= Minutes Subject: File ref: Author: Date: c^kp=j`k= háåÖë=`êçëë=eçëéáí~ä= oççã=NMNT= `äÉéáåÖíçå=oç~Ç= aìåÇÉÉ= aaP=Ub^= qÉäÉéÜçåÉ=MNPUO=UPRNUP= ïïïKÑ~åëKëÅçíKåÜëKìâ== FANS MCN Steering Group meeting, meeting FANSSG1014 Greg Fearn 3 October 2014 Present: Dr Anna Maria Choy Greg Fearn Dr Karen Smith Dr Vicky Murday Dr Iain Findlay Dr Paul Broadhurst Dr John Dean Dr John Stout Dr Rob Ainsworth Dr Wayne Lam Dr Kerry Anne Shearer Consultant Cardiologist & FANS Lead Clinician, NHS Tayside FANS Network Manager Cardiology Nurse Consultant, NHS Tayside Consultant Clinical Geneticist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Grampian Consultant Clinical inical Geneticist, NHS Grampian GP, NHS Grampian Consultant Forensic Pathologist, NHS Lothian Consultant Clinical Geneticist, NHS Lothian Consultant Forensic Pathologist, NHS Lothian Apologies: Hazel Hailey Bob McConnachie Dr Ruth McGowan Dr Catherine Labinjoh Dr Derek Connelly Prof Andrew Rankin Dr Gillian Marshall Denise Oxnard Genetic Counsellor, NHS Grampian FANS Public Representative, Cardiomyopathy Association Consultant Clinical Geneticist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Forth Valley Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Professor of Cardiology, University of Glasgow Consultant Cardiologist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Genetic Counsellor, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Item no. 1 Action Welcome and Apologies Dr Choy welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted as above. Dr Choy began the meeting by paying tribute to Professor Stewart Hillis who sadly died in July. His tremendous contribution to cardiology, sports medicine and FANS was acknowledged by the group. 2 Minutes of the Last Meeting – 11 June 2014 These were accepted as a correct record. 3 Matters Arising Dr Choy stated that she had met with Prof Fleming from the Pathology Patho department in Tayside to discuss the pathology process in Dundee for sudden cardiac death. Dr Ainsworth has also been in contact with Prof Fleming and will continue to maintain contact with him to discuss disc developments. k~íáçå~ä=pÉêîáÅÉë=aáîáëáçå= dóäÉ=pèì~êÉI=N=pçìíÜ=dóäÉ=`êÉëÅÉåíI=bÇáåÄìêÖÜ=beNO=Vb_ dóäÉ=pèì~êÉI=N=pçìíÜ=dóäÉ=`êÉëÅÉåíI=bÇáåÄìêÖÜ=beNO=Vb_= = aáêÉÅíçê==aÉáêÇêÉ=bî~åë RA 4 Subgroup / Regional Updates 4.1 NMAHP Dr Smith explained that there hadn’t been a subgroup meeting recently but that she would be meeting with Greg in November to initiate new projects. 4.2 West of Scotland There was a group discussion around several complex cases which had recently come up at the MDT meeting. Agreement and consensus was reached on each one and will be taken forward by the relevant clinicians. 4.3 East of Scotland Dr Lam updated the group as to the latest developments in the East. There were no major issues for discussion, but the MDT continues to progress successfully. 4.4 Tayside Dr Choy stated that the Tayside MDT meetings were continuing and that the new joint clinics between cardiology and genetics with specialist nursing input were established. 4.5 Grampian There were no new issues brought to the meeting. The joint clinics continue. 4.6 Pathology Firstly it was noted by Dr Ainsworth that the national contracting process for pathology is now complete. There was further discussion about the guidance regarding sudden infant death. Dr Ainsworth stated that he understood the genetic sample is done routinely but testing isn’t in Glasgow unless there is Procurator Fiscal and family consent. A similar situation is in Edinburgh. In Aberdeen samples are always extracted and stored. The Fiscal isn’t involved in the process. The pathologist in Aberdeen makes the decision re testing. 5 The issue of paediatrics was then discussed. Tayside sudden death in children are covered by the Glasgow service, as are patients in Forth Valley and Fife. Lothian and Borders cases are managed in Edinburgh. Dr Choy and Dr Ainsworth are to discuss the situation with regard to paediatric pathology. Greg will contact Dr Karen McLeod in Glasgow to get her input. AMC/RA Protocols The latest HCM guidelines are to be added to the website. Also the ARVC and Long QT guidelines will be added. GF / AG 6 Sudden Death Investigation Procedures See 4.6 Pathology above 7 FANS Registry Update Greg Fearn updated the group as to the latest developments re the national FANS registry. He reported that there were now about 900 patients on the registry, the majority of them HCM patients. He also informed the group that himself and Dr Choy’s research assistant, Fatima Baig, had been adding additional data to Tayside patients. He had written a report on this which had been sent to the steering group prior to the meeting. This illustrated the increasing potential of the registry to collate data centrally on our patients. There was concern expressed that extending the Registry to cover additional information would require an increasing amount of double entry. But it was also stated by Dr Choy that not all regional systems 2 GF could provide consistent information required for audit and research purposes. However this is a legitimate concern though in Tayside work will continue to add more complex patient information than the demographic and diagnostic data which we currently have for all patients. 8 Audit Update Unfortunately the video conferencing system finished early meaning there was no opportunity for no opportunity to discuss audit. 9 Research Update (covered earlier in the meeting) With regard to the Boston HCM study mentioned at the previous meeting Dr Murday stated that they had stopped recruiting for this in December 2013. Dr Choy stated that she would check on the research database to see if there were similar trials looking at the use of Ace Inhibitors for the treatment of genotype+ phenotype- patients with HCM. Dr Murday stated the study for the treatment of pre-clinical HCM was referenced NCI 00319982. It may be possible to add Scottish centres to the English centres from the Association of Inherited Cardiac Conditions and apply for UK / European funding. Dr Choy stated she would draft something for this. Dr Broadhurst offered to speak to Professor Frenneaux in Aberdeen re this as well. Dr Dean updated the group re the Heart Failure Society guidelines. It was agreed that he would adapt the guideline to incorporate a comment on late onset suspected HCM. Dr Murday stated the risk was minuscule if they have no symptoms and are genotype negative. It was agreed that the work on this in Glasgow should be extended to Aberdeen and Edinburgh centres. Dr Choy, Dr Dean, Dr Lam & Dr Murday to discuss. It was also noted that Dr Murday would add what screening is required. The group discussed the RASE study and agreed to postpone joining it until Dr Dean has attended the genetics meeting on whole gene sequencing. 10 AOCB Unfortunately the video conferencing system finished early meaning there was no opportunity for AOCB to be raised. 11 Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 February 2015 3 AMC AMC PB JD AMC/JD/ VM/WL