GENIUM INET MARKET MODEL NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets NORDIC EQUITY DERIVATIVES Effective September 28, 2015 REVISION HISTORY Date April 8, 2010 Revision 1.0 Change Description Initial version for NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets April 29, 2010 1.1 May 10, 2010 1.2 June 7, 2010 1.3 September 17, 2010 1.4 October 11, 2010 1.5 October 18, 2010 1.6 Changes made in step 3 under section 4.3.4”Calculation of EP”, and section 7.2.5 “Fill-or-Kill” under section “Time in Force”. Clarification regarding the calculation of EP price in section 4.3.4 “Calculation of EP”. Clarification of hidden orders in call interaction, see section 4.3.2 “Call Interaction”. Changes: 7.1.4 Stop Orders will only be available in Swedish index futures 7.5.7 OMXS30 standardized Index futures roll (new section). This new functionality will be implemented as of the 8 of November. Clarification: 3.3 Session states during special circumstances (new section) 7.3 Reserve Orders 7.5 Combination Orders 7.5.1 Pricing combinations (new section) 7.5.4 Derived Orders, implied-outs (new section) 7.5.5 Regeneration of implied-outs during aggressive matching (new section) 7.5.6 Restrictions to implied-out generation (new section) 7.6 Order modification 8 Quotes (new section) 8.1 Single Quotes (new section) 8.2 Mass Quotes (new section) 8.3 Replacing Quotes – losing priority (new section) 4.3.2 Call Interaction, clarification regarding Stop Orders 7.1.4 Stop Order, clarification regarding Call Interaction and Price triggering 7.4.1 Price triggering, clarification regarding Stop Orders 7.5.3 Tailor-Made Combination, clarification regarding maximum ratio 7.7 Ranking of Orders, exception to the main rule 13 Appendix E Ranking of Orders, example on exception to the main rule 14 Appendix F Combinations, during special circumstances matching may be prohibited 7.1.4 Stop Order, reference added 7.4.1 Price triggering, exception to Stop Orders not being triggered if LMP is updated outside BBO 7.7 Ranking of Orders, exception to the main rule 13 Appendix E 13.1, Correction of example on exception to the main rule 13 Appendix E 13.2, new example on exception to the main rule January 31, 2011 1.7 April 4, 2011 1.8 August 31, 2011 1.9 Genium INET Market Model 7.1.4 Stop Order, clarification regarding Stop Orders triggered by erroneous transactions 9 Updated Quotation lists due to changed rules regarding Series generation 4.3 Changes valid as of April 4, 2011. Introduction of an Opening Call Auction on Index futures. Extension of the Call Interaction phase in the Closing Call Auction from 60 – 90 seconds to 90 – 120 seconds. 3.1 and 3.2 Changes of trading hours and schedules due to the changes on April 4, 2011. 7.1.4, 7.4.1 and appendix 13.3 As of April 4, 2011 none of the two exceptions to the main ranking rule will trigger Stop Orders and has therefore been removed from the triggering sections. 7.4.2 Triggering on Session changes. The only available session to trigger on will be Call Interaction for Index futures. 6.2 Trade types. Changed procedures when reporting EG2. 2 2 Date November 14, 2011 Revision 1.10 Change Description Clarification Call Interaction and Call Interaction. Description of market transparency moved to section 9. 4.3.4 Calculation of EP 7.1.3 Market-to-Limit Order 7.5.4 Implied-out Orders 7.5.7 Dissemination of Implied-out Orders New sections 9 and appendix G Description of Connectivity and Protocols April 2, 2012 1.11 June 15, 2012 1.12 August 6, 2012 September 3, 2012 November 26, 2012 1.13 1.14 1.15 March 25, 2013 1.16 March 26, 2013 1.17 May 6, 2013 1.18 September 3, 2013 December 9, 2013 1.19 1.20 January 20, 2014 1.21 February 3, 2014 1.22 February 24, 2014 1.23 Genium INET Market Model 11 Appendix B, Change of Danish tick sized for single stock options and futures Removal of Russian and Baltic derivatives Changed MPS accessibility hours 3.1 Changed trading hours Norwegian derivatives Introduction of Weekly options on OMXS30 3.1 and 3.2 New trading schedules Uncross session deleted, allocation moved to transition from CLIN to EOTRD 4.4-4.9 New sessions 6.1.5 Deferred publication 6.2.1-6.2.2 13 App. D New Trade Report Types and clarification 7.1.1 Clarification, day orders not participating in Post Trade 7.1.2 Market orders not valid in POSTR 7.1.4 Stop Order, not valid in POSTR 7.7 Ranking of derived Orders, Clarification 16 App. G Market Transparency, updated 17 App. H Deferred publication, new 18 App. I Order management, Trade reporting and events during sessions, new 7.2 Order Price Limit. Introduction of a new Price deviation check that prevent Orders with Prices outside an allowed Price range to enter EMP. 7.2 Order Price Limit. Allowed deviations updated for options & futures on Maersk. 3.1 Changed opening hours for Norwegian Single Stock. 3.1 & 3.2 Corrected time stamps for session state TRMBD. Section 11 Appendix B. Updated tick size table for Weekly Options. 3.1, 3.2, 4.6, 4.7 and 7.6 Extended post trade session on index futures on OMXS30 and enabling trading in the two standardized index future time spreads on OMXS30 during the post trade session 7.6, 7.3.2 and 7.3.3 GTC and GTD order are enabled in the two standardized index future time spreads on OMXS30 4.3 and 7.2.1 Call auction and Order Price Limit overview Clarification, Order Price Limit is not activated during auctions 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 and 7.6 Market and Market-to-Limit orders no longer valid for combinations 7.1.3 Market-to-Limit order Clarification on which order book price is used to determine the price of the order 7.2 Combination orders are validated by Order Price Limit 7.2.2 Market and Market-to-Limit orders are validated by Order Price Limit 7.2.4 Clarification, the quality of the BBO is validated in order to be used when calculating the reference price New Combination Order Book Reference Price Rule implemented – New deviation tables implemented for combination order books 7.6.4 Implied-out orders are not generated if according to Order Price Limit, the Buy price is below the lower price limit or if the sell price is above the upper limit Appendix I Trade reporting clarification on what trade report types can be used electronically or via phone during which sessions 18.1 and 18.2 Clarification on time limits regarding trade reporting electronically/phone Appendix 10 Quotation list Updated strike generation rules for Swedish Single Stock options 10.1 7.2.4 Order Price Limit reference price. The rule for selecting reference price for index futures is changed to be the same as for single stock and index options and single stock forwards/futures Appendix 10 Updated strike price intervals for Swedish Index, Weekly options and Binary options. 3 3 Date March 17, 2014 Revision 1.24 March 24, 2014 1.25 April 15, 2014 1.26 May 26, 2014 October 9, 2014 1.27 1.28 November 17, 2014 1.29 December, 8, 2014 April, 20, 2015 June, 8, 2015 September 28, 2015 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 Change Description General updates to layout and language in document (no material changes to content). Info on Standardized and Tailor Made Combinations in Section 7.6 extended. New section 7.10 Request For Quote. Updates to reflect the introduction of long orders in futures time spreads on C20CAP, OMXO20, VINX30 and OMXSB; trading in the futures time spreads on C20CAP, OMXO20, and OMXSB in the post-trade session; and new strike price intervals, tick-size levels and expiration month terms for Norwegian derivatives. Update to reflect the removal of second futures time spread on OMXSB. Correction Appendix I. Deletion of Combination orders during CLIN shall be possible. Correction Appendix B. Tick-size table for Norwegian index. Stock weekly options on Swedish shares introduced Trade reports maximum via the Member’s electronic connection increased to 100.000 contracts. Futures on OMXS30DVP added Appendix B and C. Appendix B Settlement Prices updated to clarify calculation of daily and final settlement prices. Trading calendar updated in section 3 to now include 2016. The quotation and deferred publication lists removed as appendixes in the market model. The document now refers to the original list in the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets. New Trade Type FLCN added in Chapter 6.1 and Appendix C. April, 20, 2015 Tailor Made Contracts changed to Flexible contracts. Stock weekly options on Norwegian shares introduced Extended Call Interaction in the Closing Call on OMXS30 and OMXSB DEFINITIONS The official definitions can be found in the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ Derivatives Markets. BBO Best Bid Offer of an Order Book. Call Auction process to facilitate price formation with two distinct parts: the first part is an order management phase called Call Interaction and the second part is a matching process for all eligible orders. The matching process is called Uncross (as it removes all orders with crossing prices). Call, closing The Closing Call in Index futures (OMXS30, OMXC20, OMXO20 and OMXSB), produces the last auto matched trades of the order book (if there are eligible orders available for matching). EP Equilibrium Price EMP Electronic Market Place; an abbreviation for the Exchange’s electronic exchange trading system Genium INET. FAK Fill-and-Kill is a Time-in-force when entering Orders. FOK Fill-or-Kill is a Time-in-force when entering Orders. Genium INET Market Model 4 4 GTC Good till Cancelled or Expiration Order. Order that is valid until the Expiration of the Series in question. GTD Good till Date. Order that is valid until a specified Date in the future. LMP Last Match Price. Member An Exchange Member, as defined in the Rules and Regulations. Order Book Each tradable Series has an order book in Genium INET for automatching of order and quotes. Series As defined in the Rules and Regulations. Time of agreement The time that states when the trade was agreed. Can be used at registration of manual trades. Time of Trade The time at which an automatically matched trade is matched or a Execution manual trade has been entered. For a manual trade it is the time at which the trade is reported for registration. Uncross A call ends with an Uncross where price determination and order and trade information dissemination takes place. VWAP Volume Weighted Average Price. Used as Expiration-day-fix on Index products. Genium INET Market Model 5 5 CONTENTS 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 2 Market structure .............................................................................................................................................. 9 3 Trading Hours and holiday schedules ............................................................................................................12 4 Sessions during the trading day .....................................................................................................................15 4.1 Pre-open....................................................................................................................................................15 4.2 Continuous trading ....................................................................................................................................15 4.3 Call Interaction ..........................................................................................................................................16 4.4 End of trading ............................................................................................................................................18 4.5 Statistics ....................................................................................................................................................18 4.6 Removal of Day Orders .............................................................................................................................18 4.7 Post-Trade.................................................................................................................................................19 4.8 Terminating business day..........................................................................................................................19 4.9 Electronic Market Place Closed .................................................................................................................19 4.10 Extraordinary closing and Trading Suspension .....................................................................................19 5 Expiration cycles and listing of series ............................................................................................................21 6 Trade reporting ..............................................................................................................................................21 6.1 7 Trade Report Types...................................................................................................................................23 Order types, validity and priority ....................................................................................................................25 7.1 Order Types ..............................................................................................................................................25 7.2 Order Price Limits ......................................................................................................................................27 7.3 Time-in-Force conditions ...........................................................................................................................31 7.4 Reserve conditions ....................................................................................................................................32 7.5 Triggering Conditions ................................................................................................................................32 7.6 Combination Orders ..................................................................................................................................34 7.7 Order modification .....................................................................................................................................38 7.8 Ranking of Orders .....................................................................................................................................38 7.9 Tick sizes...................................................................................................................................................38 7.10 8 Request for quote..................................................................................................................................39 Quotes ...........................................................................................................................................................40 8.1 Single Quotes ............................................................................................................................................40 8.2 Mass Quotes .............................................................................................................................................40 8.3 Replacing Quotes – losing priority .............................................................................................................40 9 Connectivity and Protocols ............................................................................................................................40 9.1 Trading ......................................................................................................................................................40 9.2 Market Data and Transparency .................................................................................................................40 Appendix A – Tick Sizes .........................................................................................................................................41 Appendix B – Settlement prices..............................................................................................................................42 Appendix C – Trade Statistics ................................................................................................................................43 Genium INET Market Model 6 6 Appendix D – Ranking of orders and price triggering .............................................................................................46 Exception 1 to the main rule regarding ranking ...................................................................................................46 Exception 2 to the main rule regarding ranking ...................................................................................................48 Appendix E – Prohibited combination matching .....................................................................................................50 Appendix F – Market transparency .........................................................................................................................51 Appendix G – Order management, Trade reporting and events during sessions ...................................................53 Genium INET Market Model 7 7 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes the functionalities for trading of Nordic equity derivatives on NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets, the name used for the derivatives trading operations of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB (the “Exchange”). Chapter 2 describes the market structure, while chapter 3 presents an overview of the trading hours and holiday schedules. In chapter 4, the trading sessions during a trading day is presented. Chapter 5 describes the expiration cycles and listing of series. Chapter 6 outlines the registration of manual trades. Chapter 7 presents the order types available and discusses the order modification. While the document has been prepared on the basis of the best information available, at the moment of preparation, the Exchange accepts no liability for decisions taken, or systems work carried out, by any party based on this document. This document does not form part of the contractual documentation between the Exchange and its customers. Content of this document may also be subject to discussions and in some cases approval from relevant authorities. While the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets is a legally binding document between Members and the exchange, the purpose of this Market Model document is to provide additional guiding information for trading members. Additional documents referenced in this documentation can be found at NASDAQ OMX’s official website. Genium INET Market Model 8 8 2 MARKET STRUCTURE The market for Nordic equity derivatives consist of derivatives on Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish shares and indexes as well as on Pan-Nordic indexes. Contracts are categorized as standardized, on request, or flexible. Trading takes place either through the electronic exchange trading system Genium INET, through the manual exchange trading system or outside the Exchange’s trading systems. STANDARDIZED CONTRACTS Standardized contracts are exchange-traded derivatives listed for trading and clearing with standardized terms. New tradable Series are automatically created by the Exchange according to pre-set rules. ON-REQUEST CONTRACTS ON FINNISH SHARES On-request contracts on Finnish shares are exchange-traded derivatives listed for trading and clearing with standardized terms. New tradable Series are not automatically created for all underlying shares but instead created intraday by the Exchange on request by members. For further info see the Quotation List (appendix 2) in the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets. FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS The Flexible (formerly known as TM or Tailor Made) Clearing service offers market participants the possibility to report flexible contracts with non-standardized terms which have been negotiated and agreed bilaterally for clearing. Flexible Contracts are offered on listed shares, indexes and custom made indexes. The underlying security, expiration date, expiration type, settlement style and strike price (options) are agreed bilaterally by the parties involved in the transaction. ELECTRONIC EXCHANGE TRADING SYSTEM Genium INET is the electronic exchange trading system for storing of orders, ranking of orders and execution of trades by exchange members. MANUAL EXCHANGE TRADING SYSTEM The manual exchange trading system is a service for exchange members. Services include for example matching of: Large block trades Combinations and spreads Delta neutral trades Roll of index futures Genium INET Market Model 9 9 Genium INET Market Model 10 10 REGISTRATION OF MANUAL TRADES Registration of trades matched outside of the exchange trading system, may be reported to the exchange for registration via the members electronic connections to the trading and clearing system, via phone or via a public information distribution system approved by the Exchange. Market segments and types of derivatives The following derivatives are available per market segment Market segment Danish stock, standardized Danish index, standardized Finnish stock, on-request Norwegian stock, standardized Norwegian index, standardized Swedish stock, standardized Swedish index, standardized Pan-Nordic index, standardized Danish stock, flexible Danish index, flexible Finnish stock, flexible Norwegian stock, flexible Norwegian index, flexible Swedish stock, flexible Swedish index, flexible Pan-Nordic index, flexible Options x x x* x Futures x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Forwards Binary options Weekly options x x X** x x x *Options not listed in group 2 of the Quotation list ** Introduction on May 26, 2014 TRADING RIGHTS Each member is participating in the trading activity under one or several unique member identification codes, known as Participant codes. To each Participant Users are connected. In the system, the trading rights are set on Participant level and the trading rights are fully inherited on User level. This means that Users connected to the same Participant have the same trading rights and these trading rights determine which products the User have access to trade. Furthermore, each individual trader must possess authorization to trade as stipulated in Rules and Regulations section 2.2.10. Genium INET Market Model 11 11 3 TRADING HOURS AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULES NORMAL TRADING HOURS, GENIUM INET All times CET Pre-Open Call Interaction Continuous Trading Call Interaction End of Trading Statistics Day Orders Cleared Post-Trade Terminating business day Genium INET session state Danish Stock C20CAP Index PREOP CLIN OPEN CLIN EOTRD STATS CLEAR POSTR TRMBD Electronic Market Place Closed EMPC 08:30 – 09:00 08:30 – 08:55 N/A 08:55 – 9:00 09:00 – 16:55 09:00 – 16:55 N/A 16:55 – 16:57:10 16:57:10 N/A 16:57:40 N/A 16:58:00 16:57:40 17:05:00 18:00 18:00 Finnish Stock Norwegian Stock OMXO20 Index 08:30 – 09:00 08:30 – 09:00 08:30 – 08:55 N/A N/A 08:55 – 9:00 09:00 – 17:25 09:00 – 16:20 09:00 – 16:20 N/A N/A 16:20 – 17:27:10 16:22:10 16:22:10 N/A N/A 16:22:40 N/A N/A 16:23:00 17:27:40 16:22:40 16:30:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 Swedish Stock OMXS30 Index 08:30 – 09:00 8:30 – 8:55 N/A 08:55 – 9:00 09:00 – 17:25 09:00 – 17:25 N/A 17:25 – 17:27:10 17:28:10 N/A 17:28:40 N/A 17:29:00 17:27:40 17:45:00 18:00 18:00 OMXSB Index 8:30 – 8:55 08:55 – 9:00 09:00 – 17:25 17:25 – 17:28:10 17:28:40 17:29:00 17:45:00 18:00 OMXS30DVP Index VINX30 Index 08:30 – 09:00 08:30 – 09:00 N/A N/A 09:00 – 17:25 09:00 – 17:25 N/A N/A 16:55 15:56:30 – 16:57:00 17:25 16:20 16:21:30 – 16:22:00 17:25 17:27:30 – 17:28:00 17:27:30 – 17:28:00 17:25 17:25 17:26:00 17:27:10 17:27:40 N/A N/A N/A 17:28:00 17:27:40 18:00 18:00 Genium INET Market Model 12 12 HALF DAY TRADING HOURS, GENIUM INET All times CET Pre-Open Call Interaction Continuous Trading Call Interaction End of Trading Statistics Day Orders Cleared Post-Trade Terminating business day Genium INET session state PREOP CLIN OPEN CLIN EOTRD STATS CLEAR POSTR TRMBD Electronic Market Place Closed EMPC Danish Stock N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A C20CAP Index N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Finnish Stock N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Norwegian Stock 08:30 – 09:00 N/A 09:00 – 13:00 N/A 13:00 13:02:10 N/A N/A 13:02:40 18:00 OMXO20 Index 08:30 – 08:55 08:55 – 9:00 09:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 13:01:30 – 13:02:00 13:02:10 13:02:40 13:03:00 13:10:00 18:00 Swedish Stock 08:30 – 09:00 N/A 09:00 – 12:55 N/A 12:55 12:57:10 N/A N/A 12:57:40 18:00 OMXS30 Index 08:30 – 08:55 08:55 – 9:00 09:00 – 12:55 12:55 – 12:57:30 – 12:58:00 12:58:10 12:58:40 12:59:00 13:15:00 18:00 OMXSB Index 08:30 – 08:55 08:55 – 9:00 09:00 – 12:55 12:55 – 12:57:30 – 12:58:00 12:58:10 12:58:40 12:59:00 13:15:00 18:00 OMXS30DVP Index 08:30 – 09:00 N/A 09:00 – 12:55 N/A 12:55 12:56:00 12:57:40 N/A 12:58:00 18:00 VINX30 Index 08:30 – 09:00 N/A 09:00 – 12:55 N/A 12:55 12:57:10 N/A N/A 12:57:40 18:00 Genium INET Market Model 13 13 SESSION STATES UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES In case of a suspension due to technical reasons HALT is the applicable session state. PREOP is the applicable session state when trading shall be resumed after such a suspension. For further details see section 4.10. TRADING CALENDAR AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Genium INET Market Model 14 14 4 SESSIONS DURING THE TRADING DAY For events during sessions, see Appendix G – Order management, Trade reporting and events during sessions. 4.1 PRE-OPEN During this no-matching session, only order cancellation is allowed. 4.2 CONTINUOUS TRADING During this auto-match session each new incoming order is immediately checked for execution against orders on the opposite side of the Order Book. Orders can be executed in full or partially in one or more steps. Orders in the Order Book will be matched according to the priority: 1. price; and 2. time Buy or sell orders entered with the same price as a corresponding buy or sell order in the Order Book will be matched into a trade. Buy orders entered into the Order Book with a higher buy price than the sell order with the lowest price (crossing prices), will be matched into one or more trades depending on the volume of the incoming order and the volume and the price of the sell order(s). The matching process will try to fill as much as possible of the volume in the incoming buy order until the limit of the crossing prices is passed. Sell orders entered into the Order Book with a lower sell price than the buy order with the highest price (crossing prices), will be matched into one or more trades depending on the volume of the incoming order and the volume and the price of the buy order(s). The matching process will try to fill as much as possible of the volume in the incoming sell order until the limit of the crossing prices is passed. The price of the resting (passive) order is used if an incoming (aggressive) order has a price better than the price of the best existing order in the order book (e.g. the sell limit is lower than the buy limit). The priority order in the same price level is the time when the order was accepted and stored in the Order Book. Genium INET Market Model 15 15 4.3 CALL INTERACTION Call auctions are only applicable for index futures on OMXS30, OMXSB, OMXC20CAP and OMXO20. Order Price Limits are not activated during Call auctions. Trading in the applicable index futures order books starts with a Call auction process prior to continuous trading and ends with a Call auction process after continuous trading. Call auctions are executed for all futures Order Books per Index at the same time. Both the Opening and Closing Call are formed with the no-matching session Call Interaction and the sub phase Uncross. OPENING CALL The Call Interaction starts 5 minutes prior to continuous trading and ends with the Uncross in the transition to continuous trading whereby determination of opening price and matching of orders takes place. The Call Interaction phase allows full order management. Limit Orders, with the time in force GTC/GTD, with or without Hidden volume placed during Call Interaction or during continuous trading and stored in EMP is valid in the Opening Call Auction. I.e. long Orders are valid in the Opening Call Auction. Limit Orders, with or without Hidden volume can be entered during Call Interaction. During call interaction Combination Orders are not valid and cannot be entered. During call interaction Stop Orders are not valid and cannot be entered. Market Orders with the Time in Force, Fill-and-Kill, can be placed and stored during Call Interaction and participates at EP and if any quantity remains after the Uncross it will be cancelled. See section 7.8 for ranking of Market Orders. Market-to-Limit Orders entered during Call Interaction are treated as Market Orders, participates in the Uncross at EP and if any quantity remains after the Uncross it will be stored in the Order Book at the EP. Matching of orders takes place in the transition from Call Interaction to continuous trading and is carried out according to the Price – Time ranking process. The hidden volume will receive a time stamp only when the visible part of the order has been executed. Genium INET Market Model 16 16 CLOSING CALL The Index futures Order Book shifts directly into Call Interaction at the end of Continuous Trading. Call Interaction in OMXC20CAP and OMXO20 lasts for at least 90 and at the most 120 seconds from the end of Continuous Trading. Call Interaction in OMXS30 and OMXSB lasts for at least 150 and at the most 180 seconds from the end of Continuous Trading. Call Interaction ends when the Uncross is carried out. The Call Interaction phase allows full order management. Limit Orders, with the time in force GTC/GTD, with or without Hidden volume placed during Call Interaction or during continuous trading and stored in EMP is valid in the Closing Call Auction. I.e. long Orders are valid in Closing Call Auctions. A Limit Day Order, with or without Hidden volume placed during Call Interaction in the Opening Call Auction or during continuous trading and stored in EMP is valid in the Closing Call Auction. Limit Orders, with or without Hidden volume can be entered during Call Interaction. Combination Orders are not valid during call interaction. During call interaction Stop Orders are not valid and cannot be entered, however Stop Orders entered during continuous trading can be cancelled. Market Orders with the Time in Force, Fill-and-Kill, can be placed and stored during Call Interaction and participates at EP and if any quantity remains after the Uncross it will be cancelled. See section 7.8 for ranking of Market Orders. Market-to-Limit Orders entered during Call Interaction are treated as Market Orders, participates in the Uncross at EP and if any quantity remains after the Uncross it will be stored in the Order Book at the EP. Matching of Orders is carried out randomly in the Uncross between 90 and 120 seconds after the end of continuous trading in the transition from Call Interaction to End of Trading according to the Price – Time ranking process. The hidden volume will receive a time stamp only when the visible part of the order has been executed. Determination of closing price takes place in the Uncross. Genium INET Market Model 17 17 CALCULATION OF EP The prices used in the selection of EP are all existing prices between the highest and the lowest price where Limit Orders exist, extended with one tick up from the highest, and one tick down from the lowest price. During Call Auction the EP is calculated as follows: 1. The EP shall be the price at which the highest volume (trading volume) can be traded in the allocation, including Hidden volume orders. Trading volume can only be achieved if the highest bid price is higher than or is equivalent to the lowest ask price. If there is a highest trading volume on more than one price level, go to step 2. 2. If there is more than one price level where the tradable volume is the highest, the level with the lowest imbalance is selected. The imbalance is defined as the surplus from the aggregated buy quantity or aggregated sell quantity after allocation of Orders. If there is more than one price level with the lowest imbalance go to step 3. 3. The market pressure is used to decide the EP. - Only buy pressure – select the highest price as EP - Only sell pressure – select the lowest price as EP - Both buy and sell pressure – then go to the next step - Only nil pressure – then go to the next step 4. The price closest to the last updated of Last Match Price or Settlement Price shall be the EP. It is neither possible to calculate an EP, nor possible to match orders in the Uncross, when: No crossing orders exist; or Only market orders exist in the order book. 4.4 END OF TRADING The Uncross of the Closing Call takes place in the transition to End of Trading and so do the release of Trade Reports that are subject to Deferred Publication. 4.5 STATISTICS When all instruments connected to a market has entered in to this no-matching session, official High, Low, Last and Open Prices are published for each Series. 4.6 REMOVAL OF DAY ORDERS In this no-matching session, Goof-for-Day-orders in index derivatives are cleared from the Order Books. All longer dated orders in index futures remain in their order books to be part of the Posttrade session, including combination orders in standardized index futures time spreads. Genium INET Market Model 18 18 4.7 POST-TRADE In this auto-match session, trading takes place in index futures on OMXS30, OMXSB, C20CAP and OMXO20 according to the matching principles of continuous trading. Trading in standardized futures time spreads is available while trading in TMC Order Books is not available. Real-time trade statistics is disseminated but trades do not contribute to official End of Trade Statistics except for Turnover and Open Interest. Stop Orders and Market Orders are not valid during Posttrade. 4.8 TERMINATING BUSINESS DAY In this no-matching session electronic after-hours trade reporting is allowed. 4.9 ELECTRONIC MARKET PLACE CLOSED During this no-matching session trade reports are no longer accepted via members electronic connections. 4.10 EXTRAORDINARY CLOSING AND TRADING SUSPENSION Trading may be suspended by NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets either due to technical reasons or regulatory reasons. Suspensions are regulated in NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets Rules. Technical suspension means that trading is suspended when the Order Book(s) become inaccessible for technical reasons. Regulatory suspension means that the Order Book(s) are suspended due to rules and regulations. The Exchange shall provide the Exchange Members with information regarding closings and suspensions via suitably accessible information technology. SUSPENSION DUE TO TECHNICAL REASONS (EXTRAORDINARY CLOSING) Technical disruptions are regulated in the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets. Trading shall be suspended if a technical disturbance causes a major part of the Members (market shares) to lose connection to the markets. When the electronic exchange trading system is closed, Orders may not be placed, changed or revoked and trades cannot be matched. Trades done outside the Exchange may not be reported for registration. RESUMING TRADING AFTER EXTRAORDINARY CLOSING After an extraordinary closing, trading shall be resumed as soon as the circumstances which caused the closing no longer exist and the conditions once again exist to maintain properly functioning exchange operations. Genium INET Market Model 19 19 Resuming trading may take place not earlier than 10 minutes after the notice thereof, unless all Exchange Members have received reasonable notice of an earlier re-opening. During the period prior to re-opening, the exchange trading system will be accessible for Order cancellation. SUSPENSION DUE TO REGULATORY REASONS (TRADING SUSPENSION) The provisions contained in the Securities Market Act and any relevant subordinate legislation shall apply to suspension of trading. If an underlying is object to trading suspension the derivatives connected to that underlying shall be suspended for trading. RESUMING TRADING AFTER A TRADING SUSPENSION When a suspension ceases, trading is resumed and the restrictions on order entry ceases. REMOVAL OF ORDERS Extraordinary Closing After an extraordinary closing the Orders stored in Genium INET normally remain there. In the event that an Order/s must be placed again, the Exchange will provide notice thereof. Trading Suspension After a trading suspension the Orders stored in Genium INET are normally removed. In the event that Orders will remain in the Order Books, the Exchange will provide notice thereof. Genium INET Market Model 20 20 5 EXPIRATION CYCLES AND LISTING OF SERIES NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets is listing new expiration months according to appendix 2 (Quotation List) in the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets. For further information see LISTING OF NEW EXPIRATION MONTHS When a new expiration month is about to be listed the new Series will be available for trading on the Monday in the expiration week. SERIES LISTED The Quotation List states for how many Series that shall be listed per expiration month in respective Market and also the Strike Price interval and if there is a difference in the Strike Price interval depending on remaining Term. On the Bank Days following the initial listing day new Series are listed in accordance with the Quotation List if the last transaction price in the Contract Share exceeds the second highest or is less than the second lowest listed Exercise Price. 6 TRADE REPORTING Trades matched outside the Exchange shall be reported to the Exchange as soon as possible (main rule: not later than 5 minutes after the trade took place) in accordance with the NASDAQ OMX Derivative Market Rules and Regulations. Time of agreement is a field that states when the trade was agreed upon. The field is optional. For Trade Reporting during sessions, see Appendix G – Order management, Trade reporting and events during sessions. Trades matched outside normal opening hours need to be reported / published as soon as possible. These trades need to be reported via telephone to the Exchange. Trade reports cannot be made via the Member’s electronic connection if the number of contracts exceeds 100.000. When reporting a trade the following trade report types and trade types are available. ONE-PARTY TRADE REPORTS Members are able to report each side of a trade for matching by the Exchange. When both parties have reported their side of the trade and the required data matches, matching will occur. TWO-PARTY TRADE REPORTS One member is able to report both sides of a trade (internal crossing) when both buyer and seller are represented by the same member firm. Genium INET Market Model 21 21 MULTI-LEG TWO-PARTY TRADE REPORTS A multi-leg Two-Party Trade Report makes it possible to enter a trade report for a combination of Instruments, where 2 up to 10 individual Instruments along with their prices can be entered in one transaction. The multi-leg Trade Report is only supported as a Two-Party Trade Report. UNMATCHED TRADE REPORTS Members or the Exchange can cancel unmatched Trade Reports. Else, unmatched Trade Reports will be cancelled by the system at the end of the trading day (day of entry of this report). DEFERRED PUBLICATION For trades matched outside the Exchange, waivers from the principle of immediate publication of a reported trade is allowed if the trade meets the number of contracts according to the Minimum qualifying number of contracts in a transaction criteria set in the rules and regulations; the trade is made between a client and a members own account; and the trade exposes the Member to a price risk. A request can be made for a trade to be deferred until end of trading day on an incoming trade report when using the trade report type BT (Block Trade). NB! The trade will be published immediately if the trade size is not eligible for deferred publication, or if the deferred publication option is not selected on the trade report type. For the minimum number of contracts qualifying the trade for deferred publication, see appendix 12 (Deferred publication) in the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets at Genium INET Market Model 22 22 6.1 TRADE REPORT TYPES The following Trade Types are supported for Manual Trades: TRADE REPORT TYPES DESCRIPTION Name ST STOS OHT BT EGT BTX BTXO EGLT FLCN Description Standard Trade Standard Trade, Outside Spread Off Hours Trade Block Trade Exchange Granted Trade Exchange Grated Trade, exceeding Maximum Lot Size Exchange Grated Trade, exceeding Maximum Lot Size, Off Hours Exchange Granted Trade, Late reported Flexible Contracts Conversion Operation Electronically/Phone Electronically/Phone OMnet ext_t_state_c 0 101 FIX TrdType (828) 0 1001 Electronically/Phone Electronically/Phone Electronically/Phone 107 108 102 1007 1008 52 Phone 105 2105 Phone 106 1006 Phone 103 2103 Phone 109 1309 TRADE REPORT TYPES DEFINITIONS Trade report type ST - Standard Trade STOS - Standard Trade Outside Spread OHT - Off Hours Trade BT - Block Trade EGT – Exchange Granted Trade BTX - Exchange Granted Trade, exceeding Maximum Lot Size BTXO - Exchange Granted Trade, exceeding Maximum Lot Size, Off Hours EGLT - Exchange Granted Trade, Late reported FLCN Genium INET Market Model Definition The agreed price shall, at the moment of Registration, be within or at the current BBO. The agreed price is outside the current BBO but has been within or at the current BBO during a period of 5 minutes prior to the trade report. Shall be used when continuous trading is not proceeding if the agreed price is outside the current BBO and has not been within or at the current BBO during a period of 5 minutes prior to the application for Registration or if the price has been within or at the BBO during the current trading day – or if the agreed price is fair depending on the market conditions. Minimum size is 1.000 contracts and if the agreed number of contracts equals or exceeds the relevant level, the trade is deferred and published in transition to End-of-Trading if reporting members choose deferred publication. If not the trade is immediately published at the time of reporting. The agreed price is outside the current BBO and has not been within or at the current BBO during a period of 5 minutes prior to the application for Registration. However the price must have been within or at the BBO during the current trading day. The agreed number of contracts exceeds the maximum lot size (currently 100.000). Trade is deferred and published in transition to End-of-Trading if reporting members choose deferred publication. If not the trade is immediately published at the time of reporting. The agreed number of contracts exceeds the maximum lot size (currently 100.000) and it is reported after continuous trading on the same day. Trade is immediately published at the time of reporting. Refers to trades from a previous date that by mistake was not reported on the trading day. In order to get a registration, Trading Surveillance must be contacted, via telephone, with a motivation to seek for approval. Used for the conversion of a member’s position in a flexible contract into a contract in an exchange listed (= standardized) instrument. Such conversion can be performed by Nordic Operations if both parties to the trade request that and the flexible contract have become identical with the terms and conditions of an exchange listed contract. The 23 23 price and volume of the original Flexible Contract will be used when registering the new transaction. The trades registered with FLCN will not be sent out in the market data feeds, nor will the High, Low, Last –statistics be updated. For details regarding Trade Information see Appendix C – Trade Statistics. Genium INET Market Model 24 24 7 ORDER TYPES, VALIDITY AND PRIORITY Outlined below are the order types and conditions available for Nordic equity derivatives in Genium INET. Each order must be placed with a valid quantity, Order Type and Time-in-Force condition. In case of a Limit Order, a valid limit price is also mandatory. Reserve and Triggering conditions are voluntary. It’s not possible to use more than one Triggering condition per order. Orders cannot be placed if the quantity of the order exceeds 50 000. For allowed Order management during different sessions, see Appendix G – Order management, Trade reporting and events during sessions. Allowed order types and conditions SSO X X X X X Stop X X X X X X X Reserve X X X X X X X FOK X X X X X X X FAK X X X X X X GTS X X X X X X GTC X X X X X X X GTD X X X X X GFD X X X X X MTL X X X X X X X MKT LMT Index Fut Index Opt Stock Fut Stock Opt SE IXF* Fut Cbo** TMC*** X X X *SE IXF = Swedish Index Futures **Fut Cbo =Index Futures Time Spread & Strip Combinations ***TMC = Tailor Made Combinations 7.1 ORDER TYPES LIMIT ORDER (LMT) A Limit Order is an Order, to sell or buy, at a maximum purchase price or minimum selling price. If not fully matched, it is stored in the Order Book in descending buy-price order or ascending sell-price order and joins the queue of orders having the same price according to time priority. If the price specified by a limit price is not valid according to the allowed tick sizes, it will be rejected. It will only execute at prices equal to or more generous than its specified limit price. Stored (during continuous trading) Limit Orders are valid, and new such Limit Orders can be placed during Call Interaction. Limit Orders can be accepted in part or in its entirety. In Order Books participating in the Post Trade session, stored Limit Orders will be cleared from the Order Books before the Post Trade session starts. Genium INET Market Model 25 25 MARKET ORDER (MKT) A Market Order is an Order to sell or buy at the best available price and is therefore entered without a price. The Time in Force for a Market Order is always Fill-or-Kill or Fill-and-Kill. Any remaining quantity will be cancelled. Note that a Market order will trade through the Order Book until the entire quantity is filled. No Market Orders with the Time in Force, FOK, can be placed during Call Interaction. Market Orders are not valid in the Post Trade session. Market Orders with the Time in Force, FAK, can be placed and stored during Call Interaction and participates at EP and if any quantity remains after the Uncross it will be cancelled. If no EP has been established, these Orders are disseminated without price in the Market-by-Level data. Market Order is not a valid Order Type in Combinations. MARKET-TO-LIMIT ORDER (MTL) Market-to-Limit Order is an Order to sell or buy at the best visible price. The best visible price on the opposite side of the order book is used to determine the price of the Market-to-Limit Order and if the Order is partly matched the remainder is converted to a Limit Order priced at match price. In comparison with a normal Market Order, the Market-to-Limit Order only executes up to the best visible price level and therefore does not trade through the Order Book. During the continuous matching session state a Market-to-Limit Order is immediately cancelled if no match can be executed, e.g. if no Order exist on the opposite side of the market. Market-to-Limit Orders entered during Call Interaction are treated as Market Orders, participates in the Uncross at EP and if any quantity remains after the Uncross it will be stored in the Order Book at the EP. If no EP has been established, these Orders are disseminated without price in the Market-by-Level data. Market-to-Limit Order is not a valid Order Type in Combinations. Genium INET Market Model 26 26 7.2 ORDER PRICE LIMITS OVERVIEW Order Price Limit is a Pre-Trade Price deviation check against a reference price meaning that the price instructions on an incoming order is compared against a reference price and if an order deviate more than an order book configured parameter, the order will be rejected before it can execute. Order Price Limits are not activated during auctions. This functionality is set market wide for all participants and the limits are set by the exchange. MARKET AND MARKET-TO-LIMIT ORDERS Market Orders A Market Order with the time validity Fill-or-Kill will be entirely rejected if the whole order or part of the order would trade more aggressive than the order-price-limit. A Market Order with the time validity Fill-and-Kill will be traded with the quantity that is equal to, or less aggressive than, the order-price-limit. The part of the order that would trade more aggressive than the limit will be rejected. Market-to-Limit Orders A Market-to-Limit Order will be rejected if the matching price is outside the order-price-limit limit. The best visible price on the opposite side of the order book is used to compare against the order-price-limit limit. If that price is outside the limit the order will be rejected. ONE-SIDED PRICE LIMITS The functionality rejects incoming Buy orders with prices above the Upper Price Limit and Sell orders with prices below the Lower Price Limit. On the other hand, Buy orders with prices lower than the Lower Price Limit and Sell orders with prices above the Upper Price Limit are allowed to enter the system. REFERENCE PRICE The price used to decide the Upper and Lower Price Limit. The reference price selection differs depending on product. Orders and quotes are taken into consideration when defining the BBO and orders deriving from combinations (“implied-out orders”) are excluded. When using the BBO for calculating the Reference Price the quality of the BBO is validated. I.e. if the spread is too wide the BBO is disqualified. Single stock forwards and futures Index futures and Index and single stock options Reference Price Rule The following rule for selecting reference prices is used: - Rule: Genium INET Market Model 27 27 1. The Last Match Price (LMP) is selected as reference price in the selected Series if the price is at or within Best Bid Offer (BBO). 2. If the LMP is not valid, Arithmetic mean of BBO is selected as reference price. 3. No reference price. (I.e. if no LMP or BBO is available no price limits will be calculated.) This rule shall be selected for option series, single stock forwards and futures and Index futures. Combination Order Books Reference Price Rule The following rule for selecting reference prices is used: - Rule: 1. Arithmetic mean of BBO is selected as reference price. 2. If there is no valid BBO available, the arithmetic mean of the implied-in BBO is selected as reference price 3. No reference price. (I.e. if no BBO or implied-in BBO is available no price limits will be calculated.) This rule shall be selected for combination orders If no reference is established whereby no price limits are active, orders entered in combinations series are not checked against the Order Price Limit functionality. However, Implied-out orders deriving from combinations are checked against Order Price Limit in the outright order books with the exception that a combination order at order entry executes what can be executed and then potential further implied-out orders are checked against Order Price Limits in the outright order books and if an impliedbid order has a price above the Upper limit it is rounded off down to the Upper limit and correspondingly if an implied offer has a price below Lower limit it is rounded off up to the Lower limit. Genium INET Market Model 28 28 UPPER AND LOWER PRICE LIMIT The Upper and Lower Price Limit decide how much the price on an incoming order/quote can deviate from the reference price before it is rejected. The Upper limit is calculated as the reference price + allowed deviation and the Lower limit as the reference price – allowed deviation. Allowed deviation SEK, NOK and DKK From Price Lower Limit 0,000 2,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 Upper Limit 100,0000 1,500 3,000 4,000 5,000 100,0000 1,500 3,000 4,000 5,000 Pr Unit Percent (%) Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute 100,0000 0,150 0,300 0,400 0,500 Pr Unit Percent (%) Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute 1,7500 Pr Unit Percent (%) Allowed deviation EUR From Price Lower Limit 0,000 0,200 1,000 2,000 3,000 Upper Limit 100,0000 0,150 0,300 0,400 0,500 Allowed deviation VINX From Price Lower Limit 0,000 Upper Limit 1,7500 Allowed deviation MAERSK From Price Lower Limit 0,000 500,000 1000,000 2000,000 3000,000 Upper Limit 150,000 200,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 150,000 200,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 Pr Unit Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Allowed deviation Combination order books in SEK, NOK and DKK From Price Lower Limit - 999999,000 - 20,000 - 10,000 - 2,000 2,000 10,000 20,000 Upper Limit 5,000 4,500 3,500 2,500 3,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 4,500 3,500 2,500 3,500 4,500 5,000 Pr Unit Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Allowed deviation in the standardized index future time spread & strip Combination order books in SEK, NOK and DKK From Price - 999999,000 Lower Limit Upper Limit 3,000 3,000 Pr Unit Absolute 0,500 0,450 0,350 0,250 0,350 0,450 Pr Unit Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Allowed deviation Combination order books in EUR and VINX From Price Lower Limit - 999999,000 - 2,000 - 1,000 - 0,200 0,200 1,000 Genium INET Market Model Upper Limit 0,500 0,450 0,350 0,250 0,350 0,450 29 29 From Price Lower Limit 2,000 Upper Limit 0,500 0,500 Pr Unit Absolute 600,000 550,000 450,000 350,000 250,000 350,000 450,000 550,000 600,000 Pr Unit Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Allowed deviation Combination order books in MAERSK From Price Lower Limit - 999999,000 - 3000,000 - 2000,000 - 1000,000 - 500,000 500,000 1000,000 2000,000 3000,000 Genium INET Market Model Upper Limit 600,000 550,000 450,000 350,000 250,000 350,000 450,000 550,000 600,000 30 30 7.3 TIME-IN-FORCE CONDITIONS GOOD-FOR-DAY ORDERS (GFD) GFD orders (also known as day orders) are valid for a trading day and any unexecuted portion is cancelled at the end of the business day. Orders in the Index futures are also valid during the Call Auction. GOOD-TILL-CANCELLED (GTC) GTC Orders are valid until it is cancelled and at the longest until the Expiration of the Series in question. If the Order is not matched during the day it will be inserted again in the order book the next morning when the system opens. The GTC orders will retain their original chronological order based on original entry time into the system. GTC orders in the Index futures, apart from combination orders, are also valid during the Call Auction. GTC orders in the Index futures, including combination orders in the standardized index futures time spreads, are also valid during post-trade. GOOD-TILL-DATE (GTD) GTD orders are valid until a specified Date in the future. If the Order is not matched during the day it will be inserted again in the order book the next morning when the system opens. The Date orders will retain their original chronological order based on original entry time into the system. GTD Orders in the Index futures, apart from combination orders, are also valid during the Call Auction. GTD orders in the Index futures, including combination orders in the standardized index futures time spreads, are also valid during post-trade. GOOD-TILL-END-OF-SESSION (GTS) GTS Orders specifies the Session Type until the Order shall remain in effect. The Order will be cancelled in a transition to a session not included in the current Session type. FILL-OR-KILL (FOK) No FOK Orders are stored in the Order Book. If a FOK Order is not matched immediately into trade(s) in full upon entry, the order is cancelled. FOK Orders can only be used during continuous trading. FILL-AND-KILL (FAK) No FAK Orders are stored in the Order Book during continuous matching. If an FAK Order is not matched immediately into trade(s) in full or in part upon entry, the remaining part of the order is Genium INET Market Model 31 31 cancelled. FAK Orders placed during Call Auction will be stored in the Order Book but the remaining part of the order is cancelled after the Uncross. 7.4 RESERVE CONDITIONS RESERVE ORDERS In a Reserve Order (a.k.a. iceberg or hidden volume order), a certain portion (shown volume) of the total volume of an order is displayed in the Order Book. Both the displayed and nondisplayed portions of the Reserve Order are available for potential execution against incoming orders. Reserve orders include an executable quantity that is only partially visible to the market. The quantity is automatically refreshed from a hidden quantity once the displayed quantity is fully executed. Refreshing the quantity (there is a time priority among reserve orders when it comes to refreshing) is regarded as a new order from a time priority point of view, however an incoming aggressive order will not trade through to the next level until all of the displayed and hidden quantities available are executed. Stored (during continuous trading) Reserve Orders are valid, and new such Reserve Orders can be placed during Call Interaction. Their total quantity is used for the EP calculation and the uncrossing. Their total quantity is displayed in market by price. 7.5 TRIGGERING CONDITIONS STOP ORDERS Stop Orders are only available in Swedish Index futures and only as Good-for-Day Orders. A Stop Order is an Order that is stored outside the central order book with a price condition that if triggered automatically places the order into the central order book as a Limit, Market or Marketto-Limit Order. It’s possible to set the price condition different from the Limit Price (if any). A Stop Order is not visible to the market before it is triggered. Stop Orders are not valid and cannot be entered during Auctions, however Stop Orders entered during continuous trading can be cancelled during Auctions. Stop Orders cannot be entered during, and are not valid in, the Post Trade session. A Stop Order can be one of the following two types: Regular Stop Order According to the “buy high – sell low” principle, a buy Order is submitted to the market when the price for an Instrument rises to a certain level and a sell Order is submitted when the price falls to a certain level. Market if Touched Stop Order According to the “buy low – sell high” principle, a sell Order is submitted to the market when the price for an Instrument rises to a certain level and a buy Order is submitted when the price falls to a certain level. Genium INET Market Model 32 32 A Stop Order triggered by an erroneous trade in Genium INET that is afterwards cancelled or price adjusted, is regarded as any other order and separately subject to the cancellation and price adjustment rules of the Exchange. Price Condition The Last Match Price (LMP) is used for triggering of Stop Orders. Trade reports and combination against combination order matching updating Last Paid Prices are not considered to be LMP, thus they do not cause any triggering. LMP originating from a combination match against outright orders causes triggering. Stop Orders will not be triggered during Auctions. Triggering conditions can be one of the following: LMP >= Trigger Price LMP <= Trigger Price SESSION STATE ORDERS (SSO) A Session State Order is an Order that is stored outside the central order book with a session condition that if triggered automatically places the order into the central order book as a Limit, Market or Market-to-Limit Order. Triggering of session changes can be used to trigger on the session Call Interaction in Index futures, i.e. at the next Call auction. The Order is immediately triggered at Order entry if the condition is fulfilled. Triggering on the session continuous trading is not valid. However, placing an Order during Call Interaction that triggers on the continuous trading will not be rejected immediately, it will be rejected when the condition is fulfilled. I.e. the Order will be rejected in the transition to the continuous trading session. Genium INET Market Model 33 33 7.6 COMBINATION ORDERS Combination order books refer between two and four different Series (“the legs”) that an order which is placed into such order book (“a combination order”) simultaneously trades if matched. There are two types of combination order books; pre-defined standardized combinations and user-defined tailor made combinations. Combination order books are integrated with the order books of the individual leg series and as such combination orders can either match within the combination order book, or against outright orders and quotes (“implied-in matching”) in the individual order books of the legs. If possible the matching engine of Genium INET creates and publishes implied-out orders in the individual order books of legs with a ratio of 1. The central system also supports implied-out matching of legs with ratios larger than one, as well as implied-in matching although no such implied orders are published. Implied-in matching will always be prioritized at order entry before matching within the combination order book if the implied-in price equals the actual. PRICING AND QUANTITY The limit price of a combination order is given as the sum of each leg’s price multiplied by its ratio relative to the order quantity. For combination bid (ask) orders, the price of a bought (sold) leg is added, and the price of a sold (bought) leg is subtracted. This means that the limit price of a combination order is a positive value when the user is placing a bid and is willing to pay; or the user is placing an offer and wants to be paid; and a negative value when the user is placing an offer and is willing to pay; or the user is placing a bid and wants to be paid. The quantity of a combination order reflects how many units of the combination it will trade if matched. One unit of a combination trades one times the ratio of each leg. E.g. if the combination bid order buys one “A” and sells one “B”, then a combination order quantity of 10 will if fully matched buy 10 “A”, and sell 10 “B”. IMPLIED ORDERS AND MATCHING Implied-out (a.k.a. derived) orders are orders coming out of combinations into outright order books automatically created and continuously maintained by the matching engine of Genium INET. For a combination leg, where possible, the central system uses the best priced outright orders and quotes in all other legs to calculate a theoretical price needed to trade at in order to execute one combination unit at the given net order price. Such calculated price will be placed into the market as an implied-out order and if matched, Genium INET will simultaneously trade the Genium INET Market Model 34 34 combination order against the outright orders and quotes in all other legs without execution risk. The implied quantity attached to the theoretical price is the minimum between the combination order quantity and the outright orders and quotes used as base for the price. Implied-in matching means matching of a combination order immediately at entry against a price and quantity coming into the combination out of outright orders and quotes. Implied-out orders will if possible be re-generated during aggressive matching. Such regenerated implied order is regarded as a new order from a time priority point of view. This means that an incoming outright order will not trade through to the next price level until all volume available from combination orders with generated implied-out orders have been executed. Orders implied off-tick Implied-out orders calculated at a price which is not a valid tick in the outright Order Book are always rounded off to the nearest worse applicable price according the tick-size table. When an aggressive order hits such rounded off implied order, the trade will take place at the actual price. I.e. implied-out order are created at their actual price, but published in the order book according to the tick-size table for the order book. This means that it is possible that incoming orders will be matched at a better price than what is visible in the order book at entry. Restrictions to implied order creation Implied-out orders are not created, if according to the Order Price Limits, the bid price is below the Lower Price Limit or if the ask price is above the Upper Price Limit. Implied-out order that have a quantity restriction (leg ratio > 1) will be created by the matching engine of Genium INET and receive a time stamp for time prioritization. It will however not be published in the order book. Implied-out orders are not created if the base is already fully committed to another combination. During special circumstances a combination may not be executed even though a possibility exists. See Appendix E – Prohibited combination matching. Implied-out orders are not created based on other implied orders, but combination orders can execute against implied orders if possible. STANDARDIZED COMBINATIONS Standardized combinations are pre-defined combination order books automatically created by the Exchange. At all times, two time spread combinations are available for futures on the indexes OMXS30, OMXC20CAP, OMXO20 and VINX30 so that when buying (selling) the first combination, one buys (sells) the second month, sells (buys) the first, and when buying (selling) the second combination, one buys (sells) the third month, sells (buys) the second. At all times, one futures time spread combination for OMXSB (second month/first month) is also available. Genium INET Market Model 35 35 E.g. bid 0.95 for 25 lots in the OMXS30 December/November time spread is an order with combination terms to buy up to 25 futures contracts of the December expiry, and simultaneously sell as many contracts of the November expiry. The individual leg prices are not specified, and will if matched be selected by the Exchange based on the combination net price. I.e. the price on the bought December futures minus the price on the sold November may not exceed 0.95. It’s possible to match such combination order in part but when matched the order will always sell as many November futures as it buys December. For futures on the OMXS30DVP index, at all times the below combinations are available: two time spreads so that when buying (selling) the first combination, one buys (sells) the second year, sells (buys) the first, and when buying (selling) the second combination, one buys (sells) the third year, sells (buys) the second; one time spread so that when buying (selling) the combination, one buys (sells) the third year, sells (buys) the first; two strips so that when buying (selling) the first combination, one buys (sells) the second and first years, and when buying (selling) the second combination, one buys (sells) the third and second years; and one strip so that when buying (selling) the combination, one buys (sells) all three years. TAILOR MADE COMBINATIONS The Tailor Made Combination (TMC) functionality supports the creation of user-defined combination order books in in Genium INET. The creation of a TMC order book is initiated by members which submits a request specifying the leg Series to be traded, their ratios relative to the combination order quantity and for each leg their relative sides to the combination order (as defined or opposite). Such TMC order book is allowed to have up to four legs and each leg’s allowed ratio relative to the order quantity may be between one and four. It’s neither possible to combine instruments with different currencies or contract size, nor is it possible to combine single stock with index instruments. It’s however possible to combine single stock Series with different underlying shares as long as they meet the former criteria (e.g. buy options on Volvo B, sell options on Sandvik). Requests to create a new TMC order book can be submitted via order entry interfaces during open hours. The Exchange evaluates such request and either creates the order book according to the market standard which might involve re-sorting of the legs, or simply communicates back an already existing order book, meeting the submitted criteria. The Exchange will always sort legs for new TMC order books accordingly: 1. Product type (forward before future before call option before put option) 2. Expiry (longer lifetime before shorter) Genium INET Market Model 36 36 3. Most expensive (Call: lower strike before higher, Put: higher strike before lower, Equity/ Forward/Future: N/A) Also, the Exchange will always create the first leg’s side as defined. This is an important aspect for members to consider for order entry as it means that a combination can be created reversed compared to the submitted request. Once a TMC order book has been created, all market participants are notified and full order management is immediately supported. Genium INET Market Model 37 37 7.7 ORDER MODIFICATION The priority of a stored order is retained if the volume (shown and or hidden) is reduced, if the time validity is changed and if the fee text pass through fields are changed. Other changes such as increase of the quantity or change of the price is equivalent to cancellation of the Order and the placing of a new Order. 7.8 RANKING OF ORDERS The main rule for ranking of Orders is based firstly upon best price/net price and secondly by the longest storage time. Exception 1: An Order which would have had higher ranking according to the main rule but is preventing Exchange Transactions which otherwise could take place of an Order with Combination Terms can be by-passed provided that the Orders included in the Combination Term has different ratios. Only Orders which do not exceed three contracts can be by-passed. See Appendix D – Ranking of orders and price triggering. Exception 2: An implied-out order which would have had higher ranking according to the main rule but is preventing execution which otherwise could take place of an Order can be by-passed provided that two passive and different combination orders are involved. Only implied-outs, in Series also common to two passive combination orders with different terms, can be by-passed. See Appendix D – Ranking of orders and price triggering. The storage time for implied-out orders is the same as for the combination order from which it is derived. If the derived Order is regenerated and the volume is increased due to an increased volume in the base, it receives a new time stamp. NB! In cases where the possibility exists for execution between two Orders with combination terms, the transaction shall be executed provided that the transaction cannot be executed against Limit Orders without combination terms upon the same or better terms. During Auctions, Market Orders are ranked as aggressively priced Limit Orders. Please note that this means that Market Orders are always ranked ahead of priced Orders. 7.9 TICK SIZES The tick size is the smallest allowed price movement and is thereby also the smallest possible difference between the buy and sell price in an Instrument. For detailed information on applicable tick sizes per product, see Appendix A – Tick Sizes. Genium INET Market Model 38 38 7.10 REQUEST FOR QUOTE The Request For Quote (RFQ) functionality allows members to request a one- or two-sided quote to the central order book of a specified instrument. Such RFQ can be submitted with or without an indicative quantity attached to it. Once submitted, a RFQ is visible to the entire market and all market participants can respond to it with single orders or quotes in the applicable order book. The RFQ functionality is available in order books for OMXS30 index options (including binary & weekly); Options (including binary & weekly), forwards and futures on Swedish shares; Options on exchange traded funds in SEK; Options and forwards on Finnish shares and depository receipts on request; VINX index options; Options and futures on Danish shares; OMXC20CAP index options; Options (including weekly), forwards and futures on Norwegian shares; OMXO20 index options; and Tailor Made Combinations. The RFQ functionality is neither available for outright index futures, nor standardized index futures combinations. Genium INET Market Model 39 39 8 QUOTES Market Makers are offered quoting capability. 8.1 SINGLE QUOTES Quoting is provided in one Series by a special type of transaction that includes both a bid and offer with corresponding prices and quantities. Price quotation can be single-sided or two-sided, i.e. the bid or offer or both the bid and offer can be provided in one transaction. 8.2 MASS QUOTES Mass Quotes are supported to provide quoting in up to 37 Series in the same underlying using one transaction including both bids and offers with corresponding prices and quantities. Mass quotes can be single-sided or two-sided, i.e. the bids or offers or both the bids and offers can be provided in one transaction. 8.3 REPLACING QUOTES – LOSING PRIORITY A previous quotation can be replaced by a new quotation in the same order book (it is possible to replace only one side with the other retaining its priority). This is done in an automatic manner to enable market makers to provide continuous quotes. Replacing and changing quotes always leads to lost priority. 9 CONNECTIVITY AND PROTOCOLS 9.1 TRADING Genium INET offers two interfaces for Trading; the OMnet API and the FIX protocol. The supported functions per protocol are outlined below. Function Order entry & mgmt. Trade reporting Single quotes Mass quotes RFQs MM Protection Trade drops 9.2 OMnet X X X X X X X FIX X X X X MARKET DATA AND TRANSPARENCY Market Data is available directly from Genium INET via two protocols; OMnet and ITCH. Market Data is also available from the Genium Consolidated Feed via the TIP protocol. Market Transparency is different throughout the trading day, depending on Trading Session and Protocol. See Appendix F – Market transparency. Genium INET Market Model 40 40 APPENDIX A – TICK SIZES Market segment Danish stock Danish index Options Price interval < 0.10 0.10 - 1.0 1.0 - 4.0 > 4.00 Maersk < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 > 4.00 Finnish stock Norwegian stock Norwegian index Swedish stock Swedish index OMXS30DVP index Euro index Tick size 0.01 0.10 0.25 0.50 25 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.01 < 0.25 0.25 – 4.00 4.00 – 8.00 > 8.00 < 0.25 0.25 – 4.00 4.00 – 8.00 > 8.00 < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 > 4.00 < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 > 4.00 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.05 0.25 < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 > 4.00 0.01 0.05 0.10 Futures/Forwards Binary options Weekly Options Price interval < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 > 4.00 Tick size Tick size Price interval Tick size Maersk < 0.10 > 0.10 25 0.01 0.05 < 0.25 0.25 – 4.00 4.00 – 8.00 > 8.00 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.25 < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 > 4.00 < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 > 4.00 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.01 < 1000 > 1000 < 0.10 0.10 – 4.00 4.00 – 50.00 > 50.00 >0 0.10 0.25 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.01 0.01 0.10 All standardized combinations order books have the same tick sizes tables as their individual leg Series except for the OMXS30 futures time spreads, which have a constant tick size of 0.05. Tailor Made Combination order books have a constant tick size of 0.01. Genium INET Market Model 41 41 APPENDIX B – SETTLEMENT PRICES DAILY SETTLEMENT PRICES FOR INDEX FUTURES The front month The settlement price is equal to the Last Paid Price if the Last Paid Price is at or within the closing BBO. If the Last Paid Price is outside the closing BBO the average of the BBO is used given that both a bid and ask price exist. If there is no closing BBO the settlement price is the theoretical futures price calculated using the index closing level. In the daily settlement price calculation, the first month is considered to be the front until the expiration day. On the expiration day of the first month, the second month is considered to be the front. Other months The settlement price is the theoretical futures price calculated using the index closing level. DAILY SETTLEMENT PRICES FOR INDEX DIVIDEND FUTURES The settlement price is equal to the Last Paid Price if the Last Paid Price is at or within the closing BBO. If the Last Paid Price is outside the closing BBO the average of the BBO is used given that both a bid and ask price exist. If there is no closing BBO the settlement price is the theoretical futures price calculated using confirmed or estimated dividends for the index constituents. DAILY SETTLEMENT PRICES FOR SINGLE STOCK FUTURES The settlement price is the theoretical futures price calculated using the closing price of underlying shares. FINAL SETTLEMENT PRICES FOR INDEX DERIVATIVES The final settlement price for OMXS30, OMXSB, OMXC20CAP, OMXO20 and VINX30 index derivatives is the index VWAP. The final settlement price for futures on the OMXS30DVP index is the index closing value end of the expiration day. FINAL SETTLEMENT PRICES FOR SINGLE STOCK DERIVATIVES The final settlement price for single stock derivatives is the closing price of the underlying shares on the expiration day. Genium INET Market Model 42 42 APPENDIX C – TRADE STATISTICS ELECTRONICALLY MATCHED TRADES Electronically matched trades update: Last price Last quantity High Low Open price Turnover Open Interest REPORTED TRADES ST - Standard Trade Updates: Last price Last quantity High Low Open price Turnover Open Interest Last Trade Report price Last Trade Report quantity STOS - Standard Trade, Outside Spread Updates: High Low Turnover Open Interest Last Trade Report price Last Trade Report quantity Genium INET Market Model 43 43 OHT - Off Hours Trade Updates: Turnover Open Interest Last Trade Report price Last Trade Report quantity BT - Block Trade Updates: High Low Turnover Open Interest Last Trade Report price Last Trade Report quantity EGT- Exchange Granted Trade Updates: High Low Turnover Open Interest Last Trade Report price Last Trade Report quantity BTX - Exchange Granted Trade, exceeding maximum lot size Updates: High Low Turnover Open Interest Last Trade Report price Last Trade Report quantity Genium INET Market Model 44 44 BTXO - Exchange Granted Trade, exceeding maximum lot size After Hours Updates: Turnover Open Interest Last Trade Report price Last Trade Report quantity EGLT - Exchange Granted Trade, Late Reported Trade is not published publicly. FLCN – Flexible Contracts Conversion Trade is not published publicly Genium INET Market Model 45 45 APPENDIX D – RANKING OF ORDERS AND PRICE TRIGGERING EXCEPTION 1 TO THE MAIN RULE REGARDING RANKING An outright order which would have had higher ranking according to the main rule but is preventing execution which otherwise could take place with a combination order can be bypassed provided that the legs in the Combination have different ratios. Only Orders which do not exceed three contracts can be by-passed. See example below. Given the following Order Books: No implied-out order is created in Order Book A (the combo calculates against the best price level in Order Book B,3@4,5 and that Order is to small). No implied-out is published in Order Book B since all or none Orders are not allowed, i.e. the combo has to sell at least 4 contracts or multiples of 4 contracts. The combo can actually sell 40@4,25. Order Book A 100@16 - 100@18 Order Book B 100@4 3@4,5 - 100@5 Combination Order Book A/B ratio buying 1 of Order Book A and selling 4 of Order Book B 10/40@1 - Genium INET Market Model 46 46 An incoming Order to buy 60@4,25 (in green) in Order Book B: Results in the following trades: Order Book A, 10 @ 18 Order Book B, 40 @ 4,25 Order Book A 100@16 - 100@18 Order Book B 100@4 60@4,25 3@4,5 - 100@5 Combination Order Book A/B ratio buying 1 of Order Book A and selling 4 of Order Book B 10/40@1 - Leaving the resulting Order Books: The buy Order of 3@4,5 has been by-passed due to insufficient quantity. Order Book A 100@16 - 90@18 Order Book B 100@4 20@4,25 3@4,5 - 100@5 Combination Order Book A/B ratio buying 1 of Order Book A and selling 4 of Order Book B - Genium INET Market Model 47 47 EXCEPTION 2 TO THE MAIN RULE REGARDING RANKING An implied-out order which would have had higher ranking according to the main rule but is preventing execution which otherwise could take place with an outright order can be by-passed provided that two passive and different combination orders are involved. Only implied-out order, in Series also common to two passive combination orders with different terms, can be by-passed. See example below. Given the following Order Books: Single orders in black, implied-outs in different colors generated from the combination order books with corresponding colors. Note that implied-out orders are only based on outright orders for example; the bid 10@1105,25 in order book C is calculated against 1104 in order book B. Order Book A 50@1103 - 50@1103,25 10@1103,25 Order Book B 50@1104 10@1104,25 - 50@1104,5 50@1105 Order Book C 50@1105 10@1105,25 - 50@1106,25 Combination Order Book B/A ratio buying 1 of Order Book B and selling 1 of Order Book A 10@1,25 - Combination Order Book C/B ratio buying 1 of Order Book C and selling 1 of Order Book B 10@1,25 Genium INET Market Model - 48 48 An incoming Order to sell 10@1105,25 in Order Book C: Results in the following trades: Order Book C, 10@1105,25 Order Book B, 10@1104 Leaving the resulting Order Books: Order Book A 50@1103 - 50@1103,25 10@1103,25 Order Book B 40@1104 10@1104,25 - 50@1104,5 Order Book C 50@1105 - 50@1106,25 Combination Order Book B/A ratio buying 1 of Order Book B and selling 1 of Order Book A 10@1,25 - Combination Order Book C/B ratio buying 1 of Order Book C and selling 1 of Order Book B - Note that the bid 10@1, in combination C/B is selling at 1104 and not 1104,25 because a passive combination never trades against another passive combination i/e the LMP will be outside BBO. The implied-out, 10@1104,25 in order book B was therefore by-passed. This can only happen in the order book that combination B/A and C/B have in common. Genium INET Market Model 49 49 APPENDIX E – PROHIBITED COMBINATION MATCHING Due to the fact that implied-out orders are not generated if the base is fully committed as the base to another combination, there are special situations where a combination may not be executed even though a possibility exists. If the bases in the combination are already fully committed to other combinations, incoming orders will not be executed (even though it seems to be possible) towards the combination since the combination needs a created implied-out order to trigger re-calculation due to changed BBO. If the combination order is changed (leading to a new order entry) the combination will be triggered with a re-calculation and if still possible it will be executed. Any new order sent in to the combination will lead to a re-calculation and if still possible it will be executed. However if the new combination order has a better price than the blocked combination order, that order will be executed first. Genium INET Market Model 50 50 APPENDIX F – MARKET TRANSPARENCY OMNET Type of Data - Market-by-Order No-matching Not disseminated in real time. Anonymous full Order Depth of stored orders with their shown quantity retrieved if queried. Five best price levels with aggregated shown quantity. Auto-match Not disseminated in real time. Anonymous full Order Depth of stored orders with their shown quantity retrieved if queried. Five best price levels with aggregated shown quantity. - Equilibrium Data N/A N/A Public Deal Information (Trade Ticker) Trade Reports disseminated on a trade-by-trade basis. Trade Reports and electronically matched trades disseminated on a trade-bytrade basis. Type of Data - Market-by-Order No-matching Anonymous full Order Depth of stored orders with their shown quantity disseminated in real time. Auto-match Anonymous full Order Depth of stored orders with their shown quantity disseminated in real time. - Market-by-Level - Equilibrium Data No N/A No N/A Public Deal Information (Trade Ticker) No Electronically matched trades disseminated on a trade-bytrade basis. - Market-by-Level Call Auction No. Five best price levels with aggregated shown and hidden quantity. All orders priced at or better than the EP are included in the first price level. EP and aggregated shown and hidden equilibrium quantity. Bid or ask price of surplus that will remain in the order book after the Uncross. Surplus quantity that will remain in the order book after the Uncross. Trade Reports disseminated on a trade-by-trade basis, uncross trades at session transition. ITCH Genium INET Market Model Call Auction No order depth disseminated during Call Interaction. Anonymous full Order Depth of stored order with their shown quantity disseminated once uncrossed. No EP and aggregated shown and hidden equilibrium quantity on bid and ask side. Uncross trades at session transition. 51 51 TIP Type of Data - Market-by-Order No-matching Not disseminated in real time. Anonymous full Order Depth of stored orders with their shown quantity retrieved if queried. Five best price levels with aggregated shown quantity. Auto-match Not disseminated in real time. Anonymous full Order Depth of stored orders with their shown quantity retrieved if queried. Five best price levels with aggregated shown quantity. - Equilibrium Data N/A N/A Public Deal Information (Trade Ticker) Trade Reports disseminated on a trade-by-trade basis. Trade Reports and electronically matched trades disseminated on a trade-bytrade basis. - Market-by-Level Genium INET Market Model Call Auction No. Five best price levels with aggregated shown and hidden quantity. All orders priced at or better than the EP are included in the first price level. EP and aggregated shown and hidden equilibrium quantity. Bid or ask price of surplus that will remain in the order book after the Uncross. Surplus quantity that will remain in the order book after the Uncross. Trade Reports disseminated on a trade-by-trade basis, uncross trades at session transition. 52 52 APPENDIX G – ORDER MANAGEMENT, TRADE REPORTING AND EVENTS DURING SESSIONS INDEX DERIVATIVES EMP Pre-Open EMP Call Interaction EMP Continuous Trading EMP Call Interaction EMP End of Trading EMP Statistics EMP Day Orders are cleared Genium INET session state PREOP CLIN OPEN CLIN EOTRD STATS Type No matching Auction Auto-match Auction No matching Order management Futures Delete Full Full Full Order management Options Delete Delete Full Order management Combos None Delete Trade Reporting (trade report types) Electronically Trade Reporting (trade report types) Phone At Transition EGLT EGLT CLEAR EMP Post-Trade Index futures POSTR EMP Terminating business day TRMBD EMP Electronic Market Place Closed EMPC No matching No matching Auto-match No matching No matching None None None Full None None None None None None Delete (long) Orders None None Full Delete None None None None None None ST, STOS, BT, EGT, OHT OHT OHT None OHT OHT ST, STOS, BT, EGT, BTX, EGLT Uncross CLIN OHT, BTXO, EGLT OHT, BTXO, EGLT OHT, BTXO, EGLT None OHT, BTXO, EGLT OHT, BTXO, EGLT Uncross CLIN Release of Deferred Trades End of trade Statistics Automatic delete of Day Orders Genium INET Market Model Settlement Prices (~17:40) 53 53 OHT, BTXO, EGLT (until 19:00 CET) Final Turnover & Open Interest (~19:25) SINGLE STOCK DERIVATIVES EMP Pre-Open EMP Continuous Trading EMP End of Trading EMP Statistics Genium INET session state PREOP OPEN EOTRD Type No matching Auto-match Order management Futures & Options Delete Order management Combos None Trade Reporting (trade report types) Electronically Trade Reporting (trade report types) Phone At Transition EGLT STATS EMP Terminating business day TRMBD EMP Electronic Market Place Closed EMPC No matching No matching No matching No matching Full None None None None Full None None None None ST, STOS, BT, EGT OHT OHT OHT ST, STOS, BT, EGT, BTX, EGLT OHT, BTXO, EGLT OHT, BTXO, EGLT OHT, BTXO, EGLT Release of Deferred Trades End of trade Statistics Settlement Prices (~17:40) Genium INET Market Model OHT, BTXO, EGLT (Until 19:00 CET) Final Turnover & Open Interest (~19:25) 54 54