Faculty Contacts for Study Abroad and Transfer Credit Approval

Faculty Contacts for Study Abroad and Transfer Credit Approval (check the Automatic Approvals List prior to meeting with faculty) Department Who To Contact with Course Description Where to Get Signed Special Instructions Estimated Time Accountancy (GWSB) Tatyana Kuzina tkuzina@gwu.edu 2201 G St. Ste. 601 **Please note: ACCY courses must be taken at AACSB­accredited institutions. Africana Studies (CCAS) Jennifer James jcj@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Ste. 700 American Studies (CCAS) Suleiman Osman sosman@gwu.edu 2108 G St. (American Studies Dept.) Make an appointment or visit during office hours. Bring course description and syllabus. Anthropology (CCAS) Susan Johnston sjohnso@gw.edu 2112 G Street, Rm 204 Make an appointment, contact via email, or visit during office hours. Bring syllabi with required reading listed. http://www.gwu.edu/~anth/ugrad/abroad.cfm Arabic (CCAS) Mohssen Esseesy Phillips Hall, esseesym@gwu.edu Rm. 342 http://www.gwu.edu/~csll/CNELC_placement.htm Art History (CCAS) Lilien Robinson lfr@gwu.edu Smith Hall, Rm. 109 If you are seeking credit transfer for courses completed outside of GW (e.g., as a result of studying abroad), please contact the Arabic Program Director Prof. Esseesy to take a proctored EQUIVALENCY EXAM. That exam is given during the first two weeks of the semester in which students return to GW. Self­placement into a course without passing an equivalency exam will result in deregistration from the course at any time of the semester. Exam during 1​
st ​
2 weeks of the semester Come during office hours or drop off forms and supporting materials. Full course syllabi are necessary for approval. One week Asian Studies (ESIA) Daqing Yang yanghist@gwu.edu 1957 E St., Ste. 503 DOESN’T SIGN COURSE APPROVALS; go to alternate dept. based on course content: Political Science, Sociology, History, etc. Athletic Training (SPH) Dr. Beverly Westerman (Program Director) 817 23​
rd ​
St. Bldg K Rm. 306 Biology (CCAS) Diana Lipscomb Lisner Hall, Ste. 340 Visit the professors during office hours or make an individual appointment by e­mail. The professors will need to speak with the student as well as see supporting materials such as syllabi, textbook information and course description. One day with appointment bev@gwu.edu biodl@gwu.edu Biomedical Engineering Dr. Jason Zara, Associate Chair jzara@gwu.edu SEH Suite 5000 Make appt with Prof Zara (or faculty advisor) and have course syllabi available for the meeting. Chemistry (CCAS) Michael King kingm@gwu.edu Science and Engineering Hall 4000 Bring course syllabus with textbook information. Bring laboratory information for lab courses. ​
: Make an appointment to discuss courses with your advisor Non­majors​
: Drop forms off at COR 107 One week Chinese (CCAS) General: Liana Chen liachen@gwu.edu http://sites.google.com/site/gwchinese1/study­abr
oad Rome Hall Check for automatic approvals! 1. Except for majors, students are not required to meet with a Chinese program adviser prior to studying abroad to receive approval. Chinese majors and those who are planning to major in Chinese should make an appointment with Liana Chen (​
) for pre­departure consultation and course approval. 2. While abroad, keep a complete record of all documents, including syllabi, lists of course materials, essays, reports, and examinations. 3. Upon return, be prepared to take, if necessary, a placement test during your first semester of return. Civil and Environmental Engineering Dr. Majid Manzari, Chair Classics (CCAS) ICCS Rome & CYA: ​
See Elise Friedland: efried@gwu.edu SEH Suite 3000 Phillips Hall, Ste. 335 ICCS Rome & CYA​
: Send email to efried@gwu.edu for an appointment. Bring full syllabus. For other programs​
: Bring full syllabus One day with appointment manzari@gwu.edu For other programs: Elise Friedland – Archaeology, Classical Art, Latin efreid@gwu.edu Eric Cline – Archaeology ecline@gwu.edu Elizabeth Fisher – Greek, Latin eaf@gwu.edu Mohssen Essessy – Arabic, Turkish esseesym@gwu.edu Shoshana Marcus – Hebrew slmarcus@gwu.edu http://www.gwu.edu/~csll/CNELC_studyabroad.htm Computer Science (SEAS) Dr. Roger Lang, Interim Chair lang@gwu.edu SEH Suite 4000 Additional contacts are the three Undergraduate Faculty Advisor: Shelley Heller, Hyeong­ah Choi, Poovi Vora Creative Writing (CCAS) Lisa Page lpageinc@gwu.edu Rome Hall, Rm 668 Corcoran Design (CCAS) Francheska Guerrero 500 Seventeenth ST NW Dance (CCAS) Dana Tai Soon Burgees dtsb@gwu.edu Marvin Center, Rm. 227 Make appointment fguerrero@gwu.edu One week Su15­Fa15: Maida Withers withers@gwu.edu Decision Sciences (GWSB) Dr. Shivraj Kanungo (Department Chair) kanungo@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Ste. 415 This is the dept. that reviews possible BADM 3601/Operations Management courses. Monroe Hall, Rm. 340 Drop off course approval form, course descriptions and/or syllabi. Econ courses cannot be transferred at the 2000 level or above unless demonstrated the courses require principles of economics. **Questions re: BADM 3601 – Operations Management should go to: Dr. Prabir Bagchi: ​
bagchi@gwu.edu Economics (CCAS) Robert Phillips rphil@gwu.edu One week Electrical & Computer Engineering (SEAS) Howie Huang, Director/ Associate Chair of Academic Programs Howie@gwu.edu SEH Suite 5000 ​
First contact can be course instructor. Engineering Management & Systems Engineering (SEAS) Dr. Thomas Mazzuchi , Dept Chair mazzu@gwu.edu SEH Suite 2600 English (CCAS) Prof. Evelyn Schreiber eschreib@gwu.edu Rome Hall, Rm. 661 Environmental Studies (CCAS) David Rain drain@gwu.edu Melissa Keeley keeley@gwu.edu 1922 F St. Approval for literature courses NOT WRITTEN IN ENGLISH should be approved by the relevant foreign language department, even if the student will be studying them in translation. One day (if students make appt.) Exercise Science (SPH) Dr. Beverly Westerman (Program Director) bev@gwu.edu 817 23​
rd ​
St., Bldg K, Rm. 306 Finance (GWSB) Dr. Min Hwang (Department Vice­Chair) min@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Ste. 501 Fine Arts (CCAS) Melissa McCutcheon chimpsonson@email.gwu.edu Smith Hall. Rm. A­101 Film Studies (CCAS) Harvey Feigenbaum harveyf@gwu.edu 1957 E St., 412 N French (CCAS) Language Courses Fall 2015: Jocelyne Brant (A­K) Phillips Hall, Ste. 513 Leave forms and supporting materials (course descriptions, syllabi) in the special drop box in Smith Hall 101. One week For courses not automatically approved, you must contact a French Study Abroad Advisor BEFORE you go abroad. Check auto approvals! brant@gwu.edu Brad Marshall (L­Z) dbmarsh@gwu.edu http://www.gwu.edu/~rgsll/french/studyabroad.html Literature Courses: Abdourahman Waberi (Last name A­K) waberia@gwu.edu Kathryn Kleppinger (L­Z) ​
kleppinger@gwu.edu Geology (CCAS) Richard Tollo rtollo@gwu.edu 2029 G St, Bell Hall Rm 101 Geography (CCAS) Ryan Engstrom rengstro@gwu.edu Joe Dymond jydmond@gwu.edu Michael Mann mmann1123@gwu.edu nd​
Old Main, 2​
Floor Email professor to make an appointment. Please submit or email the complete syllabus in advance of the meeting. At least 5 business days German (CCAS) Majors & Minors​
: See Advisor Phillips Hall, Ste. 513 Bring syllabus; you must receive approval for your courses BEFORE you go abroad. Non­majors: Language​
: Margaret Gonglewski margaret@gwu.edu Literature​
: Mary Beth Stein mbstein@gwu.edu Check auto approvals! http://www.gwu.edu/~rgsll/german/studyabroad.html​
l Hebrew (CCAS) Ari Ofengenden ario@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Ste. 343 History (CCAS) Tom Long tomlong@gwu.edu Transfer Approval mailbox in Phillips Hall, Ste. 335 Human Services & Social Justice (CCAS) Emily Morrison emily_m@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Ste. 409 Info Systems & Technology (GWSB) Dr. Mary Granger granger@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Ste. 515 Interior Architecture & Design (CCAS) Undergraduate Advisor: Nancy Evans ntevans@gwu.edu Mount Vernon Campus Academic Bldng 216 See professors during office hours or make an individual appointment by e­mail. http://intd.gwu.edu/experiences/study­abroad International Affairs (ESIA) Non­majors​
: Refer to Political Science department. ESIA students:​
contact ESIA advisor for IAFF credits. Monroe Hall, Ste. 440 Students who are not ESIA majors/minors will not get IAFF credits. They should go to the appropriate CCAS department for approval (typically this will be Political Science). Check auto approvals first.​
Drop off Course Approval Form and History approval form, along with syllabus or detailed course description: ​
http://history.columbian.gwu.edu/transfer­credit One week International Business (GWSB) Dr. Anna Helm ahelm@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Rm. 403 Check auto approvals first​
on the GWSB Advising or Study Abroad websites. Students must submit a course syllabus and should provide a specific IBUS course for which they are seeking approval. Italian (CCAS) Language: ​
Antonella Longoni Phillips Hall, Rm. 513 Bring syllabus; you must receive approval for your courses BEFORE you go abroad http://www.gwu.edu/~rgsll/italian/studyabroad.html Check auto approvals first! http://www.gwu.edu/~eall/abroad.htm​
l alongoni@gwu.edu Literature:: ​
Lynn Westwater llww@gwu.edu Japanese (CCAS) Shoko Hamano, ​
hamano@gwu.edu Leo Hanami, ​
hanami@gwu.edu Takae Tsujioka, ​
tsujioka@gwu.edu Rome Hall, Rm. 469 Judaic Studies (CCAS) Daniel Schwartz dbs50@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Rm 317 Korean (CCAS) Moik Pak pakm@gwu.edu Rome Hall, Rm. 466 After returning​
, bring the course approval form, syllabus, textbooks, and written work to the faculty. http://www.gwu.edu/~eall/abroad.htm​
l Latin American & Hemispheric Studies (ESIA) Robert Maguire (Program Director) rmaguire@gwu.edu Monroe Hall, Rm. 407 This department does not grant course approvals. Management (GWSB) Dr.Chris Kayes (Department Chair) dckayes​
@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Ste. 313 This department houses the HR Management, Entrepreneurship, & Leadership classes. Marketing (GWSB) Dr. Pradeep Rau (Department Chair) prau@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Ste. 301 Check auto approvals firs​
t on the GWSB Advising or Study Abroad websites. Mathematics (CCAS) Dr. Hugo Junghenn hdj@gwu.edu Monroe Hall, Rm. 240 Drop off the course description and/or syllabus along w/ the approval form to the Math Dept. http://www.gwu.edu/~math/links/transfercredit.html One week Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (SEAS) Dr. Yin­Lin Shen, Director of Undergraduate Studies yshen@gwu.edu SEH Suite 3000 Middle East Studies (ESIA) Marc Lynch (Program Director) mlynch@gwu.edu 1957 E St., Ste. 512 This department does not grant course approvals. Music (CCAS) Main contact: ​
Douglas Boyce (Department Chair), ​
dboyce@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Rm. B­144A Make an appointment. 202­994­6270, dboyce@gwu.edu 2­3 days Also acceptable: Robert Baker, ​
rbaker@gwu.edu Eugene Montague, ​
eugene_m@gwu.edu Organizational Sciences & Communication (CCAS) Communication: Dr. Clay Warren, ​
claywar@gwu.edu Jean Miller, ​
jcmiller@gwu.edu Organizational Sciences: Gelaye Debebe, ​
gdebebe@gwu.edu 600 21​
st ​
St. Philosophy (CCAS) Christopher Venner cvenner@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Rm. 510B Physics (CCAS) Bill Briscoe ​
, ​
briscoe@gw.edu Corcoran Hall, Jerald Feldman, ​
feldman@gwu.edu Rm. 105 Xiangyun Qiu, ​
xqiu@gwu.edu Mark Reeves, ​
reevesme@gwu.edu Please bring a full syllabus. Go to Professor Venner’s office as listed on the website: http://www.gwu.edu/~philosop/faculty/index.cfm​
Bring a full course syllabus. One day is sufficient if supporting material is brought to office hours. Make an appointment. Several days. Political Science (CCAS) Susan Wiley ​
wiley@gwu.edu Monroe Hall, Rm. 440 Check auto approvals! ​
Drop off approval form and course approval and/or syllabus. http://www.gwu.edu/~psc/undergrad/studyabroad.htm Portuguese (CCAS) Richard Robin rrobin@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Ste. 509 Bring syllabus and must petition before going. All Study Abroad approvals are based on post­program testing, which includes an Oral Proficiency Interview in Portuguese. If you are seeking specific foreign­language equivalency credit, e.g. PORT 1004 ­ Second Year Portuguese. You can get general elective (non­foreign­language credit) as PORT 1099 with a proficiency test. However, in either case, you must bring a syllabus and any other pertinent documentation issued by the institution abroad. http://www.gwu.edu/~rgsll/portuguese/studyabroad.html Psychology (CCAS) Peg Barratt barratt@gwu.edu 2125 G St., Room 305 http://columbian.gwu.edu/departmentsprograms/ psychology/undergraduatestudies/studyabroad Public Health (SPH) Candace Leake, ​
cleake@gwu.edu 950 New Hampshire nd​
Ave, 2​
Fl Check auto approvals! Religion (CCAS) Robert Eisen (Current dept. chair, chair always signs off on courses), ​
eisen@gwu.edu 2106 G St. Prefer students to get courses approved prior to studying abroad:​
http://www.gwu.edu/~religion/faq/index.cfm Russian (CCAS) ALL ACTR, CIEE, and SRAS courses: Richard Robin, ​
rrobin@gwu.edu Other Language: Richard Robin, ​
rrobin@gwu.edu Other Literature, film, and culture: Peter Rollberg, ​
rgpeter@gwu.edu Students taking Russian through study abroad MUST ​
speak with Prof. Robin ​
to studying abroad! Phillips Hall, Ste. 513 No Russian language course credits transfer automatically without post­program testing as follows, assuming adequate scores on grammar tests: ACTFL Intermediate High in speaking ­ full credit ACTFL Intermediate Mid or lower ­ partial or no credit, depending on the rating. We accept all ACTFL rating performed by ACTFL­certified testers. (ACTR and CIEE provide these ratings for semester/year programs, but not summer.) Otherwise, ​
we have to test the student. 3 days. NO RUSSIAN LANGUAGE STUDY ABROAD BEFORE FINISHING 3RD YEAR!! (SLAV 2006) Because the required level of Intermediate High is a tall bar to leap, we urge students NOT TO STUDY RUSSIAN IN RUSSIA before completing the equivalent of GW's ​
third year ​
Russian course. NO CREDIT FOR LEARNING LESS RUSSIAN IN RUSSIA THAN WOULD HAVE BEEN LEARNED IN THE U.S. The above condition does NOT apply to those who take area studies programs ​
in English ​
and are not seeking language credit. SMPA (CCAS) Lee Huebner huebner@gwu.edu SMPA, 805 21​
st ​
St. Sociology (CCAS) Majors: ​
See advisor Phillips Hall, Rm. 409 Bring a copy of the proposed syllabus and course approval form to the front desk in SMPA. Student will be notified when the form is completed.​
http://smpa.gwu.edu/academics/studyabroad/ Non­majors: ​
Daina Eglitis, ​
dainas@gwu.edu Spanish (CCAS) Language Courses: Angeles Serrano Ripoll (Last names A­M), aserrano@gwu.edu Patricia Granja Falconi (Last names N­Z), pgranja@gwu.edu Literature Courses: Christopher Britt (Last names A­H), cbritt@gwu.edu Yvonne Captain­Hidalgo (Last Names I­O), ycaptain@gwu.edu Heather Bamford (Last Names P­Z), hbramford@gwu.edu Phillips Hall, Rm. 513 Get approval before studying abroad. http://www.gwu.edu/~rgsll/spanish/studyabroad.h​
l Speech & Hearing Science (CCAS) Craig Linebaugh cline@gwu.edu Hall of Government Rm 105 Email cline@gwu.edu for an appointment. Students may take SPHR courses required for the major and concentration abroad only with prior approval of the departmental undergraduate advisor. Generally, SPHR major classes need to be taken from programs that are accredited by the American Speech­Language­Hearing Association (our accrediting body). 2 days Statistics (CCAS) Srinivasan Balaji balaji@gwu.edu 2140 Penn. Ave. Suite 103 Obtain a DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TOPICS COVERED in the proposed substituted course. (It will facilitate the process if you can also obtain a syllabus from the instructor.) The detailed description should contain at least 1­2 lines per week of classes. Drop off forms and description with dept. 5­10 business days Strategic Management & Public Policy (GWSB) Dr. Howard Beales (Department Chair) hbeales@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Ste. 615 This is the department that reviews for possible approval of BADM 3102 – Bus. & Government Relations; BADM 4101 – Business Law & Ethics. BADM 4801 – Strategy Formulation & Implementation can ​
be taken at GW & will not be approved from any other university. Sustainability (University minor) Lisa Benton­Short lbenton@gwu.edu Email professor to make an appointment. Please bring a full course syllabus, no course descriptions. Theatre (CCAS) Alan Wade awade@gwu.edu Marvin Center, Ste. 227 Tourism & Hospitality Studies (GWSB) Dr. Stuart Levy Event & Hospitality Management Advisor slevy@gwu.edu Dr. Lisa Delpy Neirotti Sport Management Advisor delpy@gwu.edu Funger Hall, Suite 301 Women’s Studies (CCAS) Cynthia Deitch, ​
deitch@gwu.edu 837 22​
nd ​
St NW, Ste. 102 Bring syllabus or course description and course approval form. Dan Moshenberg, ​
dym@gwu.edu One week 1 day with appointment 