Legal Notices
Bryan Cave is the business name for an international legal practice carried on by Bryan Cave
LLP (a Missouri limited liability partnership) and its affiliated firms and other entities
conducting business under or including the name “Bryan Cave” or using the Bryan Cave logo
and other intellectual property rights belonging to it. As used on this website and in particular
in these Notices, “Bryan Cave” refers to Bryan Cave LLP and all such affiliated firms and
entities authorized by it to carry or use the name Bryan Cave. Bryan Cave is a registered
trademark belonging to Bryan Cave LLP (a Missouri limited liability partnership).
Bryan Cave makes the information and materials available on this website and all other
electronic media for informational purposes only. The information is general in nature and
does not constitute legal advice. Further, the use of this website, and the sending or receipt
of such information and materials, does not create an attorney-client relationship between us.
Your communication with us through this website is not privileged or confidential, unless an
attorney-client relationship has otherwise been established between us and such
communication is protected under applicable law.
Please note that non-Bryan Cave websites linked to this website are not under our control.
Bryan Cave makes no claims, representation and warranties concerning the quality, security,
safety or suitability of the content of those websites. Nor does the fact that Bryan Cave has
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included a link to a non-Bryan Cave website serve as our endorsement of any such website.
Bryan Cave is providing this website, related electronic media and other information only as a
convenience for you.
Materials and information on this website is proprietary in nature belonging to Bryan Cave
(other than that linked via non-Bryan Cave websites) and may only be reproduced in their
entirety (without modification) for the individual reader’s personal or educational use and
must include this notice of our proprietary interest and the prohibition of reproduction.
Not Advertising
This website is not intended to be advertising under any applicable law. Bryan Cave does not
wish to represent anyone based upon viewing this website in a jurisdiction where this website
fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that jurisdiction. This website may
nevertheless be considered attorney advertising in some jurisdictions.
To the extent the local rules of professional conduct on the practice of law in an individual
reader’s jurisdiction require Bryan Cave to designate a principal office or a single attorney
responsible for this website, Bryan Cave designates St. Louis, Missouri, USA as its principal
office and Kathryn DeBord as the attorney responsible for this website.
Under the rules of professional conduct on the practice of law in some jurisdictions, portions
of this website may contain material that is nevertheless deemed to constitute attorney
advertising. In accordance with those rules (notably in New York) we make the following
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If you have any questions, for purposes of attorney advertising rules, please contact Bryan
Cave at: Metropolitan Square Building, 211 North Broadway, Suite 3600, St. Louis, MO 63102,
Telephone: +1 314-259-2000.
Bryan Cave LLP Shanghai Office is a representative office registered with the Ministry of
Justice of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) and issued with the Practicing License of
the Foreign Law Firm’s Representative Office in China [the license number is Si Lv Zheng Wai
Zi 2002 No. 1-0064]. The Shanghai office is authorized to practice law in accordance with
the provisions of Administrative Regulations on Representative Offices of Foreign Law Firms
in China and Provisions of the Ministry of Justice on the Implementation of the Administrative
Regulations on Representative Offices of Foreign Law Firms in China. Information on our
lawyers can be found in the People section of this website. Bryan Cave LLP holds professional
indemnity insurance arranged through Marsh USA Inc. 701 Market Street, Suite 1100, St.
Louis, MO 63101-1830 which covers the professional services provided by Bryan Cave
worldwide, including the Shanghai office.
The Paris office of Bryan Cave is operated by a limited liability partnership registered in
England and Wales with number OC 338062, which is authorized and regulated by the
Solicitors Regulation Authority (“SRA”) (SRA number 490010) and registered with Ordre des
Avocats de Paris (the Paris Bar Council) in compliance with Directive 98/5/EC.
A list of the partners of this entity (who are solicitors or registered European lawyers) can be
consulted at: 88 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7AJ, United Kingdom, Tel. +44 (0) 20 3207
1100, Fax: +44 (0) 20 3207 1881, or at 78 Avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75116 Paris, France,
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 17 77 00, Fax: +33 (0)1 44 17 77 77.
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Our French VAT number is: FR 50504614512.
All of the lawyers in the Paris office are registered with the Ordre des Avocats de Paris (Paris
Bar Council). As an international law firm, our Paris office includes lawyers who are also
qualified to practice law in other jurisdictions.
Professional regulations applicable to members of the Ordre des Avocats de Paris are
available through the Paris Bar Council at
Further information on our lawyers can be found in the People section of this
website. Information on the regulations of the SRA and the Solicitors’ Code of Conduct can be
found at
If you are a client and have any problem with the service we provide to you, please contact our
complaints handling partner, the Managing Partner of the Paris office whose details can be
found on the Paris office page. We will try to resolve any problem you raise promptly and
fairly using our internal complaints handling procedures (a copy of which is available by
clicking on this link: Complaints Procedure). If, however, you feel that we have not
satisfactorily resolved your complaint, you may be entitled to use the complaints service
operated by (i) the Legal Ombudsman, details of which can be found on its site at or (ii) the President of the Paris Bar (Bâtonnier de l’Ordre des
Avocats de Paris), details of which can be found on this site You should
be aware that there are time limits within which any complaint must be made, details of which
can also be found on the above referenced websites.
Bryan Cave LLP holds professional indemnity insurance arranged through Marsh Ltd, Tower
Place, London EC3R 5BU, United Kingdom, which covers the professional services provided
by Bryan Cave worldwide, including the Paris entity. The lawyers in the Paris office of Bryan
Cave are also insured through the Ordre des Avocats de Paris.
Intellectual Property
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Pursuant to article L 122-4 of the French Code de la propriété intellectuelle, the user of this
website shall not reproduce, represent, modify, translate and/or adapt, whether for reward of
free, all or part of the website and of all its elements, and reproduce and/or represent all or
part of such translations, adaptations and modification, whether for reward of free, without
Bryan Cave LLP prior written.
Infringement of this prohibition constitutes a counterfeiting act, sanctioned by articles L 3352 and following of the French Code de la propriété intellectuelle.
Databases used on this website or present on this website are the exclusive property of Bryan
Cave LLP or of third parties which made them available to Bryan Cave LLP. Their content is
protected under the dispositions of the law of July 11st 1998.
Information pursuant to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG) and the
Regulation on Service Information Requirements (Dienstleistungs-InformationspflichtenVerordnung, DL-InfoV)
Bryan Cave LLP is a limited liability partnership established under the law of the State of
Missouri and registered in the Commercial Register of Missouri under No. PL00067707. The
registered office of the company is in St. Louis.
A list of partners authorized to represent the company may be accessed here. Eckart
Budelmann is authorized to represent the company in Germany. You can reach the German
offices of Bryan Cave LLP at the following addresses:
H a mb ur g
Hanseatic Trade Center
Am Sandtorkai 77
20457 Hamburg
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Tel +49 (0) 40 30 33 16 0
Fax +49 (0) 40 30 33 16 190
F r a nk f ur t
Taunusanlage 18
60325 Frankfurt
Tel +49 (0) 69 509 514 1100
Fax +49 (0) 69 509 514 1190
Lawyers (Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwältinnen)
The persons identified as lawyers herein are admitted to practice law in the Federal Republic
of Germany and are bound to professional rules and regulations for lawyers in Germany. All
lawyers are members of the bar association for their respective offices.
Frankfurt: Frankfurt am Main Bar Association, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am
Hamburg: Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg, Bleichenbrücke 9, 20354 Hamburg
The rules of professional conduct for lawyers and laws can be found on the Internet site of the
German Federal Bar Association. The rules of professional conduct for lawyers are in
German Federal Lawyers’ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung, BRAO)
Professional Code of Conduct for German Lawyers (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte, BORA)
German Regulations for Lawyers Specialized in Certain Areas of Law (Fachanwaltsordnung,
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German Lawyers’ Remuneration Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz, RVG)
Act on the Activity of European Lawyers in Germany (Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer
Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland, EuRAG)
Professional Rules for Lawyers in the European Union (Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der
Europäischen Union, CCBE-Berufsregeln)
Tax Advisors (Steuerberater / Steuerberaterinnen)
The persons identified as tax advisors herein are admitted to practice as tax advisors in
Germany and are members of tax advisor associations competent for their respective offices:
Tax Association of Hesse (KdöR), Gutleutstraße 175, 60327 Frankfurt am Main
The rules of professional conduct for tax advisors and laws for tax advisors can be found on
the Internet site of the German Federal Association of Tax Advisors. The rules of professional
conduct for tax advisers are in particular:
German Tax Advisory Act (Steuerberatungsgesetz, StBerG)
Implementation Regulations on the German Tax Advisory Act
(Durchführungsverordnungen zum Steuerberatungsgesetz, DVStB)
German Professional Code of Conduct for Tax Advisors (Berufsordnung, BOStB)
German Tax Advisors’ Remuneration Regulation (Steuerberatergebührenverordnung,
Bryan Cave LLP’s VAT identification number is DE 256518622.
Professional Liability
Bryan Cave LLP maintains professional liability insurance satisfying the legal requirements
for all professionals specified herein. The insurer is Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe Ltd.,
German Branch, Köln Turm, Im MediaPark 8, 50670 Cologne.
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Hong Kong
Bryan Cave, Hong Kong office, is a partnership registered with and regulated by the Law
Society of Hong Kong. The firm is authorised to practice Hong Kong law and, in accordance
with Hong Kong Law Society regulations, holds professional indemnity insurance arranged
through ESSAR Insurance Services Ltd., 28th Floor, Tower 1 Times Square, 1 Matheson Street,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
In Singapore, Bryan Cave practises as Bryan Cave LLP, a Singapore limited liability
partnership with registration number: T10LL1956. Bryan Cave LLP is a Registered Foreign
Law Practice registered with and authorised by the Attorney General's Chambers of Singapore
to practice foreign law in Singapore.
United Kingdom
Bryan Cave (a multinational partnership established under the law of England and Wales) is
authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
("SRA"). The firm’s SRA number is 00072291. A list of partners of Bryan Cave and their
professional qualifications is open to inspection at its London office at: 88 Wood Street,
London EC2V 7AJ, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 20 3207 1100, Fax: +44 (0) 20 3207 1881.
Our United Kingdom VAT number is: GB 380 5011 84
The lawyers practising in Bryan Cave who are qualified to practice in England and Wales are
Solicitors of the Senior Courts of England and Wales and members of the Law Society of
England and Wales. Bryan Cave also includes lawyers from other jurisdictions who are
registered with the SRA as European or foreign lawyers and who are also subject to regulation
in their other jurisdiction of admission to the practice of law. Further information on our
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lawyers and their qualifications can be found in the People section of this
website. Information on the regulations of the SRA and the Solicitors' Code of Conduct can be
found at
If you are a client and have any problem with the service we provide to you, please contact the
Managing Partner of the London office whose details can be found on the London office
page. We will try to resolve any problem you raise promptly and fairly using our internal
complaints handling procedures (a copy of which is available on request). If, however, you feel
that we have not satisfactorily resolved your complaint, you may be entitled to use the
complaints service operated by the Legal Ombudsman, details of which can be found on its
website at You should be aware that there are time limits
within which any complaint must be made to the Legal Ombudsman, details of which can also
be found on its website.
Bryan Cave LLP holds professional indemnity insurance arranged through Marsh Ltd, Tower
Place, London EC3R 5BU which covers the professional services provided by Bryan Cave
worldwide; including the London office.
Privacy Policy
Bryan Cave does not currently collect personally identifiable information at this site except to
the extent that you voluntary provide such information to us, whether in an e-mail or other
electronic message or otherwise. Bryan Cave will use personally identifiable information for
the specific purpose for which you submitted it and may use your electronic contact details to
send you marketing materials and information unless you opt out from receiving them here.
Any personal information that you provide to us may be accessed, shared or processed by
other Bryan Cave offices insofar as such data transfer is necessary for the specific purpose
for which you submitted your data. This may entail a transfer of your personal information
across international borders, including notably (but not exclusively) from a location within the
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European Economic Area (the "EEA") to outside the EEA, notably (but not exclusively) to the
United States of America. The level and standards of data protection in the countries in which
we have offices or affiliated firms or entities vary and may be less than those standards
enforced within your local jurisdiction. At all times, we ensure that we have measures in place
to guarantee an adequate level of data protection as required by applicable law for any
personal data we share with the global Bryan Cave firm and that all required authorizations
with respect to the collection, storing and processing of data have been obtained and are in
Bryan Cave may share the information that you provide to us on this website to companies
that provide us with services, as required by law or legal process, and as necessary to protect
our rights or the rights or security and safety of others.
To the extent that your web browser provides such information to our web server, we collect
information such as the site from which you linked to our site, the identity of your Internet
Service Provider, or the type of browser you are using. We may use the information that we
obtain from our website in an aggregated form, such as to measure the usefulness and
popularity of our website; this aggregation will not make it possible to identify an individual
You may request details of the personal information we store about you and to have it
corrected or deleted as required by applicable law. Please contact us for any related queries.
If you have consented to receive marketing materials or information from us, you may amend
or withdraw your consent at any time and free of charge by clicking here.
Cookies Policy
A "cookie" is a small text file generated by a website’s server which are downloaded to your
device when you visit a website. Cookies allow a website to recognize you when you return to
a website, and enable the website to present you with the most appropriate options and to
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customize services to your interests, based on your previous use of the website. For example,
a cookie can be used to store registration information in an area of the website so that you do
not need to re-enter it on subsequent visits to that area. Most websites, including Bryan
Cave’s primary website and Bryan Cave LLP blogs, now use cookies to
improve your navigational experiences.
Fora list of the cookies used on our site and their purpose, click here .
Your browser may be set to accept cookies; however, if you are concerned about cookies, most
browsers now recognize when a cookie is offered, and permit you to opt-out of receiving it.
The "help" function on most browsers will have information on how to prevent your computer
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them completely, if this is what you want to do. If you choose to have your browser refuse
cookies, it is possible that some areas of websites that use cookies will not function properly
when you view them.
Changes to Privacy and Cookies Policies
Bryan Cave LLP reserves the right to change our Privacy Policy or our Cookie Policy at any
time by posting a new Privacy Policy or Cookie Policy at this location.
Exclusive Property
This website and each of its elements including but not limited to texts, articles, newsletters,
communiqués, statements, presentations, leaflets, figures, drawings, graphics, logos,
pictures, computer programs, databases, animations, are the exclusive intellectual property
of Bryan Cave LLP or third parties, with respect to the website elements whose rights have
not been transferred to Bryan Cave.
Bryan Cave allows website users to download on their personal computer hard drive
newsletters and other documents specifically made available for download in the form of
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electronic files. These documents remain the exclusive and sole property Bryan Cave.
© 2015 Bryan Cave LLP, All Rights Reserved.
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