Quick Start Guide Baseball Strength Instructions The Baseball Strength program is a very simple, easy-to-use system that provides a proven template for creating balanced, results-orientated workouts. It will allow any baseball player to make smart choices based on their own specific individual needs. The system has two workout programs, each with its own template. These templates have specific sections where certain exercises should be done. These exercises are sequenced (done in a certain order) to ensure that each essential component is not missed. Baseball Strength System BUILD MUSCLE / BUILD STRENGTH (BM/BS) Template Overview Here are the 3 different templates for upper, lower and full body workouts. UPPER LOWER SMR Mobilize Activate BER Activate BER Activate Mobilize Arms, Shoulders) Rehab Rehab BER Mobilize Core Strength (Chest, Back, Legs, CORE Rehab Supplemental Worksets Primary Worksets STRENGTH Core Strength Shoulders) Dynamic Warm-up BER Core Strength (Legs, Back, Activate CORE (Chest, Back, Arms) Supplemental Worksets Primary Worksets Mobilize STRENGTH Supplemental Worksets Dynamic Warm-up CORE Primary Worksets Activate STRENGTH Dynamic Warm-up Mobilize BER Activate SMR SMR BER Mobilize FULL Baseball Strength System BUILD MUSCLE / LOSE FAT (BM/LF) Template Overview Here are the 3 different templates for upper, lower and full body workouts. UPPER LOWER SMR Mobilize Activate BER Activate BER Activate Mobilize Arms, Shoulders) Rehab Rehab BER Mobilize Core Strength (Chest, Back, Legs, CORE Rehab Supplemental (EDT) Primary (UND) STRENGTH Core Strength Shoulders) Dynamic Warm-up BER Core Strength (Legs, Back, Activate CORE (Chest, Back, Arms) Supplemental (EDT) Primary (UND) Mobilize STRENGTH Supplemental (EDT) Dynamic Warm-up CORE Primary (UND) Activate STRENGTH Dynamic Warm-up Mobilize BER Activate SMR SMR BER Mobilize FULL The Baseball Strength Workout Sequence 1. Baseball Essential Recovery (BER) Section: Contains exercises that will be done before AND after your training session. These exercises are designed to improve your soft-tissue quality, mobilize your joints and activate your muscles. 2. Baseball Strength Section: Contains the exercises that will be used for your dynamic warm-up, your primary exercises and your supplemental worksets. 3. Baseball Core Section: These are your core training exercises that will be done after your supplemental worksets. 4. Baseball Essential Recovery (BER) Section: You will finish each workout with the movements you used in Section 1 (above) from the BER manual. Placing this section at the end of your workout will allow you to target your weaknesses and rehabilitate any injuries. The exercises that you “plug” into each section are from the manuals listed to the right of each template above; the Baseball Essential Recovery manual, the Baseball Main manual, the Baseball Power Core manual. For specific details for the sets, the repetitions, the appropriate intensity, the total volume and how to perform each exercise, refer to the Baseball Main manual. The Baseball Strength Workout Program The Baseball Strength system comes with two workout paths. The 12 Week Build Muscle / Build Strength (BM/BS) Program This program is for those players who have been in the gym for a while and have hit a plateau. If you’re a player who can’t put on size and get stronger, then this is the right workout program for you. Either because they have an “old” injury that just won’t heal or they’ve been stuck on the same workout too long. BM/BS Target (Focus) Weeks 1-4: Weeks 5-12: Foundation Strength Muscle Size / Strength The 12 Week Build Muscle / Lose Fat (BM/LF) Program This program is for those players who are new to lifting or have been out of the gym for a while. It will help you to get acclimated and back to working out. If you are carrying around extra body fat and need to lean up but still keep your power, then it will be a very effective way to jump start your fat loss goals. BM/LF Target (Focus) Weeks 1-4: Weeks 5-12: Foundation Strength Muscle Size / Fat Loss Right now you should go print all of the workouts from the main Baseball Strength manual for the program you would like to start using. Please remember, the intent of the Baseball Strength system is to show you how to create your own workouts as you progress. After the 12 weeks, you will be able to construct your own programs and modify them as you get stronger or as your goals change. You can also incorporate any other workout program into the Baseball Strength template because now you know all of the essential components that should be included into every good strength program. What do I do Next? I want to get started NOW! “Jim, I just bought the program and I want to get started right away. I am going to take my before pics and need to know where are the printable workout sheets?” Step 1: Take your “before” pictures prior to starting the 12 week Baseball Strength program you choose. Step 2: Read the Baseball Quick Reference Guide included in your downloaded .zip package (it should take you only a few minutes). Step 3: Print out the 12 week workout program of your choice and put into a 3-ring binder. This will be your workout journal where you can make notes and record weights. Step 4: Review the exercise lists in the Baseball Quick Reference Guide for the Baseball Main manual, the Baseball Essential Recovery (BER) manual and the Baseball Power Core (CORE) manual. This will help you show the correct sequence and how to perform each exercise in the workouts. Print these 3 guides out as well and put them in your 3-ring binder. Note: To see actual demonstrations of each exercise go to http://www.youtube.com/musclevip and subscribe. Step 5: Go have a great workout! * Note: For additional workouts, how-to videos and essential warm-ups, please go to http://www.youtube.com/musclevip and http://www.youtube.com/smittydiesel Exercise Indexes I have included the exercise index lists for each of the main manuals in this quick reference guide for ease of printing. Exercise Indexes Baseball Strength Baseball Strength Exercise Guide WARM-UP UPPER UPPER Exerccyle - general CHEST GRIP Treadmill - general Push-ups Hex Holds Concept II - general BTR Push-ups Blockweight Holds Hindu Push-ups Plate Pinch Bear Complex BTR Hindu Push-ups 2 Hand Pinch Military Press Flat Barbell Bench Press Back Squat Close Grip Barbell Bench Press SHOULDERS Military Press DB Flat Bench Press Barbell Military Press Front Squat DB Flat Bench Press - Neutral DB Military Press REPEAT Incline Barbell Bench Press DB Military Press - "Y" Incline DB Bench Press DB Military Press - Neutral Elastic Band - Quick 5 Incline DB Bench Press - Neutral Seated DB Military Press Band Circuit - Squats DB Floor Press Seated DB Military Press - "Y" Band Circuit - Chest Press Seated DB Military Press - Neutral Band Circuit - Side Laterals BACK One Arm DB Military Press Band Circuit - Front Laterals Pull-ups One Arm DB Clean & Press Band Circuit - Military Press Chin-ups Barbell Shrugs Band Circuit - RDL's Narrow Grip Pull-ups DB Shrugs Band Circuit - Curls Barbell Bent Over Rows Plate Front Raises Band Circuit - Bent Over Rows T-bar Rows DB Front Laterals - Neutral DB Bent Over Rows-Version 1 Alternating Front Laterals General DB Bent Over Rows-Version 2 DB Side Laterals Leg Swings DB Rows Posterior DB Flyes Inch Worms Seated Cable Rows Inch Worm Striders Inverted Rows LOWER Inch Worm Striders with Rotation Inverted Chins LEGS Jumping Jacks Straight Arm Pull Downs Full Back Squats Seal Jumps BTR Straight Arm Pull Downs Full Front Squats Jump Roping Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs Box Squats Bodyweight Squats Narrow Grip Lat Pull Downs Sumo Deadlifts Reach, Roll and Lift Underhand Lat Pull Downs Conventional Deadlifts Quadraped Extension + Rotation Reverse Hypers Romanian Deadlifts Lunge and Reach Back Extensions Sumo Romanian Deadlifts Tin Man DB Romanian Deadlifts High Hurdles ARMS Good Mornings Arm Swings / Circles BICEPS Snatch Grip Deadlifts Levator Scapulae Stretch Chin-ups Zercher Squats Body Circles Barbell Curls Glute Ham Raises (GHR) Bodyweight Military Press Reverse Barbell Curls Leg Press Band / Stick Dislocates EZ Curls Goblet Squats Pec Wall Stretches Reverse EZ Curls DB Front Squats Plate Halos DB Curls DB Swings Hindu Push-ups Hammer Grip DB Curls Kettlebell Swings Banded Good Mornings Alternating DB Curls Cable Pullthroughs Banded Good Mornings w/ Iron Cross Cable Curls Lunges Seated DB Clean with Ext. Rotation Rope Cable Curls Lunges with DB's Plate Pushes Overhead Plate Lunges Prowler Pushes TRICEPS Backward Lunges from Deficit - 1 Sled Dragging Forward Close Grip Barbell Bench Press Backward Lunges from Deficit - 2 Sled Dragging Backward DB Floor Press Bulgarian Split Squats Tates One Leg Squats to Box TRICEPS (cont.) LEG (cont.) Incline Tates Step-ups Crush Flat Press - Version 1 Step-ups with DB's Crush Flat Press - Version 2 Reverse Hypers Crush Incline Press - Version 1 Back Extensions Crush Incline Press - Version 2 JM Press Dips Band Tricep Extension Plate Tricep Extension Baseball Essential Recovery (BER) Manual Exercise Guide ACTIVATION ACTIVATION (cont.) SMR GLUTE ACTIVATION QUAD ACTIVATION FOAM ROLLER / LaX BALL X-Band Walks Walking on Foam LaX - Pectorals, Delts Band Abduction Squats Walking on Foam with Weight Foam - Pectorals, Delts Plate Pushes Terminal Knee Extensions (TKE) Foam - Thoracic Extension Supine Bridges Banded Terminal Knee Extensions (TKE) Foam - Rhomboids, Trapezius, Spinal Erectors, Lattisimus Dorsi One-Leg Supine Bridging Bodyweight Lunges Foam - Lattismus Dorsi One-Leg Supine Bridge with Hold Bulgarian Split Squats with Dumbbells Foam - Triceps Brachii Supine Bridge with Med Ball Overhead Plate Lunges LaX - Piriformis, Gluteals Supine Bridge with Elastic Band One Leg Squat to Bench (or Box) Foam - Piriformis, Gluteals, Iliotibial (IT) Band Supine Bridge on Swiss Ball Step-Ups Foam - Piriformis One-Leg Supine Bridge on Swiss Ball Step-Up with Dumbbells Foam - Hip Flexors, Tensor Fascia Lata, Quadriceps One-Leg Hack Sled Press Sled Dragging – Backward LaX - Iliotibial (IT) Band Half Birddog Sled Dragging – Forward Foam - Hamstrings Birddog Foam - Hip Addcutors Full Birddog with Perturbation MOBILITY Foam - Peroneals Full Birddog with Dumbbell HIP MOBILITY Foam - Tibialis Anterior Bowler Lunges Hip Adductor Stretch LaX - Peroneals Donkey Kicks Hip Flexor and Quadriceps Stretch Foam - Gastrocs, Soleus A,B,C’s Lunge and Reach LaX - Plantar Fascia Banded Good Mornings Hip and Glute Stretch 1 Band Good Mornings with Iron Cross Hip and Glute Stretch 2 Hip and Glute Stretch 3 SHOULDER ACTIVATION Hip / Glute / Piriformis Stretch Bodyblade / PVC External Rotation Pattern Seated Sumo Stretch Bodyblade / PVC Transverse Flexion Pattern Standing Sumo Stretch Bodyblade / PVC Side Laterals Pattern Hip Adductor / Quad / Ankle Stretch Reach, Roll and Lift Chair Exercise Face Pulls Cradle Walks Face Pulls with External Rotation Face Pulls with External Rotation – Low Pulley Striders Band Retractions Tin Man Band Dislocates Inch Worms Strider with Rotation Rotator Cuff – “Y” SHOULDER / PEC STRETCHES Rotator Cuff – “T” Band Dislocates Rotator Cuff – “W” Band Presses Rotator Cuff – “L” Pectoral Wall Stretches - 3 Versions Rotator Cuff – “L” with External Rotation Pectoral Stretch 1 Prone Internal Rotations Pectoral Stretch 2 Seated External Rotations Horizontal Adduction Stretch Cuban Press Shoulder / Tricep Stretch Side Lying Posterior Flyes Shoulder / Lat Stretch Side Lying Posterior Flyes Thumb Down Shoulder / Lat Stretch with Bands 1 Side Lying External Rotations Shoulder / Lat Stretch with Bands 2 Band External Rotations Pectoral Stretch with Bands Band Abduction / External Rotations Partner Pectoral / Shoulder Stretch 1 Push Up Plus Partner Pectoral / Shoulder Stretch 2 Hand Walking on Foam Seated DB Clean to External Rotation Side Lying Posterior Capsule Stretch Posterior Capsule Stretch with Lacrosse Ball Multi-Directional Pull Aparts Quadraped Extension with Rotation Inch Worms Striders Baseball Power Core (CORE) Manual Exercise List BASIC Planks ADVANCED Planks On a Swiss Ball ELITE Decline Bench - DB Clean & Press Side Planks - Level 1 Planks on Swiss Ball (on Elbows) Decline Bench - DB Sit-ups with Military Press Side Planks - Level 2 Planks on Swiss Ball (Arms Locked) Decline Bench - Pop-Ups Side Planks - Level 3 Decline Push-ups Decline Bench - Core Statics – Elastic Bands Side Planks - Level 4 Decline Push-ups (One Foot Elevated) Medicine Ball Throws (Backwards) Glute Bridges Spiderman Decline Push-ups Medicine Ball Throws (Rotational Low to High) Glute Bridges - ABDucted + ER Stir the Pot Rotational Medicine Ball Throws into Wall Hip Thrusts Swiss Ball Mountain Climbers Medicine Ball Slams Hip Thrusts - ABDucted + ER Swiss Ball Rollouts Anti-Rotation Sled Drags 45 Degree Back Raises Pike Ups on Swiss Ball Anti-Rotation Reverse Lunges Kettlebell Swings Supermans into Pike Ups Lateral Band Resisted Kettlebell Swings Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts Alternating Dumbbell Rows L-Sit Pull-ups Ab Wheel Rollouts Renegade Rows Spiderman Pull-ups Ab Slide Outs Push-up with Renegade Rows "T" Push-ups Straight Leg Sit-ups Dumbbell Press with Static Hold Overhead Walks "V" Ups Ab Roller Band Resisted Ab Roller Core Statics – Lateral Shuffles Dumbbell Get-ups One Arm Dumbbell Farmers Walks Overhead Dumbbell Farmers Walks Overhead Dumbbell Lunges Braced One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press Landmines ABOUT JIM SMITH Jim Smith is a highly respected, world renowned strength & conditioning specialist who has been called one of the most "innovative strength coaches" in the fitness industry. Training athletes, fitness enthusiasts and weekend warriors, Jim has dedicated himself to helping them reach "beyond their potential". Jim holds multiple national fitness certifications and is a consultant and lecturer, giving seminars all over the country. Jim has been featured in Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Oxygen and Black Belt magazines. Jim has also contributed to Easy Strength (Dragondoor) and Cardio Strength Training (Rodale). He is the author of several strength, power and muscle building manuals and has produced best-selling DVD's covering all aspects of strength training. Main Site: http://www.dieselsc.com OTHER PRODUCTS FROM JIM SMITH CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE The COOL YouTube Channels Awesome Athletic Strength Training / Muscle Building Channel http://www.youtube.com/smittydiesel Essential Exercise Index Channel http://www.youtube.com/musclevip http://www.dieselsc.com Innovative Strength Training for Elite Athletes All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the expressed written permission from Jim Smith. Fines start at $150,000 and include a possible prison sentence upon conviction.