Interview is a face to face interaction between two persons

Interview is a face to face interaction
between two persons for a particular
An interview is a purposeful exchange of
ideas, the answering of questions and
communication between two or more
A selection interview is a selection
procedure designed to predict future job
performance on the basis of applicant’s
oral response to oral enquiries.
Objectives of Interview
• Judgment of Applicant
• Give information to the Applicant
• To establish a rapport
• Promote Goodwill
• Valuation tool
• Solve Problems
• Exit
A. Classification according to Structure
B. Classification according to the
C. Classification according to
Interview’s content
D. Classification according to
administering the Interview
Classification according to Structure
1. Structured or Direct Interview
In Structured interview the questions and
acceptable responses are specified in
advance and the responses are rated for
appropriateness of content. Such interviews
are also called standardised interviews as
they are pre planned to a high degree of
accuracy and precision.
2. Unstructured or Indirect Interview
The unstructured interview is not directed by
questions or comments as to what the candidate
should be asked. There is generally not set format,
so the interview can take various directions as they
develop. The candidate is encouraged to express
himself on any topic of his interest, his
expectations, background etc.
The interviewers look for traits of character and
nature of his aspirations and his strengths &
weaknesses, potential etc.
Pros & Cons of Structured &
Unstrucured Interview
• Structured interviews are more reliable & valid as
all candidates are asked the same questions.
• Structured interviews enhance consistency across
• Unstructured interviews leave the flexibility to
pursue points of interest as they develop.
• They also help in assessing the clarity of thoughts
of the candidate.
Classification according to Purpose
of Interview
1. Stress Interview
Stress interviews aim to find out how a
candidate behaves under stressful situations i.e.
whether he loses his temper, or is frustrated.
The interviewer adopts a hostile behaviour
towards the candidate. He deliberately puts the
candidate on the defensive by trying to annoy,
embrass or frustrate him. He asks questions
rapidly, criticizes his answers, interrupts him
frequently, keeps silent for long time, makes
derogatory remarks, accuses him of lying etc.
Pros & Cons of Stress Interview
• Good way to identify hypersensitive
candidates who might be expected to over
react to mild criticism with anger & abuse.
• Difficult to keep the interview under
• Useful for jobs where emotional stability &
resistance to stress is required.
2. Appraisal Interview
An Appraisal interview is a discussion
following a performance appraisal in
which the supervisor & employee
discuss the employee’s rating and
possible remedial actions.
3. Exit Interview
When an employee leaves the
company for any reason, an Exit
interview is often conducted. It aims at
eliciting information about the job or
related matters that might give the
employer a better insight into what is
right or wrong about the company.
Classification according to
Administering Interview
1.One to One Interview
Most interviews are administered one on
one. As the name suggests two people meet
alone, the interviewer interviews the
candidate by seeking oral responses to oral
2. Sequential Interview
Here the applicant is interviewed by several
persons in sequence before a selection decision
is made. In an unstructured sequential
interview, each interviewer may ask different
questions & form an independent opinion about
the applicant. In a structured sequential
interview each interviewer rates the candidate
on a standard evaluation form & ratings are
compared before hiring decision is made.
3. Group Interview
Also known as GD’s, here groups rather
than individuals are interviewed. A topic for
discussion is given to a group. The
candidates are carefully observed for
leadership skills, participation in the group,
team playing skills & communication skills.
Such interview is based on the assumption
that group behavior displayed is related to
potential performance on the job.
Pros & Cons of Group Interview
 Candidate’s team player abilities can be
 Candidates express their behavior freely
without any fear as they are not directly
interviewed but observed from far.
 Candidate’s knowledge about the topic can
be known.
4. Panel Interview
Here candidate is interviewed
simultaneously by a panel(group) of
interviewers, rather than sequentially.
It seeks to pool the collective wisdom
& judgment of several interviewers.
Questions are asked randomly by
Classification according to
Interview’s content
1. Situational Interview
Here the interview will focus on the
individual’s ability to project what his
behavior will be in a given situation.
The interview can be both structured &
situational with predetermined
questions requiring the candidate to
project what his behaviour will be.
2. Job-related Interview
Here the interviewer tries to deduce
what the applicant’s on the job
performance would be, based on his
answers about his past behaviors. Job
related questions are asked to draw
conclusions about the candidate’s
ability to handle the job to be filled.
3. Behavioural Interview
Here a situation is described & candidates
are asked how they have behaved in the
past in such situation.
While situational interviews ask candidates
to describe how they would react to a
situation in future, the behavioral interview
seeks candidates to describe how did they
react to situations in the past.
4. Psychological Interviews
Psychological Interviews are interviews
conducted by a psychologist in which
questions are intended to assess
personal traits such as reliability or
dependability etc.
Steps in Interview Process
 Preparation for the interview
i.Establishing the objectives of the interview
ii.Reviewing candidate’s application & resume.
iii.Keeping test scores ready along with interview
assessment forms
iv.Selecting interview method to be followed.
v.Choosing panel of experts to interview the candidates.
The Physical Setting
Conducting the Interview
Closing the Interview
Evaluation of Results.
Limitations of Interviews
 Personal Bias
 The Halo Effect
 Constant Error
 Leniency
 Projection
 Stereotyping
 Snap Judgement
 Lack of Integeration
 Pressure to Hire
 Too Much/Too Little Talking