The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7) Shanghai, China; September 2-6, 2012 A parametric study of wind-induced flutter of piezoelectric patches for energy harvesting J. M. McCarthy a, A. Deivasigamani a, S. Watkins a, S. J. John a, F. Coman b a RMIT University, School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 71, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia b FCST Pty., PO Box 122, South Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia PO Box ABSTRACT: A study of key parameters affecting flutter characteristics and power output levels from a thin piezoelectric patch immersed in a parallel, smooth flow was examined. The piezoelectric patch vibration amplitudes were augmented through the use of a polymeric “leaf”, freely hinged to the trailing edge of the patch. The leading edge of the patch was rigidly clamped to a relatively narrow, rectangular support that extended across the wind-tunnel test domain, giving effectively a two-dimensional testing scenario. The influence of clamping base geometry on the flutter characteristics was evaluated. It was found that the stream-wise dimension of the rectangular clamp had little effect, whilst an increasing cross-stream dimension tends to delay the onset of flutter. Stream-wise proximity experiments were conducted with two leaf-stalk systems, and it was found that there exists a point tandem and downstream of a fluttering leaf-stalk system, whereby a second leaf-stalk can output more than 40% more power than when alone. KEYWORDS: piezoelectric, energy harvesting, flow-induced flutter, vortex shedding 1 INTRODUCTION A fluttering leaf on a tree, a vibrating automobile antenna, or blinds flapping in the wind; all of these seemingly trivial events actually reveal a complex engineering and scientific problem: fluid-flow induced flutter. Traditionally, flutter has been considered a detriment to structural integrity, and engineers would design the structure to obviate flutter occurrence. In fact, much research has been conducted to comprehend the underlying mechanisms of an object fluttering in a fluid flow (e.g. Lord Rayleigh 1879; Theodorsen 1935; Kornecki et al. 1976; Fredericks et al. 1986; Huang 1995; Paidoüssis 1998; Zhang et al. 2000; Argentina & Mahadevan 2005; Paidoüssis et al. 2011). Recently, however, there has been a realization that flutter could be exploited for the purposes of energy harvesting, using thin, flexible piezoelectric materials immersed in a fluid flow. Flutter is related to resonance of the system, and thus the amplitudes of an object in flutter become large. In order to extract large amounts of energy from a piezoelectric material large mechanical strain must be applied, and if this can be induced by flutter then energy can be extracted from a fluid flow. One of the first known attempts in the laboratory environment to realize this concept was by Allen & Smits (2001); where flutter of a thin, polyvinylidene-fluoride1-laden membrane was induced by introducing an upstream vortex-shedding, bluff body. The vortices would impinge on the flexible membrane, and due to the imposed pressure gradients, would cause timevarying membrane deformation according to the vortex shedding frequency of the bluff body. This method of flutter excitation is classed by Naudasher & Rockwell (1980) as Extraneously Induced Excitation, or EIE; flutter is induced from external pressure gradients caused by turbulence or vortices. Taylor et al. (2001) carried out a similar study, whereby a bluff body was used 1 Polyvinylidene-fluoride (PVDF) is a flexible, isotropic piezoelectric material. 1401 to excite undulations of the so-called piezoelectric “eel” within a water flow; however, they focused their attention on optimizing the electrical subsystem. Pobering & Schwesinger (2004) suggest two designs that exploit vortex shedding in a water flow; along with a simplified analysis, they state that such a piezoelectric system, when scaled up, could have a higher power density than that of a conventional wind turbine. Dickson (2008) envisioned a piezoelectric flutter system that would not only be efficient, but aesthetically-pleasing and safe; a tree-like construct with multiple piezoelectric “stalks” with polymeric “leaves” attached the stalks – figure 1 shows this concept. Figure 1. The piezoelectric “tree” concept proposed by Dickson (2008). Li & Lipson (2009) initiated research on this concept, by starting with a single piezoelectric, cantilevered leaf and stalk system in parallel, laminar flow. There was no vortex-shedding bluff body in this study, as flutter in this type of arrangement is meant to be self-induced. Naudasher & Rockwell (1980) classified this type of flutter excitation as Movement Induced Excitation, or MIE. Here, flutter is caused by a small perturbation of the membrane in the flow and further growth of this instability. Most theoretical and numerical studies in the past have focused on this type of flutter (see: references 1-9), because the instability growth and mechanisms by which the flutter initiates are still not quite fully understood. An important parameter to consider with this type of flutter is the critical flutter speed (Uc), which is the flow speed at which flutter of the membrane starts. In their studies, Li & Lipson (2009) examined different piezoelectric-stalk lengths, as well as different leaf geometries. They found that a triangular-shaped leaf coupled with a piezoelectric short stalk in the vertical configuration (Fig. 2b), gave the highest power output when properly load-matched, at a wind speed of 8.0m/s. Figure 2. The two different piezoelectric leaf and stalk arrangements used by Li & Lipson (2009, Fig. 5). 1402 The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7) Shanghai, China; September 2-6, 2012 They concluded that the hinge might play a significant role in amplifying the vibrations of the piezoelectric stalk, though no analysis was carried out. Bryant et al. (2011) looked at the aerodynamic interaction between two piezoelectric/leaf beams, and the subsequent influence on the power output. The stalks were constructed of thin steel with a piezoelectric patch bonded along their length. In their experiments, one piezoelectric/leaf beam was placed at a fixed point in a laminar-flow wind tunnel, and another identical replica was placed downstream at varying stream-wise and cross-stream locations. It was found that when the second beam was placed aligned and downstream of the first beam, it could produce up to 30% more power in tandem than when alone. At all times, the frequencies of the beams were monitored, and the resistive load adjusted accordingly in order that the maximum power from each beam was always attained. The reason this was done is because there exists, for a given flutter frequency and piezoelectric capacitance value, an optimum load resistance value that will permit maximum power to be extracted (see Li and Lipson 2009; Roundy et al. 2003; Sodano et al. 2004). Nevertheless, real-world deployment of these piezoelectric/leaf devices would demand that minimal power is consumed by the device itself (i.e. would operate with a high efficiency), and it is unknown if the benefits of an active resistance tuning circuit would outweigh the performance degradation in terms of power output; Roundy & Zhang (2005) investigated active-tuning of a piezoelectric device via active mechanical resonance tuning and it was found that active tuning never resulted in a net power output increase, but active electrical tuning was not examined. Such devices are likely to be “driven” by the atmospheric wind which is inherently turbulent and may approach from a wide range of angles, thus simulations or laboratory experiments in (usually) smooth flow may not give correct predictions of power outputs. Wind conditions vary widely with geographical location, notwithstanding the prevalence of local wind effects within urban settings. For instance, in Melbourne, Australia, the average wind speed in the Greater Metropolitan area as modeled by the Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria (2003) is 3.0m/s at a geometric height of 65 meters. However there are wind over- and under-speed effects, that occur due to topography and/or building proximity effects, hence the average wind speed may be far removed from the local speed. Here, we aim to investigate the effect of the leading-edge geometry on Uc, as this has not been quantified in previous analyses. We also, for a given leaf area and aspect ratio, examine the power output effects of two of these piezoelectric beams in proximity with each other. Unlike Bryant et al. (2011), this will be done with a predetermined, load-matched circuit resistance that will remain unchanged during the course of the experiments. 2 METHOD 2.1 Wind Tunnel Calibration and Setup The wind tunnel utilized in the experiments is a subsonic, closed-circuit design with an octagonal test section, measuring 1320mm high by 1070mm wide. A honeycomb mesh and an antiturbulence screen, plus a 4:1 contraction ratio inure the test-section incoming airflow. A 134horsepower DC motor powers a six-bladed fan, giving a maximum tunnel flow speed of approximately 45m/s. According to previous calibration work, the free-stream longitudinal turbulence intensity was much less than 3% (Creazzo 1999). A pitot-static tube installed that linked to an MKS Baratron® was used for velocity measurements, according to a standardized air density value of 1.23kg/m3. A simple error analysis was carried out, in order to determine the impact of standardizing the density across a large range of tests, and a maximum error of 0.5% in velocity 1403 measurements was obtained. Tunnel blockage due to the experimental setup was also found to be negligible. Due to the electrical nature of the experiments, the wind-tunnel electromagnetic noise (EMI) was evaluated so that a signal-to-noise ratio could be estimated and any destructive interference identified and attenuated. First, the coaxial, shielded cable for the experiments was connected to a 20MHz oscilloscope, and the other end left free near the wind tunnel (but not contacting the wind tunnel, so as to avoid an ‘antenna’ effect). The wind tunnel was ramped up to a wind speed of 14.6m/s and voltage curve observed, with no noticeable peaks occurring throughout the frequency sweep range. Next, a piezoelectric element was mounted in the wind tunnel, and the shielded cable connected to the electrodes. The voltage curve was then observed with no wind speed, and a small peak of the order 2.5-10mV was appearing at a frequency of 40Hz, presumably stemming from the fluorescent lights in the room. Finally, the voltage curve was evaluated for a piezoelectric element in flutter, initiated by the airflow in the wind tunnel traveling at around 5.1m/s. The voltage peaked at 3-3.2V, at a frequency of around 7.1Hz, the flutter frequency of the piezoelectric element. Therefore, the signal-to-noise ratio was deemed large enough that no further action was required. 2.2 Base Clamping Geometry Experimental Setup In order to assess the influence that the clamping geometry could potentially have on the critical flutter speed, a quick parametric study that included varying the length and width of the rectangular clamp was carried out. Figure 3 shows a diagrammatic of the clamp cross-section characteristic dimensions. Figure 3. The base clamping setup, showing the clamping length, Lclamp, and the clamping width, Wclamp. The dashed line illustrates the test specimen, and the free-stream uniform flow is denoted by U∞. The test specimen was chosen based on tests performed elsewhere, and consisted of a polypropylene membrane that was 248mm long by 60mm wide by 0.35mm thick, placed well outside of the tunnel boundary layer. The membrane was clamped at its leading edge so that the effective length was 236mm. The membrane material density is 995kg/m3 and the elastic modulus is 1261MPa. A stand was installed in the wind-tunnel test section to fix the top of the clamping base, and the bottom was fastened to the wind-tunnel floor. Guying wire was used so that there would be no transverse vibrations of the clamp in the flow, as shown in figure 4. 1404 The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7) Shanghai, China; September 2-6, 2012 Figure 4. A photograph of the clamping geometry sensitivity tests wind-tunnel setup. The clamping base was fabricated out of two lengths of 1.25mm-thick steel; one 600mm-long strip that extended from the stand to the wind-tunnel floor, and a 100mm strip that would be fastened to the other strip with the specimen clamped in between (Fig. 4). The baseline width of the clamping base was 3.5mm, and the baseline length was 12mm. The base clamping length was varied first, while keeping the clamping width at the baseline dimension. The length was varied from the baseline value to 70mm. Then, the clamping width was altered while keeping the baseline length dimension; the width was varied from 3.5mm to 12.5mm. For each dimension, the wind speed was ramped up slow enough so as to ensure steady-state flow, and the membrane start-up flutter wind speed was recorded. A Reynolds number range of 129,000-214,000 was observed in the testing, based on the membrane effective length. 2.3 Proximity Testing Experimental Setup Due to their flexibility, durability and relatively low cost, PVDF piezoelectric patches were utilized (Measurement Specialties, Inc., LDT1-028K/L type) in these experiments. The length, width and thickness of the piezoelectric patch are 72mm, 16mm and 205!m respectively. These patches were the same ones used by Li & Lipson (2009) in their work. Bryant et al. (2011) utilized Lead-Titanium-Zirconate (PZT) patches bonded to their steel beams, which are capable of outputting higher power but are generally less durable than PVDF. The leaves used for the experiments were fabricated from 0.35mm-thick polypropylene (whose properties are mentioned in section 2.2). The shape of the leaf is an isosceles triangle with dimensions of 80mm by 80mm (base by height), as this is the shape and area that caused the PVDF’s to output the highest power in previous work (Li and Lipson 2009). The leaf and piezoelectric stalk were coupled with a plastic revolute hinge, which would allow free rotation of leaf about the vertical axis. The mass of the hinge was 0.009kg. The leading edge of the piezoelectric stalk was securely clamped and the leaf end was free. The clamping length utilized for these experiments was 12mm. This length was chosen in order to securely hold the leads and wires attached to the PVDF stalk. The clamping strips were bolted to the wind-tunnel floor and ceiling, and guyed to the sidewalls to prevent any transverse oscillations. The clamping base was also taped, so as to prevent the piezoelectric electrodes from contacting the metal. The overall length (L) of the system with the piezoelectric stalk, leaf, hinge and the clamping length were measured to be 180mm. In order to determine the optimum placement of these leaf-stalk systems in a given volume, two such systems were placed co-linearly in the wind tunnel and the stream-wise distance be- 1405 tween them (d) varied, see figure 5. The separation distance was normalized by a single leafstalk length such that it is expressed as (d/L). At first, the two devices were positioned with a normalized separation distance of 1.0. Subsequently, the separation distance was increased to 2.0 and 3.0. This was done to examine the aerodynamic effects of the upstream leaf-stalk system on the downstream one. The wind speed range considered here was 3-8m/s. Figure 6 shows a photograph of the wind-tunnel setup. Figure 5. A cross-section schematic of the co-linear proximity experiments, showing the relevant parameters. Figure 6. A photograph of the proximity experimental setup in the wind tunnel. The piezoelectric stalks were connected to a simple parallel electrical circuit. The load resistance used for this experiment was 5.6MΩ. This value was experimentally obtained by recording the power output from a single leaf-stalk system across various load resistances in parallel (RL); from 1.0MΩ to 60MΩ, at a constant wind speed of 5.0m/s. The voltages from the piezoelectric stalks were measured using a differential probe (Elditest, GE8115) which has a high internal resistance (60MΩ) compared to the load resistance. The data from the differential probe was sent to a DAQ board (National Instruments, BNC2110) and the RMS voltage (VRMS) of the AC waveform was calculated in one-second intervals using LabView®. The electrical power generated in one second of leaf-stalk flutter is given by equation 1 (Bryant et al. 2011): Pi = 2 VRMS i (1) RL Then, the total average power generated over the 30-second data acquisition window was calculated as: 1 30 Pave = ∑ Pi 30 i=1 (2) 1406 The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7) Shanghai, China; September 2-6, 2012 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Clamping Base Geometry Sensitivity Figures 8 and 9 show the experimental results for the sensitivity of the critical flutter speed to the clamping length and width dimensions, respectively. The critical flutter speed is normalized by the critical flutter speed observed with the baseline clamp dimensions. The ordinate axis is plotted as such, for clarity. Normalised Critical Flutter Speed 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Clamping Length (mm) Normalised Critical Flutter Speed Figure 8. Clamping length sensitivity results. 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Clamping Width (mm) Figure 9. Clamping width sensitivity results. Altering the length of the clamping base does not seem to affect the critical flutter speed of the membrane. This could mean that the stream-wise boundary layer manifesting on the clamp topology is not causal to membrane flutter, at least for the Reynolds number range experienced. However, if the length of the clamping base were to greatly increase, assuming a constant width, the membrane root would then by definition encounter a thicker boundary layer, since the boundary layer thickness varies as the square root of distance from the leading edge (e.g. see Anderson 2007, chpt. 18). Additionally, depending on the state of the boundary layer at the root location of the membrane, whether laminar or turbulent, the critical flutter speed may change. The clamping width does seem to affect the membrane critical flutter speed. Considering previous theoretical treatments of flutter (e.g. Kornecki et al. 1976; Argentina and Mahadevan 2005), one major assumption made is that the clamped leading edge of the membrane is infinitely stiff, yet infinitesimally thin. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve in practice, and it can 1407 be seen that as the width of the clamp deviates upwards from the infinitesimal value, there comes an increase in critical flutter speed. This could be attributed to vortex shedding off of the clamp at a frequency other than the membrane natural frequencies, thereby causing destructive interference and henceforth a damping effect. However, once a clamping width that generates shed vortices at a frequency equal to the membrane natural frequency is deployed, it is anticipated that the critical flutter speed would decrease dramatically. 3.2 Proximity Experimental Results Figure 10 presents the proximity testing results for the downstream leaf-stalk. The output power is normalized by the power extracted with no upstream leaf-stalk (Pbaseline) present, and this quantity is plotted against the wind speed. Normalised Power, P/Pbaseline 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 d/L = 1 0.9 d/L = 2 0.8 d/L = 3 0.7 3 4 5 6 7 8 Wind Speed (m/s) Figure 10. The downstream leaf-stalk power output as a function of wind speed for multiple separation distances. A maximum normalized power of more than 1.4 is being obtained at 8.0m/s, even though the load resistance was optimized for a wind speed of 5.0m/s; this suggests that there is potential for even higher power outputs from the downstream leaf-stalk, should an actively-tuned load resistance be used. Bryant et al. (2011) obtained a trailing leaf-stalk normalized power of 1.3, for a wind speed of around 6-7m/s, so the results obtained here agree quite well. This correlation is despite a smaller cantilever length, different piezoelectric material and configuration, a different leaf shape, and a leaf area less than half of what Bryant et al. (2011) use. This strongly suggests that the increase in output power is purely an aerodynamic phenomenon, and not a structural dynamic one. Also, the flutter type occurring in this wind speed range is steady state, limit-cycle, sinusoidal; elsewhere it was determined by power spectral analysis that this flutter type contains the most bending energy at the discrete membrane natural frequencies (Alben and Shelley 2008). Once the flutter transitions to chaotic, stochastic motion with random snap-through events (Connell and Yue 2007), the maximum attainable power decreases and response becomes more broadband. It can be seen in figure 10 that for d/L = 1 and 2, the normalized power approaches a maximum. However, for d/L = 3 the normalized power growth rate is instead increasing. It could be that for separation distances of 1 and 2, transition to the chaotic flutter regime is starting and thus the power output has reached a peak. It is also interesting to note the local minimum transpiring at a wind speed of 4.0m/s – this is most likely due to anti-resonance occurring between the upstream leaf-stalk vortex shedding frequency and the flutter frequency of the downstream leaf-stalk. 1408 The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7) Shanghai, China; September 2-6, 2012 Figure 11 shows the normalized power plotted against the normalized separation distance, for wind speeds of 3.0 and 8.0m/s. Clearly, there is a maximum occurring at a separation distance of 2 for a wind speed of 3.0m/s, but there is no global maximum occurring with a wind speed of 8.0m/s. Normalised Power, P/Pbaseline 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 3 m/s 0.9 8 m/s 0.8 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Normalised Streamwise Separation Distance, d/L Figure 11. The normalized power plotted against the normalized separation distance for the minimum and maximum wind speeds tested. Evidently, optimum increased power output is occurring for the downstream leaf-stalk at a normalized separation distance of 2, as this is also what Bryant et al. (2011) found. However, the coalescence of the normalized power output across the separation distances for a wind speed of 8.0m/s is intriguing. Perhaps the higher kinetic energy in the flow sustains the advection of the shed vortices from the upstream leaf-stalk flutter and delays transition to chaotic flutter, which was found to occur at wind speeds slightly greater than 8.0m/s for a single leaf-stalk. Further work would entail flow visualization using a dual smoke wire approach. 4 CONCLUSIONS The sensitivity of the critical flutter speed to the clamping geometry was first examined. The results suggested that the clamping length has little or no effect on the critical flutter speed, and that an increasing clamping width tends to delay the onset of flutter. These results only hold for parallel, laminar flow; it would be erroneous to extrapolate to turbulent flow, and also the effect of the wind approaching from any direction hasn’t been quantified. That said, any future work concerning piezoelectric fluttering systems could benefit from the findings, especially if there is a need to control the critical flutter speed, or perhaps minimize it. Proximity testing, investigating exclusively the effect of a tandem configuration in the streamwise direction, was carried out. Results agree well with findings reported elsewhere for similar wind speeds tested. It is found that for wind speeds of 3-7m/s, a normalized separation distance of 2 causes the greatest increase in power output from the downstream leaf-stalk system, over a 40% increase. 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