How Do You Feel About Emotional Intelligence As A Dimension

How Do You Feel about Emotional
Intelligence as a Dimension of Diversity?
C. Douglas Johnson, Ph.D.
Georgia Gwinnett College
South Brevard Society of Human Resource Management
Melbourne, FL
August, 2013
Overview of the Session
 Introductory Remarks
 Goals
 The Giraffe and Elephant Fable
 What is Diversity?
 Textbook Definitions
 Models of Diversity
 Best Practices Sharing
 Emotional Intelligence as a Dimension of Diversity
 Understanding IDAA Activity
 Closing Remarks
Goals/Learning Objectives
 To increase awareness of the important
connections between diversity management and
change management
 To explore different definitions and approaches to
 To highlight some recent research in the diversity
 To enhance understanding of emotional intelligence
as a dimension of diversity
 To expand knowledge relative to professional and
personal development
Giraffe and Elephant:
A Diversity Fable
by R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr., DBA
Giraffe and Elephant Fable
Discussion Questions
 Is the Giraffe and Elephant relationship worth pursuing?
Why or why not?
 Why did Giraffe focus only on changing Elephant?
 Should Elephant consider Giraffe’s suggestions on how
he could change himself?
 Are there any “Elephants” in your organization? If so,
what efforts have been made to engage them?
 Was emotional intelligence portrayed in the video? If so,
What Is Diversity?
Textbook Definitions
 Diversity - any collective mixture characterized
by similarities and differences
 Workplace Diversity – individuals who bring
different skills, resources, experiences and
perspectives to the workplace and who have
distinctive needs, preferences, expectations
and lifestyles
Textbook Definitions
 Marketplace Diversity – A consumer base that is
made up of individuals with differentiated
backgrounds, preferences, needs, and
lifestyles, and who purchase goods and services
that meet their needs
 Valuing Diversity – Creating relationships with
all co-workers, customers, and other
stakeholders, whether we believe they are
similar to or different from ourselves
The Diversity Iceberg
The Diversity Circle
from The Phoenix Principles by Brown & Reid (
The Diversity Wheel / Four Layers of Diversity
(revised from Loden Associates)
Best Practice Sharing
 How has your organization defined ‘diversity’ or
‘diversity management’?
 Share organization’s diversity mission statement/
 Are there any diversity practices / processes that your
organization is particularly proud of? If so, please share.
Emotional Intelligence as a
Dimension of Diversity
 Emotional Intelligence (EI) was popularized by Daniel
Goleman (1995)
 Independent competencies in both self-awareness and
responsiveness to others
 The Emotional Intelligence and Diversity Institute,
founded in 2004
 EID encompasses the ability to feel, understand, articulate,
manage, and apply the power of emotions to interactions
across lines of difference (Gardenswartz, Cherbosque, &
Rowe, 2010)
 Four Elements in the EID model – Affirmative Introspection;
Self-Governance; Intercultural Literacy, & Social
Emotional Intelligence as a
Dimension of Diversity
 Five Dimensions/Levels of Impact Development
Awareness Assessment (IDAA)
 Fear
 Self-Confidence
 Influence
 Trust
 Relationships
Understanding IDAA Activity
Closing Remarks
 You is Kind
 You is Smart
 You is Important
 EI Lessons Learned from The Help
 Thank you for the opportunity to facilitate this session
 If you would like to contact me, please do so:
 C. Douglas Johnson 678.407.5771; email at