CCH Introduction to Tax Research Network™

Introduction to
Tax Research Network™
CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ 1
Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 2
Logging in to CCH Tax Research NetWork ..................................................................... 3
Navigation Tools .............................................................................................................. 4
My CCH - Tab Customization .......................................................................................... 5
Favorite Research Publications ................................................................................ 6
Research Tools ......................................................................................................... 7
Tax Tracker News ..................................................................................................... 8
Navigation Tools ............................................................................................................ 11
Expanded Explanation of Navigation Tools ............................................................. 12
Organization of Libraries ............................................................................................... 15
Beginning Your Research.............................................................................................. 16
Keyword Searching in CCH .................................................................................... 18
Find by Citation ....................................................................................................... 20
Browsing ................................................................................................................. 22
Topical Indexes ....................................................................................................... 24
Topic Navigator ....................................................................................................... 26
Log Out ......................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix A – Best Practices ......................................................................................... 29
Appendix B – Internet Content Description ................................................................... 30
Appendix C – CCH@Hand............................................................................................ 44
Appendix D – ProSystem fx .......................................................................................... 45
Appendix E – Support Page .......................................................................................... 48
Table of Contents
Page 1
CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
This course provides an introduction to Tax Research NetWork. After completion of this
course you will know how to:
This course provides an introduction to Tax Research NetWork. After completion of this
course you will know how to:
Log In to CCH Tax Research NetWork
Customize My CCH tab and create Daily Tax Trackers
Select publications and execute a keyword search
Find a document by its citation
Browse when you know the general topic or code section
Use the Topical Index
Use the Topic Navigator
Link to Tax Research NetWork from ProSystem fx
Find Training and Support
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Logging in to CCH Tax Research NetWork
To log in to CCH Tax Research NetWork from your Web browser:
1. Point your Web browser to .
2. In the Login box, type your User ID and password.
3. Click Enter.
Best Practice – Use CCH@Hand icons and the CCH@Hand Browser toolbar to log in
automatically without having to enter your User ID or password. To download and
install CCH@Hand, go to:
Best Practice: Sharing TRN IDs is not recommended because only one person can
be logged in on a single ID at a time, with last login having control. In addition, all
search preferences are ID specific. Contact your CCH Sales Representative
regarding additional IDs.
Best Practice: Sign up for the CCH@Hand web training to learn how you can take
advantage of the powerful research tools available within CCH@Hand.
Logging in to CCH Tax Research NetWork
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Navigation Tools
Support Functions
Navigation Bar
Basic Navigation
Record Keeping
Search Functions
Best Practice: Use Clear Selections at any point during your research session to
reset the system and return to the main menu of the tab you’re working on. This
allows you to start over with one click from anywhere at anytime.
Shortcut to Understanding the Navigation Bar
The CCH Navigation Bar is designed to help you navigate the CCH Tax Research
NetWork™ in order to find answers quickly and efficiently.
Navigation Tools
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
My CCH - Tab Customization
Favorite Research Publications – Allow you to set up your own customized
list of frequently used research publications.
Tax Trackers – Track daily customized News and Primary Source material.
Research Tools:
Quick Link – Enter a citation and quickly retrieve the document.
Research Folders – A quick way to access your research folders.
Run Recent Searches – Rerun one of your last 20 searches.
Favorite Searches – Set up searches that you use frequently. One click access
to rerun that favorite.
Tax Highlights and Tax Briefings - Allow you to view special reports and significant tax
news items for the current day.
My CCH - Tab Customization
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Favorite Research Publications
Save Favorite Publications on the My CCH tab for quick and easy access.
When you are in a library, click on the CCH logo
A blue logo indicates that the publication
next to the publication you want to make a favorite.
has been added to the My CCH tab.
Click here to change
the user name.
To remove all publications
To remove a favorite publication from My CCH,
from the My CCH tab,
click the blue CCH logo next to the item you want
click here.
to remove.
Best Practice: Click on the CCH Logo next to any publication. This enables you to
create your personalized library of publications on the My CCH tab under Favorite
Research Publications.
My CCH - Tab Customization
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Research Tools
Quickly find a document using a Citation.
Select and run a recent search.
View and select a Research folder.
View and run your saved Favorite Searches.
Download CCH@Hand, link to the Tax Message Board, and find other handy tools in the
Downloads, Sign-Ups, and Links sections on My CCH.
My CCH - Tab Customization
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Tax Tracker News
Personalized Tax News Delivered Daily to your desktop and your email address.
Tax Tracker allows you to customize Daily Tax News. After you have created a Tracker,
the news can be delivered to your email each day.
Instructions on creating Customized News Items:
1. Click “Set up Tax Tracker Searches”.
2. Choose the Tax Topic, Document Types, and enter Specific keywords.
3. Click Add and enter the name of the Tax Tracker.
4. The new Daily Tax Tracker will be added to the My CCH Tab.
Best Practice – If you have CCH@Hand installed, your daily news will automatically be
delivered to your desktop each morning. When you click on the headline, your news
will appear in the CCH@Hand Desktop Console. From your news story, you can click
on hotlinks to extend your research.
My CCH - Tab Customization
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Example of a Federal Tax Tracker:
NOTE: There are several tax types to choose from when creating Tax Trackers.
To set up email or to check archives of Tax Trackers, choose the appropriate tab at the top of
the Tax Tracker setup screen.
My CCH - Tab Customization
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Tax Tracker News Tab
From the main menu you can click on the Tax Tracker News tab to display Trackers
News in a customized newspaper format as shown below.
When reading your Tracker News, you can access any item presented in blue type by
clicking on the text.
Best Practice: Partners, Managers and tax staff should check CCH Tax Tracker
News to stay current on daily changes and how they impact specific clients.
My CCH - Tab Customization
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Navigation Tools
Navigation Bar
Basic Navigation
Support Functions
Record Keeping
Search Functions
Shortcut to Understanding the Navigation Bar
The CCH Navigation Bar is designed to help you navigate the CCH Tax Research
NetWork™ in order to find answers quickly and efficiently.
Navigation Tools
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Expanded Explanation of Navigation Tools
The Add to Favorite Search command, found at the top of any list of
documents retrieved by search, is used to add the search expression with
its target to the Favorite Searches List. It can then be rerun in future
research sessions.
The Research Folder command is found at the top of any list of documents.
It is used to add user-selected documents in the displayed list to a Research
Folder. Those “kept” documents can then be printed later and retained
indefinitely for future review.
This plain CCH icon is found to the left of all publication, and on the right of
all blue bars that organize publications by groups on any Tab. Click to add
either a publication or a group of publications to the list of frequently
accessed publications of a user on the My CCH tab.
Click this blue CCH icon to remove a publication or a group of publications
from the list of frequently accessed publications on the My CCH Tab. It
appears to the left of any publication and on the right of any blue bar of a
group of publications added to that list.
CCH Link Express icons appear at the tops of Tabs and in the blue bars on
Tabs if this function has been turned on by the user at the Set Display
Options tab under Preferences. Click on this icon to create a URL that links
directly to either a Tab or a Tab blue bar.
The Check Citator button displays a template on which a known case
number, the case name, or the ruling number can be entered. The Citator
listing of that known document is then retrieved. The Citator listing reviews
the history and the authority of a case or ruling.
Clicking on the Clear Search Terms icon, found immediately to the left of the
Search Expression Box, erases all user-typed terms in the Search
Expression Box.
Click on the Clear Selections button to return to a “clean” Tabs Window—
that is, to a Tabs Window containing no selections. Furthermore, clicking on
this button will restore the default settings (those found under Preferences)
to the Search Tools Template.
The Document List-Next command is found at the top of any document
When it is lit (active), click to move from the displayed document to the one
that follows it on the current list of documents.
The Document List-Previous command is found at the top of any document.
When it is lit (active), click to move from the displayed document to the one
that precedes it on the current list of documents.
The Export to File command is found at the top of any list. It is used to save
user-selected documents on a list as a Rich Text Format (.RTF) file in a
word processor. The selected documents can be saved either in full-text
mode or by their titles only or by their titles with their URLs.
Navigation Tools
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
The Favorite Searches command, found on the My CCH Tab and on the Search
Tools Template, is used to view (and, subsequently, either to resubmit or to delete)
search expressions (and their targets)
previously saved by the user.
The Find by Citation button displays a template on which the cite of the desired
document can be entered and the text of the desired document retrieved.
Clicking on the 1st Term command that appears at the top of a document
retrieved by SEARCH displays the first section of text that contains a highlighted
keyword from the search expression.
The Help button provides contextually dependent aid anywhere it is clicked in
the CCH Internet Tax Research NetWork.
Click on the Research Folder button to access a folder, a user-created list of
research-relevant documents, from any of the user-created research folders. (A
research folder, typically, is created to contain documents that are relevant to a
particular research project.)
The Research Folder-Add command is found at the top of any document. It is
used to add the currently displayed document to a Research Folder. The
documents within the Research Folders can then be printed later and retained
indefinitely for future review.
The Research Folders-Last Folder command is found at the top of any
document. When it is lit (active), the user can click to return to the last Research
Folder displayed during the current research session.
Click on the Log Out button to end the research session on CCH Internet Tax
Research NetWork.
Click on the Main Menu button to return either to the last Subject Menu or to the
Tabs Window, whichever was more recently displayed. All selections will still be
in effect.
The Nearby Documents Next command is found at the top of any document.
When it is lit (active), click on it to get the next, contiguous document (like turning
the page in a book) in the publication in which it is found.
The Nearby Documents Previous command is found at the top of any
document. When it is lit (active), click on it to get the previous, contiguous
document (like turning back to the previous page in a book) in the publication in
which it is found.
Navigation Tools
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Click on the Preferences button to modify the Display or Search or Tracker Email
options, as well as to view or modify or add or delete or submit Tax Tracker
The Print Text Only command is found at the top of any list. It is used to get
“clean” hard copies of user-selected documents—that is, it is used to print
documents without graphics. Such documents can be printed in
full-text mode, by their titles only, or by their titles with their URLs.
To get a cross-referenced document that is not a hypertext link, select the crossreference, move the pointer to the Find by Citation button, and click on the Quick
Link that pops up containing the selection. Or, enter the cross-reference in the
Quick Link Box on My CCH and click.
Click on the Research History button to display the user’s path, or audit trail, a
record of the process of the user’s research session that
identifies actions taken and places visited by the user in the course of the user’s
research session.
The Save Link Favorite command, found at the top of every document, is used
to create a URL in the user's list of Browser Favorites. It will enable the user to
link directly to the document at which this hypertext link command was initially
The Save Link-Link Express command appears at the top of any document.
Clicking on it creates a URL that will link directly to the document it designates.
Both the Search Expression Box, where a search expression is typed,
and the Search button, that is clicked on to send it to CCH for processing, are
found at the top of the Tabs window, any menu, any list, and any document.
The Search Results List command appears at the top of any document. When it
is lit (active), clicking on it will redisplay the last list of documents retrieved by
The Search Tools button displays the Search Tools Template, where a user can
select a Search Method, organize search results by relevance, limit the number
of documents retrieved, target document types, restrict a search by date, confine
a search to a segment, etc.
The Store Document Export command is found at the top of any document. It is
used to save the currently displayed document
as a Rich Text Format (.RTF) file in a word processor.
The Store Document Print command is found at the top of any document. It is used
to get a “clean” hard copy of a document—that is, it is used to print the currently
displayed document without graphics.
Navigation Tools
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Organization of Libraries
When you first log in to CCH Tax Research NetWork, you will find that your subscription
in logically organized into tabs, allowing you to quickly find the appropriate research
Within each tab you find shaded bars which logically organize information. For
example, the Current Features and Journals section of the Federal tab lists the most
recent information at the top of the screen.
As you move from top to bottom you will find all the information you need to begin your
research. The Topical Indexes are located at the bottom of the Library Tabs. The only
exception to this is the State Tax Reporters. The Topical Index for State Tax Reporters
are located in that State publication.
On the Federal tab, most of your research will begin in the CCH Explanations and
Analysis section. On the State tab, most of your research will begin with the State Tax
Reporters section.
Organization of Libraries
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Beginning Your Research
To begin your research:
Click on a tab (My CCH, Federal, State, International, etc.) to see all the
publications available.
To Keyword Search, click a publication’s checkbox, type in your search terms in
the box on the Navigation Bar and click Search.
To Find by Citation, click a publication’s checkbox, click on Find by Citation in
the Navigation Bar, type cite into template and click Search.
To Browse, click on a publication’s title to see the contents of that publication.
This method is just like using the table of contents in the front of a book.
To find a topic by the Index, scroll to bottom of tab and select the publication.
Use Topic Navigator, which will gather all CCH content topically rather than by
publication or product.
The method you choose, whether you begin with a general topic, a citation, or
keywords, will depend largely on the information you have at the start of your research.
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Search Preferences
NOTE: You will learn more about setting your search options when you attend the product specific
research courses following this Introduction
For now, we will look at the default settings and leave most as they are.
Click on Preferences
The default search options are:
1. Search method is set to All Terms, a good general setting.
2. The search will return 200 results. It is suggested you change this setting to
3. The search results will Display by Document.
4. Search Results will be sorted by relevance.
5. Search terms will be highlighted within the search results.
6. Words around hits in the result list will be displayed.
7. The CCH tax thesaurus is turned on.
8. Citation searching is allowed in a word search box.
Beginning Your Research
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Keyword Searching in CCH
To search in CCH Tax Research NetWork, simply click in the appropriate boxes next to
the publication(s) you would like to search, type in your keywords and click on Search.
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
A Search Results list will be displayed.
An in-depth discussion on searching is covered in the product specific research classes
available on our training website at
You can also click on the Help button at the top of the Navigation Bar any
time during your research session.
To end your research:
1. On the Navigation Bar, click Log Out.
2. Click OK to confirm that you want to log out.
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Find by Citation
When you know the cite of the document, simply click the appropriate box and click
Find by Citation on the Navigation Bar.
Beginning Your Research
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
The Find by Citation template appears, key in your cite and click search. Your
document will appear on your screen.
CCH SmartRelate is a unique functionality that works within the CCH Tax Research
Network. This innovative functionality supports an efficient process for complete
research; it ties together related documents and related topics.
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Simply click on any publication title…
…and you will view the Table of Contents for that publication.
Table of Contents for
the U.S. Master Tax
G id
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Continue clicking and browsing logically through the Table of Contents until you find
your answer. At any point you can use the boxes to selectively search each publication
Beginning Your Research
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Topical Indexes
The Topical Indexes are located at the bottom of the Library Tabs. The only exception
to this is the State Tax Reporters. The Topical Index for State Tax Reporters is located in
that State publication.
Scroll to the very bottom of a Library tab and click on the publication title.
Works just like an index in the back of a book.
Click the alpha letter of your issue, choose
your topic and click on the link to the
document you want to view You can also click
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Best Practice: Use Clear Selections (on the Navigation Bar) at any point during your
research session to reset the system and return to the main menu of the tab you are
working in. This allows you to “start over” with one click at anytime.
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Topic Navigator
Topic Navigator contains information from a wide variety of CCH resources, including
books, reporters, treatises and journals-all gathered specifically for your tax law needs.
A browse pane with the topic map is displayed on the left side of your screen. The topic
map lists all the topics available for viewing. A results window displayed on the right
side of your screen contains links to documents on Tax Research NetWork.
Beginning Your Research
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Click any of the links to go directly to the full text of the document in Tax Research
Keyword searching can also be done in the Topic Navigator. Enter a term or phrase in
the search field and click Search Topics. A list of topics will appear in a window under
the search box. The results include the locations where your search terms are found
within the Topic Navigator including the path to the topic.
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Log Out
Log Out when you finish your research session – don’t just close your browser.
When you finish your Research Session, use the Log Out Button to free up a CCH Tax
Research NetWork resource for your colleagues.
Log Out
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Appendix A – Best Practices
Best Practice
Page Number
Best Practice: Use CCH@Hand icons and the CCH@Hand
Browser toolbar to log in automatically without having to
enter your User ID or password. To download and install
CCH@Hand, go to:
Page 3
Best Practice: Sharing TRN IDs is not recommended
because only one person can be logged in on a single ID at a
time, with last login having control. In addition, all search
preferences are ID specific. Contact your CCH Sales
Representative regarding additional IDs.
Best Practice: Sign up for the CCH@Hand web training to
learn how you can take advantage of the powerful research
tools available within CCH@Hand.
Best Practice: Use Clear Selections at any point during your
research session to reset the system and return to the main
menu of the tab you’re working on. This allows you to start
over with one click from anywhere at anytime.
Best Practice: Click on the CCH Logo next to any
publication. This enables you to create your personalized
library of publications on the My CCH tab under Favorite
Research Publications.
Best Practice: If you have CCH@Hand installed, your daily
news will automatically be delivered to your desktop each
morning. When you click on the headline, your news will
appear in the CCH@Hand Desktop Console. From your
news story, you can click on hotlinks to extend your
Best Practice: Partners, Managers and tax staff should
check CCH Tax Tracker News to stay current on daily
changes and how they impact specific clients.
Best Practice: Use Clear Selections at any point during your
research session to reset the system and return to the main
menu of the tab you are working on. This allows you to start
over with one click from anywhere at anytime.
Best Practice: Use Headings at the top of the document or
menu to navigate to previous menu levels instead of the
Back button in your browser. It also indicates what topic or
area of law you are reviewing. When browsing this allows
you to make selections under one section and move back to
a previous level and make additional choices.
Appendix A – Best Practices
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Appendix B – Internet Content Description
Federal Tab – CCH Internet Contents
(subject to CCH Library subscriptions)
Federal Tax Day
Daily updates of developing federal income taxes, estate and gift taxes, excise tax issues, trends and legislation. Tax
Day provides direct links to the full text of federal tax source documents.
CCH Federal Tax Weekly – Current Issue
All the prior week's significant federal tax developments are digested for easy review, incorporating paragraph
references to the full text development in the electronic service. Includes commentary and analysis and other
features that summarize and comment on new federal tax developments.
CCH Federal Tax Weekly – Archive
TAXES – The Tax Magazine
Monthly professional tax journal, written by top tax experts, provides thorough, accurate, and insightful analysis of
current tax issues, trends, and legislative developments. Covers hot topics in legal, accounting, and economic
aspects of federal and state tax.
Tax Shelter Alert
Covers all aspects of what is happening with tax shelters and innovative tax planning structures, transactions, and
strategies. Includes the latest news from the IRS, advise of who is winning and losing in battles with the IRS, expert
opinions, real world answers, tips and tactics, and Sarbanes Oxley and how this monumental legislation affects you.
Tax Treaties Report Letters
Newsletters regarding the most recent information on Tax Treaties which include hotlinks to Primary Source Materials.
Journal of Retirement Planning
A professional journal dedicated entirely to the complex issues surrounding retirement planning.
Journal of Tax Practice and Procedure
This Journal is devoted entirely to the complex area of tax practice and procedure. Offers practical, timely analysis of
current issues and trends in the representation of taxpayers before the IRS, from initial contact through litigation.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Journal of Taxation of Corporate Transactions
Covers critical developments in the corporate tax area from the perspective of the transactional practitioner. The
Journal focuses on the relevance of these developments to practical strategies and planning opportunities for
professionals and in-house tax practitioners.
Journal of Taxation of Financial Products
The Journal is devoted exclusively to the analysis of the tax ramifications of financial products. It includes complete
tax coverage, along with cutting-edge strategies and industry-specific insights into regulatory developments, state and
local tax, and international tax issues.
Journal of Practical Estate Planning
Merges the technical and legal aspects of practical estate planning with discussions of the philosophical, emotional
and psychological factors that are crucial to the planning process. The Journal discusses valuable estate planning
strategies along with strategies to incorporate client-centered and value-based planning in an existing practice,
mixing philanthropic estate planning strategies with traditional approaches. Every issue offers practical advice from
experienced and renowned practitioners who offer guidance on how to meet your client's estate planning objectives
including tax efficiency, legacy planning, practice management and other crucial issues.
Tax Week
Weekly newsletter that highlights trends and reports federal tax news.
Full text of a wide variety of late-breaking documents, such as cases and revenue rulings. Provides the latest
interpretations of federal and state tax laws.
Federal Excise Tax Report Letter
Highlights current developments relating to excise tax.
Fed Estate/Gift Tax Report Letter
Highlights current developments relating to federal estate, gift and generation-skipping tax laws.
CCH Legislation Newswire
As bills move through Congress, highlights of bills that have passed the House, the Senate, or both chambers of
Congress, are monitored and posted along with the date associated with the latest action.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Bills Worth Watching
Helps practitioners stay on top of the federal tax legislation that matters, without getting bogged down in those that
don’t. This is a annotated chart and it presents the status of key bills, a brief description of the major provisions and
links to the legislative language and committee report text.
CCH Tax Briefings
When tax legislation passes, CCH Tax & Accounting immediately prepares a summary of the law and gauges it’s
impact on taxpayers.
Tax Relief and Reconciliation Acts of 2006: Law ^& Explanation
Law Explanation Analysis Book (1989-2006)
CCH Tax & Accounting prepares a Law, Explanation and Analysis (LEA) book for every piece of significant tax
legislation. This publication contains detailed CCH Tax & Accounting explanations of the new law; reflects all Code
and non-Code amendments and reproduces the controlling committee reports.
Tax Bills and Reports: 110th Congress (2007-2008)
All tax bills introduced in the current session of Congress. Makes it easy for Practitioners to consult recent legislation
more frequently than older legislation. It contains all the Congressional committee reports issued during the current
Major Tax Acts and Reports
To research the “how’s” and “why’s” of a particular tax code change. This publication includes the actual text of all the
major tax acts, as well as accompanying committee report text for all tax acts since the 1986 Tax Reform Act. This
date provides the “Congressional intent” of a provision in its various states before enactment.
JCT Blue Books
The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) will publish an explanation (called the "Blue Book") for sessions of Congress
that pass significant legislation. Sometimes the Blue Books provide an explanation of an individual bill--typically for a
very major bill, or as a summary of all tax legislation passed in a Congressional session. This is done because the
Congressional committee reports issued as the bill progresses through Congress may differ significantly from the final
bill as enacted or the final provisions may "cobble together" pieces from several versions. The JCT prepares its
explanation of the final tax legislation so that practitioners can have a single document that explains the provisions
and what the Joint Committee intended in drafting the provisions. [Note: The CCH editorial staff pulls together the
"controlling committee reports" so that the Committee Reports reproduced in the Law, Explanation and Analysis
books and in the Standard Federal Tax Reporter contain the summary of the provisions that were enacted.] The JCT
Blue Books are a critical aid to research and CCH has them back to 1976, readily available under the JCT Blue
Books heading.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CRS Reports and Other Studies (2003-2007)
Congressional Research Service documents that provide valuable background and insights into the tax law are
collected in this publication. Again, the most recent documents are housed in a separate publication to make them
easier to access.
Historical Legislative Documents (2003-2006)
Includes Bills worth watching for 2003-2004 and also includes Tax Bills and reports for the 108th Congress 2003-2004
Historical Legislative Documents (1954-2002)
CCH has all the documents that a serious tax researcher needs. This publication contains comprehensive legislative
documents (Committee Reports for enacted and pending legislation, tax bill introductions, Joint Committee on
Taxation documents (other than Blue Books); proposed legislation, bill floor debate, public laws, and miscellaneous
legislative documents back to 1954.
CCH Tax Research Consultant
Written by more than 250 leading tax practitioners, the CCH Tax Research Consultant is arranged by topic and offers
a practical, real-world focus on income, estate and gift tax laws, and important issues faced every day. Practical
examples, sample calculations, comments, planning notes and interactive research aids are provided by an
outstanding group of practitioner-authors to show how critical tax principles apply. Includes links to primary source
Standard Federal Income Tax Reporter (also see listing of this reporter with Explanations Only)
Arranged by code section, the reporter is the cornerstone of federal income tax research since 1913 and provides the
most comprehensive and current federal income tax authority in the industry. CCH Explanations cut through
technicalities to provide a clear, complete picture of the law. Annotations of cases and IRS rulings provide further
Fed Estate/Gift Tax Reporter
This reliable reference guide contains the full-text of the Internal Revenue Code and IRS regulations on federal
estate, gift, and generation-skipping taxes, allowing informed, accurate decisions.
Fed Excise Tax Reporter
This convenient desktop reference offers complete, timely coverage of federal excise taxes, with monthly reports of
the latest developments and tax law changes. Presented in Code Section order with related committee reports,
followed by final, temporary, and proposed regulations, as well as CCH Explanations.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Tax Treaties Reporter
This authoritative reporter reproduces the full text of U.S. bilateral income, estate and gift tax treaties,
exchange of information, totalization (social security), shipping/aircraft tax treaties, protocols, and other
related documents on taxation agreements. Arranged alphabetically by country.
2007 U.S. Master Tax Guide
Quick answer handbook in electronic format, provides baseline answers for all income, estate and gift tax questions.
Includes hot links to the Standard Federal Tax Reporter for further research, full-text and primary documents, if
CCH Federal Tax Guide
Concise source explains federal income, estate and gift, payroll, and selected excise taxes. This guide clearly
defines the rules relating to tax issues and provides tax saving tips and practical examples. References to the Code,
regulations, court decisions and IRS rulings.
Tax Angles—Special Taxpayers
Pulls together the complex and scattered provisions affecting taxpayers in a number of classifications. Provides
numerous examples, planning notes, compliance tips and cautions to help illustrate key concepts, and each tax topic
is thoroughly cited to the appropriate underlying authority.
Practice Before IRS & Courts
Offers coverage of rules regulating representation of clients before the IRS and the courts.
CCH’s Tax Planning Guide
Provides planning guidance in income, estate and gift tax matters.
Tax Practice Guides
Comprehensive guidance for handling controversies with the IRS.
State Tax Rates/Summaries
Includes income and deductions, federal tie-in, allocation and apportionment, rates and credits, returns and payment,
all state tax information charts, multistate tax agreements
Payroll Tax Rates/Summaries
Includes FICA taxation and reporting, FUTA, withholding tables
Employee Benefits Analysis
Includes age and sex discrimination, executive compensation stocks, cost containment-wellness programs, health
delivery systems, child care, education, legal services
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Federal Income Taxation of Inventories by Leslie J. Schneider
The federal income taxation of inventories has long been a complex area involving the interaction of the separate
disciplines of law, taxes, financial accounting and managerial accounting. This book is intended to fill the void in this
area and to provide a practical research tool.
Federal Income Taxation of Corporations Filing Consolidated Returns
Analysis of consolidated return issues
Internal Revenue Code
Full text of the current IRC, including CCH Code-amendment notes to allow tracking of changes over time.
Federal Tax Regulations
Full, official text of the Treasury Department interpretations of the IRC, including final, temporary and proposed
Includes all United States Tax Court decisions back to 1913, consisting of federal court decisions (U.S. District
Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeals and U.S. Supreme court) in the federal tax area. Includes all Tax Court Regular and
Memorandum decisions back to 1942, and all decisions of the Board of Tax Appeals (the Tax Court’s predecessor)
back to its inception in 1924.
Last 1954 Code
Last 1939 Code
Letter Rulings & IRS Positions (including TAMs and FSAs)
Rulings & Other Docs
Full text of federal administrative rulings and documents, including Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, Treasury
Decisions, IRS Announcements and more. (1954-present)
1939-1CB Committee Reports
Committee Reports on ACT 1913, 1914, and Revenue Act of 1916 to 1938 Inclusive
Committee Reports on various Acts containing Amendments to Revenue Acts
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Internal Revenue Manual
Official text of the IRS publication, including procedural information on examination principals and audits of specific
tax issues. Also covers administration, collection, taxpayer service, employee plans and exempt organizations,
appeals criminal investigation, inspection and penalties.
IRS Publications
Narrative insight and guidance from the viewpoint of the IRS - as stated in over 150 Publications.
IRS Penalties Handbook
Interactive Research Aids
This innovative suite of interactive web applications covers a broad range of topics and helps you reach
tax research conclusions quickly.
Topic Navigator
The Topic Navigator gathers CCH content into a topically-organized map. You can use this map to locate particular
topics of interest and then link directly to resources available on Tax Research NetWork for that topic.
CCH Client Letter Toolkit
The Toolkit contains a wide variety of sample letters to print and send to taxpayers. Sample letters regarding issues
such as pensions, audits, divorce, charitable giving, etc. are included.
CCH Depreciation Toolkit
Interactive Toolkit allows assembly and printing of a customized depreciation schedule.
Tax Rates and Tables
All the critical tax rates and amounts in one convenient location.
Tax Tables, Charts & Checklists
Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-147) has many important provisions affecting both
businesses and individuals.
Tax Calendar
This customizable tax calendar reflects significant federal tax dates occurring 2005, 2006 or 2007
Election and Compliance Toolkit
This interactive tool guides in creating over 760 elections, with links to relevant authority.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Depreciation Guide
Depreciation rules regarding a variety of situations
U.S. Master GAAP Guide
Offers solutions to many complex accounting and disclosure problems by providing technical analysis, new insights,
and practical explanations of accounting principles.
IRS Actuarial Factors
Instantly finds or calculates the exact actuarial factor needed.
Federal Sales Tax Deduction Toolkit
time-saving add-on look-up tool and enables users to:
Instantly look up applicable local sales tax rates and do all the calculations — customized for each client —
in a flash.
Locate the local rates and does the computations for the taxpayer, simply by inputting the taxpayer’s zip
code of residence.
Look up multiple rates for multiple tax jurisdictions — plus computations are done instantly.
Easily determine if the sales tax deduction will be the best choice for the taxpayer.
Link directly to explanatory discussions of the new tax deduction in the CCH Tax Research Consultant and
the CCH Standard Federal Tax Reporter.
Business Calculators
Loan Amortization, Savings Bond, Per Diem Rates, Mortgage Comparison, Auto Lease/ Buy
Tax Preparation Calculators
Rate/Phase-Out, Federal Withholding (Form W-4), Employee Auto Inclusion, IRA Comparison
Complete text of the Standard Federal Income Tax Reporter as it existed at the end of each year from 1986 through
last year, with complete text of the Internal Revenue Code at the end of each year from 1978 through 1985. Also
included is the last 1954 and 1939 Code.
Publications arranged alphabetically by topic as in a print index.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
(subject to CCH Library subscription)
State Tax Day
Daily updates of developing state taxes…issues, trends and legislation. Tax Day provides direct links to the full text
of state tax source documents. State Tax Day also includes a rolling 12-month archive of state news.
Cases and Rulings in the News (States A-M and N-Z)
This provides full-text of a wide variety of late-breaking documents, such as cases and revenue rulings, and the latest
interpretations of federal and state tax laws.
Sales and Use Tax Alert
This is a journalistic approach to gathering and reporting information relevant to coping with sales and use tax
compliance for multi-state organizations. Links to relevant full text source documents and expert analysis.
State Tax Review
Notes changes in laws, pertinent court decisions, and administrative rulings and offers expert articles from the CCH
State Tax Advisory Board and contributing editors.
Property Tax Review
This is a journalistic approach to gathering and reporting information relevant to coping with property tax compliance
for multi-state organizations. Links to relevant full text source documents and expert analysis.
Multistate Property Tax Smart Charts
Covers general administrative provisions, specifics types of property, property tax filing deadlines and more.
Multistate Property Tax Legislative Developments
Keep you up-to-date with any legislative developments by instantly finding any Tax Day stories regarding legislation
for a particular state in the current year. You can even link directly to the bill or law of the text! Simply select a tax
type and you’ll be provided with all legislative summaries for the present year. Results include:
Tax Type
Tax Day Story headline
Link to the text of the Tax Day story
Link to the text of the bill or law
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Multistate Property Tax Guide
Contains detailed coverage of every state’s property tax law – including all applicable statutes, regulations, cases and
administrative rulings and releases. Comprehensive, in-depth explanations and practitioner-oriented analysis, as well
as Relate functionality.
Property Tax Concepts
Interactive glossary focused exclusively on property tax phrases and issues including real and personal property.
Multistate Property Tax Assessor Finder
Provides contact information and websites (where applicable) for state AND county property tax assessors in all
states plus the District of Columbia all in one place.
Multistate Personal Property Tax Depreciation Tables
Provides easy access to valuation guidelines and depreciation schedules and applies to jurisdictions that impose
personal property tax and for specific industries (when applicable). Also provides links to personal property tax
assessment manuals, depreciation or percent good tables and related documents.
Multistate Sales Tax Smart Charts
The Multistate Sales Tax Smart Charts provide state information on a variety of sales and use tax topics for all 45
states that impose sales or transaction taxes, plus the District of Columbia.
Multistate Sales Tax Legislative Developments
Keep you up-to-date with any legislative developments by instantly finding any Tax Day stories regarding legislation
for a particular state in the current year. You can even link directly to the bill or law of the text! Simply select a tax
type and you’ll be provided with all legislative summaries for the present year. Results include:
Tax Type
Tax Day Story headlines
Link to the text of the Tax Day story
Link to the text of the bill or law
Healy & Schadewald’s Annual Revenue Department Surveys, (Sales Tax) Smart Charts
The Sales Tax Survey Smart Charts provide state survey information on a variety of sales and use tax topics for all 45
states that impose sales or transaction taxes, plus the District of Columbia.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
SST State Taxability Matrices Smart Charts
The SST State Taxability Matrices Smart Charts provide taxability information based on the Taxability Matrices
published by the state tax departments pursuant to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement.
SST Compliance Smart Charts
The SST State Compliance Smart Charts provide state sales and use tax compliance information based on the
Certificates of Compliance submitted by the state tax departments pursuant to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax
Yetter’s Drop Shipments Survey Smart Charts
The Drop Shipment Survey Smart Charts provide state survey information on drop shipments for all 45 states that
impose sales or transaction taxes, plus the District of Columbia.
ZipSales Lookup
CCH ZIPsales Lookup helps you quickly find state, county, and local sales and use tax rates. It is updated monthly
and provides both the current rates and prior rates.
Sales & Use Tax Answers
This guide provides the key reference for your sales and use tax questions for those 45 states and the District of
Columbia that impose a sales tax on the retail sale of intangible personal property and selected services.
Tax Calendar
Easily customizable calendars of federal and state tax due dates based on the tax types and jurisdictions you specify.
The calendar displays due dates, along with filing instructions in an easy-to-read format.
Unclaimed Property Smart Charts
This smart chart covers a full range of Unclaimed Property topics, including dormancy periods, reporting
requirements, forms and state contacts. The smart chart also provides answers and authority, linked back to the
Multistate Sales Tax Guide, in multi-jurisdictional, customizable and matrices.
Multistate Sales Tax Guide
This publication leads you through all aspects of the sales and use tax levied by U.S. states, plus the District of
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Annual Revenue Department Surveys, (Sales Tax) by J.C. Healy and M.S. Schadewald
This publication guides the user through sales tax questions, providing quick access to each state’s statement of its
position on key issues in sales and use taxation. It includes a variety of easy-to-access charts that summarize each
state’s answers to key issues in sales and use taxation from the top state officials who interpret and apply the rules.
Understanding & Managing Sales & Use Tax by Robert C. Fields
Helps businesses cope with challenging sales and use tax issues by providing a wealth of illustrative examples,
discussions, charts, diagrams, cases and practical methods for sales and use tax management. This guide is
arranged in a two-part format: Concepts of Sales and Use Tax and Management of the Sales and Use Tax Function.
Sales & Use Tax Nexus; Practical Insights & Strategies by Maryann Gall
Examines the specific actions, legal issues and players that surround the determination of sales and use tax nexus –
what constitutes a sufficient connection between out-of-state vendor and state to trigger tax collection responsibility.
It covers the current state of sales and use tax nexus through the discussion of the tension between preexisting tax
laws, regulations and rulings, and more recent innovative business models.
Drop Shipments: Taxation, Compliance and Planning by Diane L. Yetter
This is a survey-based research product demystifying the complicated issue of drop shipments by offering the states’
official positions on drop shipment taxability. Discusses this issue in detail, and includes the states’ specific answers
to the survey questions.
Unclaimed Property: Laws, Compliance & enforcement by A.L. Andreoli & J.B. Spotswood
This is a comprehensive treatise on all aspects of Unclaimed Property law, with an emphasis on compliance and
enforcement issues. Also includes full text of uniform unclaimed property acts, author summaries of relevant cases
and practice tools designed to assist the user with reporting and compliance.
Special Focus: Streamlined Sales Tax Project by J.C. Healy
The Streamlined Sales Tax Project (SSTP) represents the most comprehensive attempt at broad-based reform of the
sales tax system in all the states since sales taxes were first enacted in the 1930s. This publication will guide you
through the SST Project with easy interpretation.
Understanding the Streamlined Sales Tax Project
The Understanding the Streamlined Sales Tax Project publication contains CCH Explanations.
Construction Industry: Sales & Use Taxation Issues by Daniel M. Davis
This MultiState Construction Industry Publication will detail the basic sales & use tax concepts, exemptions from tax,
which contract related services are taxable, and anything dealing with contractor issues.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Telecommunications Taxation: COST 2004 State Study and Report
This is the actual study and report from the Council On State Taxation whose objective is to preserve and promote
the equitable and nondiscriminatory state and local taxation of multi-jurisdictional business entities.
Multistate Guide to Sales & Use Tax Audits by Daniel M. Davis
This guide provides state-specific material for preparing for and handling an audit in all states that impose sales and
use taxes. Readers will gain an increased understanding of why their businesses or clients were selected for audit,
how their audits will proceed, what the audit staff will be looking for and how assessments are developed.
Surviving a Sales & Use Tax Audit by John C. Healy
This easy-to-understand resource examines the many factors that affect the outcome of a sales and use tax audit.
Also includes a discussion of the important considerations that can help the taxpayer actively achieve a successful
audit outcome.
Statistical Sampling in Sales & Use Tax Audits by Will Yancey
Examines the objectives for sampling and how sampling fits in to the fundamental steps of tax auditing. Describes
and defines the important concepts and methods, using real-world experience and know-how with special “Cautions”
and “Planning Notes” to help you absorb key points. Also includes citations to legal authority, state-by-state
administrative guidance, extensive references to sampling publications and software, along with samples and
illustrative exhibits.
Sales & Use Tax Forms & Instructions
This area includes all Sales & Use Tax forms and instructions for states and some localities. Forms are in Adobe
Sales & Use Tax Exemption Certificates
This includes Exemption Certificates forms for states. Forms are in Adobe format.
This Week’s Legislative Activity
StateNet™ can be used to stay apprised of proposed and enacted legislative activity.
Current Year’s Final & Pending Legislation (A-M & N-Z)
Follows law in StateNet™.
Prior Years’ Final & Pending Legislation (A-M & N-Z)
Follows law in StateNet™.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Regulatory Activity
Follows state regulatory developments.
This includes access to each state's statutes and Regulations, 2001 to 2004.
Appendix B – Internet Content Description
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Appendix C – CCH@Hand
CCH@Hand icons and the CCH@Hand Browser toolbar all allow you to log in to the
CCH Tax Research NetWork automatically, without having to enter a User ID and
password. To download and install CCH@Hand go to:
CCH@Hand Desktop
The CCH@Hand Desktop lets you search CCH, the Web (with Google™), and files on
your computer (with Google™ Desktop) from a handy desktop tool that’s easy to use.
You can also search for CCH documents by citation, run searches against your index
content, and view and manage your daily Tracker News and your Research Folders
from the CCH@Hand Desktop.
CCH@Hand Office 2003 Tools
The CCH@Hand Search Services for the Research Task Pane let you search for, view, and
manage documents right from your Microsoft Office 2003 applications.
CCH@Hand Smart Tags automatically recognize citations in your documents and provide
you with options for working with the citations. You can link citations to actual
documents on CCH Tax Research NetWork, view related documents, and even insert
an excerpt or the full text of a cited document right into your current work. The
CCH@Hand Toolbar for Microsoft Word gives you quick access to the Research Task
Pane, lets you quickly link or unlink all citations in a document.
CCH@Hand Browser Toolbar
A handy toolbar for Microsoft Internet Explorer lets you search CCH Tax Research
NetWork, view news, manage your documents, and perform other research tasks from
anywhere on the Web.
CCH@Hand Desktop Tools
Icons on your desktop, system tray, and Quick Launch toolbar allow for quick and easy
access to the CCH@Hand Desktop and CCH Tax Research NetWork.
Appendix C – CCH@Hand
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Appendix D – ProSystem fx
Establishing a link between the CCH Tax Research NetWork and CCH ProSystem fx
provides quick and easy access to research from within tax compliance with a click of
the mouse.
Start by having the system administrator configure CCH ProSystem fx to provide this
To establish the
link, open the
Office Manager
module; then
Research; then
Appendix D – ProSystem fx
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Linking CCH Tax Research NetWork and CCH ProSystem fx
When the system administrator has completed these steps, the system is ready for
each user to configure his/her respective workstation.
To configure your workstation, open CCH ProSystem fx and make these adjustments:
1. Selection Options, then Interface Options.
2. Choose Research.
3. Click the CCH Tax Research NetWork button and enter your login User ID and
Password. Click OK.
Appendix D – ProSystem fx
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Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Linking CCH ProSystem fx and CCH Tax Research NetWork
After these steps have been completed, you are ready to link from compliance to
research with the click of your mouse. To make this function easier, add the CCH
Research icon to the CCH ProSystem fx toolbar. Then simply click on the icon.
To add the icon, choose (1) Options, (2) Customize Toolbar, (3) locate the
Research icon, (4) highlight it, and then (5) click on the Add button.
To link from compliance to research, place your cursor on the cell or box in either
Interview or Government View and click on the CCH Research icon on the toolbar. This
will open the CCH Tax Research NetWork and take you to the area where this subject is
discussed in the U.S. Master Tax Guide. Once you have accessed research, you are in
the CCH Tax Research NetWork and can research in any library or publication.
Another useful feature is the ability to copy a research answer from CCH Tax Research
NetWork to CCH ProSystem fx, and then paste the research into the tax return for a
Appendix D – ProSystem fx
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CCH Tax Research NetWork
Introduction to Tax Research NetWork
Appendix E – Support Page
CCH offers many resources to help you work most effectively with your Tax Research
Network (TRN) product. Simply click the Training & Support tab to find out what is
CCH Customer Support:
Use this section to contact CCH Customer support. Links are provided to the Customer
Support Web site and a contact via email. Phone numbers are also provided if you wish
to call CCH directly.
Tax Research NetWork Training:
Sign up for TRN training classes.
Appendix E – Support Page
Page 48