Matter and Measurement Binder

3rd Grade FOSS -­‐ Matter and Measurement Unit Plan Desired Results BVSD Standard(s)/Grade Level Expectations GLE 1 – Physical Science Matter exists in different states such as solids, liquids and gases and can change from one state of matter to another by heating and cooling. GLE Physical Science -­‐ Measurement Student measures and records data accurately using metric units and appropriate tools and technology. Third Grade Language Arts Standard 1-­‐ GLE1) Oral communication is used both formally and informally. GLE2) Successful group activities need the cooperation of everyone. Standard 2 – Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of informational, literary, and persuasive texts. Standard 3 – Increasing word understanding, word use, and word relationships increases vocabulary. Standard 4 – Inferences and points of view exist. Unit Essential Questions • What tools and techniques work best to measure matter? (Investigation 1) • Why is it important to have measuring standards? (Investigation 1) • What is matter? (Investigation 2) • What determines whether matter is in the solid, liquid, or gas state? (Investigation 2) • How does heating and cooling make matter change state? (Investigation 3) Students will know… Students will be able to… • A standard unit of measurement is • Select and use the appropriate metric necessary for consistency and measuring tool to measure matter. communication between people. • Communicate measurements using numbers and appropriate units. • Scientists use metric measuring tools and units to accurately quantify • Classify objects based on their physical observations of matter. properties. • Matter is anything that has mass and • Make predictions and compare them to takes up space. collected data. • Matter is made of atoms. • Interpret information about matter from a variety of resources. • How to identify the state (solid, liquid, or gas) of any sample of matter. • Collect and use data to draw conclusions. • Heating and cooling cause matter to change state. • Participate in discussion regarding discrepant events in data collection and evaluation. • Analyze and interpret data regarding measurements. • Conduct investigations safely in the classroom. • Express questions, predictions, and data using sentences in a science notebook. • Use pictures within informational text to predict and check to confirm or reject predictions and/or conclusions. • Use scientific thinking to answer a testable question. • Interpret data to build explanations of changes in states of matter. • Make reasonable estimates for measurement. 1
Language Objectives Students will… • Use academic vocabulary to describe observations of matter using metric system terms (meter, milliliter, Celsius degree, etc.). • Share a connection or prior experience they have with matter and measurement. • Use words related to table of contents and keeping a science notebook (notebook, page, table of contents). • Create a list of words that describe matter. • Complete graphic organizers. • Explain how they categorize materials into groups. • Follow oral directions for conducting an experiment. • Complete a sentence frame to express a prediction. • Use evidence to support a claim. • Complete a glossary entry. • Support their understanding of a concept through reading supplemental text. • Connect metric terms to measurements as they are measuring. • Speak respectfully in a collaborative group. • Listen to a partner’s ideas about a scientific concept. • Create a story about changes in state of matter. • Design a measuring task for someone else to complete. • Record data and observations in a table. Academic Vocabulary Investigation 1 Balance Base Capacity Centimeter Distance Estimate Fulcrum Graduated cylinder Gram Kilogram Length Liter Mass Measure Meter Meter tape Milliliter Pivot Standard Syringe Thermometer Volume Width Investigation 2 Gas Inference Liquid Matter Observation State of Matter Solid Investigation 3 Atom Change of State Condensation Evaporation Freeze Melt Assessment Evidence Pre/Post Assessment Science notebook entries Informal observation and class discussion Materials and Resources Materials • Science notebooks for students • Large, class model science notebook • FOSS Matter and Energy and Measurement kits 2
FOSS Matter and Measurement Unit Investigation 1 Essential Questions • Which tools and techniques work best to measure matter? • Why is it important to use a measuring standard? Session Content Objectives 1 Set Up: Pre-­‐assessment and Kit Students will know Inventory • A variety of scientific materials will be used in the matter and measurement unit. 2 Set Up: Science Notebooks Students will know • Scientists keep a written record of their work in an organized science notebook. 3 What tools do scientists use for Students will know measurement? • Scientists use different metric measuring tools. 4-­‐6 What tools do scientists use to measure distance? 1.a
Students will know • That the centimeter, meter, and kilometer are used for measuring distances. • That the meter is the metric standard for measurement. • How to estimate distances. Language Objectives • Students will present their prior understanding of matter and measurement by writing responses to questions. • Students will use words related to table of contents and keeping a science notebook (notebook, page number, table of contents, glossary). • Students will create a graphic glossary of the tools used for measuring. • Students will make predictions about what metric measuring tools are used for. • Students will use academic vocabulary to describe distance. • Students will listen to a story about measuring standards. • Students will show understanding about metric units for distance by completing a homework assignment. 3
7-­‐8 How do scientists estimate and measure mass? 9 How do scientists estimate and measure volume of liquids? 10-­‐ Metric System Carnival 11 Students will know • Mass is a measurement of how much stuff is in an object. • The gram and kilogram are units used to measure mass. • How to use a balance to measure mass. •
Students will know • Volume is how much space a material occupies. • How to measure the volume of a liquid using a syringe or graduated cylinder. Students will know • Measurements include a number and a metric unit. •
Students will use academic vocabulary to describe mass. Students will sequence events in a procedure. Students will investigate a testable question. Students will use evidence to justify a claim. Students will use academic vocabulary to describe volume. Students will design a measuring task for others to follow. Students will identify the materials and tools needed to complete a measuring task. 1.a
FOSS Matter and Measurement Investigation 1 Session 1: Set-­‐up [30 minutes] •
Students will complete the pre-­‐assessment. Students will conduct a kit inventory. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Thermometer Balance Meter tape Syringe/Graduated Cylinder 1.1
Ziploc bags: a rock, colored water, and air Cup of ice or water Marker Chart paper Pre/Post Assessment Key Papers to copy and cut Students will need Pre/Post Assessment Pencil 1. Pre-­‐assessment While students are seated at their desks, tell them that they will be beginning a new unit. Let them know that the exact same assessment will be given at the end of the unit in order to see how much they learned. Pass out the pre-­‐assessment and make sure that student names are on the papers. 2. Teacher Instructions for Pre-­‐Assessment Answer the questions as best as you can, if you are unsure, try guessing. Please remember to write your explanations to the answers when you are asked to. This will help me know how you get your answers. Collect student responses and score them so you can later compare them to the post assessment. 3. Conduct “Kit Inventory” with students Call students to the rug. One at a time, hold up each item for the kit inventory (balance, thermometer, graduated cylinder, meter tape, {other items you want to introduce}). Ask students: • Where have you seen something like this before? • Does anyone know the word used for this item? • What do you think we are going to do with this item? For the cup of ice or water, ask students: • How do you think we could change this solid ice into liquid? (Or how could we change this liquid water to solid ice if using water) • Once the ice turned to liquid, could we turn it back into solid? (Or how could we turn the solid ice back to liquid if using water) Put these pictures/items in Ziploc bags on the word wall with accompanying words on index cards: “thermometer”, “balance”, “meter tape” and “syringe/graduated cylinder.” Place a picture of a balance scale next to the term balance scale on the word wall. 4. Create a class list of “I wonder” thoughts for the unit On the chart paper, write “I wonder” as the title. Ask students, Now that you’ve seen many of the scientific tools we will use as we investigate matter and measurement, what are you wondering about matter and measurement? 5
Ask students to turn and talk with their shoulder partner about their ideas for the unit with the “I wonder” sentence stem. They may also ask a question relating to any of the objects they saw. Then ask each pair of students to share their ideas with the class. Record student ideas on the chart paper. You may wish to keep this poster up during the unit and refer to it as the students address the concepts outlined in their wonderings. 6
Pre/Post Assessment Matter and Measurement Measurement Name: ___________________________ 1. Alexis wants to measure the length of a table at her house. Which measuring tool should she use to measure the length of the table? _____________________________________________________ 2. William wants to know the amount of water his dog drinks each day. Which measuring tool should he use to measure the amount of water the dog drinks each day? _______________________________________________________ 3. Karina looks at the thermometer below to see what temperature it is outside. What temperature is it outside? _______________________ 1.1.a
4. What is the mass of the toy car in the picture below? The mass of the toy car is __________________________________________ 5. Using metric units, estimate the length of the pencil in the picture below. _____________________________________________________________ 6. Michael and Lily both measure the width of their desk using a straw. Michael found that the width of the desk is 4 straws. Lily found that the width of the desk is 6 straws. Explain why Michael and Lilly got different measurements. ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1.b
Look at the picture below. 7. The mass of the ball is one of the following measurements. Circle the best answer below. a. 20 g. b. 30 g. c. 40 g. Explain why you chose the answer you did. ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Matter 8. Write a word or phrase that describes matter in the solid state. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1.c
9. Write a word or phrase that describes matter in the liquid state. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Write a word or phrase that describes matter in the gas state. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Below is a list of things that are matter and things that are not matter. Put an X next to the things that you think are matter.
_______ rock _______ apple _______ water _______ electricity _______ orange juice _______ love _______ air _______ fire _______ atoms _______ heat _______ ice _______ helium
Explain how you decided whether something is or is not matter. ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1.d
12. What is all matter made of? ______________________________________________ 13. A puddle of water on the ground in the morning is gone in the afternoon on a warm, sunny day. What happened to the water in the puddle? ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ Why did it happen? ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1.e
Pre/Post Assessment Matter and Measurement Measurement Name: _____key_________________ 1. Alexis wants to measure the length of a table at her house. Which measuring tool should she use to measure the length of the table? ________ruler, tape measure, meter stick__________________________ 2. William wants to know the amount of water his dog drinks each day. Which measuring tool should he use to measure the amount of water the dog drinks each day? _______graduated cylinder, syringe________________________ 3. Karina looks at the thermometer below to see what temperature it is outside. What temperature is it outside? _____370C__________________ 1.1.f
4. What is the mass of the toy car in the picture below? The mass of the toy car is ______________35g________________ 5. Using metric units, estimate the length of the pencil in the picture below. ______________________5-­‐6cm_________________________________ 6. Michael and Lily both measure the width of their desk using a straw. Michael found that the width of the desk is 4 straws. Lily found that the width of the desk is 6 straws. Explain why Michael and Lilly got different measurements. ________Michael and Lilly got different number of straws because their straws are different lengths. ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1.g
Look at the picture below. 7. The mass of the ball is one of the following measurements. Circle the best answer below. a. 20 g. b. 30 g. c. 40 g. Explain why you chose the answer you did. ____I chose c because the scale is tilting down where the ball is, which means it is heavier than the other side, and the other side has a mass of 30 g, so the ball must be more than 30g. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Matter 8. Write a word or phrase that describes matter in the solid state. ______________has definite shape, hard ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1.h
9. Write a word or phrase that describes matter in the liquid state. __________takes the shape of it’s container, moves, wet ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Write a word or phrase that describes matter in the gas state. ________invisible, spreads everywhere ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Below is a list of things that are matter and things that are not matter. Put an X next to the things that you think are matter.
__x____ rock __x____ apple ___x___ water _______ electricity ___x___ orange juice _______ love ___x___ air _______ fire __x____ atoms _______ heat ___x___ ice __x____ helium
Explain how you decided whether something is or is not matter. _____________If it has mass and takes up space it is matter ___________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ 1.1.i
12. What is all matter made of? ____________________atoms__________________ 13. A puddle of water on the ground in the morning is gone in the afternoon on a warm, sunny day. What happened to the water in the puddle? __________the water in the puddle evaporated (went from a liquid to a gas) ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Why did it happen? ________the surface of the water heated enough to turn it into a gas ___________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1.j
Session 2: Set-up science notebooks [30 minutes]
Students will create an organized science notebook.
Materials needed
Papers to copy and cut Students will need
Document camera/LCD projector
Alexander Graham Bell’s Science
Science Notebook
*A scaffolded glossary template is included for students who need extra vocabulary support.
1. Introduce Alexander Graham Bell’s science notebook page
Tell students,
Alexander Graham Bell lived from 1847-1922. He invented many things, including the
first telephone. This is a page from one of his science notebooks.
• What do you notice on this notebook page? (Call attention to the page number,
date, labeled diagram, and writing)
• Why do you think Alexander Graham Bell kept a notebook? (Student responses will
vary. They may suggest he kept it to keep track of his ideas for his inventions, to
make sure he didn’t forget anything, to try to explain his ideas, to record his
thinking, etc.)
2. Distribute science notebooks
Tell students, All scientists record their thinking, observations, data and explanations
in order to share with other people. Just like Alexander Graham Bell, we will keep our
ideas organized in a notebook. Why do you think it’s important to keep our notebooks
organized, like Alexander Graham Bell did? Ask a few students to share their ideas with
the class.
3. Model and set up science notebooks
If this is the first time during the year that students are working with science notebooks,
the following instructions are a great introduction. If students have already been
introduced to science notebooks, you may choose to do an abbreviated version. -- Use
an example notebook and write the page numbers at the bottom of each page and
explain the use of a table of contents. Write in “Table of Contents” into the first or
second page of the science notebook. Model for students how to make an entry in the
table of contents with the corresponding page number.
Table of Contents (example)
Measurement Tool Inventory
Measuring with Straws
p. 1-G
p. 1
p. 2
The first entry will be the “Glossary,” which will be on the last page of the notebook.
Turn your notebook upside down so that you can still read it form left to right. Write in
page numbers starting from this back page towards the “front,” and after every page
number, put the letter G for Glossary. This allows students to continue to add new
vocabulary as the investigation proceeds, but does not interfere with their other work
(and helps distinguish glossary pages from work pages). If the pages are all numbered,
they would end up with numbers at the top going backwards (with G) and numbers at
the bottom going forwards.
Ask students why it would be important to have a glossary. Explain that we want to keep
track of new words just like on the word wall in case we forget (words on the word wall
should be the same as words found in student glossaries) and make sure to put the
correct page number in the table of contents.*If you have students that need extra
vocabulary support, there is a scaffolded glossary sheet that you can have your students
glue into their science notebook.
4. Set up Science Notebooks
Have students return to their desks. Give each student a notebook and ask them to
write their names on their notebooks and number the pages. Have students write in
“Table of Contents” on either the first or second page of their science notebook. Have
students turn their notebooks upside down so that they are still reading it from left to
right, and write “Glossary” into the last or second to last page in notebook. Have
students add page numbers and the letter G at the bottom of these pages, workings
towards the middle. Have students add “Glossary” to the Table of Contents with the
page number.
5. Review “Safety in the Classroom”
Glossary Draw a picture:
Copy the word: Draw a picture:
Copy the word: Draw a picture:
Draw a picture:
Copy the word: Copy the word: Draw a picture:
Draw a picture:
Copy the word: Copy the word: 19
Alexander Graham Bell’s Science Notebook 1.2.b
Session 3: What tools do scientists use for measurement? [30 minutes] •
Students will preview the metric measurement tools used for observing matter. Students will create a visual glossary of measurement tools. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Chart paper Thermometer FOSS Paper Meter tape Balance scale 3 Plastic bags 3 Index cards Picture of a balance scale Marker Stapler or push pins Syringe and/or graduated cylinder Papers to copy and cut Measurement Tool Inventory* Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks Glue *Measurement Tool Inventory Student Sheet has a scaffolded version for students that need extra support with sentence stems. 1. Turn and talk Ask students, What does it mean to measure something? Add “measure” to the word wall, using a definition that the class comes up with or the standard definition of measure (v) = find the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units. Have students add “measure” to the glossary in their science notebooks. Turn and talk with your shoulder partner about a time when you have measured something or have watched someone measure something. Each partner has 1 minute to share while the other partner listens. I will tell you when it’s time to let the other partner share. Have students share their ideas with the class and if desired, compile a list of things that students have measured on the white board or chart paper. Ask students, • How could you find out how tall you are? • How could you find out the mass of a pencil? • How could you determine how much space water in a cup takes up? • How could you tell how hot a cup of hot chocolate is? Students will likely respond that you need tools to measure all these things. Tell students, Today we will look at the tools scientists use to observe and measure matter. We will predict what these tools are used for. 2. Conduct a “measurement tool inventory” Show students the materials for measurement that they will use in the investigation: a metric ruler or meter stick, balance scale, syringe and/or graduated cylinder, and thermometer. Have students copy a chart like the one below in their journals or use the Measurement Tool Inventory Student Sheet*. Update table of contents with “Measurement Tool Inventory” and add the corresponding page number. Have students using scaffolded version of the chart glue the sheet into their notebooks. Create the same chart on the white board, document camera or chart paper for the whole class to see. 1.3
Measurement Tool Inventory Name of Tool Picture Predictions Hold up the thermometer and ask students the following questions: • What did we say this is called? • What is this used for? Add the term “thermometer” to the chart and ask student to draw a picture of the tool while you do the same on the big chart. Ask students to share their predictions about how or what a thermometer could be used for. Remind students that predictions are a part of the scientific process and it’s okay if they are not accurate. Record a suitable prediction using the sentence frame-­‐ “I predict we will use a _______________(name of tool) to measure ________________ (what will be measured) because _____________________________________.” For students that either drew the data table directly into their notebooks or did not get a fully scaffolded sheet, have them write the sentence that the class came up with using the sentence stem. Hold up the balance scale and ask students the following questions: • What is this called? • What is it used for? Add the term “balance scale” to the chart and ask students to draw a picture of the tool while you do the same on the big chart. Have students share their predictions of what the balance scale could be used for with their shoulder partner and then record their prediction on their chart in their science notebooks. Have a few students share their prediction with the class and write a few ideas down on the class chart. Hold up the syringe or graduated cylinder; ask students the following questions: • What is this called? • Why do you think there are numbers on this tool? • What do you do with this? Add the term “syringe” or “graduated cylinder” to the chart and ask students to draw a picture of the tool. Have students share their predictions of what the tool could be used for with their shoulder partner and then record their prediction on their chart in their science notebooks. Have a few students share their prediction with the class and write a few ideas down on the class chart. 22
Hold up the meter tape and ask students the following questions: • What is this called? • What is this used for? • What do you think we will study with this? Add the term “meter tape” to the chart and ask students to draw a picture of the tool. Then, have them turn and talk with their shoulder partner to make a prediction for its use. Have students record their prediction on their chart in their science notebooks and then share with the class. Write a few ideas down on the class chart. 3. Reflect on the questions asked at the beginning of the session Based on the measuring tools I’ve shown you, which tool do you think you could use to: • Find out how tall you are? • Find out the mass of a pencil? • How much space water in a cup takes up? • How hot a cup of hot chocolate is? Ask students to volunteer their ideas and encourage them to explain why that tool could be used for that purpose 1.3
Measurement Tool Inventory
Measurement Tool Inventory
Name of Tool:
Name of Tool:
Name of Tool:
Name of Tool:
Measurement Tool Inventory
Measurement Tool Inventory
Name of Tool:
Name of Tool:
“I predict we will use a
“I predict we will use a
(name of tool)
to measure
(name of tool)
to measure
(what will be measured)
(what will be measured)
Session 4: What tools do scientists use to measure distance? [30 minutes] •
Students will understand why scientists need measuring standards. Students will use a measuring tool to determine the length and width of their desks. Students will explain patterns in collected data. Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Document camera/LCD projector Measuring With Straws Pencil Chart paper or white board Claims and Evidence Science Notebooks 8 long straws and 8 short straws Glue (straws with 3cm cut off); 1 for each set of partners Paper meter tape from FOSS kit 1. Background knowledge on measuring distance Ask students, How could you find out: • How tall you are? • How wide our classroom is? • How far your house is from our school? 2. Introduce length and width Distribute the Measuring with Straws Student Sheet and update the table of contents and the corresponding page number with “Measuring with Straws.” Glue student sheet into notebooks. Hold up a straw and tell students, Today we will be measuring things in our classrooms using straws as a tool for measuring. You will work with your shoulder partner to measure the length and width of your desk. Draw a picture of the top of a desk on the white board or under the document camera. Have students draw the desktop on their sheet. The length of an object is how long something is. How would we measure the length of the desk? Label “length” on the desktop diagram on the board to show what the length of the desk is. Have students label “length” on their student sheet. Add “length” to the word wall and have students add it to their glossary in their science notebook. The width is how wide something is. How would we measure the width of the desk? Label “width” on the desktop diagram on the board to show what the length of the desk is. Have students label “width” on their student sheet. Add “width” to the word wall and have students add it to their glossary in their science notebook. 3. Predict and measure a desk using a straw Distribute one straw to each team, being careful not to reveal that some groups are getting a long straw and some groups are getting a short straw. Tell students, Please make a prediction of the length and width of your desk using your straw as the tool for measurement. Remember, predictions are an accurate guess. Write your predictions on your worksheet for both length and width before you measure with your straw. Remember to write in your actual length and width on your worksheet. When you are done, send one partner up to write your measurements on the class data table. The directions for how to measure are purposefully ambiguous, as the goal here is for 1.4
students to see that a straw is not a particularly useful measuring tool. Take note of the different methods students use as you circulate the classroom. Create a data table (see below) for students to compile their actual length and width data. Save the chart paper for use in the next session. Length and Width of Desks in Straws (Example chart) Group Length Width 1 6 straws 3 straws 2 4 straws 2 straws … … … 1.4
4. Discuss results When all students have contributed to the class data table, ask students to review the data and look for patterns. Guiding questions for class discussion could be: • What patterns do you see in the data? • What do we mean by “pattern”? • What might explain the patterns that we see in our data? • Why did different groups get different results? (Now it would be timely to reveal that different groups had different lengths of straws) • What could be done to minimize measuring errors? • What would be a better way to measure the length of a desk? • What would be a better way to measure the width of a desk? 5. Claims and evidence Tell students, When scientists look at their data, they make claims about the patterns that they see. For example, if I wanted to make a claim about the evidence in our class data table, I might say… straws are not very good tools for measuring distance. Write on the board or chart paper or notebook under document camera – I claim that straws are not very good tools for measuring distance. Whenever scientists make a claim, they also have to give evidence to support the claim. Claims always have to have evidence that goes with them. What might be some evidence that I could use to support this claim that I wrote? I’d like for you to work with your shoulder partner to pick 2 pieces of evidence from our class data table that supports my claim. Allow students time to collaborate on their ideas. When students are ready to share, put the Claim and Evidence student sheet under the document camera to record student ideas. Possible responses are listed below. 27
Claim I claim that straws are not good tools for measuring length and width. 1.4
Evidence 1. Straws aren’t always the same length. Some students in the class had long straws and some had short straws. 2. All the students in the class were measuring the same object but many students got different measurements. Give students copies of the Claim and Evidence student sheet to glue into their notebooks. Add this sheet to the Table of Contents and add the corresponding page number. Ask students to write in the evidence on the worksheet that supports the claim. Ask students, What might be a better tool for measuring the length and width of an object? (Students will likely suggest that a ruler would be a better tool for measuring the length and width of an object.) 28
Measuring with Straws
Measuring with Straws
Draw a picture of the top of your desk:
Draw a picture of the top of your desk:
Length of the Table
Length of the Table
Length of the Table
Length of the Table
Width of the Table
Width of the Table
Width of the Table
Width of the Table
Claims and Evidence
I claim that straws are
not good tools for
measuring length and
Claims and Evidence
I claim that straws are
not good tools for
measuring length and
Session 5: What tools do scientists use to measure distance? [40 minutes] •
Students will understand why scientists need measuring standards. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Chart paper or white board 8 long straws and 8 short straws (straws with 3cm cut off); 1 for each set of partners Scotch tape Scissors FOSS Science Stories book Paper meter tape 1.5
Papers to copy and cut Estimations in Centimeters Meter tape master Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks Glue 1. Read the FOSS Science Story: A Royal Measurement Mess It may be best to read this story aloud to set the context for working with the standard measurement unit for distance, the meter, in today’s investigation. Students can follow along in a book as you read. After reading, ask students, • How did Rakim’s family measure the gifts they made for the King? • Why did Rakim’s family get in trouble for their gifts? • Why did the King decide the new measurements were unfair? • How did the King change the measuring system to make it more fair? 2. Introduce the focus question Tell the students, We’re going to investigate the focus question: “How does using a standard unit of measure help to make measurements more accurate?” Model writing this focus question and have students write this focus question in their science notebooks. Make sure to update the table of contents with Focus Question as the title and add the corresponding page number. 3. Introduce the standard unit for measuring distance: the meter Tell students, Our investigation with the straws and the story about Rakim and the King taught us about the importance of having measuring standards. A standard is a measuring unit that everyone agrees to use. Add the word “standard” to the word wall and have students add it to their glossary in their science notebooks. Hold up the meter tape and explain, The standard unit for measuring length is the meter. This is how long a meter is. The meter is used to measure length (how long something is) and distance (how far it is from one place to another). Add the term “meter” and “distance’ to the word wall and have students add them to their glossary in their science notebooks. The doorknob on the door is about a meter high. Look around the room and see if you notice anything that you think is about a meter in length. Create a list of things that are a meter long on the white board or chart paper (examples include: the distance between the floor and top of a normal chair and the distance between the floor and bottom of a whiteboard). 4. Discuss the meter and centimeter 31
Ask students, Would a meter be a good measuring tool for measuring something small, such as a pencil or a straw? (No, it’s too big for these items). For that reason, the meter is subdivided, or broken down, into 100 equal parts called centimeters. Add “centimeter” to the word wall and have students write it in the glossary in their science notebooks. 5. Pass out the meter tapes You can have these preassembled or have students cut and tape the meter tapes together at this point. When each student has a meter tape, have students look over the numbers 1-­‐100 marked with the longer marks. These are the marks for one centimeter. Ask students what they think the shorter lines measure. (Half centimeters). Demonstrate on the document camera how to find 56 centimeters. Put your finger on 56 centimeters. To check for understanding, call out a variety of measurements (34 cm, 49 cm, 75 cm, etc.) and have students put their finger on these measurements on their tapes, as you demonstrated. Circulate the room to check for understanding. Repeat demonstration if students need additional support. 6. Practice using the centimeter Ask students to look at the meter tape to see how long a centimeter is and to hold up their hands with their thumbs and index fingers about 1 cm apart. Tell students, An estimate is an approximation about how long something is. Refer back to the list of objects that students thought were a meter high. How did we estimate the height of these objects? Students will likely say that they compared the objects to the height of the doorknob. Add “estimate” to the word wall and have students add it to the glossary in their science notebooks. Explain to students that their little finger is about 1 cm across. How could you use the information that a centimeter is about equal to the distance across your little finger to make an estimate about the length of your pencil? Pass out the Estimations in Centimeters data table. Instruct students to glue the data table into their notebooks underneath the focus question. Remind them to add the title in their table of contents and add the corresponding page number. Have them use the information about their little finger to estimate the length of their pencil and record it on their Estimations in Centimeters data table. Ask students to share their responses and record on a class chart under the document camera. Model for students how to write their estimates in centimeter units by recording their responses. Point out that you are writing their estimates in centimeters (cm), not “little fingers” as there may be a misconception that the measuring unit is the finger. Clarify that their little finger helps them guess how many centimeters something is, not the unit of measurement. 32
Estimations in Centimeters
Estimations in Centimeters
Length of a Pencil
Length of a Pencil
Length of a Pencil
Length of a Pencil
Length of a Straw
Length of a Straw
Length of a Straw
Length of a Straw
Session 6: What tools do scientists use to measure distance? [30 minutes] •
Students will understand why scientists need measuring standards. Students will use the meter and centimeter to measure classroom objects. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Chart paper or white board Data from previous session with straw measurements on chart paper Scotch tape Scissors Paper meter tape Papers to copy and cut Measuring Desks with Centimeters Reflection Measuring Distance Homework 1, 2 Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks Glue 1. Measure desks in centimeters Ask students what they remember from the last session and go over some of the vocabulary covered-­‐ centimeter, estimate and meter. Ask them to estimate how many pinkies it would take to measure the eraser for the whiteboard. Remember that our focus question for this investigation is: “How does using a standard unit of measure help to make measurements more accurate?” • Do you remember what happened when we measured our desks using straws? • Did we get accurate measurements of our desks? • What was the problem with using straws? We’re going to measure our desks again, but this time we are going to use centimeters instead of straws. Give each student a copy of Measuring Desks With Centimeters and have students glue the sheet into notebooks. Have students enter the title in the table of contents with the corresponding page number in their science notebooks. Before passing out the paper meter tape, ask students to draw their desktops and label the length and width. Have them write their estimations of the length and width in centimeters on their paper before they begin measuring. Pass out their meter tapes. Once students have measured the length and width of their desks in centimeters, have them write their measurements on a class data table on the white board or chart paper. Length and Width of Desks in Centimeters (example) Group Length (cm) Width (cm) 1 2 … … … 1.6
Display this class data table next to the class data table you made in Session 4 where they measured their desks with straws. Ask students, • What patterns do you see in our class measurements? (Students should notice that the measurements fall within a more precise range when they all use the same standard versus when they used the straws) 35
How is this data different from the data we collected when we used straws to measure the desks? (Have this data on the chart paper available from the previous session) • Why is a meter tape a better measuring tool for measuring the length and width of our desks than a straw? • Why were some measurements different from others? • What could you do to be sure that all of us get the same measurement? 2. Check for understanding Pass out student sheet Reflection: Importance of Using a Standard and have students glue the sheet in their science notebooks. Remind students to update their table of contents with the corresponding page number. Have students reflect on their understanding of the benefits of using the meter tape by answering the focus question from the beginning of the investigation: How does using a standard unit of measure help to make measurements more accurate? Students may turn and talk with their shoulder partner about their ideas, then record their responses on their Reflection sheet. 3. Set up measuring distance homework Distribute Measuring Distance Homework 1 & 2. Have students record the information about meters and centimeters that may help with their estimations (a meter is about the distance between a doorknob and the floor, a centimeter is about the distance across their little finger). •
Measuring Desks with Centimeters
Measuring Desks with Centimeters
Draw a picture of the top of your desk:
Draw a picture of the top of your desk:
Length of the Table (cm)
Length of the Table (cm)
Length of the Table (cm)
Length of the Table (cm)
Width of the Table (cm)
Width of the Table (cm)
Width of the Table (cm)
Width of the Table (cm)
Reflection: Importance of Using a Standard It is important to use a standard unit of measure because _____________________ 1.6.b
Reflection: Importance of Using a Standard It is important to use a standard unit of measure because _____________________ 38
Measuring Distance Homework 1
A meter is about the distance between
I put these objects in this group because
Five objects at my house I would measure in
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
Measuring Distance Homework 2
A centimeter is about the distance between
I put these objects in this group because
Five objects at my house I would measure in
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
Session 7: How do scientists estimate and measure mass? [30 minutes] •
Students will use the balance scale to measure the mass of objects. Students will practice measuring mass. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Chart paper or white board Eraser and paperclip Picture of a balance scale Balances Wood squares Washers Plastic chips 8 mass sets in eight medium Ziploc bags: 25 1-­‐g pieces, 5 5-­‐g pieces, 2 10-­‐g pieces, and 1 20-­‐g piece. Papers to copy and cut Predicting the Mass of 3 Objects Measuring the Mass of 3 Objects Procedure for Balance Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks Glue 1. Introduce mass Hold up a book in one hand and a pencil in the other. Ask students which one they think has more mass. Many students will say the book because they think the book is “heavier”. Tell students, Yes, the book is heavier. It is heavier because it has more mass. Mass is the amount of stuff in an object. • Why is the book more massive than the pencil? • Why does the pencil have less mass? 2. Update word wall Add “mass” to word wall and have students update their glossary in their science notebooks. 3. Measuring mass Pass out Predicting Mass of Three Objects worksheet and have students glue them into their science notebooks. Remind them to also add the title into their table of contents and add the corresponding page number. Put students into groups of four at desks. Distribute three objects to each group: a washer, a wood square, and a plastic chip. Challenge students to put the objects in order from most massive to least massive and have students record their predictions on the sheet and fill out the sentence stem that explains why or how they ordered their objects. After a couple minutes, ask a student from each group to share how their group put the objects in order. Record data in a table on the white board or chart paper. If there are discrepancies, ask students why they think there were different answers to the question. Ask students, How could we determine the correct order of the objects from most massive to least massive? (Students will likely respond that they need to use something to measure the mass of the objects with). 4. Introduce the balance and the gram Tell students, There is a tool that you can use to compare the mass of the objects more accurately. It is called a balance. Hold the balance up to show students. It may also be helpful to project a picture of the balance on the white board so you can label the parts of the tool as you describe it. 1.7
There are two parts on the balance. The balance beam and the base (label on board). The point of the base on which the balance beam rests and pivots is called the fulcrum (label on board). Here is the balance pointer. When the pointer lines up on the raised area on the base, the system is balanced. When the system is not in balance at the start, you can use the slider to zero the balance. (Demonstrate moving the slider to make it level). When two objects are placed in the cups, what do you think will happen? (The heavier one will go down). Why do you think this will happen? (It has more mass). Demonstrate this for students using objects that are not in the investigation, such as an eraser and paperclip. Hold up one of the gram cups for all to see, and explain that the measuring standard for measuring mass is the gram. Ask students, • What is a measuring standard? • Why is it important to have a measuring standard? Hold up and identify the different mass pieces from the mass cups. 5. Update word wall and student glossary Add “balance”, “base”, “pivot”, “fulcrum” and “gram” to the class word wall and have students add those words to the glossary in their science notebooks. 6. Demonstration of procedure Demonstrate the procedure for using the mass pieces to determine the weight of the objects. Project the procedure on the white board using the document camera, revealing each step as you demonstrate it. You will need the eraser or paperclip to demonstrate how to weigh an object. Now I will show you how to use the balance to determine the mass of your three objects: 1.
Place the balance beam on the balance base. 2.
Set the cups in the holes at the end of the balance beam 3.
Move the slider on the balance beam to zero the balance. 4.
Place the object to be weighted in one cup. 5.
Place the mass pieces in the other cup until the balance beam balances. 6.
Add up the total number of grams that the object weighs. 7.
Write the results in your notebook. (Model this step by writing a measurement with the appropriate units to model how to write a measurement. For example, if the object weighs 2 grams, write 2 g on the board). 8.
Return the mass pieces to the container. 1.7
7. Student measurement of mass Distribute the balances and mass pieces to each group and the Measuring the Mass of Three Objects student sheet. Remind students to update their table of contents and add the corresponding page number. Keep the procedure of how to balance up on the projector or white board for students to see. For students who need extra support, give them Procedure for Balance student sheet (not to be glued into science notebook). Have students also record their data on a class data table that is similar to their student sheets on the white board or chart paper when they are done measuring. Ask students, • Which object was the most massive? The least massive? • Were you surprised by the results? Why or why not? • What patterns do you see in our class measurements? (Students should notice that the measurements fall within a more precise range when they all use the same standard and tool) • Why were some measurements different from others? • What could you do to be sure that all of us got the same measurement? 8. Reflect on predictions Direct the students’ attention to the reflection question at the bottom of the Measuring the Mass of Three Objects sheet. Read the question aloud. I’d like for you and your group to talk about your answer to this question for 3 minutes. Then, I will give you time to write your own answer to the question by yourself. Please begin discussing your answer now. 43
Predicting the Mass of Three Objects Write the three objects in order from the most massive to the least massive. Most massive _____________________ _____________________ Least massive _____________________ We put our objects in this order because ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 1.7.a
Predicting the Mass of Three Objects Write the three objects in order from the most massive to the least massive. Most massive _____________________ _____________________ Least massive _____________________ We put our objects in this order because ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 44
Measuring the Mass of Three Objects Object Mass Using your data from the balance, write your objects in order from most massive to least massive Most massive _____________________ _____________________ Least massive _____________________ 1.7.b
Reflection How does your prediction compare to your actual measurements with the balance? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 45
Procedure for balance:
Procedure for balance:
1. Place the balance beam on the balance base.
1. Place the balance beam on the balance base.
2. Set the cups in the holes at the end of the balance
2. Set the cups in the holes at the end of the
balance beam
3. Move the slider on the balance beam to zero the
3. Move the slider on the balance beam to zero
the balance.
4. Place the object to be weighted in one cup.
4. Place the object to be weighted in one cup.
5. Place the mass pieces in the other cup until the
balance beam balances.
5. Place the mass pieces in the other cup until the
balance beam balances.
6. Add up the total number of grams that the object
6. Add up the total number of grams that the
object weighs.
7. Write the results in your notebook.
7. Write the results in your notebook.
8. Return the mass pieces to the container.
8. Return the mass pieces to the container.
Session 8: How do scientists estimate and measure mass? [30 minutes]
Students will use the balance scale to measure the mass of objects.
Students will practice estimating and measuring mass.
Students will sequence the procedure for measuring mass.
Materials needed
Document camera/LCD projector
Chart paper or white board
Objects less than 90 g
Apple or orange-more than 100g
10 – 100g masses (100g of gravel in a little
plastic bag).
8 mass sets in eight medium Ziploc bags: 25 1-g
pieces, 5 5-g pieces, 2 10-g pieces, and 1 20-g
1 medium Ziploc bag
Papers to copy and cut
Steps for Weighing an
Practice with
Measuring Mass
Reflection: Measuring
Students will need
Science Notebooks
* Before Class you may pre-cut the cards on the sheet or have students cut the cards apart to
be glued or taped in their notebooks in the correct order. There is a modified version of the
worksheet for students who need more scaffolding. In this version, only 3 steps are missing
from the correct order. These students should still receive the Weighing an Object Cards
Sheet pre-cut or to cut apart, but they will only need to place 3 of the cards on their sheet.
1. Sequence the procedure for weighing an object
Distribute Steps for Weighing an Object sheets and have students update their table of
contents and add the corresponding page number. Tell students,
In the last session, we learned how to use a balance to measure the mass of an object.
On this sheet, the steps for weighing an object are out of order. It’s our job to put
them in the right order. Let’s read all the steps together. Read the cards aloud. Have
students then glue the steps in order on their sheets of paper and then glue that into
their science notebooks. Remind them to also update their table of contents and add
the corresponding page number.
2. Practice measuring mass
Have students record the focus question for the investigation: How do scientists
estimate and measure mass? Model writing this using a document camera or the
whiteboard. Have students update their table of contents with the title “Focus
Question” and add the corresponding page number. Distribute the Practice with
Measuring Mass Sheet and have students glue the sheet on the same page below the
focus question and update their table of contents. Pick several objects in the classroom
that have a mass of less than 90g (erasers, paperclips, pencils, etc.) for students to
practice measuring mass. Students should work in groups of 4 at their desks. Remind
students, An estimate is an approximation. Before you measure the object, estimate,
or guess, how massive the object is and write it down on your paper. How could you
estimate the mass of something? Guide students towards using the mass pieces to
compare the mass of what they are trying to measure to the mass pieces. If the feels
“heavier” than the mass piece, then an estimate smaller than that mass pieces would be
a reasonable estimate. If the object feels “lighter” than an estimate greater than that
mass piece would be reasonable.
After you measure the objects, calculate the difference between your estimate and
your actual measurement to see how close or far off your estimate was. This is
calculated by subtracting the actual mass from the estimated mass. For scaffolding, if
students have trouble with the calculations, you can have them describe the difference
as “close” for reasonable estimates and “way off” for unreasonable estimates. Have a
student collect the objects to weigh for the group. Have students return the objects
when they are done.
3. Objects with masses greater than 100g
When students have measured the objects provided, give each group an apple or
orange. If groups finish early, they may be able to help address the measuring problem
the apple or orange presents. Ask students,
What is the problem with measuring the apple or orange or classroom object? (There
is not enough mass in the mass kits to balance something greater than 90g). How do
you weigh an object that weighs more than all the mass pieces you have? Present
students with the 100-g mass and ask students, Would having this mass added to our
mass sets help solve our problem? Why? (yes, because the fruit is more massive than
all of our pieces, so it must be over 90g).
Distribute 100-g masses to every group. Have them estimate and measure the mass of
the fruit or object. Have students return all materials except the 100-g masses.
4. Introduce the kilogram
The gram is a useful unit for measuring the mass of small objects. What happened
when we needed to measure something that had a large mass, like the fruit? (We
needed a lot of grams to measure it) What if we wanted to measure something even
more massive than fruit? (we would need a larger unit) A larger unit for mass is called
the kilogram, which equals 1000 grams. Add kilogram to the word wall and have
students update their glossary in their science notebooks.
In this medium Ziploc bag, I have 2 100-g masses like the ones you used to measure
the fruit. How many more 100-g masses would I need to make a kilogram? (8) Can
each team send one person to bring their 100-g masses to me so we can make a
kilogram weight? Allow students to hold the mass to get a sense of how much the
kilogram weighs. Ask students,
• What else weighs approximately one kilogram?
• Are there any objects in this room that might weigh one kilogram?
Make a list on the board of objects that weigh approximately one kilogram.
5. Reflect on focus question
Pass out Reflection: Measuring Mass sheet. Have students reflect on their
understanding of the benefits of using the balance by answering the focus question
from the beginning of the investigation: How do scientists estimate and measure mass?
Have them turn and talk with their shoulder partner about their ideas, then record their
responses on Reflection: Measuring Mass. Have students glue the sheet in their
notebooks and remind them to update their table of contents with the corresponding
page number.
Steps for Weighing and Object First Second Third Fourth 1.8.a
Steps for Weighing and Object Continued Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth 49
Steps for Weighing an Object Steps for Weighing an Object Place the object to be weighed in one cup. Place cups in holes at the ends of the balance beam. Place the object to be weighed in one cup. Place cups in holes at the ends of the balance beam. Write a result on a record sheet or a piece of paper. Add up the total number of grams that the object weighs. Write a result on a record sheet or a piece of paper. Add up the total number of grams that the object weighs. Place the balance beam on the balance base. Return the mass pieces to the container. Place the balance beam on the balance base. Return the mass pieces to the container. Move slider on the balance beam to zero the balance. Place mass pieces in the other cup until the balance beam balances. Move slider on the balance beam to zero the balance. Place mass pieces in the other cup until the balance beam balances. 1.8.b
Steps for Weighing and Object First beam on the Place the balance balance base. Second Place cups in holes at the ends of the balance beam. Third Fourth Place the object to be weighed in one cup.
Steps for Weighing and Object Continued Fifth Sixth Add up the total number of grams that the object weighs. Seventh Eighth Return the mass pieces to the container.
Practice with Measuring Mass Measure the mass of five objects in the classroom. Estimate their mass before using the balance. Object Estimated Mass Actual Mass Difference Practice with Measuring Mass Measure the mass of five objects in the classroom. Estimate their mass before using the balance. Object Estimated Mass Actual Mass Difference 1.8.d
Reflection: Measuring Mass Scientists use a ________________ and a standard unit called the ______________ to estimate and measure mass because 1.8.e
Reflection: Measuring Mass Scientists use a ________________ and a standard unit called the ______________ to estimate and measure mass because ____________________________________ 53
1. Create(the(need(for(a(measuring(standard(for(capacity((
• What"might"explain"the"differences"in"our"data?!(Reveal(that(the(vials(were(
• Are"vials"good"for"measuring"how"much"water"we"put"in"the"cup?'
• What"do"we"need"to"improve"our"measuring"system?!(A(standard!)(
2. Introduce(the(Liter((
Scientists measure how much space is occupied by something. This is called volume. When we were determining the capacity of the cup, we were trying to figure out the maximum volume, or amount of stuff, the cup could hold. This is the metric standard used worldwide for measuring volume (Hold up a 1-­‐Liter beaker). It is called the Liter and is abbreviated with a capital (L). Write on board. Because the liter is a large volume, it is difficult to use it to measure the volumes of small containers like plastic cups and vials, so the liter has been broken down into 1000 equal, smaller parts called milliliters. Milliliters are abbreviated with a lowercase m and upper case L (mL). Write on board and show students a 1-­‐mL spoon from the kit. Show students how 1000mL are in 1L using the marks on the 1-­‐L beaker. Remember to add “volume”, “liter” and “milliliter” to student glossaries and word wall. 3. Measuring demonstration Introduce the focus question: How do scientists estimate and measure volume? Have students write this focus question in their science notebooks. Model writing the focus question using a document camera or white board. Distribute cups, 50 mL syringes and graduated cylinders to groups. Do not distribute water yet. Distribute copies of Tools for Measuring Volume and have students glue this into their science notebooks. Remind them to update their table of contents with the corresponding page number. Demonstrate how to use the syringe and graduated cylinder. Hold up the syringe. Instruct students to draw a sketch of the syringe in their notebooks. Model using the document camera. The syringe measures exactly 50 mL of water when the plunger is pulled up until it stops. The syringe can only measure 50 mL of water. Please record this information in your table. Demonstrate how to use the syringe in the basin. Ask students, What might be a potential problem with using the syringe to measure volume? It’s not a great tool for measuring volumes greater or less than 50mL. Hold up graduated cylinder. Instruct students to draw a sketch of the graduated cylinder in their notebooks. The graduated cylinder has lines drawn at every milliliter. It is used to measure the volume of a liquid between 0-­‐50 mL. Demonstrate how to use the syringe to squirt water into the cylinder and read the cylinder from the scale on the side. Measure a variety of volumes so students understand that the graduated cylinder could be used to measure volumes between 0-­‐50mL in 1mL increments. Ask students, How could you use these two tools to measure 70 mL of water? (You could use the syringe to measure 50 mL, and then use the cylinder to measure 20 mL) 4. Students practice measuring with water Before distributing water, tell students your behavioral expectations for doing a lab with water. Also, let them know where the paper towels for clean up are. Make sure desks are cleared of anything that could be ruined in case of a spill. 55
Distribute water. Allow teams to practice using the two tools in the basin. Once teams have had 3-­‐5 minutes to practice, call student attention to the cups with the marks on it. 5. Students estimate and measure volume Distribute copies of Estimating and Measuring Volume and have students glue this into their science notebooks. Remind them to update their table of contents with the corresponding page number. Tell students, Your job as a team is to measure the volume of water that is in the cup when the cup is filled up to the lines marked A, B, C, and D. First make an estimate about the volume of water in the cup when the cup is filled up to line A. Then have one person measure the volume using the syringe and the graduated cylinder. Repeat these steps for lines B, C, and D. Remember to record your estimates before you measure. Leave the directions intentionally ambiguous so students can struggle a little bit as they are challenged to understand how to use the two tools. The values students get for the volumes should be: Mark A – 45 mL Mark B – 100 mL Mark C – 160 mL Mark D – 235 mL Circulate the room to support groups that may find this task challenging. When students have recorded the measurement for all volumes, have one student return equipment to the materials station. 6. Return to focus question Tell students, Let’s look back at our focus question: How do scientists estimate and measure volume? • How would you answer that question based on what you learned in this lesson? • Why is it important to have a standard unit of measure for volume? • What might happen if everyone used different units to measure volume? 7. Students write a reflection Distribute copies of Reflecting on Measuring Volume. Have students glue this in their notebooks and update their table of contents with the corresponding page number. Have students finish the sentence stems before class ends and if you have time, have students share out their responses. 56
Tools for Measuring Volume
Tools for Measuring Volume
Name of Tool: Syringe
Name of Tool: Syringe
What volume does
the tool measure?
What volume does
the tool measure?
Name of Tool: Graduated Cylinder
Name of Tool: Graduated Cylinder
What volume does
the tool measure?
What volume does
the tool measure?
Estimating and Measuring Volume . Line Estimated Volume Actual Volume Difference A B C D Estimating and Measuring Volume Line Estimated Volume Actual Volume Difference A B C D 1.9.b
Reflecting on Measuring Volume Scientists use different tools such as a ___________________________ or a _______________________ to measure volume in _______________. (unit) It is important to use a standard unit of measure because _____________________ 1.9.c
Reflecting on Measuring Volume Scientists use different tools such as a ___________________________ or a _______________________ to measure volume in _______________. (unit) It is important to use a standard unit of measure because _____________________ 59
Session 10: Planning for the Metric System Carnival. (45-60 minutes)
Students will create a procedure for a measuring task.
Materials needed
Document camera/LCD projector
Balances and mass kits
Rulers and meter tapes
Beakers, syringes, and graduated cylinders
Poster paper
Markers/Crayons/Art Supplies
Scratch paper
Paper towels
Papers to copy and cut
Metric Cards (1)
Planning the Metric
Metric Carnival Master
Data Sheet (1)
Students will need
Science Notebooks
1. Introduce project and brainstorm ideas
Tell students, We’ve learned so much about measuring in this investigation! Now, you
will have the chance to show what you learned about measurement in a Metric Unit
Carnival! Each team will be responsible for a “booth” at the carnival. At your booth,
you and your team will make a measuring challenge that visitors to your booth will
need to complete. Since you won’t be there to teach them how to do the measuring
task, you will have to make a poster for your booth to tell visitors:
• What materials they need to complete your challenge.
• A list of directions on how to complete your measuring challenge.
It may be helpful to have a sample poster to show students. They can use words and/or
pictures to describe their procedures. Each team will have a mass, volume, or distance
measuring challenge. What are some ideas you have to help us get started? What
types of estimates and measurements could you have people do? What kind of things
could you have people measure? Create a list on the board. Some ideas are below.
Have a bowl of marbles or
gravel that participants can
grab a handful of to
Measure the mass of an
everyday food item, such as
a vegetable or piece of fruit.
Measure the distance a
paper airplane can travel.
Measure the volume of
water a sponge can soak up
Measure the distance you
can squirt a syringe (if
Compare the mass of a
fresh apple vs. a rotting
Measure the distance of
your stride.
Transfer water with a
spoon from one location to
another for 30 seconds and
see how much volume of
water is transferred (if
Measure the volume of milk
in a milk container. (Hide
the label)
2. Have groups select their metric unit
Put students into mixed ability groups of 4 students per group. Give each student a copy
of the Planning for the Metric Carnival student sheet to glue into their science
notebook. Remind students to update their table of contents and add the
corresponding page number. Have students select their metric unit by pulling a note
card from the bowl. As they choose, also give each team a number for their booth.
When they pick their note card, have them write it on their student sheet and write the
tool that they will use from the measuring tool supplies: a meter tape, a syringe or
graduated cylinder, or a balance. Also have them record their booth number. Check to
see that each group has chosen an appropriate measurement tool before letting them
proceed. Once they have selected their unit and appropriate measuring tool, they can
begin brainstorming. Have one student record the ideas of the group.
3. Work on posters
As students are working on their posters, circulate the room to hear about their ideas as
well as to get a sense of which groups will need which supplies. Students should write a
list of supplies they will need on their student sheets. You can begin to get supplies
ready in buckets or basins as students work.
4. Practice directions
When students finish their posters, have them conduct their measuring task and come
up with an actual measurement for their challenge. Have students record their
measurement on their Planning for the Metric Carnival sheet in their science notebooks.
Collect student data on the Metric Carnival Master Data Sheet as you circulate the
groups. This can serve as an “answer key” for the carnival.
Planning for the Metric Carnival Booth # __________ Our booth will be about measuring ___________. The measuring tool we will need for our booth is a _____________________. Some ideas we have for metric challenges are: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 1.10.b
Planning for Metric Carnival Continued The metric challenge we chose is ________________________________________ ________________________________________. The supplies we will need for our booth are _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ The measurement we got for our challenge is ________________________________________. 63
Metric Carnival Master Data Sheet
Booth #
Measurement Answer
Session 11: Metric System Carnival! (60 minutes)
Students will complete measuring tasks using the metric system.
Students will record measurements using metric units.
Materials needed
camera/LCD projector
Balances and mass
Rulers and meter
Syringes or
graduated cylinders
Poster paper
Clip boards
Paper towels
Papers to copy and cut
Metric Carnival
Student Data Sheets
Students will need
Science Notebooks
1. Have students set up their “booth”
Have students work at their desks, or if they are going outside, have students set up an
area for their booth, preferably in a circle. Booths outside can be either student desks
or tables. Make sure each booth has all the materials needed to complete the
measurement- have each group go through their checklist from their Planning for Metric
Carnival sheet in their science notebooks. Make sure each booth has it’s number
displayed. Distribute Metric Carnival Student Data Sheets and have students glue the
pages into their science notebooks. Remind them to update the table of contents and
the corresponding page number.
2. Visit the “booths”
Once booths are set up, have students start at their booth, then move to the booth next
to theirs in a clockwise pattern. Tell students, You are now at your first booth in the
carnival! Write the number of the booth you are at in the first box on your data sheet.
First, read the directions for the measuring challenge. Then write an estimate for
what you will be measuring. Then work with your team to measure and record your
number on your sheet. We will go over the real answers after we are finished. (You
could make this part into a competition and have the team with the most accurate
measurements win a prize, or the team with the most accurate estimations win a prize)
Continue moving the student group to a new booth in a clockwise pattern every 5-7
minutes. While it is ideal that students visit all the booths, just try to get them to
experience as many as you can in the amount of time you have. Have students record
their measurements on their sheet.
3. Clean Up
Have students clean up, collect materials, and return to room if outdoors.
4. Reflection
Have students return to their desk to complete the reflection questions.
• What was your favorite part of the Metric System Carnival?
• What was hard about the Metric System Carnival?
Have students share their ideas with a shoulder partner and/or the whole class.
Create a class data chart from the student estimates and measurement on the
document camera. Have students volunteer their information (what they estimated and
their actual measurements) to add to the chart. Reveal your “answer key” to show what
the students who made the measuring task think that they should have gotten as an
answer. Again, you could make this part into a competition and have the team with the
most accurate measurements win a prize, or the team with the most accurate
estimations win a prize. Guiding Discussion Questions
• Why were measurements different for some of the booths, even though the
directions were the same?
• How could we improve our carnival so that our measurements were all the same?
• Do you think that scientists sometimes get different measurements even though
they follow the same directions? What do you think they do when that happens?
• Why is it important to measure more than once? Do you think our data would be
different if we had measured more than once?
Metric Carnival Student Data Sheet Booth # 1.11.a
Estimated Actual Measurement Measurement Metric Carnival Student Data Sheet Answer Booth # from Master Data Sheet Estimated Actual Measurement Measurement Answer from Master Data Sheet 67
FOSS Matter and Measurement Unit Investigation 2 Essential Questions • What is matter? • What are the properties of solids, liquids, and gases? Session Content Objectives Language Objectives What is matter? 1 Students will • Share a connection or prior • Observe different states of matter • Be able to conduct investigations safely experience that they have with • Practice sorting various samples of in the classroom. observing matter. matter into categories based on • Use academic vocabulary to describe • Engage in a think-­‐pair-­‐share properties their observations of matter. 2 How do you determine if matter is solid, liquid, or gas? • Use observations to categorize matter as solid, liquid, or gas •
3 4 2.a
Students will • Classify materials as solids, liquids, or gases based on their observable properties. discussion to practice listening and speaking skills. • Create a list of words to describe matter. • Use adjectives to describe the properties of the states of matter. Describe properties of each state of matter based on observations What are the properties of solids, liquids, and gases? • Use observations to categorize matter as solid, liquid, or gas • Describe properties of each state of matter based on observations How can you tell if a sample is solid, liquid, or gas? • Determine which physical properties of matter are unique Students will • Determine the properties of solids, liquids and gases based on observations. • Reflect upon the nature of scientific inquiry and collaboration in the real world. Students will know that • Solids have a definite shape and volume. • Liquids take the shape of their •
Use adjectives to describe the properties of the states of matter. Define vocabulary words based on observations. Engage in polite debate about differences of opinion. Students can organize descriptive words into a word sort. Students can comprehend information from text. 68
container, can flow, and pour; yet their volume remains the same. • Gases do not have a definite shape or volume. How can you tell if a sample of Students will know that •
matter that pours is solid or liquid? • Small solids have similar properties to •
• Conduct a guided inquiry liquid materials; however, they are experiment to answer a question. still solid. • Gather evidence to support a claim. Claims and Evidence Students will •
• Use evidence to generate a • Use evidence to justify conclusions. claim. Summary Students will know •
• Create Frayer Model Maps to • The scientific definitions for solid, summarize understanding of liquid, and gas. vocabulary about the three • Examples of solids, liquids, and gases. •
states of matter. • Words that describe solids, liquids, and gases. •
5 6 7 to each state of matter. Give examples of materials in the different states of matter. Write a prediction. Record observations. Write a claim and identify evidence that supports it. Fill in a modified Frayer Model Map to display their understanding of the words solid, liquid, and gas. Create a graphic representation of their understanding of matter and it’s three states. 2.a
FOSS Matter and Measurement Investigation 2 Session 1: What is matter? [30 minutes] •
Students will learn what matter is. Students will make observations of matter. Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Document camera/LCD projector Observing an Object Pencil 3 Ziploc bags filled with a rock, water Observations of Three Science notebooks colored with food coloring, and air. Bags Glue Capped syringe(s) filled with air 1. Think-­‐Pair-­‐Share Discussion Tell students, In this unit, we will find out about objects and materials. We are going to explore what objects and materials are made of. Look around the room. Pick an object that you would like to learn about. Turn to a partner sitting next to you. Pick one person to go first. Tell your partner which object you picked. Then, the other partner will tell you his or her object. Allow partners to share. Distribute Observing an Object sheets and have students glue these in their notebooks. Let’s record our ideas about this object in our notebook. Remember to update your table of contents with the title Observing an Object and put the corresponding page number. On your sheet, write down the name of your object in the box that says “my object”, and draw a picture of your object. Now, think about what your object is made of (allow 30 seconds-­‐1 minute for silent, independent thought). Write down your ideas about what the object is made of in the second box. Circulate the room looking at student responses. Students may have trouble going beyond a response such as “plastic” or “glass”. Challenge students to think what smaller pieces plastic or glass may be made of in class discussion. Ask students, What do you think your object is made of? Ask students to share. If you get a response like “plastic” or “glass”, ask students what they think the plastic or the glass is made of. The goal is to get students thinking about the smaller pieces that make up matter. Is there anything you would like to add to your ideas about what your object is made of now? Ask students to share their ideas about what they could add to the description of their objects. Ask students, How did you decide what your object was made of? Turn and talk to your partner about your object and explain why you think it’s made of those materials. When it’s time for your partner to speak, I will tell you. (Allow 2 minutes per partner for discussion) 2.1
Who would like to share with the class what you and your partner discussed? (Allow for 2-­‐3 partners to share their conversations with the larger group). Instruct students to record their ideas in the third box at the bottom of the chart by completing the sentence stem “I think my object is made of these materials because…” 2. Observation vs. Inference Everyone just made observations of objects in our classroom. Who would like to share an example of their observation with us? Allow students to share their observations with the class. If a student suggests an inference, such as “my object is pretty” or “my object is used for…” take time to distinguish between an observation and an inference. An observation is a description of the object based on our 5 senses (for example, my object is pink, smooth, shiny). An inference is something we have to think about before we describe the object (for example, I have to think about what makes something pretty before I can decide if it’s pretty or not). If it appears that students have misconceptions about this, it may be helpful to record their observations and inferences on a t-­‐chart on the white board or document camera, like the examples below. Observation Inference The plant is green. That plant is ugly. A pencil eraser is in the shape of a heart. Hearts are pretty shapes. 2.1
What is an observation? Why might it be important for scientists to make observations? Allow students to share their ideas with the class. Use ideas to create a collaborative definition of observation (data you collect about something using your 5 senses or making a measurement) for student glossaries and the word wall. An inference can be defined as what you think about an object (something that can’t actually be observed). Put a class definition of inference on the word wall and have students add it to their glossary in their science notebooks. 3. Discuss Observations of Three Bags Now we will practice making observations of different materials I have in 3 Ziploc bags. Distribute copies of the student sheet called Observations of Three Bags, and have students glue this into their notebooks. Remind them to update their table of contents and add the corresponding page number. Show students the first bag with the rock inside. Ask students to turn and talk with a partner and describe what they observe inside the bag. Have them record 2-­‐3 observations* on their Observations of Three Bags sheet in the first row labeled Bag 1. Have a 2-­‐4 students share their ideas with the larger group. Ask students how they know there is something inside the bag. Students will likely respond that they see something. Show students the second bag with the water inside. Ask students to turn and talk with a partner and describe what they observe inside the bag. Have them record 2-­‐3 observations* on their Observations of Three Bags sheet in the second row labeled Bag 2. Have a 2-­‐4 students share their ideas with the larger group. 71
Ask students how they know there is something inside the bag. Students will likely respond that they see something. Show students the third bag with the air inside. Ask students to turn and talk with a partner and describe what they observe inside the bag. Have them record 2-­‐3 observations* on their Observations of Three Bags in the third row labeled Bag 3. Have a 2-­‐4 students share their ideas with the larger group. Ask students how they know there is something inside the bag. Challenge students who claim that the bag is “empty” by allowing them to feel the bag or push on the sides of the bag. *Observing matter isn’t the same as identifying an object (rock, water and air). We want students to begin observing objects by their properties (solid, liquid and gas). 4. Discuss Matter Ask students, How were the materials in the 3 bags the same? Allow students to share ideas, guiding them towards the idea that all bags contain matter. All of the bags contain matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. • What does it mean for something to have mass? (Mass is a measure of how much stuff is in an object). • Which material in the bag had the most mass? The least mass? • What does it mean for something to take up space? (If something takes up space it has a measurable volume). • Which material in the bag took up the most space? The least space? • Which material in the bag could change the amount of space it takes up? (The air; demonstrate this by showing students a syringe filled with air and capped so that the air cannot escape. Let students experience pushing the plunger down and feeling the resistance from the air as it is compressed into a smaller space). • Could the rock or the water change the amount of space they take up? (No, they have a fixed volume). Rocks take up space so rocks are made of matter. Water has mass and takes up space so water is matter. Air has mass and takes up space so air is matter. What else has mass and takes up space? Allow students to share their ideas, one at a time. Keep a list on the board of their examples of matter. Use ideas to review the definitions for mass (the amount of stuff in an object), and volume (the amount of space occupied by stuff) already in student glossaries from Investigation 1. Use these definitions to create a collaborative definition for matter (anything that has mass and takes up space) on the word wall. Review the words “mass” and “volume” to see if the definitions need to be revised with their knew understanding. Have students add “matter” to the glossary in their science notebooks and give them time to revise previous definitions of “mass” and “volume.” 72
Observing an Object Observing an Object My object: 2.1.a
I think my object is made of… My object: I think my object is made of… I think my object is made of these materials because… I think my object is made of these materials because… 73
Observations of Three Bags Observations of Three Bags Bag 1 Describe what you observe in this bag. Bag 1 Describe what you observe in this bag. Bag 2 Describe what you observe in this bag. Bag 2 Describe what you observe in this bag. Bag 3 Describe what you observe in this bag. Bag 3 Describe what you observe in this bag. 2.1.b
Session 2: How do you determine if a material is solid, liquid, or gas? [35 minutes] •
Students will make observations of matter. Students will use observations to classify materials as solids, liquids, or gases. Students will assign and perform collaborative group roles. Students will describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Chart paper 3 Ziploc bags with a rock, water colored with food coloring, and air. 6 vials containing chocolate chips Liquid dishwashing detergent Colored water Sand Corn syrup Piece of cloth Piece of wire Single bubble from Bubble wrap Plastic tube Craft stick Rubber band Papers to copy and cut Students will need Describing Matter * Pencil Solid, Liquid, or Gas? Science notebooks Glue In this investigation, students will get into their formal collaborative learning groups for the remainder of the unit. You will want to assign students to groups of four prior to this session. Students will play one of four roles in the group. You may let students decide which role they would like to be or assign roles before the session. If desired, you may give each role a number or color so students can remember what role they have. *Describing Matter has a scaffolded version for students that need extra support with word choice. 1. Review Session 1 Ask students, • How did you know the three bags contain different materials? • What is different about the mass of the materials in the bags? • What is different about the volume of the materials in the bags? • How could you categorize the three materials? • Can someone remind me of what matter is? • What two characteristics does all matter have in common? • What were some properties of matter that were different for our three objects? Allow 2-­‐3 students to respond to the question with the whole class. Use this discussion to transition into word lists. Distribute the Describing Matter* sheets. Provide students with a modified version with word bank as necessary. Have students update the table of contents with the corresponding page number and glue the sheet into the science journals. • What words or phrases could you use to describe the three materials and to tell them apart? Record student answers in the chart like the student chart on the document camera or board while students record notes in their chart on the worksheet. 2.2
Rock Water Air Word Bank Hard soft has a definite shape volume doesn’t change wet takes shape of container can pour changes shape volume can change invisible spreads out no shape colorless clear brown grey rough 2.2
2. Introduce Solid, Liquids, and Gases Tell students, Matter is found on Earth in three common forms or states. Add “states of matter” (the forms matter can take) to the word wall and have students write it in their glossary in their science notebooks. Matter can be solid, like a rock. (Write solid above the word rock on the class chart). • What are some other examples of solids? Can you describe what solids are like? Add additional words to the list of descriptive words that describe the solid rock. • Matter can be liquid, like water. (Write liquid above the word water on the class chart). • What are some other examples of liquids? Can you describe what liquids are like? Add additional words to the list of descriptive words that describe the liquid water. • Matter can be gas, like air. (Write gas above the word air on the class chart). • What are some other examples of gases? Can you describe what gases are like? Add additional words to the list of descriptive words that describe the gas air. 3. Discuss working in collaborative groups and assign roles In a moment, I will tell you what we will be doing today to investigate solids, liquids, and gases. First, I want to talk to you about working in a group. Scientists often work in groups. Ask students, • Why do you think scientists work in groups? (To solve problems, to learn new things, to help each other understand something) • Think of a time when you worked in a group. What did you like about working in a group? (Student answers will vary; make a list on the board of what students like about group work) • What makes working in a group fun? It sounds like we all enjoy working in a group, so in order to have fun working in a group during science we need to organize our groups. When you are working in a group, why is it important that everyone helps the group? (So everyone can learn, so it’s fair, so no one does more than anyone else) Before we start our investigation today, we are going to get into our groups and assign each person a job to do that will help the group learn. Break the students into teams of four. You may choose to have the students in the group assign roles themselves or pre-­‐assign the roles to group members. Getters 1 and 2 are responsible for materials. One Getter gets the materials and the other Getter returns the materials. 76
Starters are responsible for helping the group start the investigation. This person makes sure that everyone gets a turn and that everyone helps the team learn. Reporters make sure that everyone has the information recorded in their notebook and the person who reports the data to the class. The Reporter also puts the group’s data on the class chart. Have students assign roles or give out assignments. 4. Sort materials Now that we are in our groups and ready to learn, I will give you a bag containing several samples of matter. Your challenge as a team is to sort the materials according to their state of matter. What does it mean to sort things? What categories do you think we are going to sort these things into (solids, liquids, gasses)? You will need to put all the solids together, the liquids together, and the gases together. If you are unsure of how to sort a material, put it to the side. Please do not open the vials of matter. • Getter 1’s, please collect the materials for your group. • Starters, please help the group get started on sorting the matter when the Getter 1 returns. Allow 10 minutes for students to observe and sort materials into piles on their desks. Circulate the room to observe students as they work for informal assessment. Possible guiding questions to ask students as they sort: • Why did you put this material in this category? • What do all of the materials you have in the solid/liquid/gas have in common? • What makes the materials in the solid/liquid/gas different? • Tell me about why you are unsure about how to sort that material. 5. Record Sorting Now we will work together to record the results of our sorting. Pass out “Solid, Liquid, or Gas?” worksheets for each student. There are four half sheets total (one for solid, one for liquid, one for gas, and one for unsure). Have students update the table of contents with the corresponding page number and glue the student sheets into their science notebooks. Ask students, Let’s identify each sample before we record the results of our sorting. Hold up a sample of each material one by one, starting with ones that may be more familiar to students. When you come to a sample that few if any students can identify, provide its name and write it on the board or put the material on a piece of paper on the document camera and write the name of the material next to the sample. Alternatively, provide students with a visual glossary or word bank of the materials for scaffolding, as necessary. Please write the names of the materials you sorted as solids in the solid box. Finish the sentence in the box to explain why you put those materials in that group. When students finish, give directions for them do the same for the liquid, gas, and unsure boxes. Reporters, give me a thumbs up if everyone in your group recorded the results of your team sort. We will discuss the results of this activity together in our next session. After the teams have sorted the objects, have the Getter 2 return the matter samples to the materials station. 77
Describing Matter Describing Matter Rock Water Air Rock Water Air 2.2.a
Describing Matter Describing Matter Rock Water Air Word Bank Hard, soft, has a definite shape, volume doesn’t change, wet, takes shape of container, can pour, changes shape , volume can change, invisible, spreads out, no shape, colorless, clear, brown, grey, rough Rock Water Air Word Bank Hard, soft, has a definite shape, volume doesn’t change, wet, takes shape of container, can pour, changes shape , volume can change, invisible, spreads out, no shape, colorless, clear, brown, grey, rough 2.2.b
Solid, Liquid or Gas? 2.2.c
Solid, Liquid or Gas? Solid Liquid I think these materials are solids I think these materials are liquids because_____________________________________ because_____________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 80
Solid Liquid, or Gas? Solid Liquid, or Gas? Gas Unsure I think these materials are gases I am unsure what type of materials these are because_____________________________________ because_____________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2.2.d
Session 3: What are the properties of solids, liquids, and gases? [30 minutes] •
Students will use observations to classify materials as solids, liquids, or gases. Students will describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on their observations. Students will justify their claims with evidence. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Chart paper 6 vials containing Chocolate chips Liquid dishwashing Detergent Colored water Sand 2.3
Corn syrup Piece of cloth Piece of wire Single bubble from Bubble wrap Plastic tube Craft stick Rubber band Papers to copy and cut Students will need Pencil Science notebooks 1. Review the materials sorted in Session 2 Ask students, Even though the materials we sorted were all different, what did they have in common? Review that all of the materials were made of matter because they all have mass and take up space. What made the materials different? Many characteristics, such as mass, volume, color, etc. made the materials different; be sure to review that the materials were in different states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. 2. Come to a class consensus on the sorting activity Create a class “Solid, Liquid or Gas?” chart on the white board or document camera following the format of the student sheets from the previous session. Have students turn to their pages in their notebook in which to refer during the class discussion. Now we will work together to make a class list of the results of our sorting activity. When scientists have to work together, do you think they always agree? What might cause scientists to disagree? (They have different ideas about things, they come to different conclusions, and they don’t always have the same data or conduct the same experiments) In this activity, we might have some disagreements on how to classify the different materials. How do you think scientists behave when they have a disagreement? Use student responses to create a list of norms on the board or chart paper for how students should behave when disagreeing about the classifications. I will hold up each item and ask the class if it is a solid, liquid, or gas. One person will tell me what state of matter they think the material is in. If you agree, put your thumb up. If you disagree, put your thumb down. Use your paper from last session to help you make your decision. Pick up the first object. Follow the procedure. Ask a student with his or her thumb up why he or she agrees using the sentence stem “I agree because…” If the majority of students agree, place the material in that group. If many students disagree, ask a student with his or her thumb down why he or she disagrees using the sentence stem “I disagree because…” Place the word in the unsure column if the class is divided. 82
3. Define solid, liquid, gas Looking at our list, what do all the materials we sorted as solids have in common? Use student responses to create a list of adjectives that describe solids. Use these words to create a definition for the term solid (matter that has a definite shape) in glossaries. Looking at our list, what do all the materials we sorted as liquids have in common? Use student responses to a list of adjectives that describe liquids. Use these words to create a definition for the term liquid (matter that flows and takes the shape of the container it is in) in glossaries. Looking at our list, what do all the materials we sorted as gases have in common? Use student responses to create a list of adjectives that describe gases. Use these words to create a definition for the term gas (matter that is shapeless) in glossaries. Have students either copy from the class list or write their own adjectives that describe solid, liquid and gas in the glossary of their science notebooks. Make sure, however, that they all have the general definition of each word (matter that has a definite shape, matter that flows and takes the shape of the container, and matter that is shapeless). 4. Reflection Go to the next available blank page in your science notebook. Title this page “Reflection on Solids, Liquids and Gasses”. On this page, please write the following three sentence starters about solids, liquids, and gases and finish them in your own words. •
I think… •
I wonder… •
I understand… Model for students how you would write a response to this, and think out loud as you write. For example, “I might finish the sentence starter ‘I wonder…’ by writing something I don’t know the answer to. In that case, I would probably use the word “if”. “I wonder if solids can ever turn into liquids or gases.” Remind students to update their table of contents and add the corresponding page number. 83
Session 4: How can you tell if a material is solid, liquid, or gas? [30 minutes] •
Students will determine which properties allow scientists to classify materials as solids, liquids, or gases. Students will describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on their comprehension of a text. Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Document camera/LCD projector Before Reading “States Pencil FOSS Matter and Energy Student Books of Matter” Science notebooks for reading “States of Matter” article During Reading “States Glue Glass jar with sand in it. of Matter” Sand Prediction 1. Before Reading – Introduce the Text Pass out a Before Reading States of Matter worksheet to each student. Remind students to update their table of contents and put the corresponding page number in their science notebook after pasting the worksheet. Today we will read an article in our science books on page 39. Before we read, let’s preview the text together and make predictions about what we will learn about by reading this article. Students will read only the parts of the article about matter, solids, liquids, and gases. Possible questions to pose to the class for discussion when all students have their books open to page 39. • What is the title of our article? • What is the first topic we will read about? • What do you see in the pictures? • What do you predict this first section of the text will help us understand about states of matter? • What is the second topic we will read about? • How are these pictures different from the pictures about solids? • What is the third topic we will read about? • What do you see in the pictures about gases? • When we finish reading this article, what do you think we will know? • Why do you think the author wrote this article? Record your predictions about the text on your Before Reading “States of Matter” worksheet. 2. During Reading – Word Sort Pass out the During Reading “States of Matter” worksheet to each student and ask students what they should do with the worksheet (glue it into their science notebook and update the table of contents with the corresponding page number). Our purpose for reading is to understand how scientists describe matter in its three states. Who can remind me what the three states of matter are? As we read, we will sort words or phrases about matter into categories that best describe solids, liquids, and gases. It’s okay if some words or phrases are used more than once. Depending on the reading proficiencies of the class, determine whether shared reading, partner reading, or independent reading is most appropriate. After each section of the 2.4
article, have students stop reading to complete the word sort for that topic with a partner or in class discussion if shared reading. Once all students have read and completed their During Reading “States of Matter” worksheet, create a class list using the Words or Phrases about Matter word bank like the one on their student sheet. Remember that it’s okay if some words or phrases are used more than once. Solid Hard Soft has definite shape volume doesn’t change hard take the shape of container has definite shape invisible volume can change 2.4
Liquid Wet Takes shape of container Pour Volume doesn’t change Words or Phrases about Matter soft changes shape spreads out pour Gas Changes shape No shape Spreads out Volume can change Invisible wet pour no shape volume doesn’t change 3. After Reading – Apply New Understanding (5 minutes) After discussing the word sort, show students the jar with sand in it. Ask students to turn and talk with their partner about what state of matter the sand is in. Possible questions include: • Is sand a solid, liquid, or gas? Ask students to explain why they think so. • How could you tell if sand is a solid? • How could you tell if sand is a liquid? • What makes the sand like both a liquid and a solid? Please record your ideas about the state of matter that sand is in on the Sand Prediction worksheet. What else do we need to do with a new sheet for our science notebooks? (Glue it, update the table of contents and corresponding page number) In the next session, students will design an investigation to determine if sand is a liquid or solid. Use the results of this conversation to inform planning for Session 5. 85
Before Reading “States of Matter” Before Reading “States of Matter” Make a prediction about the text I predict I will learn about Make a prediction about the text I predict I will learn about ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ I predict this because I predict this because ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ 86
During Reading “States of Matter” During Reading “States of Matter” Solid 2.4.b
Liquid Gas Solid Words or Phrases about Matter hard take the shape of container definite shape invisible soft change shape wet pour spread out pour volume can change no shape volume doesn’t change Liquid Gas Words or Phrases about Matter hard take the shape of container definite shape invisible soft change shape wet pour spread out pour volume can change no shape volume doesn’t change 87
Sand Prediction I think sand is a ________________________ because__________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 2.4.c
Sand Prediciton I think sand is a ________________________ because__________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 88
Session 5: How can you tell if a sample of matter that pours is solid or liquid? [30 minutes]
Students will use the properties of solids, liquids, and gases to identify a substance.
Students will apply their understanding of states of matter to a new scenario.
Students will make a prediction before an experiment.
Students will collect evidence.
Materials needed
Document camera/LCD projector
FOSS Matter and Energy Student Books
for reading “States of Matter”
Vial of sand
Vial of water
Papers to copy and cut
Comparing Water and
Students will need
Science notebooks
1. Introduce Focus Question
Hold up the vials of sand and water. Tell students, I’ve been thinking about how liquids
can pour. I found this vial of sand in our kit and it got me wondering about sand and
• What is the same about these materials? (They can pour)
• What is different about these materials? (Water is liquid and sand is made of small
I wonder, how you can tell if a sample of matter that pours is a liquid or a solid?
Today, we will try to answer this question by doing an experiment with sand and
water. Let’s write down the focus question in our notebooks.
Have students turn to the next available empty page in their notebooks. Have students
title the page “Focus Question” and write the following focus question in their
notebook: How can you tell if a sample of matter that pours is solid or liquid? Have
students update their table of contents with the corresponding page number.
2. Make Predictions
Now that we know our focus question, let’s make a prediction about what we think
the answer is to our question. When we make a prediction, we also give the reason
why. Write the sentence frame “I think…because…” on the white board, chart paper or
document camera. Model using the “I think…because” sentence stem for writing a
prediction. My prediction could be, “I think we can tell if something is a liquid or a solid
by seeing how it spreads out when it pours.” I’d like you to come up with your own
predictions using this sentence frame. First, let’s think about the water: How can you
tell if water is solid or liquid? Have students turn and talk with their shoulder partner
about their prediction.
What are some ideas for predictions that you had when you talked with your partner
about how to tell if water is a liquid or a solid? Write student predictions on the white
board or document camera.
Have students turn to the next available empty page in their notebooks. Have students
title the page “Prediction” and write out their prediction in their notebook. Have
students update their Table of Contents and the corresponding page number.
3. Plan and conduct the investigation
Distribute copies of the student sheet Comparing Sand and Water. Have students glue
this into their notebooks and update their table of contents with the corresponding
page number. Now we will conduct our experiment to answer our focus question: How
can you tell if a sample of matter that pours is liquid or solid? Your team will get one
vial of sand and one vial of water as well as a basin to pour the materials into. You will
pour both materials into the basin to gather data to answer our focus question.
Some things to think about before we do the experiment are:
• What will be different in our experiment? (We will pour different materials, sand
and water)
• What will we keep the same in our experiment? (We will have to pour the same
way each trial, we will need to pour from the same height above the basin)
• When you are pouring, be very careful not to spill. Demonstrate proper pouring
technique into the basin. You may want to demonstrate how to keep the factors the
same for the students.
• What kind of observations will you make in this experiment? (Student responses
will vary, some may say how the liquid falls out of the vial, what it does when it hits
the bottom of the basin, if it spreads out or stays in a pile. Guide students to
understanding that their observations will be their only data in the experiment.)
Once you and your partner have your student sheet glued in and ready, send Getter 1
to get materials. To complete the investigation, have Getter 2 return their materials
and clean their desks.
4. Close Activity
To end the activity, conduct an informal class discussion about the results of the
experiment. Ask the Reporters to tell the class what they observed in the experiment.
Record student responses on the white board or chart paper. Highlight the patterns and
trends in data among the different groups during class discussion. Students will formally
discuss and write their results in the next session.
Comparing Water and Sand Comparing Water and Sand Observations of what happens when water is poured into a basin and when sand is poured into a basin Material Observations Poured into Basin Sand Water Observations of what happens when water is poured into a basin and when sand is poured into a basin Material Observations Poured into Basin Sand Water 2.5.a
Session 6: Claims and Evidence [25 minutes] •
Students will use evidence to support a claim Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Chart paper Science notebooks Pen/Marker Glue Pencil 1. Guided practice-­‐ Claims and Evidence for water Have students open their notebooks to their pages from the previous session. Ask students, What was our focus question? (How can you tell if a sample of matter that pours is solid or liquid?) What data from the experiment will help us answer the focus question? (Our observations) Draw a Venn Diagram on the white board or chart paper to be completed with the whole class. Same
How was the water and sand the same? (They both can pour out of a container) How do you know this? How was the water and sand different? (Water spreads out, sand piles up, water is a liquid, sand is a mixture of small solids) How do you know this? When scientists want to explain the results of their experiment, they must first look at the patterns they see in their data. Let’s look at our data for the water pouring first. What did you observe about the water when you poured it into the basin? Have the reporters from each group write on the whiteboard or chart paper their observations about water. Remind them that it is okay if more than one group has the same observations. What patterns do you see in our data from all the groups? Based on our data, what do you think the water is: solid or liquid? Ask one student to make a claim about the water. Ask students to put their thumbs up if they agree or thumbs down if they disagree. Ask a student who agrees to explain why he or she agrees. Most students will agree that the water is liquid. Since we have decided that the water is a liquid, we can now make a claim. A claim is a conclusion based on evidence. Let’s record our claim about water together on the board and in your science notebooks. Draw a T chart on the white board or chart paper and have students turn to the next available blank page in their notebook and draw the 2.6
same T-­‐chart. Have them title this page “Claims and Evidence” and update their table of contents with the corresponding page number. Claims Evidence Claim Evidence I claim that water is a liquid that can pour. What evidence helped us come to this conclusion? Let’s write down the data that helped us write our claim. Record student responses into the T chart. See possible responses below. Claim Evidence I claim that water is a liquid that can pour. When I tilted the vial, the water fell out of it into the basin. When the water hit the basin, it spread out in many directions. The water was wet. 2. Independent Practice – Claims and Evidence for Sand Now let’s think about what happened when we poured the sand. What did you observe about the sand when you poured it into the basin? Have the reporters from each group write on the whiteboard or chart paper their observations about sand. Remind them that it is okay if more than one group has the same observations. What patterns do you see in our data? Based on our data, would you claim that sand is a solid or liquid? Ask one student to make a claim about the sand. Ask students to put their thumbs up if they agree or thumbs down if they disagree. Ask a student who agrees to explain why he or she agrees. Most students will agree that the sand is a solid. To help clarify, refer back to the observational differences between the water (which spreads out and is wet) and the sand (which forms a pile and is dry). Since we have decided that sand is a solid, we can make a claim based on the evidence we just shared. Model drawing a second T chart or draw a horizontal line to create a new row on the white board or chart paper and have students tell you the claim (I claim 2.6
that sand is a solid that can pour). Have students also write down a second T chart and fill in the Claim. Claim Evidence I claim that sand is a solid that can pour. What are some examples of evidence that we could use to support this claim? I’d like you to work with your group to come up with evidence to prove this claim. Please fill in your evidence in your own T chart. See possible responses below. Claim Evidence Sand is a solid that can pour. When I tilted the vial, the sand fell out of it into the basin. When the sand hit the basin, it piled up and didn’t spread out. The sand was hard and made of small, solid pieces. Have groups share their evidence with the class and encourage students to write any additional pieces of evidence into their T charts. 2.6
Session 7: Summarize [25-­‐30 Minutes)] •
Students will summarize their understandings about solids, liquids and gases Materials needed Markers/Crayons/ Art Supplies Flip books (optional Papers to copy and cut Solids, Liquids, and Gases Vocabulary Flip books (optional) Students will need Science notebooks Glue Scissors Pencil 1. Frayer Model Maps Distribute the Solid, Liquid, and Gas student sheets. Have students glue these in their notebooks and add them to their Table of Contents with the corresponding page numbers. Each page will have a modified Frayer Model Map for that state of matter, like the one below: Solid Definition Picture Words to Describe this State of Matter Examples If necessary, it might be helpful to model how to fill in a Frayer Model Map using a term that all students already know. Detailed instructions for how to complete each section are below. Definition: The definition for each state of matter should be in a complete sentence. Challenge students to use the resources in their glossaries and notebooks to create their sentence. Picture: The picture should be representative of the definition and can include a real world example of the state of matter that is relevant to the students’ life. Words to Describe this State of Matter: Most students should be able to write 3-­‐4 words independently. You may offer the word bank to students from Session 4 as necessary for scaffolding. hard take the shape of container has definite shape invisible volume can change 2.7
Words or Phrases about Matter soft changes shape spreads out pour wet pour no shape volume doesn’t change Examples: Examples may be presented in words or pictures. Optional Extension: Flipbooks For the final activity in Investigation 2, students can use their student sheets to create a flipbook that contains information about all the three states of matter. The following 95
online resource allows you to print a template for the flipbook that you can copy for each student. If you prefer, you can have students use their student worksheets. Students can then assemble their own flipbooks.­‐resources/student-­‐interactives/flip-­‐book-­‐
Solid Solid Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Solids 2.7.a
Picture Example Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Solids Picture Example 97
Liquid Liquid Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Liquids 2.7.b
Picture Example Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Liquids Picture Example 98
Gas Gas Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Gasses 2.7.c
Picture Example Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Gasses Picture Example 99
Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Solids Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Liquids 2.7.d
Picture Example Picture Example 100
Definition Words and Phrases that Describe Gases 2.7.e
Picture Examples 101
FOSS Matter and Measurement Unit Investigation 3 Essential Questions • What is observed when matter freezes, melts, condenses or boils? • How do heating and cooling affect states of matter? • Which tools and techniques work best to measure matter? Session Content Objectives 1 Students will know • Matter is made of small particles called atoms. • The movement of atoms in the states of matter gives the state of matter its physical properties. 2 How do scientists observe Students will know temperature? • Temperature can be measured • Measure temperature using one relatively. of the five senses • One way to observe temperature is with one of the five senses. How do scientists measure temperature? Students will know 3 • Measure temperature using a • A thermometer is used to measure thermometer temperature. • Use evidence to support a claim • Scientists use the metric unit Celsius to describe temperature. • Temperature can be measured with a measuring tool. 4 What is a change of state? What is Students will know Freezing? • Materials can be frozen due to cooling. • Heating or cooling can cause • A change in state is when materials matter to change state change from one state of mater to another due to heating and cooling. 5-­‐6 What is melting? Students will know 3.a
What is matter made of? • Use movements and pictures to describe atoms Language Objectives • Students will create a kinesthetic and graphic representation of molecular movement in the three states of matter. • Students will retell the steps they followed in a procedure. • Students will practice writing claims and evidence. • Students will retell the steps they followed in a procedure. • Students will practice writing claims and evidence. • Students will reflect on new understanding after collecting new data. • Students will complete a graphic organizer to display their understanding of changes of state. •
Students will comprehend an 102
Conduct an experiment to • Materials can be melted due to observe how heating causes heating. matter to change state from solid • A change in state is when materials to liquid in a process called change from one state of mater to melting another due to heating or cooling. 7-­‐9 What is evaporation? Students will know • Conduct an experiment to • Volume can be measured observe how heating causes quantitatively. matter to change state from • Some factors in an experiment stay liquid to gas in a process called the same while others are changed. evaporation • Matter changes from liquid to gas due to heating in a process called evaporation. 10-­‐ What is condensation? Students will know 11 • Conduct an experiment to • Condensation occurs when a material observe how cooling causes changes from a gas to a liquid due to matter to change state from gas cooling. to liquid in a process called condensation 12-­‐ How does a drop of water or ice cube Students will know 13 change state on the Earth? • Changes in state occur in nature. • Create a story to describe how matter changes state due to heating and cooling informational text and insert facts into a graphic organizer. •
Students will create a labeled diagram of an experimental set-­‐up. Students will make a prediction about an experiment. •
Students will connect their experiences to a scientific concept. •
Students will create a picture book that describes a drop of water’s or an ice cube’s journey through changes of state. •
FOSS Matter and Measurement Investigation 3 Session 1: What is matter made of? (25 minutes) •
Students will understand that matter is made of particles called atoms. Students will understand that the movement of atoms in the solid, liquid, and gas state give the material its physical properties. Students will use movements and pictures to understand a scientific concept. Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Document camera/LCD projector Atoms in the Three Pencil Laptop to display animation (optional) States of Matter Science Notebooks Object from kit Glue 4 ft x 4 ft square made of masking tape on classroom floor or carpet. FOSS Matter and Energy Books 1. Introduce Atoms Hold up an object from the kit, preferably an object made of 2-­‐3 different materials. Ask students, What is this object made of? Record student ideas on white board or document camera. Challenge students to think about the smallest part of what the object is made of, the atom. For example, if a student says, “the object is made of glass,” challenge him or her to consider what glass is made of. When you arrive at a sufficiently “small” piece of what the object is made of, tell students: All the matter in the world is made of tiny parts called atoms. Atoms combine together to make everything. Atoms can be thought of as the building blocks of matter. Atoms are so tiny they are impossible to see. Even though we can’t see the atoms that make up this object, we know they are there because the object has mass and takes up space. Write “atom” on the word wall and have students add it to their glossary in their science notebooks. 2. Act out movement of atoms in the 3 states of matter Note: This activity involves movement and it may be best to go to the classroom rug, cafeteria, or outdoors (weather permitting) so students can move around safely. Instead of using masking tape to create the square, you could use hallway tiles or a four-­‐square square outdoors. Tell students, We are going to act out a model of how atoms behave in the three states of matter. Can anyone remind me what a model is? (a representation of something that is difficult to study directly) Why would it be helpful to use a model to describe atoms? (because they are too small to see) Atoms are always moving. Atoms in a solid are stuck in place. That’s why solids have definite shape. But even though they are stuck in place the particles are vibrating and jiggling. Atoms in a solid are like a bunch of people in a crowded room jumping up and down. Show students the online animation to get an idea of the movement of atoms in different states. 3.1
Are there 4 students who would like to help us understand how atoms move in a solid? Once you have 4 volunteers, arrange them close together in a fixed pattern in the 4x4 square. The students represent the atoms. In this case, the square represents the shape of the solid. Ask the class, Can the solid atoms go outside of the square? (No, solids don’t change shape). How should the atoms move when they are solid? (The students should vibrate and jiggle, but stay in one place next to each other; they could also jump up and down). Ask students to carefully act out the atomic movement their peers described for 10-­‐15 seconds. Thank them for helping. Show students the picture of the atoms in a solid on page 58 in the FOSS Matter and Energy student textbook using the document camera. Ask students, How was our model of atoms in a solid the same as the model in the picture? How was our model of atoms in a solid different from the model in the picture? Now we will think about how atoms move in a liquid. Atoms in liquid are not stuck in place, but they stay close together. Atoms in liquids can slide past and around each other. That is why liquids can change shape. The atoms flow past each other. Atoms in a liquid are like a bunch of people close together in a room walking around here and there and past each other. Are there 4 students who would like to help us understand how atoms move in a liquid? Once you have 4 volunteers arrange them within the 4x4 square. The students represent the atoms. In this case, the square represents the shape of the container the liquid is in. Ask class, Can the liquid atoms go outside of the square? (No, liquids take the shape of their container). How should the atoms move when they are liquid? (The students move around and flow past each other carefully but stay inside the square, as liquids are confined by their container). Ask students to carefully act out the atomic movement their peers described for 10-­‐15 seconds. Thank them for helping. Show students the picture of the atoms in a liquid on page 58 in the FOSS Matter and Energy student textbook using the document camera or the animation. Ask students, How was our model of atoms in a solid the same as the model in the picture? How was our model of atoms in a solid different from the model in the picture? Finally, we will think about atoms in gases. Atoms in gases are not close to each other. Atoms in gases fly around, bumping into things and bouncing off in new directions. Atoms in gas fly off in all directions. That’s why gases can’t be kept in an open container. Atoms in the gas state are like a bunch of people in a huge room running around, bouncing off each other and the walls. Note: This will require some “rules” to be stated to ensure that no one gets hurt. Students in the gas state can bump into each other or a wall gently and bounce off in a different direction. There is nothing containing the gas particles, which might make the outdoors the best space for this demonstration. 3.1
Are there 4 students who would like to help us understand how atoms move in a gas? Once you have 4 volunteers arrange them within the 4x4 square. The students represent the atoms. Tell class, In this case, the square represents the shape of the container the gas is in initially, but it is “open” so the gas can escape. Can the gas atoms go outside of the square? (Yes, they are not stuck in the square because it represents an open container.) How should the atoms move when they are gas? (The students run around and leave the container, bouncing off objects in the classroom, each other, and the walls.) Ask students to carefully act out the atomic movement their peers described for 10-­‐15 seconds. Thank them for helping. Show students the picture of the atoms in a gas on page 59 in the FOSS Matter and Energy student textbook using the document camera or the animation. Ask students, How was our model of atoms in a gas the same as this picture? How was our model of atoms in a gas different from this picture? 3. Create pictures of atoms in the three states of matter Distribute an “Atoms in the Three States of Matter” worksheet to each student. Have students glue this into their science notebook and update the table of contents and the corresponding page in their science notebooks. Tell students, On this worksheet there are three circles. In the correct circle, draw a picture that represents how atoms move in the solid, liquid, and gas states. You may use arrows to indicate movement of the atoms. Observe student work to check for understanding and misconceptions. 3.1
Atoms in the state of matter
Atoms in the state of matter
Draw a
picture of
atoms in a
Draw a
picture of
atoms in a
Draw a
picture of
atoms in a
Draw a
picture of
atoms in a
Draw a
picture of
atoms in a
Draw a
picture of
atoms in a
Session 2: What is temperature? (35 minutes) •
Students will understand that measuring temperature is a way to observe matter. Students will follow the steps to a procedure. Students will consider that using a relative scale for temperature (rather than an absolute scale) presents challenges for collecting accurate data. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector 3 cups labeled A, B, and C A pitcher of room-­‐temperature water (fill a pitcher with water about 30 minutes before investigation) for cups A and C A pitcher of ice water for cup B 3.2
Papers to copy and cut Measuring Temperature Method 1 Procedure Measuring Temperature Method 1 Reflection Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks Glue 1. Class discussion and focus question Ask students, • What do you think of when you hear the word hot? • What comes to mind when you hear the word cold? • How can you tell when something is hot? Cold? Temperature is how hot or cold something is. Add temperature to the word wall and have students add it to their glossary in their science notebooks. Today we will be working to answer the focus question: How can you measure the temperature of a liquid? Have students find the next available blank page in their notebooks and label it “Focus Question.” Have students write the focus question on this page and update their table of contents and the corresponding page number. 2. Explain the procedure We will try to answer the focus question by following two procedures. We will be measuring the temperature of water using two scientific tools: a finger and a thermometer. First, I will show you how to measure the temperature of water using your finger. We will have three different cups, A, B, and C filled with water that has different temperatures. Your goal is to put the cups in order from warmest to coldest. Give students a copy of the Measuring Temperature Method 1 Procedure sheet. Have them glue it into their notebooks and update their table of contents with the corresponding page number. To measure the temperature, follow this procedure: (demonstrate procedure for students and display procedure on document camera or white board) 1. Each person will have a turn. It’s the Starter’s job to make sure everyone has a turn. 2. Use one finger on your right hand. 3. Put that finger into the water in each cup only once – no repeats. 4. When everyone has had a turn, put the cups in order from warmest to coldest. 5. To check your work, each person can use one finger on his or her left hand to repeat the temperature test. 108
6. When everyone in your team agrees on your order, send the Reporter from your group to the board to record your team’s order of the cups from warmest to coldest. 3. Set up the Data Table Have students find the next available blank page in their notebooks and label it “Measuring Temperature of Water in Cups Using Fingers.” Remind them to update their table of contents and put the corresponding page number. Have students copy the data table below as you model it on the white board, chart paper or document camera. Team 1 2 3 3.2
Warmest -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐> Coldest Have Getter 1 from each team come to collect supplies. Fill each cup with approximately 100 mL of water (room temperature water for A and C; ice water for B). Don’t allow students to see the ice in the ice water pitcher. Allow students time to conduct the procedure and create their list of warmest to coldest. Have Reporters come to the board to write their data on the chart. When teams are done with the activity, have Getter 2 return supplies. Once all groups have recorded their team data, have the students record class results in their chart. Discuss the results • What worked well about using this method to measure temperature? • Why do you think some groups got different results? • How could you know for sure which cup was hotter: cup A or cup C? (This is the cup that is likely to have the largest discrepancy since they will feel the same in temperature). 4. Claims and Evidence After you guide students through the discussion of their data, challenge groups to work together to write a claim for the experiment and support it with evidence. Draw the T chart on the board to remind students of how to set it up for Claims and Evidence. Have the Reporter ensure that everyone has drawn a new T chart for their Claims and Evidence and that they have also updated their table of contents with the corresponding page number. It may be challenging for students to write down their ideas, as the data collected may not show a definite pattern. Let the students struggle with this a bit, as it will help them understand why the thermometer is a valuable tool in the next session. Ask students, What can we claim from this data? What evidence can we use to support our claim? (Possible student responses below) Claim Evidence Using your finger to test the water’s Most groups said that cup B was the temperature helps you tell the coldest. difference between hot and cold. 109
Using your finger to test the water’s temperature is not the best method for testing temperatures that are very similar. Using your finger to test the water’s temperature won’t tell you exactly how hot or cold a liquid is. Some groups had cup A and cup C in different positions. Some groups got different results than others. There were no measurements taken. 3.2
5. Reflection Let’s think about our results of this experiment and the claims and evidence that we made. • What was difficult about writing claims and evidence for this experiment? Please turn and talk with your shoulder partner and share your ideas about this question. Chose one partner to share his or her ideas first. I will tell you when it’s time for the other partner to share. Then, allow each partner 2-­‐3 minutes to share ideas with their partner. Remind students that while one partner speaks, the other partner should be listening. After the first partner shares, allow the other partner a minute or so to respond or ask questions. Then prompt the second partner to begin sharing. After the second partner shares, allow the other partner a minute or so to respond or ask questions. • How could you improve this experiment to get better results? I would like for you to turn and talk with your shoulder partner about your ideas about this question. Chose one partner to share his or her ideas first. I will tell you when it’s time for the other partner to share. Then, allow each partner 2-­‐3 minutes to share ideas with their partner. Ask if there are any teams who want to share their ideas with the group. Pass out Measuring Temperature Method 1 Reflection to your students and have them glue it into their notebooks. Remind them to add the title in the table of contents and put the corresponding page number. On your paper, there is a question about using your finger to measure the temperature of hot chocolate with your finger. It says: If you had a cup of hot chocolate, would you choose to measure the temperature of the hot chocolate with your finger before you drank it? Explain why or why not. Please write your answer to this question now. Allow time for students to write their answers to the question independently. 110
Measuring Temperature Method 1 Procedure Measuring Temperature Procedure Method 1 Procedure To measure the temperature, follow this procedure: 1. Each person will have a turn. It’s the Starter’s job to make sure everyone has a turn. 2. Use one finger on your right hand. 3. Put that finger into the water in each cup only once – no going back. 4. When everyone has had a turn, put the cups in order from warmest to coldest. 5. To check your work, each person can use one finger on his or her left hand to repeat the temperature test. 6. When everyone in your team agrees on your order, send the Reporter from your group to the board to record your team’s order of the cups from warmest to coldest. 3.2.a
To measure the temperature, follow this procedure: 1. Each person will have a turn. It’s the Starter’s job to make sure everyone has a turn. 2. Use one finger on your right hand. 3. Put that finger into the water in each cup only once – no going back. 4. When everyone has had a turn, put the cups in order from warmest to coldest. 5. To check your work, each person can use one finger on his or her left hand to repeat the temperature test. 6. When everyone in your team agrees on your order, send the Reporter from your group to the board to record your team’s order of the cups from warmest to coldest. 111
Measuring Temperature Method 1 Reflection Measuring Temperature Method 1 Reflection If you had a cup of hot chocolate, would you choose to measure the temperature of the hot chocolate with your finger before you drank it? Explain why or why not. _________________________________________
If you had a cup of hot chocolate, would you choose to measure the temperature of the hot chocolate with your finger before you drank it? Explain why or why not. _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3.2.b
Session 3: What is temperature? (25-30 minutes)
Students will understand that measuring temperature is a way to observe matter.
Students will use a thermometer to measure temperature.
Students will reflect on new data and how it challenges prior understanding.
Materials needed
Document camera/LCD projector
3 cups labeled A, B, and C
A pitcher of room-temperature
water (fill a pitcher with water
about 30 minutes before
investigation) for cups A and C
A pitcher of ice water for cup B
Papers to copy and cut
Measuring Temperature
Measuring Temperature
Method 2 Procedure
Measuring Temperature
with a Thermometer – Data
Venn Diagram of Measuring
Students will need
Science Notebooks
1. Introduce the Thermometer
Hold up a thermometer from the kit. Ask students,
• What is this?
• Where have you seen this before?
• Do you have a prediction for what we might use this for?
• How could this tool improve our investigation of temperature?
Use student responses to guide class discussion.
Today we will continue to work on answering the focus question: How can you
measure the temperature of a liquid? Remind students that they have already
recorded this question in their science notebooks. From our last experiment, we
claimed that using fingers is perhaps not the best method for measuring temperature.
• Why aren’t fingers a very useful tool for measuring temperature? (Everyone feels
things differently; it was hard to tell the difference between temperatures that were
very close; you could hurt yourself if something was too hot).
• What might be a better tool for measuring temperature? (thermometer)
• Why would this be a better tool? (Everyone could follow the same procedure to
measure and it would make the measurement using a standard that everyone
agrees to use)
A thermometer is a thin glass tube filled with red liquid. The sphere at the bottom is
called the bulb. You put the bulb of the thermometer in the material you are
measuring. As the red liquid inside the thermometer warms, it expands (takes up
more space) and pushes up the tube. When the red liquid in the thermometer cools, it
contracts (takes up less space) and goes back down the tube. When the red line of
liquid is higher, the higher the temperature of the material being measured. Add the
terms “expand” (when matter takes up more space) and “contract” (when matter takes
up less space) to word wall and have students write them in the glossary in their science
Demonstrate how to use the thermometer while saying: To use the thermometer, place
the round end, called the bulb, in the material being measured for temperature. After
a five seconds (if you are measuring a liquid), read the temperature by looking to see
what number is at the top of the red liquid column. The standard unit for temperature
is degrees Celsius and labeled as 0C. Add the definition for “thermometer” (a scientific
tool that measures how hot or cold something is in degrees Celsius) to student
glossaries and word wall.
2. Make predictions
Have students predict which cup will be the warmest and which cup will be the coldest
before measuring. Give each student a copy of the student sheet called Measuring
Temperature Predictions. Have students glue this in their notebooks and write their
predictions. Remind students to update their table of contents and add the
corresponding page number.
3. Measure the temperature of the water in the three cups
Give each student a copy of the student sheet called Measuring Temperature with a
Thermometer - Data. Have students glue this in their notebooks and update the table of
contents with the corresponding page number. Students should use this to record their
data as they measure the temperature of the three cups.
To measure the temperature, follow this procedure: (demonstrate procedure for
students and display procedure on document camera or white board)
1. Each person will have a turn. It’s the Starter’s job to make sure everyone has a
2. Hold the thermometer with 2 hands.
3. Make sure the bottom of the thermometer (the round end) is pointing down.
4. Dip the thermometer into the cup and hold it there for 5 seconds.
5. Try to read where the red line is next to the number line while it is in the cup.
6. If not, carefully pull it out of the water and match the lines to read the
7. Hand it to the next person.
8. Write down the temperatures on your Data sheet in your notebook.
9. To check your work, each person can repeat once everyone has done it once.
10. When everyone in your team agrees on the temperatures for each cup, send the
Reporter from your group to the board to record your team’s temperatures.
Distribute Measuring Temperature Method 2 Procedure to the students and have them
update their table of contents and the corresponding page number. Have Getter 1 from
each group get the cups and thermometers. Circulate classroom to be sure students are
following the procedure and recording temperature with units in their data tables.
When students are done with the procedure, have Getter 2 return materials to the
proper location.
4. Set up the Data Table
When it looks like all teams are done, create a class data table on white board or
document camera. Have students find the next available blank page in their notebooks
and label it “Measuring Temperature of Water in Cups Using a Thermometer.”
Warmest -----------------------------------------------------> Coldest
Have students copy the data table above as you model it on the white board, chart
paper or document camera. Remind students to update their table of contents with the
title “Measuring Temperature of Water in Cups Using a Thermometer” and add the
corresponding page number. Ask a Reporter from each team to write his or her team
data in the table on the board.
5. Use the results in class discussion
Ask students,
• We all did the same investigation to find the temperature of the three cups of
water. What did we all do the same?
• Temperatures of the mixture varied from team to team a little bit. Why do you
think this happened?
• What could be done to increase the accuracy of your results?
6. Claims and Evidence
Once students have measured and recorded the temperature of the water in the cups,
ask students, How did your ideas about the temperature of the liquid in the cups
change with your new data? Many students will be surprised that cups A and C had the
same temperature water. Why do you think that the temperature of the liquid in the
cups seemed different when you used your fingers?
Once you’ve identified how measuring temperature with a thermometer improved
results, instruct students write claims and evidence based on their new data. Have
students find the next available blank page and title it Claims and Evidence. Model for
the students how draw a T-chart with the following sentence frames.
Measuring Temperature Prediction Measuring Temperature Prediction Prediction Prediction I think Cup _____will be the coldest because I think Cup _____will be the coldest because _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ I think Cup _____will be the warmest because I think Cup _____will be the warmest because _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ 116
Measuring Temperature Method 2 Procedure To measure the temperature, follow this procedure: 1. Each person will have a turn. It’s the Starter’s job to make sure everyone has a turn. 2. Hold the thermometer with 2 hands. 3. Make sure the bottom of the thermometer (the round end) is pointing down. 4. Dip the thermometer into the cup and hold it there for 5 seconds. 5. Try to read where the red line is next to the number line while it is in the cup. 6. If not, carefully pull it out of the water and match the lines to read the temperature. 7. Hand it to the next person. 8. Write down the temperatures on your Data sheet in your notebook. 9. To check your work, each person can repeat once everyone has done it once. 10.When everyone in your team agrees on the temperatures for each cup, send the Reporter from your group to the board to record your team’s temperatures. 3.3.b
Measuring Temperature Method 2 Procedure To measure the temperature, follow this procedure: 1. Each person will have a turn. It’s the Starter’s job to make sure everyone has a turn. 2. Hold the thermometer with 2 hands. 3. Make sure the bottom of the thermometer (the round end) is pointing down. 4. Dip the thermometer into the cup and hold it there for 5 seconds. 5. Try to read where the red line is next to the number line while it is in the cup. 6. If not, carefully pull it out of the water and match the lines to read the temperature. 7. Hand it to the next person. 8. Write down the temperatures on your Data sheet in your notebook. 9. To check your work, each person can repeat once everyone has done it once. 10.When everyone in your team agrees on the temperatures for each cup, send the Reporter from your group to the board to record your team’s temperatures. 117
Measuring Temperature with a Thermometer – Data Measuring Temperature with a Thermometer – Data Cup A B C Cup A B C Temperature Temperature Measuring Temperature with a Thermometer – Data Measuring Temperature with a Thermometer – Data Cup A B C Cup A B C Temperature Temperature 118
Venn Diagram of Measuring Temperature Measuring with a Finger Same Measuring with a Thermometer Venn Diagram of Measuring Temperature Measuring with a Finger 3.3.d
Same Measuring with a Thermometer 119
Session 4: What is a change of state? What is freezing? (30 minutes) •
Students will understand that heating or cooling can cause matter to change state. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector White board or chart paper 4-­‐5 Ice cubes in a container 200 ml of water in a container 3.4
Papers to copy and cut Students will need Changes of State Pencil Summary Sheet 1 Science Notebooks Glue 1. Introduce Changes of State Show students the container of water and the container of ice. Ask students, How could we change liquid water in to solid ice? (Students will likely respond to put it in the freezer) Would putting the liquid water in the freezer heat up the water or cool it down? (Cool it down) What if we wanted to turn the solid ice back into water? (You could heat it up). When matter changes its state of matter due to heating or cooling, it’s called a change of state. The ice cube changes to liquid water if it’s heated up and the liquid water can turn into an ice cube if it’s cooled down. What are some other examples of changes of state? Record student ideas on the white board or chart paper. It may be helpful to keep this list available for the duration of the investigation. Other examples may include: • Water boiling on the stove • Ice/Snow melting on the street • Crayon melting in the sun on a summer day • Ice melting in a glass of water • A puddle “disappearing” after a hot day 2. Update word wall and student glossary Add “changes of state” to student glossaries and word wall. Use the class discussion to create a definition for changes of state (when a material is heated or cooled and changes it’s state of matter). It may be helpful to include an example from the class list, one example of a change in state due to heating and one example of a change in state due to cooling. 3. Discuss the Freezing Change of State Distribute the Changes of State Sheet 1 and update table of contents and add the corresponding page number. Have students glue this sheet into their notebooks. They will have to fold it and glue down only one side. To view it, they can unfold it. Show students the ice again. The process that the liquid water goes through to become solid ice is called freezing. What happens during freezing? (Matter changes from liquid to solid). In the next column, there is a place to record what happens during freezing. The material changes from a liquid to a solid. Turn and talk with your shoulder partner to answer the question in the next column: Is the material heated up or cooled down make the freezing change of state happen? (The material is cooled to make this change of state happen. If desired, students can color code their answer by writing 120
cooled in blue to remind them that the substance is cooled down to freeze). Where have you observed this change of state in every day life? Let’s think of an example to include on our organizer. Finally, have students decide on an example of where this happens in nature to record in the last column using words or pictures. 4. Summarize freezing with a picture In the first column of your organizer there are instructions to draw a picture that represents freezing. Please complete your picture now. Circulate the room while students draw their pictures as a check for understanding. 5. Update word wall and student glossary Add “freezing” (when a liquid is cooled and changes state into a solid) to student glossary and word wall. 3.4
Changes of State Summary Sheet 1 Change of State What happens? Freezing: Draw a picture below that represents freezing. Melting: Draw a picture below that represents melting. Does heating or cooling make the change happen? The material changes from Example _____________ to _________________ The material changes from _____________ to _________________ 3.4.a
Session 5: What is melting? (35 minutes) •
Students will understand that the addition of heat energy can cause matter to change state from solid to liquid in a process called melting. Students will consider how temperature changes when materials change state. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Paper towels ½ Liter cups with small samples of 4 materials: a chocolate chip, a small cube of margarine, a pebble, and a small piece of birthday candle wax (approximately ½ cm in length) for each group. 4 toothpicks 3.5
1 thermometer 1 ½ liter cup with a mark made with permanent ink 2 cm from the bottom of the container. You will add hot water to this line when students are ready to heat their materials. 2 Liters of hot water (approximately 60 degrees Celsius) in a vacuum sealed container (thermos). Papers to copy and cut Data Collection -­‐
Melting Reflection on Melting Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks Glue 1. Introduce the investigation Tell students, We are going to be heating up and observing 4 materials: chocolate, margarine, rock and wax. • What is the same about all these materials? (They are all solid) • Do you think you could melt these materials? Why or why not? • What would you have to do to melt these materials? (Heat them up) Today we will try to answer a question about what will happen to these four materials as we add a heat source to them. What do you think our focus question should be for this investigation? Create a list of student ideas on the board. To start discussion, use the following sentence stems to support students in formulating a testable question: • What would happen if ___________? • How does ________ affect the _______? • What happens to _______ if we change the _________? • Which substances will ____________ when ________ is added? Once the class has agreed on the focus question for the activity, have students find the next available blank page in their notebook and title it “Focus Question”. Update the table of contents and the corresponding page number and record the focus question in their notebooks. 2. Explain Procedure We are going to heat these materials by pacing them in a cup which will float in a hot water bath. Show students a cup with the four materials in the bottom. Tell them they should keep the materials as far apart as possible in the cup, being careful not to mix the materials together. Show them how to put the marked ½ liter container inside a second unmarked container for insulation. Explain that when they are ready, you will pour hot water into 123
the marked container while it sits in the unmarked container. The water is hot, so they need to be very careful not to spill. Show students where the paper towels are in case of spills and remove anything that could be ruined in a spill from tabletops. They need to measure the temperature of the water with the thermometer. They will then float the plastic cup with the four materials in the hot water and record their observations. Have Getter 1 collect the supplies for the team. Remind students not to eat anything in the lab. Also remind students that the toothpicks are to use on the materials samples, not for any other purpose. Make predictions and set up data table Have the Starters help their teams work together to make their predictions about which materials will melt and which materials will not melt. Have students find the next available blank page in their notebook and title it “Prediction”. Update the table of contents with the corresponding page number and have students record predictions in their notebooks. Once they have their predictions done, have Reporters help their teammates set up the data table by filling in the names of the 4 materials. Record observations and analyze data. Once teams have their predictions and the first column of their data tables completed, circulate the room to give students the hot water. Allow teams 5 minutes to record observations on their lab paper. Once teams have recorded their observations, have Getter 2 bring materials back to the supply area. Circulate the room to check for understanding of melting. Discuss Results Ask students: • Which materials melted completely? • How did you know they melted completely? • Which materials did not melt completely? • How could you make them melt completely? • Do you think the materials that didn’t melt completely went through a change of state? Why or why not? Reflection on melting Distribute copies of the student sheet Reflection on Melting. Have students glue this into their notebooks, update their table of contents with the corresponding page number and complete the reflection questions. 3.5
Data Collection -­‐ Melting Data Collection -­‐ Melting Temperature of the water___________________ Temperature of the water___________________ Material Observations Material Observations 3.5.a
Reflection on Melting Reflection on Melting Which materials melted completely? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ How do you know these materials melted completely? _________________________________________
Which materials melted completely? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ How do you know these materials melted completely? _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ Which materials did not melt completely? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ How could you melt them? _________________________________________
Which materials did not melt completely? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ How could you melt them? _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3.5.b
Session 6: Melting (20 minutes) •
Students will understand that adding heat energy can cause matter to change state from solid to liquid in a process called melting. Read the FOSS text about melting and put important facts from the text in a graphic organizer. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector 3.6
Papers to copy and cut Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks 1. Before Reading: Preview the text in the FOSS book Today we will read an article in our science books on page 54. Before we read, let’s preview the text together and make predictions about what we will learn about by reading this article. Students will read the parts of the article about Change of State and solid to liquid. Possible previewing questions are: • What is the title of our article? • What do you see in the pictures? • What is the second topic we will read about? • When we finish reading this article, what do you think we will know? • Why do you think the author wrote this article? 2. During Reading: Changes of State Summary notes While you read, fill in the Changes of State summary sheet for melting, which is already in your science notebook. Fill in all the columns you can using information from the text. In the first column of your organizer there are instructions for how to draw a picture that represents melting. Please complete your picture now. Circulate the room while students draw their pictures as a check for understanding. 3. Update vocabulary Add melting (when a solid is heated and changes state to a liquid) to student glossaries and word wall. 127
Session 7: What is evaporation? (20 minutes + overnight to let experiment run) •
Students will understand that heat energy can cause matter to change state. Students will consider how temperature changes when materials change state. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector 1 Lamp Masking tape Paper towels Meter Tape Timer For each collaborative group: 2 Plastic cups labeled A and B 1 Syringe 2 Thermometers Water 2 stickers (that are the same color or figure, but different for every group) Papers to copy and cut Evaporation Experimental Design Evaporation Data Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks Glue Teacher Note: This experiment requires students to take temperature measurements every hour for 3 hours. For planning purposes, it’s best to do this activity on a day where it is possible to make the measurements consistently. 1. Describe experimental procedure. Tell students, Today we will be setting up an experiment with water. We will use two plastic cups, a syringe, water, and a lamp. (Hold up or point to the materials as you say their names). Hold up the syringe. Ask students, • Where have you seen this tool before? • What is it called? • What are the numbers on the syringe for? Students have seen the syringe in Investigation 1 when they measured volume and capacity. Ask students, What will we measure with this tool? (We will measure volume – the amount of stuff in something) Tell students, We will use the syringe to measure a volume of 100mL of water in each cup. We want to be sure that we have the same volume or amount of water in each cup to start. Demonstrate the procedure in the area of the classroom where you would like the class experiment to run. There will be at least 16 cups of water (2 per group), 8 cups under the lamp and 8 cups 20-­‐30 cm away from the lamp. Be sure the place where you set up the lamp can accommodate all the materials for the group. Then we will leave one cup underneath this lamp with the light bulb turned on. (Put the cup underneath the lamp as you say this, with the lamp adjusted to be 10-­‐15 cm above the cup) We will leave the other cup 20-­‐30 centimeters away from the lamp. • How would you know if the cup is 20-­‐30 centimeters away from the lamp? (You would need to use the meter tape to measure the distance). Model measuring the distance (or have a student do it) before you put the second cup 20-­‐30 centimeters away from the lamp. Mark the distance with a small piece of tape so students know where to put their cups later in the investigation. 3.7
We will measure the temperature of the water with a thermometer every hour today and record the temperature on the data table. We will leave the cups of water for one day. Tomorrow we will see what happened. Ask students, • What will we keep the same in this experiment? (kind of cup, amount of water, starting temperature of the water, state of matter (liquid), movement of the water molecules). • What will be different about the two cups? (one will be under the light, one will be far way from the light) • What will the light be doing to the water? (the light will heat up the water; it will do a better job of heating up the water the closer it is to the bulb) • How we will know if the light is heating up the water? (We will measure the temperature to see if the water is getting hot) • In what state of matter is the water? (liquid) • How are the atoms in the water moving right now? (flowing past each other inside the cup) Distribute copies of the Evaporation Experimental Design sheet and have students glue these into their science notebooks. Remind students to update their table of contents and add the corresponding page number. In your notebook, please accurately draw a labeled picture of the experiment set-­‐up for the two cups and the lamp. Label your picture to show what is the same about the two set-­‐ups and what is different about the two set-­‐ups. 2. Determine Focus Question Ask students, Based on the way we set up our experiment, what do you think we are trying to understand by conducting this experiment? Use the sentence stems below to facilitate discussion and create a testable question for the investigation that follows one of the two formats below. • How does ____________ affect the _____________? (How does heating affect the volume of water in a cup?) • What happens to _____________ if we change the ______________? (What happens to volume of water if we heat up the water?) Once the class has agreed on the focus question for the activity, have students find the next available blank page in their notebook and title it “Focus Question”. Update the table of contents with the corresponding page number and record the focus question in their notebooks. 3. Make predictions In this investigation, we are trying to figure out if heating the water changes the volume of water in the cup. Let’s record our predictions before we set up our experiment. How do you think heating up will change the volume of water in the cup under the lamp? Ask students to share their ideas with the class. Use “I think_______________________ (heating up the water with the lamp) will ____________ (how the volume will change) because_______________________” sentence stems for scaffolding. 3.7
Have students write their prediction underneath their focus question and title it “Prediction about the Cup Under the Lamp”. Update the table of contents with the corresponding page number and have students record predictions in their notebooks. Example: I think heating up the water with the lamp will make the volume of the water decrease a lot because the heat will make the water go into the air. How do you think the volume of water will change for the cup far away from the lamp? Ask students to share their ideas with the class. Use “I think_______________________ (heating up the water with the lamp) will _______________ (how the volume will change) because __________________” sentence stems for scaffolding. Have students write their second prediction underneath the previous one and title it “Prediction about the Cup Away From the Lamp”. Update the table of contents and have students record predictions in their notebooks. (Example: I think the cup far away from the lamp will make the volume of water decrease less because without the heat the water in the cup will just stay water.) Ask students to turn and talk and share their predictions with their shoulder partner. 4. Set up experiment Have Getter 1 and 2 come collect the 2 cups, syringe, thermometer, and beaker of water with at least 200mL of water for their team. Remind students to be careful not to spill the water. Show students where the paper towels are in case of spills. Remove anything from the desks that could get ruined in the event of a spill. Distribute copies of the Evaporation Data sheet. Have students glue this into their notebooks and update the table of contents with the corresponding page number. Once students have supplies and have their Evaporation Data sheets glued in, tell students: First, we will use the syringe to measure 100 mL of water in each cup. • How many milliliters of liquid does the syringe measure? (50mL) • How many times should you fill up the syringe to measure 50 mL of water? (2) Starters, please help your team begin measuring the volume of the water in the two cups. Make sure to draw a line on the outside of your cup to indicate your starting level of water (100mL). Next, we need to record the starting temperature of the water before we place our cups by the lamp. • What tool will we use to measure the temperature of the water? (The thermometer) • Which metric unit do we use to measure temperature? (Degrees Celsius) Starters, please help your team get started on measuring the temperature of the water in the cup. Reporters, make sure everyone gets the starting temperature written in their data table. Once everyone gets the temperature written down, distribute two identical stickers per group, with each group getting a different sticker. Tell students, The stickers are to help you identify the cups for your group tomorrow. Put one sticker on cup A and one sticker on cup B. Then, send Getter 1 and Getter 2 to put the cups in 130
the right place by the lamp. Cup A goes under the lamp. Cup B goes 20-­‐30 cm away from the lamp. (Write these directions on the white board and/or label where to put the cups at the location where the lamp is.) Tell the Getters at the lamp station to return to their tables and bring back the additional supplies. Keep thermometers by the cups for easy access when students measure the temperature of the water each hour. 5. Collect data Every hour for three hours, measure and record the temperature of the water. Set the timer for one hour to be reminded to measure and record temperature. Students can take the measurements (Getters and Recorders can be in charge of taking and recording measurements) when the timer goes off. Have Reporters tell you their measurement so you can keep a class data table like the one below on chart paper or on a paper that you could project on the document camera in the next session. Students can record the data on their lab sheets the following day. Time Start Cup under lamp (A) Temperature Volume 100 mL Cup 20-­‐30cm away from lamp (B) Temperature Volume 100 mL 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours Overnight 3.7
If there are fire/safety concerns at your building with keeping the lamp on while unattended, you may turn the light on when you return the next morning and have students record the temperature at the very end of the school day. This would be the same amount of time that the water would be heated overnight. 131
Evaporation Experimental Design Evaporation Experimental Design Draw a labeled picture of the set-­‐up for our experiment in the boxes below. Draw a labeled picture of the set-­‐up for our experiment in the boxes below. Setup 1 Setup 1 3.7.a
Setup 2 Setup 2 132
Evaporation Data Cup under lamp (A) Time Start Temperature Volume 100 mL Cup 20-­‐30cm away from lamp (B) Temperature Volume 100 mL 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours Overnight Evaporation Data Cup under lamp (A) Time Start Temperature Volume 100 mL Cup 20-­‐30cm away from lamp (B) Temperature Volume 100 mL 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours Overnight 3.7.b
Session 8: What is evaporation? •
Students will understand that heating can cause matter to change state from liquid to gas in a change of state called evaporation. Students will use evidence to support a claim. Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Document camera/LCD projector Pencil Materials from the Evaporation Lab and Science Notebooks the recorded data 8 graduated cylinders 1. Review the Evaporation Lab Results If you need to measure and record the “overnight” temperature, have a Getter and Reporter do that first. Tell students, The Reporter for your team recorded all the data for your experiment. Reporters, please share your data with your team and make sure everyone writes it down in their data table. Project a class data table on chart paper or document camera. Write in data for each group. What do you notice about our data? (Focus on patterns in the data, such as the temperature of the water under the lamp rising and the temperature not under the lamp not rising as much). What might explain the difference in temperature between the two cups? (The light bulb was heating the water under the lamp, but it didn’t heat the water when the cup was far away). Send Getter 1 and Getter 2 to pick up the two cups for their team. Remind them to look for the cups with their team’s sticker. Ask students, What happened to the amount of water left in each cup? Compare the water level to the line we marked at 100mL. Where do you think the water went? (Use the responses from this question to introduce the term evaporation, as most students will recognize that the water went into the air). When heating causes a liquid to change state into a gas, we call this evaporation. Add evaporation to student glossaries and word wall. • What evidence from this experiment that would suggest that the water evaporated? (The volume of water is different for the two cups) • Which cup has more water left? (The one that was not under the light.) • Why do you think this cup has more water left? (This one was not heated as much; its temperature did not get as high). • Which cup had more water evaporate? (The one that was under the light) • Why do you think this cup had more water evaporate? (This one was heated more it’s temperature was higher). • What is the connection between the amount of heating and how much water gets evaporated? (When the liquid is heated more, the liquid evaporates more). Let’s make sure our observations of the two cups are correct. How could we tell how exactly how much water left the cup? (By measuring it with a 3.8
graduated cylinder). Measure the volume of water that is left in each cup. Record data in the data table on the last row of the data table. Have students share their data with the class and record on class data table. Do our measurements match our observations? (Yes, we should have measurements that support that the cup under the light experienced more evaporation.) Now that we’ve completed our data collection, lets write claims and evidence to better understand our results. 2. Claims and Evidence Have students find the next available blank page and title it “Claims and Evidence”. Have students create a T chart or a table like the one below in their science notebooks. They need to have 2 columns and 2 rows for claims and evidence. The title for the first column is “Claim” and the title for the second column is “Evidence.” Project the table on the document camera or create one on the white board to record class discussion. Claim
What could we claim from the results of this experiment? Use student responses to generate a claim that the class could work on together. Record in the class chart. “I claim that heating makes a liquid evaporate.” might be a general claim that the class could work on together. Have students record the class claim in their journals. What evidence supports our claim? Use student responses to write down evidence that supports the claim. Possible claims and evidence for this experiment are below. Turn and talk with your shoulder partner. I would like for you to work with your partner to write another claim for our experiment. Write your claim in the second box under the claim column. Allow 3-­‐4 minutes for students to share with their partners and record their claims. Does anyone want to share his or her claim with the class? Allow students to share their ideas. Now, turn and talk with your shoulder partner. What evidence best supports your claim? Discuss your ideas; then write down your evidence for your claim. In the class chart, write the two sentence starters: I claim this because… or I know this because… Please use one of these two sentence starters to write your evidence. 135
Claim I claim that heating a liquid causes it to change state from a liquid to a gas in a process called evaporation. Evidence I claim this because/I know this because water in the cup evaporated into the air when it was heated by the light. I claim this because/I know this because the water in the cup that was not heated by the light did not evaporate as much. I claim that more heating causes more I claim this because/I know this evaporation for a liquid. because there was less volume of water in the cup that was under the light after the experiment ran overnight. There was more volume of water in the cup that was not under the light. 3.8
3. Conclusions and Reflection After the students complete their claims and evidence, tell students: I would like for you and your team to talk about the results of your experiment. Why do you think the volume of water that evaporated in the two cups was different? Starters, please sure that everyone gets a chance to share their ideas with the group. Allow 3-­‐5 minutes for groups to discuss their answers. Visit groups as they discuss the question. Ask Reporters to share the ideas of the group. To reflect on the experiment, have students free-­‐write what they learned from the experiment for 3 minutes. Tell students, Underneath your claims and evidence table, write the following sentence starter: “In this experiment, I learned…” (Write the sentence starter on the board) I will set a timer for three minutes. I would like for you to write down a summary of everything you learned from this experiment for three minutes. Your pencil should never leave the paper. Keep writing until I say time is up. 136
Session 9: What is evaporation? (20 minutes) •
Students will understand that adding heat energy can cause matter to change state from liquid to gas in a process called evaporation. Read the FOSS text about melting and put important facts from the text in a graphic organizer. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector 3.9
Papers to copy and cut Students will need Changes of State Pencil Summary Sheet 2 Science Notebooks Glue 1. Before Reading: Preview the text in the FOSS book Today we will read an article in our science books on page 56. Before we read, let’s preview the text together and make predictions about what we will learn about by reading this article. Students will read the parts of the article about Liquid to Gas. Possible questions for the previewing the text class discussion when all students have their books open to page 56. • What is the title of our article? • What do you see in the pictures? • What is the second topic we will read about? • When we finish reading this article, what do you think we will know? • Why do you think the author wrote this article? 2. During Reading: Changes of State Summary notes Pass out Changes of State Summary Sheet 2. Have students glue their sheet into their science notebooks and remind them to update their table of contents with the corresponding page number. While you read, fill in the Changes of State Summary Sheet 2 for Evaporation. Fill in the columns (except for the picture in column 1) using information from the text. 3. Summarize evaporation with a picture In the first column of your organizer there are instructions to draw a picture that represents evaporation. Please complete your picture now. Circulate the room while students draw their pictures as a check for understanding. Remind students to add “evaporation” to their student glossary and update the word wall. 137
Changes of State Summary Sheet 2 Change of State What happens? Evaporation: Draw a picture below that represents evaporation. Condensation: Draw a picture below that represents condensation. Does heating or cooling make the change happen? The material changes from Example _____________ to _________________ The material changes from _____________ to _________________ 3.9.a
Session 10: What is condensation? (40 minutes) •
Students will understand that cooling causes matter to change state from gas to liquid in a process called condensation. Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Re-­‐sealable plastic bag Pencil Water Science notebooks Ice Blue food coloring Paper towels 1. Discuss real world examples of condensation. Ask students, Why does the mirror in the bathroom get cloudy when you take a hot shower? The water vapor (water in the gas state) from the shower steam “sticks” (condenses) on the glass. Do you think this would happen if you take a cold shower? Guide students towards understanding that the coldness of the air outside the shower and the cooler surface of the mirror might have something to do with why the mirror gets cloudy. The surrounding air cools the water vapor from the steam in the shower and it turns to liquid on the surface of the cold mirror. Why does a cloud appear when you breathe out of your mouth on a cold day? Does this cloud appear on a hot day? (The air from your mouth has water vapor in it that cools down and changes state from gas to liquid. Students will probably notice that this doesn’t happen in hot weather) Guide students towards understanding that the heat from the air might have something to do with why the clouds of breath don’t appear on hot days, but do appear on cold days. It seems like mirrors get cloudy when the air in the bathroom and the temperature of the surface of the mirror are colder than the air from the shower. It seems like clouds form from your breath when the air outside is colder than the breath from your mouth. What do you think these clouds are made of? (Guide students towards understanding that there is liquid in clouds that came from the air, as evidenced by the moisture that forms on the mirror in the bathroom. The liquid condenses from the gas as it cools and changes state). 2. Introduce condensation experiment Teacher note: This experiment can be done as a collaborative group experiment or as a teacher demonstration. The script below is for collaborative grouping. Hold up a Ziploc bag with water in it. Ask students, What do you observe in this bag? (Guide students toward the observation that water isn’t leaking out of the bag. There is a common misconception in this demonstration that when liquid water condenses on the bag surface, it’s due to the water from inside the bag “sweating” to the outside of the bag. Point out that the bag is water tight at the beginning of the experiment). I am going to add ice cubes to the water in this bag. What affect will adding ice cubes have on the temperature of the water inside the bag? (It will cool the water down). To show that we are going to cool the water down, you will add a couple of drops of blue 3.10
food coloring to the bag when you put in the ice cubes. Everyone in the group will record observations of the bag after the ice cubes are added. In this experiment, we want to see what happens when a gas is cooled down. This will be our focus question: What happens to a gas when it is cooled down? Let’s record this in our notebooks and update our table of contents. Have students find the next available blank page in their notebook and title it “Focus Question”. Update the table of contents with the corresponding page number and record the focus question in their notebooks. What gas do you think we will be cooling down with our cold bag of water and ice? (The air around the bag). In the air around us, there is water gas, which is called water vapor. Add “water vapor” to word wall and have students add it to their glossary in their science notebook. Where do you think the water vapor that’s in the air comes from? (When water gets evaporated, it goes into the air as gas). What do you think will happen to the water vapor in the air around the bag when the bag of water and ice cools it down? Allow students time to share their responses aloud and write down a few student predictions on the white board or chart paper. Remind students to add “because” to their predictions if they forget them. Have students then record their prediction in their notebooks underneath the focus question using the “I think, because” sentence stem. Remind students to update the table of contents with the title “Prediction” with the corresponding page. Have students find the next available blank page in their science notebook and title it “Observation of Bags”. Update the table of contents with the corresponding page number and tell students they will record their observations on this page of their notebooks. Getter 1, after your team clears off the desks, please comes get materials for your group. Distribute materials for the groups. Have teams record observations of the bag, reminding the Reporters to make sure everyone writes their observations down in their notebooks. If it appears that the students are not entirely convinced that the liquid water on the bag is condensing from the water gas in the air, you can have the teams collect some of the water on a paper towel or small beaker. When they see that the water is clear instead of blue like the water in the bag, this should help them acknowledge that the water on the outside of the bag is coming from a different source than the inside of the bag. When all teams have observed that their bag gets wet on the outside, have Getter 2 return materials. Tell students, What did you observe about the bag? (It’s got wet on the outside). Remember, our focus question is to think about what happens when a gas is cooled down. • What gas were we cooling down? (The water gas/water vapor in the air) • What seems to be happening to the water gas? (It’s turning into a liquid) • Why is the water gas turning into a liquid? (It is cooling down) 3.10
• What happens when a gas is cooled down? (It turns into a liquid) 3. Reflect on focus question It seems like this experiment helped us answer our focus question. Let’s reflect on what we learned in the experiment by answering the two reflection questions: • What happened to the water gas in the air outside the bag? • Why did this happen? Starters, please make sure everyone in your group has a chance to share their ideas about each question with the group. When you are done sharing with your group, you will write your own answer to the questions. Have students find the next available blank page in their notebook and title it “Reflection”. Update the table of contents with the corresponding page number. Give groups time to share; then allow time for students to write down their ideas independently. 4. Update the class word wall and student glossaries The change of state when a gas turns into a liquid, like what we observed with the bag, is called condensation. What makes condensation happen? (Cooling the gas down). Add “condensation” (the change of state when gas turns into a liquid by cooling) to the word wall and have students update their glossary in their science notebook. 3.10
Session 11: What is condensation? [20 minutes] •
Students will understand that cooling causes matter to change state from gas to liquid in a process called condensation. Materials needed Papers to copy and cut Students will need Document camera/LCD projector Pencil Science notebooks Glue stick 1. Introduce condensation Have students return to the Changes of State Summary sheet 2 in their notebooks. Tell students, The process that the water gas went through to change into liquid water in our experiment is called condensation. What happens during condensation? (Matter changes from gas to liquid). In the next column, there is a place to record what happens during condensation. The material changes from a gas to a liquid. Turn and talk with your shoulder partner to answer the question in the next column: Is the material heated up or cooled down make the condensation change of state happen? (The material is cooled to make this change of state happen. If desired, students can color code their answer by writing cooled in blue to remind them that the substance is cooled down during condensation). Where have you observed this change of state in every day life? Let’s think of an example to include on our organizer. Finally, have students decide on an example of where this happens in nature to record in the last column using words or pictures. You can recall the discussion about the “cloudy” mirror in the bathroom (where the air and mirror are cooler than it is in the shower) or the “cloud” that comes out of your mouth on a cold day. 2. Summarize Condensation with a picture In the first column of your organizer there are instructions to draw a picture that represents condensation. Please complete your picture now. Circulate the room while students draw their pictures as a check for understanding. 3.11
Session 12: How does a drop of water or ice cube change state on the Earth? [30 minutes] •
Students will document visualizations while listening to a story. Students will outline a story for a picture book they will create. Materials needed Document camera/LCD projector Blank paper Crayons/markers/art supplies Papers to copy and cut Picture Book Assignment Picture Books (2-­‐4 pages of copy paper stapled into a book) Students will need Pencil Science Notebooks 1. Read Story to Students Have each student open to the next available blank page in their notebook. Tell students to write “In my mind, I see” at the top of the page. Update table of contents accordingly. Tell students, For our last activity in this Investigation, you will create a picture book that explains the changes of state that an ice cube or a drop of water goes through. To begin, I will read you a story about a drop of water changing state on the Earth. While I read, I would like for you to draw pictures of what you visualize while I am reading to you. Follow a Drop Through the Water Cycle (from You may be familiar with how water is always cycling around, through, and above the Earth, continually changing from liquid water to water vapor to ice. One way to envision the water cycle is to follow a drop of water around as it moves on its way. I could really begin this story anywhere along the cycle, but I think the ocean is the best place to start, since that is where most of Earth's water is. If the drop wanted to stay in the ocean then it shouldn't have been sunbathing on the surface of the sea. The heat from the sun found the drop, warmed it, and evaporated it into water vapor. It rose (as tiny "dropettes") into the air and continued rising until strong winds aloft grabbed it and took it hundreds of miles until it was over land. There, warm updrafts coming from the heated land surface took the dropettes (now water vapor) up even higher, where the air is quite cold. When the vapor got cold it changed back into it a liquid (the process is condensation). If it was cold enough, it would have turned into tiny ice crystals, such as those that make up cirrus clouds. The vapor condenses on tiny particles of dust, smoke, and salt crystals to become part of a cloud. After a while our drop combines with other drops to form a bigger drop and falls to the earth as precipitation. Earth's gravity helped to pull it down to the surface. Once it starts falling there are many places for water drops to go. Maybe it would land on a leaf in a tree, in which case it would probably evaporate and begin its process of heading for the clouds again. If it misses a leaf there are still plenty of places to go. 3.12
2. Share visualizations Have students share what they drew and visualized with their shoulder partner. Distribute Picture Book Assignment sheet. This sheet will not go in the student notebooks. 3. Expectations of Picture Book Allow students to ask questions or clarify directions. It may be helpful to work with a small group of students that need differentiated support. Go over the character design and outline for the story component of the assignment sheet. Students will need their Changes of State Summary Sheet to use as a reference. When students have a plan for their character and the outline of their story, give them blank paper to create a rough draft. 3.12
Picture Book Assignment We’ve learned a lot about how matter changes state in Investigation 3! Now we will get creative and show what we know about changes of state. Your goal is to create a picture book that explains with words and pictures how a drop of water or an ice cube goes through 3 of the changes of state we learned about in this investigation. First, chose your main character: Carl the Ice Cube or Dalia the Droplet? Then, draw a picture of what your character looks like. Before you begin writing, outline your story: Which state of matter does your character start as? ____________________________ Which state of matter does your character change into? _________________________ What change of state occurs? _______________________ How does this change happen? __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Which state of matter does your character change into next? ______________________ What change of state occurs? ________________________ How does this change happen? __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Which state of matter does your character change into next? ______________________ What change of state occurs? ________________________ How does this change happen? __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Which state of matter does your character end up as? ___________________________ 3.12.a