NC WiseOwl Database Description List - ARS


NC WiseOwl Database Description List

(Elementary, Middle, and High School Zones)

Use this document to take notes as you explore the databases that you think would be most appropriate for your students. Record anything that you find interesting about a specific database or a particular feature(s) you want to share with students.

Be sure to check out the Professional Zone database.

Database Name

Kids InfoBits

Kids Edition

Jr. Reference


Elementary School Zone


Kids InfoBits meets the research needs of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. It features a developmentally appropriate, visually graphic interface, a subject-based topic tree search and full-text, ageappropriate, curriculum-related magazine, newspaper, and reference content for information on current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports and more. (This database can also be found in the Professional Zone and the Media/Tech Zone).

This periodical database is designed for elementary school students, with easy access to full-text magazines, newspapers, and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more.

This is a comprehensive, crosscurricular database for schools and libraries featuring current, relevant, organized, and easy-to-read information from the U*X*L product line, covering science, biographies, authors, multicultural topics, and people and places. (This database


Junior Edition

Jr. Reference


Gale Virtual Reference

Library can also be found in the Middle, High

School, Professional, and Media/Tech


Middle School Zone

This periodical database is designed for students in junior high and middle school, with magazines, newspapers, and reference books (most are fulltext) for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports, and more.

This is a comprehensive, crosscurricular database for schools and libraries featuring current, relevant, organized, and easy-to-read information from the U*X*L product line, covering science, biographies, authors, multicultural topics, and people and places. (This database can also be found in the Elementary,

High School, Professional, and

Media/Tech Zones).

Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. Because each library creates its own eBook collection, the content you see may vary if you use the database at different libraries (your school, your public library, or your office). (This database can also be found in the

High School, Professional, and

Media/Tech Zones).

Student Edition

Gale Virtual Reference


Jr. Reference


The Scribner Writers


High School Zone

This database is designed for high school students, with access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers, and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports, and more.

Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. Because each library creates its own eBook collection, the content you see may vary if you use the database at different libraries (your school, your public library, or your office). (This database can also be found in the

Middle School, Professional, and

Media/Tech Zones).

A comprehensive, cross-curricular database for schools and libraries featuring current, relevant, organized, and easy-to-read information from the U*X*L product line, covering science, biographies, authors, multicultural topics, and people and places. (This database can also be found in the Elementary,

Middle School, Professional, and

Media/Tech Zones).

Scribner Writer's Series includes 15-

20 page signed essays on more than


1,600 authors and literary genres drawn from 13 acclaimed Scribner print series. (This database can also be found in the Professional and

Media/Tech Zones).

With Thomson Gale PowerSearch’s

Cross-search capabilities, users can now access the rich depth and scope of all the Thomson Gale content in your library’s collection by exploring one, several, or all available databases simultaneously – while managing results effectively. (This platform can also be found in the

General Reference

Center Gold

Professional and Media/Tech Zones).

This is a general interest database that integrates a variety of sources in one easy-to-use interface. Use

General Reference Center Gold to find articles from newspapers, reference books, and periodicals, many with full-text and images. Find the latest current events, popular culture, business and industry coverage, the arts and sciences, sports, hobbies, and more. (This database can also be found in the Professional and

Media/Tech Zones).

Professional Zone*

*this zone also includes each of the databases described above

Professional Custom


A custom selection of journals for educators. Topics include: arts and humanities, child and adolescent psychology and development, drug and alcohol abuse, health/nutrition/fitness, learning disabilities, literature, school law, science and technology, social sciences, and sports/athletic training.
