School Profile - Beacon Academy

Beacon Academy is a fun place to
learn new things. I like the way we
can link all the interesting subjects
together and this makes me want to
learn even more. Beacon encourages
me to make friendships with other
students and teachers.
Pallavi Nanwani
Education should develop the
whole child and not just their
academic abilities.
It should engage their feelings,
physical development, moral
education and creativity.
Sir Ken Robinson
Imagination is the most
important gift to mankind. We
can step out of the present and
revisit the past. We can put
ourselves in someone’s shoes
and see with their eyes and
feel with their hearts. The
impossible suddenly becomes
possible through imagination.
We can only come up with
something original if we are
prepared to make mistakes.
Innovation is about discovering
something new or improved
while putting original ideas into
practice. When we innovate, we
discover through our ideas,
something positive for the
benefit of mankind.
Creativity is the process of
having original ideas that have
value. When we take our
imagination and put it to work,
it becomes creativity. Being
creative is doing or producing
something with passion and
Our mission is to provide
a warm and caring environment
which encourages learning
through inquiry, academic rigour
and international mindedness.
bal Citizenshi
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O utd
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P hy
S ervi
The Learning Circle
I have always been very careful in choosing the
right education for my children and the decision to
put my children in Beacon is just right.
Beacon has made my children love learning.
They are very enthusiastic to learn new things
each day.
Chyntia Poedjokerto
B ea co n Ac a d e my / 4
We live in a time of rapid change, when, for the first time in
history, we are preparing our learners for a future which we
cannot describe. The education of learners must be
adaptive to this dynamic and ever-changing world, and for
this to happen, schools must place the Learner and
learning at the very core of everything it does. The
Academy promotes a holistic and inquiry based approach
to learning, where learners are encouraged to imagine,
create and innovate as they discover new ideas.
Each theme of work in our curriculum connects to the core
principles of international mindedness and global
citizenship. This gives learners the opportunity to develop
critical thinking about complex global issues in the safe
space of the classroom. As learners connect their learning
to the real-world, they are encouraged to explore, develop
and express their own values and opinions, while listening
to and respecting other people’s point of view. Young
learners are able to make informed choices about
exercising their own rights and their responsibilities
towards others.
The Learning Circle has six main elements that permeate
throughout a learner’s journey at the Academy.
Academics is covered through the rigorous and
internationally recognised curriculum, facilitated by
qualified and experienced teachers. Every learner will have
exposure to The Arts in various forms from Preschool
through to Senior School. The Academy considers
Physical Education of paramount importance to ensure a
child lives a healthy and balanced life. Outdoor Education
programmes are planned to cement a learner’s
understanding of a particular topic or concept. All Beacon
Academy learners take pride in being involved in Service
learning initiatives, demonstrating compassion and
empathy for all of humanity. The Academy runs a wide
array of Activities providing every learner the opportunity
to extend themselves in areas of their choosing.
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A child's imagination
is only limited by
the questions they ask.
Inquiry learning feeds
the imagination and creates
an innovative individual.
The Montessori
development: Sensorial, Practical Life Skills, Language, Mathematics and
Culture. The Academy combines this play-based experiential learning with the
International Early Years Curriculum.
Junior School
The Junior School curriculum is designed to promote
inquiry, independence and a love of learning through
the International Primary Curriculum and Cambridge
Middle School
Senior School
The Middle School curriculum provides learners with the opportunity to make
sense of their learning by making connections that are relevant to their own
lives through The International Middle Years’ Curriculum and Cambridge
Secondary 1 curriculum.
In Senior School students begin more in-depth studies through the worldrenowned Cambridge IGCSE curriculum in years 9 and 10. Additionally Beacon
Academy is a candidate school* for the International Baccalaureate Diploma
Program in Years 11 and 12. Beacon Academy is pursuing authorization as an IB
World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to
high-quality, challenging, international education—that we believe is important
for our students.
*Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
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Our School
Junior School (Year 1-5)
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In the Junior School, we encourage learners to be
adventurous in their learning, to make mistakes, to
recognise and learn from them, and to be confident
enough to ask for help. The Academy is a happy, lively and
stimulating place of learning where every child is able to
achieve and enjoy in a secure environment. We nurture
and encourage a spirit of inquiry that challenges our
learners to be critical and creative thinkers who will take
action as a result of their learning.
Middle School (Year 6-8)
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The Middle School offers a rich, challenging and stimulating
programme, designed to generate an enthusiasm that builds
a learning lifestyle. Learners at this age require intellectual
challenges and opportunities to be responsible and
accountable for their own learning. The Academy inspires
and empowers internationally minded life-long learners by
acknowledging their common humanity, as they become
leaders in the global society. Learners have the opportunities
to explore with their peers, experience the world, and
imagine their future.
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Our School
Senior School (Year 9-10)
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At Senior School, a commitment towards excellence is
expected from learners at the Academy. The rigorous and
balanced programme promotes breadth and depth in the
areas of study and provides learners with the confidence,
skills and understanding they will need for the future. All
learners will be required, in addition to their subject
choices, to complete a course on Global Perspectives and
an extensive Personal Research Project (PRP). Learners
must also plan and participate in Service Learning
projects, increasing their commitment towards the local
and global community.
Senior School (Year 11-12)
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The Academy has selected the IB Diploma Programme for the
final two years of learning. The programme is designed to
develop both the academic and personal qualities of
students. At its core, learners are required to conduct an
academically extensive Extended Essay and undertake a
course on the Theory of Knowledge, expanding their
research and critical thinking capacities. In addition to the
academic subjects, learners will demonstrate a genuine
commitment towards Creativity, Action and Service (CAS),
extending their influence towards the world in which they
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The Arts
The Academy’s strong commitment towards its vision
‘imagine - create - innovate’ lends itself superbly to The
Arts, which teaches ways of thinking unavailable in any
other discipline. Artists are required to create something
from nothing, and this process of creativity transfers to
every aspect of adult work. The Academy believes that The
Arts have the potential to promote self-understanding
and gives artists the capacity to view the world from
different perspectives.
Beacon Academy of the Arts (BATA) hosts fantastic arts
facilities, igniting passion for passionate and creative
individuals to express themselves. BATA comprises of two
dance studios, two visual arts studios, a film and media
production room, one choral / music suite, an orchestra
/ band studio, private music practice suites, a rehearsal
theatre and a state-of-the-art performing arts theatre.
opportunity to express themselves creatively from an
early age. At Junior School, all learners must participate in
a complete Arts programme which includes, Visual Arts,
Music, Drama and Dance. In Middle School, The Arts
programme progresses towards mandatory electives,
where learners must choose the areas which they would
like to explore in further depth.
An additional Arts area is made available in the upper
years in the form of Film and Media Production. In Senior
School, learners will choose one area of The Arts which
they are most passionate about and excel in. This
particular artform will prepare them for their culminating
arts portfolio, preparing them for their future study and
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Sports and Activities
The Academy sets a high standard for sports in the
community and considers it a core learning experience
for every child. Participating in sports increases a child’s
physical endurance, self-esteem and mental alertness.
Research has shown that children participating actively in
sports achieve a healthy balance which has positive
The Academy hosts fantastic sports facilities including a
semi-indoor competition swimming pool complex and
a full-sized gymnasium. Both facilities are equipped with
toilets and showers for male and female athletes, and are
equipped with tribune seating for spectators. The
competition-style tribune seating for spectators.
Special coaches and trainers are available for the
development of three main sports at the Academy,
including football, swimming and gymnastics. Other
sports which students can participate in include
basketball, volleyball, futsal and badminton. Athletes at
the Academy will gain the experience and skills necessary
to compete at regional, national and international events.
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Life at School
The Academy is a true 21st century school and recognises
Service is a core component in the Academy’s Learning
Outdoor Education is an important element in the
Learning Circle which encourages learning to take place
encouraged to be creative, critically think, collaborate and
beyond the walls of the classroom. The Academy runs a
communicate. This is addressed powerfully by supporting
collaborate on the planning and implementation of
comprehensive outdoor education programme which
the acquisition of content and skills in the classroom
sustainable projects. Learners have been involved in
provides opportunities for learners to connect their
through the access of technology in every part of the
donation drives, charity carnivals and have also supported
learning to the real world. While these programmes may
the One Million Trees Foundation by planting trees in
have a strong service component, learners participate in
Jakarta. It is expected that every thematic study at the
activities which cement their understanding of a
The Academy believes that the Apple iPad represents the
Junior and Middle years includes a service component,
particular topic or theme. Generally, the Junior School
best design to accommodate the kinds of learning we see
while Senior School students are to maintain an
runs camps within Indonesia, while Middle and Senior
as necessary to prepare students for the future. The iPad
independent portfolio of their service learning initiatives.
School students are involved in overseas programmes.
provides teachers with thousands of applications,
simulations and games that support and engage learners.
The Academy will also integrate interactive content to
replace textbooks over the next few years.
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Our Story
Beacon Academy started from humble beginnings with
Over five years, the Academy continued to invest in
Joining the Academy is like joining like-minded families
23 students in Primary 1 in a refurbished warehouse back
quality teachers and raised the 'learning-bar'. Students at
who understand that the world is no longer a place for
in 2008. Being the first school to combine the
the Academy are known in the community as being the
traditional schooling. The Board of Management from the
International Primary Curriculum and Cambridge Primary,
most profound and knowledgeable, as learners are fully
Ginza Group of Companies' vision of the future is to
students were gaining their knowledge, skills and
immersed in the connectedness of their learning with the
ensure that the Academy is known for its pursuit of
understanding in a rigorous and fun way. Beacon
world around them. Over the years, and with rising
excellence. The new campus has been built with love and
Academy immediately stood out as an educational
student numbers, there has been an increased focus on
passion under the stewardship of Academy Director,
institution of choice for parents who wanted something
the use of technology, sports and the arts with the new
Richard Sidharta, to provide learners with an avenue to
creative and different for their learners.
campus being designed to accommodate these priorities.
imagine, create and innovate as they learn, so they stand
out and make a mark for themselves in this dynamic and
ever-changing world.
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Imagination is more
important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited
to all we now know
and understand,
while imagination
embraces the entire world,
and all there ever will be
to know and understand.
Albert Einstein
Marketing Office Mall of Indonesia, Ruko MOI Block J-08, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240
T +62-21 4586 6890 E