
《国际市场营销》试卷(9 卷)
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分
一、选择题(每空 1 分,共 20 分)
1. There are four events and trends that have affected and will continue to affect global business
today. Which of the following would be classed as one of those four major trends?
A) The trend toward acceptance of English as the global language
B) The trend toward affluence in all nations
C) The trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in
Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe
D) The trend toward friendship in almost all sections of Africa
E) All of the above are considered to be among the four major trends that are affecting global
business today
2. Which of the following terms would most closely match with the following description the
performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a
company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit?
A) Global Strategy
B) Marketing
C) Marketing Concept
D) Regional Marketing Concept
E) Global Marketing
3. Which of the following would be considered to be an uncontrollable element in the foreign
A) channels of distribution
B) research
C) economic forces
D) promotion
E) product elements
4. Such elements as political and legal forces, economic climate, and competition are the three
elements found in the ___________________ according to the international marketing task model
found in the text.
A) foreign environment (uncontrollable)
B) foreign environment (controllable)
C) domestic environment (uncontrollable)
D) domestic environment (controllable)
E) domestic environment (marketing mix variables)
5. In China, to enter into a proper contract, the Chinese company or individual must be
considered to be a "legal person." To be a legal person in China, the company or person must have
registered as such with the Chinese government. This is only one of the problems encountered by
businesspeople seeking to do business in China. Which of the following environments would most
correctly apply to the above situation?
A) foreign environment (uncontrollable)
B) foreign environment (controllable)
C) domestic environment (uncontrollable)
D) domestic environment (controllable)
E) domestic environment (marketing mix variables)
6. When Rita Thomas' clothing company began to market its line of inexpensive cotton shirts in
Africa, it assumed that it would be able to use its television and print advertising that had worked
so well in the United States and other countries. However, the company was soon to learn that
literacy rates and ability to access television was not the same as in the other areas of the world.
Which of the following environments would most correctly apply to the above situation ?
A) domestic environment (controllable)
B) domestic environment (marketing mix variables)
C) domestic environment (uncontrollable)
D) foreign environment (uncontrollable)
E) foreign environment (controllable)
7. One of Phillipe Ortiz's difficulties in marketing his line of Philippine cabinetry in Los
Angeles is that he is still tied culturally to business models that work in the Philippines. These
models do not work in the United States. The obstacle that Mr. Ortiz is facing may be identified as
being which of the following?
A) xenophobia
B) SRC (self-reference criterion)
C) globalism
D) racism
E) intellectual challenges
8. To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a ______________ that
isolates the SRC influences and to maintain a vigilance regarding ethnocentrism.
A) cross-cultural analysis
B) global research effort
C) search of the Internet
D) purge
E) parallel cultural simulation
9. If a company adopts a concept wherein it views an entire set of country markets as a unit,
identifying groups of prospective buyers with similar needs as global market segment and
developing a marketing plan that strives for standardization wherever it is cost and culturally
effective, the company has adopted what is called the:
A) marketing concept.
B) social marketing concept.
C) global marketing concept.
D) multidomestic marketing orientation.
E) domestic market extension orientation.
10. If Germany limits the number of Japanese ball bearings that may enter its country to protect
its domestic industry and reduce reliance of foreign supply, it is using a(n) _______ as a trade
A) quota
B) voluntary export restraint
C) orderly market agreement
D) tariff
E) standard monetary barrier
11. Michele Phillips has just begun to understand the French culture even though she has lived
there for two years. She speaks the language almost fluently, however, learning to live in France
will certainly take time. The process of how a person learns and adjusts to a new culture is called:
A) socialization.
B) democratization.
C) a reference path.
D) acculturation.
E) embodiment.
12. Which of the following countries scores the highest on the IDV index
(individualism/collectivism) suggesting that it follows an "I" mentality versus a "we" mentality?
A) Canada
B) France
C) Japan
D) Brazil
E) United States
13. The ___________ Index measures the tolerance of social inequality.
A) Individualism/Collectivism
B) Uncertainty Avoidance
C) Power Distance
D) Cultural Value
E) Consumer Behavior
14. Electrolux offers a cold-wash only washing machine in Asian countries where electric power
is expensive or scarce. This would be an example of a company conforming to which of the
following terms or phrases?
A) standardization
B) "dumbing down"
C) environmentalization
D) homologation
E) heterogeneity
15. The Windsor Group is concerned that consumers will not be able to get sufficient spare parts
for the company's new line of air conditioners. Which element of product component model would
be the element that contains The Windsor Group's concern?
A) core component
B) packaging component
C) support services component
D) communication component
E) global component
16. Which of the following is another name for parallel importing?
A) indirect marketing
B) gray trade
C) gray marketing
D) simultaneous marketing
E) preferred marketing
17. If a firm is concerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be
sold in overseas markets, it is engaged in ____________ pricing.
A) variable-cost
B) full-cost
C) breakeven
D) multi-level
E) predatory
18. Which of the following pricing strategies is known to stimulate market growth and capture
market share by deliberately offering products at low prices?
A) skimming pricing
B) penetration pricing
C) demand-based pricing
D) predatory pricing
E) competition-based pricing
19. Sad-Ohs is a themed nightclub that is aimed at the over 40’s. What kind of segmentation is
being used by the owners of the nightclub?
A) Age
B) Socio-economic
C) Geographic
D) Occupational
20. If the cost of producing one unit of a product is $ 5 and the firm adds a mark –up of 40%,
what is the resulting selling price?
A) $ 6.25
B) $ 9
C) $ 5.4
D) $ 7
二、填空题(每空 1 分,共 10 分)
1. Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to provide products or
, promote, distribute to
to achieve organizational
refers to the advantages to the firm because of the country it is
from or where it produces.
3. Culture is a set of
shared by members of a society, which
when acted upon by the members, produce
members consider proper and acceptable.
4. Four modes of entry are
that falls within a range of variation the
三、使用英语解释下列名词(每小题 5 分,共 20 分)
Global Marketing
Firm specific Advantages
Market Segmentation
Parallel Import
四、根据掌握的国际市场营销知识,用汉语或英语回答以下问题(每小题 4 分,
共 20 分)
What is advertising? What does global advertising strategy involve? How can you budget for
global advertising?
What are the most common bases for market segmentation?
What is consumer survey? What are the purposes of consumer survey? What is observational
study? Please illustrate with your own examples?
What are the four market research purposes?
How do you apply the knowledge of culture in negotiations?
五、案例分析题(每小题 10 分,共 30 分)
海尔的国际化路线是特立独行的。 1999 年,海尔在美国的南卡罗来纳州开
达到 2% 、 16% 和 8% 的市场占有率。一个不争的事实是,虽然海尔品牌在
TCL 作为吃螃蟹者,去年成功合并了法国老牌家电厂商汤姆逊的彩电业务,
组建了全球最大的彩电帝国。整合汤姆逊的彩电业务, TCL 总裁李东生喊出了
18 个月内合资公司盈利的目标。而联想也在今年出资 17.5 亿美元成功收购了
IBM 的 PC 业务。
美国时间 6 月 21 日 ,经过长时间的酝酿和考虑后海尔终于亮出了自己的
初步收购计划。海尔美国公司联手两家美国知名私募基金——贝恩资本( Bain
Capital )以及黑石集团( Black stone Group )以每股 16 美元的收购价向美国
电器业的百年老店美泰公司抛出价值 12.8 亿美元的“绣球”。
(1)海尔在收购美泰之前对外直接投资采取的是什么方式?( 3 分)
(2)国内其他企业没有仿效这种方式而纷纷采用收购方式的原因是什么?( 7
2. 当一个公司选择出口方式作为其国际市场的进入方式时,通常面临 2 种战略
(1)什么是瀑布式的出口战略?什么是洒水车式的出口战略?( 4 分)
(2)2 者的主要优点和缺点分别是什么?( 6 分)
某企业生产出口产品,年固定成本 2000000 元,每件产品的变动成本为 10
元,投资收益率为 20%,若国际市场定货量是 50000 件,该产品出厂价格应为多
少? ( 10 分)