Depth and Space Perception

Depth and Space
Regan Mandryk
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Many of these slides include
animated gifs or movies that may
not be viewed on your computer
system. They should run on the
latest downloads of Quick Time and
Windows Media Player
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
™ Depth cues
™ Using depth cues on 2D displays
™ Creating 3D displays
™ Stereoscopic displays
™ The future of 3D displays
™ Examples of interfaces utilizing depth
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
™ The closest opaque
object blocks farther
objects from view
™ Probably the
strongest depth cue
™ Provides only binary
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Linear Perspective
™ Parallel lines
converge to a single
™ Robustness of linear
perspective (Kubovy,
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Size Gradient
™ Objects which are
farther away are
smaller than objects
which are closer
™ Note how the size of
the boat and rider
vary with distance
Feb 10, 2003
Sculls by Gustave Caillebotte
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Texture Gradient
™ Texture becomes
denser with distance
from viewer
™ Note how
cobblestone pattern
varies with distance
Paris Street: A Rainy Day by Gustave Caillebotte
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Texture Example
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Depth of Focus
™ Principle of
™ We bring objects of
interest into sharp
focus, rest of image
becomes blurred
™ Computationally
™ Know where
someone is looking
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Depth of Focus
™ Principle of
™ We bring objects of
interest into sharp
focus, rest of image
becomes blurred
™ Computationally
™ Know where
someone is looking
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Depth of Focus
™ Principle of
™ We bring objects of
interest into sharp
focus, rest of image
becomes blurred
™ Computationally
™ Know where
someone is looking
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Cast Shadows
™ Provides information
about the height of
an object above the
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Cast Shadows (2)
Cast Shadows are very
powerful when objects
are in motion or for
inducing apparent
Videos from Kersten et al. 1997.
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Motion Parallax
™ Dynamically changing pattern of light on
™ Things nearby seem to move quickly and
things far away move slower
™ Relative horizontal position of objects
™ Owls use motion parallax
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Kinetic Depth Effect
™ Depth is perceived when observing a rotating
two dimensional figure
™ Object is perceived as rigid rather than a series
of lines
Kinetic Depth Movie:
™ Depth is also perceived due to the
Stereokinetic effect
Stereokinetic effect movie:
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Monocular Depth Cues
Feb 10, 2003
Linear Perspective
Size Gradient
Texture Gradient
Depth of Focus
Cast Shadows
Motion Parallax
Kinetic Depth Effect
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
2D Interfaces: Occlusion
™ Standard in most
™ Occluding windows
are in front of
occluded windows
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
2D Interfaces with Depth Cues
™ Screen real estate problem
™ Focus plus context displays
™ Continuous Zoom
™ Lens Techniques (Detail in Context)
™ Organization of numerous elements
™ Complex Visualizations
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Perspective Wall
™ Focus plus Context
Linear perspective
Size Gradient
Texture Gradient
™ Mackinlay et al. 1991
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Cone Trees
™ Organization of File
and Directory
™ Occlusion
™ Structure from
™ Robertson et al.
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Document Lens
™ Detail plus Context
™ Numerous other
lenses for many
other applications
since this lens
™ Robertson et al.
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Data Mountain
™ Organization of
Web Pages
™ Linear Perspective
™ Occlusion
™ Size, Texture
™ Cast Shadows
™ Robertson et al.
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
3D Desktop
™ Demo Movie:
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Artificial Depth Cues
™ 3D position from line
segments dropped
to the ground plane
leveled differences
between stereo and
mono displays (Kim
et al., 1991)
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Artificial Depth Cues (2)
™ Proximity luminance
™ E.g. Items that are
farther are darker
™ Cockburn (submitted)
™ Principle of
Atmospheric Depth
™ Aerial perspective
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Artificial Depth Cues (2)
™ Proximity luminance
™ E.g. Items that are
farther are darker
™ Cockburn (submitted)
™ Principle of
Atmospheric Depth
™ Aerial perspective
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Eye Convergence
™ Binocular Cue
™ Vergence angle of
eyes created by
distance from eyes
to object
™ Better for relative
information than
absolute information
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Stereoscopic Displays
™ Two images are presented in alternating
sequence; one to the left eye, one to the
right eye
™ Alternating glasses used to view
appropriate image
™ LCD shutter glasses
™ Polarized glasses
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Stereoscopic Displays
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Stereoscopic Displays (2)
™ Stereo Cameras
™ Endoscopic Surgery
™ Gaze Tracking
™ Position information from head tracking
sensors or eye gaze sensors alters rendered
™ Adds motion parallax cue to stereo display
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Two User Responsive
Agrawala et al., 1997
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Problems with Stereo Displays
™ Diplopia
™ Failure of visual system to fuse left and right
eye images
™ Panum’s fusional area
™ Accommodation helps avoid diplopia
™ Frame Cancellation
™ Screen edge occludes image appearing in
front of screen
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Problems with Stereo Displays (2)
™ Distant Objects
™ Stereoscopic depth cue only relevant to
30m from the viewer
™ Vergence-Focus Problem
™ Eye Convergence and Accommodation are
coupled in visual system
™ Screen-based and Head-mounted VR
systems represent vergence but not focus
™ Results in eye strain
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Future “True” 3D displays
™ Vergence-Focus Problem Revisited
™ Gaze (eye + head) tracking
™ Can include depth of focus in stereo displays
™ Reduce eye strain
™ Virtual Retina Display
™ Scans a pattern of light directly onto the
™ Low-vision aid
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Space Perception Theory
™ Varying theories on how depth cues
combine to form perception of space
™ Task dependent
™ Object docking, object rotation, object
translation, target acquisition, path
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
A note about HCI and Psychology
™ Principles of psychology can be used to create
effective digital displays
™ The ability of digital displays to reproduce
images not possible in the physical world can
contribute to psych theory
™ E.g. Hierarchy of depth cues for space perception
™ Mutually Beneficial
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
Feb 10, 2003
Agrawala, M., Beers, A.C., Fröhlich, B., Hanrahan, P., MacDowall,
I., and Bolas, M. (1997). The Two-User Responsive Workbench:
Support for Collaboration through Individual Views of a Shared
Space. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer
Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) '97, pp. 327-332.
Kubovy, M. (1986). The Psychology of Linear Perspective and
Renaissance Art. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Mackinlay, J.D., Robertson, G.G., Card, S.K. (1991) The
perspective wall: detail and context smoothly integrated. In Proc.
of Human factors in computing systems conference proceedings on
Reaching through technology. pp.173-176.
Robertson, G.G., Card, S.K., Mackinlay, J.D. (1993). Information
Visualization using 3D interactive animation. Communications of
the ACM 36(4), pp. 57-71.
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception
™ Robertson, G.G., Mackinlay, J.D. (1993). The
Document Lens. In Proceedings of UIST ’93, pp. 101108.
™ Robertson, G., Czerwinski, M., Larson, K., Robbins, D.,
Thiel, D., and van Dantzich, M. (1998). Data Mountain:
UsingSpatial Memory for Document Management. In
Proceedings of UIST'98, pp. 153-162.
™ Ware, C. (2000). Information Visualization: Perception
for Design. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
Feb 10, 2003
Perceptual Issues in Visual Interface Design
Depth and Space Perception