Biology Transpiration Investigating Water Movement and Evaporation in Monocot and Dicot Plants About this Lesson This lesson ties a very familiar demonstration of the uptake of food coloring by celery with the process of transpiration. Additionally, this lab provides students the opportunity to practice calculating rate. Students use these rates to compare and contrast the transpiration rates between monocots and dicots. This lesson is included in the LTF Biology Module 8. Objective T E A C H E R Students will: • Investigate the process of transpiration by observing the movement of water through xylem tissues • Measure the rate of transpiration • Compare transpiration rates in monocots and dicots Level Biology Common Core State Standards for Science Content LTF Science lessons will be aligned with the next generation of multi-state science standards that are currently in development. These standards are said to be developed around the anchor document, A Framework for K–12 Science Education, which was produced by the National Research Council. Where applicable, the LTF Science lessons are also aligned to the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Content as well as the Common Core Literacy Standards for Science and Technical Subjects. Code Standard (LITERACY) RST.9-10.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text. (MATH) F-IF.6 Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function (presented symbolically or as a table) over a specified interval. Estimate the rate of change from a graph. Level of Thinking Apply Depth of Knowledge II Apply II Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at i Teacher Overview – Transpiration Code Standard Level of Thinking Apply Depth of Knowledge II (MATH) S-ID.7 Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant term) of a linear model in the context of the data. (LITERACY) RST.9-10.7 Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words. Apply II (MATH) A-CED.4 Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving equations. For example, rearrange Ohm’s law V = IR to highlight resistance R. Apply II Connections to AP* *Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. The College Board was not involved in the production of this product. Materials and Resources Each lab group will need the following: Additional teacher materials: aprons balance beaker, 250 mL goggles graduated cylinder, 10 mL paper towels razor blade, new food color, red pipette, thin stem ruler, clear metric celery stalk oil, mineral plant specimen plant, dicot plant, monocot Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at ii T E A C H E R AP Biology: This lesson addresses concepts contained in Big Ideas 2 and 4 in the revised AP Biology curriculum under the following sections: 2.A.3, 2.D.1.c, 4.A.4.a-b, and 4.B.2.a.2. Teacher Overview – Transpiration Assessments The following types of formative assessments are embedded in this lesson: • Visual assessment of measuring techniques used within the lesson • Sharing class data The following assessments are located on the LTF website: • Short Lesson Assessment: Transpiration • Plants Assessment • 2006 Biology Posttest, Free Response Question 1 Teaching Suggestions The celery needs to be fresh for this demonstration to proceed properly. The coloration of the xylem tissue is easily missed by the untrained eye, so caution students to look closely for the pinkish-red pigment. To avoid unnecessary stains, mix the food coloring and water ahead of time. The colored water can be reused by subsequent classes. Lawn, garden, and house plants that require frequent watering make good specimens for this activity. Airplane plants can be used as the monocot specimen. The amount of transpiration from an airplane plant leaf will be very small (typically less than 0.2 mL/24 hrs). One airplane plant can provide enough leaves for several classes and can be maintained in the classroom. Bamboo plants have notably large rates of transpiration and are nice specimen for this activity if you find them locally accessible. If you are using one large plant and having students remove sections, monitor their cutting to conserve the specimen. This protocol uses 10 mL graduated cylinders. Alternately, you could use the barrels of 10 mL disposable syringes placed in test tube racks. You should seal the ends of the syringes shut by heating the end and pinching it with pliers, or sealing the tip with hot glue. Disposable syringe barrels are used because they are inexpensive and have 1 mL graduations. Graduated cuvettes will also work well for this activity. Another choice would be to use regular test tubes by marking the initial and final levels with a waterproof pen. Students should not remove their plant specimen once they have applied the mineral oil. If it becomes necessary to remove the plant the apparatus should be emptied, washed, and refilled with water before inserting the plant. This precaution will prevent the open end of the stem from being coated with oil, which would inhibit transpiration. Display Table 3 for the students to record their group’s data, and for this data to be shared with the class. By the time students finish setting up both Part I and then Part II, it will be time to take readings on Part I. Students will get the final reading for Part II on the second day. v. 2.0, 2.0 Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at iii T E A C H E R A variety of plants can be used for Part II, which measures the rate of transpiration. You can grow your own specimen from bean and corn seeds provided you have an adequate source of lighting in your classroom. Cucumber plants and tomato plants can be purchased at a local garden center in season; these garden specimens work well for this activity. The results included in the answer section were obtained using pansies. Teacher Overview – Transpiration Answer Key Data and Observations Table 1. The Role of Xylem Vessels in Transpiration Initial observations of cut end of celery soft green tissue, occasional darker green circles Final observations of cut end of celery soft tissue is still green, the occasional circles appear pale red Length before cutting sections (cm) 27 cm Length after cutting sections (cm) 24 cm Rate of water movement (cm/min) 0.15 cm/min Table 2. Transpiration Rates in Monocot and Dicot Leaves Dicot Initial water level (mL) 10 mL Final water level (mL) 5.6 mL Volume of water consumed (mL) 4.4 mL Mass of leaves without stems (g) 3.7 g Transpiration rate (mL/g/hr) T E A C H E R Type of plant 0.05 mL/g/hr Table 3. Class Data Comparing Transpiration Rates (mL/g/hr) Group Average 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Monocot Dicot 0.005 0.044 0.052 0.030 0.057 0.003 0.006 0.005 0.046 Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at iv Teacher Overview – Transpiration Answer Key (continued) Conclusion Questions 1. The polar water molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other in cohesion and with other substances in adhesion. This hydrogen bonding, adhesion, and cohesion cause water to move up the xylem tissues through capillary action. 2. The rate would be lower because the leaves help to draw water upward as they go through transpiration. 3. If the colored water traveled 3 cm in 20 minutes, in another 20 minutes it would have traveled another 3 cm for a total of 6 cm. 4. If the colored water travels 0.15 cm/min and the stalk is 27 cm long, it would take 180 minutes to reach the top. 5. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the leaves of plants. It helps cool the leaf tissues through evaporation and helps with the uptake of nutrients from the soil. 7. Adhesion is the hydrogen bonding of water molecules to other substances whereas cohesion is the hydrogen bonding of water molecules to water molecules. 8. Dicot plants have a greater transpiration rate. The dicot transpiration rate in this activity was 0.046 mL/g/hr whereas the monocot transpiration rate was 0.005 mL/g/hr. 9. The plant’s transpiration rate would be greatly reduced or stopped completely. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at v T E A C H E R 6. Capillary action is the tendency of water to rise within a thin, narrow tube and is the result of the hydrogen bonding of water molecules. It is important to plants because it is involved in the movement of water from the roots to the leaves. Teacher Overview – Transpiration Answer Key (continued) 10. Procedures to be followed: (sample) Fill a 10 mL syringe with water and insert the plant. Using a disposable pipette, raise or lower the water level until it rests at the 10 mL graduation mark. Place a thin layer of mineral oil on top of the water to prevent evaporation. Place a plastic bag over the top of the plant. Spray a fine mist of water into the bag and seal the bag around the stem of the plant using a twist tie. After a 2 minute equilibration period, record the level of the water in the graduated cylinder. Allow the plant to transpire for 24 hours. At the end of 24 hours, remove the plant from the syringe. Determine the mass of the leaves after removing the stems from the specimen. Record the mass of the leaves on the student answer page. Determine the amount of water consumed during 24 hours by subtracting the initial reading from the final reading. Expected results: There should be no change or very little change in the water level at the end of 24 hours. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at vi T E A C H E R How and when data will be collected: The water level will be read and recorded on the first day and then again 24 hours later. Biology Transpiration Investigating Water Movement and Evaporation in Monocot and Dicot Plants Transpiration is a necessary plant process in which water evaporates from the leaves of plants. The process of transpiration uses approximately 90% of the water that enters a plant’s roots. During transpiration, water moves from the tissues inside the leaf to the external environment by passing through the stoma. As water evaporates from the leaves of a plant, replacement water is drawn up by osmosis and capillary action from the tissues below. Capillary action is the tendency of water to rise within a thin, narrow tube and is the result of the hydrogen bonding of water molecules. The hydrogen atoms of a water molecule are slightly positive whereas the oxygen atom is slightly negative. In the property of cohesion, water molecules cling to one another as the positive hydrogen of one water molecule forms a hydrogen bond with the negatively charged oxygen of a second water molecule. When enclosed in a narrow tube—such as the transport vessels, or xylem vessels, of a plant— water molecules will adhere to the walls of the tube. This property of water is called adhesion. Collectively, hydrogen bonding, adhesion, and cohesion produce the capillary action of water that allows it to move up the narrow xylem cells to replace the water evaporated at the surface of the leaf. Transpiration plays important roles in plant processes. One role transpiration serves in the plant is to cool the leaf tissues through the process of evaporation. This evaporative cooling can reduce heat damage to leaf tissues. A second role of transpiration is to aid in the uptake of nutrients from the soil. Transpiration of water at the leaves helps establish a concentration gradient that drives the movement of water from the soil into the roots. As the water moves into the root system, some nutrients will be carried into the roots. From the roots, water will continue in an upward movement through the xylem tissues of the stem, eventually reaching the leaf tissues. Transpiration rates vary from plant species to plant species. Broad leaf, tropical plants tend to have greater rates of transpiration than narrow leaf plants that survive well in dry environments. Additionally, the rate of transpiration will vary depending upon environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air movement. Because water vapor moves from areas of greater concentration to areas of lower concentration, transpiration rates tend to be greater in hot, dry environments. Many plants have adaptations that allow them to conserve water through lower rates of transpiration. Thin and narrow leaves, recessed stoma, and reduced stoma numbers are adaptations that reduce the rate of transpiration. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at 1 Student Activity – Transpiration Purpose In this set of activities, you will explore the process of transpiration by observing the movement of water through xylem tissues and measuring the rate of transpiration. Materials Each lab group will need the following: aprons balance beaker, 250 mL goggles graduated cylinder, 10 mL paper towels razor blade, new food color, red pipette, thin stem ruler, clear metric celery stalk oil, mineral plant specimen SAFETY ALERT! » Handle scalpel and razors carefully, taking care to avoid contact with the sharp edges. Cut away from yourself. » Food colorings can stain clothes. Wear an apron during this activity. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at 2 Student Activity – Transpiration Procedure Part I: The Role of Xylem Vessels in Transpiration 1. Place 100 mL of distilled water in a 200 mL beaker or similar container. Add 20 drops of red food coloring and stir. (Your teacher may supply a ready-made solution for you to use.) 2. Obtain a leafy stalk of celery. Cut off the bottom white portion of the celery stalk. Keep this end piece to use for later color comparisons. 3. Observe the cut end of the stalk, noting its color. Record your observations in Table 1. 4. Place the celery stalk in the colored water. Allow the celery to remain in the water for 20 minutes. During this 20 minute period, you may proceed to Part II. 5. At the end of 20 minutes, remove the celery from the beaker of colored water. Rinse and dry the bottom end of the stalk. Measure the length of your celery stalk, and record its length in Table 1. 6. Observe the end of the stalk and note the coloration of the xylem tissue. Record your observations in Table 1. 7. During the 20 minute wait, the colored water will have traveled up the stem of the celery through the xylem tissue. To determine how far the colored water has reached, begin cutting away 1 cm sections from the bottom of the stalk. After each cut, carefully check the color of the xylem tissue in the stalk. Most of the tissue will still appear green. Only the xylem cells will contain the colored water. You can use the initial section removed in Step 2 for color comparison. If the tissue is still colored, remove another 1 cm section. Repeat until you reach the uncolored portion of the stalk. 8. Determine the length of the remaining celery stalk. Record this final length in Table 1. 9. Determine the rate of movement of the colored water through the xylem tissue by subtracting the final length from the initial length of the celery stalk and then dividing by the wait time. Record the rate of water movement per minute in Table 1. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at 3 Student Activity – Transpiration Procedure (continued) Part II: Comparing Transpiration Rates in Monocot and Dicot Leaves 1. Obtain a 10 mL graduated cylinder and fill it with water up to the 8 mL graduation mark. 2. You will be assigned a monocot or dicot specimen to test. Locate the plant specimen your teacher has assigned to your group. Record which type of plant you have been assigned in Table 2 on the student answer page. 3. If using a small plant, cut the stem near the soil line. If the plant specimen will be used by several lab groups, your teacher will assist you as you remove an appropriately sized section of the plant. 4. Insert the stem of the plant into the water in your graduated cylinder. Using a disposable pipette, raise or lower the water level until it rests at the 10 mL graduation mark. 5. Place a thin layer of mineral oil on top of the water to prevent evaporation. Once you have applied the mineral oil, you should not remove or reinsert the stem of the plant. 6. After a 2 minute equilibration period, record the level of the water in the graduated cylinder. Record your reading in Table 2. 7. Allow the plant to transpire for 24 hours. Once you have set up your specimen, you may complete Part I. 8. On the second day, read the water level in the graduated cylinder and record this value in Table 2. 9. Remove the plant from the graduated cylinder. Determine the mass of the exposed leaves after removing the stems from the specimen and record the mass of the leaves in Table 2. Do not include any leaves that were below the oil/water line. 10. Determine the amount of water consumed during 24 hours by subtracting the initial reading from the final reading. 11. Calculate the rate of transpiration per gram of leaf tissue using the following formula: rate in mL/g/hour = mL of water consumed/mass of leaves/24 hours 12. Share your data with the class as instructed by your teacher to complete Table 3. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at 4 Student Activity – Transpiration Data and Observations Table 1. The Role of Xylem Vessels in Transpiration Initial observations of cut end of celery Final observations of cut end of celery Length before cutting sections (cm) Length after cutting sections (cm) Rate of water movement (cm/min) Table 2. Transpiration Rates in Monocot and Dicot Leaves Type of plant Initial water level (mL) Final water level (mL) Volume of water consumed (mL) Mass of leaves without stems (g) Transpiration rate (mL/g/hr) Table 3. Class Data Comparing Transpiration Rates (mL/g/hr) Group Average 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Monocot Dicot Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at 5 Student Activity – Transpiration Conclusion Questions 1. Explain why water moved up the celery stalk. What forces were involved in the movement of the colored water? 2. How would the rate of water movement change if the leaves were removed from the stalk of celery prior to placing it in the colored water? 3. If you left the celery in the colored water for another 20 minutes, how much farther would the colored water travel? 4. Calculate how long it would take for the colored water to reach the top of the stalk of celery. 5. What is transpiration, and why is it important in plants? Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at 6 Student Activity – Transpiration Conclusion Questions (continued) 6. What is capillary action, and why is it important in plants? 7. How are adhesion and cohesion different? 8. Which type of plant used in Part II had the greatest rate of transpiration? Support your answer with data from this activity. 9. Based on the data collected in this activity, what would happen to the rate of transpiration if the underside of the leaf had been covered with a thin coat of petroleum jelly? Explain your answer. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. Visit us online at 7 Student Activity – Transpiration Conclusion Questions (continued) 10. In the space provided, describe an experiment that could test the following hypothesis. Include details of the procedures to be followed, data to be collected, and results expected. Hypothesis: If a dicot plant is placed in an environment with high humidity, its transpiration rate will be lowered. Copyright © 2012 Laying the Foundation®, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved. 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