Yellow case study

Most businesses try to improve their customer experience based on internal
assumptions. Yellow® made a decision to understand their customers by
identifying and mapping their customer journeys from the Outside-In.
customer experience
journey mapping
Who is Yellow®
The Solution
The Redvespa Approach
The Key Insights and Outcome for Yellow®
Yellow® provides advertising solutions to businesses
in New Zealand. They offer print (Yellow® Local,
Yellow® Pages, White Pages), online directories
(Finda, Menus, Yellow® Online, White Online) and
digital management services (GoogleAds, NZTG,
SEO, Google+, Facebook).
Yellow® engaged Redvespa Consultants to apply
customer experience journey design, analysis and
modelling techniques to give them intimate insight
into their customers’ experience, focusing on:
Redvespa worked with Yellow® to define the scope
and develop an action plan to:
From the Customer Experience Journey Mapping
delivered through Redvespa, Yellow® found:
• Identify the opportunities for improvement and
• 13 moments of truth across 12 customer
• The customers’ actual experience when they
• Produce 12 customer experience journeys across
interacted with Yellow®
• How customers interacted
• The overarching trends and drivers behind the
customer interactions.
And identifying:
• Opportunities where Yellow® could delight or
surpass their customers’ expectations
• Customer critical pain points – the moments of
truth where customers opt out
• Opportunities for improvement across various
channels, e.g. website, contact centre, based on
the customer experience.
customer moments of truth
4 product groupings
• Rate the Yellow® performance against their
Customer Charter.
The research methodology consisted of:
• Research approach
• Sampling strategy and selection
• Design of an appropriate customer experience
measurement calculator
• Analysis approach
• Report of the results and findings.
experience journeys
• Customer experience performance against:
• Timeliness
• Product knowledge
• Professionalism
• Brand consistency
• Management of customer expectations
• Perceived convenience
• Customer experience and process variation
across interactions and products specific
to change requests, new orders, lodging a
complaint, and adding products
• 349 opportunities for improvement across
Governance, People, Process, Product,
Structure, Technology, Information,
Communication, and Knowledge
The Challenge
• They needed to be more proactive with their
Yellow® had aggressive customer acquisition and
retention targets and needed to optimise customer
engagement. With a new digital strategy being
kicked off Yellow® needed more insight about their
customers and how the digital strategy would impact
As a result of the Customer Experience Journey
Mapping exercise, Yellow® identified a new level of
collaboration being adopted across the organisation.
Yellow® realised that the traditional inside-out
approach was not the answer. They needed
something radically different to understand and
improve their customers’ experience.
customers; keeping customers informed and
resolving customer enquiries.
Redvespa Deliverables
The Yellow® Story/ Next Steps
• Twelve Customer Experience Journey Maps (across 4 product
groupings, multiple interactions and channels)
Yellow® applied Redvespa’s recommendations for improvement
by launching a programme of work to improve the Yellow®
customer experience.
• Comprehensive Customer Experience Improvement Results
and Recommendations Report.
Twelve project teams representing key stakeholders from across
the business were assembled. Each project team collaborated
to improve their assigned customer experience journey, using
the customer experience journey map and the identified
opportunities for improvement.
Yellow® will repeat the customer experience exercise using the
framework provided by Redvespa within six months to confirm
that their customers’ experience has significantly improved.
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