UCDavis GSM Take A Seat Brochure

By supporting the GSM’s
Endowment for Excellence you will:
• Enhance the School’s ability to recruit
top students, attract world-class
faculty, and raise our national
and international visibility.
External Relations and Development
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616–8609
• Improve the educational experience
of our students in our award-winning,
state-of-the-art, eco-friendly building.
• Remind future generations of the
importance of philanthropy and
serve as a role model for others.
THANK YOU: The University is grateful for the support it receives
from alumni and friends. One way we express our thanks is through
listing the names of donors in various publications. If you do not wish
your name to appear as a donor, please notify us if you have not
already done so. It is the policy of the University of California, Davis,
to use a portion of the short-term investment income on current gifts and
grants to support the cost of raising and administering gift funds. The
University of California does not discriminate in any of its policies,
procedures or practices. The University is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer.
PRIVACY NOTICE: The 1997 California Information Practices Act
requires UC Davis to provide the following information to individuals
asked to supply information about themselves: UC Davis is requesting
this information to maintain accurate donor files in the Office of
University Relations. Furnishing the information is strictly voluntary, and
it will be maintained confidentially. The information may be used by
other University departments in the regular course of business but will
not be disseminated to others except as required by law. You have the
right to review your data file. Inquiries should be forwarded to the
Director of Advancement Services, University Relations, University of
California, Davis, CA 95616.
THE UC DAVIS FOUNDATION: The UC Davis Foundation is
a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation organized for the
purpose of encouraging voluntary private support for the benefit of
UC Davis and is recognized under federal and state tax laws as a
qualified donee for tax-deductible charitable contributions. Responsibility
for governance of the Foundation, including investments, is vested in
its Board of Trustees, which is composed of community leaders and
senior campus administrators.
Join other uc davis graduate school
of management alumni and friends by
taking a seat in gallagher hall.
We invite you to leave a legacy in
the uc davis graduate school of management’s
beautiful campus home. Imagine tomorrow’s
students taking notes, studying for exams,
listening to presentations from visiting executives
from “your seat.”
For a contribution of
$1,500 to the Graduate School of Management’s
Endowment for Excellence, you will join an
exceptional group of donors who are supporting
the continued quality of our nationally ranked
MBA program.
In recognition of your generosity,
an elegant brass nameplate bearing the inscription
of your choice will be placed at a seat in the
building’s largest classroom, the Ali Abbaszadeh
Lecture Hall. The plaque will serve as a permanent
acknowledgment of your commitment to the uc
davis graduate school of management.
All contributions are tax–deductible.
Take A Seat
Leave a Legacy
Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr. Hall
By supporting the GSM’s
Endowment for Excellence you will:
• Enhance the School’s ability to recruit
top students, attract world-class
faculty, and raise our national
and international visibility.
External Relations and Development
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616–8609
• Improve the educational experience
of our students in our award-winning,
state-of-the-art, eco-friendly building.
• Remind future generations of the
importance of philanthropy and
serve as a role model for others.
THANK YOU: The University is grateful for the support it receives
from alumni and friends. One way we express our thanks is through
listing the names of donors in various publications. If you do not wish
your name to appear as a donor, please notify us if you have not
already done so. It is the policy of the University of California, Davis,
to use a portion of the short-term investment income on current gifts and
grants to support the cost of raising and administering gift funds. The
University of California does not discriminate in any of its policies,
procedures or practices. The University is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer.
PRIVACY NOTICE: The 1997 California Information Practices Act
requires UC Davis to provide the following information to individuals
asked to supply information about themselves: UC Davis is requesting
this information to maintain accurate donor files in the Office of
University Relations. Furnishing the information is strictly voluntary, and
it will be maintained confidentially. The information may be used by
other University departments in the regular course of business but will
not be disseminated to others except as required by law. You have the
right to review your data file. Inquiries should be forwarded to the
Director of Advancement Services, University Relations, University of
California, Davis, CA 95616.
THE UC DAVIS FOUNDATION: The UC Davis Foundation is
a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation organized for the
purpose of encouraging voluntary private support for the benefit of
UC Davis and is recognized under federal and state tax laws as a
qualified donee for tax-deductible charitable contributions. Responsibility
for governance of the Foundation, including investments, is vested in
its Board of Trustees, which is composed of community leaders and
senior campus administrators.
Join other uc davis graduate school
of management alumni and friends by
taking a seat in gallagher hall.
We invite you to leave a legacy in
the uc davis graduate school of management’s
beautiful campus home. Imagine tomorrow’s
students taking notes, studying for exams,
listening to presentations from visiting executives
from “your seat.”
For a contribution of
$1,500 to the Graduate School of Management’s
Endowment for Excellence, you will join an
exceptional group of donors who are supporting
the continued quality of our nationally ranked
MBA program.
In recognition of your generosity,
an elegant brass nameplate bearing the inscription
of your choice will be placed at a seat in the
building’s largest classroom, the Ali Abbaszadeh
Lecture Hall. The plaque will serve as a permanent
acknowledgment of your commitment to the uc
davis graduate school of management.
All contributions are tax–deductible.
Take A Seat
Leave a Legacy
Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr. Hall
Invest in the future
of management education at UC Davis by “taking
a seat”
in Gallagher Hall.
Yes, I will “Take a Seat” in Gallagher Hall!
I am taking ____ number of seat(s) for $1,500 each.
My total tax-deductible gift to the GSM Endowment
for Excellence is $_______________________. (122494)
Name(s): _________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________
State: ______________ Zip: __________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________
Ali Abbaszadeh Lecture Hall
Inscription for your seat in Gallagher Hall:
(Limited to two lines and 33 characters per line,
for a total of 66 characters, including letters,
spaces and punctuation.) YOU WILL BE CONTACTED
“The GSM contributed meaningfully
to my professional development
and personal growth. I give back to
the GSM with both time and money
to show my appreciation.”
Line one: _______________________________________
Line two: _______________________________________
In addition to a gift to the “Take a Seat” campaign,
I wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to the
GSM’s Annual Fund, which supports the School’s
highest emerging priorities.
— Gary Lew ’98
“I took two seats to say thanks to
the GSM and my family for their
tireless support of my education
and success...and to keep a little
piece of me on campus.”
— Andrea Schafer ’07
My gift to the Annual Fund is $ ________________. (342010)
Your Message
I am making my gift(s) by:
Check made payable to: The UC Davis Foundation
Credit Card
Card number: __________________________________
“I give to the GSM to collaborate in
planting the seed so that the
next generation of MBA students will
be academically and professionally
trained as our future leaders.”
— L. Bryan ’03
Expiration date: __________________________________
Name on card: ________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Please check to see if your gift can be matched at
www.matchinggift.com/ucdavis. For information
about ways to give to the School, please contact
Assistant Dean Anya Reid at (530) 754-6939.
remove form — place in envelope and seal
E-mail: _____________________________________________
Invest in the future
of management education at UC Davis by “taking
a seat”
in Gallagher Hall.
Yes, I will “Take a Seat” in Gallagher Hall!
I am taking ____ number of seat(s) for $1,500 each.
My total tax-deductible gift to the GSM Endowment
for Excellence is $_______________________. (122494)
Name(s): _________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________
State: ______________ Zip: __________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________
Ali Abbaszadeh Lecture Hall
Inscription for your seat in Gallagher Hall:
(Limited to two lines and 33 characters per line,
for a total of 66 characters, including letters,
spaces and punctuation.) YOU WILL BE CONTACTED
“The GSM contributed meaningfully
to my professional development
and personal growth. I give back to
the GSM with both time and money
to show my appreciation.”
Line one: _______________________________________
Line two: _______________________________________
In addition to a gift to the “Take a Seat” campaign,
I wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to the
GSM’s Annual Fund, which supports the School’s
highest emerging priorities.
— Gary Lew ’98
“I took two seats to say thanks to
the GSM and my family for their
tireless support of my education
and success...and to keep a little
piece of me on campus.”
— Andrea Schafer ’07
My gift to the Annual Fund is $ ________________. (342010)
Your Message
I am making my gift(s) by:
Check made payable to: The UC Davis Foundation
Credit Card
Card number: __________________________________
“I give to the GSM to collaborate in
planting the seed so that the
next generation of MBA students will
be academically and professionally
trained as our future leaders.”
— L. Bryan ’03
Expiration date: __________________________________
Name on card: ________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Please check to see if your gift can be matched at
www.matchinggift.com/ucdavis. For information
about ways to give to the School, please contact
Assistant Dean Anya Reid at (530) 754-6939.
remove form — place in envelope and seal
E-mail: _____________________________________________
By supporting the GSM’s
Endowment for Excellence you will:
• Enhance the School’s ability to recruit
top students, attract world-class
faculty, and raise our national
and international visibility.
External Relations and Development
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616–8609
• Improve the educational experience
of our students in our award-winning,
state-of-the-art, eco-friendly building.
• Remind future generations of the
importance of philanthropy and
serve as a role model for others.
THANK YOU: The University is grateful for the support it receives
from alumni and friends. One way we express our thanks is through
listing the names of donors in various publications. If you do not wish
your name to appear as a donor, please notify us if you have not
already done so. It is the policy of the University of California, Davis,
to use a portion of the short-term investment income on current gifts and
grants to support the cost of raising and administering gift funds. The
University of California does not discriminate in any of its policies,
procedures or practices. The University is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer.
PRIVACY NOTICE: The 1997 California Information Practices Act
requires UC Davis to provide the following information to individuals
asked to supply information about themselves: UC Davis is requesting
this information to maintain accurate donor files in the Office of
University Relations. Furnishing the information is strictly voluntary, and
it will be maintained confidentially. The information may be used by
other University departments in the regular course of business but will
not be disseminated to others except as required by law. You have the
right to review your data file. Inquiries should be forwarded to the
Director of Advancement Services, University Relations, University of
California, Davis, CA 95616.
THE UC DAVIS FOUNDATION: The UC Davis Foundation is
a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation organized for the
purpose of encouraging voluntary private support for the benefit of
UC Davis and is recognized under federal and state tax laws as a
qualified donee for tax-deductible charitable contributions. Responsibility
for governance of the Foundation, including investments, is vested in
its Board of Trustees, which is composed of community leaders and
senior campus administrators.
Join other uc davis graduate school
of management alumni and friends by
taking a seat in gallagher hall.
We invite you to leave a legacy in
the uc davis graduate school of management’s
beautiful campus home. Imagine tomorrow’s
students taking notes, studying for exams,
listening to presentations from visiting executives
from “your seat.”
For a contribution of
$1,500 to the Graduate School of Management’s
Endowment for Excellence, you will join an
exceptional group of donors who are supporting
the continued quality of our nationally ranked
MBA program.
In recognition of your generosity,
an elegant brass nameplate bearing the inscription
of your choice will be placed at a seat in the
building’s largest classroom, the Ali Abbaszadeh
Lecture Hall. The plaque will serve as a permanent
acknowledgment of your commitment to the uc
davis graduate school of management.
All contributions are tax–deductible.
Take A Seat
Leave a Legacy
Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr. Hall
Invest in the future
of management education at UC Davis by “taking
a seat”
in Gallagher Hall.
Yes, I will “Take a Seat” in Gallagher Hall!
I am taking ____ number of seat(s) for $1,500 each.
My total tax-deductible gift to the GSM Endowment
for Excellence is $_______________________. (122494)
Name(s): _________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________
State: ______________ Zip: __________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________
Ali Abbaszadeh Lecture Hall
Inscription for your seat in Gallagher Hall:
(Limited to two lines and 33 characters per line,
for a total of 66 characters, including letters,
spaces and punctuation.) YOU WILL BE CONTACTED
“The GSM contributed meaningfully
to my professional development
and personal growth. I give back to
the GSM with both time and money
to show my appreciation.”
Line one: _______________________________________
Line two: _______________________________________
In addition to a gift to the “Take a Seat” campaign,
I wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to the
GSM’s Annual Fund, which supports the School’s
highest emerging priorities.
— Gary Lew ’98
“I took two seats to say thanks to
the GSM and my family for their
tireless support of my education
and success...and to keep a little
piece of me on campus.”
— Andrea Schafer ’07
My gift to the Annual Fund is $ ________________. (342010)
Your Message
I am making my gift(s) by:
Check made payable to: The UC Davis Foundation
Credit Card
Card number: __________________________________
“I give to the GSM to collaborate in
planting the seed so that the
next generation of MBA students will
be academically and professionally
trained as our future leaders.”
— L. Bryan ’03
Expiration date: __________________________________
Name on card: ________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Please check to see if your gift can be matched at
www.matchinggift.com/ucdavis. For information
about ways to give to the School, please contact
Assistant Dean Anya Reid at (530) 754-6939.
remove form — place in envelope and seal
E-mail: _____________________________________________