APA Referencing Guide - Chisholm Institute Library

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Referencing - APA style
Any time that you use another person’s words or opinions in an assignment you will need to acknowledge those sources in the text of your assignment and in the
reference list at the end.
Using someone else’s work without acknowledgment is plagiarism.
“Plagiarism is the act of presentation or copying and inclusion of another's work, including information downloaded from the Internet, with the intention of
representing the work as one’s own. It is a form of cheating.” (Chisholm, 2011, p.2).
“If the teacher….., finds that an irregularity has occurred they may…., decide that:…. the examination paper, assignment, test, essay or other piece of work be
given a mark of zero” (Chisholm, 2011b, p.8).
There are a number of styles commonly used in compiling reference lists and it is important to be consistent in whichever one you choose. APA style is used in the
Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol and Nursing courses at Chisholm.
A reference list is a list of the resources actually cited in the assignment that you are presenting.
Recording the following information while doing your research will avoid problems when compiling the list.
Author or authors; year of publication (ignore the printing or reprinting dates); title and subtitle; edition statement. eg. 2nd edn, 3rd edn etc.; publisher’s name
and place of publication. Where there is no publication date specified use n.d. in place of the date.
Author or authors of articles; year of publication; title of article; title of journal; volume and issue number; page numbers of article e.g. pp. 35-47.
Online sources
As above plus title of site; URL (address) of site.
No author given
Where it is not possible to find the author of a work, cite the title instead.
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In-text citation
• To acknowledge another person’s ideas in the text of your assignment, place the author’s name and date of the publication immediately after the
o e.g. “the foundation of all social work and welfare practice is the process of relationship building” (O’Connor, 1999, p.32).
o Or O’Connor (1999) believes that “the foundation of all social work and practice is the process of relationship building” (p.32)
• If you are paraphrasing (putting in your own words) what the author has said there is no need to include the page numbers.
• To refer to a work that is referred to in the book you are reading the format for the citation is e.g. Smith (as cited in Jones, 2009) stated that…….
Single author OR
(direct quote)
For two or three authors
In the text
In the Reference List
(Cortese, 2005) OR
(Cortese, 2005, p. 24)
(Malbon & Bishop, 2006)
Cortese, R. (2005). 12 dialogues. Sydney: Currency Press.
For four or more authors
(Author’s surname et al, date)
Corporate author
(Government body, etc.)
(Roads Corporation Victoria, 2006)
Source within a book
(McFarland, 2008)
e.g. Andrews (as cited in Borowski,
Encel & Ozanne, 2007, p. 132) stated…
Journal articles
From hard copy
(Mazza, 2002)
From online database
(Mazza, 2002)
Class notes/handout
From a teacher
(Vidas, 2007)
Malbon, J., & Bishop, B. (2006). Australian export: a guide to law and practice.
Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Include the names of all authors as above
Roads Corporation Victoria. (2006). Victorian rider handbook. Melbourne: Author.
NB in this case author and publisher are the same organisation
McFarland, D. S. (2008). Dreamweaver CS4: the missing manual, Sebastopol, CA,: O'Reilly
Media. Retrieved from
Borowski, A., Encel, S., & Ozanne, E. (2007). Longevity and social change in Australia.
Sydney: UNSW Press.
Mazza, C. (2002). And then the world fell apart: the children of incarcerated fathers.
Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, 83(5/6), 521-529.
As above with the addition of e.g. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Vidas, R. (2007). The causes of World War I, 1870-1914. Lecture notes distributed in the
course, 21794VIC Diploma of Liberal Arts, Chisholm Institute, Frankston, August 14
Note: Do not use italics or quotation marks for class handout entries as they are
unpublished materials (CQU, 2010)
Chisholm Institute Library __________________________________________________________________________________________
In the text
In the Reference List
Newspaper articles
From hard copy
(Uren, 2010)
Uren, D. (2010, October 5). RBA rate rise lies in the balance. The Australian, p. 2.
From online database
(Uren, 2010)
Uren, D. (2010 October 5). RBA rate rise lies in the balance, The Australian. Retrieved
from eLibrary database.
Crimes Act, Victoria. (1958). Retrieved from http://www.austlii.edu.au
ABS statistics
(Government of Victoria, 1958, s.399,
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010)
Encyclopedia article
Encyclopedia article
(Horton, 1994)
Horton, D. (1994). Carved trees. In The Encyclopedia of Aboriginal Australia ( vol 1,
p.182). Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
Encyclopedia article
(author unknown)
Electronic media
(Caffeine, 2010)
Caffeine. (2010). In The World Book Encyclopedia (Vol.3, p. 14). Chicago: World Book
Video recording /DVD
(de Heer, 2008)
de Heer, R. (Director). (2008). Twelve canoes [DVD]. Australia: Ronin Films.
Blog post
(Shanahan, 2010)
E-mail and other personal
communications e.g
letters, interviews
NB. Never include an email address
without the permission of the owner
Eg Mr Smith (personal
communication, March 3, 2010)
(Amor, 2009)
Legislation and statistics
Image - online
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Australian Social Trends (Cat. no. 4102.0).
Retrieved from http://www.abs.gov.au/
Shanahan, C. (2010, October 3). Wine review — Robert Stein, Bay of Fires and Tin
Soldier [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://chrisshanahan.com/articles/2010/10/
Usually emails and personal letters are not generally listed in a bibliography or
reference list. Check with your teachers for their requirements.
Cite in-text only
Amor, R. (1990). The rock and the sea [Painting]. National Gallery of Victoria,
Melbourne. Retrieved from http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/explore/ngv-collection\
Chisholm Institute Library __________________________________________________________________________________________
In the text
In the Reference List
(Barraud, 2010)
Barraud, A. (Presenter). (2010, June 21). The book show [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
Social networking update
e.g. Facebook
(MS Australia, 2010)
Television program
(Jones, 2010)
MS Australia. (2010, October 6). Did you know that five Australians are diagnosed with
MS each working day? [Facebook update]. Retrieved from
Jones, T. (Presenter). (2010, September 30). Q&A: adventures in democracy [Television
broadcast]. Canberra: ABC TV.
Website – entire website
Web document
(Fair Work Australia
i.e only use main part of address
(University of Canberra, 2010)
YouTube or video blog post
(Scannager, 2008)
Not generally included in bibliography or reference list. Check with your teachers for
their requirements.
Cite in-text only
University of Canberra Library and Academic Skills Program. (2010).
A guide to referencing with examples in the APA & Harvard styles (6th edn).
Retrieved from
Scannager. (2008, October 1). How to take a quick and easy inventory at your bar [Video
file]. Retrieved from
Chisholm Institute Library __________________________________________________________________________________________
Setting out your Reference List
A reference list is arranged alphabetically by the author or, in the case of no author, by the title and is located at the end of your assignment on a separate page.
Punctuation is important. Also – indent second and following lines in an entry 6 spaces. Leave two spaces between each entry to allow for clarity.
Amor, R. (1990). The rock and the sea [Painting]. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Retrieved from
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Australian Social Trends (Cat. no. 4102.0). Retrieved from
Caffeine. (2010). In The World Book Encyclopedia (Vol.3, p. 14). Chicago: World Book Inc.
Cortese, R. (2005). 12 dialogues. Sydney: Currency Press.
de Heer, R. (Director). (2008). Twelve canoes [DVD]. Australia: Ronin Films.
Jones, T. (Presenter). (2010, September 30). Q&A: adventures in democracy [Television broadcast].
Canberra: ABC TV.
Malbon, J., & Bishop, B. (2006). Australian export: a guide to law and practice. Melbourne: Cambridge
University Press.
Mazza, C. (2002). And then the world fell apart: the children of incarcerated fathers.
Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, 83(5/6), 521-529.
Uren, D. (2010 October 5). RBA rate rise lies in the balance, The Australian. Retrieved from eLibrary database
Chisholm Institute Library __________________________________________________________________________________________
Further sources to consult in the Chisholm Libraries:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Concise rules of APA style (6th ed.) Washington, DC:
808.06615 CON
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological
association (6th ed.) Washington, DC: Author
REF 808.06615 AME
Kimberley, Nell. (2008). Q manual : student guide for producing quality work on time. (4th ed.)
Clayton, Victoria: Monash University, Business and Economics Dept
378.945 KIM
Reference list:
Chisholm Institute. (2011). QMS 402 Assessment: attachment 6, Chisholm Institute, Dandenong.
Retrieved from, http://www.chisholm.edu.au
Chisholm Institute 2011b. QMS 402 Assessment, Chisholm Institute, Dandenong, Retrieved from
University of Canberra Library and Academic Skills Program. (2010). A guide to referencing with
examples in the APA & Harvard styles (6th edn). Retrieved from