Online: This course format is intended for students who have had some RECENT experience
with studying Spanish. This format is NOT appropriate for students who have never taken a Spanish class before.
Additionally, this format is not suited for students who have personal or career goals that focus on developing
strong conversational skills.
For this online course: You must have the technical skills necessary to open, input data, save, and send electronically
documents that are in Microsoft WORD format. You must also understand and apply the online procedures given in “New
Users Resources” at http://www.tcc.edu/students/dtls Click on the links to Skill Requirements, Test Your Computer,
and Strategies for Success. Also see below for more information particular to this course.
For any TCC course: Students are responsible for being aware of the policies (inclement weather, academic misconduct,
etc), procedures, and student responsibilities contained within the current edition of the Tidewater Community College
Catalog and Student Handbook.
Course Description and Objectives:
Beginning Spanish I, a RIGOROUS college-transfer course, places emphasis on the development of
proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Although there will be an oral component to the course,
reading, writing, and listening skills will be developed much more strongly in this format.
 Use basic Spanish on familiar topics, including asking and answering questions on common every day topics
 Develop listening comprehension as well as oral and written ability to describe people and places, to narrate
events in the present, and to begin making future plans
 Read and comprehend basic Spanish texts on familiar topics
 Develop geographic, historic, and cultural understanding of parts of the Hispanic world
Even a limited Spanish proficiency will enable you to enhance your job skills, receive promotions, travel to Hispanic
countries, meet interesting people, and experience different cultures and viewpoints.
For Spanish 101 you will need the textbook NEXOS, 2 editon (See page 2 for more specifics.) In this course, we
will cover Capítulo Preliminar – Capítulo 5. You will practice vocabulary and grammar with written, oral, reading and
listening activities to enhance your learning. It will be necessary for you to use the Nexos website at http://iLrn.heinle.com/
to practice and submit your work. To learn the course material well, you should expect to spend a minimum of two hours
of independent study and practice everyday. Acquisition of language skills requires intense practice and repetition.
If you decide for any reason to drop this course, you must officially withdraw before October 27 to avoid academic
penalty. If you drop the class after October 27 , you will receive a grade of “F” in the course.
NOTE: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability, or if you have emergency
medical information to share, please email me for an appointment to discuss that information.
REQUIRED Textbook package:
NEXOS Text, 2 edition, 2009, ISBN # 978-1428-24955-4 comes packaged with:
 Textbook with your personal access code to iLrn Heinle Learning Center
 Text MP3 CD for in-text Listening Activities
Because this is a SPECIAL PACKAGE just for TCC at a VERY REDUCED PRICE, you should NOT
purchase a used book because you will not get the Nexos book code. (Then you will have to buy the
book code separately, and you’ll end up paying more.) The book is available through the college
bookstore (Barnes & Noble) or you can order directly from the publisher’s website at
If you decide to order directly from the publisher, please be aware there will be a delay in receipt of your
materials (unless you pay extra shipping for quick delivery,) and you could miss certain assignment
deadlines due to the delay.
Minimum Required Hardware, Software and System for Nexos textbook and this course:
Please click the link below and read thoroughly the technical skills you need for this course:
Please click the link below and read thoroughly the computer requirements for this course:
Complete all of the tests suggested to be sure that you have all the necessary items.
In addition, you need the following for this course:
Built-in or plug-in SPEAKERS AND MICROPHONE to do listening and speaking activities .
Microsoft Word 97 or higher to access and work with documents at the Blackboard course site. WordPerfect,
Works, Notepad, etc. are not acceptable for this class.
For technical assistance with the Textbook’s website, go to: http://books.quia.com/support.html
Or for Phone or Email info, go to: http://kb.cengage.com/display/Heinle/iLrn+Heinle+Learning+Center
Classwork Description and Grading:
You will be guided through each chapter by your Textbook and Student Activities Manual (contains
Workbook and Lab Manual activities) with their corresponding multimedia resources.
You should do all assigned activities and complete all course requirements according to the
Assignments Calendar in the iLrn Center website. More specific instructions will be posted on the course
Blackboard in the ASSIGNMENTS tab.
The Grading Scale is a standard 10-point scale:
90-100 =A, 80-89 =B, 70-79 =C, 60-69 =D, below 60 =F.
(Grades below "C" do not transfer to other colleges/universities, and you should not go on to the next level Spanish
course with a grade less than “C”)
Your final grade will be determined as follows:
You’ll be able to submit textbook practice and workbook/lab manual activities electronically through
the iLrn Learning Center by the dates indicated on the site. There will be 4 deadline dates per Capítulo
(=chapter.) Deadline dates within each Chapter are to keep you on track so you don’t get behind in your
work. Once behind, it is difficult to catch up. Some of your practice is matching, multiple choice, and
short answers. Within each Chapter, you will have at least one paragraph Writing Assignment and at
least one Oral Activity for which you will receive my personal feedback. The final date to submit chapter
work is the deadline date for the Examen. Late work will NOT be accepted.
Your chapter Participation grade will be based on the points you earn for activities you complete
on time out of all the assigned activities. Most activities are automatically graded so that you
receive immediate feedback; others require my grading and feedback.
Be aware that additional Enhancement practice is available on the site, for example, Flash Cards for
Vocabulary practice, Grammar Tutorials, and Pre-Tests, Study Plans and Post-tests to prepare you
for Exams. It is important for you to do ALL the practice available. If I see that you are not participating
on the site or on the course Blackboard regularly, you may be withdrawn from the course.
At the end date of each Chapter, you will take an Examen in the Textbook Activities tab on the iLrn Learning
Center. You will have only one attempt at the Examen; I will grade it and give part credit when appropriate.
(1 Examen per Chapter for Chapters 1 – 4 = 4 Tests total at 6.25% each. Chapter 5 material will be included on
the Final Exam.) Late work will NOT be accepted.
The exam will be comprehensive; therefore it will cover Lessons 1 through 5. You will meet with me at
the Chesapeake campus on Thursday, December 8 at 5:00 p.m. in room TBA (=To Be
Announced) This exam will be approximately 90 minutes long. (Arriving late will result in missing the
listening activity and losing its respective points.)
You will have 1 short (7-8 minute) individual oral interview with me on the same day we meet for the Final
Exam, at the Chesapeake campus on Thursday, December 8 in room TBA (=To Be Announced)
You’ll sign up for an 8-minute period between: 2:30 to 4:30 pm or 7:00 to 9:00 pm
NOTE: Students will need to choose a time for the oral interview and sign up on the course Blackboard site about 2
weeks prior to the interview.
Required E-mail procedure:
Please, allow me up to 48 hours Monday – Friday to reply to your emails (do not expect replies on weekends.)
Answers to most questions can be found much more quickly by reading this Course Outline and Blackboard site
thoroughly than by e-mailing me and awaiting a response.
 Students’ emails must be sent to me from your college email address. All e-mails from students must
include SPA 101 and the student’s last name in the subject line or text of the e-mail.
 For general messages to the whole class, I will post them in ANNOUNCEMENTS at the course Blackboard
site. You must check your email and the Blackboard site at least 3-4 times a week. Be sure to click on
the “all” tab in Announcements to ensure you have not missed anything.
 If at any given time, you experience problems with your connections or proxy account, you must seek help at
http://www.tcc.edu/students/DTLS/help.htm (I will be unable to help you with any type of technical problems)
Very Important Information to consider and remember:
1. Final Exam is on Campus. Because there is a listening comprehension component on the Final Exam and an
Oral Interview with the Final, students are required to take both on campus and under the direction of the Spanish
instructor. Therefore, you have one required meeting for testing purposes (see date below.) This is mandatory
for all students taking this course. If you cannot make this date, please select another class section to take that
has a better Final Exam date for your convenience.
2. In accordance with policies explained in the Student Handbook regarding unsatisfactory attendance, any student who
does not participate online, send assignments regularly, and/or submit Tests will be withdrawn from the course
by the instructor with a grade of “W” at the mid-point of the course. Any student who does not attend the Final
testing session will receive a grade of “F” for the course.
3. Make-ups – are not given, except in cases of extreme and documented emergency. All make-ups will be at the
discretion and convenience of the instructor and will be more difficult than the original test.
4. Late work – is not accepted. (except in cases of extreme and documented emergency)
Helpful Learning Strategies:
Two-hour daily study and practice (at least) is necessary to learn Spanish successfully. Language learning is a
building process, so make sure you review previous lessons frequently.
To learn vocabulary – study words by using the audio icons in the eBook and use the Audio Flash Cards
found in the Enrichment tab, Improve Your Grade, on the iLrn website, or make your own flash cards if writing
helps you; write and/or say sentences using these words.
To learn grammar – start by using the Grammar Tutorials found in the Enrichment tab on the iLrn website. Go
to the LEARNING UNITS tab on the course Blackboard to read my Teaching Notes and listen to my audio
explanations and drill of the grammar. To practice verbs, use the Verb Conjugator, write out verb conjugations,
and do as many exercises as possible. Practice and repetition is key!
To improve your listening comprehension – keep practicing with your Audio and Video activities in text and Lab
Manual. Do not expect to understand every single word; you should be content with having an overall
comprehension of what each situation is about. Do not listen to any activity more than 3 times at a sitting.
You must push yourself to GUESS!
To enhance your speaking skills – imagine different situations related to each lesson’s topic and create
conversations. Do all the pair exercises (taking both roles) in your Textbook out loud. Think in Spanish as much
as possible. To help you practice Spanish, make use of TCC Tutoring Center (free for TCC students) and set up
times to meet with Spanish tutors. For more information, please go to
Seek immediate help (TCC Tutoring Centers, email me) at any time your average is less than 70 (“C”)
Remember you are just a beginner in Spanish, so learn to accept and understand the fact that you are limited in
your oral/written expression. Keep in mind that English and Spanish are structurally different languages. Learn
how to maximize the use of your limited vocabulary and grammar for varied situations. Minimize your difficulties
and frustrations in the target language by always using simple structures and the vocabulary words you
are studying or have studied in the Chapters being covered.
Go to the Course Blackboard for more specific suggestions on how to use the course materials and
complete assignments.
1st DAY OF CLASS (Thurs. Aug. 18th ) : -Read very carefully the Course Outline and the entire Classwork
Schedule below. Become familiar with all the NEXOS textbook materials by reading pages iii – v in your text that
explain what resources are available to you. Download or print out the iLrn Student Guide from the textbook website.
First Assignments:
 By 11:59 PM, Monday, Aug. 22 :
1. Submit electronically the Student Information Sheet (found in BB: COURSE DOCUMENTS.) (Fill out form,
SAVE it as a WORD document, and ATTACH document to an email and SEND it to me.)
2. Introduce yourself (in English) on the course Discussion Board
 Friday, Sept. 2 is the last day to withdraw and receive a Tuition Refund.
Capítulo Preliminar & Capítulo 1 : From Thurs, Aug. 18 to Tues, Sept. 6
Textbook (pp. 2- 37): Study; do all sections in Text and do all assigned activities on iLrn website for Textbook,
Workbook and Lab Manual.
By 11:59 PM, Tuesday, Sept. 6 : - submit EXAMEN for Capítulo 1
Capítulo 2: From Wed, Sept. 7 to Mon, Sept. 26
Rextbook (pp. 38 - 71): Study; do all sections in Text and all assigned activities on iLrn website for Textbook,
Workbook and Lab Manual.
By 11:59 PM, Monday, Sept. 26 : - submit EXAMEN for Capítulo 2
Capítulo 3: From Tues, Sept. 27 to Mon, Oct. 17
Textbook (pp. 72 - 105): Study; do all sections in Text and do all assigned activities on iLrn website for Text,
Workbook and Lab Manual.
By 11:59 PM, Monday, Oct. 17 : - submit EXAMEN for Capítulo 3
NOTE: Thursday, Oct. 27 is the last day to withdraw from the course passing with a grade of “W.” After Oct. 27,
your grade will be “F.”
Capítulo 4: From Tues, Oct. 18 to Wed, Nov. 9
Textbook (pp. 106 - 139): Study; do all sections in Text and do all assigned activities on iLrn website for Text,
Workbook and Lab Manual.
By 11:59 PM, Wednesday, Nov. 9 : - submit EXAMEN for Capítulo 4
Capítulo 5: From Thurs, Nov. 10 to Fri, Dec. 2
Textbook (pp. 140 - 171): Study; do all sections in Text and do all assigned activities on iLrn website for Text,
Workbook and Lab Manual.
By 11:59, Friday, Dec. 2 :- All work for Capítulo 5 due. No Examen.
FINAL EXAM - Thursday, December 8th at 5:00 p.m. in room To Be Announced, Chesapeake campus.
 Study Capítulos 1 – 5. (See Study Guidelines, in BB: COURSE DOCUMENTS.)
 Bring a SCANTRON scoring sheet for 100 questions (2 sided, 50 on each side) and two #2 pencils.
ORAL EVALUATIONS (10% of total semester grade): 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in room TBA
(At least 10 days prior to the exam, be sure to sign up for a time for your oral interview.)
BE ON TIME, as being late to the testing session will result in loss of points for the missed Listening
Comprehension portion of the exam. If you are late, DO NOT ENTER THE ROOM during the listening portion of
the exam. Stand at the door until I signal you to enter. Thank you.