Information Research Module SEARCHING FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ARTICLES using the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) © University of Guelph 2012 In this module: How to… 1. Understand my research task 2. Develop an effective search strategy 3. Search and retrieve articles from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), a database containing “free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages” © University of Guelph 2012 1. What is my task? Has my teacher given me a specific journal article to retrieve and analyze? OR Do I have to find and analyze a journal article on a topic that my teacher has assigned or that I have chosen? © University of Guelph 2012 1. What is my task? Has my teacher given me a specific journal article to retrieve and analyze? OR Do I have to find and analyze a journal article on a topic that my teacher has assigned or that I have chosen? The answer will determine how you search the journal database DOAJ © University of Guelph 2012 If I know what article I need Retrieving the article is very straightforward. I conduct a simple title search (see Part 3A) If I have been assigned a topic or must choose my own Finding an appropriate article requires a bit of detective work. Patience, planning and critical thinking are key (continue to Part 2 through to Part 3B) © University of Guelph 2012 2. Developing a search strategy Search engines are fickle. You need to construct a search strategy that allows you to be systematic. A. Identify key concepts in your topic B. Expand keyword list (use chart as guide) C. Remember truncation, phrase searching D. Understand how the search engine uses AND, OR, NOT How keywords are combined will influence what is retrieved. © University of Guelph 2012 2A. Identify key concepts TOPIC (e.g.): Using gene doping to enhance human performance OR Key Words Related Terms Broader Terms Narrower Terms Concept 1 A N D Concept 2 © University of Guelph 2012 Break topic into key concepts. Choose keyword(s) that best describe each concept. Enter into table. 2A. Identify key concepts TOPIC (e.g.): Using gene doping to enhance human performance OR Key Words Concept 1 © University of Guelph 2012 Broader Terms Narrower Terms gene doping A N D Concept 2 Related Terms human performance Break topic into key concepts. Choose keyword(s) that best describe each concept. Enter into table. 2A. Identify key concepts TOPIC (e.g.): Using gene doping to enhance human performance OR Key Words Concept 1 gene doping Concept 2 human performance A N D © University of Guelph 2012 Related Terms Broader Terms Narrower Terms Brainstorm concepts. Add terms that are related (synonyms), broader & narrower. These will help you to expand or narrow your search, as necessary. 2A. Identify key concepts TOPIC (e.g.): Using gene doping to enhance human performance OR Key Words Broader Terms Narrower Terms Concept 1 gene doping gene therapy genetic intervention doping ACTN3 ACE gene Concept 2 human performance athletic performance sport sports sport* muscle efficiency A N D © University of Guelph 2012 Related Terms 2C. Truncation Truncation allows you to search for all variations of a root with one entry Different databases use different truncation symbols Use the asterisk (*) in DOAJ e.g., sport* retrieves all records that contain any of the words “sport,” “sports,” “sportsmanship,” etc. © University of Guelph 2012 Phrase searching In DOAJ, if you put more than one word in a search box the database will retrieve only those documents in which this precise phrase appears somewhere in the record. For example, human performance “ a means of gene-c control for human performance, including sport, gene expression, molecular interac-ons...” © University of Guelph 2012 “…simplis-c random mobility models for algorithm design and performance evalua-on...In ARP, humans are classified based on…” A Caution NOTE: This approach to phrase searching is not usual. In most databases, if you wish to conduct a phrase search you must put the words in quotation marks, e.g., “human performance” © University of Guelph 2012 2D. Understand AND, OR, NOT AND: Narrows your search retrieves records that contain all keywords that have been combined with “AND” OR: Broadens your search retrieves records that contain at least one of the keywords that have been combined with OR NOT: Narrows your search (use cautiously) removes all records that contain the keywords that have been “NOT-ed” out © University of Guelph 2012 Using AND When two concepts are connected by AND, the computer will retrieve only documents that contain BOTH concepts gene doping human performance gene doping AND human performance © University of Guelph 2012 Using OR When two concepts are connected by OR, the computer will retrieve documents that contain EITHER concept gene doping human performance gene doping OR human performance © University of Guelph 2012 Using NOT When a concept is preceded by NOT the computer will exclude documents that include that concept gene doping gene doping NOT human performance © University of Guelph 2012 human performance 3. Searching DOAJ The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a database containing scientific and scholarly journals on a broad range of topics All articles have been reviewed by experts in the field and are of high quality (peer-reviewed) Access to the articles is free of charge © University of Guelph 2012 Conducting your search 1. Go to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by clicking on this link and 2. Search for journal articles using the second search box (i.e., “Articles”) Title search ➔ see 3A Keyword search ➔ see 3B © University of Guelph 2012 DOAJ Homepage Search for journal articles using this search engine © University of Guelph 2012 Journal Article Search Options: Search by phrase Combine keywords (using AND, OR, NOT) Limit search to specific field(s) © University of Guelph 2012 Enter keyword(s), choose options (if desired) and proceed with search 3A. If I know what article I need 1. Type the title of the article into the first search box 2. From the drop-down menu at the right of the search box choose “Title” 3. Press “Search articles” 4. Scan the hit list for the correct article 5. Click FULL TEXT to download pdf © University of Guelph 2012 To search for the article Cieszczyk, P., et al. (2009). Gene doping in modern sport. Biology of Exercise, 5(1), 5-14 Type title of ARTICLE (phrase search) Choose “Title” from drop-down menu Press “Search articles” © University of Guelph 2012 Click on FULL TEXT to download article to your desktop 3B. If I have a topic to search [Navigate to DOAJ as before] 1. From your keyword chart, select words/phrases you’ll use for each concept 2. Enter these into the search boxes (one concept per line) 3. Press “Search articles” © University of Guelph 2012 2A. Identify key concepts TOPIC (e.g.): Using gene doping to enhance human performance OR Key Words Broader Terms Concept 1 gene doping gene therapy genetic intervention doping Concept 2 human performance athletic performance sport sports sport* A N D © University of Guelph 2012 Related Terms Narrower Terms In my first ACTN3 search I will ACE gene use these phrases to describe the two main muscle concepts of my efficiency topic Begin broad (phrase search) Do not limit by field © University of Guelph 2012 This search was too narrow © University of Guelph 2012 4. Read through hit list to find articles that are “on target” for your topic 5. If too few or no hits, repeat search using broader or related terms; if too many hits or they’re “off target,” repeat search using narrower terms 6. Continue refining your search until you are satisfied with what you have retrieved 7. Click FULL TEXT to download article © University of Guelph 2012 “gene doping” AND “human performance” was too narrow Expand search by using a broader term © University of Guelph 2012 5 Hits Including the “gene doping” one found through the title search. Click on VIEW RECORD for abstract and other information. © University of Guelph 2012 To Download the Article All I need to do is click on FULL TEXT Background Includes definition of “gene doping” Comprehensive Review of the Literature “latest applications of molecular biology in medicine” Publication year © University of Guelph 2012 Here is my article on the topic of gene doping to improve athletic performance What are my next steps? Read the article carefully, critically Respond to the questions in the student activity worksheet Review the module on paraphrasing and plagiarism to improve my writing © University of Guelph 2012