BEACON ACADEMY - Beacon Community College

Headteacher Ms Anna Robinson
Beacon Academy, North Beeches Road
Crowborough, East Sussex. TN6 2AS
01892 603000
01892 603001
Twitter @Beacon_Academy
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is an absolute privilege to write to you as the newly appointed Headteacher of Beacon Academy.
My three thoroughly enjoyable years as Head of Academy at Beacon have enabled me to gain a unique insight
into how the Academy runs. Furthermore, I have been able to foster exceptionally positive relationships with
our inspirational students and dedicated staff. The feedback and support from those parents and carers whom
I have met has been invaluable.
I am immensely proud and delighted to announce that we start our new phase at Beacon Academy with some
incredible results from the summer exams. Our overall attainment at GCSE has improved this year; we are
once again above both East Sussex and national averages.
A phenomenal 79% of our students achieved an A* - C grade in English with over 80% making or exceeding
expected progress. Alongside the English, we secured our best ever set of mathematics results with 74% of our
students achieving A* - C. 20% of our students gained A* and A grades and over 82% making or exceeding
expected progress. Our English and Mathematics departments are some of the strongest I have ever
encountered. I know they will continue to go from strength to strength.
Our Languages department cannot go without a mention. They secured outstanding results in French and in
German. 92% of students achieved an A* - C grade. Our English Baccalaureate – the qualification which
combines English, Mathematics, two sciences, a humanities subject and a language - has improved by 5% on
last year.
I am delighted that such a large number of our outgoing Year 11’s are now with us in the Sixth Form and
embarking on three or four Advanced Level courses.
There is a huge amount to celebrate too in terms of our results in the Sixth Form. 99% of our students passed
their exams with 77% gaining A*- C grades and 47% of those securing the prestigious A*- B grades.
This is our highest total ever for the top grades. These results ensured that the 75% of our students in the Year
13 cohort who applied to University have secured their future on their chosen courses, with 25% of those
being in the esteemed Russell Group. Amongst so many fantastic achievements, it really is difficult to single
out individual students. However, Poppy Diver achieved two A*’s and an A and is going to Oxford in October to
study Earth Sciences.
Our students worked incredibly hard. They were meticulously supported by their teachers and parents. It is
abundantly clear that this collective effort is reflected in these results. In a time of increased uncertainty and
volatility with the exam regime and education in general, Beacon has excelled. The students, staff, parents and
carers involved should all be congratulated for this exceptional achievement.
As the newly appointed Headteacher, I could not have asked for a better start to the academic year. It began
with two staff training days where we focused entirely on shaping a vision for the Academy. It really was an
inspirational couple of days where, as a body of staff and Governors the passion, commitment, determination
Beacon Community College Academy Trust is a limited company
Registered in England and Wales. Company no. 07959980
North Beeches Road, Crowborough, East Sussex. TN6 2AS
and ambition for your children to succeed was manifest. There was an uncompromising focus on ensuring that
your children leave Beacon with the best set of qualifications possible, equipping them for our rapidly
changing, highly competitive but really exciting world.
The next step with the Academy vision is to involve the students themselves. They will be asked what it is they
would like us to stand for as a school - now and in the future. They have all been part of a series of assemblies
last week, introducing them to the new academic year and our high expectations of them. Over the next few
weeks, their Heads of Year and tutors will be asking for their opinions to help shape the future for our
Academy. I would, as ever, welcome your feedback. Following on from your Information Evenings, we are
seeking your opinions via an online questionnaire. Thank you in advance for completing this.
I have extremely high expectations of the staff and our students. We all share the same expectations for your
children. Beacon is a good school; the results confirm this. Beacon can and will be an exceptional school in the
very near future.
The rigorous focus on your children as unique individuals is paramount. I wrote earlier about the staff’s
commitment and determination for your children to succeed. This is unprecedented. The overwhelming focus
from the teaching staff is that they will plan and deliver lessons in which your children will be actively engaged.
These lessons will be consistently good or better. This is being monitored daily by the Senior and Middle
Leadership Teams. We have two members of the Senior Leadership Team who are fully qualified Ofsted
Inspectors, and they have a pivotal role in driving forward this agenda.
I firmly believe in a disciplined focus on standards which will ensure that teachers can teach and students can
learn. We have started the term by working diligently on this area. We have been reinforcing the importance
of a culture that is consistently calm, safe and orderly. This, along with high quality teaching, will enable your
children to work hard, progress and be happy at school.
It is my expectation that Beacon Academy students will come to school well presented, on time, organised and
ready to learn. They can do it; they have proved this to us since they have been back - almost effortlessly. I
expect all students at Beacon to be hardworking, ambitious, self-motivated, inquisitive, resilient and
determined to succeed. Towards one another they must be caring, respectful and tolerant at all times. This
means in lessons, their social time and whilst travelling to and from school.
Our ongoing three way partnership between yourselves, your children and our school is one I consider to be a
huge strength and as ever, I really appreciate your support with reinforcing this at home.
Beacon Academy is on an exciting journey towards becoming an exceptional school. I would like to thank you
for your continuing support. I look forward to working with you further in the future to ensure that your
children receive the very best education - both academically and personally - whilst at Beacon Academy.
Anna Robinson
Beacon Academy