WORKSHOPS & CONFERENCE PROGRAMME July 25-28, 2011 Nottingham Conference Centre Nottingham, United Kingdom The conference is co-sponsored by: IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence IET, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, NTU, Nottingham Trent University, AAAI, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press EBTIC, ETISALAT BT Innovation Center. Dear Colleagues, th We cordially welcome you to IE’11, the 7 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, July 25-28, 2011 in Nottingham, United Kingdom. Workshops: Co-located with the conference there is a workshops program which this year attracted a record number of proposals. As a result various workshops will be held as part of IE’11 covering a wide range of specific topics and offering the opportunity to discuss with colleagues the challenges ahead and the possible ways to advance the area of Intelligent Environments. All papers accepted in the Workshops program are published in printed form as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series (ISI indexed) of IOS Press and electronically available through the ACM Digital Library. Supported workshops are: HCIAmI’11: 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence AITAmI’11: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence iC’11: The Intelligent Campus featuring special tracks on ‘Educational Technology’ & 'Immersive Education Spaces' SOOW’11: Smart Offices and Other Workplaces WISHWell’11: 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being CS’11: Creative Science: Science Fiction Prototyping for Engineering and Product Innovation SciT’11: Multidisciplinary Approach to Designing Intelligent Environments Conference: The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'11) held at Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom is the seventh edition in a series of highly successful conferences that were organized in Colchester (United Kingdom), Athens (Greece), Ulm (Germany), Seattle (USA), Barcelona (Spain) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) over the past six years. This year we have a program of presentations spanning over two and a half days which includes regular papers as well as a Posters Track, a Doctoral Colloquium and a Demo/Video Session. This is the first year that a Demo/Video session will be implemented and we believe this will be an exciting addition to the program of the conference. Four internationally leading professionals: Sumit Paul-Choudury, Editor of; Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster director and CEO of the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence; Prof. Steve Goodhew, Head of Sustainable Technology Research Group, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom and Prof. Vinny Cahill, Head of the Discipline of Computer Systems, Trinity College, Ireland will provide keynotes for this event addressing a variety of topics which will be of interest for the attendees. The conference attracted paper submissions which underwent a thorough reviewing process; 42 papers accepted as full papers, 6 as poster papers, 13 for the doctoral colloquium and 5 papers for demo and video session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JA?,02%%(!#1 -"2'#0.0*/+!#1 AHKHFGG GI?JFAGK?HF GK?HFAGK@KF GK?KFAGM@IF ..,J J@GA0.,.-2#62A50#-4(0.-,#-212.%%#!2(4#,02-4(0.-,#-21>0( .0#2( B-12(232#.%-&(-##0(-&A.+72#!'-(!.%.02.>.023&+C@ J@HA0.&0#11.50"1,023+2(A,."+#!'-(!+%%(!#%.02'#(1 +#"A#4(#5> .0".- >-&#+ B!3+27.%!(#-!#>-&(-##0(-&-".,/32(-&>(-&12.--(4#01(27> @@C@ J@IA-2.+.&(#1%.0##2(-&.-2#-2150#-#11A-" >0+.1(+(/#>#+(. >0+.1B-12(232#.%-&(-##0(-&A.+72#!'-(!.%.02.>.023&+C>.. 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Science Communicators and the Future Tense Abstract: There are relatively few scientific or technology breakthroughs whose significance is immediately and widely apparent. Without context, most scientific or technological developments run the risk of seeming trivial or irrelevant in the eyes of the general public. Historical context helps explain the nature of a discovery or innovation; but explaining its significance frequently requires a degree of extrapolation, notably descriptions of potential consequences and ramifications. Science communicators thus almost always need to include an element of forecasting in their presentations of research findings -- typically based on researchers' own thinking about where their work may lead. This talk will illustrate the various ways in which reporting is done in the future tense; present some examples of how it works (and where it fails); outline the constraints on this approach; and suggest some similarities with the SF prototyping process. Brief Biography: Before becoming editor of, Sumit worked as a financial journalist for Risk magazine, the Economist Intelligence Unit and ERisk. His writing has appeared in publications ranging from the Daily Telegraph to Marvel Comics and the New Musical Express, and he has advised a wide variety of organisations on communications and online strategy. Sumit has a first class degree in physics from Imperial College London and a master's degree in mathematics. He enjoys music, travel and ideas. *** K2 – Prof. Wolfgang Whlaster, DFKI, Germany Title: Connected Cars Create Smart Spaces Abstract: Intelligent Car2X technologies create smart spaces inside connected cars and their environment. Future cars serve as mobile sensors, mobile internet nodes and mobile compute servers. We present a new generation of car assistants that provide a broad range of situation-aware services from local danger warnings, intelligent intersection and traffic light management to persuasive eco-driving coaching. Three types of situational context are being modeled in our systems: The communication situation (i.e. the multimodal dialog context of the communication with passengers in the car, other drivers, and people outside the car), the driving situation (e.g. high-speed driving, relaxed driving, stopping, parking), and the road with its traffic signs and ambient displays. We will show how a digital black box of the car provides a detailed diary of the car that provides long-term context information. The smart key of our test car can store the shopping list of the driver and can be used for NFC payment in the supermarket. The in-car sensors detect missing shopping items and plan the route accordingly. The car monitors temperature and the air-conditioning when frozen products are being carried. We will illustrate our approach with various video clips from two instrumented BMW and Daimler test vehicles. Finally, we will discuss some future work based on always-on and all-electric cars that provide an emotional experience and social network behavior. Brief Biography: Professor Wolfgang Wahlster is the Director and CEO of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and a Professor of Computer Science. DFKI is the world’s largest contract research center with more than 800 scientists, working for its industrial shareholders including BMW, Daimler, Deutsche Telekom, John Deere, Intel, SAP, EADS and DHL. More than 60 hightech spin-off companies have been founded by DFKI.. Professor has published more than 180 technical papers and 9 books on mobile and multimodal user interfaces, instrumented environments, the semantic web, the internet of things and the internet of services. He is an AAAI Fellow (since 1993), an ECCAI Fellow (since 1999), and a GI Fellow (since 2004). In 2001, the President of Germany presented the German Future Prize to Professor Wahlster for his work on language technology and intelligent user interfaces, the highest scientific award in Germany. He was the first German computer scientist elected Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm 2003. In 2004, he was elected Full Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, that was founded in 1652. In 2006, he has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class of Germany. He has also been appointed member of the Research Union "Business - Science" as chief advisor for ICT research of the German government and served as a partner for innovation of Chancellor Dr. Merkel. Since 2009 he is a member of the Executive Steering Board of the EIT ICT Labs of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. In addition, Dr. Wahlster serves on the Executive Board of the International Computer Science Institute at UC Berkeley. He is in the editor of Springer’s LNAI series and on the editorial board of various top international journals like CACM. *** K3 – Prof. Steve Goodhew, Nottingham Trent University, UK Title: People and building performance: the interrelationship between energy usage, the building fabric and the behaviour of building occupants. Abstract: The need for reductions in energy demand in domestic buildings has long been a relevant issue, both to governments, building owners and occupiers alike. Over recent years environmental pressures and fuel scarcity/security have driven a number of different methodologies for reducing the energy we use in our homes, whilst still maintaining basic internal comfort conditions. Steve’s presentation grapples with the highs and lows of these technologies and the probable effectiveness of legislation verses innovation. Do we have to go back to the past to answer future and current problems? Brief Biography: Steve Goodhew is Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at Nottingham Trent University. Steve leads the Sustainable Technologies Research Group at NTU and has personal research interests focused on the use of natural materials in building products, the thermal/moisture performance and interaction of buildings and people. Steve gained most of his insights into these topics through a Masters in Energy and Buildings at Cranfield University and a PhD involving the in situ thermal measurement of building materials at the University of Plymouth. *** K4 – Prof. Vinny Cahill, Trinity College, Ireland Title: Abstract: *** GALA Dinner Talk - Brian David JOHNSON, Intel Corp Science Fiction Prototyping: Designing the Future with Science Fiction Registered Delegates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Of Minho, Portugal) Latin-America: Juan Carlos Augusto (University of Ulster, UK) Middle East: Fatmah Baothman (King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia) Oceania: Sen Gupta Gourab (Massey University, New Zealand) US/Canada: Hamid Aghajan (Stanford University, USA) Professional Society Liaison Diane Cook (Washington State University, USA) Industrial Liaison Chairs Brian Johnson (Intel, USA) Jason Ng (BT, UAE) Peter Mueller (IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland) Strategic Development Chair Sumi Helal (University of Florida, USA) Online Presentations Chair Michael Gardner (University of Essex, UK) Technical support Web site: Kostas Togias (Hellenic Open University, Greece) Graphics: Zheng xiao xia (University of Essex, UK) Submission system: Jeannette Chin (University of Essex, UK) Local Organising Committee Ahmad Lotfi (Nottingham Trent University, UK) Caroline Langensiepen (Nottingham Trent University, UK) Nasser Sherkat (Nottingham Trent University, UK) David Brown (Nottingham Trent University, UK) Philip Breedon (Nottingham Trent University, UK) Amin Al-Habaibeh (Nottingham Trent University, UK) Intelligent Environments Steering Committee (alphabetical listing) Hani Hagras (University of Essex, UK) – President Vic Callaghan (University of Essex, UK) Dimitris Charitos (University of Athens, Greece) Dianne Cook (Washington State University, USA) Sumi Helal (University of Florida, USA) Achilles Kameas (Hellenic Open University, Greece) Wolfgang Minker (University of Ulm, Germany) Dimitris Papalexopoulos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) George Roussos (Birckbeck College, University of London, UK) Michael Weber (University of Ulm, Germany) Room Layout