Year 7 English Take-Away Homework Unit 3/4: Beowulf Choose

Year 7 English Take-Away Homework
Unit 3/4: Beowulf
Extra Exciting:
Create and
complete your own
homework task
based on the unit!
Choose your homework from the menu below:
The Peri-ometer suggests the difficulty or challenge the
homework may offer. Every unit you should attempt
at least one ‘EXTRA HOT’ task!
1. Watch the animated version of Beowulf: Beowulf
Animated 1998 Part 1/6
Write a review of the animated film of Beowulf to be published
in your local newspaper. (Think carefully about your target
2. ITV are about to create a 13 part
series of Beowulf!
a) Design your dream cast for the
b) Write a magazine article which
publicises this new series. Create a
professional layout for your article.
3. Look at a section of the original text of
Beowulf (you will be able to find this
online) and a translated version of that
original section.
What are main differences and similarities
between Old English and Contemporary
Create a poster to show the way
language has changed.
4. Write a feature article about Grendel’s attack, after
having interviewed Beowulf about his slaying of the
5. If Beowulf was real and had time
travelled to 2015 what would you need to
explain to him about life now? Write
Beowulf a letter.
6. Design a board game based on the story
of Beowulf.
7. Create an ‘epic monster poem’ using a range of poetic
devices, particularly those that will make your poem
memorable (such as alliteration and onomatopoeia).
8. Imagine you are one of Beowulf’s
soldiers: Create s series of at least three
diary entries recounting the action so far.
Consider how your entries will reflect the
action and atmosphere in the story. You
may also illustrate each diary entry.
10. Create a poster or presentation illustrating TWO of the
following contextual aspects of Beowulf:
Anglo-Saxon Britain; Old English; King Alfred The
Great; Invaders: Angles Saxons and Vikings; Language
change over time: Anglo-Saxon language: etymology ;
pronunciation; borrowings/loan words
11. Create a family tree for the characters in
Create 15 CHALLENGING quiz questions
based on the story so far.
12. Learn the pronunciation of names from the
story. Create a bookmark that includes each
name broken down phonetically. For example:
Beowulf= ‘Bey-oh-wolf’